I agree with those that are calling for more contrast. I think the colors are excellent as they stand now, however, the world could use a little more of the gore that was throughout D2. However, this does depend on how the story is playing out in the areas that they have shown so far. I also like the Havok work they have done with the environment and the depth they gave the cathedral. I would be quite dissapointed if they added in a light radius so we couldnt see all of the environment.
- A darker, gothic, cryptic and creepier environment.
- A more realistic artistic direction, more independent from the Warcraft universe art direction.
- Darker dungeons without a blue/green environment, Diablo dungeons are dark and shadowy.
- The return of the light radius / shadow system from Diablo 1 and 2, a concept modified picture made by me roughly shows and suggests how the shadow system should work on Diablo 3: http://i31.tinypic.com/2zta5o7.jpg
- Slightly less colorful and less vivid outside scenarios, they are too heavily influenced by the World of Warcraft ones.
Why are so many enamored with dark, dark & more dark? To be blunt as much as I loved D2 in the really dark areas I had to turn the gamma way up. If that didn't help I would simply watch my dot on the map and never even gave the scenery a first look much less a second one.
The light radius thing was a bother at best and horriby frustrating at worst.
The scenery in D2 was stunning but so much of it was lost in the darkness.
The D3 shots have so much detail in every nook and cranny I know that in the early days of playing I am going to get killed often because I am too busy enjoying the scenery to fight!
I don't play WoW (in fact have never even seen it) so I don't know how the new shots compare to WoW.
The game movie was a video of a monitor so it is hard to get a real feel for the actual colors, but in the hi-res screen captures I like the dungeon lighting and colors.
It is nice to see all around and I do feel it is plenty creepy without having to be plunged into complete darkness.
Sancuary has a sun that shines quite bright as evidenced by Act II - D2 so the outside need not always be dark and overcast.
I just don't feel that reusing the D2 lighting and color scheme with this new graphics engine will work.
But in all reality films of monitors and screen-caps may never give one the true feel.
I don't think we are ever going to get the real feel of it until a playable demo is released.
And in the end I will buy it & play it no matter how light or dark it is.
1) There seems to be what I can only describe as a 'bloom' effect in some of the areas, most notably in the outside forest area. This does indeed give it a 'dreamy/elfy' look, and this was originally what set Diablo aside from other games in the genre at the time. It really does feel right for Diablo, and it's the only thing to me that does share an unwelcome similarity to WoW.
Yeah , D3 must use bloom or HDR lighting to some effect.That's probally what's putting many people off, D2 never had that 'soft' look that D3 has now. Remove the bloom and D3 will look like D2, but I'm happy the way D3 looks right now.
Everyone keeps blathering on about not dark enough. Not enough grit.
The engine that drew and rendered character models in Diablo 1/2, was responsible for that grit.
Any game that used that type of engine, did indeed have quite a bit of grit.
And the available palette was always dull in a way that could easily point people in the "it's dark/gothic" direction.
Labeling it cartoony is just ignorant, the constant whining about rainbows and puppies has become beyond annoying.
Blizzard has never been one for absolute realism.
They've taken a more stylized approach when WC3 came around, but it by no means is not cartoony.
Realism in our current generation of graphics, can be very clunky, and most definitely would detract from the fluidity that Diablo 3 looks to achieve.
The design team wishes to build upon creating an epic hero. Stylization is hands down the best route to achieve such epicness.
The color scheme from what we've currently seen is welcome change
Just because the inside of the cathedral was shades of blue instead of gray does not mean it's dark.
It looked pretty dark to me.
And when I saw the players exit to the outdoors, I was dumbfounded by all the little details they fit into the surroundings.
It looked like the players were fighting in a sprawling painting.
In my opinion, the art direction is superb. People just need to chill out and embrace it.
Perhaps at first it looks like they're giving the world of Sanctuary so much life...
