Crap, so sorry for mucking up the first post of this thread. Somehow, a thread from 2006 found its way to the second page in the DIII chat forum, so I merged it with this one but I didn't realise it was that old. Forgive me. ~ Atrumentis
Originally posted by Elfen Lied:
Bearing in mind that this is all speculation and there is no real way of know which classes will be used, but here are a few ideas for char that people from this site have come up with
now not all these concept are likely to be used but if most of them were used it would be pretty cool. and yes I along with the other people here who help create this list do realize that some of these characters are very similar to each other, i.e Priest and cleric, and thus having both of them in the game would be utterly pointless.
Previously the following list would be comprised of chars submitted in name only, i.e just their name, i will now attempt to elaborate on as many chars as possible, I will be detailing the skills sets rather than exact skills although i will mention some where appropriate (or where i choose whatever), also bearing in mind that as i do this many classes will appear more similar than before, so once again obviously both classes would not be used in the game.
It should also be noted than some of these classes would make better Mercs than Player characters
you will also note that i have reduced the number of Submitted classes as they were really similar almost to the point were the just seemed like the same char under a different name
- choose male/female => choose class => choose faction heaven or hell, faction determines whether your char is light or dark, eg Paladin or Anti-Paladin (anti is kinda like the reverse, anti does not work for all classes some just have a good or bad version, where the good and bad versions arent complete opposites like the barb)
-somewhere between 10 - 20 or so chars, possibly keep some of the original classes and some new ones
-Generally chars in Diablo should fall into 3 categories, Warrior, Priest, and Mage, so this is how i will describe them.
Warriors Anti-Paladin
anti-Paladin is not a necromancer, Anti Paladin is exactly how it sounds an inverse Paladin, while the Paladin Heals, gives life, and gives bonus, an Anti Paladin takes lives and his Auras would have more incommon with curses of the Necromancer from D2, he does not however posess other Necromancer skills like revive and golem summoning.
The Archer or as they are more commonly known the Ranger is kinda like a male amazon. He is the epitome of skill with a bow, his skills centre around the Bow, but he also possesses other skills as well, He can track enemies exceptionally well and has an affinity for nature, i.e the abilty to summon animals to his cause similar to the druid from D2
not the hellfire version a good one, the Bard is best described as a cross between a fighter a budget paladin and a budget mage. He is a fairly capable fighter, His Songs (which would be one of his skill sets) either provide bonus to party members like th D2 Paladin or harm enemies like the D2 Necro.He also has a small range of powerful mage type spells.
Bounty Hunter
Like the Ranger he is adept at tracking/stalking, but his services come to those in need at a price, while the Ranger does so for virtue and honour the Bounty Hunter is a schemeing mercenary. He possesses several skills similar to the Assassins trap Skill set. but also several warrior type skills as well
The Drifter
The Drifter is a character from an unknown origin, and prefers to travel by shadows to stalk and murder its unsuspecting prey. The Drifter is an enigmatic character, usually cloaked in dark robes, and it roams the night reading from its worn tome. The Drifter has been rarely spotted, but its three main skill trees have been discovered.
-Trapping Skills: Unlike the Assassin, these trapping skills include the use of underground spikes, arrowed booby traps, and at higher levels, enchanted mines and sentries.
-Draining Skills: The Drifter has multiple skills that have been categorized as draining skills. These skills include passive skills that apply to the traps to cause bleeding, life steal, and/or mana steal. Other skills that do not apply to the traps are a curse-like ritual that manipulates the enemy in a degenerate way.
-Nocturnal Magic: These magic skills are most powerful when used in the night hours*, enhancing their abilities to full potential. Skills include some summoning of dark spirits, along with some dark magic skills which can heavily damage the enemy when skill points are invested.
not the hellfire version a good one more like the DND version, unarmed, martial artist. The Monk main form of attack is his fists and feet. His powerful attacks are capable of doing several types elemental damages, such as fire, lighning, cold/ice, and acid
kinda like male assassin in several aspects. While this class may seem unlikely, if one thinks about it, it can work. He would be able to throw shuriken which would act like the Necromancer skill Teeth, and a skill similar to the assassins skill, cloak of shadows would do quite well to emulated the Ninja's stealthiness. but the Ninja would also have several skills more designed for combat, they are skilled warriors, so they would also posses several skills than would do haeavy damage, and increase their chances of scoring critical strikes.
