Hi. WD has been my main forever, and I'm just going to go over most of the skills and give some ideas and comments. Going to use FireZombies format, also agree on a lot of his suggestions, so we may have some overlap.
Primaries: I think they all should be free also, though the mana cost I guess is negligable most of the time. I think having primaries synergize with certain skills would really boost their usage, because at the moment most people just forgo them.
Poison Dart - Increase damage across all runes.
Splinters: It's fine but possibly add in something like enemies in its close proximity can also get hurt by the splinters(sort of like a small aoe dmg aura around the monster). I sort of imagine these splinters sticking out of the monster and hurting those around it also. Not stackable(but you can cast on other monsters, will require you to micro)
Numbing Dart: Increase slow to where it's actually useful. Maybe like beyond just slowing enemy movement, it would slow by 20% every second for 5 seconds until it comes to a full stop before being able to move again. Could also consider slowing enemy attack speed too(would open possibility to new builds - tanking, etc)
Spined Dart: I feel like this would be nice as a dot.
a) 5 seconds you could be gaining x amount of mana each second(so you could cast on multiple guys for big mana boost) enemies pierced with spined dart lose control of their mana and resources - releasing energy into the air... As long as you are in an aoe around the enemy you gain x% increased resource regen(would also work for your party)
Flaming Dart: Increase damage, or give another effect like:
a) enemy gains movement speed but loses accuracy while on fire fire can spread to other monsters
c) monster damage taken is increased by x% while on fire.
Snake to the Face: Buff the chance to stun. Also give some more effects while the snake is stuck on the enemy.
Corpse Spiders: Buff damage
Spider Queen: I think this skill needs a full rework.
a) While spider queen is out, it has a chance to lay eggs in enemies it attacks. When the enemy dies, spiders will explode out of the enemy causing AOE dmg, or maybe just extra leaping spiders. Walks around and lays Spider Sac mines. Enemies that step on the spider sacs get dealt X% of dmg, and are slowed/webbed for 1 second.
c) Allow us to have more than 1 out at a time.
Medusa Spiders - more slow, or possible webbing, other crazy poison effects(blind, confusion, bleed)
Blazing Spiders: More Damage. Leaves an immolation trail, enemies walk over it take x% dmg.
Plague of Toads - remove mana cost. I think all runes except rain of toads and toad of hugeness have a lot of trouble hitting monsters due to the random pathing. I think the random pathing is fine but a few changes would go a long way to making this an useful skill.
a) Toads stay around until they hit something Toads dont explode on obstacles, they will jump around obstacles.
c) Toads jump around in a circle around you.
d) Toads can pierce.
If you can make it actually work to hit monsters and everything then I think the runes are okay(well except for toad of hugeness and toad affinity)
Toad of Hugeness: This skill is just useless in its current incarnation. Few ideas here
a) Make it a constant pet with some sort of aura that helps you. Maybe it can grow with each monster it eats, and after a max of 5 monsters it will give some buff, or give you access to a bonus attack(such as toad of hugeness has eaten too much and explodes for x% dmg in an aoe) Allow multiple casts, and allow it to be able to eat elites.
c) Boost mana regen while eating enemies
d) Taunts enemies.
Toad Affinity: Spawn more frogs?
Firebomb : Increase damage. This is the primary I'm most okay with, but overall it can still use a bit of tweaks.
Pyrogeist needs to be stackable.. other runes just need a bit of damage adjustment.
Would love a rune that gives a vortex effect.
Grasp of the dead: Overall I think this is a pretty good skill. The slow becomes less valuable at higher difficulties... Maybe adjust the mana cost a little bit?
For Death is life: Maybe give it a little higher % chance, also if you have max dogs, I would love for the spell to be able to spawn additional temporary dogs, on top of the ones you have already.
Rain of corpses: Doesn't really seem like a rain, the damage is pretty pathetic also.
Desperate Grasp: 2 seconds doesnt mean very much... remove cooldown fully, allow stacks, or give it something else.
Fire Bats
Dire bats - This skill needs a lot of help. Since the skill change in 1.08, you can't really move around and use dire bats anymore. Maybe lower the mana cost A LOT. or make this the only one that isnt a channeling rune.
Vampire Bats - maybe a bit more life steal, and also allow the bats to stay for a few seconds after you stop casting, so you can cast vampire bats for some sustain before moving on to different skills.
Plague bats and cloud of bats are pretty good now. Though I think cloud of bats needs just a TINY TINY bit of radius increase, at least to where melee guys get hit by it. Sometimes your channeling and monsters are hitting you, but you arent hitting them...
Hungry Bats - Possibly increase proc rate, or damage? Or give them a little haunt effect. Since they are hungry, they may attack one target then go after another one for 2 hits.
Haunt - Damage isn't great. Allow stacking up to a certain amount.
Consuming Spirit - 155 hp a second is basically negligable. Should probably be a %.
Resentful Spirit - more damage or bit more duration
Lingering Spirit - Pretty decent if stacking is allowed, for more stacking.
Grasping Spirit - 30% slow is essentially useless. Allow stacking of slow, or possible etherealness. For example Grasping Spirit pulls enemy into the spirit world, causing them to take additional damage from spells, and doing less physical damage.
Draining Spirit- Maybe a % based mana regen, or allow stacking. -------- Locust Swarm: I think all the runes should have the pestilence effect. Possibly allow stacking also, damage is rather useless at high difficulty levels.
If that change happens... then Pestilence will need to be adjusted.
Cloud of insects is pretty terrible: The duration isn't needed and at the low damage its not helpful. Would love if this was maybe more like Maghda's projectile. A slow moving cloud of insects, infecting anything in its path. Also causes blind.
Devouring Swarm -regen X mana per second.
Diseased Swarm: very few monsters are actually going to be killed by locust swarm... maybe just change it to monsters that die while under the effect of diseased swarm leave a pool of poison. Or enemies affected by diseased swarm take extra poison damage.
Searing Locusts: More damage.
Zombie Dogs - Buff damage. Allow Circle of life to spawn additional temporary dogs(last for 30 seconds) on top of your currently summoned dogs. If not buffing damage, give the different runes some aoe buff effects. Such as resource regeneration, life regeneration, bonus dps, life steal, etc.
Allow procing again?
Horrify: The concept is just a bit problematic, if you fear things, it just makes it harder to kill them. Maybe make it a reverse taunt kind of spell, where enemies do run away but not to the point where you lose sight of them and they don't come back. It's not fun chasing enemies all over the map.
Phobia: Enemies take increased damage? It'd make fearing the enemies actually somewhat worthwhile.
Face of death: Maybe it creates a bubble that enemies are scared to enter, but outside the bubble they will still congregate. This gives you a bit of safety net without having the monsters run all over the map.
Other runes are okay.
Spirit Walk is a great skill, but mandatory for every WD essentially. Doesn't really need a change. All the runes are pretty useful, although I would love if umbral shock gave you a firechains with your decoy body, rather than exploded.
Hedge Magic: Make this a % based spell.
Angry Chicken: Increase damage. Allow you to lay egg mines, which explode for some damage.
Painful Transformation - The damage is pretty useless... Increase it, or it could maybe transform the monster and give you a clone(like d2 revive but less strong)
Unstable Form: Slight buff to AOE.
Soul Harvest - good spell.
Languish - maybe more slow or duration.
Sacrifice: Mostly pretty good. Maybe allow us to sacrifice fetishes and gargantuans also? Gargantuans would do more damage, fetishes would do a bit less since you can have more.
Black Blood: I like Firezombies idea about increasing your and allies movespeed.
Provoke the pack: Good, but it really needs a good buff icon rather than just the aura under your feet.
Mass Confusion:
Devolution: Not just confused enemies have chance to spawn. Also if you already have max dogs, the extra dogs spawned become temporary dogs- so you could have like 4 regular dogs and 3 temporary dogs.
Unstable Realm - Not that useful...
Mass Hallucination: More damage. Or maybe allow monsters to attack the phantom(draws monster attacks away from you)
Zombie Charger: Essentially all the runes besides bears needs a lot of work.
Undeath: Instead of on death make it on hit,would love to see a cascading chain of zombies spawning due to it. Limit of 2 times.. could be increased.
Wave of Zombies: MOAR ZOMBIES. Would also love it if they were very slow moving, but formed a powerful wall that knocked enemies back, or carried them back with them.
Explosive Beast: More damage, or more beasts, or more radius. And maybe an aoe dot effect, after the beast explodes, it immolates the ground and enemies within the area take X% dmg over x seconds.
Spirit Barrage: I love this spell, but all of them feel sort of weak. I believe all of the spells should come with the well of souls rune effect built in. It's supposed to be a Barrage! One little laserish thing isn't a barrage...
Spirit is willing - Maybe make it work like rush of essense - x mana return over x seconds.
Well of Souls - more damage or even more spirits shooting out. 3 spirits isn't exactly a well.
Phantasm - Increase Duration or damage, or aoe.
Phlebotomize - More Regen/life leech. Possibly could allow everyone to leech from the phlebotomized enemy. Gives a debuff that lasts for a few seconds.
Manitou - More damage, or more casts, higher proc rate.
Acid Cloud: Make it stackable!
Kiss of Death and Corpse Bomb need some adjustments... Would love it if corpse bomb was more like corpse explosion from necromancer in d2, maybe those that are under its dot effect also explode for a bit of damage.
Zombie Wall: I really like this spell but it just isn't that great. lower the cooldown. Why can't we have multiple walls out? Add this into tribal rites too?
Creepers: Buff damage and # of Creepers.
Pileon - Reduce Cooldown.
Dead Rush - Reduce Cooldown
Gargantuan: I love the spell just wish it still had proc rates. Maybe give the different runes some different aura effects.
