After noticing that most of us are scattered across several servers, myself and Carlos came to the conclusion that we should always have been playing together on one server.
At the moment, here is what i know:
Jarhead, Ferret and Caliban are on Destromath.
Fudlow, Carloseus and Elfen are on Anetheron.
AcidReign is on a server by himself.
Maestro is on a server by himself.
Chaos is on a server by himself.
And so on and soforth.
So we thought its time we played WoW together. All of us, on 1 server.
Now i know you all have your high lvls on your own servers. You have your mains. Whatever. And i know youve got your reasons for being on those servers. So im not going to ask you to abandon that. What im suggesting is that we all start alts on one server. Together. A new server. And im not asking you to devote your entire lives to that new character. Im saying we should have our alts on a server together, and play together sometimes. You can all keep working on your mains on your own servers all you want. I just think its kinda pointless how we are spread across all these servers. We cant even manage more than 3 of us on a single server.
So let me know what you all think. After looking at realm details myself and Carlos decided Boulderfist looks good. It is a well populated, pvp pacific server, with an equal balance of alliance and horde, and high activity. It is very similar to destromath, with which myself cali and ferret have never had any problems.
The only thing we are yet to decide is alliance or horde. Im not really fussed. Please vote ONLY IF YOU PLAY WOW AND PLAN TO JOIN US.
We united the legions to unite SICK. So how about we try playing a little WoW TOGETHER for once?
And yea guys, I think this is a great idea. Rules are: no xfering characters. That would take the fun away from it. Hopefully we get more new members to establish this server as a more permanent one, but I think it'd be awesome to start a character there.
I've played mostly on alliance servers (laughing skull, 70 paly/druid) but I also have a 55 horde paly on Argent Dawn. Both factions are about the same it seems to me, but the more important question would what kind of server you would go to, RP, normal, or PVP. PVP servers where fun at launch, now its just plain annoying to try and level against lvl 70 bored gankers.
We're going PvP. It's the funnest, despite the ganking. It's especially fun taking down a warrior with a paladin 3-4 lvls below that of the warrior noob. xD
I'm only lvl 7 i think now. And I need the help. Seriously, once I had to punch a wolf to death because my only weapon, the starter sword broke on me.
One server for Horde and one for Alliance would work well I think. If we are too spread out over the servers, we (and by we I mean mostly me) will find it harder to level and find items and all round enjoy the game.
Time Zones are my biggest downfall when it comes to online gaming, either I'm on but none of you are, or it's the opposite, Your on but I'm not. And when we are on together, we are on different servers, and that don't help me out none.
Strength through unity.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
People are voting without posting. This does nothing to help what side we will all get on.
I would both that I don't care, but I don't like the overall look or feel of the Horde. The only race I like is the Blood Elf, and thats because they are orderly, organized, and have pallies. I love paladins. If the vote goes to Horde though, I think I'll make a mage. Fuddy's mage convinced me to make a mage, since he tanks a whole lot of damage and deals a ton of damage as well.
I don't care Alliance or Horde. I'll go with either, though I don't know Horde areas.
Personally I'd prefer PvE, as of now anyways since I haven't tried a PvP realm really, but I'd still play. It'd be an alt till my Shaman hits level 70 anyways.
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"Cards and flowers on your window, your friends all plead for you to stay,
sometimes beginnings aren't so simple, sometimes goodbye's the only way."
I don't play WoW, but I think in all aspects you guys should start over on one place and blindly rush towards the highest level, helping each other if it does not slow you down (since if one person gets to max level, he can easily help the others later).
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It's the decisions you make when you have no time to make them that define who you are.
Yeah, im down, although i really dont care which faction i am, i picked Horde, because if im going to make an Alt, i might as well play on the faction i know the best.
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World of Warcraft - Finnegin- Level 80 Enhancement Shaman
just poppin in here to post what i think, i have some RL friends spread out over a few servers, what i must say though is PvP type realms > PvE,
1) its a damn war between Alliance and Horde
2) ganking is fun once u hit 70, but if u don't have gear, and a 70 has gear, ur most likely going to lose
3) ret pallies are in my terms op, im a warrior, and when a 66 pally can almost kill me(270 ish resil), something is wrong keke
I agree with elfen, the biggest problem is timezones.
gl and hf, people call alliance full of wank*rs and such, but i found the horde have the same wank*rs, so its not much difference.
