Don't worry - WoW kids are appealed by the complexity and amount of skill needed to get your items. D3 remains something 'you can teach your grandmother to play in five minutes'. But indeed - if they make it look dark and gray like Doom 3, you don't have to worry that it will appeal to anyone in particular.
That comes across an awful lot like your a WoW player and not particularly enthused by Diablo's world/theme or play style. Which is fine, I have no problem with that at all, but it kind of exemplifies what I mean, and that is that seemingly the people that like it as it is aren't even interested in the original series and the theme they had?
Quote from "Hunter-Wolf" »
Alright, sorry about that
Every single poll on the site here is either balanced between the two sides of the argument or either leaning towards the side that likes the game as it is and wants the game to get finished to buy it as soon as possible.
The results of that last one was almost 80% ( the side that likes the game as it is and wants the game to get finished to buy it as soon as possible ) vs 20% ( the side that says it is cartoony and needs to be remade ), and that says a lot
Uh what? the poll and the top of this very thread is pretty much 60% in favour of it getting changed, thats an awful lot.? and to top that off you pretty much admitted that on your side you have all the people who just want the game ASAP and don't even care what it looks like, so we have 57% being unhappy enough to vote about it and 40% who are a mixture of not caring what it looks like and want it now and those that like the new art direction....
That comes across an awful lot like your a WoW player and not particularly enthused by Diablo's world/theme or play style. Which is fine, I have no problem with that at all, but it kind of exemplifies what I mean, and that is that seemingly the people that like it as it is aren't even interested in the original series and the theme they had?
I probably spent more time in D2 (and still do) than you ever will. And if graphics are EVERYTHING for you, maybe you should be looking for some other game, and not D3.
Even if I was a WoW player, I do not allow that you use the term maliciously. WoW-hating sheep is much worse than ANY conceivable form of WoW-sheep. And it makes me want to puke.
Quote from "Corwyn" »
Uh what? the poll and the top of this very thread is pretty much 60% in favour of it getting changed, thats an awful lot.?
Yes, awful lot of complainers. 7 million D2 fans do not see a reason to join some forum just to complain or sign petitions. They saw what the game looks like, they like it. Just log in to B.Net and enter some games..... Ask ANYONE if they think graphics should be changed.
That comes across an awful lot like your a WoW player and not particularly enthused by Diablo's world/theme or play style. Which is fine, I have no problem with that at all, but it kind of exemplifies what I mean, and that is that seemingly the people that like it as it is aren't even interested in the original series and the theme they had?
Uh what? the poll and the top of this very thread is pretty much 60% in favour of it getting changed, thats an awful lot.?
60% to 40% is quite balanced, but how about this one ?
People that liked what Diablo 3 looked like are not going to sit here and bitch about how its good. People that want it to change are much more vocal. The poll is flawed because of that FACT.
I probably spent more time in D2 (and still do) than you ever will. And if graphics are EVERYTHING for you, maybe you should be looking for some other game, and not D3.
Even if I was a WoW player, I do not allow that you use the term maliciously. WoW-hating sheep is much worse than ANY conceivable form of WoW-sheep. And it makes me want to puke.
Yes, awful lot of complainers. 7 million D2 fans do not see a reason to join some forum just to complain or sign petitions. They saw what the game looks like, they like it. Just log in to B.Net and enter some games..... Ask ANYONE if they think graphics should be changed. People who still play actively are less emo from people who just forum actively.
I don't doubt you have spent more time playing d2 than I, hell I am more of a fan of d1 than d2 anyway. and among a few of my friends who I asked about the trailer, one said it looked a bit too much like WoW, one said "why is it all green" etc. You and I both know that among those "7 million" there will be those who love the graphics, those who don't really care so long as it "looks good" and those that don't like the cartoony nature. You cant argue about people who aren't here, I remember going through some of the d3 forums before any news was released and the countless "omg, what if d3 looked like WoW, could anything worse happen to diablo" type threads. This was an issue before any media was even released.