Wrathful protector: Still lasts a short time, but gives you/party increased 15% attack speed/dmg also. Or it could constantly taunt enemies also.
Maybe all the runes could give a tiny bit of aoe aura effect - reduce enemy damage, life link, etc. GG
Or they could grow more powerful with kills.
Big Bad Voodoo: Pretty good skill all around.
Boogie Man: Allow you to spawn additional dogs if you already have max dogs. Current dogs also get some sort of boost while Boogie Man is active. And can also give a boost to other pets such as fetishes also.
Fetish Army: I agree with fire zombie that fetishes from our passive need to not disappear when this skill is cast. Overall needs a buff in damage, possibly a little buff to survivability. I have a lot of memories of fetishes from D2(My godly HC barb was murdered by a combination of lag and extra strong, cursed, phys immune extra fast, exploding and i forget what else fetish), and though they were brittle their damage was really nothing to laugh at. They do nothing right now.
Fetish Ambush: Not really an ambush, 250% damage is really low also. Buff damage or allow it to have some other effects... such as lowering enemy resists/defenses by 25% for X amount of time. It'd fit because the enemies were ambushed and thus caught by surprise.
Pierce the Veil: Lower the Mana increase... Or increase the damage... Or make it so its not applicable on all skills. I think its worth it if it works for our damage skills, but if we have it on and just casting primaries/grasp of the dead means we run out of mana.... then its not great.
Bad Medicine: Also increases your poison damage by a little bit. Would allow for some real poison based builds. Or lowers enemies poison resistance.
Fetish Syncopants: Adjust the ratios for different skills. overall buff the % chance... Allow spawning of tiki torchers, headhunters, different types of fetishes. Maybe occasionally an ultra rare fetish general which gives aoe boost to speed.
Zombie Handler: Increase pet damage also? Maybe expand it to include fetishes also...
Rush of Essence: Offer some more buffs besides just the mana return. Maybe soul harvest can have 1 or 2 more stacks with rush of essence... or it allows you to stack more spirit spells.
Fierce Loyalty: This needs a change... just not sure what.
Tribal Rites: Add more skills into this passive... like wall of zombies.
Circle of Life: Allow you to spawn additional temporary dogs if you already have the max amount of dogs summoned.
Soul Harvest needs a rune which makes it easier to use. Wizards get Magic Weapon, which is just 'push button, get 15% damage, repeat every 5 mins'. Soul Harvest, by contrast, requires you be close to monsters, hit multiple monsters, and lasts only 15s. Soul Harvest is the reason I do not play a Witch Doctor. It's too good, you lose massive damage if you don't use it, and it requires that you approach enemies, probably using your one escape utility to do so. I suggest a rune which makes it always generate at least 3 stacks. Or a rune which gives it range equal to your pickup radius, or a rune that causes you to gain a stack when something dies in your pickup radius.
I really want Spirit Barrage/Haunt/Rush of Essence to be a good build. It cries out for a dedicated legendary or three! Haunt multiple targets per cast, +x% Haunt duration, gain crit chance whenever you gain Rush of Essence, lots more Spirit Barrage damage, Spirit Barrage triggers Vision Quest, etc. Adding AOE damage would be ideal, as the build is really hampered by the lack of AOE.
I'm not sure how to fix the fact that it really favors using a 2H and that's inherently unfun because the slow cast animations make it really hard to dodge. This is another general reason why I don't like Witch Doctors; their resource system strongly favors slow weapons. In fact, the ONLY abilities they have that encourage fast weapons that I can find are Poison Dart: Snake to the Face and Fetish Sycophants! I don't understand why their class-specific weapon is a fast dagger and an offhand; everything about the class suggests that their class specific weapon should be slow and/or 2H. In fact, I request the addition of Totem Staves, which are the witch doctor equivalent of Daibos.
Other than Witch Doctors, most of the problems I've noticed are not skills that are nonviable, they're skills that are so good that no alternatives can keep up.
Fists of Thunder: Thunderclap, for example. Because Sweeping Wind: Cyclone is such a powerful damage multiplier, monks end up using the primary which is best at proccing it. That has always been FoT:TC because both the main hit and the cleave have a 75% proc coefficient, resulting in a 150% coefficient for a single target. The only other monk primary that double hits is the WotHF rune that applies a DoT, and WotHF is slower so it produces less procs. On top of that, FoT:TC has a teleport! I would make the main hit have a 90% coefficient and the cleave have 0-5% coefficient, and remove the coefficient from the DoT on WotHF. At that point, FoT:TC would be good mostly because of the teleport, and other primaries could actually be useful.
Would it kill you to give the second hit of WotHF a good proc coefficient? If I hit someone nine times, I really would expect to a few procs to go off. It has the major disadvantage of locking you into place, it could use a crazy advantage to make up for it. WotHF is also slow, so this would bring the proc rate up toward parity with FoT's high attack speed.
Mantra of Conviction: Overawe is another skill that is so OP that it pushes out other skills. The damage bonus from spamming it is so good that other means of spending spirit really cannot compete. I really, truly want to use Wave of Light on my monk, but giving up 15% increased damage from Breath of Heaven: Blazing Wrath and then spending spirit on Bells instead of MoC is not better. This is in part because time spent using WoL is time NOT spent generating cyclones via FoT:TC, because FoT:TC has a fantastic coefficient and WoL has a terrible coefficient.
Spamming mantras in general is boring. I should always want to hit WoL over MoC, unless I have so much spirit I can hit both. Defensive mantras can be a bit better, because defensive abilities usually have cooldowns and are awesome; you naturally pop the skill and then spam the mantra only while it's on cooldown.
Solution: Runes should increase the effect of mantra by 50%, not 100%; spamming mantra should also be 50%. Adjust by upping the base bonuses. Drop Breath of Heaven's wrath rune to 10% increased damage. Then buff the proc coefficient on WoL. SSS might also need a proc coefficient buff, if hitting SSS is not at least as good at proccing as just using a primary (per second). SSS's proc rate might need to scale with attack speed somehow, actually, since I don't think the animation speed scales with gear.
Combination Strike would be more viable with a buff indicator (possibly same for Foresight rune of Deadly Reach, which incidentally needs a duration nerf). It promotes a fun style, but is hard to use. It would be nice if the tooltip made clear that using any spirit generator maintains the entire stack, but a buff indicator would also help.
OWE should read '50% of your resistances to specific elements are added to your other resistances'. It stops being OP, doesn't break anyone's gear setups, and makes it possible to gear a monk without using the AH.
Mystic Ally: Fire Ally needs to offer 10% increased damage. Then I would run it over Breath of Life! That would be fun. Water Ally should offer increased dodge, and Air Ally should generate 25 spirit 8% of the time and/or grant attack speed. I really want Eternal Ally to sacrifice itself to prevent you or an ally from dying, but I'm not sure how to make that not overpowered.
Breath of Life should hit allies a screen and a half away. The heal from Cyclone Strike should not have twice as much range as the heal from the skill that heals people. Guiding Light needs to have twice the duration so that Breath of Life can easily be used to maintain it, and a buff icon.
Energy Twister should probably not tick faster with attack speed. You can already cast them faster, and they stack; DoTs need to tick faster only if they don't stack.
What's the logic behind Ray of Frost not having a 100% proc coefficient? It's a single target spell! Is it because its channeled or because its a spender?
I really, really hate the range and collision detection on Telport. Jumping through the air should not give you three times the range of bending space to your will. I mean, maybe I'm just horribly spoiled by D2's teleport (anywhere on the screen with no cooldown), but the number of times I've tried to blink through or past terrain and gone nowhere is infuriating. Either make it smarter or add a UI option to show the exact range whenever teleport is off cooldown. Better yet, just give it the same 'anywhere on screen' range of Leap. Best yet, add that to the Reversal rune! That way, you can use it to teleport long distances, but not more often than every 8s, because if you use it more often it'll return you to your previous location, so it isn't OP.
Ball Lightning feels like it costs too little hatred, and does slightly too much damage for how easy it is to hit with.
Soul Harvest needs a rune which makes it easier to use. Wizards get Magic Weapon, which is just 'push button, get 15% damage, repeat every 5 mins'. Soul Harvest, by contrast, requires you be close to monsters, hit multiple monsters, and lasts only 15s. Soul Harvest is the reason I do not play a Witch Doctor.
I'm new to the WD and absolutely loving it (despite the poor item hunt quality of D3).
I gotta say, at first I didn't like SH. But I quickly adapted to it and realized the proper technique for using it. Many of the WD's best offensive skills require somewhat close range (approx 8-10 yards). PoB/CoB/Bears, all require semi-close range.
It functions just fine in this respect. When I was trying to use it for it's buff only, it was annoying, yes. But when I realized that the monsters come to you, your're using close range skills, when combined with Vengeful Spirit, you not only get the buff (and it's easy to maintain imo)...you also get that great blast of AoE damage from VS rune.
Fists of Thunder: Thunderclap, for example. Because Sweeping Wind: Cyclone is such a powerful damage multiplier, monks end up using the primary which is best at proccing it. That has always been FoT:TC because both the main hit and the cleave have a 75% proc coefficient, resulting in a 150% coefficient for a single target. The only other monk primary that double hits is the WotHF rune that applies a DoT, and WotHF is slower so it produces less procs. On top of that, FoT:TC has a teleport! I would make the main hit have a 90% coefficient and the cleave have 0-5% coefficient, and remove the coefficient from the DoT on WotHF. At that point, FoT:TC would be good mostly because of the teleport, and other primaries could actually be useful.
Would it kill you to give the second hit of WotHF a good proc coefficient? If I hit someone nine times, I really would expect to a few procs to go off. It has the major disadvantage of locking you into place, it could use a crazy advantage to make up for it. WotHF is also slow, so this would bring the proc rate up toward parity with FoT's high attack speed.
