Reaper of Souls Highlights: All Class Changes
We've compared all the class skill changes from the current live version of Diablo III to their current Beta values at level 70! And we've presented them at a familiar Patch Notes version. Enjoy!
Important note: Some stats scale with level. The stats you see below are compared from level 70 to level 60. Things like Life Regeneration might look incredibly buffed, but could just be the natural progression of that skill.
DiabloFans Quote:
Active Skills
Bash - Now generates 2 Fury per hit (down from 3), chance to Knockback removed.
Onslaught - The two reverberations now cause a total of 70% (up from a total of 50%)
Punish - Now increases damage of all skills by 4% (down from 8%)
Instigation - Now increases Fury generation by 3 (down from 4)
Launch - Now also deals 180% damage (did not do damage previously)
Toppling Impact - Now also deals 450% damage (did not do damage previously)
Ancient Spear - Now a Fury spender, instead of generator. Pierces enemies instead of pulling them. Costs 15 Fury. No longer has a cooldown. Deals 300% damage (up from 185%). No longer slows target movement by 60%.
Dread Spear - Now reads: Expend all remaining Fury to deal 20% weapon damage for every point of Fury expended (Previously: Gain Life equal to 60% of the damage inflicted)
Harpoon - Now is the only rune to pull enemies back. Also slows them
Rage Flip - Now also slows enemies. Additional damage has been removed
Grappling Hooks replaced by Ranseur - Enemies hit are knocked back
Skirmish replaced by Jagged Edge - Increase the damage to 405% weapon damage
Triumph replaced by Berserk - Increase the duration of the Frenzy effect to 10 seconds
Maniac - Now increases damage by 2.5%, stacking 5 times (down from 4%, stacking 5 times)
Seismic Slam - Now deals 550% damage (up from 240%). Now specifies 4 yard Knockback range
Stagger - Now has 80% chance to stun (up from 70%) for 1 seconds (down from 1.5)
Shattered Ground - Now deals 710% damage (up from 288%)
Rumble - Now deals 230% damage (up from 60%)
Strength from Earth - Now reads: Gain 1.0% of your maximum Life for every enemy hit (Previously: Reduce Fury cost to 15 Fury)
Cracking Rift - Now deals 780% damage (up from 340%)
Revenge - Now has 2 charges and costs 1 charge to activate. Now heals for 2% maximum Life (down from 5%)
Vengeance is Mine replaced by Blood Law: Increase healing to 4% of maximum Life (down from 8%) for each enemy hit. No longer generates 5 Fury
Best Served Cold - Now lasts 6 seconds (down from 12)
Retribution - Now deals 480% damage (down from 286%)
Provocation - Reworked. Increase the maximum number of charges to 3 (Previously: Increases the chance Revenge will become active to 30% each time you're hit by an attack)
Weapon Throw - Now a generator instead of a spender. Generates 5 Fury. Now deals 115% damage (down from 130%). No longer slows enemies
Mighty Throw - Now increases damage to 175% (up from 169%)
Ricochet - Distance now 15 yards (down from 20 yards)
Throwing Hammer - Now has 30% chance to stun (down from 50%) for 1 second (down from 1.5)
Stupefy - Now has a 10% chance to Confuse (down from 20%) for 3 seconds (down from 6)
Dread Bomb replaced by Balanced Weapon - Increase Fury generated to 8 (Previously: Expend all remaining Fury to throw a corpse which inflicts an additional 3% weapon damage for each point of Fury expended to all enemies within 12 yards of the target)
Sprint - Now increases movement speed by 30% (down from 40%)
Marathon - Now increases movement speed by 40% (down from 50%) for 4 seconds (down from 5)
Falter - Duration now 15 seconds (up from 5 seconds)
Earthquake - Now has a 60 second cooldown (down from 120 seconds). Now deals 3000% damage (up from 2000%)
Giant's Stride - Now deals 200% damage (up from 65%). Added number of secondary tremors - 20
Chilling Earth - Now freezes enemies (previously slowed them by 80%)
The Mountain's Call - Now reduces cooldown to 45 seconds (down from 105%)
Aftershocks replaced by Molten Fury - Increase Earthquake's damage to 5200% weapon damage as Fire. (previously - Secondary tremors knock enemies back and inflict 65% weapon damage as Fire)
Path of Fire - Now deals 200% weapon damage (up from 65%). Added number of secondary tremors - 20
Whirlwind - Now deals 275% damage (up from 145%). Added - When whirlwinding you move at 66% movement speed
Dust Devils - Now deals 80% damage (up from 40%)
Hurricane - Reworked. Now pulls enemies from up to 45 yards away towards your Whirlwinding. (previously: Allows you to move at your movement speed while using Whirlwind)
Blood Funnel - Now restores 1% of maximum Life (down from 2%)
Volcanic Eruption - Now deals 325% damage (up from 189%)
Battering Ram - Now does 760% damage (up from 283%)
Stamina - Now generates 12 additional Fury (up from 8)
Dreadnought - Reworked. Now reads: All enemies hit are pulled to your destination (previously: Regain 8% of your maximum Life for each target hit by Furious Charge)
Bravado - Reworked. Now reads: Breaks the effects of Root, Stun, Fear, Immobilized and Snare (previously: When activated, Knockback all enemies within 12 yards and deal 50% weapon damage to them)
Ignorance is Bliss - Reworked. Now reads: While Ignore Pain is active, gain 2732 Life per Fury spent (previously: When Ignore Pain is active, gain 20% of all damage dealt as Life)
Mob Rule - Added 50 yard range.
