0-Dog: or "Zero Dogs," a witch doctor build that revolves around items that reduce the cooldown of the Zombie Dogs ability (see: 'ZD'). With the proper items, Zombie Dogs can be reduced to little or no cooldown. The build then utilizes the witch doctor's "Sacrifice" ability, which destroys existing Zombie Dogs to deal massive damage to enemies in an area. In vanilla, the build was designed to deal significant damage. In Reaper of Souls, the build offers more utility. Warning: may drastically reduce frame rates.
1: short for "elite." Less often used than "e" (see: 'e'), the short-hand "1" originated from players that do not use an English keyboard and will hit 1 as a universal notification to alert party members of elite and champion packs. "1" is also pronounced exactly the same as "E" in Mandarin Chinese, so you often see it used by Chinese players.
1H & 2H: refers to one-handed and two-handed weapons, respectively.
1K Set: or 1K set, 1000 set or Storms set, referring to the "Raiment of a Thousand Storms" set (example: Mantle of the Upside-Down Sinners) for the monk class.
AD short for "Arcane Dynamo," a wizard passive skill.
Affix: a term that refers to properties that are assigned to a given object, which can include magical properties on items or abilities on in-game monsters. It is usually associated with the latter and can also be called “boss modifiers.” They include: Arcane Enchanted, Avenger, Desecrator, Electrified, Extra Health, Fast, Fire Chains, Frozen, Frozen Pulse, Health Link, Horde, Illusionist, Jailer, Knockback, Missile Dampening, Molten, Mortar, Nightmarish, Orbital, Plagued, Poison Enchanted, Reflect Damage, Shielding, Teleporter, Thunderstorm, Vampiric, Vortex, Waller, and Wormhole.
AH:vanilla - short for “Auction House,” a feature of Diablo III that acts as a trading hub for players. Players buy, bid on, and sell items and commodities (see: ‘Commodity’) anonymously on the Auction House much like people do on auction websites like eBay. The Auction House comes in two different entities, the Gold Auction House (see: ‘GAH’) and the Real Money Auction House (see: ‘RMAH’). Both Auction Houses will be shut down on March 18, 2014.
Aggro: a term that gained popularity in MMORPG and MUD games that represents the act of "aggravating" or triggering "aggression" from enemies without initiating an attack. For example, enemies can be "aggro'd" simply when a player comes within a certain range. Sometimes refers to real life instances that interrupt gaming sessions, such as receiving an important phone call or a significant other demanding attention.
Alkaizer Run:vanilla - or "Alk Run," which refers to a set route a player can take in Act III Inferno to gain the highest amount of experience for his character in the shortest time. Named after "Alkaizer," who became the world's first paragon 100 character in Diablo III. The route consists of going from the Core of the Arreat checkpoint south to the waypoint, a full circle around Tower of the Damned level 1, then to Arreat Creater 2's waypoint through the end, then teleport to Keep level 2 and do as full a clear as possible, then teleport to Bridge of Korsikk's waypoint and do a full circle around Fields of Slaughter. Then the run is repeated indefinitely until the player either loses sanity or simply becomes too bored or too tired to continue (or simply hits paragon level 100). Other variations include clearing Arreat Crater 1, Keep level 3, Stonefort and/or Rakkis Crossing. No longer the most optimal leveling method since patch 1.08 with monster density changes across Acts.
Alt: short for "alternate" character or any character a player uses second to his/her main character. See: 'Main.' Usually receives less love or hand-me-down gear. See: 'Twink.'
Ammy: short for "amulet," a type of gear that falls in the neck category. Can also sometimes be abbreviated as "amu."
Andy's: short for "Andariel's Visage," a legendary helm known for being the only helm capable of rolling any elemental bonus at the cost of taking additional fire damage.
AOE: short for "area of effect." Refers to spells that influence targets over an area rather than a single target.
AP: short for "Arcane Power," the primary resource used by the wizard class. See: 'Resource.'
APoC: short for "Arcane Power on Critical Hits" or "AP on crit," a stat that is specific to the wizard class. See: 'AP' and 'crit.'
APS: short for "attacks per second," which refers to the rate at which a character launches attacks, e.g. "1.93 APS," "2.01 APS," "3.0 APS," etc. Can also refer to a weapon's swing speed (for example, a standard two-handed crossbow is 1.10 APS). Not to be confused with “actions per second.”
AR: short for "resistance to all elements" or most commonly "all resistance" or just "resist." It's a highly desired stat that boosts a character's survivability. See: 'EHP.'
Aren't You Thankful!?: a sarcastic remark made by players when responding to comments that center around complaints and gripes. It is a nod to a forum post made by Blizzard Community Manager Bashiok:
“We don't want people to be afraid of nerfs, and ... I guess maybe I can try to get that across by saying we could have nerfed a bunch of stats that probably deserve it to some degree, but we didn't (aren't you thankful!?), because we don't believe our design approach should be constantly noodling with really important things, like stats. It should only be when we have an extreme situation developing, and we felt that was the case with IAS.”
Ball of Death: a nickname used for the wizard's Archon form, based on the character's transformation into a ball that can usually promptly melt most or all enemy mobs with a single click.
Ballerina: vanilla - a nickname used for barbarians who focus on the Sprint and Whirlwind combination. When used, the barbarian spins through waves of mobs, resembling a ballerina. Can also be called “barbarina.”
Barb: short for "Barbarian," a melee strength-based class in D3. Will sometimes also be referred to as "bar," "barbar," or "baba."
Barblo:portmanteau of the words barbarian and Diablo, referencing the idea that the game is built entirely around the one and only barbarian class, while completely neglecting all other classes. It's a false statement, but originated from disgruntled players upset with the perks that come with the barbarian class not found on the others.
Bats WD:vanilla - refers to witch doctors that focus on the spell "Firebats - Cloud of Bats." See: 'COB' and 'WD.'
beez: stands for "b's" or billions, referring to gold values. Instead of 2 billion or 2b, some players choose to say "2 beez."
Bells: refers to the monk's "Wave of Light" ability (see: 'WOL'), which includes a visual effect that resembles a giant bell falling from the sky.
BIN: vanilla - short for "Buy it Now," a phrase specifically used for auction items that have the option to be sold immediately (without going through the bidding process). See: 'BO.'
BIS: short for "Best in Slot," a term that is used to define certain items that cannot be beat in terms of stats.
BK's: short for the "Bul-Kathos" set items, which include the one-handed mighty weapons Bul-Kathos's Solemn Vow and Bul-Kathos's Warrior Blood, items exclusive to the barbarian class. Sometimes includes the legendary ring, Bul-Kathos's Wedding Band, which is not exclusive to barbarians. Not to be confused with “Burger King.”
Black Weapon: specifically weapons that have no bonus elemental effects, e.g. +X min and +Y max damage, and not +X/Y holy damage, +X/Y poison damage, etc.
Blue:refers to employees of Blizzard Entertainment who post on the official forums. Generally Blues refer to the community managers/representatives (see: ‘CM’), who are heavily responsible for moderating the official forums of Blizzard games, acting as a bridge of communication between the player base and the developers, in addition to providing a constant stream of information regarding such games via company employees and sources, on top of many social media and public relations tasks. Nicknamed "blue" because of the blue-colored font that is used in each forum post or thread, a privilege exclusive to the community managers/reps and other Blizzard employees. Current Diablo III community manager is Lylirra, and the community representatives are Grimiku, Nevalistis and Tyvalir.
BM:vanilla - short for "Blood Magic," a rune for the wizard's "Magic Weapon" ability. In Patch 2.01, Reaper of Souls and onward, this rune was replaced by Deflection.
BO: vanilla - or "b/o," short for "buyout." Refers to items being sold or up for auction with an X amount of gold or currency as its immediate purchase price. See: 'BIN.'
BoA: short for "Bind on Account," specifically referring to items that cannot be sold or traded to other players and are "bound" to a single player's account. In Reaper of Souls, all gold, Horadric Cache items, gambled items, Marquise and higher tier gems, crafting materials, plans, and unique items will be bound to the player’s account. Unique items will have a two hour window of time where players can trade with only those from the same game at the time when the unique item first dropped. Not to be confused with Korean musician BoA or Bank of America.
BoT: short for "Bane of the Trapped," a legendary gem. Sometimes abbreviated as "BotT." Not to be confused with a "bot," or an illegal third-party program that automates gameplay.
BP: short for "breakpoint," or hidden numbers associated with various skills in Diablo III that are often tied to attack speed stats. When a player reaches a certain breakpoint, he or she usually experiences a higher level of effectiveness for his or her character (though it isn't always the case).
BR: short for "Blood Ritual," a passive ability specific to witch doctors. Also short for "Battle Rage," a barbarian ability.
BS: short for "Banner Safe," referring to the act of or mentioning of placing a player's banner in a safe location for teammates to rally on (usually by foot). This is primarily done to save teammates the embarrassment of jumping directly to their deaths from the town. Be aware players cannot teleport to the banner, but rather be notified that the coast is clear to teleport to the player. Can also stand for "Blacksmith."
BT: short for the "Blackthorne" set (example: Blackthorne's Surcoat), a set of gear that is mainly used for raising survivability for characters.
Buffed: stands for a character's enhanced statistics after applying effects from passives, self-cast abiltiies and passive abiltiies. See: 'Unbuffed.'
Build: often refers to the skill set that a particular player assigns to his/her character at a given time. May sometimes refer to the "gear build" that a player equips for his/her character.
Buriza: refers to the legendary crossbow "Buriza-do Kyanon." More closely pronounced as Brizado Kyannon (ブリザードキャノン burizādo kyanon, a.k.a. Blizzard Cannon, emphasizing its cold-based weapon damage and also the fact that Diablo is a game published by Blizzard.
BYOM: stands for "bring your own machine," referring to the Infernal Machines that are required to unlock Uber bosses (see: 'Machine' and 'Uber'). Originated from the phrase "BYOB," which stands for "bring your own beer."
CA: short for "Cluster Arrow," a demon hunter skill.
Cache:refers to Horadric Caches, rewards for completing an Act's worth of Bounties. Caches contain random items in addition to two guaranteed Rift Key Fragments. Sometimes simply called "bags" (see: 'Bag').
Candy Cane:refers to the legendary axe, "The Butcher's Sickle," which bears many similarities with a Christmas candy cane.
Captain America: refers to crusader builds that use the legendary shield Jekangbord and Gyrfalcon's Foote, a legendary flail. The combination of items results in nonstop shield throws from Blessed Shield, which resembles the shield throws from the iconic Marvel superhero.
CB: short for “Cold Blooded,” a wizard passive skill.
CC: short for either "critical hit chance" or "crowd control." The former is a stat found on various pieces of gear that is usually combined with cirtical hit damage, and is a very important stat for improving character damage (see: 'CHC'). The latter refers to abilities that disable or debuff target(s) either by single target or area skills and effects (see: 'AOE').
CD: short for either "critical hit damage" or "cooldown." The former is a stat found on various pieces of gear and is usually paired hand-in-hand with critical hit chance (see: 'CHD'). The latter refers to a period of time when spells or abilities are inactive after use and "cooling down."
CDR: short for “cooldown reduction.”
CE: short for "Collector's Edition," a premium version of Diablo III that comes with a variety of limited supply goods such as a game soundtrack, art book, mouse pad, behind-the-scenes DVD, Diablo II and Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, and the collector's only items Angel Wings (fancy aesthetic bonus for player characters), Bottled Cloud dye and Bottled Smoke dye. For the expansion, Reaper of Souls, the Collector’s Edition includes a game soundtrack, art book, mouse pad, behind-the-scenes DVD, in addition to a pet Spectral Hound (for aesthetics only) and three additional in-game character slots.
Chant's: or "Chanto's," short for the "Chantodo" set of items that involve the Chantodo's Will wand and Chantodo's Force source, items exclusive to the wizard class.
CHC:short for "critical hit chance." See: 'CC.'
CHD: short for "critical hit damage." See: 'CD.'
Chicken: refers to Manajuma's Gory Fetch, a witch doctor set mojo. Sometimes refers to the witch doctor's Angry Chicken rune for the Hex spell.
CM: vanilla - short for "Critical Mass," a passive ability that is specific for the wizard class. It is primarily used to significantly reduce spell cooldowns via critical hits. See: 'CC' and 'CD.' Can sometimes also be used to refer to the Community Managers of Blizzard Entertainment (see: 'Blue').
C/O: vanilla - short for "current offer," a term used when dealing with auctions and item selling. Refers to the offer currently made by a player to the seller. See: 'OBO.'
COB: short for "Cloud of Bats," a rune for the witch doctor spell, Firebats. See: 'Bats WD.'
Commodity:items that usually come in bulk, such as tomes, gems and crafting materials.
Conflag: refers to either the Conflagrate rune for the wizard's Magic Missile skill or the wizard's Conflagration passive.
Cookie Cutter: a term used for character skill builds that are overused and proven to be generally very reliable for most game situations.
COTA: short for "Call of the Ancients," a barbarian skill. Also short for "Crypt of the Ancients," a dungeon in Act I that always spawns with numerous skeletons and one champion pack. It's well-known for its small space and easily killable mobs.
CP: short for "checkpoint," an in-game location that marks a spot for players to resume action whenever they restart the game or die in battle.
Crit: short for "critical hit chance,” "critical hit damage," or “critical hits.” See: 'CC,' 'CD,' 'CHC,' and 'CHD.'
Crypt Run: vanilla - refers to runs that revolve around the Decaying Crypt dungeon that randomly spawns in the Fields of Misery in Act I. Crypt Runs are generally used for farming experience for paragon levels (see: 'Paragon') and players may sometimes prepare the Crypt beforehand (see: 'Prep') in order to aggro (see: 'Aggro') the Spewing Horror mobs that are in the area. The Spewing Horrors can consistently summon new waves of Decayers that can serve as bonus experience.
CTW: short for "Cull the Weak," a demon hunter passive skill.
D3V: short for “Diablo III Vanilla,” or the original Diablo III. See: ‘Vanilla’ and ‘Vanilla D3.”
Danetta's: short for the "Danetta" set items, which include the one-handed crossbows Danetta's Spite and Danetta's Revenge, items exclusive to the demon hunter class.
DB: short for "Death's Breath," a bind-on-account (see: 'BoA') crafting material that randomly drops off all level 61+ elites and bosses in Reaper of Souls.
DE: short for "Demonic Essence," a bind-on-account (see: 'BoA') crafting material that randomly drops off all sub-level 61 elites and bosses.
deadmau5 Amulet: refers to "Halcyon's Ascent," a legendary amulet serving as an Easter egg and tribute for progressive-house musician deadmau5. Sometimes inaccurately called the "Mickey Mouse amulet" simply because of the mouse-shaped head, despite the amulet's design clearly being a direct nod to deadmau5's signature "mau5head" logo and stage outfit. Halcyon refers to deadmau5's early aliases and the flavor text, "Raise your weapon, raise your weapon... and it's over" is a line from one of deadmau5's songs, "Raise Your Weapon."
Deeps: phonetic pronunciation of "DPS" (see: 'DPS'). For example, "Need more deeps!" means the same as "Need more DPS!"
DH: short for "Demon Hunter," a dexterity-based ranged class in D3.
Ding: sound effect for when a character levels up, usually for paragon levels. Can sometimes be used as a sound effect for when unique items drop on the ground.
Disc: short for "Discipline," one of two resources used by demon hunters with the other being Hatred. See: 'Resource.'
DOT:short for "damage over time," referring to skills or abilities that deal X damage over Y period of time.
Doubled It: a phrase that originated from Diablo III's ex-game director Jay Wilson's interview with IGN:
“Internally, we had this super hardcore test group – we’ve got a lot of hardcore players at Blizzard – that tested Inferno, and we got it to the point where they thought it was challenging enough,” Blizzard’s Jay Wilson told IGN. “Then we doubled it. Because we knew, no matter how good we are, our players are gonna be better. We focused on making that as difficult as we could make it.”
For the general player population, the phrase is now predominantly used as the base of harmless or truly bitter jokes, such as "I went to McDonald's and ordered a cheeseburger... and they doubled it." or "The legendary drop rate is so low that even if Blizzard doubled it, it wouldn't matter." (See: 'Tinfoil hat').
DPS: short for "damage per second." This usually is tied hand-in-hand with topics regarding a character's overall offensive capabilities, generally speaking. See: 'EDPS' and 'Sheet DPS.'
DS: short for "Diamond Skin" or "Dashing Strike," the former a wizard spell and the latter a monk spell.
DW: short for "dual-wield," meaning characters that base their weaponry around equipping two one-handed weapons.
DW Visa:vanilla - stands for "Dual-wield Visa Cards" (see: 'DW'), referring to players who predominantly use credit cards to buy gear from the RMAH (see: 'RMAH'). Sometimes also called "DW Mastercards," "DW Credit Cards," "DW AMex," etc.
e: short for "elite." Players within co-op games will usually type "e" to notify their party members of elite packs. Also applies for champions and rares. See: '1.'
