Would be nice if either of the two beta keys I got had even worked. Last entire week of the beta it gave me "An error has occurred" when trying to use my keys.
I was in beta, and I 100% disagree with blizzard here. That's pretty messed up to doubly punish people who were unlucky.(1st they didn't get to try it, and 2nd they lose out on a rare status symbol that they'll never have a chance at getting - even if they played from day 1).
Should have been a pre-order bonus, NOT a beta thing.
When feats of strength were implemented in wow:BC, they had some for things from back in vanilla that couldn't be gotten anymore.
There have been feats of strength that are much more difficult and limited than this one that have never received this level of backlash (see AQ40 openining, attending blizzcon)
Almost every other developer that has betas gives some type of ingame proof to let those players show they were in the beta as a thank you for participating. Blizzard is late to the part in this regard.
The entire thing is absurd. I can't believe of all things people are flipping out over this. God, you people won't even care in a week once the game is released. This is really an example of human beings at their absolute lowest, most primitive state.(Not directed at this forum, but at the official blizzard forums)
So much QQ up in this thread. I was in the beta so nya nya. lol I think a FoS is kinda neat. I think giving a special sigil is a lil unfair though to those who just essentially got lucky. But a lil recognition of thanks for helping us test is nice.
The thing people are failing to understand, is that Feats of Strength were never intended to be obtainable by everyone, or given a fair chance to be. Most of the FoS in Starcraft II, and World of Warcraft, are fair game for those around at the right time, but not all of them. This FoS is similar to the Blizzcon FoS for WoW players. Blizzard always said from the start, with the FoS feature was implemented, that not all of them will be possible to get by all players.
Blizzard has yet to lie about carrying achievements over from the D3 beta, or saying that FoS is something that it really isn't.
My first though was: insult to injury for a lot of people. I personally don't mind at all. I'm just looking forward to release at this point.
I think the issue here is people feeling insulting in the first place because they didnt win what is essentially a random lottery drawing
Anyone with the feeling they have been slighted in any way shape or form in this issue needs to stop, take a deep breath, and chill the fuck out. This is an incredibly common practice amongst game developers. The outrage over this amounts to nothing more than bitter jealous rage.
The thing people are failing to understand, is that Feats of Strength were never intended to be obtainable by everyone, or given a fair chance to be. Most of the FoS in Starcraft II, and World of Warcraft, are fair game for those around at the right time, but not all of them. This FoS is similar to the Blizzcon FoS for WoW players. Blizzard always said from the start, with the FoS feature was implemented, that not all of them will be possible to get by all players.
Blizzard has yet to lie about carrying achievements over from the D3 beta, or saying that FoS is something that it really isn't.
I'mma be honest, I think this is just blowing up to be more of an issue than it really is. I don't get to go to Blizzcon ever and I'm not upset I missed out on all those feats of strength. I'm an achievement collector so it saddens me a little, but in the end those achievements really don't mean much. I'm even leaving a ton of them behind as I quit WoW last month.
The thing is, this is a minor thing. An achievement. A FoS that doesn't even give achievement points or affect your achievement tracker. Even if I wasn't a tester, I would feel the same way. What value does this really give me? I get a shiny toast or something. Oh yeah, I do get a sigil.. yay. Does it give me an advantage in any way? Does it enhance how I play? Am I even going to see it more than a few moments in the entire time I play the game? The answer to all of these is no. I will probably even move on from it as I unlock newer sigils and only break it out on occasion because it is unique. Truth is, unless I slam it down, I'll only see it in the character select screen.
I wouldn't even care if they decided to take this away. I was happy just to play the game as a tester, and even more happy to share the game online through YouTube. I played to make the game better by finding bugs and I shared it so those who couldn't get in knew what to expect. I didn't do this for baubles or recognition.
It seems unfair because it's based on luck, but that's how things work when you think about it. Items in the game, the lottery, sometimes random chance just falls into our laps and we get blessed with something. It's a form of jealousy and maybe even entitlement over something that's honestly, in the end, not going to even matter. This isn't going to make your game any worse than the person's who got the achievement. Nothing changes at all.