Battle Rage - Now increases damage by 10% (down from 15%)
Marauder's Rage - Now increases damage by 15% (down from 30%)
Ferocity - Now increases duration to 300 seconds (previously: Critical Hits have a chance to increase duration by 2 seconds)
Swords to Plougshares - Now has a 15% chance to drop Health Globes on Critical Hits (up from 5%)
Into the Fray - Reworked. Now reads: Gain 1% Critical Hit chance for each enemy within 10 yards while under the effects of Battle Rage (previously: While under the effects of Battle Rage, Critical Hits have a chance to generate 15 additional Fury)
Call of the Ancients - Fury cost removed. Ancients now last 30 seconds (up from 15). Each deals 100% damage (up from 60%). Talic gains Leap Attack, Korlic gains Furious Charge, Madawc gains Seismic Slam
The Council Rises - Ancients now get 200% damage (up from 66%)
Duty to the Clan - Duration now 60 seconds (up from 20)
Korlic's Might replaced by Ancients' Blessing - Heal for 65% Life when the Ancients are called (previously: Korlic gains Furious Charge)
Madawc's Madness replaced by Ancients' Fury - Gain 3 Fury every time an Ancient deals damage (previously: Madawc gains Seismic Slam)
Talic's Anger replaced by Together as One - 50% of all damage done to you is instead divided evenly between the Ancients (previously: Talic gains Leap Attack)
Arreat's Wail - Now deals 3200% damage on activation (up from 430%)
Insanity - Damage now increased by 60% (down from 100%)
Slaughter - Eruptions now deal 280% damage (up from 155%)
Striding Giant - Dodge chance now increased by 80% (up from 60%)
Thrive on Chaos - Reworked. Now reads: While active gain 2732 Life per Fury spent (previously: Every 25 Fury gained while Wrath of the Berserker is active adds 1 second to the duration of the effect)
[New!] Avalanche - Cooldown 30 seconds. Cause a massive deluge of rocks and debris to sweep across an area dealing 1800% weapon damage to all enemies caught in its path. Cooldown is reduced by 1 second for every 25 Fury you spend
Glacier - Giants blocks of ice hit and freeze enemies for 5 seconds
Snow-Capped Mountain - Cave-in from both sides push monsters into a valley in front of you <NYI>
Volcanic Eruption - Chunks of molten lava rain down from the sky <NYI>
Lahar - Cooldown is reduced by 1 second for every 15 Fury spent
Tectonic Rift - Store up to 3 charges of Avalanche at a time
Passive Skills
Pound of Flesh - Now gives 50% additional Life from Health Globes (down from 100%). Increased chance of finding Health Globes removed
Ruthless - Reworked. Now deals 40% additional damage to enemies below 30% health (previously Critical Hit Chance increased by 5%. Critical Hit Damage increased by 50%)
Nerves of Steel - Now increases Armor by 50% of your Vitality (down from 100%)
Weapons Master - Now gives 8% increased damage with Swords/Daggers (down from 15%), 5% Critical Hit Chance with Maces/Axes (down from 10%), 8% Attack Speed with Polearms/Spears (down from 10%).
Inspiring Presence - Now regenerates 1% of maximum Life per second (down from 2%)
Bloodthirst - Reworked. Now reads: Each point of Fury spent heals you for 546 Life. Heal amount is increased by 1% of your Health Globe Healing Bonus (previously: Gain 3% of all damage done as Life)
No Escape - Weapon Throw and Ancient Spear damage now increased by 20% (up from 10%), but only against enemies more than 25 yards away. Critical Hit components for both skills removed
Brawler - Damage now increased by 20% (down from 30%)
Boon of Bul-Kathos - Earthquake cooldown now reduced by 15 seconds (down from 30)
[New!] Earthen Might - Gain 50 Fury when activating Avalanche or Earthquake
[New!] Rampage - Increase Strength by 1% for 8 seconds after killing or assisting in killing an enemy. This effect stacks up to 25 times
[New!] Sword and Board - Blocking an attack generates 20 Fury
Cinder Arrow replaced by Serrated Arrow. Now reads: Increase Hatred generated to 6 (previously: Light the arrow on fire, dealing 35% additional weapon damage as fire over 3 seconds)
Impale - Now costs 20 Hatred (down from 25). Deals 620% damage (up from 265%)
Impact - Stun chance now 50% (down from 65%)
Awareness replaced by Ricochet - Now reads: The knife ricochets to 2 nearby enemies within 20 yards of each other (previously: After the initial throw, release multiple blades centered on you, dealing 75% weapon damage to all enemies within 10 yards)
Grievous Wounds - Now deals 130% additional damage to Critical Hits (up from 100%)
Twin Chakrams - Now deals 220% damage (up from 114%)
Serpentine - Now deals 500% damage (up from 230%)
Razor Disc - Now deals 380% damage (up from 187%). Damage changed from Arcane to Physical
Boomerang - Now deals 400% damage (up from 230%)
Shuriken Cloud - Now deals 200% damage (up from 34%)
Preparation - Now restores 30 Discipline (instead of all of it)
Invigoration - Now permanently increases maximum Discipline by 10 (previously increased it by 10 for 5 seconds)
Punishment - Now restores 125 Hatred for 25 Discipline (instead of all of it)
Battle Scars - Now returns 35% Life (down from 60%)
Evasive Fire - Now also deals 65% damage to two additional enemies. No longer costs discipline to backflip. You can now backflip only once every 3 seconds
Parting Gift - Now deals 150% damage (up from 55%) in a 10 yard radius (down from 12)
Surge - Now removes the cooldown on the backflip, but backfliping costs 2 Discipline (previously reduced cost to backflip to 2 Discipline)
Grenades - Renamed to Grenade. Now deals 180% damage (up from 95%)
Cluster Grenades - Now deal 200% damage (up from 112%). Distance increased to 9 yards (up from 8)
Fire Bomb replaced by Grenade Cache - Now reads: Throw out 3 grenades that explode for 180% weapon damage as Fire each (previously: Throw a single grenade that deals 124% weapon damage as Fire)
Stun Grenade - Stun chance now 20% (down from 25%)
Gas Grenades - Now deals 180% damage (up from 95%). Additional damage is now 120% (up from 25%)
Shadow Power - Reworked. Now gives 5465 Life per hit for 5 seconds (previously 15% of all damage done as Life)
Night Bane - Reworked. Now reads: Slow the movement speed of enemies within 30 yards by 80% for 5 seconds (previously: Gain an additional 3 Hatred per second while Shadow Power is active)
Blood Moon - Now gives 10929 Life per Hit (previously increases damage done as Life to 25%)
Well of Darkness - Reworked. Now reads: Remove the Discipline cost but add a 14 second cooldown (previously decreased Discipline cost to 12)
Gloom - Now reduces incoming damage by 15% (down from 35%)
Fan of Knives - Hatred cost removed. Cooldown is now 8 seconds (down from 10). Now deals 450% damage (up from 320%). Distance increased to 20 yards (up from 10). Slow duration is now 1 second (down from 2)
Crippling Razors replaced by Pinpoint Accuracy - Now reads: Increase cooldown to 12 seconds and increase damage to 1200% weapon damage (previously: Increase the amount enemies are slowed to 80% for 2 seconds)
Retaliate replaced by Bladed Armor - Now reads: Gain 65% additional armor for 4 seconds (previously: Surround yourself with whirling blades that deal 464% weapon damage to all enemies if you are struck in the next 10 seconds)
