It annoys me that you try to name the route people have been doing right from the start after your name.
Its pretty common sense for the most part if you understand the basic fundamentals of loot and how it works...but some people need recognition for the feeling they have found something revolutionary or game breaking. Im sure there were people running the "alkaizer" method prior to it coming out in the forums, however, they just couldnt dedicate as much time to the cause as he did, nor did they care about being recognized for something that really in the end takes no skill...just time.
If anything people should be recognized for coming up with great builds over finding great runs, rarely do I see that.
who came up with the WW tornado?! or the CM freeze wiz......
I have a question about the run. Did you do act 3 before? Do you feel like in act 2 there are less ilvl 63 legends / set items? The reason why I ask this is, as far as I know even though on MP1 affixes on every item are ilvl 63, the base items drop table, which was revealed before MP was introduced, should still be viable. Which basicly means there should be lower chance for high ilvl legendaries.
not entirely true. the sets and items ilvl 63 were only found passed act 3 as thats when the mobs were ilvl63.... when u switch on mp1 all mobs are now 63 so you get the chance to drop anywhere
There have been many people who have tried—or are still running—this route (myself included). It's the best alternative to nonstop Act III runs. This was the primary method for people who hunted for Leoric's Signet on Normal mode back when legendaries were first revamped.
People have also tried this route for paragon leveling (except they picked up 5 NV stacks before VoA for the bonus EXP per kill). Some people also throw in Sewers of Caldeum for the quick 2+ elite packs there.
While it may be more optimal for high DPS TR monk multiboxing (or to an extend, WW barbs), I don't think it's too much more worthwhile than repeating Keep Depths 2 on Act III. That's really what I do. I just run Core, jump to Keep 3, walk my way to Keep 2 and then repeat. Get about 10+ elites anyway.
honestly cardinalmdm, you're an obnoxious single minded moron when you say things like that.... multiboxers are gold businesses? they flood the market? i think you're confusing botters and chinese who use a program to play the game for them to make money, with multiboxers who use multiple toons to play the game together.... each and every input during a session of play is controlled push for push by the multiboxing player... and no we dont flood the market... we just play and enjoy the game differently than you do.... we play like someone would if 3 of their friends always played with them every time every day and shared all the loot.... its still 4 characters its still 4 accounts its just one person orchestrating it all. you're bitter cardinal... its a hobby, its a game... Y U SO MAD BRO
on topic, =) i've grown accustom to using this route on my characters for act 2 key farming as well as general farming on mp5 for my cmww wiz... much more efficient and relaxed than act 3 turbo runs.... /yawn lol
First of all, I'm not a single-minded moron. You wanna know why "I'm so mad," bro? Honestly, I'm not mad at you...I'm mad FOR you.
The Diablo franchise has become what it is because it provides fairly simple game mechanics that offer a single player literally THOUSANDS of hours of play time, because the item hunt is supposed to be satisfying. Even if people trade and meet friends and compare loot, hell, even if they buy items off the Auction House (which I also highly discourage because of how it undermines that very item hunt), it's a game that's difficult because ONE person has only so much access to so many channels worth of items.
You say "each and every input during a session of play is controlled push for push by the multiboxing player." I'm well aware of that.
You say, "we play like someone would if 3 of their friends always played with them every time every day and shared all the loot." Right...but every multiboxer gets all that different loot for themselves. You don't NEED friends or acquaintances or anybody to multibox, and yet, you can reap all the benefits. You say you aren't a gold factory? How so? You get a steady stream of legendaries and set items, obviously you don't keep them ALL. Some you might brimstone, but I guarantee, the ones you don't want anymore, you post up for Auction. do flood the market with items.
So like I told continue to use your money to give you the tools to make Diablo entirely un-fun for yourself. Get all the best items in the game because you have the cash to spare. Do everything you can to do as little as possible. And by all NOT actually earn the great items you acquire. If this were Diablo 2, you wouldn't be able to pull this nonsense. Bare minimum, you'd have to be power-leveled by a friend, and even then, you'd still have to fight and struggle to get to the endgame content.
Anyway, I mostly play solo, so guys knock yourselves out. Hopefully, some self-found geared toon doesn't ace you and every botter and AH addict in PvP and make all your haaaaaaaaaaaard work seem pointless, ;-)
Yea idk, I think while I'm neutral on multi-boxing, I think I'm against having a single command for all four accounts. Just my thoughts on it, but I think I'm going to have to side as against this, kind of takes the fun out of it for people who use just one account.
