Also check the sources in the video description. It smells bad to me . A microtransaction game should be FTP . I'm only talking about cosmetics . I can't comprehend a blizzard title having ptw stuff.
Paid game and expansions should remain pure.
This starts to look like D3 reloaded . Why teh fook experiment again with a genre that is not made for such elements.
The diablo arpgs should only be about story, gameplay , quality and perfection in the long term. What the hell is happening?
Gaming is moving to a "service" platform. This will be the new standard, even indie developers are adopting this model. It's not inherently bad, just that certain companies take it to the extreme and that has left a bad taste in many peoples mouths. I actually don't want the expansion model because that means very long periods of no new content, then a massive dump of it, followed by another drought. Microtransactions allow for constant updates that keep a game fresh; POE, Fortnite, etc.
Just look at how D3 was handled. They basically spent years "fixing" the game and when they felt it was in a good place it was essentially abandoned. Why? because they had no reoccurring revenue stream to justify dropping substantial content updates. The biggest thing we got was the Necro. Remember that game developers get paid on average $100k a year and there are often dozens or so maintaining a game. Just imagine the cost. It's not a smart or a sustaining business model to put millions in a game that generates no money for you.
I do think that D4 could go FTP and be successful but remember they have to answer to shareholders and they don't want to hear about the long road to profitability. They want sales numbers. Sad but look at what happened to HotS. Hearthstone was a side project, with a tiny team that blew up like the Hindenburg. D4 is massive in comparison; probably end up costing the company 100's of millions to produce and market.
As long as the game you love is being supported does it matter that they have cosmetic items for sale? Not to me.
Yeah, I agree with Mob Dylan. To be honest, in that video I hear no real arguments, it's just "MTX are just bad" and then goes on in circular arguments.
D3 sold extremely well, like millions of copies, but now we're in a situation where we have free transmogs and almost no updates. I'd much rather have more in-depth patches and smaller content updates (like trying to fix paragon or balance faster+more frequently) than what we see right now, about one real meta shake up per year at most. PoE is a good example for MTX that do not affect the game's power at all, and I'm sure D4 is going the same route.
I know a lot of people are vigorously unequivocally against MTX in any way, form, or shape - but then you also will have a game that after release will only see very infrequent minor patches and nothing else, which makes seasons very quickly very boring. You can't have it all. Imho, not introducing MTX into RoS was D3's downfall. Just let me pay for stash tab, wings, pets, portrait frames; or even new stuff like character looks or so.
MTX are a necessary evil. If they're cosmetic only.
What I don't like about MTX is that I'd rather all that cool art / pets just be in the game as something very rare to find. However since they obviously need to continually make money to support the game, then sure do pets / mounts.
MTX are a necessary evil. If they're cosmetic only.
What I don't like about MTX is that I'd rather all that cool art / pets just be in the game as something very rare to find. However since they obviously need to continually make money to support the game, then sure do pets / mounts.
I really dont mind MTX either if they are cosmetic only. I get the argument, that you buy a game and future expansion, then shouldent cosmetic be free to obtain? like D3. Maybe there is some truth to that, because its not an Free to play like PoE.
But if they can keep the MTX within a decent price range, and your still able to obtain cool self-found cool lookin armor in-game I really dont see a problem.
I just hope that the MTX ppl buy go for regular content up-date and not just expansions every 2nd year only.
Dont know much about MTX, I just know that my reason is old: You get a game, it should be full game. Thats about it.
I will go broke if they have microtransactions. I spent too much on (edit: trying to get) Overwatch skins, a game I had to uninstall because I missed out on the skins and felt underwhelmed not getting everything.
It's a good thing that MTX will be a thing, because we want regular updates every 3-6 months and not wait 1-2 years for an expansion which we have to buy anyway to get access to content. MTX is the absolute best way to support the game in the long run and get regular updates without the need to sell power at all.
As long as they don't pricetag skins for 10 dollars or more, I am ok with cosmetic mtx. They should just not be expensive and not be the only way to obtain.
I am good with mtx being put into the game. I always thought they should have been added to D3 as well, they added the Diablo shop, why not sell some stuff in it? As long as it's purely cosmetic what's the problem. Hopefully they will keep the pricing reasonable on things though, GGG went a little overboard on the pricing of most of their MTX in PoE.
I would definitely buy additional stash space or character slots, being that I am a virtual hoarder.
To be fair, the amount I got in Diablo III vanilla + expansion have been good enough for me. I do not hoard as much. So if they can balance it like that I am good.
