It looks like alot of people want to see the palidin return, but I'd much rather see a wholly different type of healer. Maybe something more along the line of a holy spell caster.
I think all of us agree that we want to see sorceress 2.0
But as far as the ranged fighter type goes, I would love to see a druid/hunter class. It would have lycanthropy and bow abilities, but it woul also have a permenent pet that it can teach fighting styles.
Imagine being able to have a VERY powerful pet that can draw the attintion of crowds from you while you pick them off from long range, or fight alongside as a wearsomething.
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Go for the eyes boo! Go for the eyes!
Events in the past may be roughly divided into those which probably never happened and those which do not matter.
-William Ralph Inge
Why do you people hate on WoW so much? I wasnt even talking/thinking about WoW. Would you rather I said ranger? OH NO! That would mean I'm talking about D&D! OMG!!
Seriously, just chill.
Anyway, who else would like to see a bow class combined with lycanthropy?
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Go for the eyes boo! Go for the eyes!
Events in the past may be roughly divided into those which probably never happened and those which do not matter.
-William Ralph Inge
Why do you people hate on WoW so much? I wasnt even talking/thinking about WoW. Would you rather I said ranger? OH NO! That would mean I'm talking about D&D! OMG!!
Seriously, just chill.
Anyway, who else would like to see a bow class combined with lycanthropy?
because you pretty much just described the hunter. If thats one of the classes ill be furious. An amazon with a pet....? This game won't have anything taken from wow except for things like single unit items (unfortunately), the bags and other *smallllll* similarities. I doubt there will be items that look alike, I doubt there will be guns and I doubt there will be another class that can have pets, unless its the Monk class someone was talking about earlier. Dont mean to sound agressive, but i hate when people compare diablo and wow. . .
It looks like alot of people want to see the palidin return, but I'd much rather see a wholly different type of healer. Maybe something more along the line of a holy spell caster.
I think all of us agree that we want to see sorceress 2.0
But as far as the ranged fighter type goes, I would love to see a druid/hunter class. It would have lycanthropy and bow abilities, but it woul also have a permenent pet that it can teach fighting styles.
Imagine being able to have a VERY powerful pet that can draw the attintion of crowds from you while you pick them off from long range, or fight alongside as a wearsomething.
were talking about Diablo III not World of Diablo, are you sure your in the right forum?
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I appreciate all the hard work that has been put into this game and it looks amazing. it just doesnt look diablo, it looks like diablocraft.
This would be a thread based on classes we want to see. So if someone wants to SEE a character based on the Hunter from WoW then that is in no way comparing the two games. They simply want to see a char like that in Diablo. People see the word WoW and throw a fit and its really not necessary. Its a Blizzard game just like Diablo and some people want to see things cross over and some dont. So be it, the arguing is stupid because in the end Blizzard makes the decision.
For a mage or hybrid class i tought of a Time mage...
he could use skill that alter time (haste, slow)
others where he summons things from past or futur
and last skills he would do time magic like a meteor or recreate destructive events from the past or future
as for lore it could easily fit they foresaw the future and trained till the day of destruction so they could help in these events or something like that
because you pretty much just described the hunter. If thats one of the classes ill be furious. An amazon with a pet....? This game won't have anything taken from wow except for things like single unit items (unfortunately), the bags and other *smallllll* similarities. I doubt there will be items that look alike, I doubt there will be guns and I doubt there will be another class that can have pets, unless its the Monk class someone was talking about earlier. Dont mean to sound agressive, but i hate when people compare diablo and wow. . .
I dont want to turn D3 into WoW, and the class I discribed isnt only from WoW, its also the ranger from D&D. And I didn't say anything about guns, or item look alikes. If you want to wine about how much you hate WoW, then find another thread. This thread for class discussion, and thats a class I think that would fit well into diablo.
Quote from "Kenzai" »
... Wizard/Mage/Sorc...
-Conjuring (elements + arcane (magic damage))
-Summoning (golems and such, NO undead/animals)
-[Open for suggestions] Maybe enchant???
Thats an awesome idea. I was wanting to see the golem brought back in D3, but I ddint even think that maybe it could be a skill tree for the mage class. I was planning on playing the WD first, but if they make a mage class with golems, I am jumping on that faster than your mom that one night I was really drun... uh... nevermind...
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Go for the eyes boo! Go for the eyes!
Events in the past may be roughly divided into those which probably never happened and those which do not matter.