Hunter, that Poll is hardly going to be very acurate, of course most of this forum is going to buy the game, that has no relation to whether or not they are happy about how it looks.
View Poll Results: Will you buy Diablo 3 if nothing is changed to the visuals?
No. 19 11.73%
Yes. 143 88.27%
I think i don't need to say how much it is leaning towards the side that wants to buy the game even if nothing is changed, because they like Diablo.
No where near the amount of people have voted on that poll as this one, perhaps because noone has seen or bothered to vote on it (I hadn't even heard of that poll until now). The other polls on the site are not as credible as this one is because this one is deemed 'official' while the others are not.
This thread's poll, as well as the petition, are the only real ones that count.
I was so for this art direction and argued with many others in different forums defending it. When I heard of this petition, I thought it was pointless. As I began looking at the latest comparisons, I realised that many people were right.
The color pallettes are mostly to blame, the lighting following behind. Lets talk dungeon floors. I've noticed the purple and baby blue like tone the floors have. This isn't Disneyland. Now we move on to the rainbows. Lets get real here, we definitely need to get rid of them before leprechauns make an appearance.:rolleyes:
That doesn't have anything to do with art style. I would prefer more sinister, realistic world in Diablo3 but I would also still buy the game as it is. The only reason we want graphics to get gritty is because the game will feel more like Diablo games and not Dungeon Siege or Titan Quest.
I have proved several time that the changes people want is what's going to make it look like TQ and DS, not the other way around.
And if you want to see those pics i'll post them if you want.
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"This place is thick with the stench of ghouls"
Said the Barbarian before proceeding to slaughter everyone
You've proved nothing; you've offered your opinion, nothing more.
Pictures speak for themselves really.
No one would Want D3 to look like every freaking generic 3d hack and slash clone out there, they are all NOT stylized and ALL look like each other.
Don't you see how all the pics look almost the same, know why ?
Even though they are both from two different games they are both REALISTIC, DARK and BORING With no MOOD OR AMBIENT COLORS, No Diablo Fan Would Want DIABLO 3 to look this GENERIC and BLAND.
It is really insulting to the Dev team to think they just made up the new D3 look while playing hockey or something ( because that's how you make it look like with all those "let us show you how it should look like" pics )
They studied other games and studied D1 and D2, and surely know about the competition out there at the market better than any of us dobecause that's their job ( and that's why they want it to look unique and different ), and that's why i'm asking people to stop complaining for a while and trust the company more than that if they really call themselves Blizz fans.
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"This place is thick with the stench of ghouls"
Said the Barbarian before proceeding to slaughter everyone
Ok, someone just ban him, thats probably the tenth EXACT SAME HUGE POST that he made. I have enough of it.
And you are yet to say anything useful yourself, quite interesting really
I see so that's being objective and debating :rolleyes:
Care to explain to me, what exactly you don't like about D3 looks, but before you do please be objective about it and pls have some sort of proof with you because that's how debates work, talking about the subject ( D1 or D2 or D3 or WoW or any other franchise ) from the memory is nothing but Nostalgia.
No, they don't. It's easy to manipulate images to resemble what you want them to. So again, you've offered nothing but your opinion.
Quote from "RDNZL" »
It is clear who is manipulating images i guess :rolleyes:
The pics i posted are not manipulated, you can find them easily if you use Google, and any one who PLAYED TQ and DS2 can confirm that.
No-one is saying we want Diablo III to be another generic 3D hack-and-slash RPG, stop making things up.
That's exactly what will happen if they do what you are asking for, the petition cearly states that you want it DARK, and REALISTIC, and that's hwow all generic H&S games look like now
Please, for the love of God, someone ban him; he's just repeating himself over and over again, continually insulting us and generally cluttering up this thread.
I'm merely responding to your opinions, so i guess i'm not the one repeating myself, all itired was to provide some visual clear reason to why Blizz took that move, that's all, you are the one who is overrecting.
Stop speaking as if everyone shares your opinion! Jesus Christ, this is so infuriating! Dark and realistic atmospheres aren't always boring, colourless and moodless; go play Diablo and you'll see how exciting and colourful they can be. Stop speaking for Diablo fans across the globe, not all Diablo fans share your opinion!
