Have not seen anyone adress the fact that blizzard makes it look like loot 2.0 is not coming until expansion. This not a big issue except that ussiallyyear from announcement to launch. Are we stuck with terrible loot for that long?
And if you consider that the huge majority of people doesn't even visit forums (a couple of thousand people on the forums, but millions playing the game) you can imagine what the real numbers look like. A few months ago you could still count the p100s on diabloprogress (~20k)...
You don't know why Malthael acts as he does. For all we know he disagrees with Tyraels way of "disposing" of Diablo, and acts to kill Diablo by himself. You have no idea what will happen. Way too early to rage.
I saw some liveblog of the conference say that he's trying to end the Eternal Conflict by destroying all demons.
You don't know why Malthael acts as he does. For all we know he disagrees with Tyraels way of "disposing" of Diablo, and acts to kill Diablo by himself. You have no idea what will happen. Way too early to rage.
I saw some liveblog of the conference say that he's trying to end the Eternal Conflict by destroying all demons.
He's out to reap the souls of the demon lords. I guess it fits the title.
So we have to wait 8-10 months and buy the expansion to get loot 2.0 (which doesn't look that much better-highly inflated stat values and still seeing crit damage affix-better be nerfed) and there's STILL no mention of pvp. Another giant letdown =/ oh yeah. nothing about a self-found mode either.
@ the lore stuff... Malthael wouldn't be the first "good" turned to be "bad" in the story of Diablo. Neither do we know his reason for going after the soulstone - he doesn't really answer the question in the video (just watched it once, I'm at work).
I think overall the changes are nice, the level cap was kind of expected. With loot 2.0 you'd be changing your gear anyway. I highly doubt the difference between level 60 gear to 60-65 will be that drastic as the case with WoW where you would be upgrading your gear for the most part every other level.
The paragon changes are interesting and it seems they've caved in with stat allocation somewhat.
I'd like to see them post some information regarding PVP. Don't get me wrong this game was never a PVP centric game, but after awhile you'll want to be able to flex that epeen somehow in the game or burn time..and world PVP does that.
Storyboard mode. I swear to god they better remove this after you've cleared everything the first time over. The quest based games ruin public games and its utterly pointless.
Overall, I'm still not sure if I'll be buying the expansion, as my distaste for d3 has grown since release and I really don't know if I want to give them anymore of my money right now. I'm almost tempted to log back on and level my barb to p100 (currently at 73..) but I really don't know if I can take the pain.
i WANT D3 to be good, and this expansion gives me hope...but not quite there just yet. Hopefully as more information is released my faith will be restored.
Seems to me alot of the majority on here are disappointed/upset. Granted we've had to endure alot more 'bad' than 'good' in this game since release. But as for me personally, Ive stuck it out, still play nearly every day since day 1, and Im thrilled with the changes ... all of them in fact. Looking forward to the new loot, the new class, and all the new experiences. I personally think its a great list of changes, and Im excited.
I'll i can see from this announcement is, still no PvP before the expansion, and leaving loot 2.0 for the expansion. I hope they get shitloads of crap on their heads.
Seems to me alot of the majority on here are disappointed/upset.
Having read all forum posts today, the majority seems to be happy about the D3X stuff; there are a few people who still thought D3 is turning into just another PvP/e-sports game, but I'm confident they'll soon be gone as Blizzard clearly showed them the door.
As for the core of its gameplay, I think Blizzard hit many right buttons and I could totally see D3X to become what we wanted to have with D3 in the first place. Better late than never.
Those who still want e-sports, skill trees, and pro-gamer stuff, should leave to PoE for good.
Malthael? Yeah.. okay, for whatever reason he betrays his brothers after countless angels being slaughtered by Diablo etc etc, he turns evil all of a sudden when he decides to show up? Just because you didnt have proper storyline to continue the series you just had to pick an angel that is mysteriously gone to become corrupt?
Really? I'm sorry, but you're not very clued up on the lore, are you?
In the Book of Cain it's stated that Mathael's mood became darker since Sanctuary was created. It's also suggested that his infinite wisdom did not reach into the realm of the Nephalem, for which he might be increasingly hateful towards mortals.At the end of D2 he mysteriously disappeared, and no one knows what became of him, though it left a bleak omen.
This was planned all along, as I remember we had discussions on this very forum of how he might become an enemy in D3. And that was months before the game was released. So I struggle to grasp how they pulled this one out of their asses all of a sudden when even the public foresaw it more than a year ago.
That being said, I haven't played D3 in a while, as I haven't fully agreed with the mechanical side of the game. The itemization primarily left me wanting, and the loot 2.0 part of what lies ahead interests me the most. What I saw here didn't help. I want items to be far more interesting, not only legendaries, but rares included.
Firstly, I hope they give elemental damages extra effects.
Secondly, I hope they add more affixes across the board, so items can feel more lively.