EA: short for "Energy Armor," an armor ability specific to the wizard class. Also short for "Elemental Arrow," a demon hunter skill. Not to be confused with Electronic Arts.
EB: short “Explosive Blast” or “Essence Burn,” the former a wizard spell and the latter a rune for the monk’s Exploding Palm skill (see: ‘EP’).
EDPS: short for "effective damage per second," or the realistic total damage done per second by a character. This is calculated simply by taking the total damage done by a character to one target (usually of high health total) and dividing it over a set period of time, usually 60 seconds. See: 'DPS' and 'Sheet DPS.'
EF: short for "Echoing Fury," a legendary one-handed mace known for its high chance to Fear enemies on hit.
EHP: short for "effective hit points" or "effective health pool." This usually is tied hand-in-hand with topics regarding a character's overall defensive capabilities. In more detail: EHP = HP / (1 - armor mitigation/100) * (1 - resistance mitigation/100) * (1 - other mitigation/100). See: 'Toughness.'
Epeen: stands for "electronic penis." This term is usually paired with verbs like "flaunting," "bragging" or "showing off" when referring to players that boast about their prowess or competency over the internet, usually in a condescending way.
Epic fail: when a player or party experiences disaster because of lack of game-sense or miscellaneous in-game factors; oftentimes results in death, occasionally results in side-splitting laughter (except in cases of Hardcore deaths). See: 'Fail.'
EQ Set: refers to the barbarian's Might of the Earth set (example: Weight of the Earth), sometimes spelled out as "Earthquake set," in combination with the legendary boots, Lut Socks. See: 'LeapQuake.'
FA: short for "Fetish Army," a witch doctor skill. Also short for "Force Armor," a rune for the Energy Armor ability that is specific to the wizard class. See: 'EA.'
Fail: when a player or party experiences lapses in game-sense and does not succeed in their endeavors; usually results in death. See: 'Epic fail.'
Farm: the act of actively killing enemies in order to obtain items and loot. See: 'Gear,' 'Loot' and 'Run.'
Fear Doc: sometimes referred to as a Tiki Doc, or a witch doctor that utilizes Tiklandian Visage. The build serves a support role for party play, as the voodoo mask allows the witch doctor to permanently fear and root enemies in place when combined with high cooldown reduction items.
Fishing: refers to the act of starting and restarting games to obtain specific results. Usually practiced in high level Greater Rifts in order to bypass the randomness.
Flip: vanilla - a term that refers to the act of [successfully] reselling an item in the auction house at a higher price than the original purchase price.
FoF: or abbreviated as "FotF," short for "Fate of the Fell," a legendary two-handed flail.
FOrb: short for "Frozen Orb," a rune of the Arcane Orb skill for wizards.
Forgotten: the act of instantly salvaging a legendary or set item because it rolled so terribly you want to forget it ever dropped. Coined after the term "Instabrim" (see: 'Instabrim') no longer applied for legendary and set items above level 60, as the crafting material received from salvaging became a Forgotten Soul rather than a Fiery Brimstone.
FOT: short for "Fists of Thunder," a signature ability specific for the monk class.
Frog: refers to the legendary mojo, "Thing of the Deep," which is basically a frog held in the hands of a witch doctor.
Frostfire DH: in Patch 2.1, refers to demon hunter builds that utilize cold and fire elements, usually with Elemental Arrow - Frost Arrow, Cluster Arrow - Maelstrom, Multishot - Arsenal, and Sentry - Spitfire Turret. Sometimes referred to as the "hybrid" build for demon hunters.
Frostitute: vanilla - a wizard that specializes in permanent freeze builds based on the Frost Nova spell. See: 'Perma-' and 'SNS.'
FT:vanilla - short for "for trade," essentially any item that is offered by a player to trade for a desired counterpart. See: 'ISO,' 'WTS,' 'WTB,' 'WTT' and 'WUG.'
FWF:vanilla - stands for Festering Woods + Fields of Misery, a farming run centered around those two areas of Act I. See: 'Run' and 'VSORCS.'
g: short for "goblin," sometimes extended to "gob," as well. Players in co-op games will use this short-hand to alert party members of a Treasure Goblin, Pygmy or Bandit within their vicinity.
GAH: vanilla - short for "Gold Auction House." This is the default auction house available in the game that serves as a trading junction for players. All sorts of items can be bought here for in-game gold. It was shut down on March 18, 2014. See: ‘AH’ and 'RMAH.'
Gambling: refers to the act of trading Blood Shards for items from Kadala in Adventure Mode. Blood Shards can be obtained through completing Bounties and Nephalem Rifts in Adventure Mode.
Gear: items used to equip Diablo characters; the backbone of the game.
GF: short for "gold find," a type of stat in the Diablo series that passively increases the quantity of gold dropped within the game. Gold find is capped at 300% via gear and Fortune Shrine, but can extend up to 625%, coming from 15% per Nephalem Valor stack (up to 75%) and an additional 25% per Monster Power level (up to 250%; see: 'MP'). Also stands for the witch doctor passive skill "Gruesome Feast." Not to be confused with girlfriend or goldfish.
GG: nowadays stands for "godly gear" or "godly geared" (see: 'Godly'). For example, the GG tag can be inserted in front of high-end items, e.g. GG Natalya's Bloody Footprints, or in front of players (Player A is a GG monk). By video game standards and traditions, GG is short for "good game" and players can still call a high-end item a “good game item.” The traditional GG is primarily used as a courteous way to end competitions or collaborations. Will also sometimes be seen as "GFG," with a classy expletive inserted in between the two G's.
GI: short for "Grave Injustice," a passive ability specific to witch doctors.
Gift: refers to "Ramaladni's Gift." Also refers to the act of using Ramaladni's Gift to add a socket to a weapon.
Glass Cannon: a term used to describe characters that forego survivability stats in favor of maximizing their offensive capabilities (see: 'tank'). Also the name of a passive ability specific to wizards.
Glorious!: a phrase that players often use when expressing genuine surprise, admiration, or in most cases, total sarcastic remarks, that is a nod toward the Templar follower's lines upon defeating elite enemies.
Godly: describes players, characters, items, or anything that's strong enough to be considered out of this world or simply divine.
GOW: short for "Gloves of Worship," a pair of legendary gloves found only in Act II and IV Horadric Caches (see: 'Cache'). Also see: 'Shrine Gloves.'
GR#: refers to Greater Rift levels (see: 'GRift'). For example, GR30 means Greater Rift level 30.
GRift: short for "Greater Rift," an "endless" higher tiered and timed Nephalem Rift that serves as the source for legendary gems and competition between players due to a leaderboard system. See: 'GR#.'
GW: short for "Galvanizing Ward," a passive ability for wizards.
Hammers: short for “Blessed Hammer,” a crusader skill. Sometimes abbreviated as "BH."
HC: short for "hardcore." Characters running in Hardcore mode will always have the Grim Reaper lurking behind their backs, given that death is permanent. See: 'SC.'
HOTA: short for "Hammer of the Ancients," a skill specific to barbarians, occasionally will be abbreviated as "HOA," though that can sometimes be confused with "Halls of Agony," a series of dungeons in Act I.
HP: short for "hit points" or "health pool" and refers to the total amount of damage a character can sustain before facing death. Not to be confused with Hewlett-Packard or horsepower.
IAS: short for "increase attack speed," sometimes abbreviated to "AIS" (attack speed increased) or just "AS." It is a stat found on many types of gear and is responsible for contributing to a character's overall damage output. See: 'DPS.'
IGG:vanilla - short for "in-game gold." When players say IGG, they are usually looking for gold that can be used within the game.
IK: short for the "Immortal King" set (example: Immortal King's Triumph), which is a set of items designed specifically for the barbarian class.
ilvl:vanilla - stands for "item level," a property that is associated with all items levels 60 to 63. In Reaper of Souls, there are no longer item levels and each item simply has a base level requirement in order to be used.
Imba: short for "imbalanced." Players tend to refer to something as "imba" when they think something is overpowered or clearly not in proper use. See: 'OP' and 'UP.'
Instabrim: vanilla - portmanteau of "instant" and "Brimstone," referring to legendary and set items that are taken directly to the Blacksmith for salvaging into Fiery Brimstones. This usually occurs when the items hold no additional value (e.g. poorly rolled stats) other than the Brimstone itself, and oftentimes happens before the item in question is even identified due to predetermined undesirable properties. In Reaper of Souls, legendary and set items at levels 61+ grant Forgotten Souls when salvaged, thus rendering the term "instabrim" obsolete in those cases. See: 'Forgotten.'
ISO: short for "in search of." In vanilla, it was often paired with items, such as "ISO ____ with [stats]" or "ISO group for Bounties," with the latter more common nowadays. See: 'LFG,' 'WTB,' 'WTT,' and 'WUG.'
Jade: refers to the "Jade Harvester" set items (example: Jade Harvester's Mercy), a set of witch doctor gear primarily used with the legendary voodoo mask, Quetzacoatl (see: 'Quetz'), in conjunction with damage over time spells (see: 'DOT').
JB: short for "Jawbreaker," a legendary fist weapon.
Jbord: short for "Jekangbord," a legendary crusader shield that revolves around the Blessed Shield skill. See: 'Captain America.'
jsp: short for "d2jsp," a popular third-party website that has served as an out-of-game trading hub since the days of Diablo II. Players usually list their offers on the website to gain increased publicity and then sell to interested buyers in-game after contact. Jsp stands for "Java Script Parser," which originated when d2jsp was primarily used as an illegal way to manipulate Diablo II's gameplay and/or files. Today, it's a harmless trading hub for Diablo players.
Junger Rules: refers to a style of Bounty split farming (see: 'Split Farm') first publicly initiated by <Viz>Junger in a thread on the official forum. The "rules" forbid players from clicking on lootable objects, such as treasure chests, corpses, etc. as such objects can trigger global legendary drops (legendary items can drop anywhere in the game world regardless of where players are located on the map). Many concepts within Junger Rules are merely speculative (see: 'Tinfoil Hat'). However, because of the high demand of Rings of Royal Grandeur (see: 'RORG'), which can only drop from Act I Horadric Caches, and because of the highly publicized success rates of participants following the "rules," the number of followers in the Junger Rules community has steadily grown.
JW: short for "Jay Wilson," the original game director of Diablo III (has since stepped down to pursue other endeavors).
KB: short for "knockback," an effect that is triggered through various skills (e.g. Bash) and item properties (e.g. Windforce) that pushes a target back a variable distance.
KD#: or just "K#," which is short for "Keep Depths" followed by level 1, 2 or 3. For example, when players mention KD1, they mean Keep Depths level 1; or K2 as in Keep Depths level 2. These are areas in Diablo III's Act III, which, especially for Keep Depths level 2, are notorious for being packed with a ton of mobs, which directly leads players to take advantage of the extra experience and loot that could be accumulated over a shorter period of time than in lesser-dense areas. As of patch 1.08, other areas besides the Keep Depths have been buffed to balance out mob densities.
Kulle Story, Bro: a reference to the oft-used line, "Cool story, bro." This variation is a tribute to the Diablo character Zoltun Kulle.
KW: short for "Keywarden," mini-bosses that drop the keys necessary for crafting Infernal Machines (see: 'Machine'). There is one Keywarden per Inferno Act. Act I is Odeg, who can drop the Key of Bones. Act II is Sokahr, who can drop the Key of Gluttony. Act III is Xah'Rith, who can drop the Key of War. Act IV is Nekarat, who can drop the Key of Evil.
Lag: a term that is sometimes used to describe a connection problem between a player's network and Diablo III's servers. However the more common use is as an excuse to explain a player's sub-par in-game performances, e.g. dying (and potentially sabotaging the party's farming efforts). Can occasionally be a legitimate reason.
LAK: short for "life after kill," a stat that returns X amount of life to a character per enemy killed. To be more exact, it should be “LAEK” or “life after each kill,” which is how the property is worded on items. Often incorrectly abbreviated as "LOK" (life on kill) or “LPK” (life per kill).
LeapQuake: refers to barbarians who utilize the Might of the Earth gear set, Lut Socks, with the Leap and Earthquake skills. See: 'EQ Set.'
Leg: short for "legendary," a quality of item. Not to be confused with the appendages that enable organisms to walk and/or run.
Legacy: refers to items that existed before an itemization patch (1.04 and 2.01). These items are removed from existing loot tables and are replaced with brand new items. The term “legacy” will encompass all original D3 items upon the launch of the expansion, Reaper of Souls.
Legacy Nat's: namely the Natalya's Wrath set (example: Natalya's Gaze), the original Natalya's set (see: "Nat"). The set is still sees use because of the unique bonus Discipline regeneration (see: 'Disc') that is not found through any other set of items or abilities in the game.
LFB: short for "Loaded for Bear," a Cluster Arrow rune.
LFG: short for "looking for group," a phrase that represents a player who is in search of a party. See: 'ISO.'
LIF: stands for "Leech it Forward," an act of participating in Rift it Forward (see: 'RIF') games solely for one's own benefit, usually because of bypassing requirements for opening a Nephalem Rift. The bypassing mechanic was removed in Patch 2.1 as all players are required to chip in a Rift Keystone to participate. Leeching is still an appropriate term for players who join in at the last moment, trade in a Keystone, obtain the Blood Shards from the Rift Guardian, and promptly leave for another close-to-ending Nephalem Rift.
LMB: short for "left mouse button."
LOH: short for "life on hit," a stat that returns X amount of life to a character per instance of a hit, depending on a spell's hidden coefficient.
Lollipop: refers to the set wand, "Chantodo's Will," which is shaped very much like a lollipop (see: 'Chant'). Originated from the Chinese-speaking forums for Diablo III, where the phrase "棒棒糖" (bàngbàngtáng, lit. lollipop) was consistently used when discussing the wand.
Look! More Hidden Footprints!: generally used as a snide remark by players whenever they uncover hidden details or mechanics about the game that tend to be in their disfavor or disadvantage. It is a nod to the Enchantress follower's lines in Act II: Shadows in the Desert, when the player seeks out the hidden cultist outposts.
Loot: any item (gear, gold, potions, tomes, gems, etc.) that drops within the game and can be picked up by the player.
LS: short for "loot share" or the act of sharing and trading new item drops within a party. In vanilla, the term was short for "life steal," a stat that returns X% of total damage dealt by a character per instance of damage. The stat completely loses its effects at level 70.
Main: the player's primary character. Most of the hours spent, blood, sweat, tears, and sometimes money will be poured into the main character. See: 'Alt.'
Main Stat: originally called “primary stat’ (see: ‘Primary Stat’), but the definition changed upon the release of Patch 2.0.1. Main stats are dexterity (demon hunters and monks), intelligence (witch doctors and wizards), and strength (barbarians and crusaders).
Manti: short for "Manticore," a high-tier legendary crossbow.
Mempo: short for "Mempo of Twilight," a high-end helm item that was arguably the best helm for boosting both DPS and EHP for all classes in vanilla Diablo III. It has since lost its popularity in Reaper of Souls.
MF: short for "magic find," a type of stat in the Diablo series that passively improves the chances of a rarer item to drop within the game. In Reaper of Souls, magic find has drastically reduced effects and only 10% of it will affect legendary item drop rates.
MH: stands for "Main hand," or weapons that are placed in the primary weapon slot for dual-wielding characters (see: DW'). Also see: 'OH.'
Mit: short for "mitigation," or more accurately, "total damage reduction," a type of stat that is determined by a player's armor and resistances to elements. It plays heavily in determining a player's defensive prowess. See: 'EHP.'
MJ's: short for the "Manajuma" set items—though a seldom used term—which include ceremonial knife Manajuma's Carving Knife and the Manajuma's Gory Fetch mojo (see: 'Chicken'), items exclusive to the witch doctor class.
Mobs: essentially describes the different types of monsters and enemies the player encounters in the world of Diablo III. These can range from standard weak monsters to elite and champion varieties. See: 'e' and 'Trash mobs.'
Monk:a melee dexterity-based class in D3. Sometimes called a "monkey."
MOS: short for "Mantra of Salvation," an ability specific to monks. It replaced Mantra of Evasion in Patch 2.1.
MP:vanilla - short for "monster power," an in-game option that allows players to adjust game difficulty by raising or lowering monster health and damage. Ranges from 0 to 10, with 10 being the most difficult. This feature was removed in Reaper of Souls.
MS: short for "movement speed," a stat that is used by characters to gain faster mobility across the game world. Not to be confused with Microsoft.
MVP: short for "Most Valuable Player." MVPs for Blizzard Entertainment are players chosen by Blizzard to help facilitate quality discussions on the official forum, and also serve as a bridge between Blizzard representatives and the general player base. Blizzard MVPs stretch across all Blizzard titles, including WarCraft, StarCraft and Diablo. MVPs are not Blizzard employees. As such, their posts will be highlighted in green as opposed to the Blizzard employees' blue. As of 5/15/2014, there are a total of 9 Diablo III MVPs representing the U.S. forum, which include: Jaetch (general), Monstrous "MrMonstrosity" (general), Narull (general), AlphaShift14 (monk), Druin (monk), PieHole "PieHole1628" (wizard), Galx (hardcore), MissCheetah (tech) and TheTias (tech). There are also community fan site webmasters/admins/moderators who are tagged as MVPs on the official forum.