I agree with the over-efficiency of FoT. It hits fast and procs hard. Deadly Reach and Crippling Wave are not used while Blazing Fists is nothing more than a placeholder buff which was once held by Foresight.
Deadly Reach is ineffective at close range and can only maximized with kiting. Crippling Wave is well, I use it but no else does, it's just the rune variants are unexciting. WotHF is just too clunky, it hits hard but is slow, leaves you vulnerable because of the rooting attack animation and has a bad proc rate.
There are only two FoT used right now and they are Thunderclap and Quickening. I believe by distributing the spirit on crit on a passive will open up the niche Quickening has held to quickly use spirit spenders, however this leads to making Thunderclap the single most efficient spirit generator. The cleave should have its proc rate removed completely.
I think a good solution to underused runes is to merge them with others.
I mean they should reduce the number of runes of each ability from 5 to 3 so it's easier to balance and improve them.
I think that having so many runes makes everything harder to balance.
As Wyatt Cheng said on the GDC less is more
I kinda agree with that but i don't see the harm with having certain skills with 3 runes and others with 5 or whatever. But i guess they want to keep the consistency for the sake of simplicity... Unfortunate, in my opinion.
Nether tentacle rune being reverted back to what it once was prior to patch 1.0.3 could be an amazing step towards DH being a much better class, imo.
First, this ^. The only way to heal a DH through damage from a lot of packs right now is to pop SP:Gloom and hit with some big AoE on the groups (such as Grenades or Bola).
Speaking of Demon Hunter:
1. Entangling Shot, Bola Shot, Hungering Arrow, and Grenades need damage buffs. Hungering arrow should receive the most buff since it is a single target skill (for the most part).
2. Imaple is not worth using anymore, since there are other abilities that do much more damage for less hatred. They need to buff the damage tremendously since, like HA, it's mostly a single target ability.
3. Caltrops are pretty good for the most part. I would like to see a rune that increases the radius of the trap. (Maybe combine it with "Bait the Trap."
4. Smoke Screen needs a duration increase for it to be more effective. I think the baseline needs to be taken to 2 seconds. Get rid of Breathe Deep and replace it with a rune that lets you move through walls and mobs, but reduces the duration to 1-1.5 seconds.
5. Gloom is the only good rune for Shadow Power. This whole skill would have to be redesigned to make it interesting again.
6. Rapid fire is good now. Don't touch it.
7. Chakram: Shuriken Cloud needs to do more damage. I would double the damage on it.
8. Ball Lightning needs a damage buff. Nether Tentacles need to able to hit multiple times.
9. Vault: Rattling Roll needs a larger impact radius.
10. Preparation: Invigoration needs to have the duration increased.
11. Companion: Wolf needs a damage buff to make it competitve with the other companion benefits. Ferrets need a gold find buff to make them worth losing the other utilities, such as hatred regen on bat.
12. Marked for Death is good.
13. Evasive Fire is bad. I don't even know how I would fix this to where I would want to use it.
14. Fan of Knives needs a cooldown reduction.
15. Spike Trap: Sticky Trap needs to explode regardless of death, but do less damage than if death occurs. Lightning Rod needs to hit all enemies within 20 yards.
16. Strafe needs a damage buff to make it competitive with WW. Demolition's Grenades need a larger blast radius (16 yards).
17. Multi-shot cost too much hatred for the damage. It needs a buff or a hatred reduction. (300% weapon damage or 15 baseline hatred.) Fire at will resource cost needs to be lowered, if a hatred reduction is performed. Full Broadside would need to scale with changes too.
18. Cluster Arrow needs a huge buff, but I wouldn't reduce the hatred cost on it. All runes for it need a buff.
19. Rain of Vengeance is good.
20. Hungering Arrow: Cinder Arrow needs a buff on the burn.
21. Brooding needs another buff.
22. Archery needs to switch the perks for Crossbow and Hand Crossbow.
23. Sharpshooter needs a buff to the crit chance to make it worth it now that Crit hit chance is so easy to get.
24. Ballistics needs a big buff to make any skill with rockets worth it. Or, better yet, remove Ballistics and bake it into the rocket damage on those runes. Replace it with "Situation Awareness: If there are 3 or more enemies within 8 yds, then you do 30% more damage" or "Situation Awareness: If there are 3 or more enemies within 8 yds, then your cooldowns are reduced by 50%."
Finally, let me put whatever skill I want in a slot. If I want two different versions of cluster arrows, then let me use two different versions of cluster arrows. This goes for any class/skill.
Keep the ideas coming guys. From what we know the developers got their eyes on this thread, so you never know when an idea might be used.
Just try to to keep them simple (ideas that are way complex and completely off-sync with the rest of the skills/runes in the game are probably not even considered) and try to keep the spirit of the original design intact (unless the core idea is bad in the first place, like say a pure dmg increase in a skill that's never going to be an efficient dmg tool).
For instance, what would it take to make Widowmakers (the Corpse Spiders rune) a viable mana regen tool? How high would the damage of Spider Queen go to make it a viable "summon"?
1. Chakram: Shuriken Swarm. It's like Shuriken Cloud in reverse. You throw a cloud of shurikens that sticks to an enemy for 30 seconds and hits the primary enemy and all enemies within 12yds for 110% weapon damage.
2. Sentry: Lightning Rod: Your sentry is struck by lightning every second while up. All enemies within 20 yards take 110% weapon damage for as long as the sentry persists.
3. Marked for Death: Traitor. Marking an enemy causes all enemies within 30 yards to attack the marked target until it is dead or the mark wears off.
4. Spike Trap: Nethervoid. Your spike trap no longer explodes, but, instead, releases Nether Tentacles that jails the activating mob for 5 seconds while doing damage. The tentacles heal the demon hunter for 7% of the damage done while jailed.
5. Caltrops: Escape Artist. The second caltrop dropped now teleports you to the location of your first caltrop.
6. Companion: Vulture. You summon a vulture that heals you for XXX% of the damage done by the companion.
7. Passive: Controlled Hatred. When using an ability that requires discipline but you do not have enough discipline, then you will consume the difference through your hatred pool (3 hatred per 1 disc). For example, you use SP but only have 10 discipline. You will use 10 discipline and 12 hatred.
8. Sentry: Flamethrower. Your sentry no longer shoots arrows. Instead if fires fireballs that explode on impact doing 160% weapon damage to all targets within 14yds. All mobs hit burn for 300% weapon damage over 3 seconds.
9. Passive: Camoflague. Standing still for 3 seconds will render you invisible until you move or attack. Being invisible will take you out of combat.
10. Mulit-shot: Repeat Offender. You have a 3% chance to fire a free, automatic multi-shot for each mob hit by the initial multi-shot.
11. Impale: Ricochet. Your impale will hit the initial target for xxx% weapon damage and bounce around to 5 other targets doing xxx% to each target.
Keep the ideas coming guys. From what we know the developers got their eyes on this thread, so you never know when an idea might be used.
Just try to to keep them simple (ideas that are way complex and completely off-sync with the rest of the skills/runes in the game are probably not even considered) and try to keep the spirit of the original design intact (unless the core idea is bad in the first place, like say a pure dmg increase in a skill that's never going to be an efficient dmg tool).
For instance, what would it take to make Widowmakers (the Corpse Spiders rune) a viable mana regen tool? How high would the damage of Spider Queen go to make it a viable "summon"?
It's definitely good to recognize that simplicity is key to making skills awesome (simplicity in getting from point a to point b not that builds can't be complex or inventive).
And like you said I think it's good to see that some skills simply need number tweaking to improve while others could probably benefit from entire reworking of their mechanics to perform against the more popular ones we use right now.
I've actually been working on my seismic slam build the last day or so and have really found a good place where it's outperforming expectations. The key element that is missing for the sidelined builds is clearly skill synergy, functionality and gear. In time I see these things working great. The game is fun as heck when you make a new build work well
I really like the idea of combining Runes instead of just number tweaking!
Magic Missile
· Charged Blast + Seeker = Charged Seeker
o Magic missile does 250% weapon damage and tracks to the nearest target
· Penetrating Blast + Split = Penetrating Split
o Magic missile splits into 3 and each does 70% weapon damage and can pierce through targets
Arcane Orb
· Obliteration + Celestial Orb = Obliteration Orb
o Arcane Orb does 260% weapon damage and pierces through targets
· Arcane Nova + Tap the Source = Tap the Nova Source
o Arcane Orb does 200% damage to all enemies within 20 Yards and costs 20 AP
Wave of Force
· Force Affinity + Exploding Wave = Exploding Affinity Wave
o Reduce casting cost to 15 Arcane Power and the cooldown is reduced to 9 seconds and enemies hit have a 40% chance to cause a smaller Wave of Force that deals 100% weapon damage as Physical and knocks back enemies caught in its wake.
o Increases the maximum number of enemies that can be electrocuted to 6. Critical Hits release 4 charged bolts in random directions, dealing 55% weapon damage as Lightning to any targets hit.
o Blast a cone of lightning that causes 115% weapon damage as Lightning to all affected targets. Streaks of lightning come out from the Arc that pierce through targets, hitting all enemies for 86% weapon damage as Lightning.
It would be optimal to combine the unused or boring runes. I personally like it when the effects are so drastically different that it rune makes the skill feel unique.
Another one... I dunno if the more adept Wiz players out there use Storm Chaser but... Storm Chaser - Lightning chains connect you to all twisters you cast. Enemies that are struck by the lightning are dealt 75% weapon damage as Lightning per second.
