The necro was my favourite cause he's dark and evil. I would like to see however another form of summoner say a Daemonmage (to you noobs a Demonmage) who can summon his own forms of daemons (demons) and elementals. Everyone please note add the junior member Critchlow to your ignore list he is still trying to broing corruption to the true believers.
I would really like to see some form of a sort of High Inquisitor or sumthing who is like a paladin of different sorts.
another low shot at me , nice try. Ur a noob
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What do you get from hope??
has hope ever made a game for you?
Dont mean to Step on ur cherries, but im here to denounce lies
-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
Is there any chance of getting chritchlow kicked from this site or do we have to block him or sumtin?
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Don't play D2 anymore i'm just waiting eagerly for D3. I play Medievia now its a free text only game.
For the time while ur waitng for D3 i advise you guys to play it.
Is there any chance of getting chritchlow kicked from this site or do we have to block him or sumtin?
your the only one who has a problem with me, No one else has been ofended by my opinions, thats the thing about a forum, you post your opinions, and others post thiers, you compare and contrrast. Now stop your crying before i photpshop you into some gay porn
all u say is n00blet, is that really all u got, why dont u duel me Tuough guy, and we can take screeen shots and post them who seconds the idea????
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What do you get from hope??
has hope ever made a game for you?
Dont mean to Step on ur cherries, but im here to denounce lies
anti pally?? cuz that would be pretty cool
I hate the pally , but they are the best melee, i dislike all the holyness and Kissing gods ass all the time.
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What do you get from hope??
has hope ever made a game for you?
Dont mean to Step on ur cherries, but im here to denounce lies
your the only one who has a problem with me, No one else has been ofended by my opinions, thats the thing about a forum, you post your opinions, and others post thiers, you compare and contrrast. Now stop your crying before i photpshop you into some gay porn
all u say is n00blet, is that really all u got, why dont u duel me Tuough guy, and we can take screeen shots and post them who seconds the idea????
I think I'd have a problem to if you were constantly baggin me all the time...I think you have the problem colon boy!
I think I'd have a problem to if you were constantly baggin me all the time...I think you have the problem colon boy!
please read my first post, and ull see where it all began, im asuming u meant to say banging? and Again U call me a Gay, How clever ive almost got my new avatar done for you
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What do you get from hope??
has hope ever made a game for you?
Dont mean to Step on ur cherries, but im here to denounce lies
no I meant bagging, as in....hmmm... I dunno, calling me gay in your sig!
That wouldn't make me a happy chappy.....your are the one that is constantly calling people gay, mr homophobe
we dont call that bagging her emate, Bagging is what highschool dropouts do to groceries, while i smile at them
and its his initiative, he had the nerve to start it by calling me a "total retard shit sack noob" or somethgin of the sort, so it will stop when he gros the nerve to Apologize, lol
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What do you get from hope??
has hope ever made a game for you?
Dont mean to Step on ur cherries, but im here to denounce lies
In the English language there are more than two meaning to nearly every word. So bagging could mean sledging as well as placing groceries into a bag...
And no I am not talking about taking a hammer to a slab of concrete, smartarse!
I just think that if you let one little put down get to you then you have got no balls and have the mindest of a twelve year old!
I was constantly criticised throughout my entire life, as a matter of fact I think my nickname was dickhead for about two years of my schooling. But I just grew up and let it go!
So why don't you just drop it! If he wants to go around taking the piss out of 'noobs' or even professionals the frikkin let him!
In the English language there are more than two meaning to nearly every word. So bagging could mean sledging as well as placing groceries into a bag...
And no I am not talking about taking a hammer to a slab of concrete, smartarse!
I just think that if you let one little put down get to you then you have got no balls and have the mindest of a twelve year old!
I was constantly criticised throughout my entire life, as a matter of fact I think my nickname was dickhead for about two years of my schooling. But I just grew up and let it go!
So why don't you just drop it! If he wants to go around taking the piss out of 'noobs' or even professionals the frikkin let him!
He will be the one kicked in the nuts not you.
Do u know How boring Forums are withought a litte bit of Puppeteered Drama?
Besides I want his Ear lol [Ear of TJ-cherry level 57 necromancer]
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What do you get from hope??
has hope ever made a game for you?