MW: short for "Magic Weapon," an ability specific to wizards.
Naked: refers to characters without any equipped gear.
Nat: short for the "Natalya" set items (example: Natalya's Embrace), more specifically the Natalya's Solace set, which mostly benefit dexterity-based classes. See: 'Legacy Nat's.'
Nerf: the act of reducing the effectiveness of a certain spell, stat or mechanic. Usually occurs when the consensus is that one of the aforementioned aspects is far stronger or more effective than intended. See: 'OP.'
Nirvana:vanilla - a specific monk build centered around spirit generation and Wave of Light. The term "nirvana" is used for when the monk reaches nirvana and can spam high damage spells in quick succession.
NS: short for "non-Season" or non-Seasonal characters and games.
OBO: vanilla - short for "or best offer," a term paired with selling items or auctioning items. Usually included by the seller in order to negotiate buyout prices with potential buyers. See: 'BO' and 'C/O.'
OH: short for "Off-hand," or the weapon that is not placed in the primary weapon slot for dual-wielding characters (see: 'DW'). Wizard sources, witch doctor mojos, demon hunter quivers, and shields can also be referred to as off-hands.
OP: short for "overpowered" or "original post/poster." The former refers to anything that players believe are too strong to be fair (see: 'Imba,' 'Nerf' and 'UP'). The latter refers to forums and people who start topics or threads.
OS:stands for "open socket," an item property that can roll on most helms, chest armor, pants, weapons, off-hands, and jewelry.
OWD: short for "Overwhelming Desire," a legendary amulet found in Act III Horadric Caches.
OWE: short for the defunct "One With Everything," an old passive ability specific to the monk class. It was replaced by "Harmony" in Patch 2.1.
P#: refers to Paragon level (or shortened to "PL"). Examples include "P12" for Paragon level 12, "P100" for Paragon 100, etc. See: 'Paragon.'
PA:short for "Prismatic Armor," a rune for the Energy Armor ability specific to wizards. Not to be confused with the Pinpoint Armor rune (see: 'PP'). Also see: 'EA.'
Paragon: or Paragon levels, is a system that extends beyond the level cap of 60 for player characters. In the original Diablo III, a total of 100 paragon levels exist, with each level granting the basic +3 to primary stats (see: 'primary stat'), +2 to vitality, and +1 to each secondary stat, in addition a bonus permanent 3% magic find and 3% gold find (see: 'MF' and 'GF'). In Patch 2.0.1 and Reaper of Souls, Paragon levels are unlimited and there will no longer be any fixed stat bonuses per level. However, one Paragon Point will be awarded per level, which can be assigned to a variety of stats, such as vitality, critical hit chance, life percentage, resource cost reduction, etc. Also, Paragon levels will be account-based and not per character For example, if a player’s account is Paragon 120, all of his or her characters will be Paragon 120.
Patch 2.01: the infamous "Loot 2.0" patch that revamped the game of Diablo III. It was a transitional patch bridging the original D3 with the expansion, Reaper of Souls.
Perma-: a prefix that is attached to various builds that indicate a "permanent" or near permanent effect. Examples include "permafreeze," a common way wizards focusing on various cold spells to continuously lock down enemies, "permastun," which a variety of classes can use, notably monks wielding the Sledge Fist weapon, "perma-Vault," which involves demon hunters running the Danetta's set (see: 'Danetta's') with Hatred regeneration items to use Vault nonstop.
Pets:refers to summonable entities that serve the player's character. Most often affiliated with witch doctors, but can also be found with other classes like demon hunters and wizards.
Pity Timer: refers to a system within Diablo III that virtually guarantees a legendary or set item drop (sometimes called a "pity drop") for a player once he or she plays through an extended phase without seeing a legendary or set item drop in-game. The exact timer is unknown, but has been mentioned by Blizzard officials on several occasions since Reaper of Souls' Beta. Once a legendary or set item does drop, the timer is reset. The timer is not affected by legendary items obtained through the blacksmith, Kadala and Horadric Caches and unique drops like Blacksmith plans do not count toward resetting the timer.
PK: short for "player kill" or "player killer," which refers to the act of a player-controlled character killing or directly causing the death of another player-controlled character. See: 'PVP.'
PM: short for "private message," a messaging system often used within games or in online forums.
Pony Sader: refers to crusader builds that revolve around Phalanx - Stampede and Unrelenting Phalanx, a legendary crusader shield.
Poor Man's Mempo:vanilla - a nickname for the legendary helm "Andariel's Visage" (see: 'Andy's') before Patch 2.01 because of various stats it shared with the legendary helm "Mempo of Twilight" (see: 'Mempo'). Both helms shared high primary stats and attack speed. Andariel's Visage always came with critical hit chance, but Mempo had the chance to roll higher critical hit chance. Mempos always came with a socket, and Andariel's Visage could also roll a socket. However, Mempo also came with high resistance and life bonus, which made it a better all-around helm. This changed in Patch 2.01 when Andariel's became able to roll elemental skill bonus, making it unique from Mempo.
PP: short for "Pinpoint Armor," a rune for the Energy Armor ability specific to wizards. See: 'EA.'
Prep:vanilla - short for "preparing" or "preparation" (not to be confused with the Demon Hunter skill of the same name). Can sometimes be used alongside "prepping," "prime" or "priming." This is the act of going through dungeons or fields and aggroing (see: 'Aggro') enemies in order to trigger bonus effects or to whittle down the health of mobs before engaging in a run (see: 'Run'). Common uses for prepping include multiplayer Crypt Runs (see: 'Crypt Run') and loot runs where players separate beforehand to "prepare" the Decaying Crypt, round up clusters of mobs in the Fields of Misery, the Weeping Hallow, and also weaken elite and champion packs in the Festering Woods.
Primary Stat: In the original Diablo III, this is an umbrella term for dexterity (demon hunters and monks), intelligence (witch doctors and wizards), and strength (barbarians). However, with Patch 2.0.1, primary stats refer to a wide range of stats that include vitality, all resistance, armor, life percentage, sockets, and more. The original “primary stats” definition is gradually better known as “main stats. See: ‘Main Stat.’
Proc: a term meaning the chance for an effect to be "triggered" or take place, and in terms of Diablo III gameplay, this usually refers to the effects of skills and abilities and effects of passive stats like life on hit. For instance, abilities that read "X% chance to do Y effect" is based on a proc. Each ability also has a coefficient (hidden number) that further alters the overall chance of the proc. See: 'Proc Coefficient.'
Proc Coefficient: a term that refers to hidden numbers tied to every spell and ability in Diablo III. The coefficients determine how often a proc will take place in addition to any pre-existing effects of a spell. The lower the proc coefficient, the less likely the bonus effect will take place. See: 'Proc.'
Proxy Bidding:vanilla - a method of bidding for online auctions that is not limited to the Diablo III auction house (that said, considering the AH is shutting down on March 18, 2014, proxy bidding will also no longer be a part of Diablo III). This method of bidding relies on computer-generated bids rather than human bids that must be manually inputted. For proxy bidding, one player simply has to place a bid higher than the current bid and let it sit in the system. Whenever another bidder comes in to make an offer, if the bid is lower than the first player's, the proxy bid will automatically increase the current bid to just higher than the new bid. This will continue until someone comes along and bids higher than the highest existing proxy bid.
For instance, Player A sees a Mempo with a bid of 120 million gold and no buyout price. Little does he know, Player B already placed a bid of 500 million gold on that same Mempo. Player A decides to offer 150 million gold as his price. However, since Player B already has a 500 million stake on the Mempo, Player A will be automatically outbid and the Mempo's "current" bid will be raised to 5% higher than the current bid (in this case, 5% more than 150 million, or 157.5 million). Player A can try again, and this time he places a bid of 300 million gold. But again, the offer will be automatically rejected and pushed to 315 million since Player B's 500 million gold offer still stands. Until Player A overtakes the 500 million gold bid, he will always be outbid instantaneously.
The goal for proxy bidding is to ensure that the bidding player does not pay more than he or she is willing to pay. In the scenario above, let's assume Player B placed the 500 million gold bid because he is only willing to pay a maximum of 500 million gold for the Mempo. If no one can match Player B's proxy bid, then Player B will win at a price that is the next increment over the second-highest bid (5%). If someone overtakes the proxy bid, then Player B does not have to pay, but simply loses out on the auction item and gets the original 500 million gold refund. See: 'Snipe.'
PTR: stands for "public test realm," an isolated game format where players can test new features of an upcoming content patch without interfering with the live state of the game. Nothing from the PTR server will transfer over to the live game. Developers are also free to manipulate the settings as the testing goes on in order to obtain more data.
PTV: short for "Pierce the Veil," a passive ability specific to witch doctors.
Pull Monk: refers to monks that build around the "Cyclone Strike" skill. These monks mainly serve a support role in group play. See: 'Vacuum Cleaner Monk.'
PuY: short for "pickup yards" or in some cases, "pickup radius" (abbreviated "PUR"), an in-game property that can be boosted by items, which increases an invisible active area where players can automatically obtain gold and health globes. Witch doctors in particular benefit from additional pickup yards given many of their abilities reach higher potentials with a higher pickup radius.
PVE: short for "players vs. environment," also commonly abbreviated as PVM or "players vs. monsters," which refers to the player combating articifial intelligence as the primary gameplay. See: 'PVP.'
PVP: short for "players vs. players," which refers to a combat system that revolves around players fighting other players as the primary gameplay. See: 'PK' and 'PVE.' (currently only available in 1v1, 3-way free-for-all and 4-way free-for-all formats)
QQ:originated from the emoticon "Q_Q," which appears much like two eyes with tears streaming down the sides. Represents crying or the act of complaining that seems like crying. Not to be confused with the Chinese instant messaging system.
Quadfecta:a term used to describe items that have main stats, attack speed, critical hit chance, and critical hit damage. See: 'Trifecta' and 'Quintfecta.'
Quetz:short for "Quetzacoatl," a legendary voodoo mask known for effectively doubling the damage output of damage over time spells (see: 'DOT') in combination with the witch doctor passive Creeping Death.
Quintfecta:vanilla - sometimes just "quinfecta," a term used to describe items that have the combination of stats: for jewelry - average damage, main stats, attack speed, critical hit chance, and critical hit damage. For gloves - primary stats, resist or vitality, attack speed, critical hit chance, and critical hit damage. These stat combinations are no longer possible for rare items upon the release of Patch 2.0.1. See: 'Trifecta' and 'Quadfecta.'
Rage: a phenomenon that occurs when a player generates enough anger or sadness to enter a temporary period of severe anxiety, despair and minor to intense insanity. Usually results in deflammatory comments online or, in worst cases, physical violence. See: 'Rage quit.'
Rage quit: an event that generally occurs after a player is overwhelmed with "rage" (see: 'Rage'). This usually involves yanking their phone line out of their wall or computer, or simply hitting the alt+F4 combination to leave a game. Sometimes, but not always, players will then isolate themselves in their real-life surroundings to either mope or, in the most severe cases, inflict mental or physical harm on themselves or others. See: 'QQ.'
Ramalamadingdong: refers to "Ramaladni's Gift," (see: 'Gift') a consumable item that grants a free socket to a socketless weapon. The nickname came from the 1950s doo-wop song "Rama Lama Ding Dong" by The Edsels. The nickname also could have resulted from Blizzard mistakenly calling it "Ramalandi's Gift" in Patch 2.1's early PTR notes, and then changing it back to Ramaladni's, thus confusing the player base. In addition, it could have resulted from players not knowing how to pronounce the item's name.
Raspberry: refers to "Baleful Remnant" due to the end of the flail appearing like the fruit.
RCR: short for "resource cost reduction."
RD: short for "Reflect Damage," an ability that is sometimes assigned to elite and champion mobs that, when attacked, automatically deal damage back to the character. See: 'Affix.'
Reroll: refers to the act of enchanting an item property via the Mystic. Can sometimes be called "reforging," though not nearly as often. Also refers to the act of restarting a character from scratch.
Resource: term for the expendable "energy" required by D3 classes to cast spells or activate abilities. They are: Fury for barbarians, Wrath for crusaders, Hatred and Discipline for demon hunters, Spirit for monks, Mana for witch doctors, and Arcane Power for wizards.
RF: short for "Rapid Fire," a skill specific to the demon hunter class.
RG: short for "Rift Guardian."
RIF: antiquated term (as of Patch 2.1) - stood for "Rift it Forward," an activity that involved a player who acted as a "runner," and 1-3 other players who acted as "leechers." The runner was responsible for clearing a Nephalem Rift and, upon reaching the Rift Guardian, would post in a "Rift it Forward" community notifying other players that he/she has 1-3 spots available in the game. The other players, or "leechers," would request to join the game. One of these players would be assigned to open up the next Rift. The "runner" would usually post who would open the next Rift beforehand. Example postings could be, "T3 RG, last one in opens" meaning a Rift Guardian in Torment III was available for kill and the last person who made it into the game would have to open the next Rift. Or "LF1M T2, you must open" meaning the runner was "looking for one more" person to join the game (see: 'LFG'), but that person must open the next Rift. "Rifting it Forward" provided players who enjoy running through Rifts free Rifts while providing players who just wanted Blood Shards and Forgotten Souls quick games to obtain such materials at the cost of their Rift Key Fragments.
Rifting: refers to the act of running through Nephalem Rifts in Adventure Mode.
RLTW: short for “Run Like the Wind,” a rune for the barbarian’s Sprint ability.
RMAH: vanilla - short for "real money auction house." Serves as a junction where players trade items and commodities (including gold) with real currency as the bartering chip. It was shut down on March 18, 2014.
RMB: short for "right mouse button." Not to be confused with renminbi, the official currency of China.
RNG: short for "Random Number Generator" or generation, a system that many aspects of Diablo III follow, such as item affixes and quality, elite monster affixes, and dungeon map and pathing. See: 'Affix' and 'Roll.'
Roll: describes the process of generating random stats on a particular item. When an item is dropped upon defeating an enemy, the stats on the item are randomly "rolled" in order to determine the number of affixes on the item and the numerical quality of the affixes (i.e. 50 dexterity opposed to 200). See: 'Affix' and 'RNG.'
ROF: short for "Ray of Frost," an ability specific to wizards.
RoRG: short for "Ring of Royal Grandeur," a legendary ring that can only be found in Acts I and IV Horadric Caches.
ROS: short for "Reaper of Souls," the title of Diablo III's first expansion. Sometimes extended to "D3RoS."
ROT: short for "Rain of Toads," a rune of "Plague of Toads," primary ability specific to witch doctors.
Rubberbanding: or just "rubberband," a phrase coined to describe the phenomenon when a player's character suddenly "bounces" back to a previous location. This is usually the result of in-game bugs or latency issues.
Run: the representation of a session of killing enemies to obtain rewards, be it items, experience, or just pleasure.
SA: short for "Storm Armor," an armor ability for the wizard class. Sometimes specifically refers to the "Shocking Aspect" rune for Storm Armor (see: 'SNS').
Sader: short for "crusader," mid-range strength-based class in Diablo III, introduced in its first expansion, Reaper of Souls.
SB: short for "Siegebreaker," a boss enemy in Diablo III. Can also stand for "Spirit Barrage," an ability specific to witch doctors. Can also stand for "Spectral Blade," an ability specific to wizards.
SC: short for "softcore." Characters running in Softcore mode generally play for leisure given that they have no true restrictions to their playstyle. See: 'HC.' Can also refer to the legendary wizard hat, "Storm Crow."
Sentry DH:refers to demon hunter builds that revolve around the Sentry skill, usually in combination with the Marauder set. See: 'M6.'
SF:vanilla - stands for "self-found," or a way of playing Diablo III that limits players to using only items they find themselves via in-game drops. Strictness varies from player to player. Some allow crafts, though materials for crafting must be obtained in-game. Some reject all forms of trading, while others allow trades with players as long as the items were found by the players within that one particular game session. Essentially, no use of the auction house (gold or real money) is allowed. This is now a redundant term in Reaper of Souls considering all players will be playing self-found.
SH: short for "Soul Harvest," an ability specific to the witch doctor class.
Sheablo: a portmanteau of "she" and "Diablo," referring to the possibility of Diablo being a female.
Sheet DPS: refers to the "Damage" section of a character's stat screen, usually just referred to as "DPS." See: 'DPS' and 'EDPS.'
Shotgun: refers to crusader builds utilizing the legendary two-handed flail, Fate of the Fell, and the crusader skill, Heaven's Fury, more specifically the Fires of Heaven rune. With Fires of Heaven and Fate of the Fell, three beams will trigger per cast, making it look like the crusader is firing a shotgun. Sometimes called the "holy shotgun build" because of Fires of Heaven's holy element.