Please, for the love of God, someone ban him; he's just repeating himself over and over again, continually insulting us and generally cluttering up this thread.
The polls show clearly i'm not the only one who is supporting Blizz on the decision, so i'm clearly speaking for the 355 people in the poll here at least because that's what the topic is about.
Besides, if the majority of the fans like the game they won't bother to talk about that, you are simply making it look like the whole world hates the new Diablo 3 look, and that's not the case.
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"This place is thick with the stench of ghouls"
Said the Barbarian before proceeding to slaughter everyone
Things that literally make me sad every time I see them:
1. The look of the "ramparts" of the railing that Barbarian follows within the dungeon, those infuriating, perfectly Platonically pyramidal blocks
2. The pillar that the Thousand Pounder destroys in his summoning, this combine with the general "cleanliness" of everything
3. The fact that everything somehow seems blurred and smeared when I look at it in high resolution, that I can't really focus on any one thing
4. The general look of floor textures within the dungeon, as well as the lighting effects within it
5. The comic look of the character models, like the oversized shoulder pads or the fact that the Barbarian's muscles seem to be drawn on, rather than a physical part of himself
6. The lack of a metallic glint on the armor or sword of the characters, it gives the feeling of a watercolor painting..very different from Diablo's grittiness
PS: If MFing for loot involved searching for epic items that look akin to the maul that the Barbarian handles, or his incredibly cheesy enchanted axes, I could never do it. And that's like 50% of the fun of DIII right there.
Actually, he took your entire argument apart, bit-by-bit, on the previous page. Also, he can't be objective about it, seeing as it's all just differing opinions; that's why your argument fails on so many levels, this entire debate is subjective.
There shouldn't be a debate. You don't tell Blizzard how to make a game.
DSII Had as many dark and dreary atmosphears as i did light and happy, the desert and jungle areas were not the dark and dreary that you show here. Personaly the reason i dont like DS is the controls. thats it. but you also understand something.... DS does not look like wow. It is its own style of artistry... inspired by Diablo.
The Styles of Diablo III can be seen in Warcraft (Just not WOW but also WCIII) Upon looking at the barb screen shots and the warrior screen shots i realized that the environment looks the exact same. the stones looked the exact same. the railings looked the exact same. this poses a problem for me personaly. This umong a myriod of others have noticed. Now dont get me wrong i understand not everyone shareing the same opinion. However at least in here, more see the reseblence.
The argument goes that D3 is in 3D... hence it looks like wow. Please people there are so many 3D games that look nothing like wow in character design and in environmental design. The flaw is not in the 3D element that looks wonderfuly, the flaw is that at present with the elements created thus far. The design they have given us looks to heavily influenced by the wrong source. Colorful with dreary.. thats fine. just not Warcraft colorful please.
I dont want torches that burn red... and the dungeon looking like the torch burns green. (like in wow)
and yes... this is my opinion, listen to it... or ignore it, it is both your and blizzards right. freedom of speech. gota love it... or hate it.
So what you are saying, you hate if D3 looks like WoW, but you don't mind if it looks exactly like some other game? Since if they would drop the stylized look, the game would look exactly like EVERY OTHER SINGLE HACK&SLASH IN EXISTENCE.
And by the way, it doesn't look like WoW. Not that WoW is something bad or whatever, it just doesn't. If this forum had more Diablo fans, when someone would dare to compare D3 with WoW, everyone would be saying 'OMG you did NOT just compare D3 to WoW -.-'. Alas, it's not happening. Emos.
Hold on a minute, are you actually trying to tell me that I am not allowed to discuss Diablo III on a Diablo fan-site? What are you freakin' kidding me? Seriously, please, someone ban these people.
You should be banned for pissing on my D3. If I met you in real life I would punch you so hard that you would forget about your WoW obsession and you would stop seeing WoW everywhere.
You should be banned for pissing on my D3. If I met you in real life I would punch you so hard that you would forget about your WoW obsession and you would stop seeing WoW everywhere.