Cavalier (Crusader Inquisitor)
A warrior truly dedicated to the erradication of evil. They epitomise honour, courage, loyalty, virtue. They are expertly trained to Hunt down and defeat classically evil beings and monsters i.e your corrupt mages, daemons and the like. Possesing mostly warrior type skills, they do have several spells at their disposal, mainly of the self Buff kind, not so much party oriented
Cleric (Adept, Prior, Zealot) a class i am truly surprise has not made it into Diablo yet. A great fighter, but he is a Priest and as such can cast a variety of spells, Turn Undead similar to the D2 paladins conversion but only works on Undead of high levels low level undead are destoryed, can summon down the wrath of their chosen deity to smite there enemies similar to Fist of the heavens only more accurate and more powerful, posseses many bless type spells that increase armor, damage, stats these work similar to enchant i.e they must be cast on their target. They also have an intense hatred for the undead and thus would have a bouns to damage when engaging them
Possessing the ability to animates inanimate objects. it is an Alchemist who truly makes Golems (not a Necromancer unless it is a Bone Golem), creates weapons out of the elements around him for a better insight to the abilties of an alchemist watch the Anime Full metal Alchemist, you may be surprised as to what they are capable of.
Conjurer (Summoner)
specializes in creating creatures and objects to help him. He is capable of summoning anything from flying scimitars, small demons to Balrogs, This is the charatcer that it appears many people want, he is a summoner, summoning powerful daemons and magical beasts to aid him
specializes in elemental based magics, and depending on how many skill sets one can have, this is what his skill sets would be divided into
-Fire fairly obivous
-Water(ice) again fairly obvious
-Lightning again fairly obvious
-Earth, conjuring up walls or rock to trap enemies or stop ranged attacks, opening holes in the ground to swallow his eneimes, for a better look into the powers of earth magic check out Avatar the last Air Bender, and the Anime Full metal Alchemist.
not like the wow one A supernatural character whose sinister powers are inborn abilities, not spells, Such as shapeshifting into Daemons or Lycanthropes (Lycans is short for Lycanthropes). He posesses very few extreme range spells, most affect himself or are close ranged
The next few classes are better suited to being just the one mage/sorcerer rather an seperate classes, one class that can perform the skills of all of them, but i feel i should mention them anyway, as they are rather fitting as possible character builds for said mage/sorcerer
specializes in protection magic (kinda like auras and the armor spells)
specializes in detection and divining magic (find/disable trap, far sight and identify)
specializes in manipulating the minds of sentient beings
specializes in creating illusions to confuse and mislead
specializes in invocation/evocation magic (lightning/magic type spells)
definitely no Subclasses or Multiclasses in d3 just True classes
unless by subclassing it is you choose either;
then you choose a warrior class
then you choose a priest class
then you choose a mage class
While many of these classes are taken from Dungeons and Dragons, that doesnt stop them from being awesome classes, esp some of the priest classes, for a game about heaven/hell, there seems to be a lacking of religious characters, i.e priests and more specifically clerics. Also the mage classes seem a little lacking. only two Necromancer and sorcerer/ess hence the reason i thought of some more, some may obviously appear better than others but if used effectively they can be just as good.
Ide like to see a more dark themed character classes added. I always like the theme of the necro, but that was about it. The rest were all "just cause" about everything. A vampire or demon themed character would be interesting. Anyone have any other ideas about good character classes?
In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas, Luciferi Excelsi.
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In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas, Luciferi Excelsi.
Another class i wouldn't mind getting my hands on would be a ninja but thats pretty much a dark assassin, but what about a weapon master? or a gryphon rider from heaven? would those ideas work in D3? what would their skill trees be like?
you know. i have never played hellfire and havent found it anywhere so.. plz enlighten me on where i can find the lost chapters in my diablo story
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You fucking retarded ass sonofabitch! You seriously think you could cast a fireball at Gheed just because you were a n00b137 enough to gamble in the beginning of the game? Well i got a few words for you: NOT IN TOWN, MOUTHAFUCKA!
Nah i don't agree with robotics in Diablo at all, simply coz of the time in history the game setting is. I mean, the characters available to pick from all use medievel type weapons, the bows and arrows, swords of different types, shields etc. none of them have any futuristic type weapons, eg guns and firearms. I recon we should still stick with the time setting the game is at but add more and different type of characters, say Vampires, Angels maybe? Demons? Demon Lord? Adding a character with a machine gun and grenade launchers doesn't make sence in this game i dont think. What about a dwarf or an elf character of sorts?
I feel stupid now, i just remember character creation lol. Where u can choose your owns skills and such. That would be very interesting. Have like, a main class where you get to choose all of that class abilities, and two secondary where you can pick 1 spell tree from each. Just imagine a pally with fanta, weapon mastery, and burst of speed. INSANE!!