I'm sorry everyone who played isn't going to get one (from open beta) but at the same time I have to say it's not worth crying over. To be honest, I think that once the game finally hits most of you won't even care anymore. It's just that period of time before launch were everyone is biting at any scrap of news.
It was for 2 or 3 days, rest of the time it was closed.
oh yea sorry i just reread it, i got in, but i also have a ? does pc spec , a awesome gaming machine, does that matter for people getting in
Supposedly yeah, because they wanted to see how game works on high, medium and low performing computers but for all we know they may have just hired a random guy who would randomly choose who gets an invite and who doesn't.
i honestly got a new pc a month before changed specs on their website for beta, and also posted in the duiablo 3 forums sticky give me beta want to kill things and i got in , i did check everyday for months on my battlenet account though lol
I'm surprised people are as upset as they are about this. The rewards are nothing game changing, for one. If people were awarded with an item in game, or even something cosmetic for your character, then I could see people seeing it as unfair. But all it is is a sigil, and a feat of strength, which don't really mean anything in the game. Also, it's a game... so why get worked up over something so petty?
This acctualy made me angry that they have done it this way. i mean feat of strenghts should not be given out at random chance.
sure there are things like blizzcon goddies that is verry limited. but obtainible by anyone (if they are fast enought ang have money)
There is a great deal of chance in the speed available to you to purchase a blizzcon ticket and monetary resources available to you to be able to attend, as a ticket is only covering the part of you walking into the door.
People who participated in the beta, especially those that had been in it since 2011, basically muddled through the exact same, content finding bugs, issues and feedback, doing a job that really is a Quality Assurance job, and they did it for free. They didn't get the usual beta bonus of being able to "see content early" since they were there to have the game run on their hardware and stress the servers.
Feats of Strength aren't achievements, and they are by their very nature not fair, and you're not supposed to collect them, ever. Feats of Strength are like scars, they may have a cool story, and they let others know where you've been, but no one in their right mind ever goes chasing after scars, they just happen.
Yes, some people did get a closed beta invite, played for maybe an hour or two, beat the Skeleton King once, and then never touched the beta again, and them getting a key was a waste of a key most likely, but that's how randomly awarding keys goes.
I can tell you that it was honestly work to re-level characters after every patch wipe. Some changes were outright infuriating still to this day, because I can remember them having things done differently and they felt so much better. While I didn't ask or expect anything out of this beta, especially since this isn't my first Blizzard beta (I've done every iteration of WoW's betas expect MoP, and I participated in SC2's beta), I find the gesture nice. This beta reminded me heavily of a lot of problems vanilla WoW's beta had, in terms of bugs, volatility and unpolish'ness.
The open beta weekend was a stress test for the servers, and a bone to the community to have a chance to try out the demo before the game even went live. Since they place such a heavy emphasis on group play and community in D3, they gave the public the chance to try the game before it went live, so that way if you liked what you saw in the demo, you could still have an opportunity to reserve a copy to play at launch and be near the rest of the herd of players rushing forward at release.
Of course, that's just me, in general I don't care for achievements in any form at all, I find the system more corrosive than constructive in games. That's coming from a completionist as well.
If you have a serious problem with it, then let blizzard know with your wallet. Don't buy the game.
The kind of people who are upset over this have to be some of the most immature manchildren around, and for each one that doesn't buy the game over this is one less person I would never want to be partied with anyway.
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Now I'm not a special little snowflake! /sadface
Should have been a pre-order bonus, NOT a beta thing.
as an aside, that art you submitted ot the contest was awesome. really unique style. cheers
There have been feats of strength that are much more difficult and limited than this one that have never received this level of backlash (see AQ40 openining, attending blizzcon)
Almost every other developer that has betas gives some type of ingame proof to let those players show they were in the beta as a thank you for participating. Blizzard is late to the part in this regard.
The entire thing is absurd. I can't believe of all things people are flipping out over this. God, you people won't even care in a week once the game is released. This is really an example of human beings at their absolute lowest, most primitive state.(Not directed at this forum, but at the official blizzard forums)
Well thank you very much sir!