I would shit on your funky ass you'd feel differently about talking shit on a message board, you dumbass wanker. Go take your e-thug personality somewhere else because you're a pampered white-boy who's never met a real one.
Let's just say 3 pictures say more than a thousand words.
3) Not dark enough
Diablo 1 and 2 weren't much darker. Check the upper 3 screenshots.
On the exterior: It's not cause there's a skeleton running around on a grassy field that the picture should suddenly become black and white. There is no sane brain that thinks black grass is realistic. Also note that it's clearly the MIDDLE of a sunny day and not night at all. We don't know how dark the night will look and daytime should be bright. Saying a rainbow doesn't fit in the diablo universe is extremely nitpicking. Also note how it's been said that diablo 3 will be a world game, not a pure dungeon crawler. The world happens to have green grass, is there anything bad with that? Perhaps you guys should go outside more often and look at the colour of grass and trees...
The dungeons themselves are quite dark. Making them any darker as suggested in one of those bad ugly attempts of you makes the dungeon look:
- Undetailed: You simply can't see anything anymore. 90% of the detail is gone
- Unoriginal: black is black, there's no variety to it. I'd like to see more than 1 type of dungeon in a partly dungeoncrawl game.
- Unplayable: nobody can play a game that looks black. It's both unplayable on gameplay and unplayable as it's too much of a burden on your eyes. And it burns my eyes, seeing those "suggestions", as you'd call them.
4) not gothic enough
"The term “Gothic painting” usually means the church painting of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, with its characteristic flat perspective, bright colors, use of gold leaf, and the typical religious subject matter (divine figures are often shown sporting a flat gold circle around their heads, for example). Eighteenth-century Gothic painting could either imitate this style (especially in the medium of stained glass) or choose as subject matter a Gothic building or Gothic ruin. In the latter kinds of paintings, there is also often a gloomy or threatening tone or subject matter that can be called Gothic."
Bright colours, use of gold leaf, ...
Let's just say that you're hurting your stance on the matter more than doing good by saying it doesn't look gothic enough. The dungeon itself clearly has large gothic influences, larger than anything seen in the previous games.
Black is a colour that doesn't occur in nature. If a dungeon is made out of stone, it's most likely to be blue-ish. Yellow light on blue environment explains the green look of parts of the dungeon.
Also, if you actually would've looked at the screenshots you clearly see how lightsources have a large influence on the look of the dungeon. That's what you want, right? As a sidenote to that: previous games didn't have such clear differences from lightsources. Look at the dungeon screenshot in this message: the borders are clearly dark, but there is strong light emmiting from the firebolts as well as less strong light from the candles. There was no such thing in diablo.
If you're honest to yourself: the exaggerated parts aren't that exaggerated and definitely not as exaggerated as in WoW. As a sidenote to that, let's have a look at the model that was used to render the Barbarian sprites in diablo 2.
The shoulderpad alone is almost twice as large as the head. Besides, it's perhaps quite typical to the barbarian class that they have bulkier equipment.
Look at the WoW comparison, then try again. As a note to the oversized decorations: where? I mean, would you point that out to me please? I can't see any oversized braziers, and a statue can't really BE oversized per definition.
7) The game is about dungeons
Dungeons will certainly play a big part in diablo 3, and the dungeon we've seen so far has a dark dungeon-y feel to it.
Nevertheless, diablo 3 will be a world-rpg, which a heavy focus on the exteriors as well. I don't want to be playing in a forest as if I'm playing in a dungeon with black trees. I really don't. I.. Truly... don't.
If you use your brain, you can't possibly disagree on these arguments, because it is simply like that. End of the story. If you disagree, you're being ignorant.
If you use your heart, look DEEP into it. You can't possibly want a game that looks black... You can't POSSIBLY want a game with exteriors that all look like this abonimation, can you
Look deep into your heart... Does that look diablo 2 like? Does that look like it's made in the middle of the day? Does that even look good at any time of the day? The top right screenshot here almost looks like a graveyard... Now if it would be a graveyard haunted with zombies, it'd look perfect, but it's a freaking open spot in nature with some ancient ruins, how the hell can it look like that...