Jesus, between Trump and Brexit Ive read some real shite lately but this thread takes the crown.
First its ok with this, next its ok with that, and it continues until its please Blizz just gimme the game and ill give you an all-access pass to my bank account.
The game isnt even here yet but youre all happy to tell Blizzard youll pay even more after purchase, what in the hell does that say about you other than youre so gullible Blizz could produce a half-assed game knowing they can fleece you lot for more later.
Its a game! if it gets an asking price which we choose to pay, it shouldnt then be a non-stop fucking carousel of extras, we bought the damn thing already. If Blizz cant make a game and support it from its retail sales and expansion packs to provide longevity they have no business making the game. Im tired of the games as a service bullshit applying to games with an upfront purchase. D3 is half the game it couldve been and why? because its in the no-mans land of always online, purely for the insane demand for leaderboards that ultimately proved meaningless. In turn that meant no possibility of mods from the community which then makes you all bitch and whine that Blizzard dont provide updates fast enough. There hoinestly arent enough facepalms for modern gamers.
Enjoy games, be a fan if you want but stop rolling over and playing the needy geek to big game companies, they dont need financial assistance and offering more will just mean they give less and take more to provide what was missing.
Jesus, between Trump and Brexit Ive read some real shite lately but this thread takes the crown.
First its ok with this, next its ok with that, and it continues until its please Blizz just gimme the game and ill give you an all-access pass to my bank account.
The game isnt even here yet but youre all happy to tell Blizzard youll pay even more after purchase, what in the hell does that say about you other than youre so gullible Blizz could produce a half-assed game knowing they can fleece you lot for more later.
Its a game! if it gets an asking price which we choose to pay, it shouldnt then be a non-stop fucking carousel of extras, we bought the damn thing already. If Blizz cant make a game and support it from its retail sales and expansion packs to provide longevity they have no business making the game. Im tired of the games as a service bullshit applying to games with an upfront purchase. D3 is half the game it couldve been and why? because its in the no-mans land of always online, purely for the insane demand for leaderboards that ultimately proved meaningless. In turn that meant no possibility of mods from the community which then makes you all bitch and whine that Blizzard dont provide updates fast enough. There hoinestly arent enough facepalms for modern gamers.
Enjoy games, be a fan if you want but stop rolling over and playing the needy geek to big game companies, they dont need financial assistance and offering more will just mean they give less and take more to provide what was missing.
In a Perfect world I would agree with you. BUT we all know what will happen in the year 2019 if a big company dont please its shareholders and have some kind og monetization. And yes Activision Blizzard are som greedy fuucks, but that is the world we live in.
I respect your position, but some ppl actually love MTX.
In a Perfect world I would agree with you. BUT we all know what will happen in the year 2019 if a big company dont please its shareholders and have some kind og monetization. And yes Activision Blizzard are som greedy fuucks, but that is the world we live in.
I respect your position, but some ppl actually love MTX.
Oh dont get me wrong, I do half expect them, andI understand there are whales prepared to pay for dress-up priveledges. That some people are willing to throw money like confetti is none of my godamn business. But it does become an issue that should be everyones problem when some gamers are so short sighted they happily broadcast the fact theyre prepared to accept and pay for extras in advance of release. Microtransactions are nothing more than a downhill road to ruin, some companies will make the descent short, shallow and barely noticeable hoping we dont notice that it is indeed downhill, while others will make it a harsh descent into a cesspit, gouging all the way down because their games are designed only as a front for their endless need to increase profits.
As gamers we almost all have a desire to collect and complete, but we ALL need to remember that those traits are exploitable, and its corporate nature to do just that. Signalling acceptance ahead of release will only convince Devs/Pubs they neednt worry and are free to provide a microtransaction lined descent into hell.
In a Perfect world I would agree with you. BUT we all know what will happen in the year 2019 if a big company dont please its shareholders and have some kind og monetization. And yes Activision Blizzard are som greedy fuucks, but that is the world we live in.
I respect your position, but some ppl actually love MTX.
Signalling acceptance ahead of release will only convince Devs/Pubs they neednt worry and are free to provide a microtransaction lined descent into hell.
They are already convinced that they need not worry about adding micros, signaling acceptance or not won't change a mind decided. Just about every gaming company out there now (even Indies) has some form of mtx, loot box or pay gate put into their games anymore. Is it right? That's a personal question for every single gamer to decide on their own. If you are fine spending your money on pixels so be it. if not, don't hit the buy button. But in the end, the more that is spent on a game the more future content it is likely to see. That's how business works.