Cyclone Strike:Eye of the Storm - Reduces the Spirit cost of Cyclone Strike to 30 Spirit. Also pickup all gold and Health Globes within 24 yards. Cyclone Strike:Implosion - Increases the distance enemies will be pulled towards you to 34 yards and increases the maximum number of enemies that can be pulled to 10. Cyclone Strike:Sunburst - Changes the blast into an explosion of fire doing 375% weapon damage as Fire and has a 35% chance to Fear enemies for 1.5 seconds. Cyclone Strike:Soothing Breeze -Cyclone Strike heals you and your allies within 24 yards for 4070 Life.
WotHF:Wall of Hands - During the second strike, shield yourself with your hands blocking up to 3082 damage for 0.5 seconds. WotHF:Blazing Fists - Bonus duration up to 15 WotHF:Fists of Fury - Affected targets will take an additional 100% weapon damage per second as Fire over 3 seconds. Also adds a short dash to each strike. WoTHF:Spirited Salvo - Every activation of the skill has a 10% to generate 10 Spirit. (no need to hit)
Every 100 Intelligence increases the chance to generate Spirit by 1%. WotHF:Windforce Flurry - Missile speed and width is increased
Serenity:Reap What is Sown - Max Health Cap removed Serenity:Instant Karma -Whenever Serenity absorbs projectiles or melee attacks, attackers are dealt an amount of damage as Holy equal to 250% of your Armor.
Seven Sided Strike - Every 100 Strength increases Seven-Sided Strike's chance to critically hit by 2%. SSS:The Seven Saints - Each strike generates 7 Spirit. (replaces several sided strike) SSS:RelentlessAttack - The damage is changed to 1777% weapon damage over 9 hits. In addition, the cooldown is reduced to 23 seconds. (combines Several Sided and Sustained Attack also makes a better overlap with Serenity)
MoE:Divine Protection - Each target can be protected at most once every 70 seconds by this effect. MoE:Wind through the Reeds - Mantra of Evasion also increases movement speed by 7% and 14% for the first 3 seconds. MoE:Perseverance - Mantra of Evasion also reduces the duration of all control impairing effects like Slow or Frozen by 50%. MoE:Backlash - Damage increased.
Sweeping Wind:Master of Wind - Increases the duration of the vortex to 20 seconds and increases the radius of the vortex to 14 yards. (I'm still figuring out what to do with Fire Storm) Sweeping Wind:Blade Storm - Damage increased Sweeping Wind:Inner Storm - You gain 1 Spirit per second for each stack.
Mantra of Retirubtion - ~dealing Holy damage equal to 15% of the damage mitigated. The effect lasts for 5 minutes.
For 3 seconds after activation, the effect on you increases to 30% of the damage mitigated. MoR:Retaliation - Increases the amount of damage reflected by the Mantra to 20% and 40% for the first 3 seconds. MoR:Transgression - Increases attack speed for you and your allies by 7% and 14% for the first 3 seconds. MoR:Heavenly Body - Mantra of Retribution also increases Vitality by 10%. (moved out from MoH) MoR:Against all Odds - Gain up to 8 spirit MoR:Collateral Damage - An attacker that is damaged by Mantra of Retribution has a 30% chance to suffer a feedback blast, dealing an 45% weapon damage as Holy to itself and nearby enemies.
Every 100 Strength increases the chance to release a feedback blast by 2%.
Inner Sanctuary - Create a runic circle of protection on the ground for 5 seconds that cannot be passed by enemies and negates ground effects.
Mystic Ally:Water Ally - You and the ally cannot be Chilled or Frozen. Mystic Ally:Fire Ally - Imbue the ally with the essence of fire. Your resistance to Fire increases by 30%. Enemies hitting or hit by you or the ally are burned for 80% weapon damage as Fire over 2 seconds. Mystic Ally:Air Ally - Chance to generate increased to 6%.
MoH:Sustenance - Increases the Life regeneration granted by Mantra of Healing to 1240 Life per second and the mystical shield absorbs up to 2790 damage. MoH:Boon of Inspiration - ~heals 372 Life when hitting an enemy. MoH:Overflow - While your Life is at 90% or greater, your Critical Hit Chance increases by 15%. (Replaces Heavenly Body)
MoC:Overawe - nerf bonus MoC:Dishearten - increase slow to 60% MoC:Reclamation - Heal attackers for 1.5% of the damage done to enemies affected by Mantra of Conviction. MoC:Submission - Enemies affected by Mantra of Conviction take 12% weapon damage per second as Holy equal.
Every 100 Strength increases the damage per second by 1%.
Wizard skill Arcane Dynamo should really be 'your next ability which costs AP', not 'your next non-signature spell'. I don't want to spend my dynamo charges on Frost Nova.
Fists of Thunder-Make the default function teleport to the target to balance the runes.
Lightning Flash-Make the dodge stack additively, a lot of monks have base 50% dodge, the +16% actually only adds 8% for them. If it were 16% it would be more viable, and since dodge is only for physical attacks, this feels reasonable as a 2 second buff because the used needs to use it constantly to keep it up.
Static Charge-WHAT!! This spell is just worthless. As a lightning spell I think a static charge would be more appropriate. Similar to diablo 2 wizards, release a static charge every, or every 3rd attack, (I’m picturing a similar effect to a cyclone crit charge).
Fists of Thunder-Make the default function teleport to the target to balance the runes.
Lightning Flash-Make the dodge stack additively, a lot of monks have base 50% dodge, the +16% actually only adds 8% for them. If it were 16% it would be more viable, and since dodge is only for physical attacks, this feels reasonable as a 2 second buff because the used needs to use it constantly to keep it up.
Static Charge-WHAT!! This spell is just worthless. As a lightning spell I think a static charge would be more appropriate. Similar to diablo 2 wizards, release a static charge every, or every 3rd attack, (I’m picturing a similar effect to a cyclone crit charge).
Quickening-Works. (With teleport)
Bounding Light-Works. (With teleport)
Guiding Light-Let it work with followers
Thunderclap is over the broken line. It procs 150% each hit, attacks real fast and it gives mobility that undermines Dashing Strike.
Quickening works even without the teleport. I use it to spam Cyclone Strike. Bounding Light doesn't work because its chain lightning is short and jumps are limited and its damage in three strikes is weaker than Thunderclap, it doesn't have any cc knockback to minimize damage.
I had fun thinking of ways to make every skill, rune and passive viable for the Demon Hunter and hope they get some love.
Hungering arrow
- Increase base damage from 115 to 130
- Shatter Shot splits into 6 arrows from 3
- Spay of teeth AOE increased to 10 yards
- Increase base damage from 265 to 400
- Awareness deals AOE damage on target and not centered on you, increase AOE damage from 75 to 90
- Grivous Wounds criticals hits deal 150 additonal damge
Entangling Shot
- Entangles every enemy within 5 yards of impact from up to 2
- Chain Gang increase radius to 8 yards
- Heavy Burden increase slow duration to 6 seconds from 4
- Jagged Spikes damage increase to 400 from 270 over 6 seconds
- Carved Stakes reduce cost to 2 from 4
Rapid Fire
- Remove 20 hatred initial cost and increase channeling cost to 10 hatred while channeling from 6
- Withering Fire reduces channeling cost from 10 to 6
- High Velocity has 100% chance to pierce enemies
Smoke Screen
- Displacement gain 45% move speed from 35
- Breath Deep gain 20 hatred
- Special Recipe reduce cost to 8 from 12
- Choking Gas AOE damage increased to 10 yards
- Tumble to a destination up to 35 yards, meaning you can tumble up to any yards as long as it does not exceed 35 yards.
- Action Shot allows you to fire primary attacks while tumbling
- Acrobatics reduce cost to 4 discipline and remove 10 second cool down
- Trail of Cinders increase damage from 300 to 600 over 3 seconds
Bola Shot
- Make AOE damage the same as target
- Increase base AOE to 16 from 14
- Volatile Explosives increse radius to 25 from 20
- Tunder Ball Stun works on enimies hit by AOE and reduce stun to 1 second
- Acid Strike deals hits all mosnters withing the arc and does an additional 60% damage over 2 seconds
- Bitter Pill Increase chance to 20% from 15
- Attack patern fixed so there are no damage free areas in the arc by increaseing the AOE of each Chakram by enough to cover all the blind spots
- Twin Chakrams Increase damage from 114 to 130
- Serpentine deal an aditionoal 90% ndamage over 2 seconds
- Razor Disk dmagae increase from 187 to 200
- Boomerang damage increased from 230 to 250
- Shuriken Cloud increase AOE to 10 yards and every time you are hit increase damage by 10% up to a max of 134 percent
- Cooldown reduced to 30 seconds
- Backup Plan chance increaed to 40%
Evasive Fire
- Holding shift will stop back flip
- Increase damage from 130 to 150
- Parting gift remove 0.6 time to do damage and increase damage from 55 to 70
- Increase damage from 95 to 110
- Cluster Grenades increase damage from 112 to 125
- Fire Bomb increse damage from 124 to 170
- Gas Grenades additional damage increase from 25 to 50 over 2 seconds
Shdow Power
- Increase duration to 8 seconds and increase cost to 20
- Shadow Glide movement speed increased from 30 to 40
Fan of Knives
- COst 55 Hatred and remove cool down
- Allow to peirce enimies
- Assassin's Knives increase damage from 70 to 150
- Increase cost to 20 disipline
- Allow companions to crit
- Make companion target what you target and move away from attacking if you move
- Spider Companion summon 3 spiders
- Bat companion grants 4 hatred per second from 3
- Ferret damage reduced to 10% each and take priortiy over gold instead of enimies. Increase gold found by 20% and can go over cap
- Wolf Companion summon 3 wolfs
- Reduce hatred cost from 12 to 8
- Emberstarfe fire trail inflicts 100 damage over 3 seconds from 65 over 2
- Sringing Steel critical hits do an extra 200% damage
- Rocket Storm homing rocket damage increased from 60 to 95
- Demolition grendades have a AOE of 6 yards on impact
Elemental Arrow
- Increase hatred cost from 10 to 12
- Damage increase from 155 to 310
- Frost Arrow damage increase to 350 and the muliple arrows that split hit everything withing a 10 yard radius without peircing
Marked for Death
- Remove cast animation and make it instant
- Increase additonal damage to 15%
- Death Toll life steal increase from 1 to 3
- Hatred cost reduced to 25
- Damage increase from 165 to 195
- Burst Fire Damage increased from 65 to 95
- Full Boadside damage increase from 215 to 270
- Arsenal rocket damage increase from 60 to 95
Spike Trap
- Reduce fuse time from 1.2 to 1 seconds
- Increase damage from 275 to 295
- Increase AOE from 8 to 10
- Sticy Trap damage increase from 404 to 510
- Long fuse damage increase from 371 to 495
- Lighting Rod hits all enimes within 15 yards
- Remove cooldown
- Allow sentry to crit
- Allow sentry to pierce enimes
- Make turret target priority your target
- Spitfire damage increase from 30 to 90
- Vigilant Watcher hatred cost reduced to 15
- Chain of torment damage increase from 125 to 150
Cluster Arrow
- reduce hatred cost from 50 to 45
- Increase damage from 225 to 350
- increase miniture bombs that deal 100% damage have a AOE of 8 radius
- Shooting Stars rocket damge increase from 175 to 190
- Malestrom shadow energy AOE effect increase to 8 radius
- Cluster Bombs damage increase from 230 to 290
- Loaded for Bear damage increase from 304 to 450
Rain of Vengence
- Cooldown removed
- Cost 65 hatred
- Flying Strike stun reduced to 1 second
Thrill of the Hunt
- Change to every 7 seconds your next skill that costs hatred does 30% more damage
Tactical Advantage
- Gain 65% movement speed and 20% increase in dodge for 2 seconds
- Max Hatred increased by 50. Remove health globe bonus and make crit hits have a chance to restore 20 hatred.