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In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas, Luciferi Excelsi.
i like the idea of have multiple skill trees to choose from i also think that there should be evil and good skill trees based on alingment.
some characters i'd like to see are:
1. warlocks-able to combine magical and melee attacks
2. fighter-good with ranged and melee weaponry
3. barbarian-same as D2 good with melee
4. archer-same as amazon good with ranged
5. druid-same as D2
6. sorcerer-same as D2
7. necromancer-same as D2
8. paladin-same as D2
9. assasin-same as D2
10. illoutionist-create phantoms distractions and curses
11. mage-pure magic such as teleport and many others
good idea, dark hero. you could give the warlock enchant, as well as poison, cold, lightning, and magic versions of that spell. as a final skill you could combine all 5 and enchant your weapon with that! As Peter Griffin would say... FREAKIN' SWEET!
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You fucking retarded ass sonofabitch! You seriously think you could cast a fireball at Gheed just because you were a n00b137 enough to gamble in the beginning of the game? Well i got a few words for you: NOT IN TOWN, MOUTHAFUCKA!
THANK YOU Dark Beast you deserve a standing ovation!!!
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You fucking retarded ass sonofabitch! You seriously think you could cast a fireball at Gheed just because you were a n00b137 enough to gamble in the beginning of the game? Well i got a few words for you: NOT IN TOWN, MOUTHAFUCKA!
for all intents and purposes, self polimorphers /stat boosting mages
one second i'm a small lankly lil mage.
next second i'm ***king busting out as a doom knight with maxed out stats.
don't get me wrong i beleave it will take some time to reach that level of skill.
but liek at l1 transfigureation you turn into a fallen one
l2 dark rouge
l3 spear wielding midget
and so on and so on
till ultimately i say it should stop as maby a diablo version of a dragon or something. teh apex of genomancy flyign around incinerateting yoru enimyes form teh sky, whiel they are helpless against yoru attack. just don't forget teh marsh mellos
hmm not really sure about dragons, didnt have them in 1 and 2, we only had vipers
i would like to see more mage types, there are plenty left Abjurer specializes in protection magic (kinda like auras)
Conjurer specializes in creating creates and objects to help him
Diviner specializes in detection and divining magic (find/disable trap, far sight and identify)
Enchanter specializes in manipulating the minds of sentient beings
geomancer specializes in earth based magic
hydromancer specializes in water based magic
Illiusionist specializes in creating illusions to confuse and mislead
Invoker specializes in invocation/evocation magic (ligthning/magic type spells)
pyromancer specializes in fire based magic
necromancer specializes in magic dealing with death[but we already have 1]
Transmuter specializes in magic that alters physical reality
warlock (not like the wow one) A supernatural character whose sinister powers are inborn abilities, not spells.
there are also a few warrior classes left to samurai(kensai)
ninja(male assassin)
anti paladin
also there is really only 1 healer(paly) and yes people like to going healers, so more healer classes;
warrior priests (think knight's templar with spells) and i do see the similarity to DND, but im sure blizzard could take a class like illusionist and do something pretty good with it
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
The necro was my favourite cause he's dark and evil. I would like to see however another form of summoner say a Daemonmage (to you noobs a Demonmage) who can summon his own forms of daemons (demons) and elementals. Everyone please note add the junior member Critchlow to your ignore list he is still trying to broing corruption to the true believers.
I would really like to see some form of a sort of High Inquisitor or sumthing who is like a paladin of different sorts.
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Don't play D2 anymore i'm just waiting eagerly for D3. I play Medievia now its a free text only game.
For the time while ur waitng for D3 i advise you guys to play it.
The Hellion is a fierce warrior who honours the Dark Prince of the Hells.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
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Originally posted by Elfen Lied:
Bearing in mind that this is all speculation and there is no real way of know which classes will be used, but here are a few ideas for char that people from this site have come up with
now not all these concept are likely to be used but if most of them were used it would be pretty cool. and yes I along with the other people here who help create this list do realize that some of these characters are very similar to each other, i.e Priest and cleric, and thus having both of them in the game would be utterly pointless.
Previously the following list would be comprised of chars submitted in name only, i.e just their name, i will now attempt to elaborate on as many chars as possible, I will be detailing the skills sets rather than exact skills although i will mention some where appropriate (or where i choose whatever), also bearing in mind that as i do this many classes will appear more similar than before, so once again obviously both classes would not be used in the game.
