As a D2 fan, the "runeword" system that they have so far in D4 is not what I think of when I think of runewords. It reminds me of PoE gems or "skill runes" in D3. I don't like that they're using the name because it feels like a cheap way to draw on the nostalgia without delivering what people remember in terms of the runewords from D2.
Finding item bases (ethereal/superior with/without sockets etc.) was extremely exciting in D2 because of the crazy endgame runewords. Finding runes was also extremely exciting for the same reason. Crafting runewords with these items was also very exciting for me as a form of endgame content. Acquiring the items necessary to trade for said runes contributed to hundreds of hours of game play time for me throughout my teens -- and would likely still today.
To be clear -- Having a system by which you are able to modify the way you play your character (through skill modification), I find very compelling, and it should exist independent of what I understand to be runewords, in my opinion.
That being said, runewords as they existed in D2 were more of a form of end-game crafting, even though the runewords themselves also sometimes dramatically changed how you played the game.
Specifically, I really liked that finding a Vex/Ohm/Ber rune meant something huge. It didn't mean that you could now get a chosen effect when you drink a potion in a 2 socket item. It meant you could participate in meaningful end-game "crafting," by making runewords that could dramatically change how you play the game. It also felt way better than finding crafting materials in D3 -- no comparison.
(Good Job Blizzard) D4 should have a way to modify how your skills work (like the current implementation of "runewords") -- but they aren't runewords as far as I'm concerned.
D2 runewords consisted of acquiring extremely rare materials for end-game "crafting." -- There are many pieces that have to come together to get a good runeword -- let alone the RNG elements to the rolling itself.
(Please address this Blizzard) Even if D4 sticks with the same system for modifying items and calls them "runewords" -- which I really don't like -- They should have a way to craft end-game items, which would be the true sucessor to D2 runewords.
How do people feel about end-game crafting and the use of runewords for the skillmodifiers we saw in the announce?
Runes and runewords provide a LOT of different, good things to the game.
End game chase items, some very very rare so something to look forward to dropping.
A form of trading currency, since some were so rare and they'd be taken out of the economy by being used.
Could have potentially been a form of mystery, with a new runeword being something to hunt for.
Had another use besides being used as a whole runeword - gave player options for adding small stat increases in their gear.
I'm personally pretty disappointed in how their systems are being developed so far. I think they got the art right, and I'm sure combat feels good, but that's about it. I don't want to get all hyperbolic, but I'm REALLY insulted they are choosing to call this system 'Runewords'. A trigger and effect system? Sure. But they chose to cannibalize such a beloved part of D2, and something people have been begging for?
I don't want to get all hyperbolic, but I'm REALLY insulted they are choosing to call this system 'Runewords'. A trigger and effect system? Sure. But they chose to cannibalize such a beloved part of D2, and something people have been begging for?
There is a big visible line at the end of all their posts and blogs about systems. "Everything is subject to change by release" . Nothing and I mean literally no system they showed before d3 released remained . As they are now , those runes seems good but limited. What I'm concerned the most is the fact that there is no belt slot implemented so far in development and the limited number of sockets. True runewords require at least 3 sockets. I want trigger and 5 rune effects.
Considering the game is over 2 years away. Which means it won’t even go into Alpha until the end of 2021. And in Alpha, players give a ton of feedback for their systems and change a ton even before Beta. I’m 100% positive the runeword system and the stat system will greatly change and improve by release. So I wouldn’t sweat the small things until another 24 months from now lol. Be more concerned with aspects like the ‘Open World’ feature that’ll greatly change how you experience Diablo.
I bet devs are checking sites like Diablofans. It's vital for the sake of feedback, heck even smaller companies watch places like Reddit for feedback.
There are jewels too, right, or? Gems? Charms?
Anyway. Ive seen this far only 2 slots in items as maximum. So it could make sense to just have 2 runes. And these can only be used on 2 slots, not 1. Might be for gems and / or jewels.
Ral Ort Tal is yesterday. Or was it Tal Ort RAL? Keeps on confusing them. Hehe.
And I designed an amulet crafting system back in the day for D3, that could be implemented if they wanted us to play around with charms.. see if I can find the post somewhere here. It's rather old now.
Anyway, there must be reasons behind their decision.
If we expect them to just do everything the same as in D2 then we aren't ever going to see a game that's better than D2. So yes, you're right, this is an entirely different system from D2 runewords that just uses D2 runes for reference purposes. But should that bother anybody? It's a different game.
If we expect them to just do everything the same as in D2 then we aren't ever going to see a game that's better than D2. So yes, you're right, this is an entirely different system from D2 runewords that just uses D2 runes for reference purposes. But should that bother anybody? It's a different game.
