Regardless of how much you want to seperate each game from the other they all will remain Blizzard products. Even in interviews devs have clearly stated that you will see things cross over because a good idea is a good idea. Diablo will be Diablo if Blizzard ships a box out with the name on it. Wether you like it or not or how you feel it should be made its in there hands. My comments relating to WoW are very relivant I played WoW and Diablo as well as SC and WC. WoW however is where we will see any new ideas loved by blizzard come from for Diablo. And of course i am sure completely new ones. They socketed items in WoW because of Diablo. It was cool. A priest or healing class is just an idea and a guess of what they want Diablo to become. I simply am brainstorming around the idea of there emphasized comments on coop play. If they have them or not I dont care it would be cool imho if they had some bosses that were a little more than a 1 man farm job.
i think they shouldn't just keep the classes restrained to human form why dont they change it up and make some different classes that arnt human there could be an orc or some leopard who knows what they think of but dont just keep it restricted to humans change it around.
I disagree, even though it sounds cool to have *different* races, the problem is that diablo is all about the fight between humans and diablo and his minions from hell. It would make it another WoW (horde vs alliance) would be (heaven vs hell).
I would like to see another mellee class, hopefully the paladin returns. He was a classic 1-hand/shield. And another semi-mellee class!
Diablo should have lots of mellee I think, it adds to the game. Fully 3-d games like mmo-s and FPS games ranged attacks have more value and are more satisfying, but Diablo I think benefits more from that in-your-face bashing.
They very likely will have a religious class in DIII, seeing as the whole game is very religion-orientated. I so hope they include something like Luckmann's Inquisitor.
Exactly what I was talking about.
I only ever played with paladins, and I kn ow atleast 50+ people who agrre with me that the pladin was not only the best character to Farm with but also very high impact when It came to Ubers and DClone
It wasn't always the best Start of LOD hammers were sad.. they didnt receive bonus from conc aura.. so there was some zealots and venge pals that wasn't really strong. Pre-LOD there was some conviction thorns palas, zealots and hammerdins and yea hammerdins were pretty good back then.
About the healing class: there is already one.
If u build ur pala with holy bolt and prayer + meditation.. u get a pretty good healer. With fast cast and full synergies the bolts heal 500+ i heard. This is in classic.. can only imagine how much it would be in lod.
there def will be some sort of religion based class such as the pally, but it doesn't necessarily have to be a healer or a divine character. Perhaps something like the necro, a dark being only interested in the balance of power. Either way i really think blizzard are gonna surprise everyone with the characters, and i have full confidence that the classes will be incredible.
Even in interviews devs have clearly stated that you will see things cross over because a good idea is a good idea. Diablo will be Diablo if Blizzard ships a box out with the name on it. Wether you like it or not or how you feel it should be made its in there hands.
The interview I read (at Kotaku specifically) Jay Wilson mentions copying from WoW but in the context of skills and skill names. Furthermore he goes on to specifically say that Diablo 3 will not play like WoW.
And I must disagree that Diablo will be Diablo if Blizzard slaps the brand on any old game. The same is true of StarCraft. Yes, for the most part the development of the game is in their hands but we as a community get to speculate, get to suggest what we want to see or how we would like to see it. The StarCraft commuity asked for grittier textures on the Terran units and structures and got just that. That's part of the fun of announcing the game a year or more before its release. And on top of that there's nothing more critical than the fans of an established franchise.
Which leads into the next...
Quote from "Splaingy2" »
My comments relating to WoW are very relivant I played WoW and Diablo as well as SC and WC. ... A priest or healing class is just an idea and a guess of what they want Diablo to become. I simply am brainstorming around the idea of there emphasized comments on coop play. If they have them or not I dont care it would be cool imho if they had some bosses that were a little more than a 1 man farm job.
I've also played Diablo, Diablo 2, StarCraft, Warcraft 3, and WoW... But that aside I must respond: Fair enough. You have your opinions and ideas and are entitled to them. I have mine and am entitled to disagree with you ^_^.
Quote from "Luckmann" »
Ah, thanks a lot. The official site only mentions that she's a sorceress amongst the otherwise male-dominated clans, not that she belongs to a all-female clan. But thanks a lot for the Wikia link. Btw, I took the liberty to fix your links.