Stedy Aim
- As long as you are taking no damage increase damage by 10%
Cull of the Weak
- Damaged against slowed enimies increased by 25%
- gain 3% life per second and 5% when there is no enimies within 20 yards
Hot Pursut
- Make Hot pursuit go over cap
Bows give 20% damage increase
Duel Weild gives 25% instead of 15 attack speed and the 10% crit chance
The rest the same
Numbing Traps
-Duration increased from 3 to 5 seconds
Custom Engineering
- Increase max number of senties to 6 and spike trap to 8
- Reduce cost of cluster arrow by 20 and increase hatred generated from grenades by 3.
- Critical hits do 5% more damage and consecutive critical hits do 15 % more damage.
Primaries: I think they all should be free also, though the mana cost I guess is negligable most of the time. I think having primaries synergize with certain skills would really boost their usage, because at the moment most people just forgo them.
Poison Dart - Increase damage across all runes.
Splinters: It's fine but possibly add in something like enemies in its close proximity can also get hurt by the splinters(sort of like a small aoe dmg aura around the monster). I sort of imagine these splinters sticking out of the monster and hurting those around it also. Not stackable(but you can cast on other monsters, will require you to micro)
Numbing Dart: Increase slow to where it's actually useful. Maybe like beyond just slowing enemy movement, it would slow by 20% every second for 5 seconds until it comes to a full stop before being able to move again. Could also consider slowing enemy attack speed too(would open possibility to new builds - tanking, etc)
Spined Dart: I feel like this would be nice as a dot.
a) 5 seconds you could be gaining x amount of mana each second(so you could cast on multiple guys for big mana boost)
Flaming Dart: Increase damage, or give another effect like:
a) enemy gains movement speed but loses accuracy while on fire
c) monster damage taken is increased by x% while on fire.
Snake to the Face: Buff the chance to stun. Also give some more effects while the snake is stuck on the enemy.
Corpse Spiders: Buff damage
Spider Queen: I think this skill needs a full rework.
a) While spider queen is out, it has a chance to lay eggs in enemies it attacks. When the enemy dies, spiders will explode out of the enemy causing AOE dmg, or maybe just extra leaping spiders.
c) Allow us to have more than 1 out at a time.
Medusa Spiders - more slow, or possible webbing, other crazy poison effects(blind, confusion, bleed)
Blazing Spiders: More Damage. Leaves an immolation trail, enemies walk over it take x% dmg.
Plague of Toads - remove mana cost. I think all runes except rain of toads and toad of hugeness have a lot of trouble hitting monsters due to the random pathing. I think the random pathing is fine but a few changes would go a long way to making this an useful skill.
a) Toads stay around until they hit something
c) Toads jump around in a circle around you.
d) Toads can pierce.
If you can make it actually work to hit monsters and everything then I think the runes are okay(well except for toad of hugeness and toad affinity)
Toad of Hugeness: This skill is just useless in its current incarnation. Few ideas here
a) Make it a constant pet with some sort of aura that helps you. Maybe it can grow with each monster it eats, and after a max of 5 monsters it will give some buff, or give you access to a bonus attack(such as toad of hugeness has eaten too much and explodes for x% dmg in an aoe)
c) Boost mana regen while eating enemies
d) Taunts enemies.
Toad Affinity: Spawn more frogs?
Firebomb : Increase damage. This is the primary I'm most okay with, but overall it can still use a bit of tweaks.
Pyrogeist needs to be stackable.. other runes just need a bit of damage adjustment.
Would love a rune that gives a vortex effect.
Grasp of the dead: Overall I think this is a pretty good skill. The slow becomes less valuable at higher difficulties... Maybe adjust the mana cost a little bit?
For Death is life: Maybe give it a little higher % chance, also if you have max dogs, I would love for the spell to be able to spawn additional temporary dogs, on top of the ones you have already.
Rain of corpses: Doesn't really seem like a rain, the damage is pretty pathetic also.
Desperate Grasp: 2 seconds doesnt mean very much... remove cooldown fully, allow stacks, or give it something else.
Fire Bats
Dire bats - This skill needs a lot of help. Since the skill change in 1.08, you can't really move around and use dire bats anymore. Maybe lower the mana cost A LOT. or make this the only one that isnt a channeling rune.
Vampire Bats - maybe a bit more life steal, and also allow the bats to stay for a few seconds after you stop casting, so you can cast vampire bats for some sustain before moving on to different skills.
Plague bats and cloud of bats are pretty good now. Though I think cloud of bats needs just a TINY TINY bit of radius increase, at least to where melee guys get hit by it. Sometimes your channeling and monsters are hitting you, but you arent hitting them...
Hungry Bats - Possibly increase proc rate, or damage? Or give them a little haunt effect. Since they are hungry, they may attack one target then go after another one for 2 hits.
Haunt - Damage isn't great. Allow stacking up to a certain amount.
Consuming Spirit - 155 hp a second is basically negligable. Should probably be a %.
Resentful Spirit - more damage or bit more duration
Lingering Spirit - Pretty decent if stacking is allowed, for more stacking.
Grasping Spirit - 30% slow is essentially useless. Allow stacking of slow, or possible etherealness. For example Grasping Spirit pulls enemy into the spirit world, causing them to take additional damage from spells, and doing less physical damage.
Draining Spirit- Maybe a % based mana regen, or allow stacking.
Locust Swarm: I think all the runes should have the pestilence effect. Possibly allow stacking also, damage is rather useless at high difficulty levels.
If that change happens... then Pestilence will need to be adjusted.
Cloud of insects is pretty terrible: The duration isn't needed and at the low damage its not helpful. Would love if this was maybe more like Maghda's projectile. A slow moving cloud of insects, infecting anything in its path. Also causes blind.
Devouring Swarm -regen X mana per second.
Diseased Swarm: very few monsters are actually going to be killed by locust swarm... maybe just change it to monsters that die while under the effect of diseased swarm leave a pool of poison. Or enemies affected by diseased swarm take extra poison damage.
Searing Locusts: More damage.
Zombie Dogs - Buff damage. Allow Circle of life to spawn additional temporary dogs(last for 30 seconds) on top of your currently summoned dogs. If not buffing damage, give the different runes some aoe buff effects. Such as resource regeneration, life regeneration, bonus dps, life steal, etc.
Allow procing again?
Horrify: The concept is just a bit problematic, if you fear things, it just makes it harder to kill them. Maybe make it a reverse taunt kind of spell, where enemies do run away but not to the point where you lose sight of them and they don't come back. It's not fun chasing enemies all over the map.
Phobia: Enemies take increased damage? It'd make fearing the enemies actually somewhat worthwhile.
Face of death: Maybe it creates a bubble that enemies are scared to enter, but outside the bubble they will still congregate. This gives you a bit of safety net without having the monsters run all over the map.
Other runes are okay.
Spirit Walk is a great skill, but mandatory for every WD essentially. Doesn't really need a change. All the runes are pretty useful, although I would love if umbral shock gave you a firechains with your decoy body, rather than exploded.
Hedge Magic: Make this a % based spell.
Angry Chicken: Increase damage. Allow you to lay egg mines, which explode for some damage.
Painful Transformation - The damage is pretty useless... Increase it, or it could maybe transform the monster and give you a clone(like d2 revive but less strong)
Unstable Form: Slight buff to AOE.
Soul Harvest - good spell.
Languish - maybe more slow or duration.
Sacrifice: Mostly pretty good. Maybe allow us to sacrifice fetishes and gargantuans also? Gargantuans would do more damage, fetishes would do a bit less since you can have more.
Black Blood: I like Firezombies idea about increasing your and allies movespeed.
Provoke the pack: Good, but it really needs a good buff icon rather than just the aura under your feet.
Mass Confusion:
Devolution: Not just confused enemies have chance to spawn. Also if you already have max dogs, the extra dogs spawned become temporary dogs- so you could have like 4 regular dogs and 3 temporary dogs.
