Well keep in mind that XP rate will be increased too. High level items now give +exp bonuses and I assume the % exp bonuses are larger too on level 70 items.
Correct! Keep in mind, my math was simply off of current values for EXP, not what we may possibly see at level 70. If EXP were to increase threefold, that 227 days drastically falls off to 76 days played (1816 hours) - which for a lot of WoW players, is quite nothing.
Also keep in mind that we only need to get to 800 to cap everything but attributes. Anything after that point and you've pretty much finished the game.
Yeah, PL800 is effectively the level cap. Everything beyond that is just a token increase in primary stat, and +5 per level is not that big a deal compared to the +800 or whatever you can find on an item in RoS.
Yeah, PL800 is effectively the level cap. Everything beyond that is just a token increase in primary stat, and +5 per level is not that big a deal compared to the +800 or whatever you can find on an item in RoS.
+5 per level for 1200 levels is 6000 though.
I'm glad that you're all excited for these extra paragon levels, but it just ruins it for me knowing that Blizzard is going to create bind on account items to hinder bot selling, but then have all these stat boosting paragon levels which gives an incentive for bots to exist.
I just preferred the way D2 had it and which PoE has right now.
Yeah, PL800 is effectively the level cap. Everything beyond that is just a token increase in primary stat, and +5 per level is not that big a deal compared to the +800 or whatever you can find on an item in RoS.
+5 per level for 1200 levels is 6000 though.
I'm glad that you're all excited for these extra paragon levels, but it just ruins it for me knowing that Blizzard is going to create bind on account items to hinder bot selling, but then have all these stat boosting paragon levels which gives an incentive for bots to exist.
I just preferred the way D2 had it and which PoE has right now.
I'm more excited about BoA items than I am about paragon levels. That's for the other thread though.
I'm watching KingKongor at level 70 Torment 1 - he's getting 833k exp per bounty FYI. Clearing them every few minutes too.
Yeah when RoS comes everything you do in the current game will change. I will not be shocked if someone reaches very high Paragon in a few weeks of launch similar to Alkazier on 1st Paragon 100. I'm still gonna continue to Plvl1000 for the hell of it.
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"Get busy living or get busy dieing.."
Twitch.tv: twitch.tv/mehsiah | Youtube/Twitter in the future.
Secondly a question (sorry if this was discussed somewhere else, I couldn't find it), how do champion monster affixes work with the new difficulty system? For example, currently, Normal -> 1 affix, ... Inferno-> 4 affixes. Anyone know?
Secondly a question (sorry if this was discussed somewhere else, I couldn't find it), how do champion monster affixes work with the new difficulty system? For example, currently, Normal -> 1 affix, ... Inferno-> 4 affixes. Anyone know?
Although I've not researched this part (no low level chars) it's safe to say affixes are not tied to the difficulty. Difficulties have nothing to do with what they are in vanilla. They have complete different bonuses, which you can view here. More affixes (up to 4 still) likely show up at certain character levels. Saw a level 30 Crusader in Act III and monsters still had 2 affixes.
It shows the same as all other classes: Max Resource increase, Magic Find, Pickup Radius, Run Speed.
Quick question on a semi related subject...
What does the defense page show for Crusaders? I saw the Monk one is Health, Armor, Dodge and All Resist. But it seems stupid to me to have Dodge on a Crusader and NOT have an option to increase Block, seeing as they're built around blocking and have a passive which removes their chance to dodge...
Doesnt seem to work. Put my battletag in and just get a blank page back
Well isn't that something. I literally just copied and pasted the spreadsheet in excel and figured out that my account will be level 108. However the link you sent me told me I will be 106. I wonder why the answers are different.
Well isn't that something. I literally just copied and pasted the spreadsheet in excel and figured out that my account will be level 108. However the link you sent me told me I will be 106. I wonder why the answers are different.
Mostly this. Information: This does not reflect the experience made on your characters at the current paragon level. So even if you are at Paragon 80 with 50% it will be calculated as 80.
Just some random math and theorycrafting, since this post had me thinking about the conversion.