It's a pleasure. And thanks... I could have sworn that when I typed up my post last night there were no buttons for url tags. I'm also relatively sure that the url tags weren't working up until recently. Good to see they're working now, though.
Quote from "Luckmann" »
Thanks. It's bloody awesome to see another extremist quote like it's nobody's business, taking entire threads at a time. Some posts get really epicly overpowering that way.
What can I say? I try :cute:.
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"God has such a deep reverence for our freedom that He'd rather
let us freely go to Hell than be compelled to go to Heaven" --- Desmond Tutu, Beyers Naudé Memorial Lecture 2003 (15 August)
i think there well may be more than 5 char classes. while the faq says 5. a dev comment at wwi suggested that they haven't determined the no. of char classes yet (tho u could argue the dev couldent remember if he was allowed to reveal that there were 5) imo there will be a min of 5 with a possibility of more up to say 7 or 8. and im personally excited that blizzard are spending a lot of time developing the sanctuary world - meaning not the same classes (tho some will be influenced by previous ones eg barbarian) but kick ass awesome ones:thumbsup:. (i was disappointed when i thought witchdoctor replaced but i don't think that's the case i think the necro will be in tho seriously revamped)
i did have some ideas of my own on char classes :
excuse any lore discrepancies im not completely versed in them
Monk - asian influence (combo of paladin, assassin, amazon & druid - don't say wtf just yet, stay a while and listen:P)
this secretive society was a part of the paladin's success secluding themselves meditating and researching on information found themselves and supplied by the adventuring paladin's on the denizens of hell both of their nature and how best to defeat them. they also linked themselves with said paladin's meditating and communing with the gods/angles of heaven ensuring the paladin's holy powers stayed strong and pure. residing in a dense secluded wild highland forest shunning all contact with the outside would for fear of corruption, survival was tough so while believing that their main purpose is in meditation and research the Monks needed to be exceptional fighters. their fighting style is holy and wind/nature magic combined with a fast moving ranged (bows, throwing knives etc.) and open handed melee (fist weapons, daggers, power imbuing amulets etc.). having a strong respect for nature monks may remove the corruption from beasts hence using them for pets/assuming their form. When the last link with the paladin broke upon his death they started training a new hero to ensure the forces of light still fight for the good of human kind, 20 years on the selected adventurer has started out.
Skill tree ideas
meditations (like auras)
mindfulness - increased hit and crit chance
insight- increased damage
holy- inc defence/dodge/parry
holy imbued strength - inc damage (diamond sharp holy power surrounds your weapon/hands) -> could upgrade to the whole body (kinda like a thorns effect)
wind powered weapon - inc hit/crit
holy spike - impale your enemy with holy power
tornado - picks up loose debris and hurls it at your foe (destroyable's gave me this idea)
beast tame/cleanse/transformations
speaks for itself
Demonmancer - there could be a better name, blizzard will come up with it:D but it will suffice for my idea description (a greatly modified necro)
after the events in diablo 2 the necromancer worked closely with cain researching, gaining knowledge and wisdom. when cain discovered he was using this knowledge to learn demonic powers he refused to keep working with the necro worried about the dangerous effect that could be caused by these powers. with cain's warnings ringing in his ears he made his way back to the homelands of the necro's. sharing his newly gained ideas about improving their craft, many agreed with him but a large number thought there was much more still to be explored within the realm of the undead. so they split into 2 sects both still strongly in the precepts of their religion. rather than resentment forming because of this they regularly shared their knowledge and ideas with mild competitiveness resulting in an exponential increase in their powers. the Demonmancers use dark/shadow/unholy, acid and dark fire/hellfire (coloured dark blue/black/purple/green) magic but their main strength are in in their demon summons and transformations
some skill ideas *awesome names are hard to come up with:rolleyes:
a summoned minor tank like demon who has high health/defence and dose v minor damage but will keep agro while you finish them off
a summoned demon who does moderate dps but is weak to attack
a summoned demon that is weak but will buff you using the souls and blood of foes you battle
affiliation with demon - (can be targeted on only one type of demon at a time) allows you to gradually gain affiliation with a demon once you are you will be able to gain that form. (a flat 75% chance to get boss demon shapes?)
