i'm on the European servers so i cant play with you all, but from my experience Horde has more mature players and is rather more fun to play with. Alliance tends to have all the kids to play Night Elves and Dwarves cause they saw Lord of the Rings which can be pretty nasty when they keep ninja tagging your mobs (that you had to clear the way to of course and your mining nodes) explaining "i saw it first! it was mine!".
also, Alliance tends to have more people 2 to 1 at least than Horde, and in PvP servers (that you're planning to join) its a pretty big deal. I had my hard time leveling my level 25 Undead mage through Stranglethorn Vale (level 25-47 region) cause i had 20 man alliance raids (!) on the way to Zul Gurub (raid instance there) ganking me. And the occasional lame noob groups that tend to hunt and corpse camp lone lowbies in each region. Reasons to hate ^^ thing is that after you hit the level cap they mostly leave you in peace since they're scared to attack.
I do play alliance but only cause i had a friend to put me there and now with so many high level chars i cant really leave.
And Elfen makes a good point. He just started an Alliance character, as have several others in the two factions, might as well pick the faction you know best.
My point was more it is nice to have someone else there to help. Currently, for me that in not the case.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
Well Carlo, you don't have to choose based on Fudlows opinion, as I'm sure he said no so you aren't either.
Any why not? It's simply an alt. You said you want this clan/site/whatever to be together more, you hypocrit. You don't even have to play it all too much.
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"Cards and flowers on your window, your friends all plead for you to stay,
sometimes beginnings aren't so simple, sometimes goodbye's the only way."
I'll only answer your question because its a good one.
Fudlow and I started the WoW crusade, and we went months without anyone even interested. We transferred servers twice, and I've had to do it 3 times already. We got settled with an awesome guild, my pally is one bar away from 65, he's fully epic'd, and we're having alot of fun on that one.
Now, I'm not saying we're special or anything. But he did raise those points, and looking at it that way I agree with him. I also agree with Roo that we should all be united, but the way I look at it Fuddy and I have given plenty already. I don't want to come accross as invalidating what everyone else has done, because everyone's done alot for us as well. We're just tired of being the only ones that have jumped servers, and now we're being asked to jump again because everyone else is doing it, and on top of that onto the faction we don't really like.
Sorry guys. But Fuddy and I are sticking together on this, so if you want this to go through, get a hold of him. I won't make any more decisions without him. We've been buddies since we started SLAYERS, and have actually met IRL, which I thought was really cool. Whatever he decides, I'll lean that way more.
As he said:
"If they want to be united, they can come here."
And I'm SOOOO sorry I'm causing a commotion. I seem to run into these things intentionally and accidentally. ><
Hmm. Actually, I very much agree with you Carlo. I'd join you guys but apparently you don't want to talk me and probably wouldn't let me in the guild :rolleyes:
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"Cards and flowers on your window, your friends all plead for you to stay,
sometimes beginnings aren't so simple, sometimes goodbye's the only way."
Majority says Horde. I fine with that. Always wanted to try out the Orc. (was going to be my first char anyways)
So which server?
Some of you here may have seen this attachment before when I put it up for organising times for playing Baldur's Gate II, but I think it could be of use here.
We can ammend it for those not on it already. It nice to be able to look at the chart and say ok so it's 8pm here, then it is 1am for most of you guys.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
I'll only answer your question because its a good one.
Fudlow and I started the WoW crusade, and we went months without anyone even interested. We transferred servers twice, and I've had to do it 3 times already. We got settled with an awesome guild, my pally is one bar away from 65, he's fully epic'd, and we're having alot of fun on that one.
Now, I'm not saying we're special or anything. But he did raise those points, and looking at it that way I agree with him. I also agree with Roo that we should all be united, but the way I look at it Fuddy and I have given plenty already. I don't want to come accross as invalidating what everyone else has done, because everyone's done alot for us as well. We're just tired of being the only ones that have jumped servers, and now we're being asked to jump again because everyone else is doing it, and on top of that onto the faction we don't really like.
Sorry guys. But Fuddy and I are sticking together on this, so if you want this to go through, get a hold of him. I won't make any more decisions without him. We've been buddies since we started SLAYERS, and have actually met IRL, which I thought was really cool. Whatever he decides, I'll lean that way more.
As he said:
"If they want to be united, they can come here."
And I'm SOOOO sorry I'm causing a commotion. I seem to run into these things intentionally and accidentally. ><
Again, sorry for posting in the sick subforum, but had to say this:
So... If your own guild chooses to unite and work together under the flag of the Horde, you will stay with Alliance?.. Doesn't that seem somewhat childish?... I honestly don't get it... At first you were all for having everyone together, and you seem reasonable to an extent, and you could always play the Blood Elves, were you simply lying out your teeth and trying to turn your clan to the Alliance? You don't need to answer that, your actions have spoken for you.
