For anyone who wants to spice up the minecraft experience I would definitely recommend getting a texture pack, especially now that they can be easily dropped into a texture pack folder and selected in-game. After trying a bunch I settled on - they even recommend a texture rotator that simulates "seasons" in the minecraft world.
One main corridor 3 blocks wide, mine cart track in the middle. Depth into the rock depends what you're mining of course, and length can always be extended.
I was asking specifically about the railway design
They're still buggy in SMP (survival multiplayer). You should be able to pick them up like workbenches using a pickaxe I believe, but that isn't working right now. If they run off the rail, they will eventually stop from friction or they will stop when they bump into an npc, player, or wall. If either of those things are on the track, they will be stopped too when bumped into.
Took a look at minecarts and ecnountered the concept of a Minecart Booster. Anyone familiar with making these, because that would probably be the best way to set up a minecart system inside the mine.
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For anyone who wants to spice up the minecraft experience I would definitely recommend getting a texture pack, especially now that they can be easily dropped into a texture pack folder and selected in-game. After trying a bunch I settled on - they even recommend a texture rotator that simulates "seasons" in the minecraft world.
Yeah I also use Quandry and liking it very much. It's cool to have different seasons, I just swap them manually though, going with august atm.
Imo Painterly pack is the best pack out there that does not increase the texture resolution. It has a lot of options.
As for seasons, meh. Notch will implant that anyway so I don't care for that.
I also used Painterly pack, but although it's a very good looking pack I think it deviates a bit too much from the original feel. That's why I went to Quandry instead, which is not that much of a difference from the original, but still very good :).
PlugY for Diablo II allows you to reset skills and stats, transfer items between characters in singleplayer, obtain all ladder runewords and do all Uberquests while offline. It is the only way to do all of the above. Please use it.
Supporting big shoulderpads and flashy armor since 2004.
I also used Painterly pack, but although it's a very good looking pack I think it deviates a bit too much from the original feel. That's why I went to Quandry instead, which is not that much of a difference from the original, but still very good :).
I tried Painterly but stuck with Quandry because I like how they aimed to preserve the original feel of the graphics.
So either we get powered minecarts that work like they should, or we get a magical block that accelerates objects that go past it.
Hopefully we'll get the booster block that doesn't require fuel
I'm still not sure on how to structure up the rails. How do we make transporation effective without wasting tons and tons of iron in the process? Preferably without having to chance carts too often either.
PlugY for Diablo II allows you to reset skills and stats, transfer items between characters in singleplayer, obtain all ladder runewords and do all Uberquests while offline. It is the only way to do all of the above. Please use it.
Supporting big shoulderpads and flashy armor since 2004.
Designing the cart system at this point is kind of useless since we don't know how they will work.
Unfortunately, no news on any updates especially pertaining to the HP fix. I know as for myself, I am finding it hard to be motivated to get on right now. I really just want to start over with the construction of our city but I will be patient enough to wait for HP as it will be that much more rewarding. For now, everyone is free to do whatever they want to our current map, beside destroying other people's stuff.
Also, it is required that every player has a DFans account since this is where all the communication is being kept. If you are on the sever and I do not know who you are and you do not have a DFans account, you will be temp banned until you create one. If you have friend playing on the server who is not a member here, please ask them to do so.
I plan on updating the players list so we are all set up and structured for when we start construction on the city. Right now, Linkx and Airandius are both active and lead architects. However, master explorer, traveler, conductor, and security guard positions all need to be filled by active members.
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I know I haven't been on too much, but now that my computer is fixed (just got it back an hour ago) I'm ready to commit to being security gaurd when we start building. So just let me know when. And can we kill the monsters now? Sorry I'm not too up to date with all these updates. Knowing this would help a lot.
Hey guys. Guess what. I tried to put 20$ on Ebay since November 3. It JUST came in. My god that took way too long.
You might see me on, I'm still not too interested in playing (nothing thrilling to do, I'm no builder, actually if you ever give me a role I'd like to be more of a Soldier than anything else, and I'd never mind helping people out for anything.)
So, yeah I was saying.. I'm not too interested in playing until the damage fix is up but I'm always intrigued about how the world is going so far, so if you're lucky (or not? :P) you might see me on.
I will finally be able to play starting this Friday, where I have the entire week off so you guys will finally be able to play with the guy who got you into all this Jk, but I will be on finally. Would it be okay if any of you guys told me what's going on so I don't have to read this entire damn thread so I know what you guys are doing?