demon transform - gained from skills and ^^ max of 5->7 shapes (can be replaced). while in demon form u will only have 3-4 skills to use which are related to that demon. after a certain time elapsed in demon form you will lose mana (per sec) 0 mana = lose life (a warning system to prevent demo's from becoming corrupted). after switching out of form a debuff prevents you from taking form again without loosing life. (note you are only affiliated with a demon not at one with them hence it could be balanced to not be op).
acid/demon blood buffs on self/weapon or conversely debuffs on enemy
helfire spells
shadow spells
i like these ideas i would totally play them but then blizzard could come up with even more awesome ideas
Paladin: This prediction is based solely on the coop play that has been emphasized. What better than a party buffer and healer.
Priest: I think if they are truely making a rewarding coop play with distictive play styles a some what pure healing class may finally come into the mix. This would simply speed up the dungeon crawling. No waiting on globes.
Hunter: I really think we will see a non summoning class with a permanent pet arrive. The reason I see this as a prediction is simply the easy steal from WoW. They can have the customization options eaily based on WoW where the Hunter or the pet can be the primary damage output based on the abilities you choose.
Wants: I would like to see a rogue and a druid. I think what these classes have become in WoW would make them fun to play in Diablo. I dont really want to see the zon but there will be a need for a mage.
what's with the WoW thinking??? this is Diablo we're talking about not WoW!!!
the paladin wasnt used for buffs or healing, when was the last time u saw a healer do UBER tristram solo???? or rush 7 noobs though hell difficulty? your insulting the Diablo Paladin with your talk.
preist?????? Diablo is a fast paced game, while online play is a big part of diablo its not a DAMN MMO, so solo/single player is not that rare, and there's no place for a preist in a single player game!!
Hunter??? I'd rather u use the term Druid if ur talking about a class that could summon animals do to his bidding for him!!!!
if you wanna talk WoW please stick to a WoW forum! I (and many other Diablo fans I'm sure) would like to see nothing from WoW in Diablo!! or atleast not so much from that to the point it becomes a non MMO WoW game.
as for other classes I would like to see.
the sorcerer/sorcress: needed for their teleportation skills and elemental damage.
An amazon/assassin: type who can use traps and long ranged weapons.
and the paladin: the DIABLO type that could use his smite/holy hammer.
(since they removed the Necro who could summon tons of skeles and was able to Uber solo the only other character who could do that was a smiter pally, and I would hate to see one or both go)
well, right now there are two 'darker violent' classes. Then obviously a warrior/paladin would come into play, focusing on auras and defenses mainly, i would think.
I think Blizzard made the '20 years into the future' move strategically, so as to introduce some new skills (not guns, please) but maybe something like an 'horadric youth' or 'horadric padawan' if you will.
but all in all, even the deckard claimed to be the last of the horadrim, who's to say the order wasn't reinstated (like the jedi)?
Other than that i also think blizzard demo'd the barbarian & WD on purpose as to show something new + something not as new, although not giving everything away about either.
All in all, I firmly believe we are in for some total mindblows when it comes to the classes.
The way I see it, we know too little of the Barbarian skill tree to know for sure which of the original classes are staying and which are going. What the Assassin and Paladin classes both have going for them is that they are relatively unisex by comparison to the Sorceror[sic]/Sorceress, Amazon and Rogue classes. As far as I know there's nothing in the lore to suggest that the Viz-Jaq'taar are only female?
Based on history and a logical distribution of melee/ranged classes the class archetypes should be as follows:
Pure fighter,
pure caster,
utility fighter,
utility caster, and
Now the problem here is that the old games used to have a whole host of melee weapons which the fighter classes could use versus the more specialised equipment the other classes could use.
There was equipment overlap between the pure fighter, utility fighter and archer/ranger: Swords, shields, axes, polearms, maces, to name some of those I can remember off the top of my head while the non-fighter classes had some specialist equipment:
Pure caster: Staves,
Utility caster: Wands,
Archer/ranger: Bows, javelins
So I guess I have an open speculative question: Do you think it's more likely for Blizzard to opt for a design where each class has their own unique weapons, i.e. the Barbarian becomes the 'pure' fighter (in which case I think the mêleé classes might very well be the Barbarian and Assassin) or for the more Diablo-esque overlap? Perhaps it's more appropriate to ask what everyone is hoping for, rather?