Hail of Knives replaced by Knives Expert - Now reads: Remove the cooldown, but add a 30 Hatred cost (previously: increase the radius to damage all enemies within 20 yards)
Fan of Daggers - Now always stun enemies. Knockback added
Assassin's Knives - Now deals 450% damage (up from 70%)
Companion - Now deals 100% damage (previously 36%)
Spider Companion - Now also deals 120% damage
Bat Companion - Now also deals 38% damage
Boar Companion - Now also deals 60% damage. Now regenerates 2732 Life per second (up from 310)
Ferret Companion - Ferrets now also deal 50% additional damage each
Wolf Companion - Wolf now deals 150% damage (up from 94%)
Dark Cloud - Now deals 3200% over 8 seconds (up from 792% over 12 seconds)
Beastly Bombs replaced by Shade - Now deals 2800% damage over 5 seconds (previously summoned 20 Shadow Beasts that deal 245% damage each)
Stampede - Now deals 4400% damage (up from 120% for each of 10 Shadow Beasts)
Anathema - Now deals 5400% over 8 seconds (up from 3300% over 15 seconds)
Flying Strike - Now deals 3200% damage (up from 100% for each of 8 Shadow Beasts)
[New!] Vengeance - Cooldown 90 seconds. Turn into the physical embodiment of Vengeance for 15 seconds. Side Guns: Gain 4 additional piercing shots for 75% weapon damage each on every attack. Homing Rockets: Shoot 4 rockets at nearby enemies for 40% weapon damage each on every attack
Dark Heart - Vengeance pours out of you, continuously dealing 350% weapon damage per second to enemies around you
Personal Mortar - Launch 2 grenades at random enemies outside melee range every attack for 175% weapon damage each
Stimulants - Heal for 6% of maximum Life each second
From the Shadows - Summon allies from the shadows that attack and Stun your enemies for 2 seconds
Seethe - Gain 15 Hatred per second
Passive Skills
Thrill of the Hunt - Now every 6 seconds (down from 7). Immobilizes all targets hit (instead of your target)
Vengeance renamed to Bloody Vengeance - Now gains 40 Hatred and 4 Discipline (up from 20 Hatred and 2 Discipline) when healed by a Health Globe
Cull the Weak - Damage increased to 20% (up from 15%)
Brooding - Now gives 1.5% Life regeneration per second (up from 2%), but is only active when stationary. Now stacks to 3 times. Bonus is reset 5 seconds after you move
Hot Pursuit - Now increases movement speed for 20% for 2 seconds after hitting an enemy (previously ran 15% faster when at full Hatred)
Archery - Bow damage now 8% (down from 15%), Hand Crossbow now 5% Critical Hit Chance (down from 10%). Adds 2nd Hand Crossbow component that gives 1 Hatred regeneration
Grenadier - Now increases damage of grenades by 20% (previously reduced Grenades cost by 2 Hatred). Adds increased explosion size of Grenades by 40%. Giant grenade now deals 1000% damage (up from 450%)
Sharpshooter - Now gives 4% Critical Hit Chance (up from 3)
Ballistics - Additional rockets damage now 100% (up from 50%). In addition you have a 20% chance to fire a homing rocket that deals 150% weapon damage
[New!] Ambush - You deal 30% additional damage to enemies above 80% health
[New!] Awareness - Gain 4% Dodge Chance every second. This bonus is reset 1 second after you successfully dodge an attack
[New!] Single Out - Gain 20% Critical Hit Chance against enemies who are more than 20 yards away from other enemies
Active Skills
Fists of Thunder - Now generates 14 Spirit per attack (up from 6). Teleports you to your target. Deals 122% damage (up from 110%). Third hit now splits 183% damage between enemies hit
Thunderclap - Now deals 95% damage (up from 35%)
Lightning Flash - Now increases dodge by 17% (up from 16%)
Static Charge - Now deals 172% damage (up from 37%)
Quickening - Now returns 4 Spirit (down from 15)
Bounding Light - Now specifies 3 additional enemies
Lashing Tail Kick - Now deals 624% damage (up from 470%). No longer knocks back
Vulture Claw Kick - Now deals 624% damage (up from 517%)
Sweeping Armada - Now deals 671% damage. Now longer gives Knockback distance increase
Spinning Flame Kick - Now deals 677% damage (up from 588%)
Scorpion Sting - Stun chance now 65% (up from 50%). Stun duration is 2 seconds (up from 1.5)
Hand of Ytar - Now stuns for 3 seconds (up from 2)
Deadly Reach - Now generates 12 Spirit (up from 6). Deals 106% damage (down from 110%). Every third hit now has a chance of knocking enemies up (previously extended third hit by 25 yards)
Piercing Trident - Now also increases knock up chance to 20%
Keen Eye - Now increases armor by 40% (down from 50%)
Scattered Blows - Reworked. Now has a chance to randomly hit enemies within 25 yards for 153% damage (previously replaced third hit with an attack that hits up to 6 enemies within 15 yards for 170% damage)
Strike from Beyond - Spirit generated on hit now 3 (down from 10)
Foresight - Damage increase now 10% (down from 18%)
Blinding Flash - Spirit cost removed. Blinds for 3.5 seconds (up from 3)
Self Reflection - Now blinds for 7.5 seconds (up from 4 seconds)
Blinded and Confused - Enemies now have 50% chance to miss (up from 25%)
Blinding Echo - Additional blind now lasts 3.5 seconds (up from 0.5)
Faith in the Light - Blind duration now 3.5 seconds (up from 3). Gives 43% additional damage (up from 30%)
Tempest Rush - Now deals 289% damage (up from 155%). No longer knocks back and slows enemies
Northern Breeze - Now also increases damage to 343%
Flurry - Now slows enemies by 60% (down from 80%)
Slipstream - Now reduces damage by 20% (down from 25%)
Breath of Heaven - Spirit cost removed. Now heals for 26776-32241 Life (up from 6202-7442)
Circle of Scorn - Now also deals 627% damage (up from 80%)
Circle of Life - Now heals for 53552-64481 Life (up from 8063-9675). Additionally heal amount is increased by 30% of your Health Globe Healing Bonus.
Blazing Wrath - Now increases damage by 10% (down from 15%)
Infused with Light - Generates 4 additional spirit (down from 8)
Penitent Flame - Fear duration increased to 3.5 seconds (up from 1.5 seconds)
Dashing Strike - No longer costs Spirit. Now has charges. You get a maximum of 2 charges, that generated every 6 seconds. Dashes up to 50 yards. Now deals 352% damage (up from 303%). No longer roots target
Way of the Falling Star - No longer requires an enemy to be struck to receive movement speed increase
Flying Side Kick - Moved to 4th Rune. Now has a 15% chance to Stun (down from 60%). Stun duration now 1 second (down from 1.5)
Quicksilver - Reworked. Now increases charges to a maximum of 3 (previously reduced Spirit cost to 10)
Soaring Skull replaced by Barrage - Moved to 5th Rune. Now reads: The last enemy you dash through is obliterated by a barrage of strikes, taking an additional 259% damage as Physical over 2 seconds. (previously: Launch yourself through the air and slow all enemies along your path by 60% for 2 seconds)
Blinding Speed - Moved to 2nd Rune. Now deals Cold damage
Crippling Wave - Now generates 12 Spirit (up from 7). Deals 143% damage (up from 110%). Specifies daze effect to 11 yards
Mangle - Now deals 216% damage (up from 143%)
Rising Tide - Now generates an additional 4 Spirit (down from 5).