Disclaimer/Note; the following assumptions are made,
The paragon 2.0 system in it's current state in the Family and Friends Beta is very close if not ready for release. (unlikely)
The conversion from paragon 1.0 to paragon 2.0 is thought to work as follows; all paragon experience on all softcore (I'm ignoring hardcore since we don't know about dead hc/etc.) characters is totaled, giving a cumulative amount of gained paragon experience that directly correlates to what level you achieve in paragon 2.0 (not necessarily unlikely, but far from a sure thing)
The paragon level you achieve in the paragon 2.0 system awards the same number of paragon points, so paragon 10 = 10 paragon points. (neither likely or unlikely based on current information)
The paragon 2.0 experience chart that was posted on diablofans is taken as correct/accurate for release. (neither likely nor unlikely, though history has shown the p100 chart to have been accurate)
The images of the paragon point system/tabs (Core, Offense, Defense, Utility) is taken as correct/accurate for release. (probably very unlikely)
The datamined Crusader passive that reduces mspeed by 10% but allows you to wield a 2h in one hand is taken as tuned for release. (I'd say unlikely)
The rate that paragon 2.0 experience is acquired will be roughly the same as in the paragon 1.0 system. (unlikely, let's be real)
The average paragon 1.0 experience gain rate on an average "efficient" run means you can get a hero to paragon 100 in 150-200 hours of run time. (not unlikely, but most players can't manage or choose not to do runs netting 70-80million+ exp/hr)
So, let's get to it.
IF you have a single hero at paragon 100 and have accumulated no other paragon experience, youraccumulated total experience would accrue to a 116 paragon level, meaning you would have 116 points to spend. This means, if you forego the Core category fields initially, you could fully cap two categories from any of the fields in the Offense, Defense, or Utility trees. This is equivalent to having capped ~17% of the Offense/Defense/Utility trees (as these, unlike Core stats, clearly will have caps)
BY comparison, if you have, like the player (name unknown*), hit p100-1.0 ten times, you would accrue a paragon 2.0 level of 376, giving you 376 points to spend, and allowing you to cap 7/12 categories or ~60 percent of the Offense/Defense/Utility trees.
IF you wish to fully "cap" each of the offense/defense/utility trees before touching the core stat categories, you would need 600 paragon points, meaning a paragon 2.0 level of 600, or approximately 249.5 billion paragon 1.0 experience, the equivalent of hitting paragon 100-1.0 about twenty-four (24) times! This would be unattainable pre-RoS release, as there are not enough softcore character slots to hit paragon 100 twenty four times. This would take approximately 3600 hours or 150 (24-hr) days to achieve in the current paragon 1.0 system via "efficient" experience runs.
IF you have at least one paragon hero of level 20 or higher, you can completely offset the Crusader's 2h-in-1h passive 10% mspeed reduction.
IF you have at least one paragon hero of level 50 or higher, and spend all your p2.0 points in the movement speed field, you will move approximately as fast in RoS as you do in Vanilla D3, and without getting any mspeed from items.
There's plenty more exciting things to wonder and wait for, but hopefully this nerdgasm of a what-if-post helps excite people for the expansion.
P.S. if anyone can recall the name of the player who hit Paragon 100 (p100) on each class/sex combination that'd be helpful later on, that's whom I'm referring to above
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Correct! Keep in mind, my math was simply off of current values for EXP, not what we may possibly see at level 70. If EXP were to increase threefold, that 227 days drastically falls off to 76 days played (1816 hours) - which for a lot of WoW players, is quite nothing.
+5 per level for 1200 levels is 6000 though.
I'm glad that you're all excited for these extra paragon levels, but it just ruins it for me knowing that Blizzard is going to create bind on account items to hinder bot selling, but then have all these stat boosting paragon levels which gives an incentive for bots to exist.
I just preferred the way D2 had it and which PoE has right now.
I'm more excited about BoA items than I am about paragon levels. That's for the other thread though.