Unstable Realm - Not that useful...
Mass Hallucination: More damage. Or maybe allow monsters to attack the phantom(draws monster attacks away from you)
Zombie Charger: Essentially all the runes besides bears needs a lot of work.
Leperous Zombie - Increase distance, increase duration of poison, increase damage?
Undeath: Instead of on death make it on hit,would love to see a cascading chain of zombies spawning due to it. Limit of 2 times.. could be increased.
Wave of Zombies: MOAR ZOMBIES. Would also love it if they were very slow moving, but formed a powerful wall that knocked enemies back, or carried them back with them.
Explosive Beast: More damage, or more beasts, or more radius. And maybe an aoe dot effect, after the beast explodes, it immolates the ground and enemies within the area take X% dmg over x seconds.
Spirit Barrage: I love this spell, but all of them feel sort of weak. I believe all of the spells should come with the well of souls rune effect built in. It's supposed to be a Barrage! One little laserish thing isn't a barrage...
Spirit is willing - Maybe make it work like rush of essense - x mana return over x seconds.
Well of Souls - more damage or even more spirits shooting out. 3 spirits isn't exactly a well.
Phantasm - Increase Duration or damage, or aoe.
Phlebotomize - More Regen/life leech. Possibly could allow everyone to leech from the phlebotomized enemy. Gives a debuff that lasts for a few seconds.
Manitou - More damage, or more casts, higher proc rate.
Acid Cloud: Make it stackable!
Kiss of Death and Corpse Bomb need some adjustments... Would love it if corpse bomb was more like corpse explosion from necromancer in d2, maybe those that are under its dot effect also explode for a bit of damage.
Zombie Wall: I really like this spell but it just isn't that great. lower the cooldown. Why can't we have multiple walls out? Add this into tribal rites too?
Creepers: Buff damage and # of Creepers.
Pileon - Reduce Cooldown.
Dead Rush - Reduce Cooldown
Gargantuan: I love the spell just wish it still had proc rates. Maybe give the different runes some different aura effects.
Wrathful protector: Still lasts a short time, but gives you/party increased 15% attack speed/dmg also. Or it could constantly taunt enemies also.
Maybe all the runes could give a tiny bit of aoe aura effect - reduce enemy damage, life link, etc. GG
Or they could grow more powerful with kills.
Big Bad Voodoo: Pretty good skill all around.
Boogie Man: Allow you to spawn additional dogs if you already have max dogs. Current dogs also get some sort of boost while Boogie Man is active. And can also give a boost to other pets such as fetishes also.
Fetish Army: I agree with fire zombie that fetishes from our passive need to not disappear when this skill is cast. Overall needs a buff in damage, possibly a little buff to survivability. I have a lot of memories of fetishes from D2(My godly HC barb was murdered by a combination of lag and extra strong, cursed, phys immune extra fast, exploding and i forget what else fetish), and though they were brittle their damage was really nothing to laugh at. They do nothing right now.
Fetish Ambush: Not really an ambush, 250% damage is really low also. Buff damage or allow it to have some other effects... such as lowering enemy resists/defenses by 25% for X amount of time. It'd fit because the enemies were ambushed and thus caught by surprise.
Pierce the Veil: Lower the Mana increase... Or increase the damage... Or make it so its not applicable on all skills. I think its worth it if it works for our damage skills, but if we have it on and just casting primaries/grasp of the dead means we run out of mana.... then its not great.
Bad Medicine: Also increases your poison damage by a little bit. Would allow for some real poison based builds. Or lowers enemies poison resistance.
Fetish Syncopants: Adjust the ratios for different skills. overall buff the % chance... Allow spawning of tiki torchers, headhunters, different types of fetishes. Maybe occasionally an ultra rare fetish general which gives aoe boost to speed.
Zombie Handler: Increase pet damage also? Maybe expand it to include fetishes also...
Rush of Essence: Offer some more buffs besides just the mana return. Maybe soul harvest can have 1 or 2 more stacks with rush of essence... or it allows you to stack more spirit spells.
Fierce Loyalty: This needs a change... just not sure what.
Tribal Rites: Add more skills into this passive... like wall of zombies.
Circle of Life: Allow you to spawn additional temporary dogs if you already have the max amount of dogs summoned.
These are my basic thoughts.
I really want Spirit Barrage/Haunt/Rush of Essence to be a good build. It cries out for a dedicated legendary or three! Haunt multiple targets per cast, +x% Haunt duration, gain crit chance whenever you gain Rush of Essence, lots more Spirit Barrage damage, Spirit Barrage triggers Vision Quest, etc. Adding AOE damage would be ideal, as the build is really hampered by the lack of AOE.
I'm not sure how to fix the fact that it really favors using a 2H and that's inherently unfun because the slow cast animations make it really hard to dodge. This is another general reason why I don't like Witch Doctors; their resource system strongly favors slow weapons. In fact, the ONLY abilities they have that encourage fast weapons that I can find are Poison Dart: Snake to the Face and Fetish Sycophants! I don't understand why their class-specific weapon is a fast dagger and an offhand; everything about the class suggests that their class specific weapon should be slow and/or 2H. In fact, I request the addition of Totem Staves, which are the witch doctor equivalent of Daibos.
Other than Witch Doctors, most of the problems I've noticed are not skills that are nonviable, they're skills that are so good that no alternatives can keep up.
Fists of Thunder: Thunderclap, for example. Because Sweeping Wind: Cyclone is such a powerful damage multiplier, monks end up using the primary which is best at proccing it. That has always been FoT:TC because both the main hit and the cleave have a 75% proc coefficient, resulting in a 150% coefficient for a single target. The only other monk primary that double hits is the WotHF rune that applies a DoT, and WotHF is slower so it produces less procs. On top of that, FoT:TC has a teleport! I would make the main hit have a 90% coefficient and the cleave have 0-5% coefficient, and remove the coefficient from the DoT on WotHF. At that point, FoT:TC would be good mostly because of the teleport, and other primaries could actually be useful.
Would it kill you to give the second hit of WotHF a good proc coefficient? If I hit someone nine times, I really would expect to a few procs to go off. It has the major disadvantage of locking you into place, it could use a crazy advantage to make up for it. WotHF is also slow, so this would bring the proc rate up toward parity with FoT's high attack speed.
Mantra of Conviction: Overawe is another skill that is so OP that it pushes out other skills. The damage bonus from spamming it is so good that other means of spending spirit really cannot compete. I really, truly want to use Wave of Light on my monk, but giving up 15% increased damage from Breath of Heaven: Blazing Wrath and then spending spirit on Bells instead of MoC is not better. This is in part because time spent using WoL is time NOT spent generating cyclones via FoT:TC, because FoT:TC has a fantastic coefficient and WoL has a terrible coefficient.
Spamming mantras in general is boring. I should always want to hit WoL over MoC, unless I have so much spirit I can hit both. Defensive mantras can be a bit better, because defensive abilities usually have cooldowns and are awesome; you naturally pop the skill and then spam the mantra only while it's on cooldown.
Solution: Runes should increase the effect of mantra by 50%, not 100%; spamming mantra should also be 50%. Adjust by upping the base bonuses. Drop Breath of Heaven's wrath rune to 10% increased damage. Then buff the proc coefficient on WoL. SSS might also need a proc coefficient buff, if hitting SSS is not at least as good at proccing as just using a primary (per second). SSS's proc rate might need to scale with attack speed somehow, actually, since I don't think the animation speed scales with gear.
Combination Strike would be more viable with a buff indicator (possibly same for Foresight rune of Deadly Reach, which incidentally needs a duration nerf). It promotes a fun style, but is hard to use. It would be nice if the tooltip made clear that using any spirit generator maintains the entire stack, but a buff indicator would also help.
OWE should read '50% of your resistances to specific elements are added to your other resistances'. It stops being OP, doesn't break anyone's gear setups, and makes it possible to gear a monk without using the AH.
Mystic Ally: Fire Ally needs to offer 10% increased damage. Then I would run it over Breath of Life! That would be fun. Water Ally should offer increased dodge, and Air Ally should generate 25 spirit 8% of the time and/or grant attack speed. I really want Eternal Ally to sacrifice itself to prevent you or an ally from dying, but I'm not sure how to make that not overpowered.
Breath of Life should hit allies a screen and a half away. The heal from Cyclone Strike should not have twice as much range as the heal from the skill that heals people. Guiding Light needs to have twice the duration so that Breath of Life can easily be used to maintain it, and a buff icon.
Energy Twister should probably not tick faster with attack speed. You can already cast them faster, and they stack; DoTs need to tick faster only if they don't stack.
What's the logic behind Ray of Frost not having a 100% proc coefficient? It's a single target spell! Is it because its channeled or because its a spender?
I really, really hate the range and collision detection on Telport. Jumping through the air should not give you three times the range of bending space to your will. I mean, maybe I'm just horribly spoiled by D2's teleport (anywhere on the screen with no cooldown), but the number of times I've tried to blink through or past terrain and gone nowhere is infuriating. Either make it smarter or add a UI option to show the exact range whenever teleport is off cooldown. Better yet, just give it the same 'anywhere on screen' range of Leap. Best yet, add that to the Reversal rune! That way, you can use it to teleport long distances, but not more often than every 8s, because if you use it more often it'll return you to your previous location, so it isn't OP.
Ball Lightning feels like it costs too little hatred, and does slightly too much damage for how easy it is to hit with.
I'm new to the WD and absolutely loving it (despite the poor item hunt quality of D3).
I gotta say, at first I didn't like SH. But I quickly adapted to it and realized the proper technique for using it. Many of the WD's best offensive skills require somewhat close range (approx 8-10 yards). PoB/CoB/Bears, all require semi-close range.