Not sure how this effects your level of fun. If anything you can actually try it yourself and have more fun? I encourage everyone to at least try it out, the 1-week trial for the program is free. If you dont want to, it shouldn't make your experience of the game any less fun.
Considering D3 is purely centered around loot and the gathering of said loot, it defiantly makes it less fun watching people use 4 accounts while only having to try as hard as playing one account by using 1 key stroke for 4 different characters abilities. That's just where I say I draw the line; You can have as many accounts as you want up, but in order to execute commands you should have to switch to each individual account to do so.
I haven't really researched Multiboxing at all. Let me see if I have the gist of it.
He has 4 different Diablo accounts that are all playing together in the same game? He uses a separate program that allows all 4 characters to be controlled by the same mouse and keyboard. So he is getting 4 sets of loot from killing any monster? All he has to do is switch instances to pick up loot if he wants it?
Nice to see some Act 2 farming. Great work, Inigo Montoya. I'm still not happy with you though, because, of course, you killed my father, so prepare to die.
I haven't really researched Multiboxing at all. Let me see if I have the gist of it.
He has 4 different Diablo accounts that are all playing together in the same game? He uses a separate program that allows all 4 characters to be controlled by the same mouse and keyboard. So he is getting 4 sets of loot from killing any monster? All he has to do is switch instances to pick up loot if he wants it?
I haven't really researched Multiboxing at all. Let me see if I have the gist of it.
He has 4 different Diablo accounts that are all playing together in the same game? He uses a separate program that allows all 4 characters to be controlled by the same mouse and keyboard. So he is getting 4 sets of loot from killing any monster? All he has to do is switch instances to pick up loot if he wants it?
Correct. It takes the effort of controlling one character and the payoff is you get 4x the loot, and you kill faster since monster HP isn't doubled per character in the game.
All the hate towards multiboxing is just jellyness. Also it's not an instant way to wealth and legendaries. If you would invest the money for 3 additional copies of D3 directly into gold you would get 600m gold or so instantly if you buy it in AH, more if you buy from third party. And that doesn't count the money for the multibox software nor the additional hardware needed to paaly efficiently. Also Inigo doesn't just equip one char with good gear and all the other with crap stuff with max resists. All his toons are decently geared and he constantly seeks for upgrades for all of his toons. So in this sense he has to invest four times the money to get perfect gear for all his chars, which is the goal of the game anyways. So no reason for all the hate.
I agree though that multiboxing with just one good equipped toon while keeping the others decked in survival stats and on follow is kinda lame.
Considering D3 is purely centered around loot and the gathering of said loot, it defiantly makes it less fun watching people use 4 accounts while only having to try as hard as playing one account by using 1 key stroke for 4 different characters abilities. That's just where I say I draw the line;
this little part highlighted is kinda vague, i can elaborate a little by saying its not quite "simple" to just push one button and they all do the same thing, unless each toon is the same class and spec. i'll agree that's easy, but the challenge and fun of setting it up and making it work is by playing different classes while multiboxing. I did this in wow to great effect... it was fun as shit, but EXTREMELY difficult to setup and play well. its fun to multibox, its a challenge to play it efficiently and well given the restraints of the system and what not... plus, you still have to gear up 4 toons together... 4 times the loot for 4 times the toons... is just like playing with 3 other friends and sharing every drop you get.... i know some guilds/groups of friends that do this... just because one person does it doesn't make it ANY different it just means one guy gets the loot he needs to deck out all his characters. most multiboxers aren't millionares in game... yes they get lots of loot, but we also spend 4 times the gold to deck our toons all max out all this hate is extremely off topic when the whole point of the thread is about farming act 2. tho i do agree that the OP really shoulda left out the part about multiboxing if he wanted any type of credit for the "run name" Bro, you're bringing multiboxing out to the forefront and basically rubbing it in everyone's nose that YOU can farm up 600 elites an hour... why BRING the hate like that... lol think a little man ! <3 ghonosyph(avid multiboxer since 2005)
Its pretty common sense for the most part if you understand the basic fundamentals of loot and how it works...but some people need recognition for the feeling they have found something revolutionary or game breaking. Im sure there were people running the "alkaizer" method prior to it coming out in the forums, however, they just couldnt dedicate as much time to the cause as he did, nor did they care about being recognized for something that really in the end takes no skill...just time.