Part of what made Diablo so engaging and amazing was the dark, colorless world and the dark, shadowy dungeons. The world was being taken over by hell and demonic creatures. Such horrors made people go insane, and turned Farnham into a drunkard. I think that the way the art style made me feel was that my hero was constantly on the verge of losing it, being chased by huge butchers with diseased cleavers and horrific demons from hell. The style of the game not only made me think that way, but it also inflicted strong feelings of horror throughout playing the game. I only hope that Blizzard can make Diablo III to inflict similar feelings of horror.
I agree with some of the posters here, if the entire game was all dark and dreary it would make it boring, but I do think some of the colors should be darker, I like what I saw in the gameplay trailer but with some small changes believe it could be even better. I also agree that the new inventory system can be tweaked or changed also, I would like to be able to see the items better, not see some tiny icons, but at the same time I don't want to be burdened with a constantly full inventory, I'm sure there is a good compromise.
I also agree with others, lets wait till more gameplay footage/screenshots before we pass judgement on what the entire game will be like.
Whatever the case I know I will love Diablo III and I wish I could play it right now!
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"This is the triumph of man:
Where there is truth, he must find.
Where there is destruction, he must rebuild.
Where there is love, he must protect."
World's Fair Exhibit
"God gave us memories, that in life's garden we may have June roses in December."
Alright, i've been reading a lot about what people think of the graphics so i'll throw my two cents in. I'm a huge Diablo fan, and I think it looks great so far. However, i do think the graphics could use some work. The textures look a bit clean and bland, i think they should be grittier. I do like the idea of having bright areas too, it would be a bit ridiculous if the whole game was a dark tomb. I do hope some areas have the usual tortured bodies and blood and gore all over the floors that i've grown to love in the Diablo series. But... most of all, i hope you guys bring back the necromancer He and the witch doctor can both be characters if you ship with 7 or so (5 is so few).
Blizzard, (My opinions for, and against the new art design, and how I feel it can be used effectively.)
I trust you 100%. I know that you wouldn't have changed the art design if it wasn't for a reason. I love the way the graphics, and the isometric view play, and look. However, it doesn't look dark enough, to me, compared to the previous games, and the monsters aren't hellish enough. However, I admit that I haven't seen nearly enough to form an educated, respectable opinion. So, I'll only say this; As long as the game, environments, story, characters, and plot is dark, then I'll be more than satisfied. It seems that you aren't trying to make the game lighter; No, instead you're trying to (As said before at WWI) find different ways of conveying horror, and giving emotions through color instead of just making everything black. I trust you Blizzard, and Blizzard Art Designers... I hope that, if you pay attention to all of this, that you know, and hear that a lot of us ABSOLUTELY love the graphics for the most part (As long as they stay dark in tone.)
-- I would also like to say that I hope that the gothic aspect of the game, and the colorful, vibrant environments are balanced. I don't want too much darkness because that can get old, nor too much "hopefully/happy" environments; because that can get old too, not to mention it's un-Diablo-esque. I mean old in a sense that it's no longer awe-inspiring to look at the details. I never got tired of the darkness in Diablo (1), but having ranging environments would really help. I've been playing Diablo, and Diablo 2, and the expansion since day one, and really never quit, but I think that balancing the environments can really add something else to the replay value. I think that the environments of Diablo 2, which weren't as dark as Diablo (1), opened up the world, and showed it in a more detailed way. I don't think this could have been done had it not been slightly lighter (Ignoring the fact that most of Diablo (1) was in a dungeon/cave) Summary: Different colors create different moods which can be used for different effects at different parts of the game. Make the lighter outdoor scenes beautiful to look at (Not destroying the horror of it, though.), but still have the dark dungeons/environments
-- Use the contrasts of the bright, vibrant environments of some parts, and the dark, gothic, demonic areas that some of the areas (hopefully) have, to increase the effects of the later parts. For example, when I play Diablo 2, it's really hard to feel that the Catacombs of Act 1 are any more dangerous than Hell in Act 4. Act 4 is so much brigher with the lava that it didn't feel like it should when compared to the dungeons of Act 1. I'm hoping that this can be "fixed" if some parts are beautiful, and colorful, yet some are dark, and horrific.