Tsunami - No longer gives movement speed reduction
Wave of Light - Now deals 604% damage (down from 829%). Second strike now deals 101% damage (up from 96%)
Wall of Light - Now deals 928% damage (down from 1202%). Knockback added
Explosive Light - Bursts now deal 830% damage (down from 914%)
Blinding Light - Now stuns for 4.5 seconds (up from 3)
Pillar of the Ancients - Now deals 636% damage with both attack (up from 595%)
Exploding Palm - Now bleeds enemies for 1331% damage (up from 745%
The Flesh is Weak - Additional damage is now 20% (up from 12%)
Strong Spirit - Affected enemies now grant 10 Spirit (up from 5)
Creeping Demise - Slow now lasts 9 seconds (up from 3)
Impending Doom - Now deals 2537% damage (up from 745%) over 12 seconds (down from 15 seconds)
Essence Burn - Now deals 1832% damage (up from 745%). Explosion deals 343% damage (up from 60%)
Inner Sanctuary - Spirit cost removed. Now reduces all damage taken inside circle by 55% (previously the circle could not be passed)
Safe Haven - Moved to 2nd Rune. Now heals for 7540 Life (up from 1550). Additionally heal amount is now increased by 30% of your Life per second
Sanctified Ground - Moved to 1st Rune. Reworked. Now increase the duration of the circle to 7 seconds and makes the circle impassable (previously when the circle expired it slowed enemy movements speed by 80%)
Consecration replaced by Temple of Protection - Now reads: Allies inside Inner Sanctuary are also immune to control impairing effects (previously increased the duration of Inner Sanctuary to 7 seconds)
Circle of Protection replaced by Intervene - Now reads: Dash to the target location, granting a shield that absorbs up to 45246 damage for 3 seconds to allies within 11 yards and then creating Inner Sanctuary. Absorb amount is increased by 28% of your Health Globe Healing Bonus (previously: You and your allies standing in the area of effect of Inner Sanctuary take 35% less damage)
Forbidden Palace - Reworked. Now reads: Enemies inside Inner Sanctuary take 30% increased damage and have their movement speed reduced by 80% (previously: You and your allies standing in the area of effect of Inner Sanctuary deal 15% additional damage)
Mystic Ally - No longer costs Spirit. Now has a 30 second cooldown. Now has Active and Passive states. When allies die they return to life after 5 seconds
Water Ally - Now reads: Active: Your mystic ally performs 7 wave attacks in quick succession, each dealing 245% weapon damage as Cold. Passive: A mystic ally fights on your side that infuses your attacks to Chill enemies by 60% for 3 seconds
Fire Ally - Now reads: Active: Your mystic ally splits into multiple allies that explode for 277% damage as Fire. Passive: A mystic ally fights by your side that increases your damage by 10%
Air Ally - Now reads: Active: You gain 75 Spirit. Passive: A mystic ally fights by your side that increases your Spirit regeneration by 4
Eternal Ally replaced by Enduring Ally - Now reads: Active: Your mystic ally sacrifices itself to heal you for 100% of your maximum Life. Passive: A mystic ally fights by your side that increases your Life per second by 2732
Earth Ally - Now reads: Active: Your mystic ally turns into a boulder for 8 seconds. The boulder rolls toward nearby enemies, knocking them up. Passive: A mystic ally fights by your side that increases your Life by 20%
Mantra of Healing - Range increased to 60 yards (from 40). Now regenerates 2732 Life per second (up from 620). Shield on activation now absorbs 31612 damage (up from 930) and is additionally increased by 15% of your Health Globe Healing Bonus
Sustenance - Life regeneration increased to 5465 (up from 1240). Additionally benefits from 30% of your Life per second
Boon of Inspiration - Now heals for 1822 per hit (up from 186). Additionally benefits from 20% of your Life per hit
Mantra of Conviction - Now affects enemies up to 30 yards (up from 20). Enemies now take 10% additional damage (down from 12%). On activation damage is increased by 20% (down from 24%)
Overawe - Now increases bonus damage by 20% (down from 24%) and 40% on activation (down from 48%
Intimidation - Enemies now deal 15% less damage (up from 10%)
Dishearten - Range now 30 yards (up from 20). Slow now 80% (up from 30%)
Reclamation replaced by Annihilation - Enemies now have a 15% chance to receive a Crushing Blow (previously had a 30% chance to heal for 279-341 on hit)
Submission - Additional damage now 19% (up from 12%)
[New!] Epiphany - Cooldown 90 seconds. Have an Epiphany, increasing your Spirit regeneration per second by 35 and enabling your melee attacks to instantly dash to your target for 15 seconds
Desert Shroud - Infuse yourself with sand, reducing damage taken by 50%
Ascendance - Charge yourself with Lightning, causing your next attack after moving 10 yards to stun for 1.5 seconds
Soothing Mist - Imbue yourself with water, causing your abilities to heal yourself and allies within 30 yards for 13661 Life. Heal amount is increased by 25% of your Health Globe Healing Bonus
Windwalker - Each enemy killed during your Epiphany increases your Attack Speed by 3% for the remaining duration of Epiphany
Inner Fire - Engulf yourself with flames, causing your attacks to assault enemies in front of you for 353% weapon damage as fire.