Shrine Gloves: refers to "Gloves of Worship," which extend the duration of shrine effects on the wearer. See: 'GOW.'
Slow Ball: refers to a lightning demon hunter build that focuses on Elemental Arrow - Ball Lightning and the Meticulous Bolts quiver.
SMK: short for "Starmetal Kukri," an elusive legendary ceremonial knife.
Snapshot: or "snapshotting," which refers to actively buff your character and then use a spell that lasts over a period of time (either a duration spell such as the monk's Sweeping Wind, or a channeled spell such as a demon hunter's Rapid Fire or wizard's Disintegrate). When a spell gets "snapshot" it benefits from the existing buff as long as the spell is active, even if the buff wears off or gear pieces are changed.
Snipe: vanilla - or "sniping," a term that refers to bidding on an online auction item (not limited to those of the Diablo III auction house) seconds or milliseconds before the auction expires. This is a strategy that many players use to beat out competitors, if his or her bid is high enough, of course. Usually this is done in order to try and win an auction item at a bargain price, or to win a highly desirable item by placing in a last moment "proxy bid" (see: 'Proxy Bidding') to overtake other last moment bids. This usually applies for auctions with no buyouts, but can also apply for auctions with buyouts that are significantly higher than what most players are willing to pay. On the other side of the spectrum, sniping also applies for buying out an item that has just been listed in the auction house, and the practice is often referred to as "BIN sniping" (see: 'BIN'). Usually this occurs when an item is priced significantly lower than the market value, thus players attempt to buy it before competitors see the opportunity. Considering the auction house in Diablo III is to be shut down on March 18, 2014, sniping will no longer be a feature.
SNS: vanilla - stands for "Shock-Nado-Shards," a wizard build that uses the abilities "Storm Armor - Shocking Aspect" (see: 'SA'), "Energy Twister" (tornado) and "Diamond Skin - Diamond Shards." See: 'CM' and 'Frostitute.'
SOE: short for "String of Ears," a legendary belt known for its high melee damage reduction.
SOH:short for "Shard of Hate," a legendary sword based on Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred. It is an item that was featured prominently in Blizzard's "Design a Legendary" community project prior to the release of Reaper of Souls.
SOJ:short for Stone of Jordan, a legendary ring renowned for its massive bonus damage against elites.
Soon™:a poke of good fun directed at Blizzard's policy of only releasing games, products, patches, features, etc. when "it's ready." The estimated date or time when something is ever ready, however, is often unknown, and the term "Soon™" is often used to determine the ETA.
SoV: short for "Zei's Stone of Vengeance," a legendary gem. Sometimes referred to simply as "Zei's" (pronounced as Zai's, rhymes with eyes). Bonus info: Zei is a trickster god in Xiansai mythology.
Split Farm: refers to the act of party members splitting up in one game, usually for Bounties in Adventure Mode, in order to clear content faster to obtain rewards, such as Horadric Caches.
SS: depending on context, it can mean many terms. SS could be short for "Smoke Screen" or "Sharpshooter," both abilities that are specific to the demon hunter class. Also stands for "Seismic Slam," an ability for barbarians, and "Sleet Storm," a rune for the Ray of Frost ability for wizards. Also short for "Stormshield," a legendary shield. Also short for "Serpent's Sparker," a legendary wand. Also sometimes refers to "Simplicity's Strength," a legendary gem. Can also mean "screenshot," a built-in mechanic for Diablo III that involves hitting the PRT SCR button to capture the in-game screen, saving it to your Diablo III folder in your Documents.
STI: short for "Seize the Initiative," a passive ability belonging to monks. Not to be confused with sexually-transmitted infections.
SV: short for "Spirit Vessel," a passive ability for witch doctors.
SW: short for "Spirit Walk" or "Sweeping Wind," the former a witch doctor spell and the latter an ability for monks.
SWK: refers to the "Monkey King's Garb" set of items (example: Sunwuko's Crown). The set is based on the character Sun Wukong (also known as the Monkey King), the protagonist in the Chinese classic novel, Journey to the West.
Sword & Board:refers to a player's choice of wielding a sword as a main-hand weapon (sword) and a shield as the off-hand (board). Originally supposed to consist of a sword and shield, but now can refer to any one-handed weapon in combination with a shield.
T#: refers to individual Torment difficulty levels. For instance, T1 means Torment I, T6 means Torment VI.
T4T: vanilla - stands for "thanks for trade," a courtesy statement delivered after two players complete an in-game trade.
Tal: short for the "Tal Rasha" set items (example: Tal Rasha's Brace), a set of wizard-oriented gear that is known for unleashing Meteors based on elemental skills cast. See: 'TR.'
Tank: a term used to describe characters that focus mainly on survivability and often choose to skip on offensive prowess (see: 'Glass Cannon').
Throw Barb: refers to barbarians that build around the "Weapon Throw" and "Ancient Spear" abilities, essentially transforming the standard melee class into a ranged one. More often than not, they will also equip the legendary spear "The Three-Hundredth Spear" to further enhance the skill. In Reaper of Souls, this term is more often referred to as "Boulder Toss Barb" because of the Boulder Toss rune for Ancient Spear.
Tinfoil Hat: a phrase that originated from the science fiction story, "The Tissue-Culture King," which has then been tied to extreme symptoms of paranoia as well as belief of conspiracy theories. In essence, it is claimed that a tinfoil hat can prevent radio frequency waves or telepathic signals from invading a person's brain, thereby preventing higher powers from taking control over their minds or having their brains explode into hazardous waste products. In Diablo III, tinfoil hats are usually placed on those who believe various mechanics of the game are all the results of an elaborate conspiracy put in place by the game's developers (predominantly loot drop rates and quality). Most people laugh at those who don tinfoil hats.
TnT: short for "Tasker and Theo," a pair of legendary gloves that increases the attack speed of pets. It is a tribute to British Lance Corporal Liam Tasker and his bomb-detecting dog Theo. LCpl Tasker was killed by a sniper during a tour in Afghanistan in 2010. Theo was rescued by fellow soldiers, but suffered a seizure upon arriving at the army base. Theo died shortly afterward, with a consensus that the dog was under too much stress from witnessing his handler's death. Tasker and Theo, as a team, discovered and dismantled more bombs than any other human-dog team during the five months they were on tour. They were buried together and repatriated in the United Kingdom after their deaths. R.I.P.
TOC: short for "Trail of Cinders," a rune found on the demon hunter's Vault ability; and also "Thrive on Chaos," a rune for the Wrath of the Berserker ability (see: 'WOTB'), which is specific to the barbarian.
Toon:another term for player characters. Originally a term that refers to player characters from MMORPGs, but has since been applied to a variety of RPG-style games, including Diablo III.
Toxin Gem: refers to the "Gem of Efficacious Toxin," a legendary gem. Sometimes referred to as the "Poison Gem."
TP: short for "town portal," an ability all classes can use to warp back to the safety of their town. Sometimes incorrectly used to refer to general teleport-based abilities. Not to be confused with toilet paper.
TR: short for "Tempest Rush," an ability specific to the monk class. It's often a skill that is paired with the Tailwind rune in order to provide temporary bursts of high movement speed. Can also refer to "Tribal Rites," a passive skill specific to witch doctors. Lastly, sometimes also used as an abbreviation for the Tal Rasha set items (see: 'Tal').
Transmog: short for "Transmogrification," which is the act of changing the appearance of one item into another. Legendary transmog options are permanently unlocked when the player identifies an item. The player can then pay a small fee at the Mystic to transform the appearances of his or her items. This applies only for the following slots: head, shoulder, chest, hands, legs, feet, weapon, off-hand. Sometimes further shortened to "Xmog."
Trash Mobs: refers to regular monsters that continuously appear throughout the overworld and dungeons of Diablo III. These monsters are the common enemies that a player's character will have to fight in the game. Their stronger counterparts are the elite and champion packs (See: 'e' and 'Mobs').
Tri-Cross: stands for "Trifecta Blackthorne's Duncraig Cross." Blackthorne's Duncraig Cross is a set amulet from the Blackthorne set (see: 'BT'), and these in particular have attack speed, critical hit damage and critical hit chance as properties. See: 'Trifecta.'
Trifecta:a term used to describe items that have attack speed, critical hit chance, and critical hit damage. See: 'Quadfecta' and 'Quintfecta.'
Tri-Flection: stands for "Trifecta Natalya's Reflection." Natalya's Reflection is a set ring from the Natalya set (see: 'Nat'), and these have attack speed, critical hit damage and critical hit chance as properties. See: 'Trifecta.'
Tri-Pox: stands for "Trifecta Zunimassa's Pox." Zunimassa's Pox is a set ring from the Zunimassa set (see: 'Zuni'), and these have attack speed, critical hit damage and critical hit chance as properties. See: 'Trifecta.'
Tri-Tal: stands for "Trifecta Tal Rasha's Allegiance." Tal Rasha's Allegiance is a set amulet from the Tal Rasha set (see: 'Tal'), and these have attack speed, critical hit damage and critical hit chance as properties. See: 'Trifecta.'
Twink: the act of equipping a lower level character with items that it will not normally be able to find until in higher difficulties with the intent of making the character perform at a higher level than intended. Rewards for "twinking" include faster clear time for quests, faster net experience gains, and faster rate of defeating monsters. See: 'Alt.'
Uber: an optional boss that can be challenged using the Infernal Machines in Act I: Return to New Tristram (Campaign Mode) or in New Tristram in Adventure Mode. Ubers come in pairs as Leoric & Maghda, Ghom & Rakanoth, Zoltun Kulle & Siegebreaker, with the exception of Diablo, who can summon any of the other Ubers while in combat. See: 'Machine.'
UFO Beam: a nickname for the crusader’s “Heaven’s Fury” skill, which resembles a giant beam fired down from the sky. The term was initially coined during Reaper of Souls' beta phase. Sometimes called "God Beam."
Unbuffed: stands for a character's base statistics without relying on any effects from auras or self-cast abiltiies or passive abilities. See: 'Buffed.'
UNID: short for "unidentified," referring to unique items that have yet to be identified.
UP: short for "underpowered." This refers to anything players believe are underused or too weak by standards. See: 'Imba' and 'OP.'
refers to monks that focus on the spell "Cyclone Strike," which pulls enemies toward the monk, much like a vacuum. See: 'Pull Monk.'
Vanilla: refers to the original state of the game or an aspect of the game. For example, "Vanilla Inferno" refers to the original Inferno mode for Diablo III, before any patch changes. This term refers to the original ice cream flavor, which is vanilla.
Vanilla D3:refers to the original Diablo III, prior to the release of its first expansion, Reaper of Souls (see: ‘ROS’).
VOTA: or "VoA," short for "Vault of the Assassin," a dungeon in Act II that was notorious for having a numerous elites in a relatively small space in the original Diablo III. It has since changed in Reaper of Souls and has a more variable monster density within its confines.
VQ: short for "Vision Quest," a passive ability belonging to witch doctors.
VSORCS:vanilla - stands for Vault of the Assassin + Desolate Sands + Dahlgur Oasis + Forgotten Ruins + Eastern & Western Channels + Storm Halls. Sometimes abbreviated as VORCS without the first S (Desolate Sands), or SORCS without the V (Vault of the Assassin). It's a farming run centered around those areas of Act II. See: 'FWF' and 'Run.'
VW: short for "Vile Ward," a pair of legendary shoulders considered an unofficial set piece of the Legacy of Raekor set because of its synergy with Furious Charge.
WC: short for "War Cry," an ability specific to the barbarian class.
WD:short for "Witch Doctor," a ranged intelligence-based class in D3 that specializes in summoning spells.
WF:short for "Windforce," a legendary bow that is best known for its high chance of knocking back enemies.
WH: short for "The Witching Hour," a legendary belt that is notorious for dramatically boosting a character's damage potential because of attack speed and critical hit damage bonuses.
Wiz: short for "Wizard," a ranged intelligence-based class in D3 that specializes in elemental spells.
WKL: short for "Won Khim Lau," a legendary fist weapon (specific to monks) that specializes in bonus lightning effects.
WM: short for "Weapons Master," a passive ability specific to barbarians.
WOL: short for "Wave of Light," a skill specific to the monk class. See: 'Bells.'
WOTB: short for "Wrath of the Berserker," a skill specific to the barbarian that transforms the character into a virtually unstoppable killing machine for a short period of time. Usually only held back by walls or iron doors.
WoW: short for "Wand of Woh," an elusive legendary wand. See: 'Chainpocalypse.' Not to be confused with "World of WarCraft," another Blizzard Entertainment game.
WP: short for "waypoint," a device that allows players to instantly be transferred to another location. Not to be confused with the phrase "well-played."
WTB: vanilla - short for "willing to buy," a phrase used by players when they publicly declare that they are searching for a particular item and will pay X amount of gold or real currency to obtain it. Now sometimes used in jest for items players cannot find on their own. See: 'FT,' 'ISO,' 'WTS,' 'WTT' and 'WUG.'
WTS: vanilla - short for "willing to sell," a phrase used by players when they publicly declare that they are selling a particular item for X amount of gold or real currency. See: 'FT,' 'WTB,' 'WTT' and 'WUG'
WTT: vanilla - short for "willing to trade," a phrase used by players when they publicly declare that they are trading a particular item for another item or group of items. See: 'FT,' 'ISO,' 'WTB,' 'WTS' and 'WUG.'
WUG: vanilla - short for "what you got?" a phrase used by players when seeking specific varieties of an item they are searching for. See: 'FT,' 'ISO,' 'WTB,' 'WTS' and 'WTT.'
WW: short for "Whirlwind" or "Wicked Wind," the former a barbarian ability and the latter a rune for the wizard's Energy Twister spell.
WW Barb: short for "Whirlwind barbarian," a type of build that features the Whirlwind ability.
Xbow: short for two-handed crossbow weapons.
XP: short for "experience," sometimes abbreviated as "EXP." Player characters gain experience as they defeat monsters or complete quests. Experience is required to advance characters to higher levels, and only cease to apply after a character reaches maximum level (60) and paragon level (100). See: 'Paragon.'
ZB: short for "Zombie Bears" or just "Bears," a rune that is under the "Zombie Charger" ability for witch doctors.
ZD:short for "Zombie Dogs," summonable creatures that come from "Summon Zombie Dogs," an ability specific to the witch doctor class. Sometimes just referred to as "Dogs." See: 'Pet.'
ZDPS: stands for "Zero Damage Per Second" or just "Zero DPS," referring to character builds that focus on support and defense, rather than offense. These builds are almost exclusively used in group play.
ZK:short for "Zoltun Kulle," a character in the Diablo franchise and a boss character in Diablo III.
Zookeeper: refers to builds that are centered around pets. See: 'Pets.'
Zuni: short for the "Zunimassa" set (example: Zunimassa's Trail), a set of gear that mainly benefits intelligence-based classes.
BEcasue CC has long been known to stand for crowd control I think crit chance should be CHC (Crit hit chance) and CHD (Crit hit dmg)
ALso you could essentially jsut go through each class with every skill and if its longer then a word or two shorten it to be an anacronym.
AS a WD talking to other WD's we often toss around phrases like, Rot (Rain of toads) BBVD (big bad voodoo) Garg (Gargantuan) SH (soul harvest)..... you get the idea.
BEcasue CC has long been known to stand for crowd control I think crit chance should be CHC (Crit hit chance) and CHD (Crit hit dmg)
ALso you could essentially jsut go through each class with every skill and if its longer then a word or two shorten it to be an anacronym.
AS a WD talking to other WD's we often toss around phrases like, Rot (Rain of toads) BBVD (big bad voodoo) Garg (Gargantuan) SH (soul harvest)..... you get the idea.
Keep in mind that this is purely for fun. Also, I chose CC and CD because that is what's most often used in general conversations, within the game and out of it. I did specifically mark both the meanings. These aren't my terms/abbreviations. It's what I see time to time either on the forums or within the game by the general player base.
Just reminds me of the other day, when Colin typed "r" instead of "e", and I was like oh the dude hit the wrong button, and exploded myself on a reflect damage mob
Hahaha, yeah, there we were just going about our run and suddenly you just died. Almost as awkward as all of us choking when Madgha was down to 0.5% of her HP. Wish I recorded everything.
Bump, because I was looking for this and couldn't find it... is it possible to sticky this? Or if not: Jaetch, can you put something like [Guide], abbreviation(s), acronym(s) in keywords/title? I only found it using Google search... :-)
You mentioned lag. I would add rubberbanding to go along with that. And to be humorous you could mention the fact that in almost every set of patch notes several issues of rubberbanding are mentioned as being fixed, yet it seems to never permanently go away. Or maybe that's just my own sick version of humor...
1: short for "elite." Less often used than "e" (see: 'e'), the short-hand "1" originated from players that do not use an English keyboard and will hit 1 as a universal notification to alert party members of elite and champion packs. "1" is also pronounced exactly the same as "E" in Mandarin Chinese, so you often see it used by Chinese players.