If anything people should be recognized for coming up with great builds over finding great runs, rarely do I see that.
who came up with the WW tornado?! or the CM freeze wiz......
not entirely true. the sets and items ilvl 63 were only found passed act 3 as thats when the mobs were ilvl63.... when u switch on mp1 all mobs are now 63 so you get the chance to drop anywhere
People have also tried this route for paragon leveling (except they picked up 5 NV stacks before VoA for the bonus EXP per kill). Some people also throw in Sewers of Caldeum for the quick 2+ elite packs there.
While it may be more optimal for high DPS TR monk multiboxing (or to an extend, WW barbs), I don't think it's too much more worthwhile than repeating Keep Depths 2 on Act III. That's really what I do. I just run Core, jump to Keep 3, walk my way to Keep 2 and then repeat. Get about 10+ elites anyway.
Armory | YouTube | Twitter | Clan Site
First of all, I'm not a single-minded moron. You wanna know why "I'm so mad," bro? Honestly, I'm not mad at you...I'm mad FOR you.
The Diablo franchise has become what it is because it provides fairly simple game mechanics that offer a single player literally THOUSANDS of hours of play time, because the item hunt is supposed to be satisfying. Even if people trade and meet friends and compare loot, hell, even if they buy items off the Auction House (which I also highly discourage because of how it undermines that very item hunt), it's a game that's difficult because ONE person has only so much access to so many channels worth of items.
You say "each and every input during a session of play is controlled push for push by the multiboxing player." I'm well aware of that.
You say, "we play like someone would if 3 of their friends always played with them every time every day and shared all the loot." Right...but every multiboxer gets all that different loot for themselves. You don't NEED friends or acquaintances or anybody to multibox, and yet, you can reap all the benefits. You say you aren't a gold factory? How so? You get a steady stream of legendaries and set items, obviously you don't keep them ALL. Some you might brimstone, but I guarantee, the ones you don't want anymore, you post up for Auction. do flood the market with items.
So like I told continue to use your money to give you the tools to make Diablo entirely un-fun for yourself. Get all the best items in the game because you have the cash to spare. Do everything you can to do as little as possible. And by all NOT actually earn the great items you acquire. If this were Diablo 2, you wouldn't be able to pull this nonsense. Bare minimum, you'd have to be power-leveled by a friend, and even then, you'd still have to fight and struggle to get to the endgame content.
Anyway, I mostly play solo, so guys knock yourselves out. Hopefully, some self-found geared toon doesn't ace you and every botter and AH addict in PvP and make all your haaaaaaaaaaaard work seem pointless, ;-)
Considering D3 is purely centered around loot and the gathering of said loot, it defiantly makes it less fun watching people use 4 accounts while only having to try as hard as playing one account by using 1 key stroke for 4 different characters abilities. That's just where I say I draw the line; You can have as many accounts as you want up, but in order to execute commands you should have to switch to each individual account to do so.
I haven't really researched Multiboxing at all. Let me see if I have the gist of it.
He has 4 different Diablo accounts that are all playing together in the same game? He uses a separate program that allows all 4 characters to be controlled by the same mouse and keyboard. So he is getting 4 sets of loot from killing any monster? All he has to do is switch instances to pick up loot if he wants it?
Armory | YouTube | Twitter | Clan Site
Correct. It takes the effort of controlling one character and the payoff is you get 4x the loot, and you kill faster since monster HP isn't doubled per character in the game.
Mind elaborating? What does the error say?
Ha. Bagstone.
Considering D3 is purely centered around loot and the gathering of said loot, it defiantly makes it less fun watching people use 4 accounts while only having to try as hard as playing one account by using 1 key stroke for 4 different characters abilities. That's just where I say I draw the line;
this little part highlighted is kinda vague, i can elaborate a little by saying its not quite "simple" to just push one button and they all do the same thing, unless each toon is the same class and spec. i'll agree that's easy, but the challenge and fun of setting it up and making it work is by playing different classes while multiboxing. I did this in wow to great effect... it was fun as shit, but EXTREMELY difficult to setup and play well.
Armory | YouTube | Twitter | Clan Site
Just don't run 4 SNS wizards. You'll lag out and die on every elite group, or so I hear.
Crusader DPS and EHP Spreadsheet, meant for Crusaders
My Wizard