Well so far I like all the changes except 2, so I think its time to voice my last problem. First one was for pay for items. But this one will ruin my style of pvp- respawning during a pvp round (this is the only pvp mode in arena)
I personally like playing 2 vs 2 and when 1 dies they stay dead for that round... I CANT stand when people just keep coming for more.. I like feeling the rush of not dying the first time around. Now that doesn't even matter.
Or does everyone like this system of fighting the same person multi times in 1 round of pvp?
I hope they atleast give us the option. Theres no point of not letting the option stay for people who want it.
You were always fighting the same person multiple times. In the old arena, you just did it in multiple rounds.
I am happy with this change. I would hate to die right off the bat and have to sit there and wait for up to 3 mins while the rest dueled it out. Either way, we are fighting the same team for the same duration. They just got rid of people having to wait to fight again. Looking at the old videos, it seems that the rounds ended too quickly anyway. Why wait for a whole fresh reset when you can just keep the action going in the same round.
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You were always fighting the same person multiple times. In the old arena, you just did it in multiple rounds.
I am happy with this change. I would hate to die right off the bat and have to sit there and wait for up to 3 mins while the rest dueled it out. Either way, we are fighting the same team for the same duration. They just got rid of people having to wait to fight again. Looking at the old videos, it seems that the rounds ended too quickly anyway. Why wait for a whole fresh reset when you can just keep the action going in the same round.
I get the feeling you never liked counter strike or search and distroy. The 3 matches are alright, but when I kill someone during a round were I already killed him, makes pvp boring for me. If I cant kill him without him respawning secounds latter, I will feel no achiviment at all during pvp. Winning by points disgust me, I wanna win by killing. If you get bad teamates btw they are just going to keep dying and you will auto lose you dont even have a fair chance to show off skill. It should be a game mode, not everyone likes fighting the same guy twice in the same round, matches are completley different and there's only 3 of them.
I know this isnt d2 but imagen in dueling in diablo 2 and people you killed just spawn back in the pvp area to fight again with their body and items. And so on until a time runs out and the person with points win. I'm not sure about you but that sounds boring as hell. As I find in every game were you need to ultra kill for points instead of just a battle is boring for me. As well as other people and I dont think pvp should be ruined, this is a basic way of dueling that has a large fan base not some obscure sugguestion of personal preference.
The problem is they don't support more options. I frankly don't give a shit that you dislike or like this style. The only problem is if its the only option. This is 2011 for god's sakes, they could please a lot of people by just adding some more options.
Honestly they should just implement both. a deathmatch version, and and 1 death per round version... and they should count how many kills we get!!! THIS IS STUFF WE WANT!!!
The problem is they don't support more options. I frankly don't give a shit that you dislike or like this style. The only problem is if its the only option. This is 2011 for god's sakes, they could please a lot of people by just adding some more options.
The problem is they don't support more options. I frankly don't give a shit that you dislike or like this style. The only problem is if its the only option. This is 2011 for god's sakes, they could please a lot of people by just adding some more options.
Exactly, some days I wouldnt mind respawns but some days they piss me off. It is variety that keeps people coming back for more. I was actually real excited about the round style of play even if it was the only game mode. I always loved arena in WoW but the problem was that u waited a while to get into a game, then spent forever fighting it out one time. At least in the previous model of D3 arena you had another chance to fight the same team and rework your strategy. The respawn method turns the gameplay into throw as many dead corpses at the enemy as you can for 10 minutes instead of really focusing on strategic and visceral combat where mistakes are more punishing. At the very least I would like the option to play last man standing style rounds.
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"We all need mirrors to remind ourselves of who we are"
Honestly they should just implement both. a deathmatch version, and and 1 death per round version... and they should count how many kills we get!!! THIS IS STUFF WE WANT!!!
Honestly they should just implement both. a deathmatch version, and and 1 death per round version... and they should count how many kills we get!!! THIS IS STUFF WE WANT!!!
Yes and yes.
And I agree with every post after my 2nd one.
Well my cd keys are lost. If somone could post a topic with this copy pasta'd and linked to this, that would be great. And +1 to you
You were always fighting the same person multiple times. In the old arena, you just did it in multiple rounds.
I am happy with this change. I would hate to die right off the bat and have to sit there and wait for up to 3 mins while the rest dueled it out. Either way, we are fighting the same team for the same duration. They just got rid of people having to wait to fight again. Looking at the old videos, it seems that the rounds ended too quickly anyway. Why wait for a whole fresh reset when you can just keep the action going in the same round.