1H & 2H: refers to one-handed and two-handed weapons, respectively.
1K Set: or 1K set, 1000 set or Storms set, referring to the "Raiment of a Thousand Storms" set (example: Mantle of the Upside-Down Sinners) for the monk class.
AD short for "Arcane Dynamo," a wizard passive skill.
Affix: a term that refers to properties that are assigned to a given object, which can include magical properties on items or abilities on in-game monsters. It is usually associated with the latter and can also be called “boss modifiers.” They include: Arcane Enchanted, Avenger, Desecrator, Electrified, Extra Health, Fast, Fire Chains, Frozen, Frozen Pulse, Health Link, Horde, Illusionist, Jailer, Knockback, Missile Dampening, Molten, Mortar, Nightmarish, Orbital, Plagued, Poison Enchanted, Reflect Damage, Shielding, Teleporter, Thunderstorm, Vampiric, Vortex, Waller, and Wormhole.
AH: vanilla - short for “Auction House,” a feature of Diablo III that acts as a trading hub for players. Players buy, bid on, and sell items and commodities (see: ‘Commodity’) anonymously on the Auction House much like people do on auction websites like eBay. The Auction House comes in two different entities, the Gold Auction House (see: ‘GAH’) and the Real Money Auction House (see: ‘RMAH’). Both Auction Houses will be shut down on March 18, 2014.
Aggro: a term that gained popularity in MMORPG and MUD games that represents the act of "aggravating" or triggering "aggression" from enemies without initiating an attack. For example, enemies can be "aggro'd" simply when a player comes within a certain range. Sometimes refers to real life instances that interrupt gaming sessions, such as receiving an important phone call or a significant other demanding attention.
Alkaizer Run: vanilla - or "Alk Run," which refers to a set route a player can take in Act III Inferno to gain the highest amount of experience for his character in the shortest time. Named after "Alkaizer," who became the world's first paragon 100 character in Diablo III. The route consists of going from the Core of the Arreat checkpoint south to the waypoint, a full circle around Tower of the Damned level 1, then to Arreat Creater 2's waypoint through the end, then teleport to Keep level 2 and do as full a clear as possible, then teleport to Bridge of Korsikk's waypoint and do a full circle around Fields of Slaughter. Then the run is repeated indefinitely until the player either loses sanity or simply becomes too bored or too tired to continue (or simply hits paragon level 100). Other variations include clearing Arreat Crater 1, Keep level 3, Stonefort and/or Rakkis Crossing. No longer the most optimal leveling method since patch 1.08 with monster density changes across Acts.
Alt: short for "alternate" character or any character a player uses second to his/her main character. See: 'Main.' Usually receives less love or hand-me-down gear. See: 'Twink.'
Ammy: short for "amulet," a type of gear that falls in the neck category. Can also sometimes be abbreviated as "amu."
Andy's: short for "Andariel's Visage," a legendary helm known for being the only helm capable of rolling any elemental bonus at the cost of taking additional fire damage.
AOE: short for "area of effect." Refers to spells that influence targets over an area rather than a single target.
AP: short for "Arcane Power," the primary resource used by the wizard class. See: 'Resource.'
APD: short for "Ancient Parthan Defenders," a pair of legendary bracers.
APoC: short for "Arcane Power on Critical Hits" or "AP on crit," a stat that is specific to the wizard class. See: 'AP' and 'crit.'
APS: short for "attacks per second," which refers to the rate at which a character launches attacks, e.g. "1.93 APS," "2.01 APS," "3.0 APS," etc. Can also refer to a weapon's swing speed (for example, a standard two-handed crossbow is 1.10 APS). Not to be confused with “actions per second.”
AR: short for "resistance to all elements" or most commonly "all resistance" or just "resist." It's a highly desired stat that boosts a character's survivability. See: 'EHP.'
Aren't You Thankful!?: a sarcastic remark made by players when responding to comments that center around complaints and gripes. It is a nod to a forum post made by Blizzard Community Manager Bashiok:
“We don't want people to be afraid of nerfs, and ... I guess maybe I can try to get that across by saying we could have nerfed a bunch of stats that probably deserve it to some degree, but we didn't (aren't you thankful!?), because we don't believe our design approach should be constantly noodling with really important things, like stats. It should only be when we have an extreme situation developing, and we felt that was the case with IAS.”
See: 'QQ.'
AT: short for "Arcane Torrent," a wizard skill.
Bag: refers to Horadric Caches. See: 'Cache.'
Ball of Death: a nickname used for the wizard's Archon form, based on the character's transformation into a ball that can usually promptly melt most or all enemy mobs with a single click.
Ballerina: vanilla - a nickname used for barbarians who focus on the Sprint and Whirlwind combination. When used, the barbarian spins through waves of mobs, resembling a ballerina. Can also be called “barbarina.”
Barb: short for "Barbarian," a melee strength-based class in D3. Will sometimes also be referred to as "bar," "barbar," or "baba."
Barblo: portmanteau of the words barbarian and Diablo, referencing the idea that the game is built entirely around the one and only barbarian class, while completely neglecting all other classes. It's a false statement, but originated from disgruntled players upset with the perks that come with the barbarian class not found on the others.
Bats WD: vanilla - refers to witch doctors that focus on the spell "Firebats - Cloud of Bats." See: 'COB' and 'WD.'
beez: stands for "b's" or billions, referring to gold values. Instead of 2 billion or 2b, some players choose to say "2 beez."
Bells: refers to the monk's "Wave of Light" ability (see: 'WOL'), which includes a visual effect that resembles a giant bell falling from the sky.
BIN: vanilla - short for "Buy it Now," a phrase specifically used for auction items that have the option to be sold immediately (without going through the bidding process). See: 'BO.'
BIS: short for "Best in Slot," a term that is used to define certain items that cannot be beat in terms of stats.
BK's: short for the "Bul-Kathos" set items, which include the one-handed mighty weapons Bul-Kathos's Solemn Vow and Bul-Kathos's Warrior Blood, items exclusive to the barbarian class. Sometimes includes the legendary ring, Bul-Kathos's Wedding Band, which is not exclusive to barbarians. Not to be confused with “Burger King.”
Black Weapon: specifically weapons that have no bonus elemental effects, e.g. +X min and +Y max damage, and not +X/Y holy damage, +X/Y poison damage, etc.
Blue: refers to employees of Blizzard Entertainment who post on the official forums. Generally Blues refer to the community managers/representatives (see: ‘CM’), who are heavily responsible for moderating the official forums of Blizzard games, acting as a bridge of communication between the player base and the developers, in addition to providing a constant stream of information regarding such games via company employees and sources, on top of many social media and public relations tasks. Nicknamed "blue" because of the blue-colored font that is used in each forum post or thread, a privilege exclusive to the community managers/reps and other Blizzard employees. Current Diablo III community manager is Lylirra, and the community representatives are Grimiku, Nevalistis and Tyvalir.
BM: vanilla - short for "Blood Magic," a rune for the wizard's "Magic Weapon" ability. In Patch 2.01, Reaper of Souls and onward, this rune was replaced by Deflection.
BO: vanilla - or "b/o," short for "buyout." Refers to items being sold or up for auction with an X amount of gold or currency as its immediate purchase price. See: 'BIN.'
BoA: short for "Bind on Account," specifically referring to items that cannot be sold or traded to other players and are "bound" to a single player's account. In Reaper of Souls, all gold, Horadric Cache items, gambled items, Marquise and higher tier gems, crafting materials, plans, and unique items will be bound to the player’s account. Unique items will have a two hour window of time where players can trade with only those from the same game at the time when the unique item first dropped. Not to be confused with Korean musician BoA or Bank of America.
Boon: short for "Boon of the Hoarder," a legendary gem.
BoP: short for "Bane of the Powerful," a legendary gem.
BoT: short for "Bane of the Trapped," a legendary gem. Sometimes abbreviated as "BotT." Not to be confused with a "bot," or an illegal third-party program that automates gameplay.
BP: short for "breakpoint," or hidden numbers associated with various skills in Diablo III that are often tied to attack speed stats. When a player reaches a certain breakpoint, he or she usually experiences a higher level of effectiveness for his or her character (though it isn't always the case).
BR: short for "Blood Ritual," a passive ability specific to witch doctors. Also short for "Battle Rage," a barbarian ability.
BS: short for "Banner Safe," referring to the act of or mentioning of placing a player's banner in a safe location for teammates to rally on (usually by foot). This is primarily done to save teammates the embarrassment of jumping directly to their deaths from the town. Be aware players cannot teleport to the banner, but rather be notified that the coast is clear to teleport to the player. Can also stand for "Blacksmith."
BT: short for the "Blackthorne" set (example: Blackthorne's Surcoat), a set of gear that is mainly used for raising survivability for characters.
Buffed: stands for a character's enhanced statistics after applying effects from passives, self-cast abiltiies and passive abiltiies. See: 'Unbuffed.'
Build: often refers to the skill set that a particular player assigns to his/her character at a given time. May sometimes refer to the "gear build" that a player equips for his/her character.
Buriza: refers to the legendary crossbow "Buriza-do Kyanon." More closely pronounced as Brizado Kyannon (ブリザードキャノン burizādo kyanon, a.k.a. Blizzard Cannon, emphasizing its cold-based weapon damage and also the fact that Diablo is a game published by Blizzard.
BYOM: stands for "bring your own machine," referring to the Infernal Machines that are required to unlock Uber bosses (see: 'Machine' and 'Uber'). Originated from the phrase "BYOB," which stands for "bring your own beer."
Cache:refers to Horadric Caches, rewards for completing an Act's worth of Bounties. Caches contain random items in addition to two guaranteed Rift Key Fragments. Sometimes simply called "bags" (see: 'Bag').
Candy Cane: refers to the legendary axe, "The Butcher's Sickle," which bears many similarities with a Christmas candy cane.
Captain America: refers to crusader builds that use the legendary shield Jekangbord and Gyrfalcon's Foote, a legendary flail. The combination of items results in nonstop shield throws from Blessed Shield, which resembles the shield throws from the iconic Marvel superhero.
CB: short for “Cold Blooded,” a wizard passive skill.
CC: short for either "critical hit chance" or "crowd control." The former is a stat found on various pieces of gear that is usually combined with cirtical hit damage, and is a very important stat for improving character damage (see: 'CHC'). The latter refers to abilities that disable or debuff target(s) either by single target or area skills and effects (see: 'AOE').
CD: short for either "critical hit damage" or "cooldown." The former is a stat found on various pieces of gear and is usually paired hand-in-hand with critical hit chance (see: 'CHD'). The latter refers to a period of time when spells or abilities are inactive after use and "cooling down."
CDR: short for “cooldown reduction.”
CE: short for "Collector's Edition," a premium version of Diablo III that comes with a variety of limited supply goods such as a game soundtrack, art book, mouse pad, behind-the-scenes DVD, Diablo II and Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, and the collector's only items Angel Wings (fancy aesthetic bonus for player characters), Bottled Cloud dye and Bottled Smoke dye. For the expansion, Reaper of Souls, the Collector’s Edition includes a game soundtrack, art book, mouse pad, behind-the-scenes DVD, in addition to a pet Spectral Hound (for aesthetics only) and three additional in-game character slots.
Chainpocalypse: variants of wizard builds that utilize the Wand of Woh and the Explosive Blast skill.
Chant's: or "Chanto's," short for the "Chantodo" set of items that involve the Chantodo's Will wand and Chantodo's Force source, items exclusive to the wizard class.
CHC: short for "critical hit chance." See: 'CC.'
CHD: short for "critical hit damage." See: 'CD.'
Chicken: refers to Manajuma's Gory Fetch, a witch doctor set mojo. Sometimes refers to the witch doctor's Angry Chicken rune for the Hex spell.
CM: vanilla - short for "Critical Mass," a passive ability that is specific for the wizard class. It is primarily used to significantly reduce spell cooldowns via critical hits. See: 'CC' and 'CD.' Can sometimes also be used to refer to the Community Managers of Blizzard Entertainment (see: 'Blue').
C/O: vanilla - short for "current offer," a term used when dealing with auctions and item selling. Refers to the offer currently made by a player to the seller. See: 'OBO.'
COB: short for "Cloud of Bats," a rune for the witch doctor spell, Firebats. See: 'Bats WD.'
Commodity: items that usually come in bulk, such as tomes, gems and crafting materials.
Conflag: refers to either the Conflagrate rune for the wizard's Magic Missile skill or the wizard's Conflagration passive.
Cookie Cutter: a term used for character skill builds that are overused and proven to be generally very reliable for most game situations.
COTA: short for "Call of the Ancients," a barbarian skill. Also short for "Crypt of the Ancients," a dungeon in Act I that always spawns with numerous skeletons and one champion pack. It's well-known for its small space and easily killable mobs.
CP: short for "checkpoint," an in-game location that marks a spot for players to resume action whenever they restart the game or die in battle.
Crit: short for "critical hit chance,” "critical hit damage," or “critical hits.” See: 'CC,' 'CD,' 'CHC,' and 'CHD.'
Crypt Run: vanilla - refers to runs that revolve around the Decaying Crypt dungeon that randomly spawns in the Fields of Misery in Act I. Crypt Runs are generally used for farming experience for paragon levels (see: 'Paragon') and players may sometimes prepare the Crypt beforehand (see: 'Prep') in order to aggro (see: 'Aggro') the Spewing Horror mobs that are in the area. The Spewing Horrors can consistently summon new waves of Decayers that can serve as bonus experience.
CTW: short for "Cull the Weak," a demon hunter passive skill.
D3V: short for “Diablo III Vanilla,” or the original Diablo III. See: ‘Vanilla’ and ‘Vanilla D3.”
Danetta's: short for the "Danetta" set items, which include the one-handed crossbows Danetta's Spite and Danetta's Revenge, items exclusive to the demon hunter class.
DB: short for "Death's Breath," a bind-on-account (see: 'BoA') crafting material that randomly drops off all level 61+ elites and bosses in Reaper of Souls.
DE: short for "Demonic Essence," a bind-on-account (see: 'BoA') crafting material that randomly drops off all sub-level 61 elites and bosses.
deadmau5 Amulet: refers to "Halcyon's Ascent," a legendary amulet serving as an Easter egg and tribute for progressive-house musician deadmau5. Sometimes inaccurately called the "Mickey Mouse amulet" simply because of the mouse-shaped head, despite the amulet's design clearly being a direct nod to deadmau5's signature "mau5head" logo and stage outfit. Halcyon refers to deadmau5's early aliases and the flavor text, "Raise your weapon, raise your weapon... and it's over" is a line from one of deadmau5's songs, "Raise Your Weapon."
Deeps: phonetic pronunciation of "DPS" (see: 'DPS'). For example, "Need more deeps!" means the same as "Need more DPS!"
DH: short for "Demon Hunter," a dexterity-based ranged class in D3.
Ding: sound effect for when a character levels up, usually for paragon levels. Can sometimes be used as a sound effect for when unique items drop on the ground.
Disc: short for "Discipline," one of two resources used by demon hunters with the other being Hatred. See: 'Resource.'
DML: short for "Dead Man's Legacy," a legendary quiver.
DoD: short for "The Dagger of Darts," a legendary ceremonial knife.
DOT: short for "damage over time," referring to skills or abilities that deal X damage over Y period of time.
Doubled It: a phrase that originated from Diablo III's ex-game director Jay Wilson's interview with IGN:
“Internally, we had this super hardcore test group – we’ve got a lot of hardcore players at Blizzard – that tested Inferno, and we got it to the point where they thought it was challenging enough,” Blizzard’s Jay Wilson told IGN. “Then we doubled it. Because we knew, no matter how good we are, our players are gonna be better. We focused on making that as difficult as we could make it.”
For the general player population, the phrase is now predominantly used as the base of harmless or truly bitter jokes, such as "I went to McDonald's and ordered a cheeseburger... and they doubled it." or "The legendary drop rate is so low that even if Blizzard doubled it, it wouldn't matter." (See: 'Tinfoil hat').
DPS: short for "damage per second." This usually is tied hand-in-hand with topics regarding a character's overall offensive capabilities, generally speaking. See: 'EDPS' and 'Sheet DPS.'
DS: short for "Diamond Skin" or "Dashing Strike," the former a wizard spell and the latter a monk spell.
DW: short for "dual-wield," meaning characters that base their weaponry around equipping two one-handed weapons.
DW Visa: vanilla - stands for "Dual-wield Visa Cards" (see: 'DW'), referring to players who predominantly use credit cards to buy gear from the RMAH (see: 'RMAH'). Sometimes also called "DW Mastercards," "DW Credit Cards," "DW AMex," etc.
e: short for "elite." Players within co-op games will usually type "e" to notify their party members of elite packs. Also applies for champions and rares. See: '1.'
EA: short for "Energy Armor," an armor ability specific to the wizard class. Also short for "Elemental Arrow," a demon hunter skill. Not to be confused with Electronic Arts.
EB: short “Explosive Blast” or “Essence Burn,” the former a wizard spell and the latter a rune for the monk’s Exploding Palm skill (see: ‘EP’).