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"God has such a deep reverence for our freedom that He'd rather
let us freely go to Hell than be compelled to go to Heaven" --- Desmond Tutu, Beyers Naudé Memorial Lecture 2003 (15 August)
I think Blizzard made the '20 years into the future' move strategically, so as to introduce some new skills (not guns, please) but maybe something like an 'horadric youth' or 'horadric padawan' if you will.
I wouldnt be surprised to see guns in Diablo III. even though I personally dont want to see them, i woldnt be surprised if they are there.
Because... If you remember in LoD act 5 the blacksmith (lazarus i think was his name... not sure... sorry if I'm worng) was talked about trying to make one.
WoW Hunters for the win.. Guns should make there way in. A (Demon Hunter) you can tame demons and train them and who cares if that hunter happens to carry a gun. I would not even mind a dwarf or human engineer class and yes I said WoW who cares. WoW is blizzards last success and for them not to steal from themselves as the dev said would be a huge surprise. Just because WoW elements make there way into the game does not mean they wont make it play the same. WoW hands down will effect the loot we see in Diablo. The game has been nothing but making cooler looking armor sets and weps and why would you not want see some of the sweet armor and weps from there cross over? They may feel that a game that has a need for grouping yet keeping the same fast pace feel is what Diablo will become we dont know. I played Diablo and loved it for what it was and I would like to see what it becomes wether this means some change in gameplay or just an updated look. Playing in a group with 4 of my friends is something I enjoy but I dont want to spend hours in a instance to get to a boss and get a mere chance at the loot. I would however like to see groups for boss fights in Diablo for the challenge not the hours to get to him and fight him. If you notice in the demo they brought out 4 chars at the boss fight.
I know this wont happen (Watch the gameplay video) but it would be nice to have 2 different sets of skills for the male/female variant. Although, we only saw what, 5 skills? They may haven a Gender specific skill tree. I would really like that (If balanced)
Also, please don't be like WoW blizzard and make like, 6 skills per skill tree (Havent played in 2 years, aged guess). We need around 10-12 like in Diablo 2. I loved all kinds of variants of professions...
(Off topic) but from looking at the gameplay video, please get rid of or shrink the GINORMOUS shoulder plates! Everything else looks awesome!
Also, please don't be like WoW blizzard and make like, 6 skills per skill tree (Havent played in 2 years, aged guess). We need around 10-12 like in Diablo 2. I loved all kinds of variants of professions...
I played since release and each skill tree in wow offered around 12 or more skills. I like this because then you had some room to specialize a little in a tree.
revamping the assassin would be nice.. maybe with flashier moves, and bad ass gear. a bishop would be a cool class. a viking? (sounds to similar to the barb. but vikings are sweet)
After further consideration I would be willing to bet on the introduction of a playable DemonHunter class. Its been 20 years there will be people dedicated to ridding the worl dof evil and even some that have specialized in it. Demon Hunters they can have a medium armor class with taming abilites and wear armors based on demon skins/leathers. I think they should be able to fit in melee or ranged combat depending on spec. Demon master(ranged pet takes dmg and dps)/ or Demon Trapper(right there in the mix with your pet fighting as 1)
According to Diablo lore, roundabout the time sanctuary exists no guns where even thought of in that time. Despite what Larzuk says, he was only a merchant in D2 and really shouldnt be taken seriously :).
It would be a shame if they bring guns into Sanctuary, I truly believe guns are completely anti-fun in medieval type games, even in other rpg (hellgate for one) where both guns and swords exist, it just doesnt feel right playing with a gun.
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Return to the roots of the game to discover what D3 truly needs to be the only new-age action-RGP since D2.
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Diablo should have lots of mellee I think, it adds to the game. Fully 3-d games like mmo-s and FPS games ranged attacks have more value and are more satisfying, but Diablo I think benefits more from that in-your-face bashing.
About the healing class: there is already one.
If u build ur pala with holy bolt and prayer + meditation.. u get a pretty good healer. With fast cast and full synergies the bolts heal 500+ i heard. This is in classic.. can only imagine how much it would be in lod.