Passive Skills
Exalted Soul - Now increases Spirit Regeneration by 2 (up from 1)
Transcendence - Every point of Spirit spent now heals you for 546.5 Life (up from 62). Additionally heal amount is increased by 1% of Health Globe Healing Bonus
Sixth Sense - Dodge chance increased to 42.5% of Critical Hit Chance (up from 30%)
Near Death Experience - Now adds: When Near Death experience is on cooldown, your Health Globe Healing Bonus, Life per second and Life per hit are increased by 35%
[New!] Nirvana - Every 0.25 seconds you increase your damage by 5%, stacking up to 15 times. Nirvana stacks reset when you hit an enemy
[New!] Momentum - Moving 30 yards increases your damage by 15% for 4 seconds
[New!] Mythic Rhythm - Every third hit from a Spirit Generator increases the damage of your next damaging Spirit Spender by 40%
Witch Doctor
Active Skills
Poison Dart - No longer costs Mana. Now deals 140% damage (up from 100%)
Splinters - The 3 darts now deal 140% damage each (up from 60%)
Spined Dart - Now gives 25 Mana (down from 29)
Flaming Dart - Now deals 240% damage (up from 180%)
Snake to the Face - Now has 25% chance to stun (down from 30%)
Grasp of the Dead - Now costs 150 Mana (up from 123). Now deals 680% damage (up from 320%)
Groping Eels - Now deals 1000% damage (up from 416%)
Rain of Corpses - Now deals 525% damage (up from 80%)
Corpse Spiders - No longer costs Mana. Now deals 192% damage (up from 120%)
Leaping Spiders - Now deal 211% damage (up from 144%)
Spider Queen - Now deals 1885% damage (up from 630%)
Widowmakers - Now return 3 Mana per hit (down from 4)
Medusa Spiders - Now have a 100% chance to Slow (up from 25%)
Blazing Spiders - Now deal 230% damage (up from 156%)
Summon Zombie Dogs - No longer costs Mana. Dogs now deal 12% damage (up from 9%)
Rabid Dogs - Now deals 30% damage (up from 9%)
Burning Dogs - Now burn enemies for 20% damage (up from 2%)
Leeching Beasts - Now heal for 100% of your Life on hit (previously dogs healed for 50% of damage they deal as Life between themselves and you)
Firebats - Now costs 225 Mana initially (up from 221) and 75 while channeling (up from 66). Now deals 445% damage (up from 385%)
Dire Bats - Now deals 300% damage (up from 220%)
Vampire Bats - Reworked. Now reads: No longer has a channeling cost (previously: Gain 2.5% of damage done by the bats as Life)
Plague Bats - Now deals 638% damage (up from 578%)
Cloud of Bats - Now deals 552% damage (up from 501%)
Soul Harvest - No longer costs Mana. Now gain 2% Intelligence per enemy (previously 130 Intelligence
Swallow Your Soul - Reworked. Now reads: Gain Mana and increase your maximum Mana by 5% for each enemy harvested (previously: Gain 39 Mana for every harvested enemy)
Siphon - Now heals for 16394 Life (up from 2171)
Languish - Now also reduces Attack Speed of enemies by 50%. Effect now lasts 5 seconds
Vengeful Spirit - Now deals 780% damage (up from 230%)
Plague of Toads - No longer costs Mana. Now deals 175% damage (up from 130%)
Explosive Toads - Now deals 245% damage (up from 169%)
Toad of Hugeness - Now digests for 29% damage per second (up from 20%)
Rain of Toads - Now deals 182% damage (up from 130%)
Addling Toads - Now deals 175% damage (up from 130%)
Toad Affinity - Reworked. Now gives 9 Mana per hit (previously removed cooldown of skill)
Haunt - Now costs 200 Mana (up from 98). Deals 1665% damage (up from 575%)
Consuming Spirit - Now returns 1336 Life (up from 155)
Resentful Spirit - Reworked. Now summon 2 spirits (previously did 383% Arcane damage over 2 seconds)
Grasping Spirit - Now slows for 60% (up from 30%)
Draining Spirit - Now returns 25 Mana per second (up from 20.4)
Pride - Now gains 60 Mana for each Zombie Dog (down from 294)
For the Master - Now heals for 54645 Life (up from 6202)
Zombie Charger - Now costs 150 Mana (up from 140). Deals 560% damage (up from 205%)
Leperous Zombie replaced by Pile On - Rune is taken from Zombie Wall. Now deals 800% damage (up from 240%)
Undeath - Now deals 360% damage (up from 205%)
Wave of Zombies replaced by Lumbering Cold - Now reads: Zombie winter bears crawl out of the ground and crawl in all directions, dealing 252% weapon damage as Physical to nearby enemies (previously Summon 3 Zombie Chargers that each deal 115% weapon damage as poison)
Explosive Beast - Now deals 532% damage (up from 236%)
Zombie Bears - Now deals 392% damage (up from 236%)
Honored Guest - Gain 30% of maximum Mana on activation (instead of 15% maximum Mana per second)
Umbral Shock - Now deals 920% damage (up from 310%)
Healing Journey - Now heals for 14% of maximum Life on activation (instead of 15% maximum Life per second)
Spirit Barrage - Now costs 100 Mana (down from 108). Deals 425% damage (up from 230%). Now specifies 4 bolts
The Spirit Is Willing - Now gains 12 Mana (down from 44 Mana)
Phantasm - Now deals 790% damage (up from 225%). Can now have up to 3 Phantasms at one time
Phlebotomize - Reworked. Now reads: Each spirit bolt has a 4% chance to Charm its target for 4 seconds (previously: Regain 3% of damage dealt with Spirit Barrage as Life)
Manitou - Spectre now deals 4000% damage up from 1667%)
Wall of Zombies - No longer costs Mana. Cooldown is now 8 seconds (down from 20). Deals 300% damage over 4 seconds (down from 800% over 5). Specifies Wall width - 48 yards
Pile On replaced with Wrecking Crew - Pile On is now a Zombie Charger Rune. Now reads: The line of zombies now taunt enemies to attack them (previously: Summon a tower of zombies that falls over, dealing 550% weapon damage and knocks them back. Reduced cooldown to 10 seconds)
Dead Rush replaced by Offensive Line - Now knocks all enemies behind the wall (previously dealt 445% damage)
Fetish Army - Fetishes now deal 130% damage (up from 20%)
[New!] Piranhas - Cost 250 Mana. Cooldown is 8 seconds. Summons a pool of deadly piranhas that deals 400% weapon damage as poison over 8 seconds. Affected enemies will also take 15% increased damage
Bogadile - a giant bogadile emerges from the pool of water and bites a monster dealing 840% weapon damage
Zombie Piranhas - Turn the piranhas into zombie piranhas. The piranhas will leap out from the pool savagely at nearby enemies
Piranhado - The pool of piranhas becomes a tornado of piranhas that lasts 4 seconds. Nearby enemies are periodically sucked into the tornado. Increases the cooldown to 16 seconds
Wave of Mutilation - Turn each cast into a wave of alligators that crash forward dealing 50% weapon damage and causing all enemies affected to take 15% increased damage for 8 seconds
Fiery Piranhas - Increase the damage dealt to 400% weapon damage as Fire over 8 seconds
Passive Skills
Blood Ritual - Now regenerates 1% of maximum Life (down from 2%)
Rush of Essence - Spirit spells now return 100 Mana (up from 49)
[New!] Creeping Death - Your Haunt, Locust Swarm and the damage amplification of Piranhas last almost forever
[New!] Physical Attunement - You gain 70 Physical resistance for every enemy within 8 yards. The range of this effect is increased by your gold pickup radius.