EDPS: short for "effective damage per second," or the realistic total damage done per second by a character. This is calculated simply by taking the total damage done by a character to one target (usually of high health total) and dividing it over a set period of time, usually 60 seconds. See: 'DPS' and 'Sheet DPS.'
EE: short for "Elemental Exposure," a wizard passive.
EF: short for "Echoing Fury," a legendary one-handed mace known for its high chance to Fear enemies on hit.
EHP: short for "effective hit points" or "effective health pool." This usually is tied hand-in-hand with topics regarding a character's overall defensive capabilities. In more detail: EHP = HP / (1 - armor mitigation/100) * (1 - resistance mitigation/100) * (1 - other mitigation/100). See: 'Toughness.'
EP: short for "Exploding Palm," a monk skill.
Epeen: stands for "electronic penis." This term is usually paired with verbs like "flaunting," "bragging" or "showing off" when referring to players that boast about their prowess or competency over the internet, usually in a condescending way.
Epic fail: when a player or party experiences disaster because of lack of game-sense or miscellaneous in-game factors; oftentimes results in death, occasionally results in side-splitting laughter (except in cases of Hardcore deaths). See: 'Fail.'
EQ Set: refers to the barbarian's Might of the Earth set (example: Weight of the Earth), sometimes spelled out as "Earthquake set," in combination with the legendary boots, Lut Socks. See: 'LeapQuake.'
FA: short for "Fetish Army," a witch doctor skill. Also short for "Force Armor," a rune for the Energy Armor ability that is specific to the wizard class. See: 'EA.'
Fail: when a player or party experiences lapses in game-sense and does not succeed in their endeavors; usually results in death. See: 'Epic fail.'
Farm: the act of actively killing enemies in order to obtain items and loot. See: 'Gear,' 'Loot' and 'Run.'
FC: stands for Furious Charge, a barbarian skill.
Fear Doc: sometimes referred to as a Tiki Doc, or a witch doctor that utilizes Tiklandian Visage. The build serves a support role for party play, as the voodoo mask allows the witch doctor to permanently fear and root enemies in place when combined with high cooldown reduction items.
Fishing: refers to the act of starting and restarting games to obtain specific results. Usually practiced in high level Greater Rifts in order to bypass the randomness.
Flip: vanilla - a term that refers to the act of [successfully] reselling an item in the auction house at a higher price than the original purchase price.
FoF: or abbreviated as "FotF," short for "Fate of the Fell," a legendary two-handed flail.
FOrb: short for "Frozen Orb," a rune of the Arcane Orb skill for wizards.
Forgotten: the act of instantly salvaging a legendary or set item because it rolled so terribly you want to forget it ever dropped. Coined after the term "Instabrim" (see: 'Instabrim') no longer applied for legendary and set items above level 60, as the crafting material received from salvaging became a Forgotten Soul rather than a Fiery Brimstone.
FOT: short for "Fists of Thunder," a signature ability specific for the monk class.
Frog: refers to the legendary mojo, "Thing of the Deep," which is basically a frog held in the hands of a witch doctor.
Frostfire DH: in Patch 2.1, refers to demon hunter builds that utilize cold and fire elements, usually with Elemental Arrow - Frost Arrow, Cluster Arrow - Maelstrom, Multishot - Arsenal, and Sentry - Spitfire Turret. Sometimes referred to as the "hybrid" build for demon hunters.
Frostitute: vanilla - a wizard that specializes in permanent freeze builds based on the Frost Nova spell. See: 'Perma-' and 'SNS.'
FT: vanilla - short for "for trade," essentially any item that is offered by a player to trade for a desired counterpart. See: 'ISO,' 'WTS,' 'WTB,' 'WTT' and 'WUG.'
FWF: vanilla - stands for Festering Woods + Fields of Misery, a farming run centered around those two areas of Act I. See: 'Run' and 'VSORCS.'
GAH: vanilla - short for "Gold Auction House." This is the default auction house available in the game that serves as a trading junction for players. All sorts of items can be bought here for in-game gold. It was shut down on March 18, 2014. See: ‘AH’ and 'RMAH.'
Gambling: refers to the act of trading Blood Shards for items from Kadala in Adventure Mode. Blood Shards can be obtained through completing Bounties and Nephalem Rifts in Adventure Mode.
Gear: items used to equip Diablo characters; the backbone of the game.
GF: short for "gold find," a type of stat in the Diablo series that passively increases the quantity of gold dropped within the game. Gold find is capped at 300% via gear and Fortune Shrine, but can extend up to 625%, coming from 15% per Nephalem Valor stack (up to 75%) and an additional 25% per Monster Power level (up to 250%; see: 'MP'). Also stands for the witch doctor passive skill "Gruesome Feast." Not to be confused with girlfriend or goldfish.
GG: nowadays stands for "godly gear" or "godly geared" (see: 'Godly'). For example, the GG tag can be inserted in front of high-end items, e.g. GG Natalya's Bloody Footprints, or in front of players (Player A is a GG monk). By video game standards and traditions, GG is short for "good game" and players can still call a high-end item a “good game item.” The traditional GG is primarily used as a courteous way to end competitions or collaborations. Will also sometimes be seen as "GFG," with a classy expletive inserted in between the two G's.
GI: short for "Grave Injustice," a passive ability specific to witch doctors.
Gift: refers to "Ramaladni's Gift." Also refers to the act of using Ramaladni's Gift to add a socket to a weapon.
Glass Cannon: a term used to describe characters that forego survivability stats in favor of maximizing their offensive capabilities (see: 'tank'). Also the name of a passive ability specific to wizards.
Glorious!: a phrase that players often use when expressing genuine surprise, admiration, or in most cases, total sarcastic remarks, that is a nod toward the Templar follower's lines upon defeating elite enemies.
Godly: describes players, characters, items, or anything that's strong enough to be considered out of this world or simply divine.
GoS: short for "Gogok of Swiftness," a legendary gem.
GOW: short for "Gloves of Worship," a pair of legendary gloves found only in Act II and IV Horadric Caches (see: 'Cache'). Also see: 'Shrine Gloves.'
GR#: refers to Greater Rift levels (see: 'GRift'). For example, GR30 means Greater Rift level 30.
GRift: short for "Greater Rift," an "endless" higher tiered and timed Nephalem Rift that serves as the source for legendary gems and competition between players due to a leaderboard system. See: 'GR#.'
GW: short for "Galvanizing Ward," a passive ability for wizards.
Hammers: short for “Blessed Hammer,” a crusader skill. Sometimes abbreviated as "BH."
HC: short for "hardcore." Characters running in Hardcore mode will always have the Grim Reaper lurking behind their backs, given that death is permanent. See: 'SC.'
HOTA: short for "Hammer of the Ancients," a skill specific to barbarians, occasionally will be abbreviated as "HOA," though that can sometimes be confused with "Halls of Agony," a series of dungeons in Act I.
HP: short for "hit points" or "health pool" and refers to the total amount of damage a character can sustain before facing death. Not to be confused with Hewlett-Packard or horsepower.
IAS: short for "increase attack speed," sometimes abbreviated to "AIS" (attack speed increased) or just "AS." It is a stat found on many types of gear and is responsible for contributing to a character's overall damage output. See: 'DPS.'
IGG: vanilla - short for "in-game gold." When players say IGG, they are usually looking for gold that can be used within the game.
IK: short for the "Immortal King" set (example: Immortal King's Triumph), which is a set of items designed specifically for the barbarian class.
ilvl: vanilla - stands for "item level," a property that is associated with all items levels 60 to 63. In Reaper of Souls, there are no longer item levels and each item simply has a base level requirement in order to be used.
Imba: short for "imbalanced." Players tend to refer to something as "imba" when they think something is overpowered or clearly not in proper use. See: 'OP' and 'UP.'
Instabrim: vanilla - portmanteau of "instant" and "Brimstone," referring to legendary and set items that are taken directly to the Blacksmith for salvaging into Fiery Brimstones. This usually occurs when the items hold no additional value (e.g. poorly rolled stats) other than the Brimstone itself, and oftentimes happens before the item in question is even identified due to predetermined undesirable properties. In Reaper of Souls, legendary and set items at levels 61+ grant Forgotten Souls when salvaged, thus rendering the term "instabrim" obsolete in those cases. See: 'Forgotten.'
ISO: short for "in search of." In vanilla, it was often paired with items, such as "ISO ____ with [stats]" or "ISO group for Bounties," with the latter more common nowadays. See: 'LFG,' 'WTB,' 'WTT,' and 'WUG.'
Jade: refers to the "Jade Harvester" set items (example: Jade Harvester's Mercy), a set of witch doctor gear primarily used with the legendary voodoo mask, Quetzacoatl (see: 'Quetz'), in conjunction with damage over time spells (see: 'DOT').
JB: short for "Jawbreaker," a legendary fist weapon.
Jbord: short for "Jekangbord," a legendary crusader shield that revolves around the Blessed Shield skill. See: 'Captain America.'
jsp: short for "d2jsp," a popular third-party website that has served as an out-of-game trading hub since the days of Diablo II. Players usually list their offers on the website to gain increased publicity and then sell to interested buyers in-game after contact. Jsp stands for "Java Script Parser," which originated when d2jsp was primarily used as an illegal way to manipulate Diablo II's gameplay and/or files. Today, it's a harmless trading hub for Diablo players.
Junger Rules: refers to a style of Bounty split farming (see: 'Split Farm') first publicly initiated by <Viz>Junger in a thread on the official forum. The "rules" forbid players from clicking on lootable objects, such as treasure chests, corpses, etc. as such objects can trigger global legendary drops (legendary items can drop anywhere in the game world regardless of where players are located on the map). Many concepts within Junger Rules are merely speculative (see: 'Tinfoil Hat'). However, because of the high demand of Rings of Royal Grandeur (see: 'RORG'), which can only drop from Act I Horadric Caches, and because of the highly publicized success rates of participants following the "rules," the number of followers in the Junger Rules community has steadily grown.
JW: short for "Jay Wilson," the original game director of Diablo III (has since stepped down to pursue other endeavors).
KB: short for "knockback," an effect that is triggered through various skills (e.g. Bash) and item properties (e.g. Windforce) that pushes a target back a variable distance.
KD#: or just "K#," which is short for "Keep Depths" followed by level 1, 2 or 3. For example, when players mention KD1, they mean Keep Depths level 1; or K2 as in Keep Depths level 2. These are areas in Diablo III's Act III, which, especially for Keep Depths level 2, are notorious for being packed with a ton of mobs, which directly leads players to take advantage of the extra experience and loot that could be accumulated over a shorter period of time than in lesser-dense areas. As of patch 1.08, other areas besides the Keep Depths have been buffed to balance out mob densities.
Kulle Story, Bro: a reference to the oft-used line, "Cool story, bro." This variation is a tribute to the Diablo character Zoltun Kulle.
KW: short for "Keywarden," mini-bosses that drop the keys necessary for crafting Infernal Machines (see: 'Machine'). There is one Keywarden per Inferno Act. Act I is Odeg, who can drop the Key of Bones. Act II is Sokahr, who can drop the Key of Gluttony. Act III is Xah'Rith, who can drop the Key of War. Act IV is Nekarat, who can drop the Key of Evil.
Lag: a term that is sometimes used to describe a connection problem between a player's network and Diablo III's servers. However the more common use is as an excuse to explain a player's sub-par in-game performances, e.g. dying (and potentially sabotaging the party's farming efforts). Can occasionally be a legitimate reason.
LAK: short for "life after kill," a stat that returns X amount of life to a character per enemy killed. To be more exact, it should be “LAEK” or “life after each kill,” which is how the property is worded on items. Often incorrectly abbreviated as "LOK" (life on kill) or “LPK” (life per kill).
LeapQuake: refers to barbarians who utilize the Might of the Earth gear set, Lut Socks, with the Leap and Earthquake skills. See: 'EQ Set.'
Leg: short for "legendary," a quality of item. Not to be confused with the appendages that enable organisms to walk and/or run.
Legacy: refers to items that existed before an itemization patch (1.04 and 2.01). These items are removed from existing loot tables and are replaced with brand new items. The term “legacy” will encompass all original D3 items upon the launch of the expansion, Reaper of Souls.
Legacy Nat's: namely the Natalya's Wrath set (example: Natalya's Gaze), the original Natalya's set (see: "Nat"). The set is still sees use because of the unique bonus Discipline regeneration (see: 'Disc') that is not found through any other set of items or abilities in the game.
LFB: short for "Loaded for Bear," a Cluster Arrow rune.
LFG: short for "looking for group," a phrase that represents a player who is in search of a party. See: 'ISO.'
LIF: stands for "Leech it Forward," an act of participating in Rift it Forward (see: 'RIF') games solely for one's own benefit, usually because of bypassing requirements for opening a Nephalem Rift. The bypassing mechanic was removed in Patch 2.1 as all players are required to chip in a Rift Keystone to participate. Leeching is still an appropriate term for players who join in at the last moment, trade in a Keystone, obtain the Blood Shards from the Rift Guardian, and promptly leave for another close-to-ending Nephalem Rift.
LMB: short for "left mouse button."
LOH: short for "life on hit," a stat that returns X amount of life to a character per instance of a hit, depending on a spell's hidden coefficient.
Lollipop: refers to the set wand, "Chantodo's Will," which is shaped very much like a lollipop (see: 'Chant'). Originated from the Chinese-speaking forums for Diablo III, where the phrase "棒棒糖" (bàngbàngtáng, lit. lollipop) was consistently used when discussing the wand.
Look! More Hidden Footprints!: generally used as a snide remark by players whenever they uncover hidden details or mechanics about the game that tend to be in their disfavor or disadvantage. It is a nod to the Enchantress follower's lines in Act II: Shadows in the Desert, when the player seeks out the hidden cultist outposts.
Loot: any item (gear, gold, potions, tomes, gems, etc.) that drops within the game and can be picked up by the player.
LS: short for "loot share" or the act of sharing and trading new item drops within a party. In vanilla, the term was short for "life steal," a stat that returns X% of total damage dealt by a character per instance of damage. The stat completely loses its effects at level 70.
LTK: short for "Lashing Tail Kick," a monk skill.
Machine: refers to the Infernal Machines, craftable devices used to allow players to confront uber variations of D3 bosses (see: 'Uber'). The Machines are: Infernal Machine of Bones, Infernal Machine of Gluttony, Infernal Machine of War, and Infernal Machine of Evil.
Main: the player's primary character. Most of the hours spent, blood, sweat, tears, and sometimes money will be poured into the main character. See: 'Alt.'
Main Stat: originally called “primary stat’ (see: ‘Primary Stat’), but the definition changed upon the release of Patch 2.0.1. Main stats are dexterity (demon hunters and monks), intelligence (witch doctors and wizards), and strength (barbarians and crusaders).
Manti: short for "Manticore," a high-tier legendary crossbow.
Mats: short for "crafting materials" or just "materials." Examples include Arcane Dusts, Veiled Crystals, and Forgotten Souls.
Mempo: short for "Mempo of Twilight," a high-end helm item that was arguably the best helm for boosting both DPS and EHP for all classes in vanilla Diablo III. It has since lost its popularity in Reaper of Souls.
MF: short for "magic find," a type of stat in the Diablo series that passively improves the chances of a rarer item to drop within the game. In Reaper of Souls, magic find has drastically reduced effects and only 10% of it will affect legendary item drop rates.
MFD: short for "Marked for Death," a demon hunter skill.
MH: stands for "Main hand," or weapons that are placed in the primary weapon slot for dual-wielding characters (see: DW'). Also see: 'OH.'
Mit: short for "mitigation," or more accurately, "total damage reduction," a type of stat that is determined by a player's armor and resistances to elements. It plays heavily in determining a player's defensive prowess. See: 'EHP.'
MJ's: short for the "Manajuma" set items—though a seldom used term—which include ceremonial knife Manajuma's Carving Knife and the Manajuma's Gory Fetch mojo (see: 'Chicken'), items exclusive to the witch doctor class.
MLW: short for "Moonlight Ward," a legendary amulet.
Mobs: essentially describes the different types of monsters and enemies the player encounters in the world of Diablo III. These can range from standard weak monsters to elite and champion varieties. See: 'e' and 'Trash mobs.'
MOC: short for "Mantra of Conviction," an ability specific to monks.
MOH: short for "Mantra of Healing," an ability specific to monks.
MoJ: short for "Mask of Jeram," a witch doctor voodoo mask that is centerpiece for most pet builds. See: 'Zookeeper.'
MOR: short for "Mantra of Retribution," an ability specific to monks.
Monk: a melee dexterity-based class in D3. Sometimes called a "monkey."
MOS: short for "Mantra of Salvation," an ability specific to monks. It replaced Mantra of Evasion in Patch 2.1.
MP: vanilla - short for "monster power," an in-game option that allows players to adjust game difficulty by raising or lowering monster health and damage. Ranges from 0 to 10, with 10 being the most difficult. This feature was removed in Reaper of Souls.