It functions just fine in this respect. When I was trying to use it for it's buff only, it was annoying, yes. But when I realized that the monsters come to you, your're using close range skills, when combined with Vengeful Spirit, you not only get the buff (and it's easy to maintain imo)...you also get that great blast of AoE damage from VS rune.
BurningRope#1322 (US~HC)
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I agree with the over-efficiency of FoT. It hits fast and procs hard. Deadly Reach and Crippling Wave are not used while Blazing Fists is nothing more than a placeholder buff which was once held by Foresight.
Deadly Reach is ineffective at close range and can only maximized with kiting. Crippling Wave is well, I use it but no else does, it's just the rune variants are unexciting. WotHF is just too clunky, it hits hard but is slow, leaves you vulnerable because of the rooting attack animation and has a bad proc rate.
There are only two FoT used right now and they are Thunderclap and Quickening. I believe by distributing the spirit on crit on a passive will open up the niche Quickening has held to quickly use spirit spenders, however this leads to making Thunderclap the single most efficient spirit generator. The cleave should have its proc rate removed completely.
I mean they should reduce the number of runes of each ability from 5 to 3 so it's easier to balance and improve them.
I think that having so many runes makes everything harder to balance.
As Wyatt Cheng said on the GDC less is more
I kinda agree with that but i don't see the harm with having certain skills with 3 runes and others with 5 or whatever. But i guess they want to keep the consistency for the sake of simplicity... Unfortunate, in my opinion.
First, this ^. The only way to heal a DH through damage from a lot of packs right now is to pop SP:Gloom and hit with some big AoE on the groups (such as Grenades or Bola).
Speaking of Demon Hunter:
1. Entangling Shot, Bola Shot, Hungering Arrow, and Grenades need damage buffs. Hungering arrow should receive the most buff since it is a single target skill (for the most part).
2. Imaple is not worth using anymore, since there are other abilities that do much more damage for less hatred. They need to buff the damage tremendously since, like HA, it's mostly a single target ability.
3. Caltrops are pretty good for the most part. I would like to see a rune that increases the radius of the trap. (Maybe combine it with "Bait the Trap."
4. Smoke Screen needs a duration increase for it to be more effective. I think the baseline needs to be taken to 2 seconds. Get rid of Breathe Deep and replace it with a rune that lets you move through walls and mobs, but reduces the duration to 1-1.5 seconds.
5. Gloom is the only good rune for Shadow Power. This whole skill would have to be redesigned to make it interesting again.
6. Rapid fire is good now. Don't touch it.
7. Chakram: Shuriken Cloud needs to do more damage. I would double the damage on it.
8. Ball Lightning needs a damage buff. Nether Tentacles need to able to hit multiple times.
9. Vault: Rattling Roll needs a larger impact radius.
10. Preparation: Invigoration needs to have the duration increased.
11. Companion: Wolf needs a damage buff to make it competitve with the other companion benefits. Ferrets need a gold find buff to make them worth losing the other utilities, such as hatred regen on bat.
12. Marked for Death is good.
13. Evasive Fire is bad. I don't even know how I would fix this to where I would want to use it.
14. Fan of Knives needs a cooldown reduction.
15. Spike Trap: Sticky Trap needs to explode regardless of death, but do less damage than if death occurs. Lightning Rod needs to hit all enemies within 20 yards.
16. Strafe needs a damage buff to make it competitive with WW. Demolition's Grenades need a larger blast radius (16 yards).
17. Multi-shot cost too much hatred for the damage. It needs a buff or a hatred reduction. (300% weapon damage or 15 baseline hatred.) Fire at will resource cost needs to be lowered, if a hatred reduction is performed. Full Broadside would need to scale with changes too.
18. Cluster Arrow needs a huge buff, but I wouldn't reduce the hatred cost on it. All runes for it need a buff.
19. Rain of Vengeance is good.
20. Hungering Arrow: Cinder Arrow needs a buff on the burn.
21. Brooding needs another buff.
22. Archery needs to switch the perks for Crossbow and Hand Crossbow.
23. Sharpshooter needs a buff to the crit chance to make it worth it now that Crit hit chance is so easy to get.
24. Ballistics needs a big buff to make any skill with rockets worth it. Or, better yet, remove Ballistics and bake it into the rocket damage on those runes. Replace it with "Situation Awareness: If there are 3 or more enemies within 8 yds, then you do 30% more damage" or "Situation Awareness: If there are 3 or more enemies within 8 yds, then your cooldowns are reduced by 50%."
Finally, let me put whatever skill I want in a slot. If I want two different versions of cluster arrows, then let me use two different versions of cluster arrows. This goes for any class/skill.
I'll get around to Barbarians if I have time.
Just try to to keep them simple (ideas that are way complex and completely off-sync with the rest of the skills/runes in the game are probably not even considered) and try to keep the spirit of the original design intact (unless the core idea is bad in the first place, like say a pure dmg increase in a skill that's never going to be an efficient dmg tool).
For instance, what would it take to make Widowmakers (the Corpse Spiders rune) a viable mana regen tool? How high would the damage of Spider Queen go to make it a viable "summon"?
1. Chakram: Shuriken Swarm. It's like Shuriken Cloud in reverse. You throw a cloud of shurikens that sticks to an enemy for 30 seconds and hits the primary enemy and all enemies within 12yds for 110% weapon damage.
2. Sentry: Lightning Rod: Your sentry is struck by lightning every second while up. All enemies within 20 yards take 110% weapon damage for as long as the sentry persists.
3. Marked for Death: Traitor. Marking an enemy causes all enemies within 30 yards to attack the marked target until it is dead or the mark wears off.
4. Spike Trap: Nethervoid. Your spike trap no longer explodes, but, instead, releases Nether Tentacles that jails the activating mob for 5 seconds while doing damage. The tentacles heal the demon hunter for 7% of the damage done while jailed.
5. Caltrops: Escape Artist. The second caltrop dropped now teleports you to the location of your first caltrop.
6. Companion: Vulture. You summon a vulture that heals you for XXX% of the damage done by the companion.
7. Passive: Controlled Hatred. When using an ability that requires discipline but you do not have enough discipline, then you will consume the difference through your hatred pool (3 hatred per 1 disc). For example, you use SP but only have 10 discipline. You will use 10 discipline and 12 hatred.
8. Sentry: Flamethrower. Your sentry no longer shoots arrows. Instead if fires fireballs that explode on impact doing 160% weapon damage to all targets within 14yds. All mobs hit burn for 300% weapon damage over 3 seconds.
9. Passive: Camoflague. Standing still for 3 seconds will render you invisible until you move or attack. Being invisible will take you out of combat.
10. Mulit-shot: Repeat Offender. You have a 3% chance to fire a free, automatic multi-shot for each mob hit by the initial multi-shot.
11. Impale: Ricochet. Your impale will hit the initial target for xxx% weapon damage and bounce around to 5 other targets doing xxx% to each target.
It's definitely good to recognize that simplicity is key to making skills awesome (simplicity in getting from point a to point b not that builds can't be complex or inventive).
And like you said I think it's good to see that some skills simply need number tweaking to improve while others could probably benefit from entire reworking of their mechanics to perform against the more popular ones we use right now.
I've actually been working on my seismic slam build the last day or so and have really found a good place where it's outperforming expectations. The key element that is missing for the sidelined builds is clearly skill synergy, functionality and gear. In time I see these things working great. The game is fun as heck when you make a new build work well
Magic Missile
Arcane Orb
Wave of Force
Another one... I dunno if the more adept Wiz players out there use Storm Chaser but...
Storm Chaser - Lightning chains connect you to all twisters you cast. Enemies that are struck by the lightning are dealt 75% weapon damage as Lightning per second.
Cyclone Strike:Eye of the Storm - Reduces the Spirit cost of Cyclone Strike to 30 Spirit. Also pickup all gold and Health Globes within 24 yards.
Cyclone Strike:Implosion - Increases the distance enemies will be pulled towards you to 34 yards and increases the maximum number of enemies that can be pulled to 10.
Cyclone Strike:Sunburst - Changes the blast into an explosion of fire doing 375% weapon damage as Fire and has a 35% chance to Fear enemies for 1.5 seconds.
Cyclone Strike:Soothing Breeze -Cyclone Strike heals you and your allies within 24 yards for 4070 Life.
WotHF:Wall of Hands - During the second strike, shield yourself with your hands blocking up to 3082 damage for 0.5 seconds.
WotHF:Blazing Fists - Bonus duration up to 15
WotHF:Fists of Fury - Affected targets will take an additional 100% weapon damage per second as Fire over 3 seconds. Also adds a short dash to each strike.
WoTHF:Spirited Salvo - Every activation of the skill has a 10% to generate 10 Spirit. (no need to hit)
Every 100 Intelligence increases the chance to generate Spirit by 1%.
WotHF:Windforce Flurry - Missile speed and width is increased
Serenity:Reap What is Sown - Max Health Cap removed
Serenity:Instant Karma -Whenever Serenity absorbs projectiles or melee attacks, attackers are dealt an amount of damage as Holy equal to 250% of your Armor.
Seven Sided Strike - Every 100 Strength increases Seven-Sided Strike's chance to critically hit by 2%.
SSS:The Seven Saints - Each strike generates 7 Spirit. (replaces several sided strike)
SSS:Relentless Attack - The damage is changed to 1777% weapon damage over 9 hits. In addition, the cooldown is reduced to 23 seconds. (combines Several Sided and Sustained Attack also makes a better overlap with Serenity)
MoE:Divine Protection - Each target can be protected at most once every 70 seconds by this effect.
MoE:Wind through the Reeds - Mantra of Evasion also increases movement speed by 7% and 14% for the first 3 seconds.
MoE:Perseverance - Mantra of Evasion also reduces the duration of all control impairing effects like Slow or Frozen by 50%.