-- I also think that the gore, and the violence in Diablo (1) really set a more effective mood than Diablo 2 (Like the Butcher, I think it is really a classic boss/monster, and I can still picture the effects it had on me so many years ago). Diablo 2 was violent, of course, but Diablo (1) seemed to have done it more effectively with the bosses/monsters. I'm hoping that (This is hinted at in video.) that the bosses/monsters can be used to create a more horrific mood that can really convey the world of Diablo.
The screenshots people modified are a step in the right direction is what I meant with my initial post, it doesn't have to be identical to those obviously, but something similar (with color). Also we have only seen 2 small areas, so really we can't even judge just based upon those 2, when the game is going to be huge with many more places to visit.
To whoever it was that said some things look too "new" I agree, things should look a bit more aged and authentic.
A lot of the concept art looks cooler than the in game stuff.
Honesly guys, you can't really compare the D1 environment to D3's. D1 took place almost entirely in a dungeon. If you want the outdoors of a game to look the same as a game that takes place in a completely sealed off tunnel, you need to rethink your argument.
Although i chose the options it needs more work.... however
i wanted an options stating, Happy with the new look and artistic portrayal, just would like some darker touch-ups.
sorry if that might seem too specific, but i think the franchise needed a more vibrant face lift, i just really believe darker areas like the dugeons/caverns/jails/etc need to be a lot darker and scary. maybe even a light radius
Just make it SCARY. I want to see Durance of Hate Level 6 with blood and intestines splattered all over the walls. Exposed rib cages with poor bastard ghouls desperately trying to creep out of them. Pentagrams, upside down crosses.. whatever it takes!
So far from what I've heard on the D3 site the music is right on. No complaints there so far.
Just hope you have some seriously atmospheric and demonic shit up your sleeve for the release, graphics wise.
Personally, I don't mind the current way it looks, but here's what I would prefer. The beginning of the game should start out in "happier" looking areas that maybe demons just started coming to and haven't yet had the chance to leave their mark on the environment. Then, the further into the game you go the more evil and dark areas become. This would give more impact imo as it shows what the demons have done to the world
i wanted an options stating, Happy with the new look and artistic portrayal, just would like some darker touch-ups.
sorry if that might seem too specific, but i think the franchise needed a more vibrant face lift, i just really believe darker areas like the dugeons/caverns/jails/etc need to be a lot darker and scary. maybe even a light radius
It's easier (I think) make darker and gothic graphics with a 2D engine, because you only have bitmaps.
The main difference in these before/after screenshots is the color pallete and the Unsharp Mask efect (A Photoshop efect). I don't have experience with 3D design, but I think its possible to simulate efects like these.
I like the way it is!
some places COULD be more gloomy, not much more though. Like I said it is good the way it is.
But, if they made it more gloomy and gothic looking, it would be great if the skills were a bit brighter to highlight them and make them look more powerful! :]
I thought most of the game looked fantastic. I personally loved the dungeon and outdoor environments and I know it is but a small part of the finished product. I will agree with many people those that the player character models looked quite cartoonish. I'd like to see more realistic player models. I thought the enemy models were pretty good (maybe a bit cartoonish), but I love the giant "war machine of hell" boss.
Also, a very minor note, I think the animation for "whirlwind" looks more like "merry-go-round." It was really slow compared to the animation in Diablo 2. I equate whirlwind with high speed spinning, it looks a bit lazy in Diablo 3.
Great job thus far Blizzard, can't wait for the finished product!!
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Why are so many enamored with dark, dark & more dark? To be blunt as much as I loved D2 in the really dark areas I had to turn the gamma way up. If that didn't help I would simply watch my dot on the map and never even gave the scenery a first look much less a second one.