You dont understand pvp at all. Its all about comepletly pwning your opponents and puting them to the ground. If they come back in like 5 sec you havent done very much and they dont feel pwned. If they release this game with a system like that its never gonna be an esport. Its like counter strike vs call of duty. And we all know how boring black ops is.
It's not supposed to be an esport and Blizzard has stated that they will not support any content or functionality that tries to turn it into an esport. pvp is sposed to just be for casually trying out your builds on other players.
Don't get me wrong, I love no respawn pvp modes but i also understand where blizz is coming from on this. It would be nice if they could implement both but I am not an expert on what sort of support and work doing that would require and I trust that Blizzard has thought this through and is making the right choices.
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@Upgradez I could've faceplanted on the keyboard and still killed everything in act 1.
You were always fighting the same person multiple times. In the old arena, you just did it in multiple rounds.
I am happy with this change. I would hate to die right off the bat and have to sit there and wait for up to 3 mins while the rest dueled it out. Either way, we are fighting the same team for the same duration. They just got rid of people having to wait to fight again. Looking at the old videos, it seems that the rounds ended too quickly anyway. Why wait for a whole fresh reset when you can just keep the action going in the same round.
You dont understand pvp at all. Its all about comepletly pwning your opponents and puting them to the ground. If they come back in like 5 sec you havent done very much and they dont feel pwned. If they release this game with a system like that its never gonna be an esport. Its like counter strike vs call of duty. And we all know how boring black ops is.
It's not supposed to be an esport and Blizzard has stated that they will not support any content or functionality that tries to turn it into an esport. pvp is sposed to just be for casually trying out your builds on other players.
Don't get me wrong, I love no respawn pvp modes but i also understand where blizz is coming from on this. It would be nice if they could implement both but I am not an expert on what sort of support and work doing that would require and I trust that Blizzard has thought this through and is making the right choices.
That is the thing, we are not asking for a full fledged esport with ladders and rankings and tournaments. We are just asking for OPTIONS that we had in Diablo 2. In D3 they took control of it but then half assed it.
I can tell you right now that 75% of everyone wants this mode of pvp available. Its always populare in games for a reason. So whats more important, making the game look less like a esport then it already is by 10%, or the satisfaction of most of there customers? Are they aiming to make blizzard happy, or us happy
I'm hoping that by release they have taken the time to implement both options. I would enjoy playing both but as a cutthroat gamer I enjoy smashing peoples heads into the ground and them squealing on the inside watching as a ghost as I continue to dominate over the rest of their team. But hey, that's just me.
I think you missed the memo, Blizzard is all about the "Call of Duty" casual mentality from head to toe. That this would also spill over into PvP is no surprise.
I think you missed the memo, Blizzard is all about the "Call of Duty" casual mentality from head to toe. That this would also spill over into PvP is no surprise.
You do know that call of duty has modes for every type of person, yea?
You were always fighting the same person multiple times. In the old arena, you just did it in multiple rounds.
I am happy with this change. I would hate to die right off the bat and have to sit there and wait for up to 3 mins while the rest dueled it out. Either way, we are fighting the same team for the same duration. They just got rid of people having to wait to fight again. Looking at the old videos, it seems that the rounds ended too quickly anyway. Why wait for a whole fresh reset when you can just keep the action going in the same round.
You dont understand pvp at all. Its all about comepletly pwning your opponents and puting them to the ground. If they come back in like 5 sec you havent done very much and they dont feel pwned. If they release this game with a system like that its never gonna be an esport. Its like counter strike vs call of duty. And we all know how boring black ops is.
It's not supposed to be an esport and Blizzard has stated that they will not support any content or functionality that tries to turn it into an esport. pvp is sposed to just be for casually trying out your builds on other players.
Don't get me wrong, I love no respawn pvp modes but i also understand where blizz is coming from on this. It would be nice if they could implement both but I am not an expert on what sort of support and work doing that would require and I trust that Blizzard has thought this through and is making the right choices.
Can people stop god damn copying what Blizzard says thinking that they seem intelligent
I didn't have a problem with one death per round but I prefer respawns over it. What is better than killing someone once? Killing them twice. After that? Killing them thrice! Hat trick! That will get some people raging, looking forward to it.
I too think that blizzard should have kept in more options though. The game isn't out yet, so they can still put the one death per round in again if they want.
1. Much less time is spent doing nothing (being dead). In simple words, I want to kill kill kill until the timer runs out.
2. I always get to face three enemies, not like in so many last man standing games where one guy refuses to die and drags out the game by kiting. Fun for that guy who gets to fight against tough odds, but not fun for me if I'm one of the mates waiting for the fight to end, or one of the enemies that have to catch the little kiting bugger.