[New!] Midnight Feast - You can have 1 additional Zombie Dog summoned at one time. The damage of your Zombie Dogs and Gargantuan is increased by 50%
Active Skills
Magic Missile - Now deals 170% damage (up from 125%)
Charged Blast - Now deals 240% damage (up from 163%)
Split - Moved to 3rd Rune. Now deals 83% damage (up from 56%)
Penetrating Blast replaced by Glacial Spike - Moved to 2nd Rune. Now reads: Cast out a shard of ice that explodes on impact, causing enemies within 4.5 yards to take 175% weapon damage as Cold and be frozen for 1 second. Enemies cannot be frozen by Glacial Spike more than once every 5 seconds (previously: Missile have a 100% chance to pierce through their target and hit additional enemies)
Attunement replaced by Conflagrate - Moved to 5th Rune. Now reads: Missiles pierce through enemies and cause them to burn for 371% weapon damage as Fire over 3 seconds (previously: Whenever Magic Missile hits a target you gain 4 Arcane Power)
Seeker - Moved to 4th Rune. Now deals 211% damage (up from 138%)
Ray of Frost - Now hits all enemies within 5 yards of the target. Deals 360% damage (up from 280%). Slow duration now 3 seconds (down from 4)
Numb - Moved to 2nd Rune. Slow duration now 3 seconds (down from 4). Added 10% chance to freeze enemies for 1 second
Snow Blast - Moved to 5th Rune. Reworked. Now reads: Enemies hit by Ray of Frost take 15% increased damage from Cold for 4 seconds (previously: using continuously on a single target increases damage over 1.5 seconds to inflict a maximum of 364% weapon damage as Cold)
Cold Blood - Moved to 1st Rune. Reduces casting cost by 11 (up from 10)
Sleet Storm - Now grows to 22 yards. Deals 375% damage (up from 364%)
Black Ice - Moved to 3rd Rune. Now deals 1104% damage (up from 504%)
Shock Pulse - Now deals 204% damage (up from 150%)
Explosive Bolts - Now deals 252% damage (up from 105%)
Fire Bolts - Now deals 288% damage (up from 195%)
Piercing Orb - Now deals 214% damage (up from 105%)
Lightning Affinity - Now restores 5 Arcane Power (up from 3)
Living Lightning - Now does 165% damage (up from 53%)
Frost Nova - Cooldown is now 13 seconds (up from 12)
Shatter - Now has 100% chance to release another Frost Nova (up from 50%)
Cold Snap - Now reduces cooldown to 8 seconds (down from 9). Additionally increases Freeze duration to 4 seconds
Frozen Mist - Now deals 1019% damage (up from 160%)
Deep Freeze - Now gives 10% bonus Critical Hit Chance (down from 15%), for 13 seconds (up from 12)
Bone Chill - Enemies now take 60% more damage when frozen (up from 15%)
Arcane Orb - Now costs 30 Arcane Power (Down from 35). Deals 381% (up from 200%). Range increased to 15 yards (up from 10)
Obliteration - Now deals 509% damage (up from 260%), but now adds a reduction to the area of effect by 8 yards
Arcane Orbit - Orbs now deal 221% damage (up from 80%)
Arcane Nova replaced by Spark - Now reads: Lob an electrified orb over enemies that zaps them for 349% weapon damage as Lightning and increases damage of the next Lightning spell you cast by 2% for every enemy hit (previously: Modify the orb to deal 200% weapon damage as Arcane to all enemies within 20 yards)
Tap the Source replaced by Scorch - Now reads: Launch a burning orb that deals up to 335% weapon damage as Fire. The wall leaves behind a wall of Fire that deals 379% weapon damage as Fire over 5 seconds (previously: Reduce casting cost to 20 Arcane Power)
Celestial Orb replaced by Frozen Orb - Now reads: Create an orb of frozen death that shreds an area with ice bolts, dealing up to 393% weapon damage as Cold (previously: The orb will pierce through targets, damaging any enemy it passes through)
Diamond Skin - Now absorbs 59017 damage (up from 10853). Duration now 3 seconds (down from 6)
Crystal Shell - Now absorbs 118033 (up from 21707)
Enduring Skin - Now increases duration to 6 seconds (down from 9)
Diamond Shards - Now deals 863% damage (up from 210%). Damage changed to Arcane
Wave of Force - No longer has a cooldown. No longer slows enemies. Now deals 351% damage (up from 200%)
Impactful Wave - Reworked. Now reads: Wave of Force repels projectiles, knocks back nearby enemies and Slows them by 60% for 5 seconds. Wave of Force gains 5 second cooldown (previously: Increases the distance enemies are knocked back and Stuns all affected enemies for 2 seconds)
Force Affinity replaced by Debilitating Force - Now reads: Enemies hit deal 10% reduced damage for 10 seconds (previously: Reduce casting cost to 15 Arcane Power and the cooldown is reduced to 9 seconds)
Forceful Wave replaced by Arcane Attunement - Now reads: Each enemy hit increases the damage of your next Arcane spell by 2% (previously: Increases damage to 260% weapon damage as Physical, bu reduces Knockback)
Teleporting Wave replaced by Static Pulse - Now reads: Enemies hit by Wave of Force take 15% increased damage from Lightning for 4 seconds (previously: Enemies caught in the wave are teleported to a random location)
Exploding Wave replaced by Heat Wave - Now reads: Increase the damage to 427% weapon damage as Fire (previously: Enemies hit have a 40% chance to cause a smaller Wave of Force that deals 100% weapon damage as Physical and knocks back enemies caught in its wake)
Spectral Blade - Now deals 168% damage (up from 165%). Specifies attack hits enemies 15 yards in front of caster
Deep Cuts is now replaced by Flame Blades - Now reads: Each enemy hit increases the damage of your Fire spells by 1% for 3 seconds (previously: Enemies hit by the blade will bleed for an additional 45% weapon damage over 3 seconds)
Impactful Blades replaced by Barrier Blades - Moved to 4th Rune. Now reads: With each cast gain a protective shield for 3 seconds that absorb 5465 damage (previously: Hits slow the movement of enemies by 80% for 1 second)
Siphoning Blade - Moved to 2nd Rune. Now gains 5 Arcane Power (up from 3)
Healing Blades replaced by Ice Blades - Moved to 5th Rune. Now reads: Chilled enemies have a 5% chance to be Frozen and Frozen enemies have a 5% increased chance to be critically hit by Spectral Blade (previously: Whenever the blades do damage you are healed for 5% of the damage done)
Thrown Blade - Moved to 3rd Rune. Now also increases damage by 231% as Arcane