The light radius thing was a bother at best and horriby frustrating at worst.
The scenery in D2 was stunning but so much of it was lost in the darkness.
The D3 shots have so much detail in every nook and cranny I know that in the early days of playing I am going to get killed often because I am too busy enjoying the scenery to fight!
I don't play WoW (in fact have never even seen it) so I don't know how the new shots compare to WoW.
The game movie was a video of a monitor so it is hard to get a real feel for the actual colors, but in the hi-res screen captures I like the dungeon lighting and colors.
It is nice to see all around and I do feel it is plenty creepy without having to be plunged into complete darkness.
Sancuary has a sun that shines quite bright as evidenced by Act II - D2 so the outside need not always be dark and overcast.
I just don't feel that reusing the D2 lighting and color scheme with this new graphics engine will work.
But in all reality films of monitors and screen-caps may never give one the true feel.
I don't think we are ever going to get the real feel of it until a playable demo is released.
And in the end I will buy it & play it no matter how light or dark it is.
Yeah , D3 must use bloom or HDR lighting to some effect.That's probally what's putting many people off, D2 never had that 'soft' look that D3 has now. Remove the bloom and D3 will look like D2, but I'm happy the way D3 looks right now.
The engine that drew and rendered character models in Diablo 1/2, was responsible for that grit.
Any game that used that type of engine, did indeed have quite a bit of grit.
And the available palette was always dull in a way that could easily point people in the "it's dark/gothic" direction.
Labeling it cartoony is just ignorant, the constant whining about rainbows and puppies has become beyond annoying.
Blizzard has never been one for absolute realism.
They've taken a more stylized approach when WC3 came around, but it by no means is not cartoony.
Realism in our current generation of graphics, can be very clunky, and most definitely would detract from the fluidity that Diablo 3 looks to achieve.
The design team wishes to build upon creating an epic hero. Stylization is hands down the best route to achieve such epicness.
The color scheme from what we've currently seen is welcome change
Just because the inside of the cathedral was shades of blue instead of gray does not mean it's dark.
It looked pretty dark to me.
And when I saw the players exit to the outdoors, I was dumbfounded by all the little details they fit into the surroundings.
It looked like the players were fighting in a sprawling painting.
In my opinion, the art direction is superb. People just need to chill out and embrace it.
Perhaps at first it looks like they're giving the world of Sanctuary so much life...
But it gives Hell so much more to take away.
I also agree with others, lets wait till more gameplay footage/screenshots before we pass judgement on what the entire game will be like.
Whatever the case I know I will love Diablo III and I wish I could play it right now!
Where there is truth, he must find.
Where there is destruction, he must rebuild.
Where there is love, he must protect."
World's Fair Exhibit
"God gave us memories, that in life's garden we may have June roses in December."
John Barrie
I trust you 100%. I know that you wouldn't have changed the art design if it wasn't for a reason. I love the way the graphics, and the isometric view play, and look. However, it doesn't look dark enough, to me, compared to the previous games, and the monsters aren't hellish enough. However, I admit that I haven't seen nearly enough to form an educated, respectable opinion. So, I'll only say this; As long as the game, environments, story, characters, and plot is dark, then I'll be more than satisfied. It seems that you aren't trying to make the game lighter; No, instead you're trying to (As said before at WWI) find different ways of conveying horror, and giving emotions through color instead of just making everything black. I trust you Blizzard, and Blizzard Art Designers... I hope that, if you pay attention to all of this, that you know, and hear that a lot of us ABSOLUTELY love the graphics for the most part (As long as they stay dark in tone.)
