Personally i don't consider Silver a higher up. He's our lord just because he's a very old member.
From my point of view I'll consider Elfen the Lord God of
Quote from "Thasador" »
Lord Silver is the Lord God of because the originating members of voted and elected him to be so.
Yes, Lord Elfen Lied does a great deal amount of work for Silver has done much effort in diablo 2 lod realm, assisting ALL SICK members in HC. They both do amazing work for SICK and they are both recognized as the two greats of SICK.
Lord Silver is not our Lord God because he is just an old member, no, he is the Lord God of because that is who he is.
Quote from "Zubin" »
Personally i don't consider Silver a higher up. He's our lord just because he's a very old member.
From my point of view I'll consider Elfen the Lord God of
Quote from "winstonthe4th" »
You should see him play on D2...he's godly.
Ferret is already working on how we should restructure it.
Ty all for Backing Me. For it was I who founded the idea for a d3 guild.The people voted me to lead them And I appointed Elfen as my Ranking General.(also due to popular demand) This is how its been since the birth of SICK
Elfen Commands the Legions and i run the guild as the final decision maker
i do agree, that the guild needs to be not more of reconstructiing but more reforming. we need to get priorities straight, it seems to be getting messy if you know what im talking about. maybe keep the legions as they are. but make them not as important as the guild sick as a whole. maybe it will help organize priorities better.
I believe no legion has enough members as to be called a legion. I don’t know where you people keep getting Legions from. The various Sub guilds were called Centuriae, you know as in multiples of 100 people. A legion is comprised of about 60 Centuriae 60X100 = 6000 men, that is a Legion. We don’t have that many people, but we used the same names.
Well Carl said he was putting in a new commander I believe. So 4 commanders, but one inexperienced. Plus there's Silver. So 5 "higher ups".
He is promoting Fudlow, as best I can figure it.
Hmmm, hmmm, then it means that Lord Silver and Lord Elfen are equal no matter what?
I am far from his equal.
I would like to start something new for people who think saying thou at the beginning of every sentence and calling people lords is totally queer.
If you had read the rules, no where does it say you have to do that, not since about a year and a half ago, when some of rules got changed. It states it is Optional. Stormcat is in SICK but you don't see her always calling people Lord or Sir now do you.
I would like to start something where everyone can feel free to go on and play whenever they want and the members will just be open to help them out at anytime.
I’m confused. Is that not what we have now? We just have a members shortage.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
Also, this clan needs to stop talking and start doing, we need to stop throwing out ideas and start doing something.
The merging of the various sub guild has already been instituted, the paperwork is currently making it's way through administration.
That really just leaves the total number of memmber issue. Inactivity does play a part in this, thus the question becomes how best to rectify the situation.
As much as I would like SICK to be an Army or the Navy, it is not. I cannot hold anyone down and force them to serve for an extented period of time, (such as 100 years before the mast for example) and neither can I truly press gang anyone in to fill numbers slots. And others in SICK cannot really do it eitherm sure we can bug the hell out of people with IMs/PMs/Email, but that doesn't really fix the situation of how to keep people active.
In regards to rank redistribution/reformat, you cannot really do that if you don't have anybody to fill those ranks, unless you were to straight up remove a few, and yes, I have considered that, but as it wasn't until recently, I had no need for such extreme measures, now it seems there is just cause.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
As temporary commander of GXAII I would like to throw in my two cents. No one in my legion is active at all. I sent out PM's and e-mails, and no response. I had bred a barbarian on Diablo II to split the items for my legion members. There was no demand, so I just gave GhostZ the whole account since he was in need of barbarian gear. He isn't in GXAII, and I don't care, he's in SICK. I agree that it should all just be SICK. It works the same way in Counter Strike. We would have teams A and B in a certain clan and B would want to be A... it was a huge mess. I wanted to help out GXAII but there is no one to help out.
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It's the decisions you make when you have no time to make them that define who you are.
Personaly, I think SICK should be run by Elfen, not Silver, and it should have one main legion, or two at max, because otherwise it's just a bunch of tiny inefficient legions. You make more legions when you get more people. >_<
ok i am tired of hearing how elfen should be the leader. even though elfen is my commander. i think silver is like president and elfen is vice president.
Personaly, I think SICK should be run by Elfen, not Silver,
Inactuality that is not far from the truth. I assumed most of his managerial roles so he was free to deal with other issues.
Your suggesting things like your still a member, lol. Or are you considering rejoining should all this mess get sorted out. I'm not too concerned, suggestions are suggestions.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
Your suggesting things like your still a member, lol.
I left because this guild is not run by you or Thasador or such, it is run by a guy who's maturity I don't trust. It's simple. People don't join guilds if they don't like the leadership. You may be managing a lot of things, but still, in reality, Silver may always overrule you if he throws some fit.
I'm curious. Does sick ever do in-game advertising for the guild. Or is it strictly the community? It has quite a bit of resources available. A section of a forum completely devoted to the guild.
I have done quite a bit in my days. That is why i have 13 references. But since I have been going through unnecessary complications on getting internet, i have not been doing it lately.
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Those before me shall quiver in my wake as I unleash the fury within!
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Ty all for Backing Me. For it was I who founded the idea for a d3 guild.The people voted me to lead them And I appointed Elfen as my Ranking General.(also due to popular demand) This is how its been since the birth of SICK
Elfen Commands the Legions and i run the guild as the final decision maker
Officially Pissed off
just throwing it out there.
its not supposed to be a nice game
autostats are rediclous
lack of pots is not welcome
if it aint broke dont fix it! (diablo2)
I don’t know where you people keep getting Legions from. The various Sub guilds were called Centuriae, you know as in multiples of 100 people. A legion is comprised of about 60 Centuriae 60X100 = 6000 men, that is a Legion. We don’t have that many people, but we used the same names.
He is promoting Fudlow, as best I can figure it.
I am far from his equal.
If you had read the rules, no where does it say you have to do that, not since about a year and a half ago, when some of rules got changed. It states it is Optional. Stormcat is in SICK but you don't see her always calling people Lord or Sir now do you.
I’m confused. Is that not what we have now? We just have a members shortage.
The merging of the various sub guild has already been instituted, the paperwork is currently making it's way through administration.
That really just leaves the total number of memmber issue. Inactivity does play a part in this, thus the question becomes how best to rectify the situation.
As much as I would like SICK to be an Army or the Navy, it is not. I cannot hold anyone down and force them to serve for an extented period of time, (such as 100 years before the mast for example) and neither can I truly press gang anyone in to fill numbers slots. And others in SICK cannot really do it eitherm sure we can bug the hell out of people with IMs/PMs/Email, but that doesn't really fix the situation of how to keep people active.
In regards to rank redistribution/reformat, you cannot really do that if you don't have anybody to fill those ranks, unless you were to straight up remove a few, and yes, I have considered that, but as it wasn't until recently, I had no need for such extreme measures, now it seems there is just cause.
It's the decisions you make when you have no time to make them that define who you are.
Icon/In-game - Silver.
It's the decisions you make when you have no time to make them that define who you are.
no offence elfen.
Inactuality that is not far from the truth. I assumed most of his managerial roles so he was free to deal with other issues.
Your suggesting things like your still a member, lol. Or are you considering rejoining should all this mess get sorted out. I'm not too concerned, suggestions are suggestions.
Public Relations - Silver