We need to see new ideas for sure. Runes are back for the 3rd time and all of them are different. Classic Runes, Skillrunes, D4 Runes.
Would be fun to have other names on the runes to make them stand out as their own thing.
Considering the game is over 2 years away. Which means it won’t even go into Alpha until the end of 2021. And in Alpha, players give a ton of feedback for their systems and change a ton even before Beta. I’m 100% positive the runeword system and the stat system will greatly change and improve by release. So I wouldn’t sweat the small things until another 24 months from now lol. Be more concerned with aspects like the ‘Open World’ feature that’ll greatly change how you experience Diablo.
I second this outside of the negative feelings on "Open World". Why would anyone be against this? This is the best change imo for D4
I bet I will get alpha or beta this time. All other times when I actually needed it for the sake of brining news on Diablo sites and to give legit constructive feedback I didn't get the chance. Man, the amount of people recieveing invitations might be rare and highly limited this time. And ofc eBay will have a few accounts for it too.
I bet I will get alpha or beta this time. All other times when I actually needed it for the sake of brining news on Diablo sites and to give legit constructive feedback I didn't get the chance. Man, the amount of people recieveing invitations might be rare and highly limited this time. And ofc eBay will have a few accounts for it too.
And 5-7 years devtime is what I think.
5-7 years total or 5-7 MORE years? Lol. The game won’t take that long dude. It’ll be in alpha probably mid to late 2021 is my guess.
Considering the game is over 2 years away. Which means it won’t even go into Alpha until the end of 2021. And in Alpha, players give a ton of feedback for their systems and change a ton even before Beta. I’m 100% positive the runeword system and the stat system will greatly change and improve by release. So I wouldn’t sweat the small things until another 24 months from now lol. Be more concerned with aspects like the ‘Open World’ feature that’ll greatly change how you experience Diablo.
I second this outside of the negative feelings on "Open World". Why would anyone be against this? This is the best change imo for D4
Honestly I’ve changed my mind. At first I reacted kind of negative and felt like it was a feature from WoW as others have stated. But after thinking about it in the world of diablo I think it should help with community and trading.
5-7 years total or 5-7 MORE years? Lol. The game won’t take that long dude. It’ll be in alpha probably mid to late 2021 is my guess.
Another 5-7 years. Why?
Normal soon: Approx 1 week or less.
Blizzard soon Diablo 3: 4 years
Blizzard not even soon my Blizzards standard: obviously 4 years +
Rhykker at Blizzcon: 10 years? Answer by dev; Hope not!
But rumors has it early 2021 will give us beta. Not alpha.
Blizzard admitted that D3 development got fucked up and delayed 3-4 times after they announced it. So unless D4 has some major issues like D3 did, it wont take 5-7 years, it’ll just be a couple more. But ya I agree it’ll be in either Beta or at the very least Alpha sometime in 2021.
They said "not even blizzard soon" and that would mean more than 2-3 years, but they also said they don't want to take as much time as D3 (4 years since announcement).
Runewords should span across legendary and ancient legendary in power scale. Low easy runewords for mid-game is great aswell, like for exemple a stealth or ral ort tal shield i believe it was. Spirit was a bit too powerful in regards to which runes it needed.
2. Very important. As u said. It makes white and eth items and sockets interesting. Not just salvage or crap u dont pickup. Runewords was great although some were too overpowered. So runewords should be similar to legendaries its just a different and enjoyable Journey and crafting experience..
And finally, dont give us the exakt list. Let the players find small Clues to try and figure out what runewords exist. Will make launch more interesting
Runewords should span across legendary and ancient legendary in power scale. Low easy runewords for mid-game is great aswell, like for exemple a stealth or ral ort tal shield i believe it was. Spirit was a bit too powerful in regards to which runes it needed.
2. Very important. As u said. It makes white and eth items and sockets interesting. Not just salvage or crap u dont pickup. Runewords was great although some were too overpowered. So runewords should be similar to legendaries its just a different and enjoyable Journey and crafting experience..
And finally, dont give us the exakt list. Let the players find small Clues to try and figure out what runewords exist. Will make launch more interesting
I got excited when they announced rune words were making a comeback, but then saw how they actually functioned and it was just a big MEH. Hopefully this was just thrown together for the demo at Blizzcon and will get an extensive passover and rework before launch.
True runewords require at least 3 sockets. I want trigger and 5 rune effects.
I would be really happy with this. They can maybe even allow for combos in a way like the D2 system, as in if you put in a certain combination of of effect runes then you get some sort of bonus.