Dont mean to Step on ur cherries, but im here to denounce lies
The necro was my favourite cause he's dark and evil. I would like to see however another form of summoner say a Daemonmage (to you noobs a Demonmage) who can summon his own forms of daemons (demons) Everyone please note add the junior member Critchlow to your ignore list he is still trying to broing corruption to the true believers.
i would just like to point out that DAEMON is just British for demon. So i don tthink that makes anyone a nooblet cherry... just you again. Also heres the difeintion fo Daemon,(stop trying to soudn cool by adding letters)
dae·mon ( P ) Pronunciation Key (dmn)
Chiefly British. Variant of demon.
Variant of daimon.
Computer Science. A program or process that sits idly in the background until it is invoked to perform its task.
n 1: one of the evil spirits of traditional Jewish and Christian belief [syn: devil, fiend, demon, daimon] 2: a person who is part mortal and part god [syn: demigod]
I think there should be two paths you can take in the game depending on your race (good or evil). By choosing a Race then you can pick a class. In Diablo 3, Classes also shouldnt be bias towards sexs. Like being an female amazon and what not. After picking a Race and class you should be able to customize your looks of your character. There should also be sub classes for when you advance in a certian skill. Example would be training fire skill for your sorcerer and then advancing to Pyromage or something similiar.
Id also like to add that in the diablo series I have never seen or read about any type of mythical race such as Elf, Dark Elf ( drow ), Dwarf, Gnome, Orc, Ect. Ect.
All I have seen is all humans and religious figures like demons and angels. So if I had to take a guess blizzard would stick to that.
but some examples for race and class would be
Good Human
+Warroir - Heavy armor and weapon - tank
-Knight - specializes in Heavy Armor
+Archer - Ranged Attacks
-Rouge -
+Paladin - Heavy armor and Aura Spells
-Holy Knight -
+Cleric - Healing and buff spells + Anti Undead & Anti Demon spells
-Monk -
-Undead Hunter - Specializes in Anti Undead & Anti Demon spells
+Sorcerer -
- Pyromage
-Lighting Mage
+Druid -
Evil human
Dark Knight - Heavy Armor and Part Necro Spells
Necromancer -
Well I couldnt think of anything more so I left a bunch of stuff blank. But you get the point. You can all add onto it.
No offence, but all your dark charachter cyber hybird demon angel characters are crap and not a good idea. Diablo is humans only with a little variation of humans. If you put Angels and demons in there, it would be like WoW and every other MMO. DIablo must stay original.
yah verily, diablo is humans characters only, and it should stay like that, if i want to be a vampire, cyborg killer robot, elf, orc, dwarf, fairy, gnome, demon, angel, half human/half something stupid, then i will play WOW, DND, or Heroes
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
No offence, but all your dark charachter cyber hybird demon angel characters are crap and not a good idea. Diablo is humans only with a little variation of humans. If you put Angels and demons in there, it would be like WoW and every other MMO. DIablo must stay original.
None Taken, but you see, Diablo 3 is less likely to become an MMO. plus you cant compare MMO's to a hack n slash Single player / Multiplayer compaign game like the diablo series. Almost all MMOs anyways are turn based strategy games, unless they are a rare type like planetside or the new Starwars Galaxy. I never said I wanted any type of cyber or elf, orc, mythical type race. I was merely stating that Diablo doesnt use Mythical races in their series, Only human and religious figures. Someone earlier said Blizzard should use elfs and what not. I understand Diablo has to stay original but if Blizzard did that then Diablo 2 wouldnt have turned out to be so kick ass as it is today now would it?. It would have had 3 original characters suppose to the 7.
i wasnt saying you wanted elves and cyborgs, but it have been said before somewhere.
diablo is pretty unique in the fact that its playable characters are all humans only, which is good.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
yeh its looks like there will be dark and light version of the characters, but whether that means different movies at the end i guess we will have to wait and see
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
To post a comment, please login or register a new account.
another low shot at me , nice try. Ur a noob
has hope ever made a game for you?
Dont mean to Step on ur cherries, but im here to denounce lies
(i dislike cherry)
For the time while ur waitng for D3 i advise you guys to play it.
your the only one who has a problem with me, No one else has been ofended by my opinions, thats the thing about a forum, you post your opinions, and others post thiers, you compare and contrrast. Now stop your crying before i photpshop you into some gay porn
all u say is n00blet, is that really all u got, why dont u duel me Tuough guy, and we can take screeen shots and post them
has hope ever made a game for you?
