Lately, days feel like weeks and weeks feel like months. I need a game to distract me from the ever nearing release. I've dabbled in Aion and Torchlight, neither really caught my interest. I'm debating going back to Baldur's Gate II, or something similar.
What I want to know is, what are you playing while you wait for May 15th to roll around? Or, do you have any suggestions for me.
Since there is a big thread about this subject in the "other games" section, i merged your thread into it.
Since Diablo 3 was announced my friends and I realised that any game we play was going to be filler until we got our hands on it. WoW was a good time sink for a while but with Cataclysm a lot of my friends began to quit. I stuck it out for a while but during Firelands I was running out of steam. I quit just before Dragon Soul and am actually glad I did because now the content has stayed stagnant and isn't going to change for a while. I've tried not gaming, but thats not fun lol.
I spent some time playing guitar hero on my PS2 and beta testing Firefall, but SW:TOR takes up all my time now. It's a blast and will be consuming my time until I can finally play D3. When it drops my demon hunter will own face.
Heroes of Newerth, love that game, never gets old, amazing game to just come back too, and play a game every now and then. Which i will be doing when inferno drives me crazy
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"If you don't have a TV, then what is all your furniture pointed at?"
I'm pretty sure you will be disappointed by pre-purchase beta because its not polished yet. But once its done, will be awesome if its anything like the first one. Here is my gameplay commentary.
The wait doesn't feel nearly as long, and I dont have to play some crap substitute.
In 3 Weeks time Risen 2.
FPS - BF3 (hoping for CS:GO invite)
Dungeon Crawling - PoE and D2
MMO - Rift
RPGs - FF7, FF9, FFT, Disgaea 3
Sim - Cities XL 2012
for he to-day that sheds his blood with me
shall be my brother..."
I spent some time playing guitar hero on my PS2 and beta testing Firefall, but SW:TOR takes up all my time now. It's a blast and will be consuming my time until I can finally play D3. When it drops my demon hunter will own face.
looool that's an interesting game idea they had there.
I'm pretty sure you will be disappointed by pre-purchase beta because its not polished yet. But once its done, will be awesome if its anything like the first one. Here is my gameplay commentary.
what do you guys think of devilian online?
I went through a D3 phase hard for 2 weeks, got over that, and now I'm on a Civ6 kick.
At the moment I can't find any interesting games