If I might, I'd like to point out a post of yours:
Quote from "Carloseus;179710 »
Quote from "AcidReign"" »
I can't live without being a Tauren
Two words:
Big baby.
Quote from "Carloseus" »
If the vote goes to Horde though, I think I'll make a mage. Fuddy's mage convinced me to make a mage, since he tanks a whole lot of damage and deals a ton of damage as well.
It doesn't matter one bit though. Nobody is going to give an inch and everyone going to stay on there own realms and factions. If something happens, I will be greatly supprised.
(Please don't think I am attacking you. It just seems like your pulling a Cartman here...)
so yeah, sorry i can't join u guys, but me and carlos started guys on anetheron like 8 months ago and you guys shoulda joined us on there.
Not sure I like the way that is phrased. Sounds like your implying I should have joined you 8 months ago. Little hard to do considering I got WOW 4 days ago.
trying to unite us all is good, but its gonna be dumb when everyone just plays their mains way more often anyway.
Yeh, people will just play their mains, course my main is on Anetheron.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
Nah thats it. Carlos and Fudlow im sick of your high and mighty bullshit. All carlos ever whinges about SICK is that we arent united or we dont play together enough. This was my last effort. And you both blew it. You think you two are the bees knees. You think it was all your idea to play wow, you were the first to get it so everyone MUST go to your realm if we are going to all play together hey? Oh poor you, youve changed servers a few times! Did anyone force you? No, you made those choices yourself. You and Fudlow are both greedy you know that? Its all about YOU. Cant sacrifice your greed can you?
Nah thats it. Carlos and Fudlow im sick of your high and mighty bullshit. All carlos ever whinges about SICK is that we arent united or we dont play together enough. This was my last effort. And you both blew it. You think you two are the bees knees. You think it was all your idea to play wow, you were the first to get it so everyone MUST go to your realm if we are going to all play together hey? Oh poor you, youve changed servers a few times! Did anyone force you? No, you made those choices yourself. You and Fudlow are both greedy you know that? Its all about YOU. Cant sacrifice your greed can you?
we can pull up threads when me and carlos first started playing WoW and we were asking everyone in SICK and what not to try the game out and play with us. i don't see how anyone else from SICK would go to a different server and then say something about us being greedy.
i've brought 2 of my bro's, 2 friends from hockey, and i think my friend is gonna xfer over and if we're gonna play somewhere i think we should be focused on it.
we all have alts all over the place (at least i do) and that's a reason why i don't think its a good idea to make alts on another realm to worry about.
Nah thats it. Carlos and Fudlow im sick of your high and mighty bullshit. All carlos ever whinges about SICK is that we arent united or we dont play together enough. This was my last effort. And you both blew it. You think you two are the bees knees. You think it was all your idea to play wow, you were the first to get it so everyone MUST go to your realm if we are going to all play together hey? Oh poor you, youve changed servers a few times! Did anyone force you? No, you made those choices yourself. You and Fudlow are both greedy you know that? Its all about YOU. Cant sacrifice your greed can you?
Jarhead i completly agree wiff you
and i could probly join you guys, but im really slow cause i cant get on much, so what server is it?
Nah thats it. Carlos and Fudlow im sick of your high and mighty bullshit.
I see no where that we are being high and mighty. We declined, and said our reasons.
Quote from "Jarhead89" »
All carlos ever whinges about SICK is that we arent united or we dont play together enough.
We don't. And I've already tried to change that. How many times have you tried?
Quote from "Jarhead89" »
This was my last effort.
This was your first and only effort.
Quote from "Jarhead89" »
And you both blew it.
And we're the high and mighty ones?
Quote from "Jarhead89" »
You think you two are the bees knees.
I don't know what this expression means.
Quote from "Jarhead89" »
You think it was all your idea to play wow, you were the first to get it
It was our idea to play WoW, and we were the first to try and get SICK involved with it.
Quote from "Jarhead89" »
so everyone MUST go to your realm if we are going to all play together hey?
We've already tried a couple times, it didn't work out. If you really are wanting to unite, and have everyone play, why don't you join us? On top of everything, we have great connections and one or the other is usually on, so I don't see why its such an issue coming over to us.
Quote from "Jarhead89" »
Oh poor you, youve changed servers a few times! Did anyone force you?
No, it was because we actually wanted SICK to play together. We still do, but I don't want it to turn into a failure again, so I'll invest my time into a character and realm where I know it'll work out.