RIP: Demon Hunter: lvl 50 | Barb: lvl 60 (plvl 5) | Monk: lvl12 & lvl70 (plvl 200)
The interview I read (at Kotaku specifically) Jay Wilson mentions copying from WoW but in the context of skills and skill names. Furthermore he goes on to specifically say that Diablo 3 will not play like WoW.
And I must disagree that Diablo will be Diablo if Blizzard slaps the brand on any old game. The same is true of StarCraft. Yes, for the most part the development of the game is in their hands but we as a community get to speculate, get to suggest what we want to see or how we would like to see it. The StarCraft commuity asked for grittier textures on the Terran units and structures and got just that. That's part of the fun of announcing the game a year or more before its release. And on top of that there's nothing more critical than the fans of an established franchise.
Which leads into the next...
I've also played Diablo, Diablo 2, StarCraft, Warcraft 3, and WoW... But that aside I must respond: Fair enough. You have your opinions and ideas and are entitled to them. I have mine and am entitled to disagree with you ^_^.
It's a pleasure. And thanks... I could have sworn that when I typed up my post last night there were no buttons for url tags. I'm also relatively sure that the url tags weren't working up until recently. Good to see they're working now, though.
What can I say? I try :cute:.
"God has such a deep reverence for our freedom that He'd rather
let us freely go to Hell than be compelled to go to Heaven"
--- Desmond Tutu, Beyers Naudé Memorial Lecture 2003 (15 August)
i did have some ideas of my own on char classes :
excuse any lore discrepancies im not completely versed in them
Monk - asian influence (combo of paladin, assassin, amazon & druid - don't say wtf just yet, stay a while and listen:P)
this secretive society was a part of the paladin's success secluding themselves meditating and researching on information found themselves and supplied by the adventuring paladin's on the denizens of hell both of their nature and how best to defeat them. they also linked themselves with said paladin's meditating and communing with the gods/angles of heaven ensuring the paladin's holy powers stayed strong and pure. residing in a dense secluded wild highland forest shunning all contact with the outside would for fear of corruption, survival was tough so while believing that their main purpose is in meditation and research the Monks needed to be exceptional fighters. their fighting style is holy and wind/nature magic combined with a fast moving ranged (bows, throwing knives etc.) and open handed melee (fist weapons, daggers, power imbuing amulets etc.). having a strong respect for nature monks may remove the corruption from beasts hence using them for pets/assuming their form. When the last link with the paladin broke upon his death they started training a new hero to ensure the forces of light still fight for the good of human kind, 20 years on the selected adventurer has started out.
Skill tree ideas
meditations (like auras)
mindfulness - increased hit and crit chance
insight- increased damage
holy- inc defence/dodge/parry
holy imbued strength - inc damage (diamond sharp holy power surrounds your weapon/hands) -> could upgrade to the whole body (kinda like a thorns effect)
wind powered weapon - inc hit/crit
holy spike - impale your enemy with holy power
tornado - picks up loose debris and hurls it at your foe (destroyable's gave me this idea)
beast tame/cleanse/transformations
speaks for itself
Demonmancer - there could be a better name, blizzard will come up with it:D but it will suffice for my idea description (a greatly modified necro)
after the events in diablo 2 the necromancer worked closely with cain researching, gaining knowledge and wisdom. when cain discovered he was using this knowledge to learn demonic powers he refused to keep working with the necro worried about the dangerous effect that could be caused by these powers. with cain's warnings ringing in his ears he made his way back to the homelands of the necro's. sharing his newly gained ideas about improving their craft, many agreed with him but a large number thought there was much more still to be explored within the realm of the undead. so they split into 2 sects both still strongly in the precepts of their religion. rather than resentment forming because of this they regularly shared their knowledge and ideas with mild competitiveness resulting in an exponential increase in their powers. the Demonmancers use dark/shadow/unholy, acid and dark fire/hellfire (coloured dark blue/black/purple/green) magic but their main strength are in in their demon summons and transformations
some skill ideas *awesome names are hard to come up with:rolleyes:
a summoned minor tank like demon who has high health/defence and dose v minor damage but will keep agro while you finish them off
a summoned demon who does moderate dps but is weak to attack
a summoned demon that is weak but will buff you using the souls and blood of foes you battle
affiliation with demon - (can be targeted on only one type of demon at a time) allows you to gradually gain affiliation with a demon once you are you will be able to gain that form. (a flat 75% chance to get boss demon shapes?)
