also ok, items become useless (current items), what about paragon levels? how do you see gaining new levels, when people have different paragon levels (and some not have any at all)
Either they'll just let people keep the full effect of their accumulated paragon levels while they're leveling (it doesn't, after all, affect XP gain), or switch it off until we reach the new level cap at which point we pick up where we left off. In either case, except to see no MF on xpack gear.
paragon now has no cap? I am not sure what I am supposed to think of that...
sure makes you get a sense of progress while you play more but having no cap at all also eradicate the feel of complete achievement...
Hell yes. I fucking love video games. Even though I don't still play I still put 150 hrs on my barb and 120 plus on my wiz/wd combined. Can't wait to get back out there and play again. This is the diablo 3 I was waiting for. Seems like everyone has forgotten how GROUNDBREAKING the LOD expansion was to D2. The diablo population almost doubled it seemed when I was playing D2 before LOD came out
and what about current gear and gold?
... can we transfer all the chars and current gear to the expansion?
I don't remember how it was with Lord of the Destruction.
What happens to the paragon level you are currently @ now with your various characters, is this all gone?
I read in some interview, when talking about Paragon levels, that when they changed the system, the change would be retro active. If you have 100 levels already, you would get all the bonuses when the expansion goes live.
Now, about the announcement.... It's quite nice, but recently i said i wouldn't like a level cap increase, but i think it's the only way to clean the mess that vanilla D3 is.
At the moment i won't touch Diablo 3, until the expansion (or if a patch before it comes). I can't force myself to play if everything will be tossed away. <.<
Nice, nice, nice ! Waiting for the End Game modes thou and the PvP ...
"15-20m random dungeons" is endgame for now. PvP/more PvE events can and will probably be patched in once the stuff that is really important for an ARPG (loot, skills, balance, character progression) is done. And they seem to have focused on that for the x-pac, I +1 that.
What happens to the paragon level you are currently @ now with your various characters, is this all gone?
I read in some interview, when talking about Paragon levels, that when they changed the system, the change would be retro active. If you have 100 levels already, you would get all the bonuses when the expansion goes live.
Now, about the announcement.... It's quite nice, but recently i said i wouldn't like a level cap increase, but i think it's the only way to clean the mess that vanilla D3 is.
At the moment i won't touch Diablo 3, until the expansion (or if a patch before it comes). I can't force myself to play if everything will be tossed away. <.<
Say I have a p100 p50 and p20 character would I end up with account paragon lvl 170?
If so wouldn't it be best to aim for as many paragon lvls as possible on all chars combined?
I am just saying the grind from p100 to p170 is probably much worse than bringing 2 characters to p35 before the addon.
What happens to the paragon level you are currently @ now with your various characters, is this all gone?
I read in some interview, when talking about Paragon levels, that when they changed the system, the change would be retro active. If you have 100 levels already, you would get all the bonuses when the expansion goes live.
Now, about the announcement.... It's quite nice, but recently i said i wouldn't like a level cap increase, but i think it's the only way to clean the mess that vanilla D3 is.
At the moment i won't touch Diablo 3, until the expansion (or if a patch before it comes). I can't force myself to play if everything will be tossed away. <.<
Say I have a p100 p50 and p20 character would I end up with account paragon lvl 170?
If so wouldn't it be best to aim for as many paragon lvls as possible on all chars combined?
I am just saying the grind from p100 to p170 is probably much worse than bringing 2 characters to p35 before the addon.
I assume they'll just add all the paragon XP together and assign your account the corresponding paragon level... anything else would be badly broken.
So they're stealing (Copying) the Badass Point system from Borderlands 2? Awesome, rofl.
Blizzard, the ripoff artist extraordinaire, strikes again!
What comparison is there besides stat allocation; being nothing new for either or any game? The distinguishing thing about BPs is how you earn them which is nothing like how you'll earn paragon points which are more akin to something like AAs from EQ.
What happens to the paragon level you are currently @ now with your various characters, is this all gone?
I read in some interview, when talking about Paragon levels, that when they changed the system, the change would be retro active. If you have 100 levels already, you would get all the bonuses when the expansion goes live.
Now, about the announcement.... It's quite nice, but recently i said i wouldn't like a level cap increase, but i think it's the only way to clean the mess that vanilla D3 is.
At the moment i won't touch Diablo 3, until the expansion (or if a patch before it comes). I can't force myself to play if everything will be tossed away. <.<
Say I have a p100 p50 and p20 character would I end up with account paragon lvl 170?
If so wouldn't it be best to aim for as many paragon lvls as possible on all chars combined?
I am just saying the grind from p100 to p170 is probably much worse than bringing 2 characters to p35 before the addon.
Must have missed it, reading broad brushes, what reason is there to think you'll be able to go above 100?
No cap on paragon? So that means infinite paragon levels? Lawl
I'm seriously worried about that. Some people would be paragon 1000 by now, the majority hasn't even reached p100; how are they gonna make sure the game still stays balanced and these 24/7 players don't cause havoc to the system?
No cap on paragon? So that means infinite paragon levels? Lawl
I'm seriously worried about that. Some people would be paragon 1000 by now, the majority hasn't even reached p100; how are they gonna make sure the game still stays balanced and these 24/7 players don't cause havoc to the system?
I saw there is a limit on how many stats you can allocate on a single attribute, soooo, the cap is when you maxed everything? °°
No cap on paragon? So that means infinite paragon levels? Lawl
I'm seriously worried about that. Some people would be paragon 1000 by now, the majority hasn't even reached p100; how are they gonna make sure the game still stays balanced and these 24/7 players don't cause havoc to the system?