Runewords should span across legendary and ancient legendary in power scale. Low easy runewords for mid-game is great aswell, like for exemple a stealth or ral ort tal shield i believe it was. Spirit was a bit too powerful in regards to which runes it needed.
2. Very important. As u said. It makes white and eth items and sockets interesting. Not just salvage or crap u dont pickup. Runewords was great although some were too overpowered. So runewords should be similar to legendaries its just a different and enjoyable Journey and crafting experience..
And finally, dont give us the exakt list. Let the players find small Clues to try and figure out what runewords exist. Will make launch more interesting
If they went with the D2 runeword system:
1. All runewords would be datamined shortly after alpha/beta started, or at the least by the time the game launches. There would be zero mystery. The idea that players ever "discover" them is wishful thinking. They'd all be a google away just like the old ones.
2. Runewords in D2 were a cool system at the time, but are unintuitive and really don't add to gearing choices--they're just uniques in every functional way except that you can choose which blank piece of gear they go in, and this didn't really add much practical difference beyond bleeding edge/rich players min-maxing.
My sorc, pally, etc., all wore the same runewords every time. I didn't have to make choices.
I think instead of offering a system that's functionally an echo of uniques, they should continue developing runewords as they are in D4 into more complex chains to let players build runewords themselves. Much more interesting.
As a D2 fan, the "runeword" system that they have so far in D4 is not what I think of when I think of runewords. It reminds me of PoE gems or "skill runes" in D3. I don't like that they're using the name because it feels like a cheap way to draw on the nostalgia without delivering what people remember in terms of the runewords from D2.
Finding item bases (ethereal/superior with/without sockets etc.) was extremely exciting in D2 because of the crazy endgame runewords. Finding runes was also extremely exciting for the same reason. Crafting runewords with these items was also very exciting for me as a form of endgame content. Acquiring the items necessary to trade for said runes contributed to hundreds of hours of game play time for me throughout my teens -- and would likely still today.
To be clear -- Having a system by which you are able to modify the way you play your character (through skill modification), I find very compelling, and it should exist independent of what I understand to be runewords, in my opinion.
That being said, runewords as they existed in D2 were more of a form of end-game crafting, even though the runewords themselves also sometimes dramatically changed how you played the game.
Specifically, I really liked that finding a Vex/Ohm/Ber rune meant something huge. It didn't mean that you could now get a chosen effect when you drink a potion in a 2 socket item. It meant you could participate in meaningful end-game "crafting," by making runewords that could dramatically change how you play the game. It also felt way better than finding crafting materials in D3 -- no comparison.
(Good Job Blizzard) D4 should have a way to modify how your skills work (like the current implementation of "runewords") -- but they aren't runewords as far as I'm concerned.
D2 runewords consisted of acquiring extremely rare materials for end-game "crafting." -- There are many pieces that have to come together to get a good runeword -- let alone the RNG elements to the rolling itself.
(Please address this Blizzard) Even if D4 sticks with the same system for modifying items and calls them "runewords" -- which I really don't like -- They should have a way to craft end-game items, which would be the true sucessor to D2 runewords.
How do people feel about end-game crafting and the use of runewords for the skillmodifiers we saw in the announce?
Best to post this on the Official site where it's to more likely to be seen.
You're a wizard Harry.....
Runes and runewords provide a LOT of different, good things to the game.
End game chase items, some very very rare so something to look forward to dropping.
A form of trading currency, since some were so rare and they'd be taken out of the economy by being used.
Could have potentially been a form of mystery, with a new runeword being something to hunt for.
Had another use besides being used as a whole runeword - gave player options for adding small stat increases in their gear.
I'm personally pretty disappointed in how their systems are being developed so far. I think they got the art right, and I'm sure combat feels good, but that's about it. I don't want to get all hyperbolic, but I'm REALLY insulted they are choosing to call this system 'Runewords'. A trigger and effect system? Sure. But they chose to cannibalize such a beloved part of D2, and something people have been begging for?
Yea, pretty much exactly my feelings.
There is a big visible line at the end of all their posts and blogs about systems. "Everything is subject to change by release" . Nothing and I mean literally no system they showed before d3 released remained . As they are now , those runes seems good but limited. What I'm concerned the most is the fact that there is no belt slot implemented so far in development and the limited number of sockets. True runewords require at least 3 sockets. I want trigger and 5 rune effects.
Considering the game is over 2 years away. Which means it won’t even go into Alpha until the end of 2021. And in Alpha, players give a ton of feedback for their systems and change a ton even before Beta. I’m 100% positive the runeword system and the stat system will greatly change and improve by release. So I wouldn’t sweat the small things until another 24 months from now lol. Be more concerned with aspects like the ‘Open World’ feature that’ll greatly change how you experience Diablo.