Initial game price with micro-transactions and character packs with free content updates regularly would be the route I would prefer. The initial game and long wait times for expansions and getting only 1 or two characters after years of waiting is an outdated model. Imagine getting a new character every few months and getting free content updates regularly.
As long as they don't pricetag skins for 10 dollars or more, I am ok with cosmetic mtx. They should just not be expensive and not be the only way to obtain.
yeah, well, not gonna happen. i am also fine with MTX if they are cosmetic only, and i dont mind them being unobtainable otherwise, people who spend money on them should have a reason to spend money on them. and the more they spend, the more the game can be updated, thats a win for me.
if the micro transactions are cosmetic and these cosmetics are NOT gear skins, a good example being: a "back piece" set of wings like in guild wars 2 OR aura effects OR better mount skins
Also check the sources in the video description. It smells bad to me . A microtransaction game should be FTP . I'm only talking about cosmetics . I can't comprehend a blizzard title having ptw stuff.
Paid game and expansions should remain pure.
This starts to look like D3 reloaded . Why teh fook experiment again with a genre that is not made for such elements.
The diablo arpgs should only be about story, gameplay , quality and perfection in the long term. What the hell is happening?
Gaming is moving to a "service" platform. This will be the new standard, even indie developers are adopting this model. It's not inherently bad, just that certain companies take it to the extreme and that has left a bad taste in many peoples mouths. I actually don't want the expansion model because that means very long periods of no new content, then a massive dump of it, followed by another drought. Microtransactions allow for constant updates that keep a game fresh; POE, Fortnite, etc.
Just look at how D3 was handled. They basically spent years "fixing" the game and when they felt it was in a good place it was essentially abandoned. Why? because they had no reoccurring revenue stream to justify dropping substantial content updates. The biggest thing we got was the Necro. Remember that game developers get paid on average $100k a year and there are often dozens or so maintaining a game. Just imagine the cost. It's not a smart or a sustaining business model to put millions in a game that generates no money for you.
I do think that D4 could go FTP and be successful but remember they have to answer to shareholders and they don't want to hear about the long road to profitability. They want sales numbers. Sad but look at what happened to HotS. Hearthstone was a side project, with a tiny team that blew up like the Hindenburg. D4 is massive in comparison; probably end up costing the company 100's of millions to produce and market.
As long as the game you love is being supported does it matter that they have cosmetic items for sale? Not to me.
You're a wizard Harry.....
Yeah, I agree with Mob Dylan. To be honest, in that video I hear no real arguments, it's just "MTX are just bad" and then goes on in circular arguments.
D3 sold extremely well, like millions of copies, but now we're in a situation where we have free transmogs and almost no updates. I'd much rather have more in-depth patches and smaller content updates (like trying to fix paragon or balance faster+more frequently) than what we see right now, about one real meta shake up per year at most. PoE is a good example for MTX that do not affect the game's power at all, and I'm sure D4 is going the same route.
I know a lot of people are vigorously unequivocally against MTX in any way, form, or shape - but then you also will have a game that after release will only see very infrequent minor patches and nothing else, which makes seasons very quickly very boring. You can't have it all. Imho, not introducing MTX into RoS was D3's downfall. Just let me pay for stash tab, wings, pets, portrait frames; or even new stuff like character looks or so.
MTX are a necessary evil. If they're cosmetic only.
What I don't like about MTX is that I'd rather all that cool art / pets just be in the game as something very rare to find. However since they obviously need to continually make money to support the game, then sure do pets / mounts.
I really dont mind MTX either if they are cosmetic only. I get the argument, that you buy a game and future expansion, then shouldent cosmetic be free to obtain? like D3. Maybe there is some truth to that, because its not an Free to play like PoE.
But if they can keep the MTX within a decent price range, and your still able to obtain cool self-found cool lookin armor in-game I really dont see a problem.
I just hope that the MTX ppl buy go for regular content up-date and not just expansions every 2nd year only.
Dont know much about MTX, I just know that my reason is old: You get a game, it should be full game. Thats about it.
I will go broke if they have microtransactions. I spent too much on (edit: trying to get) Overwatch skins, a game I had to uninstall because I missed out on the skins and felt underwhelmed not getting everything.
I fear if Diablo do the same, I will feel bad.