I saw there is a limit on how many stats you can allocate on a single attribute, soooo, the cap is when you maxed everything? °°
Oh, I didn't see that! Awesome, amazing! I love caps. Seriously, even in D1 they had (really low) caps on every stat, and it was so great because it wasn't just "more more more" but at some point your 4 main stats were maxed and you could worry about other things. Great. Well, let's just hope they test this out internally for really high stats, because they clearly haven't thought about that some people would reach 600k DPS ;-)
All my faith is officially gone. The crusader?! c'mon, Paladin is what it is, why try to name it something else when it isnt?
Oh, so you already know the lore of the class and it's mechanics beforehand? Awesome, tell us more insider details.
Transmogrify?! For the love of everything that is holy, what the hell are you thinking? Are you to lazy to make the gear actually look freakin amazing or what?!
A lot of people asked for such feature. It's not about making the gear look good, it's about not having faith that gear power can be 100% balanced. If everyone uses the same gear, at least they won't look the same anymore.
Malthael? Yeah.. okay, for whatever reason he betrays his brothers after countless angels being slaughtered by Diablo etc etc, he turns evil all of a sudden when he decides to show up? Just because you didnt have proper storyline to continue the series you just had to pick an angel that is mysteriously gone to become corrupt?
For "whatever reason"? Turns evil "all of a sudden"? Please, go read the actual Diablo lore before pretending you know what you're talking about.
I'm so disappointed that i don't know what i'll do.
Just leave. It will be better for you, honestly. There are a dozen+ awesome gaming franchises out there for all tastes (Titanfall, F1 2013, FIFA, BF4, Thief, Dragon Age, Witcher, Smash Bros, Minecraft, Terraria, CoD:Ghosts, etc). Gaming is about having fun, if you're bored or enraged, you need to find a game/franchise that pleases you.
Seeing a legendary game/title become the most legendary epic failure in the entire history of modern gaming.. I'm speechless. GL & HF getting your series to last longer then 1 week, you've already lost a huge majority of your players on WoW & the hardcore people from the old days that actually built the community and the gr8 foundation for the Diablo series and you just decide to rape us entirely? Atleast have the decency to wine and dine us before you fuck us.
Not sure if... yeah.. nevermind.
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Hopefully these ideas hold out until release.
I fully expect a QQstorm from people who don't understand how ARPG expansions work, and also fully expect to ignore it completely.
Either they'll just let people keep the full effect of their accumulated paragon levels while they're leveling (it doesn't, after all, affect XP gain), or switch it off until we reach the new level cap at which point we pick up where we left off. In either case, except to see no MF on xpack gear.
sure makes you get a sense of progress while you play more but having no cap at all also eradicate the feel of complete achievement...
Blizzard, the ripoff artist extraordinaire, strikes again!
... can we transfer all the chars and current gear to the expansion?
I don't remember how it was with Lord of the Destruction.
I read in some interview, when talking about Paragon levels, that when they changed the system, the change would be retro active. If you have 100 levels already, you would get all the bonuses when the expansion goes live.
Now, about the announcement.... It's quite nice, but recently i said i wouldn't like a level cap increase, but i think it's the only way to clean the mess that vanilla D3 is.
At the moment i won't touch Diablo 3, until the expansion (or if a patch before it comes). I can't force myself to play if everything will be tossed away. <.<
LoD was actually GAMEBREAKING for me
Liked the Classic D2 better
"15-20m random dungeons" is endgame for now. PvP/more PvE events can and will probably be patched in once the stuff that is really important for an ARPG (loot, skills, balance, character progression) is done. And they seem to have focused on that for the x-pac, I +1 that.
Say I have a p100 p50 and p20 character would I end up with account paragon lvl 170?
If so wouldn't it be best to aim for as many paragon lvls as possible on all chars combined?
I am just saying the grind from p100 to p170 is probably much worse than bringing 2 characters to p35 before the addon.
I assume they'll just add all the paragon XP together and assign your account the corresponding paragon level... anything else would be badly broken.
Thanks Overneathe and Diablofans, your job is appreciated!
What comparison is there besides stat allocation; being nothing new for either or any game? The distinguishing thing about BPs is how you earn them which is nothing like how you'll earn paragon points which are more akin to something like AAs from EQ.
Diabloprogress: http://www.diablopro...reacherman-2596
Must have missed it, reading broad brushes, what reason is there to think you'll be able to go above 100?
Edit: I see it now.
I'm seriously worried about that. Some people would be paragon 1000 by now, the majority hasn't even reached p100; how are they gonna make sure the game still stays balanced and these 24/7 players don't cause havoc to the system?
I saw there is a limit on how many stats you can allocate on a single attribute, soooo, the cap is when you maxed everything? °°
Oh, I didn't see that! Awesome, amazing! I love caps. Seriously, even in D1 they had (really low) caps on every stat, and it was so great because it wasn't just "more more more" but at some point your 4 main stats were maxed and you could worry about other things. Great. Well, let's just hope they test this out internally for really high stats, because they clearly haven't thought about that some people would reach 600k DPS ;-)
A lot of people asked for such feature. It's not about making the gear look good, it's about not having faith that gear power can be 100% balanced. If everyone uses the same gear, at least they won't look the same anymore.
For "whatever reason"? Turns evil "all of a sudden"? Please, go read the actual Diablo lore before pretending you know what you're talking about.
Just leave. It will be better for you, honestly. There are a dozen+ awesome gaming franchises out there for all tastes (Titanfall, F1 2013, FIFA, BF4, Thief, Dragon Age, Witcher, Smash Bros, Minecraft, Terraria, CoD:Ghosts, etc). Gaming is about having fun, if you're bored or enraged, you need to find a game/franchise that pleases you.
Not sure if... yeah.. nevermind.