MS: short for "movement speed," a stat that is used by characters to gain faster mobility across the game world. Not to be confused with Microsoft.
MVP: short for "Most Valuable Player." MVPs for Blizzard Entertainment are players chosen by Blizzard to help facilitate quality discussions on the official forum, and also serve as a bridge between Blizzard representatives and the general player base. Blizzard MVPs stretch across all Blizzard titles, including WarCraft, StarCraft and Diablo. MVPs are not Blizzard employees. As such, their posts will be highlighted in green as opposed to the Blizzard employees' blue. As of 5/15/2014, there are a total of 9 Diablo III MVPs representing the U.S. forum, which include: Jaetch (general), Monstrous "MrMonstrosity" (general), Narull (general), AlphaShift14 (monk), Druin (monk), PieHole "PieHole1628" (wizard), Galx (hardcore), MissCheetah (tech) and TheTias (tech). There are also community fan site webmasters/admins/moderators who are tagged as MVPs on the official forum.
MW: short for "Magic Weapon," an ability specific to wizards.
Naked: refers to characters without any equipped gear.
Nat: short for the "Natalya" set items (example: Natalya's Embrace), more specifically the Natalya's Solace set, which mostly benefit dexterity-based classes. See: 'Legacy Nat's.'
Nerf: the act of reducing the effectiveness of a certain spell, stat or mechanic. Usually occurs when the consensus is that one of the aforementioned aspects is far stronger or more effective than intended. See: 'OP.'
Nirvana: vanilla - a specific monk build centered around spirit generation and Wave of Light. The term "nirvana" is used for when the monk reaches nirvana and can spam high damage spells in quick succession.
NS: short for "non-Season" or non-Seasonal characters and games.
OBO: vanilla - short for "or best offer," a term paired with selling items or auctioning items. Usually included by the seller in order to negotiate buyout prices with potential buyers. See: 'BO' and 'C/O.'
OH: short for "Off-hand," or the weapon that is not placed in the primary weapon slot for dual-wielding characters (see: 'DW'). Wizard sources, witch doctor mojos, demon hunter quivers, and shields can also be referred to as off-hands.
OP: short for "overpowered" or "original post/poster." The former refers to anything that players believe are too strong to be fair (see: 'Imba,' 'Nerf' and 'UP'). The latter refers to forums and people who start topics or threads.
OS: stands for "open socket," an item property that can roll on most helms, chest armor, pants, weapons, off-hands, and jewelry.
OWD: short for "Overwhelming Desire," a legendary amulet found in Act III Horadric Caches.
OWE: short for the defunct "One With Everything," an old passive ability specific to the monk class. It was replaced by "Harmony" in Patch 2.1.
P#: refers to Paragon level (or shortened to "PL"). Examples include "P12" for Paragon level 12, "P100" for Paragon 100, etc. See: 'Paragon.'
PA: short for "Prismatic Armor," a rune for the Energy Armor ability specific to wizards. Not to be confused with the Pinpoint Armor rune (see: 'PP'). Also see: 'EA.'
Paragon: or Paragon levels, is a system that extends beyond the level cap of 60 for player characters. In the original Diablo III, a total of 100 paragon levels exist, with each level granting the basic +3 to primary stats (see: 'primary stat'), +2 to vitality, and +1 to each secondary stat, in addition a bonus permanent 3% magic find and 3% gold find (see: 'MF' and 'GF'). In Patch 2.0.1 and Reaper of Souls, Paragon levels are unlimited and there will no longer be any fixed stat bonuses per level. However, one Paragon Point will be awarded per level, which can be assigned to a variety of stats, such as vitality, critical hit chance, life percentage, resource cost reduction, etc. Also, Paragon levels will be account-based and not per character For example, if a player’s account is Paragon 120, all of his or her characters will be Paragon 120.
Patch 2.01: the infamous "Loot 2.0" patch that revamped the game of Diablo III. It was a transitional patch bridging the original D3 with the expansion, Reaper of Souls.
PE: short for "Pain Enhancer," a legendary gem.
Perma-: a prefix that is attached to various builds that indicate a "permanent" or near permanent effect. Examples include "permafreeze," a common way wizards focusing on various cold spells to continuously lock down enemies, "permastun," which a variety of classes can use, notably monks wielding the Sledge Fist weapon, "perma-Vault," which involves demon hunters running the Danetta's set (see: 'Danetta's') with Hatred regeneration items to use Vault nonstop.
Pets: refers to summonable entities that serve the player's character. Most often affiliated with witch doctors, but can also be found with other classes like demon hunters and wizards.
Pineapple: refers to "The Fist of Az'Turrasq" due to its resemblance to the fruit.
Pity Timer: refers to a system within Diablo III that virtually guarantees a legendary or set item drop (sometimes called a "pity drop") for a player once he or she plays through an extended phase without seeing a legendary or set item drop in-game. The exact timer is unknown, but has been mentioned by Blizzard officials on several occasions since Reaper of Souls' Beta. Once a legendary or set item does drop, the timer is reset. The timer is not affected by legendary items obtained through the blacksmith, Kadala and Horadric Caches and unique drops like Blacksmith plans do not count toward resetting the timer.
PK: short for "player kill" or "player killer," which refers to the act of a player-controlled character killing or directly causing the death of another player-controlled character. See: 'PVP.'
PM: short for "private message," a messaging system often used within games or in online forums.
Pony Sader: refers to crusader builds that revolve around Phalanx - Stampede and Unrelenting Phalanx, a legendary crusader shield.
Poor Man's Mempo: vanilla - a nickname for the legendary helm "Andariel's Visage" (see: 'Andy's') before Patch 2.01 because of various stats it shared with the legendary helm "Mempo of Twilight" (see: 'Mempo'). Both helms shared high primary stats and attack speed. Andariel's Visage always came with critical hit chance, but Mempo had the chance to roll higher critical hit chance. Mempos always came with a socket, and Andariel's Visage could also roll a socket. However, Mempo also came with high resistance and life bonus, which made it a better all-around helm. This changed in Patch 2.01 when Andariel's became able to roll elemental skill bonus, making it unique from Mempo.
PP: short for "Pinpoint Armor," a rune for the Energy Armor ability specific to wizards. See: 'EA.'
Prep: vanilla - short for "preparing" or "preparation" (not to be confused with the Demon Hunter skill of the same name). Can sometimes be used alongside "prepping," "prime" or "priming." This is the act of going through dungeons or fields and aggroing (see: 'Aggro') enemies in order to trigger bonus effects or to whittle down the health of mobs before engaging in a run (see: 'Run'). Common uses for prepping include multiplayer Crypt Runs (see: 'Crypt Run') and loot runs where players separate beforehand to "prepare" the Decaying Crypt, round up clusters of mobs in the Fields of Misery, the Weeping Hallow, and also weaken elite and champion packs in the Festering Woods.
Primary Stat: In the original Diablo III, this is an umbrella term for dexterity (demon hunters and monks), intelligence (witch doctors and wizards), and strength (barbarians). However, with Patch 2.0.1, primary stats refer to a wide range of stats that include vitality, all resistance, armor, life percentage, sockets, and more. The original “primary stats” definition is gradually better known as “main stats. See: ‘Main Stat.’
Proc: a term meaning the chance for an effect to be "triggered" or take place, and in terms of Diablo III gameplay, this usually refers to the effects of skills and abilities and effects of passive stats like life on hit. For instance, abilities that read "X% chance to do Y effect" is based on a proc. Each ability also has a coefficient (hidden number) that further alters the overall chance of the proc. See: 'Proc Coefficient.'
Proc Coefficient: a term that refers to hidden numbers tied to every spell and ability in Diablo III. The coefficients determine how often a proc will take place in addition to any pre-existing effects of a spell. The lower the proc coefficient, the less likely the bonus effect will take place. See: 'Proc.'
Proxy Bidding: vanilla - a method of bidding for online auctions that is not limited to the Diablo III auction house (that said, considering the AH is shutting down on March 18, 2014, proxy bidding will also no longer be a part of Diablo III). This method of bidding relies on computer-generated bids rather than human bids that must be manually inputted. For proxy bidding, one player simply has to place a bid higher than the current bid and let it sit in the system. Whenever another bidder comes in to make an offer, if the bid is lower than the first player's, the proxy bid will automatically increase the current bid to just higher than the new bid. This will continue until someone comes along and bids higher than the highest existing proxy bid.
For instance, Player A sees a Mempo with a bid of 120 million gold and no buyout price. Little does he know, Player B already placed a bid of 500 million gold on that same Mempo. Player A decides to offer 150 million gold as his price. However, since Player B already has a 500 million stake on the Mempo, Player A will be automatically outbid and the Mempo's "current" bid will be raised to 5% higher than the current bid (in this case, 5% more than 150 million, or 157.5 million). Player A can try again, and this time he places a bid of 300 million gold. But again, the offer will be automatically rejected and pushed to 315 million since Player B's 500 million gold offer still stands. Until Player A overtakes the 500 million gold bid, he will always be outbid instantaneously.
The goal for proxy bidding is to ensure that the bidding player does not pay more than he or she is willing to pay. In the scenario above, let's assume Player B placed the 500 million gold bid because he is only willing to pay a maximum of 500 million gold for the Mempo. If no one can match Player B's proxy bid, then Player B will win at a price that is the next increment over the second-highest bid (5%). If someone overtakes the proxy bid, then Player B does not have to pay, but simply loses out on the auction item and gets the original 500 million gold refund. See: 'Snipe.'
PTR: stands for "public test realm," an isolated game format where players can test new features of an upcoming content patch without interfering with the live state of the game. Nothing from the PTR server will transfer over to the live game. Developers are also free to manipulate the settings as the testing goes on in order to obtain more data.
PTV: short for "Pierce the Veil," a passive ability specific to witch doctors.
Pull Monk: refers to monks that build around the "Cyclone Strike" skill. These monks mainly serve a support role in group play. See: 'Vacuum Cleaner Monk.'
PuY: short for "pickup yards" or in some cases, "pickup radius" (abbreviated "PUR"), an in-game property that can be boosted by items, which increases an invisible active area where players can automatically obtain gold and health globes. Witch doctors in particular benefit from additional pickup yards given many of their abilities reach higher potentials with a higher pickup radius.
PVE: short for "players vs. environment," also commonly abbreviated as PVM or "players vs. monsters," which refers to the player combating articifial intelligence as the primary gameplay. See: 'PVP.'
PVP: short for "players vs. players," which refers to a combat system that revolves around players fighting other players as the primary gameplay. See: 'PK' and 'PVE.' (currently only available in 1v1, 3-way free-for-all and 4-way free-for-all formats)
QQ: originated from the emoticon "Q_Q," which appears much like two eyes with tears streaming down the sides. Represents crying or the act of complaining that seems like crying. Not to be confused with the Chinese instant messaging system.
Quadfecta: a term used to describe items that have main stats, attack speed, critical hit chance, and critical hit damage. See: 'Trifecta' and 'Quintfecta.'
Quetz: short for "Quetzacoatl," a legendary voodoo mask known for effectively doubling the damage output of damage over time spells (see: 'DOT') in combination with the witch doctor passive Creeping Death.
Quintfecta: vanilla - sometimes just "quinfecta," a term used to describe items that have the combination of stats: for jewelry - average damage, main stats, attack speed, critical hit chance, and critical hit damage. For gloves - primary stats, resist or vitality, attack speed, critical hit chance, and critical hit damage. These stat combinations are no longer possible for rare items upon the release of Patch 2.0.1. See: 'Trifecta' and 'Quadfecta.'
Rage: a phenomenon that occurs when a player generates enough anger or sadness to enter a temporary period of severe anxiety, despair and minor to intense insanity. Usually results in deflammatory comments online or, in worst cases, physical violence. See: 'Rage quit.'
Rage quit: an event that generally occurs after a player is overwhelmed with "rage" (see: 'Rage'). This usually involves yanking their phone line out of their wall or computer, or simply hitting the alt+F4 combination to leave a game. Sometimes, but not always, players will then isolate themselves in their real-life surroundings to either mope or, in the most severe cases, inflict mental or physical harm on themselves or others. See: 'QQ.'
Ramalamadingdong: refers to "Ramaladni's Gift," (see: 'Gift') a consumable item that grants a free socket to a socketless weapon. The nickname came from the 1950s doo-wop song "Rama Lama Ding Dong" by The Edsels. The nickname also could have resulted from Blizzard mistakenly calling it "Ramalandi's Gift" in Patch 2.1's early PTR notes, and then changing it back to Ramaladni's, thus confusing the player base. In addition, it could have resulted from players not knowing how to pronounce the item's name.
Raspberry: refers to "Baleful Remnant" due to the end of the flail appearing like the fruit.
RCR: short for "resource cost reduction."
RD: short for "Reflect Damage," an ability that is sometimes assigned to elite and champion mobs that, when attacked, automatically deal damage back to the character. See: 'Affix.'
Reroll: refers to the act of enchanting an item property via the Mystic. Can sometimes be called "reforging," though not nearly as often. Also refers to the act of restarting a character from scratch.
Resource: term for the expendable "energy" required by D3 classes to cast spells or activate abilities. They are: Fury for barbarians, Wrath for crusaders, Hatred and Discipline for demon hunters, Spirit for monks, Mana for witch doctors, and Arcane Power for wizards.
RF: short for "Rapid Fire," a skill specific to the demon hunter class.
RG: short for "Rift Guardian."
RIF: antiquated term (as of Patch 2.1) - stood for "Rift it Forward," an activity that involved a player who acted as a "runner," and 1-3 other players who acted as "leechers." The runner was responsible for clearing a Nephalem Rift and, upon reaching the Rift Guardian, would post in a "Rift it Forward" community notifying other players that he/she has 1-3 spots available in the game. The other players, or "leechers," would request to join the game. One of these players would be assigned to open up the next Rift. The "runner" would usually post who would open the next Rift beforehand. Example postings could be, "T3 RG, last one in opens" meaning a Rift Guardian in Torment III was available for kill and the last person who made it into the game would have to open the next Rift. Or "LF1M T2, you must open" meaning the runner was "looking for one more" person to join the game (see: 'LFG'), but that person must open the next Rift. "Rifting it Forward" provided players who enjoy running through Rifts free Rifts while providing players who just wanted Blood Shards and Forgotten Souls quick games to obtain such materials at the cost of their Rift Key Fragments.
Rifting: refers to the act of running through Nephalem Rifts in Adventure Mode.
RLTW: short for “Run Like the Wind,” a rune for the barbarian’s Sprint ability.
RMAH: vanilla - short for "real money auction house." Serves as a junction where players trade items and commodities (including gold) with real currency as the bartering chip. It was shut down on March 18, 2014.
RMB: short for "right mouse button." Not to be confused with renminbi, the official currency of China.
RNG: short for "Random Number Generator" or generation, a system that many aspects of Diablo III follow, such as item affixes and quality, elite monster affixes, and dungeon map and pathing. See: 'Affix' and 'Roll.'
Roll: describes the process of generating random stats on a particular item. When an item is dropped upon defeating an enemy, the stats on the item are randomly "rolled" in order to determine the number of affixes on the item and the numerical quality of the affixes (i.e. 50 dexterity opposed to 200). See: 'Affix' and 'RNG.'
ROF: short for "Ray of Frost," an ability specific to wizards.
RoRG: short for "Ring of Royal Grandeur," a legendary ring that can only be found in Acts I and IV Horadric Caches.
ROS: short for "Reaper of Souls," the title of Diablo III's first expansion. Sometimes extended to "D3RoS."
ROT: short for "Rain of Toads," a rune of "Plague of Toads," primary ability specific to witch doctors.
ROV: short for "Rain of Vengeance," a demon hunter skill.
Rubberbanding: or just "rubberband," a phrase coined to describe the phenomenon when a player's character suddenly "bounces" back to a previous location. This is usually the result of in-game bugs or latency issues.
Run: the representation of a session of killing enemies to obtain rewards, be it items, experience, or just pleasure.
Sader: short for "crusader," mid-range strength-based class in Diablo III, introduced in its first expansion, Reaper of Souls.
SB: short for "Siegebreaker," a boss enemy in Diablo III. Can also stand for "Spirit Barrage," an ability specific to witch doctors. Can also stand for "Spectral Blade," an ability specific to wizards.
SC: short for "softcore." Characters running in Softcore mode generally play for leisure given that they have no true restrictions to their playstyle. See: 'HC.' Can also refer to the legendary wizard hat, "Storm Crow."
Sentry DH: refers to demon hunter builds that revolve around the Sentry skill, usually in combination with the Marauder set. See: 'M6.'
SF: vanilla - stands for "self-found," or a way of playing Diablo III that limits players to using only items they find themselves via in-game drops. Strictness varies from player to player. Some allow crafts, though materials for crafting must be obtained in-game. Some reject all forms of trading, while others allow trades with players as long as the items were found by the players within that one particular game session. Essentially, no use of the auction house (gold or real money) is allowed. This is now a redundant term in Reaper of Souls considering all players will be playing self-found.