Quote from "Jarhead89" »
No, you made those choices yourself. You and Fudlow are both greedy you know that? Its all about YOU. Cant sacrifice your greed can you?
Lol, we're the only ones that have actually sacrificed. We're greedy? No, we're tired of just giving. You can't get your way this one time, the first time you are making a server change, and you throw a fit. Go ahead, cry more. If your this hot-headed and unwilling to understand where Fudlow and I are coming from, I think its better not to play with you.
So are we going to come to an agreed server or not.
Someone is going to have to change servers here.
Or am I going to have to step in and say X server. And yes I do have that authority!!!
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
Fudlow and Carloseus were among the first to both get WOW and to believe in a one server for all policy. Their attempts to enforce this policy were met with desention, and the site came about one revolution away from total anarchy. The situation was resolved, but prehaps not in the best way, but it worked. For a short while anyway. At the time WOW was not within my jurisdiction, and I had no plans on making it so. I have since changed my mind on that matter and now own and frequently play it, or as play it as frequently as I can rather. But we were still divided on ther server issue.
People dislike being told play on this server, despite the fact that in regards to LOD members of SICK adamently enforce a one server for all rule. Some of you hate it when one person tells to do something, as you enjoy your freedom of choice, however that leads to indecisiveness as you cannot agree to all play on one server so you wish someone would speak up and say let's all play on this server, but when someone becomes authoritarian you had it and wish for freedom of choice as continuously go in circles.
And here we are, trying to come to an agreed server. Something Carloseus was ridiculed and attacked for doing.
WOW is now part of my jurisdiction, and as with much of SICK, my word is law.
Aye, you do Elfen. Practice that authority.
I would prefer not to. But as it is apparent I am left with no choice.
Faction: Horde Realm: Boulderfist
So it is said, so shall it be written.
(well almost, it can be counteracted by one of two ways; Silver supercedes it, or the rest of the council unanimously vote to overturn it. That is to say if there were 11 of us in the council (excluding Silver), the remaining 10 members would need to all agree to overturn my ruling)
This will no doubt annoy someone, but I can't see one that wouldn't. Someone here was going to have to switch servers.
I now have a level 6 Orc on Boulderfist. It would be nice to see another Orc character in SICK. But I am not being authoritarian in this instance, merely suggesting someone join me in serving the Orcish Horde. If you prefer Tauren, Troll or Blood Elves, then by all means go that race.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
also, Alliance tends to have more people 2 to 1 at least than Horde, and in PvP servers (that you're planning to join) its a pretty big deal. I had my hard time leveling my level 25 Undead mage through Stranglethorn Vale (level 25-47 region) cause i had 20 man alliance raids (!) on the way to Zul Gurub (raid instance there) ganking me. And the occasional lame noob groups that tend to hunt and corpse camp lone lowbies in each region. Reasons to hate ^^ thing is that after you hit the level cap they mostly leave you in peace since they're scared to attack.
I do play alliance but only cause i had a friend to put me there and now with so many high level chars i cant really leave.
My point was more it is nice to have someone else there to help. Currently, for me that in not the case.
Any why not? It's simply an alt. You said you want this clan/site/whatever to be together more, you hypocrit. You don't even have to play it all too much.
"Cards and flowers on your window, your friends all plead for you to stay,
sometimes beginnings aren't so simple, sometimes goodbye's the only way."
Fudlow and I started the WoW crusade, and we went months without anyone even interested. We transferred servers twice, and I've had to do it 3 times already. We got settled with an awesome guild, my pally is one bar away from 65, he's fully epic'd, and we're having alot of fun on that one.
Now, I'm not saying we're special or anything. But he did raise those points, and looking at it that way I agree with him. I also agree with Roo that we should all be united, but the way I look at it Fuddy and I have given plenty already. I don't want to come accross as invalidating what everyone else has done, because everyone's done alot for us as well. We're just tired of being the only ones that have jumped servers, and now we're being asked to jump again because everyone else is doing it, and on top of that onto the faction we don't really like.
Sorry guys. But Fuddy and I are sticking together on this, so if you want this to go through, get a hold of him. I won't make any more decisions without him. We've been buddies since we started SLAYERS, and have actually met IRL, which I thought was really cool. Whatever he decides, I'll lean that way more.
As he said:
"If they want to be united, they can come here."
And I'm SOOOO sorry I'm causing a commotion. I seem to run into these things intentionally and accidentally. ><
"Cards and flowers on your window, your friends all plead for you to stay,
sometimes beginnings aren't so simple, sometimes goodbye's the only way."
So which server?
Some of you here may have seen this attachment before when I put it up for organising times for playing Baldur's Gate II, but I think it could be of use here.
