Ok, I think we just scrap everything and start over. This is ridiculous, there are too many problems with the guild to begin with. Inactive members, subdividing of the guild, questionable leadership (not by me but by other people), etc. To me it seems like there is too much stuff that can just be reformed and restructured.
Btw, how far are you guys in the whole restructuring process. Have you made progress?
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"I'm like a dog chasing cars." - Joker, Dark Knight
I think if you scratch all of the sub guilds. Change the name of SICK. Which by the way is a horrible, unappealing guild name. Got rid of the whole role playing religion where everyone is suppose to praise Lord Silver. Advertised in both SC/D2/WoW. Provided actual interesting activities for the guild. Guild competitions, etc etc. This guild could be alot more successful.
That holds truth to it. It all depends on what kind of guild SICK wants to be though. If the goal is to be the grandest guilld, then it cannot keep the roleplaying status, because the larger majority of people are not attracted to this kind of guild. However, such a guild can still be successful, it just won't be one of the "biggest".
Quote from name="Elfen Lied" »
Does the word Optional mean anything to you? To me, it means either I can choose to do something, or I can choose not to do something, no one is forcing my hand. But hey, that's just me.
The problem is that, when all the higher ups are roleplaying, no matter how optional it is, it will deter new members and more or less force roleplaying upon the other members in one way or another. And once again ,the masses are not appealed to this kind of guild. So all the sides have to be weighed in deciding what to do.
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Supporting big shoulderpads and flashy armor since 2004.
I just dont understand how you can inactive to something that doesnt even exist. Diablo 3 isnt even out yet, so how can you be active. If this is such a problem, just be patient and wait for the damn game to come out before you start whining and complaining about inactivity.
The problem is that, when all the higher ups are roleplaying, no matter how optional it is, it will deter new members and more or less force roleplaying upon the other members in one way or another.
Not all the higher ups do it, and even those that do, have cut back on it. You see it rarely now.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
Not all the higher ups do it, and even those that do, have cut back on it. You see it rarely now.
Whiel that may be true, all the threads in this forum talking about what SICK is still showcases it as a roleplaying guild (at least when last I looked).
Either way, it the guild is to be overhauled, then replacing some stickes isn't the hardest part of the job
PlugY for Diablo II allows you to reset skills and stats, transfer items between characters in singleplayer, obtain all ladder runewords and do all Uberquests while offline. It is the only way to do all of the above. Please use it.
Supporting big shoulderpads and flashy armor since 2004.
SICK sucks balls. Big hairy balls. We are inactive. We are not united. We dont act like a clan, we have way too many legions with not enough members. Its time to do something about this.
I propose we disband all legions, and unite as 1 clan. Just call ourselves SICK. No sub guilds, no legions, just 1 guild. My point is we are not going anywhere the way we are at the moment. Whats the point of having 5 legions with 5-10 members in each? Thats no clan, thats a fucking joke.
Start over, make 1 clan, keep it simple. Thats my proposal. Let me know what you think.
alright, i know you told me about this a really long time ago roo, but what about leaders? Silver is hardly active... why should we have a legion named after someone who hardly contributes to this guild?... Elfen imo should be the new leader. Then again, he should also step up, and be a bit more active in his moderation, otherwise, i dont recommend him for guild commander. no offense Elfen <3
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World of Warcraft - Finnegin- Level 80 Enhancement Shaman
Elfen imo should be the new leader. Then again, he should also step up, and be a bit more active in his moderation, otherwise, i dont recommend him for guild commander. no offense Elfen <3
How often does a Private in the marines see the Commandant of the Marines?
Silver made this guild not me. He is like the owner of a football team, I'm more like the Head Coach.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
But only because there has been no need, until now, and said orders have been along the lines of "get your ass in this MSN chat so we can work shit out"
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
But only because there has been no need, until now, and said orders have been along the lines of "get your ass in this MSN chat so we can work shit out"
ah, i c. well, at least he is taking control of things when they truelly need it.
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World of Warcraft - Finnegin- Level 80 Enhancement Shaman
How often does a Private in the marines see the Commandant of the Marines?
Silver made this guild not me. He is like the owner of a football team, I'm more like the Head Coach.
There you go off role playing again. The sole purpose of a video game guild/clan is to interact in a group. This isn't the military where you have 50,000 people you can delegate to different areas.
That hardly counts as role playing, just an comparison to illustrate a point.
The sole purpose of a video game guild/clan is to interact in a group.
Agreed. Though sometimes certain members in the group get dogged with stuff that causes them to go into periods of low activity, thus it is harder to interact with them.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
mind u caliban we are all working in the backround to sort this mess out. think ive been on msn discussing this for well over 4 hours today already. not to mention countless pms back and forth.
Also get on b.net sometime and u will see where i contribute to the guild
oh and about my activeness? im here daily m-f every week. many can vouche for that
We are doing what we can at the moment. Reorganizing the guild is our main priority. If you wish to join, either msn, yahoo, aim, I will be on M-F 8am-5pm pst. I am always up to hear from other people's perspectives and account it into what we are trying to accomplish. After we have established a stone setting organization, we will then proceed on repopulating the guild via advertisements through various forums, games, and personal acquaintances. Silver, Elfen, Carloseus, Ferret and myself have spent several hours in msn discussing all issues that needed to be addressed. Please know that we are doing everything in our power to make things right and get this guild back up on its feet.
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Those before me shall quiver in my wake as I unleash the fury within!
SICK is mainly a USWest guild. Though since SICK was established in the beginning as a Diablo III guild, many members went off and did their own thing. But yes, most reside in USWest Ladder either SC or HC.
That reminds me that being issued a guild realm for all games SICK will be accociated with is under discussion as well.
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Those before me shall quiver in my wake as I unleash the fury within!
Btw, how far are you guys in the whole restructuring process. Have you made progress?
The problem is that, when all the higher ups are roleplaying, no matter how optional it is, it will deter new members and more or less force roleplaying upon the other members in one way or another. And once again ,the masses are not appealed to this kind of guild. So all the sides have to be weighed in deciding what to do.
Not all the higher ups do it, and even those that do, have cut back on it. You see it rarely now.
Either way, it the guild is to be overhauled, then replacing some stickes isn't the hardest part of the job
alright, i know you told me about this a really long time ago roo, but what about leaders? Silver is hardly active... why should we have a legion named after someone who hardly contributes to this guild?... Elfen imo should be the new leader. Then again, he should also step up, and be a bit more active in his moderation, otherwise, i dont recommend him for guild commander. no offense Elfen <3
How often does a Private in the marines see the Commandant of the Marines?
Silver made this guild not me. He is like the owner of a football team, I'm more like the Head Coach.
true, but how often does he give you orders to do things for the guild? and be honest please... dont try to cover for him.
But only because there has been no need, until now, and said orders have been along the lines of "get your ass in this MSN chat so we can work shit out"
ah, i c. well, at least he is taking control of things when they truelly need it.
Agreed. Though sometimes certain members in the group get dogged with stuff that causes them to go into periods of low activity, thus it is harder to interact with them.
Also get on b.net sometime and u will see where i contribute to the guild
oh and about my activeness? im here daily m-f every week. many can vouche for that
M-F 8am-5pm
Thank you so far we are all happy with what we have decided to do so far
That reminds me that being issued a guild realm for all games SICK will be accociated with is under discussion as well.