Basically we don't have working health, so we are waiting for Notch to fix that. Until then we have basically a fuck around server to play with until health is fixed, where we will then restart in survival mode.
PlugY for Diablo II allows you to reset skills and stats, transfer items between characters in singleplayer, obtain all ladder runewords and do all Uberquests while offline. It is the only way to do all of the above. Please use it.
Supporting big shoulderpads and flashy armor since 2004.
Alright guys. The OP is updated with players list. If I have missed anyone, sorry, please send me a PM with your minecraft name and position you would like.
As for the mats questions, every player is expected to help out with mats for construction projects. Primarily this will be like stone and wood. However, if we are planning some more ornate, any help with diamond, gold, obsidian will be appreciated. After that, every player is allow to keep whatever materials they find. Although, I would hope that all of us here will be more than happy to help others out and share when needed.
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LinkX - Been messing around with a water trap concept for our walls. Originally thought lava might be a better idea since it's quiet and provides exterior lighting, but we don't get to collect loot. With water they get sucked in, get trapped and loot flows through to us on the inside. So here's some screenshots of a cross section that works pretty well (city interior on the right):
And the outside looks like this:
Seems to work ok with a depth of two, but at the third block depth water stops flowing.
it has to be 3 deep or monsters wont die in it. I have a working version in the game. The hard part is getting the water to flow in the right direction to funnel all of the drop. I am not sure how to do that with a trench as wide as our wall. Might have to make multiple pick up areas
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Took a look at minecarts and ecnountered the concept of a Minecart Booster. Anyone familiar with making these, because that would probably be the best way to set up a minecart system inside the mine.
Yeah I also use Quandry and liking it very much. It's cool to have different seasons, I just swap them manually though, going with august atm.
I also used Painterly pack, but although it's a very good looking pack I think it deviates a bit too much from the original feel. That's why I went to Quandry instead, which is not that much of a difference from the original, but still very good :).
I tried Painterly but stuck with Quandry because I like how they aimed to preserve the original feel of the graphics.
I'm still not sure on how to structure up the rails. How do we make transporation effective without wasting tons and tons of iron in the process? Preferably without having to chance carts too often either.
Unfortunately, no news on any updates especially pertaining to the HP fix. I know as for myself, I am finding it hard to be motivated to get on right now. I really just want to start over with the construction of our city but I will be patient enough to wait for HP as it will be that much more rewarding. For now, everyone is free to do whatever they want to our current map, beside destroying other people's stuff.
Also, it is required that every player has a DFans account since this is where all the communication is being kept. If you are on the sever and I do not know who you are and you do not have a DFans account, you will be temp banned until you create one. If you have friend playing on the server who is not a member here, please ask them to do so.
I plan on updating the players list so we are all set up and structured for when we start construction on the city. Right now, Linkx and Airandius are both active and lead architects. However, master explorer, traveler, conductor, and security guard positions all need to be filled by active members.
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I suggest you get on though and start testing out some ideas. I think right now, we should all be testing out new ideas for our new city.
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You might see me on, I'm still not too interested in playing (nothing thrilling to do, I'm no builder, actually if you ever give me a role I'd like to be more of a Soldier than anything else, and I'd never mind helping people out for anything.)
So, yeah I was saying.. I'm not too interested in playing until the damage fix is up but I'm always intrigued about how the world is going so far, so if you're lucky (or not? :P) you might see me on.
I will finally be able to play starting this Friday, where I have the entire week off so you guys will finally be able to play with the guy who got you into all this Jk, but I will be on finally. Would it be okay if any of you guys told me what's going on so I don't have to read this entire damn thread so I know what you guys are doing?
I can't get out of the fucking boat. The server keeps warping me back as soon as I try to leave.
EDIT: And now the boat disappeared...
But don't destroy people's stuff.
As for the mats questions, every player is expected to help out with mats for construction projects. Primarily this will be like stone and wood. However, if we are planning some more ornate, any help with diamond, gold, obsidian will be appreciated. After that, every player is allow to keep whatever materials they find. Although, I would hope that all of us here will be more than happy to help others out and share when needed.
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Either that or setting up some kind of port for us, could use an outside island for mining or some bullshit like that.
I hope that's an obvious one. o.O
I also hope everybody knows you can be banned for messing with people's stuff without permission. (Like a certain hourglass...)
And the outside looks like this:
Seems to work ok with a depth of two, but at the third block depth water stops flowing.
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