-- I would also like to say that I hope that the gothic aspect of the game, and the colorful, vibrant environments are balanced. I don't want too much darkness because that can get old, nor too much "hopefully/happy" environments; because that can get old too, not to mention it's un-Diablo-esque. I mean old in a sense that it's no longer awe-inspiring to look at the details. I never got tired of the darkness in Diablo (1), but having ranging environments would really help. I've been playing Diablo, and Diablo 2, and the expansion since day one, and really never quit, but I think that balancing the environments can really add something else to the replay value. I think that the environments of Diablo 2, which weren't as dark as Diablo (1), opened up the world, and showed it in a more detailed way. I don't think this could have been done had it not been slightly lighter (Ignoring the fact that most of Diablo (1) was in a dungeon/cave) Summary: Different colors create different moods which can be used for different effects at different parts of the game. Make the lighter outdoor scenes beautiful to look at (Not destroying the horror of it, though.), but still have the dark dungeons/environments
-- Use the contrasts of the bright, vibrant environments of some parts, and the dark, gothic, demonic areas that some of the areas (hopefully) have, to increase the effects of the later parts. For example, when I play Diablo 2, it's really hard to feel that the Catacombs of Act 1 are any more dangerous than Hell in Act 4. Act 4 is so much brigher with the lava that it didn't feel like it should when compared to the dungeons of Act 1. I'm hoping that this can be "fixed" if some parts are beautiful, and colorful, yet some are dark, and horrific.
-- I also think that the gore, and the violence in Diablo (1) really set a more effective mood than Diablo 2 (Like the Butcher, I think it is really a classic boss/monster, and I can still picture the effects it had on me so many years ago). Diablo 2 was violent, of course, but Diablo (1) seemed to have done it more effectively with the bosses/monsters. I'm hoping that (This is hinted at in video.) that the bosses/monsters can be used to create a more horrific mood that can really convey the world of Diablo.
To whoever it was that said some things look too "new" I agree, things should look a bit more aged and authentic.
A lot of the concept art looks cooler than the in game stuff.
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i wanted an options stating, Happy with the new look and artistic portrayal, just would like some darker touch-ups.
sorry if that might seem too specific, but i think the franchise needed a more vibrant face lift, i just really believe darker areas like the dugeons/caverns/jails/etc need to be a lot darker and scary. maybe even a light radius
Sign for a Darker Art Direction in the dungeons/caves/etc.
I'm a big fan of upgrading your color palette.
Just make it SCARY. I want to see Durance of Hate Level 6 with blood and intestines splattered all over the walls. Exposed rib cages with poor bastard ghouls desperately trying to creep out of them. Pentagrams, upside down crosses.. whatever it takes!
So far from what I've heard on the D3 site the music is right on. No complaints there so far.
Just hope you have some seriously atmospheric and demonic shit up your sleeve for the release, graphics wise.
Personally, I don't mind the current way it looks, but here's what I would prefer. The beginning of the game should start out in "happier" looking areas that maybe demons just started coming to and haven't yet had the chance to leave their mark on the environment. Then, the further into the game you go the more evil and dark areas become. This would give more impact imo as it shows what the demons have done to the world
1. Darker scheme to play with.
2. And what Blizzard has shown currently at the WWI
More people will be happy this way.
This would have been a good option too, yeah.
The main difference in these before/after screenshots is the color pallete and the Unsharp Mask efect (A Photoshop efect). I don't have experience with 3D design, but I think its possible to simulate efects like these.
Yea, and this would also make it so they would kinda have to remake areas, causing the game to take longer to come out and therefore no ones happy.
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some places COULD be more gloomy, not much more though. Like I said it is good the way it is.
But, if they made it more gloomy and gothic looking, it would be great if the skills were a bit brighter to highlight them and make them look more powerful! :]
Also, a very minor note, I think the animation for "whirlwind" looks more like "merry-go-round." It was really slow compared to the animation in Diablo 2. I equate whirlwind with high speed spinning, it looks a bit lazy in Diablo 3.
Great job thus far Blizzard, can't wait for the finished product!!
Looking for members of the old DarkKillers Paladin clan...