demon transform - gained from skills and ^^ max of 5->7 shapes (can be replaced). while in demon form u will only have 3-4 skills to use which are related to that demon. after a certain time elapsed in demon form you will lose mana (per sec) 0 mana = lose life (a warning system to prevent demo's from becoming corrupted). after switching out of form a debuff prevents you from taking form again without loosing life. (note you are only affiliated with a demon not at one with them hence it could be balanced to not be op).
acid/demon blood buffs on self/weapon or conversely debuffs on enemy
helfire spells
shadow spells
i like these ideas i would totally play them but then blizzard could come up with even more awesome ideas
wooo Diablo III
the paladin wasnt used for buffs or healing, when was the last time u saw a healer do UBER tristram solo???? or rush 7 noobs though hell difficulty? your insulting the Diablo Paladin with your talk.
preist?????? Diablo is a fast paced game, while online play is a big part of diablo its not a DAMN MMO, so solo/single player is not that rare, and there's no place for a preist in a single player game!!
Hunter??? I'd rather u use the term Druid if ur talking about a class that could summon animals do to his bidding for him!!!!
if you wanna talk WoW please stick to a WoW forum! I (and many other Diablo fans I'm sure) would like to see nothing from WoW in Diablo!! or atleast not so much from that to the point it becomes a non MMO WoW game.
as for other classes I would like to see.
the sorcerer/sorcress: needed for their teleportation skills and elemental damage.
An amazon/assassin: type who can use traps and long ranged weapons.
and the paladin: the DIABLO type that could use his smite/holy hammer.
(since they removed the Necro who could summon tons of skeles and was able to Uber solo the only other character who could do that was a smiter pally, and I would hate to see one or both go)
I think Blizzard made the '20 years into the future' move strategically, so as to introduce some new skills (not guns, please) but maybe something like an 'horadric youth' or 'horadric padawan' if you will.
but all in all, even the deckard claimed to be the last of the horadrim, who's to say the order wasn't reinstated (like the jedi)?
Other than that i also think blizzard demo'd the barbarian & WD on purpose as to show something new + something not as new, although not giving everything away about either.
All in all, I firmly believe we are in for some total mindblows when it comes to the classes.
I weep with you. But don't lose hope!
The way I see it, we know too little of the Barbarian skill tree to know for sure which of the original classes are staying and which are going. What the Assassin and Paladin classes both have going for them is that they are relatively unisex by comparison to the Sorceror[sic]/Sorceress, Amazon and Rogue classes. As far as I know there's nothing in the lore to suggest that the Viz-Jaq'taar are only female?
Based on history and a logical distribution of melee/ranged classes the class archetypes should be as follows:
There was equipment overlap between the pure fighter, utility fighter and archer/ranger: Swords, shields, axes, polearms, maces, to name some of those I can remember off the top of my head while the non-fighter classes had some specialist equipment:
"God has such a deep reverence for our freedom that He'd rather
let us freely go to Hell than be compelled to go to Heaven"
--- Desmond Tutu, Beyers Naudé Memorial Lecture 2003 (15 August)
:thumbsup:GOGO ANGEL! WE WANT TO SEE A ANGEL!:thumbsup:
Because... If you remember in LoD act 5 the blacksmith (lazarus i think was his name... not sure... sorry if I'm worng) was talked about trying to make one.
Also, please don't be like WoW blizzard and make like, 6 skills per skill tree (Havent played in 2 years, aged guess). We need around 10-12 like in Diablo 2. I loved all kinds of variants of professions...
(Off topic) but from looking at the gameplay video, please get rid of or shrink the GINORMOUS shoulder plates! Everything else looks awesome!
I played since release and each skill tree in wow offered around 12 or more skills. I like this because then you had some room to specialize a little in a tree.
It would be a shame if they bring guns into Sanctuary, I truly believe guns are completely anti-fun in medieval type games, even in other rpg (hellgate for one) where both guns and swords exist, it just doesnt feel right playing with a gun.