Yeah when RoS comes everything you do in the current game will change. I will not be shocked if someone reaches very high Paragon in a few weeks of launch similar to Alkazier on 1st Paragon 100. I'm still gonna continue to Plvl1000 for the hell of it.
Twitch.tv: twitch.tv/mehsiah | Youtube/Twitter in the future.
Secondly a question (sorry if this was discussed somewhere else, I couldn't find it), how do champion monster affixes work with the new difficulty system? For example, currently, Normal -> 1 affix, ... Inferno-> 4 affixes. Anyone know?
It shows the same as all other classes: Max Resource increase, Magic Find, Pickup Radius, Run Speed.
Although I've not researched this part (no low level chars) it's safe to say affixes are not tied to the difficulty. Difficulties have nothing to do with what they are in vanilla. They have complete different bonuses, which you can view here. More affixes (up to 4 still) likely show up at certain character levels. Saw a level 30 Crusader in Act III and monsters still had 2 affixes.
Ha. Bagstone.
Can't link it here. Linked it on the reddit post. (well, edit worked because I had one post then)
Nice, AWESOME. Was just gonna do that myself, thanks for saving the time
Could you but a "back" button at the bottom? Or just show the empty box on top of the JS result ;-)
Using Noscript or something similar? Sure you put the battle tag in the right format (name#1234)? Worked fine for me.
Request form is now always visible and output will have the battle tag above.
Quick question on a semi related subject...
What does the defense page show for Crusaders? I saw the Monk one is Health, Armor, Dodge and All Resist. But it seems stupid to me to have Dodge on a Crusader and NOT have an option to increase Block, seeing as they're built around blocking and have a passive which removes their chance to dodge...
And with that said, I'm heading home!
Ha. Bagstone.
Well isn't that something. I literally just copied and pasted the spreadsheet in excel and figured out that my account will be level 108. However the link you sent me told me I will be 106. I wonder why the answers are different.
', Arial, Verdana, sans-serif'>
This post made me happy to know that legendaries are BoA. I still hope you get banned for cheating.
Mostly this. Information: This does not reflect the experience made on your characters at the current paragon level. So even if you are at Paragon 80 with 50% it will be calculated as 80.
Fixed it for Firefox.
Grats on cheating at solitaire.
Disclaimer/Note; the following assumptions are made,
So, let's get to it.
IF you have a single hero at paragon 100 and have accumulated no other paragon experience, your accumulated total experience would accrue to a 116 paragon level, meaning you would have 116 points to spend. This means, if you forego the Core category fields initially, you could fully cap two categories from any of the fields in the Offense, Defense, or Utility trees. This is equivalent to having capped ~17% of the Offense/Defense/Utility trees (as these, unlike Core stats, clearly will have caps)
BY comparison, if you have, like the player (name unknown*), hit p100-1.0 ten times, you would accrue a paragon 2.0 level of 376, giving you 376 points to spend, and allowing you to cap 7/12 categories or ~60 percent of the Offense/Defense/Utility trees.
IF you wish to fully "cap" each of the offense/defense/utility trees before touching the core stat categories, you would need 600 paragon points, meaning a paragon 2.0 level of 600, or approximately 249.5 billion paragon 1.0 experience, the equivalent of hitting paragon 100-1.0 about twenty-four (24) times! This would be unattainable pre-RoS release, as there are not enough softcore character slots to hit paragon 100 twenty four times. This would take approximately 3600 hours or 150 (24-hr) days to achieve in the current paragon 1.0 system via "efficient" experience runs.
IF you have at least one paragon hero of level 20 or higher, you can completely offset the Crusader's 2h-in-1h passive 10% mspeed reduction.
IF you have at least one paragon hero of level 50 or higher, and spend all your p2.0 points in the movement speed field, you will move approximately as fast in RoS as you do in Vanilla D3, and without getting any mspeed from items.
There's plenty more exciting things to wonder and wait for, but hopefully this nerdgasm of a what-if-post helps excite people for the expansion.
P.S. if anyone can recall the name of the player who hit Paragon 100 (p100) on each class/sex combination that'd be helpful later on, that's whom I'm referring to above