Dont mean to Step on ur cherries, but im here to denounce lies
(i dislike cherry)
is that like a dark Knight or something?
anti pally?? cuz that would be pretty cool
I hate the pally , but they are the best melee, i dislike all the holyness and Kissing gods ass all the time.
has hope ever made a game for you?
Dont mean to Step on ur cherries, but im here to denounce lies
(i dislike cherry)
I think I'd have a problem to if you were constantly baggin me all the time...I think you have the problem colon boy!
please read my first post, and ull see where it all began, im asuming u meant to say banging? and Again U call me a Gay, How clever ive almost got my new avatar done for you
has hope ever made a game for you?
Dont mean to Step on ur cherries, but im here to denounce lies
(i dislike cherry)
That wouldn't make me a happy chappy.....your are the one that is constantly calling people gay, mr homophobe
we dont call that bagging her emate, Bagging is what highschool dropouts do to groceries, while i smile at them
and its his initiative, he had the nerve to start it by calling me a "total retard shit sack noob" or somethgin of the sort, so it will stop when he gros the nerve to Apologize, lol
has hope ever made a game for you?
Dont mean to Step on ur cherries, but im here to denounce lies
(i dislike cherry)
And no I am not talking about taking a hammer to a slab of concrete, smartarse!
I just think that if you let one little put down get to you then you have got no balls and have the mindest of a twelve year old!
I was constantly criticised throughout my entire life, as a matter of fact I think my nickname was dickhead for about two years of my schooling. But I just grew up and let it go!
So why don't you just drop it! If he wants to go around taking the piss out of 'noobs' or even professionals the frikkin let him!
He will be the one kicked in the nuts not you.
Do u know How boring Forums are withought a litte bit of Puppeteered Drama?
Besides I want his Ear lol [Ear of TJ-cherry level 57 necromancer]
has hope ever made a game for you?
Dont mean to Step on ur cherries, but im here to denounce lies
(i dislike cherry)
i would just like to point out that DAEMON is just British for demon. So i don tthink that makes anyone a nooblet cherry... just you again. Also heres the difeintion fo Daemon,(stop trying to soudn cool by adding letters)
dae·mon ( P ) Pronunciation Key (dmn)
Chiefly British. Variant of demon.
Variant of daimon.
Computer Science. A program or process that sits idly in the background until it is invoked to perform its task.
n 1: one of the evil spirits of traditional Jewish and Christian belief [syn: devil, fiend, demon, daimon] 2: a person who is part mortal and part god [syn: demigod]
Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
has hope ever made a game for you?
Dont mean to Step on ur cherries, but im here to denounce lies
(i dislike cherry)
Id also like to add that in the diablo series I have never seen or read about any type of mythical race such as Elf, Dark Elf ( drow ), Dwarf, Gnome, Orc, Ect. Ect.
All I have seen is all humans and religious figures like demons and angels. So if I had to take a guess blizzard would stick to that.
but some examples for race and class would be
Good Human
+Warroir - Heavy armor and weapon - tank
-Knight - specializes in Heavy Armor
+Archer - Ranged Attacks
-Rouge -
+Paladin - Heavy armor and Aura Spells
-Holy Knight -
+Cleric - Healing and buff spells + Anti Undead & Anti Demon spells
-Monk -
-Undead Hunter - Specializes in Anti Undead & Anti Demon spells
+Sorcerer -
- Pyromage
-Lighting Mage
+Druid -
Evil human
Dark Knight - Heavy Armor and Part Necro Spells
Necromancer -
Well I couldnt think of anything more so I left a bunch of stuff blank. But you get the point. You can all add onto it.
Oh and Critchlow I like your sig lol.
None Taken, but you see, Diablo 3 is less likely to become an MMO. plus you cant compare MMO's to a hack n slash Single player / Multiplayer compaign game like the diablo series. Almost all MMOs anyways are turn based strategy games, unless they are a rare type like planetside or the new Starwars Galaxy. I never said I wanted any type of cyber or elf, orc, mythical type race. I was merely stating that Diablo doesnt use Mythical races in their series, Only human and religious figures. Someone earlier said Blizzard should use elfs and what not. I understand Diablo has to stay original but if Blizzard did that then Diablo 2 wouldnt have turned out to be so kick ass as it is today now would it?. It would have had 3 original characters suppose to the 7.
diablo is pretty unique in the fact that its playable characters are all humans only, which is good.
yeh its looks like there will be dark and light version of the characters, but whether that means different movies at the end i guess we will have to wait and see