I agree with elfen, the biggest problem is timezones.
Like I said, it's my single greatest weakness. Due to essentially being forced to solo, I get stuck in the "noob" phase for a very long time.
My current character is lvl 7 I think so starting again is not a huge deal. Probably just delete the old one so I can use the name again.
Though It would be nice if some of us went the same races so they can help out the low lvls/noobs.
If I was to go Human (and I probably will) It would be nice to have someone come with me while I quest and who can give me items as I imagine you will be playing more than I, esp after I start my new job in 3 days, an 8am-5pm job, and with minimal internet time let alone WOW time.
Currently I'm in a 4am-6pm job and basically working from home (Family farm) so it's easy for me to come here/LOD/WOW. This will not be the case in future.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
Like I said, it's my single greatest weakness. Due to essentially being forced to solo, I get stuck in the "noob" phase for a very long time.
My current character is lvl 7 I think so starting again is not a huge deal. Probably just delete the old one so I can use the name again.
Though It would be nice if some of us went the same races so they can help out the low lvls/noobs.
If I was to go Human (and I probably will) It would be nice to have someone come with me while I quest and who can give me items as I imagine you will be playing more than I, esp after I start my new job in 3 days, an 8am-5pm job, and with minimal internet time let alone WOW time.
Currently I'm in a 4am-6pm job and basically working from home (Family farm) so it's easy for me to come here/LOD/WOW. This will not be the case in future.
As long as you are on different realms, you can have the same name.
And Elfen makes a good point. He just started an Alliance character, as have several others in the two factions, might as well pick the faction you know best.
I guess we'll be going Horde by the way people are picking, which in all I can handle, but it does kinda suck. I've had to switch over from realm to realm 3 times, going on 4, and the best faction I know is human Alliance. Oh well right? At least I get a Blood Elf if we do start all over oh Horde.
It's mostly my allegiance to Alliance. You tend to hate Horde once they camp your body in Darkshire or other regions. Lvl 70's in lvl 18-30 zones. Meh.
It's Draenei or Blood Elf. Pally if Alliance, mage if Blood Elf. Everyone finish voting so we can get this started!!
It's mostly my allegiance to Alliance. You tend to hate Horde once they camp your body in Darkshire or other regions. Lvl 70's in lvl 18-30 zones. Meh.
My appologies, I know I am not in sick but I have to point out the Crossroads. In my old realm, every other day the Alliance would assault the Crossroads, which is a nexus of level 10 to level 30 players. So the Alliance isn't all good and righteous, they can be assholes too. Different realms have different people playing. Sometimes Alliance are assholes. Sometimes Horde are assholes. Sometimes both. It all depends on what realm.
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At the moment, here is what i know:
Jarhead, Ferret and Caliban are on Destromath.
Fudlow, Carloseus and Elfen are on Anetheron.
AcidReign is on a server by himself.
Maestro is on a server by himself.
Chaos is on a server by himself.
And so on and soforth.
So we thought its time we played WoW together. All of us, on 1 server.
Now i know you all have your high lvls on your own servers. You have your mains. Whatever. And i know youve got your reasons for being on those servers. So im not going to ask you to abandon that. What im suggesting is that we all start alts on one server. Together. A new server. And im not asking you to devote your entire lives to that new character. Im saying we should have our alts on a server together, and play together sometimes. You can all keep working on your mains on your own servers all you want. I just think its kinda pointless how we are spread across all these servers. We cant even manage more than 3 of us on a single server.
So let me know what you all think. After looking at realm details myself and Carlos decided Boulderfist looks good. It is a well populated, pvp pacific server, with an equal balance of alliance and horde, and high activity. It is very similar to destromath, with which myself cali and ferret have never had any problems.
The only thing we are yet to decide is alliance or horde. Im not really fussed. Please vote ONLY IF YOU PLAY WOW AND PLAN TO JOIN US.
We united the legions to unite SICK. So how about we try playing a little WoW TOGETHER for once?
