^ You can put TLDW: 1% chance for primal and botter's game.
I have no idea about the exact chance for primals, but from what I read on the forums it is around 4%. If somebody crafts 10k legs we would be able to properly deduce it.
On the topic, as I wrote before 3 months here, something like this is needed:
- Introduce a new item tier - let's call it sacred - make it so that one sacred item has the value of 1k paragon and fixed drop chance of 1/50 of the current ancient items at GR100
- Change the paragon system completely without hurting the high paragon players, just make it diverse so the people have choices
- Cap the power of items/gems/paragons on seasons - this is important in order to have meaningful public games grouping on seasons
- Use the whole power of items/gems/paragons on non-seasons - this will be the place for the most dedicated players, those 24/7 grinders that want to acquire every sacred item, play in a dedicated group to maximize their chances and well, one ban wave per 3 months should be enough to discourage them from botting
What have we sacrificed? Trading (at least for now). This means the loot hunt will be very hard for the dedicated players, but if someday there is 64-bit client only, Blizzard could bring trading back.
Would something like this be done? I doubt it. This has to be done with a long term vision for the game in order to be effective. Power creep should be minimal in order the dedicated players to know that the items they get will be used for years to come.
Bad thing is they are implementing only part of what is needed. And thus as Angry_Roleplayer warns in his video, they are welcoming the botters once again. Good thing is Challenge Rifts are on their way and once these drop, the players will finally be able to compete in a fair environment.
However, as you can see in the above quote I say "this has to be done with a long term vision for the game in order to be effective". Players like Bagstone, who can't wait for the patch to drop, have to know that one day the "godly loot" will be invalidated due to power creep once again, because there is no such "long term vision for the game". I have warned about this 2 years ago.
That is why the people have mixed feelings about the primals. It is not a bad thing, but it should have been implemented properly.
This isn't fixing any problems. However, unless 2 hand bows are bugged, I crafted over 200 on the ptr and didn't see any. So, just another stat increase sure, but at least they feel rare.
Quick thought; can they just be called primal legendaries? Primal ancient legendary just is a little gobbled up ya know?
Obviously no one will call them primal ancient. Primal is just fine. Just like most people say "I found an ancient item" and not an "ancient legendary item".
Be carefull the botters will come back and they will be hordes of them.
"Will come back"? Botting is already rampant again. I've given up on that front though, if you play competitive you need to accept that you're likely going to lose against botters. Since Blizzard is not considering D3 as an esports (likely never), they'll never put as much effort into banning botters as they do in their other games. The #1 EU group is even openly mocking Blizzard, their battle tags read Offline. Those people did the same (different names) last season, 1 out of the 3 got banned afaik.
Play this game for yourself, set your own goals, be satisfied with being on the leaderboard or at most top 100. For anything more, you need some serious commitment beyond healthy amount of time invested or... bot. All those botters know that they might get hit at any time, but since it's season it doesn't matter to them. Yeah... I feel sorry for anyone who still plays this game competitively. Blizzard is not on your side.
This is exactly what I have been doing for several seasons now. I stopped pushing leaderboards a long time ago, yet challenge myself every season. I have a small group of really good friends I play with, and help out those who are starting out in the DiabloFans Clan. We all define fun, and challenge in different ways. I avoid the meta, try and pick the "weaker" builds and manage to struggle to reach my own goals almost every season. It avoids me wasting energy, and hope that the botting problems gets addressed. There is still plenty in the game that can provide fun and challenge, whilst still not worrying about leaderboards.
Yes there will be increased botting, power creep, subsequent paragon blow outs etc, and skill will once again be undermined and placed as a secondary factor in a flawed leaderboard system. In summary, all the things we spoke about when ancients came in. However the gear grind begins again and there's not one of us who is not looking forward to finding we've dropped a primal ancient. I have to agree with those people who have stated that you set your own goals.
Quick thought; can they just be called primal legendaries? Primal ancient legendary just is a little gobbled up ya know?
Obviously no one will call them primal ancient. Primal is just fine. Just like most people say "I found an ancient item" and not an "ancient legendary item".
Well yea haha I know WE will. I'm talking about how to me it looks silly on the weapon: Primal Ancient Legendary Two Handed Axe. But that's just mo.
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I did a video specifically with my thoughts on primal ancients:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeyBXk75H2Q (1% Chance to get PRIMAL and Botters Invasion incoming!)
^ You can put TLDW: 1% chance for primal and botter's game.
I have no idea about the exact chance for primals, but from what I read on the forums it is around 4%. If somebody crafts 10k legs we would be able to properly deduce it.
On the topic, as I wrote before 3 months here, something like this is needed:
Bad thing is they are implementing only part of what is needed. And thus as Angry_Roleplayer warns in his video, they are welcoming the botters once again. Good thing is Challenge Rifts are on their way and once these drop, the players will finally be able to compete in a fair environment.
However, as you can see in the above quote I say "this has to be done with a long term vision for the game in order to be effective". Players like Bagstone, who can't wait for the patch to drop, have to know that one day the "godly loot" will be invalidated due to power creep once again, because there is no such "long term vision for the game". I have warned about this 2 years ago.
That is why the people have mixed feelings about the primals. It is not a bad thing, but it should have been implemented properly.
That roll. Still, no AD, scrap it
My D3 armory
My Youtube Channel
kill fast for speed
do higher grift
Got this on my 6th attempt upgrading rare in cube.
This isn't fixing any problems. However, unless 2 hand bows are bugged, I crafted over 200 on the ptr and didn't see any. So, just another stat increase sure, but at least they feel rare.
will pay good money to have the skeleton king skip his start up animation.
Nobody said it better than Kripp's rant about the anniversary event.
"No further expectations. RIP diablo"
Quick thought; can they just be called primal legendaries? Primal ancient legendary just is a little gobbled up ya know?
"Will come back"? Botting is already rampant again. I've given up on that front though, if you play competitive you need to accept that you're likely going to lose against botters. Since Blizzard is not considering D3 as an esports (likely never), they'll never put as much effort into banning botters as they do in their other games. The #1 EU group is even openly mocking Blizzard, their battle tags read Offline. Those people did the same (different names) last season, 1 out of the 3 got banned afaik.
Play this game for yourself, set your own goals, be satisfied with being on the leaderboard or at most top 100. For anything more, you need some serious commitment beyond healthy amount of time invested or... bot. All those botters know that they might get hit at any time, but since it's season it doesn't matter to them. Yeah... I feel sorry for anyone who still plays this game competitively. Blizzard is not on your side.
This is exactly what I have been doing for several seasons now. I stopped pushing leaderboards a long time ago, yet challenge myself every season. I have a small group of really good friends I play with, and help out those who are starting out in the DiabloFans Clan. We all define fun, and challenge in different ways. I avoid the meta, try and pick the "weaker" builds and manage to struggle to reach my own goals almost every season. It avoids me wasting energy, and hope that the botting problems gets addressed. There is still plenty in the game that can provide fun and challenge, whilst still not worrying about leaderboards.
Now we can start seeing 2-Handed weapons with 5k Base damage without a FR Ruby. Cant wait to start rebuilding everything.
Shadow AngelsYes there will be increased botting, power creep, subsequent paragon blow outs etc, and skill will once again be undermined and placed as a secondary factor in a flawed leaderboard system. In summary, all the things we spoke about when ancients came in. However the gear grind begins again and there's not one of us who is not looking forward to finding we've dropped a primal ancient. I have to agree with those people who have stated that you set your own goals.