Blizzard has yet to lie about carrying achievements over from the D3 beta, or saying that FoS is something that it really isn't.
I think the issue here is people feeling insulting in the first place because they didnt win what is essentially a random lottery drawing
Anyone with the feeling they have been slighted in any way shape or form in this issue needs to stop, take a deep breath, and chill the fuck out. This is an incredibly common practice amongst game developers. The outrage over this amounts to nothing more than bitter jealous rage.
Yea this ^ =) (I stole the sig idea lol, love it)
oh yea sorry i just reread it, i got in, but i also have a ? does pc spec , a awesome gaming machine, does that matter for people getting in
The thing is, this is a minor thing. An achievement. A FoS that doesn't even give achievement points or affect your achievement tracker. Even if I wasn't a tester, I would feel the same way. What value does this really give me? I get a shiny toast or something. Oh yeah, I do get a sigil.. yay. Does it give me an advantage in any way? Does it enhance how I play? Am I even going to see it more than a few moments in the entire time I play the game? The answer to all of these is no. I will probably even move on from it as I unlock newer sigils and only break it out on occasion because it is unique. Truth is, unless I slam it down, I'll only see it in the character select screen.
I wouldn't even care if they decided to take this away. I was happy just to play the game as a tester, and even more happy to share the game online through YouTube. I played to make the game better by finding bugs and I shared it so those who couldn't get in knew what to expect. I didn't do this for baubles or recognition.
It seems unfair because it's based on luck, but that's how things work when you think about it. Items in the game, the lottery, sometimes random chance just falls into our laps and we get blessed with something. It's a form of jealousy and maybe even entitlement over something that's honestly, in the end, not going to even matter. This isn't going to make your game any worse than the person's who got the achievement. Nothing changes at all.
I'm sorry everyone who played isn't going to get one (from open beta) but at the same time I have to say it's not worth crying over. To be honest, I think that once the game finally hits most of you won't even care anymore. It's just that period of time before launch were everyone is biting at any scrap of news.
The wait is almost over, you'll all survive.
There is a great deal of chance in the speed available to you to purchase a blizzcon ticket and monetary resources available to you to be able to attend, as a ticket is only covering the part of you walking into the door.
People who participated in the beta, especially those that had been in it since 2011, basically muddled through the exact same, content finding bugs, issues and feedback, doing a job that really is a Quality Assurance job, and they did it for free. They didn't get the usual beta bonus of being able to "see content early" since they were there to have the game run on their hardware and stress the servers.
Feats of Strength aren't achievements, and they are by their very nature not fair, and you're not supposed to collect them, ever. Feats of Strength are like scars, they may have a cool story, and they let others know where you've been, but no one in their right mind ever goes chasing after scars, they just happen.
Yes, some people did get a closed beta invite, played for maybe an hour or two, beat the Skeleton King once, and then never touched the beta again, and them getting a key was a waste of a key most likely, but that's how randomly awarding keys goes.
I can tell you that it was honestly work to re-level characters after every patch wipe. Some changes were outright infuriating still to this day, because I can remember them having things done differently and they felt so much better. While I didn't ask or expect anything out of this beta, especially since this isn't my first Blizzard beta (I've done every iteration of WoW's betas expect MoP, and I participated in SC2's beta), I find the gesture nice. This beta reminded me heavily of a lot of problems vanilla WoW's beta had, in terms of bugs, volatility and unpolish'ness.
The open beta weekend was a stress test for the servers, and a bone to the community to have a chance to try out the demo before the game even went live. Since they place such a heavy emphasis on group play and community in D3, they gave the public the chance to try the game before it went live, so that way if you liked what you saw in the demo, you could still have an opportunity to reserve a copy to play at launch and be near the rest of the herd of players rushing forward at release.
Of course, that's just me, in general I don't care for achievements in any form at all, I find the system more corrosive than constructive in games. That's coming from a completionist as well.
The kind of people who are upset over this have to be some of the most immature manchildren around, and for each one that doesn't buy the game over this is one less person I would never want to be partied with anyway.