You are basically saying losing is boring because you need to wait a little bit.. and that there should not even be the penalty of waiting. I respect you're opinion, but a little variety never hurt no one. I like to beat people 1 time per round, if you don't want to wait then dont play this mode. They took away enough competiveness with no loses and no ranks plus many more things, casual people enough things as it is. Are you also the type to complain about loses because it makes you look bad? Games are suppose to make you mad sometimes...thats called a challenge and what drives you to be good or fix it.
You don't see cs one of the best selling games ever making people revive during a match. You don't see call of duty getting rid of kill/death ratio. Imagen.. them adding a script were if you're about to die, diablo dies so you can live and not die and have to wait to fight him again.
You were always fighting the same person multiple times. In the old arena, you just did it in multiple rounds.
I am happy with this change. I would hate to die right off the bat and have to sit there and wait for up to 3 mins while the rest dueled it out. Either way, we are fighting the same team for the same duration. They just got rid of people having to wait to fight again. Looking at the old videos, it seems that the rounds ended too quickly anyway. Why wait for a whole fresh reset when you can just keep the action going in the same round.
LMS makes the game more tense and strategic, CS wouldn't be the hit it was if it had respawn timer. Blizzard MUST at least give the players the option to choose the game mode.
Get real, folks, the diablo you all knew is dead, a few years ago i said right here in this forum that D3 had a pretty good chance of being blizzard first bust (i was flamed to death ofc), and what you know, its not even beta and its already looking that way.
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I personally like playing 2 vs 2 and when 1 dies they stay dead for that round... I CANT stand when people just keep coming for more.. I like feeling the rush of not dying the first time around. Now that doesn't even matter.
Or does everyone like this system of fighting the same person multi times in 1 round of pvp?
I hope they atleast give us the option. Theres no point of not letting the option stay for people who want it.
I am happy with this change. I would hate to die right off the bat and have to sit there and wait for up to 3 mins while the rest dueled it out. Either way, we are fighting the same team for the same duration. They just got rid of people having to wait to fight again. Looking at the old videos, it seems that the rounds ended too quickly anyway. Why wait for a whole fresh reset when you can just keep the action going in the same round.
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I know this isnt d2 but imagen in dueling in diablo 2 and people you killed just spawn back in the pvp area to fight again with their body and items. And so on until a time runs out and the person with points win. I'm not sure about you but that sounds boring as hell. As I find in every game were you need to ultra kill for points instead of just a battle is boring for me. As well as other people and I dont think pvp should be ruined, this is a basic way of dueling that has a large fan base not some obscure sugguestion of personal preference.
AMEN, I made a post about this last night, feel free to chime in your opinions.
Exactly, some days I wouldnt mind respawns but some days they piss me off. It is variety that keeps people coming back for more. I was actually real excited about the round style of play even if it was the only game mode. I always loved arena in WoW but the problem was that u waited a while to get into a game, then spent forever fighting it out one time. At least in the previous model of D3 arena you had another chance to fight the same team and rework your strategy. The respawn method turns the gameplay into throw as many dead corpses at the enemy as you can for 10 minutes instead of really focusing on strategic and visceral combat where mistakes are more punishing. At the very least I would like the option to play last man standing style rounds.
And I agree with every post after my 2nd one.
because currently the only issues over there are offline play and the RMAH
It's not supposed to be an esport and Blizzard has stated that they will not support any content or functionality that tries to turn it into an esport. pvp is sposed to just be for casually trying out your builds on other players.
Don't get me wrong, I love no respawn pvp modes but i also understand where blizz is coming from on this. It would be nice if they could implement both but I am not an expert on what sort of support and work doing that would require and I trust that Blizzard has thought this through and is making the right choices.
@Upgradez I could've faceplanted on the keyboard and still killed everything in act 1.
-Funny troll tweet
That is the thing, we are not asking for a full fledged esport with ladders and rankings and tournaments. We are just asking for OPTIONS that we had in Diablo 2. In D3 they took control of it but then half assed it.
Can people stop god damn copying what Blizzard says thinking that they seem intelligent
What we want is nothing that resembles an esport
we only want some competitiveness
I too think that blizzard should have kept in more options though. The game isn't out yet, so they can still put the one death per round in again if they want.
You don't see cs one of the best selling games ever making people revive during a match. You don't see call of duty getting rid of kill/death ratio. Imagen.. them adding a script were if you're about to die, diablo dies so you can live and not die and have to wait to fight him again.
LMS makes the game more tense and strategic, CS wouldn't be the hit it was if it had respawn timer. Blizzard MUST at least give the players the option to choose the game mode.