It should also be noted than some of these classes would make better Mercs than Player characters
you will also note that i have reduced the number of Submitted classes as they were really similar almost to the point were the just seemed like the same char under a different name
- choose male/female => choose class => choose faction heaven or hell, faction determines whether your char is light or dark, eg Paladin or Anti-Paladin (anti is kinda like the reverse, anti does not work for all classes some just have a good or bad version, where the good and bad versions arent complete opposites like the barb)
-somewhere between 10 - 20 or so chars, possibly keep some of the original classes and some new ones
-Generally chars in Diablo should fall into 3 categories, Warrior, Priest, and Mage, so this is how i will describe them.
anti-Paladin is not a necromancer, Anti Paladin is exactly how it sounds an inverse Paladin, while the Paladin Heals, gives life, and gives bonus, an Anti Paladin takes lives and his Auras would have more incommon with curses of the Necromancer from D2, he does not however posess other Necromancer skills like revive and golem summoning.
The Archer or as they are more commonly known the Ranger is kinda like a male amazon. He is the epitome of skill with a bow, his skills centre around the Bow, but he also possesses other skills as well, He can track enemies exceptionally well and has an affinity for nature, i.e the abilty to summon animals to his cause similar to the druid from D2
not the hellfire version a good one, the Bard is best described as a cross between a fighter a budget paladin and a budget mage. He is a fairly capable fighter, His Songs (which would be one of his skill sets) either provide bonus to party members like th D2 Paladin or harm enemies like the D2 Necro.He also has a small range of powerful mage type spells.
Bounty Hunter
Like the Ranger he is adept at tracking/stalking, but his services come to those in need at a price, while the Ranger does so for virtue and honour the Bounty Hunter is a schemeing mercenary. He possesses several skills similar to the Assassins trap Skill set. but also several warrior type skills as well
The Drifter
The Drifter is a character from an unknown origin, and prefers to travel by shadows to stalk and murder its unsuspecting prey. The Drifter is an enigmatic character, usually cloaked in dark robes, and it roams the night reading from its worn tome. The Drifter has been rarely spotted, but its three main skill trees have been discovered.
-Trapping Skills: Unlike the Assassin, these trapping skills include the use of underground spikes, arrowed booby traps, and at higher levels, enchanted mines and sentries.
-Draining Skills: The Drifter has multiple skills that have been categorized as draining skills. These skills include passive skills that apply to the traps to cause bleeding, life steal, and/or mana steal. Other skills that do not apply to the traps are a curse-like ritual that manipulates the enemy in a degenerate way.
-Nocturnal Magic: These magic skills are most powerful when used in the night hours*, enhancing their abilities to full potential. Skills include some summoning of dark spirits, along with some dark magic skills which can heavily damage the enemy when skill points are invested.
not the hellfire version a good one more like the DND version, unarmed, martial artist. The Monk main form of attack is his fists and feet. His powerful attacks are capable of doing several types elemental damages, such as fire, lighning, cold/ice, and acid
kinda like male assassin in several aspects. While this class may seem unlikely, if one thinks about it, it can work. He would be able to throw shuriken which would act like the Necromancer skill Teeth, and a skill similar to the assassins skill, cloak of shadows would do quite well to emulated the Ninja's stealthiness. but the Ninja would also have several skills more designed for combat, they are skilled warriors, so they would also posses several skills than would do haeavy damage, and increase their chances of scoring critical strikes.
Cavalier (Crusader Inquisitor)
A warrior truly dedicated to the erradication of evil. They epitomise honour, courage, loyalty, virtue. They are expertly trained to Hunt down and defeat classically evil beings and monsters i.e your corrupt mages, daemons and the like. Possesing mostly warrior type skills, they do have several spells at their disposal, mainly of the self Buff kind, not so much party oriented
Cleric (Adept, Prior, Zealot)
a class i am truly surprise has not made it into Diablo yet. A great fighter, but he is a Priest and as such can cast a variety of spells, Turn Undead similar to the D2 paladins conversion but only works on Undead of high levels low level undead are destoryed, can summon down the wrath of their chosen deity to smite there enemies similar to Fist of the heavens only more accurate and more powerful, posseses many bless type spells that increase armor, damage, stats these work similar to enchant i.e they must be cast on their target. They also have an intense hatred for the undead and thus would have a bouns to damage when engaging them
Possessing the ability to animates inanimate objects. it is an Alchemist who truly makes Golems (not a Necromancer unless it is a Bone Golem), creates weapons out of the elements around him for a better insight to the abilties of an alchemist watch the Anime Full metal Alchemist, you may be surprised as to what they are capable of.