-William Ralph Inge
I for one would like to see the necromancer return, but since the WD has be announced (and he's creative, can't say I wont try him) and has taken the swarming pet-class with both aspects of the druid/necro...
I'd like to see him taken at a different angle (poison dagger anyone?)
Rather than the original pet-swarming, wall of bone, bone-spearing necro....
-Keep part of the summoning, perhaps 1 core skeleton or skeleton-type (take over for the golem) and maybe even raise dead (but not invulnerable - still limited time). Get rid of the swarms and the golem.
-Allow that 1 pet to level and power-up individually (or at least scale)
-Make it sort of like the bodyguard(just not useless :D)
-Give it skills (perhaps its own skill-tree), like an in-depth skeleton mastery full of
innates, skills and bonuses alike
-Let the necromancers skills (in the tree that summoned the thing!) augment the
skeleton's, and vis-versa.
-Perhaps even let the skills chosen determine archtype (Skeletons, skeletal magi, skeletal archers, skeletal warrior-mages [whatever those BG's from act 3 were i the idea])
-Delve more into a more sacrificial side, perhaps blend a melee aspect.
-Reworked corpse-skills work here (Corpse bombs/traps)
-Melee-oriented skills centering sinister weapons and tools
-use of souls (replacement of bone spears/bone armor(which looked like souls in the first place) and other magical assault/defense) [Living souls, demon souls, resonate souls (the ones that power the undead and other creatures without their own) - not spirits from nature, to show the difference from animism]
-Re-work the curses to be a more one-on-one tree complimenting summoning and sacrifice, but also able to be a stand-alone tree.
-Single target curses with wide ranges of utilities (Infusing creatures with dark magic/corruption, good-ol' amplify with a good/bad aspect [weakens their defense, cranks their offense], plagues/poxes, bone melting - ya know, cuuuuurses you'd get from a mummy)
-fuse your curses with souls ( = ghost ?) to spread a dulled version
-enchant endless corpse-grenades with cuuuurse power
-enchant your being with curse, making a shield that transfers by hits/proximity - also weakens you, though.
Find some way to compliment the summon tree: open
Mouthful, yes. But I think it's a good plea for a necromancer that can work, even if its no longer the bone walling, 20 skele army necro.
Based on history and a logical distribution of melee/ranged classes the class archetypes should be as follows:
Pure fighter,
pure caster,
utility fighter,
utility caster, and
Good point!
So it goes like:
Pure fighter,(barbarian)
pure caster,(some mage clan)
utility fighter,(cleric??)
utility caster,(witch doctor)
Cleric (replacing the likes of the paladin)
Thief (not so good on meele but would for ranged? and skills like sneaking and surprising the enemies?)
They look simple, but generic chars, could be male or female, we just need blizzard to improve they.
Anyway these are just ideas...
Playing an angel is totally out of question, they were made to be NPC's
and they would start ALOT stronger than any 1lvl char
Guns??keep'em in space with Sc, Diablo runs on Sanctuary!
I really would like to see the druid back, with great shapeshiftings, maybe he could fly in a condor form!!
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Playing Diablo since 1997.
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Melee Fighter (Barbarian, duh)
Ranged Fighter
Summoner/debuffer (Witch Doctor)
It looks like alot of people want to see the palidin return, but I'd much rather see a wholly different type of healer. Maybe something more along the line of a holy spell caster.
I think all of us agree that we want to see sorceress 2.0
But as far as the ranged fighter type goes, I would love to see a druid/hunter class. It would have lycanthropy and bow abilities, but it woul also have a permenent pet that it can teach fighting styles.
Imagine being able to have a VERY powerful pet that can draw the attintion of crowds from you while you pick them off from long range, or fight alongside as a wearsomething.
Events in the past may be roughly divided into those which probably never happened and those which do not matter.
-William Ralph Inge
Why do you people hate on WoW so much? I wasnt even talking/thinking about WoW. Would you rather I said ranger? OH NO! That would mean I'm talking about D&D! OMG!!
Seriously, just chill.
Anyway, who else would like to see a bow class combined with lycanthropy?
Events in the past may be roughly divided into those which probably never happened and those which do not matter.