Thirdly, since legendaries receive so much of their attention, I'm hoping they'll add a lot more into game of varying powers at higher levels, and some very rare legendaries and sets to collect at endgame.
You don't know why Malthael acts as he does. For all we know he disagrees with Tyraels way of "disposing" of Diablo, and acts to kill Diablo by himself. You have no idea what will happen. Way too early to rage.
I saw some liveblog of the conference say that he's trying to end the Eternal Conflict by destroying all demons.
Just saw in the gameplay footage they showed on stage that one of Malthael's minions called humans of demon blood, so I guess we're included.
Thank you for the video. I noticed that the lvl 70 Dead Man's Legacy has 7.5 crit chance and the Jawbreaker 35% Crit damage. I think they are going to nerf these two stats to make old and new affixes a bit more competitive. And last, all Legendaries seems account bound without the use of the Mystic to change stats... well, better than having all your oranges on sale on the AH.
Okey, so..
- Collectors Edition, is it gonna be availible for this game?
- No word on the talisman and charms?
- Will the mystic be in a patch with the 2.0 loot and 2.0 paragon?
No, but there was an interesting survey on these forums: http://www.diablofans.com/topic/95881-how-many-paragon-lvl-100s-do-you-have/
And if you consider that the huge majority of people doesn't even visit forums (a couple of thousand people on the forums, but millions playing the game) you can imagine what the real numbers look like. A few months ago you could still count the p100s on diabloprogress (~20k)...
I saw some liveblog of the conference say that he's trying to end the Eternal Conflict by destroying all demons.
He's out to reap the souls of the demon lords. I guess it fits the title.
The paragon changes are interesting and it seems they've caved in with stat allocation somewhat.
I'd like to see them post some information regarding PVP. Don't get me wrong this game was never a PVP centric game, but after awhile you'll want to be able to flex that epeen somehow in the game or burn time..and world PVP does that.
Storyboard mode. I swear to god they better remove this after you've cleared everything the first time over. The quest based games ruin public games and its utterly pointless.
Overall, I'm still not sure if I'll be buying the expansion, as my distaste for d3 has grown since release and I really don't know if I want to give them anymore of my money right now. I'm almost tempted to log back on and level my barb to p100 (currently at 73..) but I really don't know if I can take the pain.
i WANT D3 to be good, and this expansion gives me hope...but not quite there just yet. Hopefully as more information is released my faith will be restored.
Having read all forum posts today, the majority seems to be happy about the D3X stuff; there are a few people who still thought D3 is turning into just another PvP/e-sports game, but I'm confident they'll soon be gone as Blizzard clearly showed them the door.
As for the core of its gameplay, I think Blizzard hit many right buttons and I could totally see D3X to become what we wanted to have with D3 in the first place. Better late than never.
Those who still want e-sports, skill trees, and pro-gamer stuff, should leave to PoE for good.
Really? I'm sorry, but you're not very clued up on the lore, are you?
In the Book of Cain it's stated that Mathael's mood became darker since Sanctuary was created. It's also suggested that his infinite wisdom did not reach into the realm of the Nephalem, for which he might be increasingly hateful towards mortals.At the end of D2 he mysteriously disappeared, and no one knows what became of him, though it left a bleak omen.
This was planned all along, as I remember we had discussions on this very forum of how he might become an enemy in D3. And that was months before the game was released. So I struggle to grasp how they pulled this one out of their asses all of a sudden when even the public foresaw it more than a year ago.
That being said, I haven't played D3 in a while, as I haven't fully agreed with the mechanical side of the game. The itemization primarily left me wanting, and the loot 2.0 part of what lies ahead interests me the most. What I saw here didn't help. I want items to be far more interesting, not only legendaries, but rares included.
Firstly, I hope they give elemental damages extra effects.
Secondly, I hope they add more affixes across the board, so items can feel more lively.
Thirdly, since legendaries receive so much of their attention, I'm hoping they'll add a lot more into game of varying powers at higher levels, and some very rare legendaries and sets to collect at endgame.
Just saw in the gameplay footage they showed on stage that one of Malthael's minions called humans of demon blood, so I guess we're included.
Thank you for the video. I noticed that the lvl 70 Dead Man's Legacy has 7.5 crit chance and the Jawbreaker 35% Crit damage. I think they are going to nerf these two stats to make old and new affixes a bit more competitive. And last, all Legendaries seems account bound without the use of the Mystic to change stats... well, better than having all your oranges on sale on the AH.
This looks amazing..
My big hang-ups are the itemization and the lack of meaningful choices when you level up.
So.. of course I'm buying this, but crossing fingers on the new loot and if the paragon stuff makes you make choices that matter.
- Collectors Edition, is it gonna be availible for this game?
- No word on the talisman and charms?
- Will the mystic be in a patch with the 2.0 loot and 2.0 paragon?
:: Enkeria [Twitter / Twitch / Website / Tattoos]
The Hydra wand looks awesome though, at last.