Conjurer (Summoner)
specializes in creating creatures and objects to help him. He is capable of summoning anything from flying scimitars, small demons to Balrogs, This is the charatcer that it appears many people want, he is a summoner, summoning powerful daemons and magical beasts to aid him
specializes in elemental based magics, and depending on how many skill sets one can have, this is what his skill sets would be divided into
-Fire fairly obivous
-Water(ice) again fairly obvious
-Lightning again fairly obvious
-Earth, conjuring up walls or rock to trap enemies or stop ranged attacks, opening holes in the ground to swallow his eneimes, for a better look into the powers of earth magic check out Avatar the last Air Bender, and the Anime Full metal Alchemist.
not like the wow one A supernatural character whose sinister powers are inborn abilities, not spells, Such as shapeshifting into Daemons or Lycanthropes (Lycans is short for Lycanthropes). He posesses very few extreme range spells, most affect himself or are close ranged
The next few classes are better suited to being just the one mage/sorcerer rather an seperate classes, one class that can perform the skills of all of them, but i feel i should mention them anyway, as they are rather fitting as possible character builds for said mage/sorcerer
specializes in protection magic (kinda like auras and the armor spells)
specializes in detection and divining magic (find/disable trap, far sight and identify)
specializes in manipulating the minds of sentient beings
specializes in creating illusions to confuse and mislead
specializes in invocation/evocation magic (lightning/magic type spells)
definitely no Subclasses or Multiclasses in d3 just True classes
unless by subclassing it is you choose either;
then you choose a warrior class
then you choose a priest class
then you choose a mage class
While many of these classes are taken from Dungeons and Dragons, that doesnt stop them from being awesome classes, esp some of the priest classes, for a game about heaven/hell, there seems to be a lacking of religious characters, i.e priests and more specifically clerics. Also the mage classes seem a little lacking. only two Necromancer and sorcerer/ess hence the reason i thought of some more, some may obviously appear better than others but if used effectively they can be just as good.
for other changes or suggestions relating to other areas of D3 go here
Ceric's Post:
Ide like to see a more dark themed character classes added. I always like the theme of the necro, but that was about it. The rest were all "just cause" about everything. A vampire or demon themed character would be interesting. Anyone have any other ideas about good character classes?
In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas, Luciferi Excelsi.
In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas, Luciferi Excelsi.
In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas, Luciferi Excelsi.
some characters i'd like to see are:
1. warlocks-able to combine magical and melee attacks
2. fighter-good with ranged and melee weaponry
3. barbarian-same as D2 good with melee
4. archer-same as amazon good with ranged
5. druid-same as D2
6. sorcerer-same as D2
7. necromancer-same as D2
8. paladin-same as D2
9. assasin-same as D2
10. illoutionist-create phantoms distractions and curses
11. mage-pure magic such as teleport and many others
for all intents and purposes, self polimorphers /stat boosting mages
one second i'm a small lankly lil mage.
next second i'm ***king busting out as a doom knight with maxed out stats.
don't get me wrong i beleave it will take some time to reach that level of skill.
but liek at l1 transfigureation you turn into a fallen one
l2 dark rouge
l3 spear wielding midget
and so on and so on
till ultimately i say it should stop as maby a diablo version of a dragon or something. teh apex of genomancy flyign around incinerateting yoru enimyes form teh sky, whiel they are helpless against yoru attack. just don't forget teh marsh mellos
i would like to see more mage types, there are plenty left
Abjurer specializes in protection magic (kinda like auras)
Conjurer specializes in creating creates and objects to help him
Diviner specializes in detection and divining magic (find/disable trap, far sight and identify)
Enchanter specializes in manipulating the minds of sentient beings
geomancer specializes in earth based magic
hydromancer specializes in water based magic
Illiusionist specializes in creating illusions to confuse and mislead
Invoker specializes in invocation/evocation magic (ligthning/magic type spells)
pyromancer specializes in fire based magic
necromancer specializes in magic dealing with death[but we already have 1]
Transmuter specializes in magic that alters physical reality
warlock (not like the wow one) A supernatural character whose sinister powers are inborn abilities, not spells.
there are also a few warrior classes left to
ninja(male assassin)
anti paladin
also there is really only 1 healer(paly) and yes people like to going healers, so more healer classes;
warrior priests (think knight's templar with spells)
and i do see the similarity to DND, but im sure blizzard could take a class like
illusionist and do something pretty good with it
I would really like to see some form of a sort of High Inquisitor or sumthing who is like a paladin of different sorts.
For the time while ur waitng for D3 i advise you guys to play it.
A kick ass halberd compined with armor as thick as a tank....