Mistral Breeze - Now reduces cost by 28 (up from 20). Damage is now Cold
Gale Force - Reworked. Now reads: Enemies hit by Energy Twister take 15% increased damage from Fire for 4 seconds (previously: Increases the damage of Energy Twister to 468% weapon damage as Arcane)
Raging Storm - Now deals 1575% damage (up from 360%)
Wicked Wind - Now deals 527% damage (up from 252%)
Storm Chaser - Wind charges are now Lightning charges. Damage is 150% (up from 85%)
Ice Armor - Now Chills or Freezes for 3 seconds (up from 2). Lasts 4 minutes (up from 2)
Chilling Aura - Slow is now 80% (up from 30%)
Jagged Ice - Attackers now take 189% damage (up from 130)
Ice Reflect - Now has 40% chance (up from 25%)
Frozen Storm - Now permanently deals 11% damage (down from 30% over 3 seconds after casting)
Miasma replaced by Time and Space - Moved to 2nd Rune. Now reads: Slow Time is now cast at your target's location up to 60 yards away (previously: Slow Time effects cling to enemies for 3 seconds after they have left the bubble)
Time Warp - Moved to 3rd Rune. Enemies now take 12.5% damage (down from 20%)
Time Shell - Moved to 1st Rune. Now also reduces cooldown to 12 seconds
Perpetuity replaced by Point of No Return - Now reads: Enemies that enter or leave the Slow Time area are stunned for 3.5 seconds (previously: Reduces the cooldown of Slow Time to 12 seconds)
Stretch Time - Attack Speed increase now 12.5% (up from 10%)
Storm Armor - Now does 147% damage (up from 100%). Lasts 4 minutes (up from 2)
Reactive Armor - Now deals 198% damage (up from 70%)
Thunder Storm - Now deals 194% damage (up from 130%)
Shocking Aspect - Now deals 51% damage (up from 35%)
Explosive Blast - Now deals 1021% damage (up from 225%). Changed to Arcane damage (from Physical)
Unleashed - Now reduces cost to 15 (up from 10)
Time Bomb - Now deals 1334% damage (up from 315%). Changed to Arcane damage (from Physical)
Short Fuse - Now deals 1021% damage (up from 225%). Changed to Fire damage (from Physical)
Chain Reaction - Now deals 335% damage (up from 97%). Changed to Fire damage (from Physical)
Force Weapon - Damage bonus is now 20% (up from 15%)
Venom replaced by Ignite - Now reads: Attacks burn enemies, dealing 32% weapon damage as Fire over 3 seconds (previously: Attacks poison enemies dealing 15% weapon damage as Poison over 3 seconds)
Blood Magic replaced by Deflection - Now reads: When you perform an attack, gain a protective shield for 3 seconds that absorbs 5465 damage (previously: Attacks recover 1.5% of damage caused as Life)
Arcane Hydra - Now deals 133% damage (up from 60%)
Lightning Hydra - Now deals 166% damage (up from 64%)
Venom Hydra replaced by Blazing Hydra - Now reads: Summon a Blazing Hydra that spits bolts of Fire that burn enemies near the point of impact, dealing 130% weapon damage as Fire over 5 seconds. Burn damage can stack multiple times on the same enemy (previously: Summon a poison breathing Hydra that leaves a pool of acid that causes 18% weapon damage per second as Poison to enemies who remain in the pool)
Frost Hydra - Now deals 136% damage (up from 36%)
Mammoth Hydra - Now deals 215% damage (up from 67%)
Chaos Nexus - Moved to 4th Rune. Now deals 88% damage (up from 44%)
Volatility - Moved to 2nd Rune. Now deals 562% damage (up from 395%)
Entropy - Moved to 3rd Rune. Now deals 499% damage (up from 253%)
Intensify - Reworked. Now reads: Enemies hit by Disintegrate take 15% increased damage from Arcane for 4 seconds (previously: Damage increases slowly over time to inflict a maximum of 286% weapon damage as Arcane)
Sparkflint - Now increases damage by 10% (down from 12%)
Vigoron replaced by Icicle - Now reads: The Familiar's projectiles have a 35% chance to Freeze the enemy for 1 second (previously: While the Familiar is active you regenerate 620 Life per second)
Safe Passage - Now reduces damage taken by 46% (up from 30%) for 5 seconds (up from 4)
Calamity - Now deals 422% damage (up from 265%). Damage changed to Arcane (from Physical)
Mirror Image - Images now taunt your enemies for 1 second. Images Life is 50% of your Life (up from 25%). Specified that images' spells deal 10% of your damage
Simulacrum - Now increases their Life to 200% (up from 100%)
Duplicates - Summon 4 images (down from 5)
Mocking Demise - Deals 309% damage (up from 45%). Damage changed to Arcane (from Physical)
Extension of Will - Images' Life is now increased by 100% of your Life (down from 29%)
Mirror Mimics - Images now deal 20% more damage (up from 10%)
Meteor - Costs 40 Arcane Power (down from 50). Deals 506% damage (up from 260%). Periodic damage is now 169% (up from 60%)
Molten Impact - Moved to 5th Rune. Now deals 1934% (up from 390%). Periodic damage is now 646% (up from 90%)
Star Pact - Reduces cost to 30 (down from 35)
Meteor Shower - Moved to 4th Rune. Now deals 230% damage (up from 104%)
Comet - Moved to 3rd Rune. Now deals 596% damage (up from 312%). Now has a chance to freeze enemies for 1 second. Additional damage now 199% (up from 72%)
Liquefy replaced by Lightning Bind - Moved to 1st Rune. Now also roots enemies for 5 seconds on Critical impact. Damage changed to Lightning
Blizzard - Now deals 673% damage (up from 510%). Now specifies 12 yards radius
Grasping Chill - Movement speed reduction now 80 (up from 60%) for 2.5 seconds (down from 3)
Frozen Solid - Chance to freeze now 30% (up from 20%) for 4 seconds (up from 3)
Snowbound - Now reduces casting cost to 10 (down from 20)
Stark Winter - Now deals 818% damage (up from 510%)
Unrelenting Storm - Now deals 1143% damage (up from 680%)
Archon - No longer costs Arcane Power. Now lasts 20 seconds (up from 15). Increases Armor and Resists by 50% (up from 40%). Each enemy killed now increases damage by 6% (previously increased Archon duration by 1 second)
Arcane Destruction - Now deals 6309% damage (up from 1600%)
Teleport - Cooldown is now 3 seconds (down from 10)
Slow Time - Slow Time is now permanent and envelops the Archon
Improved Archon - Now increases damage by 60% (up from 25%)
[New!] Black Hole - Cost 35 Arcane Power. Cooldown 8 seconds. Conjure a Black Hole at the target location that draws enemies to it and deals 376% weapon damage as Arcane over 2 seconds to all enemies within 15 yards.