SH: short for "Soul Harvest," an ability specific to the witch doctor class.
Sheablo: a portmanteau of "she" and "Diablo," referring to the possibility of Diablo being a female.
Sheet DPS: refers to the "Damage" section of a character's stat screen, usually just referred to as "DPS." See: 'DPS' and 'EDPS.'
Shenlong's:short for the "Shenlong" set of items, which involve the fist weapons Shenlong's Fist of Legend and Shenlong's Relentless Assault, items exlusive to the monk class.
Shotgun: refers to crusader builds utilizing the legendary two-handed flail, Fate of the Fell, and the crusader skill, Heaven's Fury, more specifically the Fires of Heaven rune. With Fires of Heaven and Fate of the Fell, three beams will trigger per cast, making it look like the crusader is firing a shotgun. Sometimes called the "holy shotgun build" because of Fires of Heaven's holy element.
Shrine Gloves: refers to "Gloves of Worship," which extend the duration of shrine effects on the wearer. See: 'GOW.'
Slow Ball: refers to a lightning demon hunter build that focuses on Elemental Arrow - Ball Lightning and the Meticulous Bolts quiver.
Smite Gem: refers to "Mirinae, Teardrop of the Starweaver," a legendary gem. Sometimes referred to as just Mirinae or Starweaver.
SMK: short for "Starmetal Kukri," an elusive legendary ceremonial knife.
Snapshot: or "snapshotting," which refers to actively buff your character and then use a spell that lasts over a period of time (either a duration spell such as the monk's Sweeping Wind, or a channeled spell such as a demon hunter's Rapid Fire or wizard's Disintegrate). When a spell gets "snapshot" it benefits from the existing buff as long as the spell is active, even if the buff wears off or gear pieces are changed.
Snipe: vanilla - or "sniping," a term that refers to bidding on an online auction item (not limited to those of the Diablo III auction house) seconds or milliseconds before the auction expires. This is a strategy that many players use to beat out competitors, if his or her bid is high enough, of course. Usually this is done in order to try and win an auction item at a bargain price, or to win a highly desirable item by placing in a last moment "proxy bid" (see: 'Proxy Bidding') to overtake other last moment bids. This usually applies for auctions with no buyouts, but can also apply for auctions with buyouts that are significantly higher than what most players are willing to pay. On the other side of the spectrum, sniping also applies for buying out an item that has just been listed in the auction house, and the practice is often referred to as "BIN sniping" (see: 'BIN'). Usually this occurs when an item is priced significantly lower than the market value, thus players attempt to buy it before competitors see the opportunity. Considering the auction house in Diablo III is to be shut down on March 18, 2014, sniping will no longer be a feature.
SNS: vanilla - stands for "Shock-Nado-Shards," a wizard build that uses the abilities "Storm Armor - Shocking Aspect" (see: 'SA'), "Energy Twister" (tornado) and "Diamond Skin - Diamond Shards." See: 'CM' and 'Frostitute.'
SOE: short for "String of Ears," a legendary belt known for its high melee damage reduction.
SOH: short for "Shard of Hate," a legendary sword based on Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred. It is an item that was featured prominently in Blizzard's "Design a Legendary" community project prior to the release of Reaper of Souls.
SOJ: short for Stone of Jordan, a legendary ring renowned for its massive bonus damage against elites.
Soon™: a poke of good fun directed at Blizzard's policy of only releasing games, products, patches, features, etc. when "it's ready." The estimated date or time when something is ever ready, however, is often unknown, and the term "Soon™" is often used to determine the ETA.
SoV: short for "Zei's Stone of Vengeance," a legendary gem. Sometimes referred to simply as "Zei's" (pronounced as Zai's, rhymes with eyes). Bonus info: Zei is a trickster god in Xiansai mythology.
Split Farm: refers to the act of party members splitting up in one game, usually for Bounties in Adventure Mode, in order to clear content faster to obtain rewards, such as Horadric Caches.
SS: depending on context, it can mean many terms. SS could be short for "Smoke Screen" or "Sharpshooter," both abilities that are specific to the demon hunter class. Also stands for "Seismic Slam," an ability for barbarians, and "Sleet Storm," a rune for the Ray of Frost ability for wizards. Also short for "Stormshield," a legendary shield. Also short for "Serpent's Sparker," a legendary wand. Also sometimes refers to "Simplicity's Strength," a legendary gem. Can also mean "screenshot," a built-in mechanic for Diablo III that involves hitting the PRT SCR button to capture the in-game screen, saving it to your Diablo III folder in your Documents.
SSS: short for "Seven-Sided Strike," an ability specific to monks.
STI: short for "Seize the Initiative," a passive ability belonging to monks. Not to be confused with sexually-transmitted infections.
SV: short for "Spirit Vessel," a passive ability for witch doctors.
SW: short for "Spirit Walk" or "Sweeping Wind," the former a witch doctor spell and the latter an ability for monks.
SWK: refers to the "Monkey King's Garb" set of items (example: Sunwuko's Crown). The set is based on the character Sun Wukong (also known as the Monkey King), the protagonist in the Chinese classic novel, Journey to the West.
Sword & Board: refers to a player's choice of wielding a sword as a main-hand weapon (sword) and a shield as the off-hand (board). Originally supposed to consist of a sword and shield, but now can refer to any one-handed weapon in combination with a shield.
T#: refers to individual Torment difficulty levels. For instance, T1 means Torment I, T6 means Torment VI.
T4T: vanilla - stands for "thanks for trade," a courtesy statement delivered after two players complete an in-game trade.
Tal: short for the "Tal Rasha" set items (example: Tal Rasha's Brace), a set of wizard-oriented gear that is known for unleashing Meteors based on elemental skills cast. See: 'TR.'
Tank: a term used to describe characters that focus mainly on survivability and often choose to skip on offensive prowess (see: 'Glass Cannon').
Throw Barb: refers to barbarians that build around the "Weapon Throw" and "Ancient Spear" abilities, essentially transforming the standard melee class into a ranged one. More often than not, they will also equip the legendary spear "The Three-Hundredth Spear" to further enhance the skill. In Reaper of Souls, this term is more often referred to as "Boulder Toss Barb" because of the Boulder Toss rune for Ancient Spear.
Tinfoil Hat: a phrase that originated from the science fiction story, "The Tissue-Culture King," which has then been tied to extreme symptoms of paranoia as well as belief of conspiracy theories. In essence, it is claimed that a tinfoil hat can prevent radio frequency waves or telepathic signals from invading a person's brain, thereby preventing higher powers from taking control over their minds or having their brains explode into hazardous waste products. In Diablo III, tinfoil hats are usually placed on those who believe various mechanics of the game are all the results of an elaborate conspiracy put in place by the game's developers (predominantly loot drop rates and quality). Most people laugh at those who don tinfoil hats.
TnT: short for "Tasker and Theo," a pair of legendary gloves that increases the attack speed of pets. It is a tribute to British Lance Corporal Liam Tasker and his bomb-detecting dog Theo. LCpl Tasker was killed by a sniper during a tour in Afghanistan in 2010. Theo was rescued by fellow soldiers, but suffered a seizure upon arriving at the army base. Theo died shortly afterward, with a consensus that the dog was under too much stress from witnessing his handler's death. Tasker and Theo, as a team, discovered and dismantled more bombs than any other human-dog team during the five months they were on tour. They were buried together and repatriated in the United Kingdom after their deaths. R.I.P.
TOC: short for "Trail of Cinders," a rune found on the demon hunter's Vault ability; and also "Thrive on Chaos," a rune for the Wrath of the Berserker ability (see: 'WOTB'), which is specific to the barbarian.
Toon: another term for player characters. Originally a term that refers to player characters from MMORPGs, but has since been applied to a variety of RPG-style games, including Diablo III.
Toxin Gem: refers to the "Gem of Efficacious Toxin," a legendary gem. Sometimes referred to as the "Poison Gem."
TP: short for "town portal," an ability all classes can use to warp back to the safety of their town. Sometimes incorrectly used to refer to general teleport-based abilities. Not to be confused with toilet paper.
TR: short for "Tempest Rush," an ability specific to the monk class. It's often a skill that is paired with the Tailwind rune in order to provide temporary bursts of high movement speed. Can also refer to "Tribal Rites," a passive skill specific to witch doctors. Lastly, sometimes also used as an abbreviation for the Tal Rasha set items (see: 'Tal').
Transmog: short for "Transmogrification," which is the act of changing the appearance of one item into another. Legendary transmog options are permanently unlocked when the player identifies an item. The player can then pay a small fee at the Mystic to transform the appearances of his or her items. This applies only for the following slots: head, shoulder, chest, hands, legs, feet, weapon, off-hand. Sometimes further shortened to "Xmog."
Trash Mobs: refers to regular monsters that continuously appear throughout the overworld and dungeons of Diablo III. These monsters are the common enemies that a player's character will have to fight in the game. Their stronger counterparts are the elite and champion packs (See: 'e' and 'Mobs').
Tri-Cross: stands for "Trifecta Blackthorne's Duncraig Cross." Blackthorne's Duncraig Cross is a set amulet from the Blackthorne set (see: 'BT'), and these in particular have attack speed, critical hit damage and critical hit chance as properties. See: 'Trifecta.'
Trifecta:a term used to describe items that have attack speed, critical hit chance, and critical hit damage. See: 'Quadfecta' and 'Quintfecta.'
Tri-Flection: stands for "Trifecta Natalya's Reflection." Natalya's Reflection is a set ring from the Natalya set (see: 'Nat'), and these have attack speed, critical hit damage and critical hit chance as properties. See: 'Trifecta.'
Tri-Pox: stands for "Trifecta Zunimassa's Pox." Zunimassa's Pox is a set ring from the Zunimassa set (see: 'Zuni'), and these have attack speed, critical hit damage and critical hit chance as properties. See: 'Trifecta.'
Tri-Tal: stands for "Trifecta Tal Rasha's Allegiance." Tal Rasha's Allegiance is a set amulet from the Tal Rasha set (see: 'Tal'), and these have attack speed, critical hit damage and critical hit chance as properties. See: 'Trifecta.'
Twink: the act of equipping a lower level character with items that it will not normally be able to find until in higher difficulties with the intent of making the character perform at a higher level than intended. Rewards for "twinking" include faster clear time for quests, faster net experience gains, and faster rate of defeating monsters. See: 'Alt.'
UFO Beam: a nickname for the crusader’s “Heaven’s Fury” skill, which resembles a giant beam fired down from the sky. The term was initially coined during Reaper of Souls' beta phase. Sometimes called "God Beam."
Unbuffed: stands for a character's base statistics without relying on any effects from auras or self-cast abiltiies or passive abilities. See: 'Buffed.'
UNID: short for "unidentified," referring to unique items that have yet to be identified.
UP: short for "underpowered." This refers to anything players believe are underused or too weak by standards. See: 'Imba' and 'OP.'
refers to monks that focus on the spell "Cyclone Strike," which pulls enemies toward the monk, much like a vacuum. See: 'Pull Monk.'
Vanilla: refers to the original state of the game or an aspect of the game. For example, "Vanilla Inferno" refers to the original Inferno mode for Diablo III, before any patch changes. This term refers to the original ice cream flavor, which is vanilla.
Vanilla D3: refers to the original Diablo III, prior to the release of its first expansion, Reaper of Souls (see: ‘ROS’).
VOTA: or "VoA," short for "Vault of the Assassin," a dungeon in Act II that was notorious for having a numerous elites in a relatively small space in the original Diablo III. It has since changed in Reaper of Souls and has a more variable monster density within its confines.
VQ: short for "Vision Quest," a passive ability belonging to witch doctors.
VSORCS: vanilla - stands for Vault of the Assassin + Desolate Sands + Dahlgur Oasis + Forgotten Ruins + Eastern & Western Channels + Storm Halls. Sometimes abbreviated as VORCS without the first S (Desolate Sands), or SORCS without the V (Vault of the Assassin). It's a farming run centered around those areas of Act II. See: 'FWF' and 'Run.'
VW: short for "Vile Ward," a pair of legendary shoulders considered an unofficial set piece of the Legacy of Raekor set because of its synergy with Furious Charge.
WC: short for "War Cry," an ability specific to the barbarian class.
WD: short for "Witch Doctor," a ranged intelligence-based class in D3 that specializes in summoning spells.
WF: short for "Windforce," a legendary bow that is best known for its high chance of knocking back enemies.
WH: short for "The Witching Hour," a legendary belt that is notorious for dramatically boosting a character's damage potential because of attack speed and critical hit damage bonuses.
Wiz: short for "Wizard," a ranged intelligence-based class in D3 that specializes in elemental spells.
WKL: short for "Won Khim Lau," a legendary fist weapon (specific to monks) that specializes in bonus lightning effects.
WM: short for "Weapons Master," a passive ability specific to barbarians.
WOL: short for "Wave of Light," a skill specific to the monk class. See: 'Bells.'
WOTB: short for "Wrath of the Berserker," a skill specific to the barbarian that transforms the character into a virtually unstoppable killing machine for a short period of time. Usually only held back by walls or iron doors.
WoW: short for "Wand of Woh," an elusive legendary wand. See: 'Chainpocalypse.' Not to be confused with "World of WarCraft," another Blizzard Entertainment game.
WP: short for "waypoint," a device that allows players to instantly be transferred to another location. Not to be confused with the phrase "well-played."
WTB: vanilla - short for "willing to buy," a phrase used by players when they publicly declare that they are searching for a particular item and will pay X amount of gold or real currency to obtain it. Now sometimes used in jest for items players cannot find on their own. See: 'FT,' 'ISO,' 'WTS,' 'WTT' and 'WUG.'
WTS: vanilla - short for "willing to sell," a phrase used by players when they publicly declare that they are selling a particular item for X amount of gold or real currency. See: 'FT,' 'WTB,' 'WTT' and 'WUG'
WTT: vanilla - short for "willing to trade," a phrase used by players when they publicly declare that they are trading a particular item for another item or group of items. See: 'FT,' 'ISO,' 'WTB,' 'WTS' and 'WUG.'
WUG: vanilla - short for "what you got?" a phrase used by players when seeking specific varieties of an item they are searching for. See: 'FT,' 'ISO,' 'WTB,' 'WTS' and 'WTT.'
WW: short for "Whirlwind" or "Wicked Wind," the former a barbarian ability and the latter a rune for the wizard's Energy Twister spell.
WW Barb: short for "Whirlwind barbarian," a type of build that features the Whirlwind ability.
Xbow: short for two-handed crossbow weapons.
XP: short for "experience," sometimes abbreviated as "EXP." Player characters gain experience as they defeat monsters or complete quests. Experience is required to advance characters to higher levels, and only cease to apply after a character reaches maximum level (60) and paragon level (100). See: 'Paragon.'
ZB: short for "Zombie Bears" or just "Bears," a rune that is under the "Zombie Charger" ability for witch doctors.
ZD: short for "Zombie Dogs," summonable creatures that come from "Summon Zombie Dogs," an ability specific to the witch doctor class. Sometimes just referred to as "Dogs." See: 'Pet.'
ZDPS: stands for "Zero Damage Per Second" or just "Zero DPS," referring to character builds that focus on support and defense, rather than offense. These builds are almost exclusively used in group play.
ZK: short for "Zoltun Kulle," a character in the Diablo franchise and a boss character in Diablo III.
Zookeeper: refers to builds that are centered around pets. See: 'Pets.'
Zuni: short for the "Zunimassa" set (example: Zunimassa's Trail), a set of gear that mainly benefits intelligence-based classes.
Armory | YouTube | Twitter | Clan Site
ALso you could essentially jsut go through each class with every skill and if its longer then a word or two shorten it to be an anacronym.
AS a WD talking to other WD's we often toss around phrases like, Rot (Rain of toads) BBVD (big bad voodoo) Garg (Gargantuan) SH (soul harvest)..... you get the idea.
Keep in mind that this is purely for fun. Also, I chose CC and CD because that is what's most often used in general conversations, within the game and out of it. I did specifically mark both the meanings. These aren't my terms/abbreviations. It's what I see time to time either on the forums or within the game by the general player base.
Armory | YouTube | Twitter | Clan Site
I keed, I keed!
Truly helpful bud. Great work!
I didn't know a good number of them. :>
Ha. Bagstone.
Armory | YouTube | Twitter | Clan Site
Another tidbit: "1" is pronounced exactly the same as "E" in mandarin, so you often see it used by those with Chinese character hero names.
Awesome list tho
Wow, I just noticed that! Awesome!
Armory | YouTube | Twitter | Clan Site
Hahaha, yeah, there we were just going about our run and suddenly you just died. Almost as awkward as all of us choking when Madgha was down to 0.5% of her HP. Wish I recorded everything.
See: 'Epic Fail.'
Armory | YouTube | Twitter | Clan Site
Like the list though. Putting it in Alphabetical order was pretty slick.
BurningRope#1322 (US~HC)
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