And yea guys, I think this is a great idea. Rules are: no xfering characters. That would take the fun away from it. Hopefully we get more new members to establish this server as a more permanent one, but I think it'd be awesome to start a character there.
the Beast
Big baby.
One server for Horde and one for Alliance would work well I think. If we are too spread out over the servers, we (and by we I mean mostly me) will find it harder to level and find items and all round enjoy the game.
Time Zones are my biggest downfall when it comes to online gaming, either I'm on but none of you are, or it's the opposite, Your on but I'm not. And when we are on together, we are on different servers, and that don't help me out none.
Strength through unity.
People are voting without posting. This does nothing to help what side we will all get on.
I would both that I don't care, but I don't like the overall look or feel of the Horde. The only race I like is the Blood Elf, and thats because they are orderly, organized, and have pallies. I love paladins. If the vote goes to Horde though, I think I'll make a mage. Fuddy's mage convinced me to make a mage, since he tanks a whole lot of damage and deals a ton of damage as well.
Personally I'd prefer PvE, as of now anyways since I haven't tried a PvP realm really, but I'd still play. It'd be an alt till my Shaman hits level 70 anyways.
"Cards and flowers on your window, your friends all plead for you to stay,
sometimes beginnings aren't so simple, sometimes goodbye's the only way."
It's the decisions you make when you have no time to make them that define who you are.
Please read the first post.
By the way... I recommend Cenarius server
Though, it has a big population and the people don't take the game so seriously. I don't meet much dipshits on Cenarius.
"Cards and flowers on your window, your friends all plead for you to stay,
sometimes beginnings aren't so simple, sometimes goodbye's the only way."
We selected Boulderfist as a realm for a good reason, so we plan to go there.
At the moment it looks like we have the following people willing to join:
Elfen Lied
Not too sure about fudlow. Havent spoken to him.
Anyway if everyone wants to, then ill set a date for us to all start.
Keep discussing it!
1) its a damn war between Alliance and Horde
2) ganking is fun once u hit 70, but if u don't have gear, and a 70 has gear, ur most likely going to lose
3) ret pallies are in my terms op, im a warrior, and when a 66 pally can almost kill me(270 ish resil), something is wrong keke
I agree with elfen, the biggest problem is timezones.
gl and hf, people call alliance full of wank*rs and such, but i found the horde have the same wank*rs, so its not much difference.
Like I said, it's my single greatest weakness. Due to essentially being forced to solo, I get stuck in the "noob" phase for a very long time.
My current character is lvl 7 I think so starting again is not a huge deal. Probably just delete the old one so I can use the name again.
Though It would be nice if some of us went the same races so they can help out the low lvls/noobs.
If I was to go Human (and I probably will) It would be nice to have someone come with me while I quest and who can give me items as I imagine you will be playing more than I, esp after I start my new job in 3 days, an 8am-5pm job, and with minimal internet time let alone WOW time.
Currently I'm in a 4am-6pm job and basically working from home (Family farm) so it's easy for me to come here/LOD/WOW. This will not be the case in future.
As long as you are on different realms, you can have the same name.
And Elfen makes a good point. He just started an Alliance character, as have several others in the two factions, might as well pick the faction you know best.
I guess we'll be going Horde by the way people are picking, which in all I can handle, but it does kinda suck. I've had to switch over from realm to realm 3 times, going on 4, and the best faction I know is human Alliance. Oh well right? At least I get a Blood Elf if we do start all over oh Horde.
It's mostly my allegiance to Alliance. You tend to hate Horde once they camp your body in Darkshire or other regions. Lvl 70's in lvl 18-30 zones. Meh.
It's Draenei or Blood Elf. Pally if Alliance, mage if Blood Elf. Everyone finish voting so we can get this started!!
My appologies, I know I am not in sick but I have to point out the Crossroads. In my old realm, every other day the Alliance would assault the Crossroads, which is a nexus of level 10 to level 30 players. So the Alliance isn't all good and righteous, they can be assholes too. Different realms have different people playing. Sometimes Alliance are assholes. Sometimes Horde are assholes. Sometimes both. It all depends on what realm.