I bet devs are checking sites like Diablofans. It's vital for the sake of feedback, heck even smaller companies watch places like Reddit for feedback.
There are jewels too, right, or? Gems? Charms?
Anyway. Ive seen this far only 2 slots in items as maximum. So it could make sense to just have 2 runes. And these can only be used on 2 slots, not 1. Might be for gems and / or jewels.
Ral Ort Tal is yesterday. Or was it Tal Ort RAL? Keeps on confusing them. Hehe.
And I designed an amulet crafting system back in the day for D3, that could be implemented if they wanted us to play around with charms.. see if I can find the post somewhere here. It's rather old now.
Anyway, there must be reasons behind their decision.
:: Enkeria [Twitter / Twitch / Website / Tattoos]
If we expect them to just do everything the same as in D2 then we aren't ever going to see a game that's better than D2. So yes, you're right, this is an entirely different system from D2 runewords that just uses D2 runes for reference purposes. But should that bother anybody? It's a different game.
We need to see new ideas for sure. Runes are back for the 3rd time and all of them are different. Classic Runes, Skillrunes, D4 Runes.
Would be fun to have other names on the runes to make them stand out as their own thing.
Kritisk + Is = Critical + Ice
Eld = Fire
Liv = Life
And so on.
:: Enkeria [Twitter / Twitch / Website / Tattoos]
I second this outside of the negative feelings on "Open World". Why would anyone be against this? This is the best change imo for D4
I bet I will get alpha or beta this time. All other times when I actually needed it for the sake of brining news on Diablo sites and to give legit constructive feedback I didn't get the chance. Man, the amount of people recieveing invitations might be rare and highly limited this time. And ofc eBay will have a few accounts for it too.
And 5-7 years devtime is what I think.
:: Enkeria [Twitter / Twitch / Website / Tattoos]
5-7 years total or 5-7 MORE years? Lol. The game won’t take that long dude. It’ll be in alpha probably mid to late 2021 is my guess.
Honestly I’ve changed my mind. At first I reacted kind of negative and felt like it was a feature from WoW as others have stated. But after thinking about it in the world of diablo I think it should help with community and trading.
Another 5-7 years. Why?
Normal soon: Approx 1 week or less.
Blizzard soon Diablo 3: 4 years
Blizzard not even soon my Blizzards standard: obviously 4 years +
Rhykker at Blizzcon: 10 years? Answer by dev; Hope not!
But rumors has it early 2021 will give us beta. Not alpha.
:: Enkeria [Twitter / Twitch / Website / Tattoos]
Blizzard admitted that D3 development got fucked up and delayed 3-4 times after they announced it. So unless D4 has some major issues like D3 did, it wont take 5-7 years, it’ll just be a couple more. But ya I agree it’ll be in either Beta or at the very least Alpha sometime in 2021.
They said "not even blizzard soon" and that would mean more than 2-3 years, but they also said they don't want to take as much time as D3 (4 years since announcement).
Runewords should go more in D2 direction.
Runewords should span across legendary and ancient legendary in power scale. Low easy runewords for mid-game is great aswell, like for exemple a stealth or ral ort tal shield i believe it was. Spirit was a bit too powerful in regards to which runes it needed.
2. Very important. As u said. It makes white and eth items and sockets interesting. Not just salvage or crap u dont pickup. Runewords was great although some were too overpowered. So runewords should be similar to legendaries its just a different and enjoyable Journey and crafting experience..
And finally, dont give us the exakt list. Let the players find small Clues to try and figure out what runewords exist. Will make launch more interesting
I got excited when they announced rune words were making a comeback, but then saw how they actually functioned and it was just a big MEH. Hopefully this was just thrown together for the demo at Blizzcon and will get an extensive passover and rework before launch.
I would be really happy with this. They can maybe even allow for combos in a way like the D2 system, as in if you put in a certain combination of of effect runes then you get some sort of bonus.
If they went with the D2 runeword system:
1. All runewords would be datamined shortly after alpha/beta started, or at the least by the time the game launches. There would be zero mystery. The idea that players ever "discover" them is wishful thinking. They'd all be a google away just like the old ones.
2. Runewords in D2 were a cool system at the time, but are unintuitive and really don't add to gearing choices--they're just uniques in every functional way except that you can choose which blank piece of gear they go in, and this didn't really add much practical difference beyond bleeding edge/rich players min-maxing.
My sorc, pally, etc., all wore the same runewords every time. I didn't have to make choices.
I think instead of offering a system that's functionally an echo of uniques, they should continue developing runewords as they are in D4 into more complex chains to let players build runewords themselves. Much more interesting.