MoE:Backlash - Damage increased.
Sweeping Wind:Master of Wind - Increases the duration of the vortex to 20 seconds and increases the radius of the vortex to 14 yards. (I'm still figuring out what to do with Fire Storm)
Sweeping Wind:Blade Storm - Damage increased
Sweeping Wind:Inner Storm - You gain 1 Spirit per second for each stack.
Mantra of Retirubtion - ~dealing Holy damage equal to 15% of the damage mitigated. The effect lasts for 5 minutes.
For 3 seconds after activation, the effect on you increases to 30% of the damage mitigated.
MoR:Retaliation - Increases the amount of damage reflected by the Mantra to 20% and 40% for the first 3 seconds.
MoR:Transgression - Increases attack speed for you and your allies by 7% and 14% for the first 3 seconds.
MoR:Heavenly Body - Mantra of Retribution also increases Vitality by 10%. (moved out from MoH)
MoR:Against all Odds - Gain up to 8 spirit
MoR:Collateral Damage - An attacker that is damaged by Mantra of Retribution has a 30% chance to suffer a feedback blast, dealing an 45% weapon damage as Holy to itself and nearby enemies.
Every 100 Strength increases the chance to release a feedback blast by 2%.
Inner Sanctuary - Create a runic circle of protection on the ground for 5 seconds that cannot be passed by enemies and negates ground effects.
Mystic Ally:Water Ally - You and the ally cannot be Chilled or Frozen.
Mystic Ally:Fire Ally - Imbue the ally with the essence of fire. Your resistance to Fire increases by 30%. Enemies hitting or hit by you or the ally are burned for 80% weapon damage as Fire over 2 seconds.
Mystic Ally:Air Ally - Chance to generate increased to 6%.
MoH:Sustenance - Increases the Life regeneration granted by Mantra of Healing to 1240 Life per second and the mystical shield absorbs up to 2790 damage.
MoH:Boon of Inspiration - ~heals 372 Life when hitting an enemy.
MoH:Overflow - While your Life is at 90% or greater, your Critical Hit Chance increases by 15%. (Replaces Heavenly Body)
MoC:Overawe - nerf bonus
MoC:Dishearten - increase slow to 60%
MoC:Reclamation - Heal attackers for 1.5% of the damage done to enemies affected by Mantra of Conviction.
MoC:Submission - Enemies affected by Mantra of Conviction take 12% weapon damage per second as Holy equal.
Every 100 Strength increases the damage per second by 1%.
Lightning Flash-Make the dodge stack additively, a lot of monks have base 50% dodge, the +16% actually only adds 8% for them. If it were 16% it would be more viable, and since dodge is only for physical attacks, this feels reasonable as a 2 second buff because the used needs to use it constantly to keep it up.
Static Charge-WHAT!! This spell is just worthless. As a lightning spell I think a static charge would be more appropriate. Similar to diablo 2 wizards, release a static charge every, or every 3rd attack, (I’m picturing a similar effect to a cyclone crit charge).
Quickening-Works. (With teleport)
Bounding Light-Works. (With teleport)
Guiding Light-Let it work with followers
Thunderclap is over the broken line. It procs 150% each hit, attacks real fast and it gives mobility that undermines Dashing Strike.
Quickening works even without the teleport. I use it to spam Cyclone Strike. Bounding Light doesn't work because its chain lightning is short and jumps are limited and its damage in three strikes is weaker than Thunderclap, it doesn't have any cc knockback to minimize damage.
Hungering arrow
- Increase base damage from 115 to 130
- Shatter Shot splits into 6 arrows from 3
- Spay of teeth AOE increased to 10 yards
- Increase base damage from 265 to 400
- Awareness deals AOE damage on target and not centered on you, increase AOE damage from 75 to 90
- Grivous Wounds criticals hits deal 150 additonal damge
Entangling Shot
- Entangles every enemy within 5 yards of impact from up to 2
- Chain Gang increase radius to 8 yards
- Heavy Burden increase slow duration to 6 seconds from 4
- Jagged Spikes damage increase to 400 from 270 over 6 seconds
- Carved Stakes reduce cost to 2 from 4
Rapid Fire
- Remove 20 hatred initial cost and increase channeling cost to 10 hatred while channeling from 6
- Withering Fire reduces channeling cost from 10 to 6
- High Velocity has 100% chance to pierce enemies
Smoke Screen
- Displacement gain 45% move speed from 35
- Breath Deep gain 20 hatred
- Special Recipe reduce cost to 8 from 12
- Choking Gas AOE damage increased to 10 yards
- Tumble to a destination up to 35 yards, meaning you can tumble up to any yards as long as it does not exceed 35 yards.
- Action Shot allows you to fire primary attacks while tumbling
- Acrobatics reduce cost to 4 discipline and remove 10 second cool down
- Trail of Cinders increase damage from 300 to 600 over 3 seconds
Bola Shot
- Make AOE damage the same as target
- Increase base AOE to 16 from 14
- Volatile Explosives increse radius to 25 from 20
- Tunder Ball Stun works on enimies hit by AOE and reduce stun to 1 second
- Acid Strike deals hits all mosnters withing the arc and does an additional 60% damage over 2 seconds
- Bitter Pill Increase chance to 20% from 15
- Attack patern fixed so there are no damage free areas in the arc by increaseing the AOE of each Chakram by enough to cover all the blind spots
- Twin Chakrams Increase damage from 114 to 130
- Serpentine deal an aditionoal 90% ndamage over 2 seconds
- Razor Disk dmagae increase from 187 to 200
- Boomerang damage increased from 230 to 250
- Shuriken Cloud increase AOE to 10 yards and every time you are hit increase damage by 10% up to a max of 134 percent
- Cooldown reduced to 30 seconds
- Backup Plan chance increaed to 40%
Evasive Fire
- Holding shift will stop back flip
- Increase damage from 130 to 150
- Parting gift remove 0.6 time to do damage and increase damage from 55 to 70
- Increase damage from 95 to 110
- Cluster Grenades increase damage from 112 to 125
- Fire Bomb increse damage from 124 to 170
- Gas Grenades additional damage increase from 25 to 50 over 2 seconds
Shdow Power
- Increase duration to 8 seconds and increase cost to 20
- Shadow Glide movement speed increased from 30 to 40
Fan of Knives
- COst 55 Hatred and remove cool down
- Allow to peirce enimies
- Assassin's Knives increase damage from 70 to 150
- Increase cost to 20 disipline
- Allow companions to crit
- Make companion target what you target and move away from attacking if you move
- Spider Companion summon 3 spiders
- Bat companion grants 4 hatred per second from 3
- Ferret damage reduced to 10% each and take priortiy over gold instead of enimies. Increase gold found by 20% and can go over cap
- Wolf Companion summon 3 wolfs
- Reduce hatred cost from 12 to 8
- Emberstarfe fire trail inflicts 100 damage over 3 seconds from 65 over 2
- Sringing Steel critical hits do an extra 200% damage
- Rocket Storm homing rocket damage increased from 60 to 95
- Demolition grendades have a AOE of 6 yards on impact
Elemental Arrow
- Increase hatred cost from 10 to 12
- Damage increase from 155 to 310
- Frost Arrow damage increase to 350 and the muliple arrows that split hit everything withing a 10 yard radius without peircing
Marked for Death
- Remove cast animation and make it instant
- Increase additonal damage to 15%
- Death Toll life steal increase from 1 to 3
- Hatred cost reduced to 25
- Damage increase from 165 to 195
- Burst Fire Damage increased from 65 to 95
- Full Boadside damage increase from 215 to 270
- Arsenal rocket damage increase from 60 to 95
Spike Trap
- Reduce fuse time from 1.2 to 1 seconds
- Increase damage from 275 to 295
- Increase AOE from 8 to 10
- Sticy Trap damage increase from 404 to 510
- Long fuse damage increase from 371 to 495
- Lighting Rod hits all enimes within 15 yards
- Remove cooldown
- Allow sentry to crit
- Allow sentry to pierce enimes
- Make turret target priority your target
- Spitfire damage increase from 30 to 90
- Vigilant Watcher hatred cost reduced to 15
- Chain of torment damage increase from 125 to 150
Cluster Arrow
- reduce hatred cost from 50 to 45
- Increase damage from 225 to 350
- increase miniture bombs that deal 100% damage have a AOE of 8 radius
- Shooting Stars rocket damge increase from 175 to 190
- Malestrom shadow energy AOE effect increase to 8 radius
- Cluster Bombs damage increase from 230 to 290
- Loaded for Bear damage increase from 304 to 450
Rain of Vengence
- Cooldown removed
- Cost 65 hatred
- Flying Strike stun reduced to 1 second
Thrill of the Hunt
- Change to every 7 seconds your next skill that costs hatred does 30% more damage
Tactical Advantage
- Gain 65% movement speed and 20% increase in dodge for 2 seconds
- Max Hatred increased by 50. Remove health globe bonus and make crit hits have a chance to restore 20 hatred.
Stedy Aim
- As long as you are taking no damage increase damage by 10%
Cull of the Weak
- Damaged against slowed enimies increased by 25%
- gain 3% life per second and 5% when there is no enimies within 20 yards
Hot Pursut
- Make Hot pursuit go over cap
Bows give 20% damage increase
Duel Weild gives 25% instead of 15 attack speed and the 10% crit chance
The rest the same
Numbing Traps
-Duration increased from 3 to 5 seconds
Custom Engineering
- Increase max number of senties to 6 and spike trap to 8
- Reduce cost of cluster arrow by 20 and increase hatred generated from grenades by 3.
- Critical hits do 5% more damage and consecutive critical hits do 15 % more damage.
- Increase damage from rockets by 95%
I think the point of the thread was to change/alter the functions of skills a bit more than just pure number tweaking