We can ammend it for those not on it already. It nice to be able to look at the chart and say ok so it's 8pm here, then it is 1am for most of you guys.
Again, sorry for posting in the sick subforum, but had to say this:
So... If your own guild chooses to unite and work together under the flag of the Horde, you will stay with Alliance?.. Doesn't that seem somewhat childish?... I honestly don't get it... At first you were all for having everyone together, and you seem reasonable to an extent, and you could always play the Blood Elves, were you simply lying out your teeth and trying to turn your clan to the Alliance? You don't need to answer that, your actions have spoken for you.
If I might, I'd like to point out a post of yours:
It doesn't matter one bit though. Nobody is going to give an inch and everyone going to stay on there own realms and factions. If something happens, I will be greatly supprised.
(Please don't think I am attacking you. It just seems like your pulling a Cartman here...)
"Cards and flowers on your window, your friends all plead for you to stay,
sometimes beginnings aren't so simple, sometimes goodbye's the only way."
trying to unite us all is good, but its gonna be dumb when everyone just plays their mains way more often anyway.
so yeah, sorry i can't join u guys, but me and carlos started guys on anetheron like 8 months ago and you guys shoulda joined us on there.
Not sure I like the way that is phrased. Sounds like your implying I should have joined you 8 months ago. Little hard to do considering I got WOW 4 days ago.
Yeh, people will just play their mains, course my main is on Anetheron.
we can pull up threads when me and carlos first started playing WoW and we were asking everyone in SICK and what not to try the game out and play with us. i don't see how anyone else from SICK would go to a different server and then say something about us being greedy.
i've brought 2 of my bro's, 2 friends from hockey, and i think my friend is gonna xfer over and if we're gonna play somewhere i think we should be focused on it.
we all have alts all over the place (at least i do) and that's a reason why i don't think its a good idea to make alts on another realm to worry about.
if you weren't greedy you'd come to our server
and i could probly join you guys, but im really slow cause i cant get on much, so what server is it?
We don't. And I've already tried to change that. How many times have you tried?
This was your first and only effort.
And we're the high and mighty ones?
I don't know what this expression means.
It was our idea to play WoW, and we were the first to try and get SICK involved with it.
We've already tried a couple times, it didn't work out. If you really are wanting to unite, and have everyone play, why don't you join us? On top of everything, we have great connections and one or the other is usually on, so I don't see why its such an issue coming over to us.
No, it was because we actually wanted SICK to play together. We still do, but I don't want it to turn into a failure again, so I'll invest my time into a character and realm where I know it'll work out.
Lol, we're the only ones that have actually sacrificed. We're greedy? No, we're tired of just giving. You can't get your way this one time, the first time you are making a server change, and you throw a fit. Go ahead, cry more. If your this hot-headed and unwilling to understand where Fudlow and I are coming from, I think its better not to play with you.
Someone is going to have to change servers here.
Or am I going to have to step in and say X server. And yes I do have that authority!!!
Fudlow and Carloseus were among the first to both get WOW and to believe in a one server for all policy. Their attempts to enforce this policy were met with desention, and the site came about one revolution away from total anarchy. The situation was resolved, but prehaps not in the best way, but it worked. For a short while anyway. At the time WOW was not within my jurisdiction, and I had no plans on making it so. I have since changed my mind on that matter and now own and frequently play it, or as play it as frequently as I can rather. But we were still divided on ther server issue.
People dislike being told play on this server, despite the fact that in regards to LOD members of SICK adamently enforce a one server for all rule. Some of you hate it when one person tells to do something, as you enjoy your freedom of choice, however that leads to indecisiveness as you cannot agree to all play on one server so you wish someone would speak up and say let's all play on this server, but when someone becomes authoritarian you had it and wish for freedom of choice as continuously go in circles.
And here we are, trying to come to an agreed server. Something Carloseus was ridiculed and attacked for doing.
WOW is now part of my jurisdiction, and as with much of SICK, my word is law.
I would prefer not to. But as it is apparent I am left with no choice.
Faction: Horde
Realm: Boulderfist
So it is said, so shall it be written.
(well almost, it can be counteracted by one of two ways; Silver supercedes it, or the rest of the council unanimously vote to overturn it. That is to say if there were 11 of us in the council (excluding Silver), the remaining 10 members would need to all agree to overturn my ruling)
This will no doubt annoy someone, but I can't see one that wouldn't. Someone here was going to have to switch servers.
I now have a level 6 Orc on Boulderfist. It would be nice to see another Orc character in SICK. But I am not being authoritarian in this instance, merely suggesting someone join me in serving the Orcish Horde. If you prefer Tauren, Troll or Blood Elves, then by all means go that race.