-William Ralph Inge
because you pretty much just described the hunter. If thats one of the classes ill be furious. An amazon with a pet....? This game won't have anything taken from wow except for things like single unit items (unfortunately), the bags and other *smallllll* similarities. I doubt there will be items that look alike, I doubt there will be guns and I doubt there will be another class that can have pets, unless its the Monk class someone was talking about earlier. Dont mean to sound agressive, but i hate when people compare diablo and wow. . .
and some more paladin, and the sorceress
ide like for a few of the old classes to still be available like barbarian but if theres anything that needs to come back its the paladin.
maybe an assasin with good melee abilitys that are actualy usefull, and not so focused on traps?
i love the trap sin and all but ide like to see a strong melee sin aswell
were talking about Diablo III not World of Diablo, are you sure your in the right forum?
Good to know our oppinions getting heard by a "Higher power"
he could use skill that alter time (haste, slow)
others where he summons things from past or futur
and last skills he would do time magic like a meteor or recreate destructive events from the past or future
as for lore it could easily fit they foresaw the future and trained till the day of destruction so they could help in these events or something like that
I dont want to turn D3 into WoW, and the class I discribed isnt only from WoW, its also the ranger from D&D. And I didn't say anything about guns, or item look alikes. If you want to wine about how much you hate WoW, then find another thread. This thread for class discussion, and thats a class I think that would fit well into diablo.
Thats an awesome idea. I was wanting to see the golem brought back in D3, but I ddint even think that maybe it could be a skill tree for the mage class. I was planning on playing the WD first, but if they make a mage class with golems, I am jumping on that faster than your mom that one night I was really drun... uh... nevermind...
Events in the past may be roughly divided into those which probably never happened and those which do not matter.
-William Ralph Inge
Hi, Are you really the administrator / Fan Liaison (anything like that)
for Diablo 3 official forum?
Really Blizzard sometimes look into our crazy ideas?:D
No he is not.
I'd like to see him taken at a different angle (poison dagger anyone?)
Rather than the original pet-swarming, wall of bone, bone-spearing necro....
-Keep part of the summoning, perhaps 1 core skeleton or skeleton-type (take over for the golem) and maybe even raise dead (but not invulnerable - still limited time). Get rid of the swarms and the golem.
-Allow that 1 pet to level and power-up individually (or at least scale)
-Make it sort of like the bodyguard(just not useless :D)
-Give it skills (perhaps its own skill-tree), like an in-depth skeleton mastery full of
innates, skills and bonuses alike
-Let the necromancers skills (in the tree that summoned the thing!) augment the
skeleton's, and vis-versa.
-Perhaps even let the skills chosen determine archtype (Skeletons, skeletal magi, skeletal archers, skeletal warrior-mages [whatever those BG's from act 3 were i the idea])
-Delve more into a more sacrificial side, perhaps blend a melee aspect.
-Reworked corpse-skills work here (Corpse bombs/traps)
-Melee-oriented skills centering sinister weapons and tools
-use of souls (replacement of bone spears/bone armor(which looked like souls in the first place) and other magical assault/defense) [Living souls, demon souls, resonate souls (the ones that power the undead and other creatures without their own) - not spirits from nature, to show the difference from animism]
-Re-work the curses to be a more one-on-one tree complimenting summoning and sacrifice, but also able to be a stand-alone tree.
-Single target curses with wide ranges of utilities (Infusing creatures with dark magic/corruption, good-ol' amplify with a good/bad aspect [weakens their defense, cranks their offense], plagues/poxes, bone melting - ya know, cuuuuurses you'd get from a mummy)
-fuse your curses with souls ( = ghost ?) to spread a dulled version
-enchant endless corpse-grenades with cuuuurse power
-enchant your being with curse, making a shield that transfers by hits/proximity - also weakens you, though.
Find some way to compliment the summon tree: open
Mouthful, yes. But I think it's a good plea for a necromancer that can work, even if its no longer the bone walling, 20 skele army necro.
Paladin of course.
Sorc too.
I wish necro.
But besides that I'm good.
OH. Maybe Knight.
Good point!
So it goes like:
Thief (not so good on meele but would for ranged? and skills like sneaking and surprising the enemies?)
They look simple, but generic chars, could be male or female, we just need blizzard to improve they.
Anyway these are just ideas...
Playing an angel is totally out of question, they were made to be NPC's
and they would start ALOT stronger than any 1lvl char
Guns??keep'em in space with Sc, Diablo runs on Sanctuary!
I really would like to see the druid back, with great shapeshiftings, maybe he could fly in a condor form!!