Supermassive - Increases the Black Hole radius to 20 yards and damage to 583% weapon damage as Lightning over 2 seconds
Absolute Zero - Each enemy you hit grants 12% increased damage for the next Cold spell you cast. Black Hole's damage turns to Cold
Even Horizon - The Black Hole also has a chance to absorb enemy projectiles and objects within 15 yards
Blazar - Conjure a Black Hole at the target location that draws enemies to it and deals 376% weapon damage as Fire over 2 seconds to all enemies within 15 yards. After the Black Hole disappears, an explosion occurs that deals 372% weapon damage as Fire to enemies within 15 yards
Spellsteal - Enemies hit by Black Hole deal 10% reduced damage for 3 seconds. Each enemy hit by Black Hole grants 1% increased damage for 3 seconds
Passive Skills
Power Hungry - Reworked. Now reads: Being healed by a Health Globe causes the next Arcane Power Spender you cast to be cast for free. You can have up to 5 charges of Power Hungry (previously: Gain 30 Arcane Power whenever you are healed by a Health Globe)
Evocation - Now reduces cooldowns by 20% (up from 15%)
Illusionist - Added: When you use Mirror Image, Slow Time or Teleport your movement speed is increased by 30% for 3 seconds
Cold Blooded - Damage dealt is now 10% (down from 20%)
Conflagration - Burning targets now have a 6% chance to be Critically Hit (previously increased all damage done to them by 10%)
Paralysis - Now has 15% chance to Stun (up from 8%)
Galvanizing Ward - Reworked. Now grants a protective shield that absorbs 41530 damage if you haven't been hit the last 5 seconds (previously increased duration of armor spells to 120 seconds and gained 620 Life as long as a shield spell is active)
Critical Mass replaced by Dominance - Now reads: Killing an enemy grants a shield that absorbs 16394 damage for 5 seconds. This effect can stack up to 10 times. Refreshing Dominance will set the shield to its maximum possible potency and each stack will increase its total duration by 1 second
[New!] Unwavering Will - Standing still for 2 seconds increases the following attributes: Armor: 20%; All Resistances: 20%; Damage: 10%
[New!] Audacity - You deal 20% additional damage to enemies within 15 yards
[New!] Elemental Exposure - Damaging enemies with Arcane, Cold, Fire or Lightning will cause them to take 5% more damage from all sources for 5 seconds. Each different damage type applies a stack, stacking up to 4 times. Elemental damage from weapons contributes to Elemental Exposure
Where you see that, it seems that they took the same lifesteal and mitigation nerfs that all the classes got, but overall damage buffs, the Whirlwind change to you guys seems fun, slower buf fun.
Blinding Flash holy smoke!! I could really try my monk now.
Quote from randomice »
still mindboggled by the dmg on zombie dogs...... should be 200 a 300 % per dog!
Well, now each dogs can deal up to 32% weapon damage, which isn't something to laugh about.
I believe it's a maximum of 30% w/ Rabid Dogs. Also, you can have five (!) zombie dogs summoned with their damage buffed by 70% with Zombie Handler and Midnight Feast, for a total of 51% weapon damage per swing, although I'd probably pick Burning Dogs myself.
I'm so disappointed they did nothing about Monk buffs being so situational/upkeep heavy. Actually, they even went so far as to add more of that type of buff that everyone hates (/spit @ Momentum passive).
I cannot express how happy I am that CM is being completely removed.
CMWW builds were the worst thing to happen to any class in any game, ever... Quite literally the most effective way to play a Wizard was to drum your fingers on the skill buttons as quickly as possible... I used so much aspirin playing CMWW and it's a massive reason I was finally driven away from Diablo 3.
One of the other major builds, Archon, also relied heavily on CM... One class being built around a single skill was terribly unhealthy design.
With the Knockback being moved to Deadly Reach, I wonder if Way of the Hundred Fists still keeps it. I'm still not a big fan of Blazing Hydra and the way they changed Conflagration passive. It's going to be interesting to see how my Frenzy/Berserker barb will have to be reworked. There are so many skills that I won't need in that build (WoB, Battle Rage, Overpower (no heal from Revel)) that I might as well change him to the throwing barb I always wanted to try. Also Vampire Bats having no channeling cost is kinda ridiculous. Don't know what's so vampiric about them but it seems to me like my Fetish Sycophants/Voodoo WD won't be actually needing any mana to function now :-D Still waiting for them to change the balance between Zombie Charger Undeath and Zombie Bears. To me Bears still come out on top most of the time which is sad. They should also maybe think about reworking Spider Queen similarly to what they did with Pyrogeist. And I absolutely love the shielding mechanic on some of the Wizard skills. My melee Battle Mage is going to love that. Overall I like many of the changes though I'm still concerned that some skills will remain mandatory (how is a WD supposed to have reliable survivability without Spirit Walk, with the nerf to Overpower, Revenge will become even more prevalent) which I really really hate.
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A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head!
How is ww no longer possible? It s damage got buffed and you now have the possibility to pull enemiea towards you. It will feel slower and different but easily as viable.
Also keep in mind: nothing said here is final. Also, if you haven't played it yourself, how do you know? It's like judging a movie before it comes out.
How is ww no longer possible? It s damage got buffed and you now have the possibility to pull enemiea towards you. It will feel slower and different but easily as viable.
Also keep in mind: nothing said here is final. Also, if you haven't played it yourself, how do you know? It's like judging a movie before it comes out.
What I think they mean is WW-builds won't be able to stay rage positive? It's obviously still going to be an effective skill, although perhaps not as godly as it once was.
Almost every change IMO is amazing. A few nerf's I deem unnecessary. But all in all about 80% of these changes are going to be wonderful. HOW CAN YOU BE UPSET with the WW changes. HAH, who wants to use ww as their main skill 100% of the time. That's boring. Earthquake is now more awesome, ww now sucks people in, same with furious charge. CHARGE IN, WW, EARTHQUAKE..maybe a rend/slam. COME ON...epic beyond proportions. The barb will 2x more powerful. The wd/wizard are still op. The glass cannon aka DH finally got more survivability, and the monk got a handful of damage increases and better aura/passive effects. If all these changes make it to the expansion I'll be ecstatic.
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We've compared all the class skill changes from the current live version of Diablo III to their current Beta values at level 70! And we've presented them at a familiar Patch Notes version. Enjoy!
Previous Highlights:
Difficulties, Paragon 2.0
Adventure Mode, Bounties, Nephalem Rifts, Blood Shards and Gambling
Important note: Some stats scale with level. The stats you see below are compared from level 70 to level 60. Things like Life Regeneration might look incredibly buffed, but could just be the natural progression of that skill.
Active Skills
Active Skills
Active Skills
Active Skills
Active Skills
Ha. Bagstone.
Although the new earthquake looks interesting.
Where you see that, it seems that they took the same lifesteal and mitigation nerfs that all the classes got, but overall damage buffs, the Whirlwind change to you guys seems fun, slower buf fun.
I believe it's a maximum of 30% w/ Rabid Dogs. Also, you can have five (!) zombie dogs summoned with their damage buffed by 70% with Zombie Handler and Midnight Feast, for a total of 51% weapon damage per swing, although I'd probably pick Burning Dogs myself.
I love the changes in the wizard, elemental casters have a special place in my heart. Gonna have to run for those health globes though
CMWW builds were the worst thing to happen to any class in any game, ever... Quite literally the most effective way to play a Wizard was to drum your fingers on the skill buttons as quickly as possible... I used so much aspirin playing CMWW and it's a massive reason I was finally driven away from Diablo 3.
One of the other major builds, Archon, also relied heavily on CM... One class being built around a single skill was terribly unhealthy design.
So, so, SO glad it's gone.
no more whirlwind barbs anymore
Whirlwind Barbs are still very strong, was watching one clean up Torment 6 yesterday. The new Hurricane rune is amazing.
Also keep in mind: nothing said here is final. Also, if you haven't played it yourself, how do you know? It's like judging a movie before it comes out.
What I think they mean is WW-builds won't be able to stay rage positive? It's obviously still going to be an effective skill, although perhaps not as godly as it once was.