:: Enkeria [Twitter / Twitch / Website / Tattoos]
It's a good thing that MTX will be a thing, because we want regular updates every 3-6 months and not wait 1-2 years for an expansion which we have to buy anyway to get access to content. MTX is the absolute best way to support the game in the long run and get regular updates without the need to sell power at all.
As long as they don't pricetag skins for 10 dollars or more, I am ok with cosmetic mtx. They should just not be expensive and not be the only way to obtain.
I am good with mtx being put into the game. I always thought they should have been added to D3 as well, they added the Diablo shop, why not sell some stuff in it? As long as it's purely cosmetic what's the problem. Hopefully they will keep the pricing reasonable on things though, GGG went a little overboard on the pricing of most of their MTX in PoE.
I would definitely buy additional stash space or character slots, being that I am a virtual hoarder.
I would rather see enough stash space and character slots from base game.
:: Enkeria [Twitter / Twitch / Website / Tattoos]
There is never "enough." Whatever limit you set, there will always be a market for more.
:: Enkeria [Twitter / Twitch / Website / Tattoos]
Jesus, between Trump and Brexit Ive read some real shite lately but this thread takes the crown.
First its ok with this, next its ok with that, and it continues until its please Blizz just gimme the game and ill give you an all-access pass to my bank account.
The game isnt even here yet but youre all happy to tell Blizzard youll pay even more after purchase, what in the hell does that say about you other than youre so gullible Blizz could produce a half-assed game knowing they can fleece you lot for more later.
Its a game! if it gets an asking price which we choose to pay, it shouldnt then be a non-stop fucking carousel of extras, we bought the damn thing already. If Blizz cant make a game and support it from its retail sales and expansion packs to provide longevity they have no business making the game. Im tired of the games as a service bullshit applying to games with an upfront purchase. D3 is half the game it couldve been and why? because its in the no-mans land of always online, purely for the insane demand for leaderboards that ultimately proved meaningless. In turn that meant no possibility of mods from the community which then makes you all bitch and whine that Blizzard dont provide updates fast enough. There hoinestly arent enough facepalms for modern gamers.
Enjoy games, be a fan if you want but stop rolling over and playing the needy geek to big game companies, they dont need financial assistance and offering more will just mean they give less and take more to provide what was missing.
In a Perfect world I would agree with you. BUT we all know what will happen in the year 2019 if a big company dont please its shareholders and have some kind og monetization. And yes Activision Blizzard are som greedy fuucks, but that is the world we live in.
I respect your position, but some ppl actually love MTX.
Base game, and Expansions.
MTX will make me go broke. Don't like!
:: Enkeria [Twitter / Twitch / Website / Tattoos]
Oh dont get me wrong, I do half expect them, andI understand there are whales prepared to pay for dress-up priveledges. That some people are willing to throw money like confetti is none of my godamn business. But it does become an issue that should be everyones problem when some gamers are so short sighted they happily broadcast the fact theyre prepared to accept and pay for extras in advance of release. Microtransactions are nothing more than a downhill road to ruin, some companies will make the descent short, shallow and barely noticeable hoping we dont notice that it is indeed downhill, while others will make it a harsh descent into a cesspit, gouging all the way down because their games are designed only as a front for their endless need to increase profits.
As gamers we almost all have a desire to collect and complete, but we ALL need to remember that those traits are exploitable, and its corporate nature to do just that. Signalling acceptance ahead of release will only convince Devs/Pubs they neednt worry and are free to provide a microtransaction lined descent into hell.
An ironic path for a game called Diablo
They are already convinced that they need not worry about adding micros, signaling acceptance or not won't change a mind decided. Just about every gaming company out there now (even Indies) has some form of mtx, loot box or pay gate put into their games anymore. Is it right? That's a personal question for every single gamer to decide on their own. If you are fine spending your money on pixels so be it. if not, don't hit the buy button. But in the end, the more that is spent on a game the more future content it is likely to see. That's how business works.
Initial game price with micro-transactions and character packs with free content updates regularly would be the route I would prefer. The initial game and long wait times for expansions and getting only 1 or two characters after years of waiting is an outdated model. Imagine getting a new character every few months and getting free content updates regularly.
yeah, well, not gonna happen. i am also fine with MTX if they are cosmetic only, and i dont mind them being unobtainable otherwise, people who spend money on them should have a reason to spend money on them. and the more they spend, the more the game can be updated, thats a win for me.
if the micro transactions are cosmetic and these cosmetics are NOT gear skins, a good example being: a "back piece" set of wings like in guild wars 2 OR aura effects OR better mount skins
then I would be happy camper