You can't make an intelligent argument with the complainers. Best you can do is insult them. They are so filled with their WoW-hatred that they cannot even read your post.
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That comes across an awful lot like your a WoW player and not particularly enthused by Diablo's world/theme or play style. Which is fine, I have no problem with that at all, but it kind of exemplifies what I mean, and that is that seemingly the people that like it as it is aren't even interested in the original series and the theme they had?
Uh what? the poll and the top of this very thread is pretty much 60% in favour of it getting changed, thats an awful lot.? and to top that off you pretty much admitted that on your side you have all the people who just want the game ASAP and don't even care what it looks like, so we have 57% being unhappy enough to vote about it and 40% who are a mixture of not caring what it looks like and want it now and those that like the new art direction....
Even if I was a WoW player, I do not allow that you use the term maliciously. WoW-hating sheep is much worse than ANY conceivable form of WoW-sheep. And it makes me want to puke.
Yes, awful lot of complainers. 7 million D2 fans do not see a reason to join some forum just to complain or sign petitions. They saw what the game looks like, they like it. Just log in to B.Net and enter some games..... Ask ANYONE if they think graphics should be changed.
60% to 40% is quite balanced, but how about this one ?
View Poll Results: Will you buy Diablo 3 if nothing is changed to the visuals?
No. 19 11.73%
Yes. 143 88.27%
I think i don't need to say how much it is leaning towards the side that wants to buy the game even if nothing is changed, because they like Diablo.
Said the Barbarian before proceeding to slaughter everyone
Fuck you, I'm a dragon.
I don't doubt you have spent more time playing d2 than I, hell I am more of a fan of d1 than d2 anyway. and among a few of my friends who I asked about the trailer, one said it looked a bit too much like WoW, one said "why is it all green" etc. You and I both know that among those "7 million" there will be those who love the graphics, those who don't really care so long as it "looks good" and those that don't like the cartoony nature. You cant argue about people who aren't here, I remember going through some of the d3 forums before any news was released and the countless "omg, what if d3 looked like WoW, could anything worse happen to diablo" type threads. This was an issue before any media was even released.
Hunter, that Poll is hardly going to be very acurate, of course most of this forum is going to buy the game, that has no relation to whether or not they are happy about how it looks.
I would buy it even though its not diablo!play as GOW!
but you know what,I think I will soon be tired...
No where near the amount of people have voted on that poll as this one, perhaps because noone has seen or bothered to vote on it (I hadn't even heard of that poll until now). The other polls on the site are not as credible as this one is because this one is deemed 'official' while the others are not.
This thread's poll, as well as the petition, are the only real ones that count.
The color pallettes are mostly to blame, the lighting following behind. Lets talk dungeon floors. I've noticed the purple and baby blue like tone the floors have. This isn't Disneyland. Now we move on to the rainbows. Lets get real here, we definitely need to get rid of them before leprechauns make an appearance.:rolleyes:
Fuck you, I'm a dragon.
I have proved several time that the changes people want is what's going to make it look like TQ and DS, not the other way around.
And if you want to see those pics i'll post them if you want.
Said the Barbarian before proceeding to slaughter everyone
Also, seriously... which game d3 inspired by more
Pictures speak for themselves really.
No one would Want D3 to look like every freaking generic 3d hack and slash clone out there, they are all NOT stylized and ALL look like each other.
Don't you see how all the pics look almost the same, know why ?
Even though they are both from two different games they are both REALISTIC, DARK and BORING With no MOOD OR AMBIENT COLORS, No Diablo Fan Would Want DIABLO 3 to look this GENERIC and BLAND.
It is really insulting to the Dev team to think they just made up the new D3 look while playing hockey or something ( because that's how you make it look like with all those "let us show you how it should look like" pics )
They studied other games and studied D1 and D2, and surely know about the competition out there at the market better than any of us do because that's their job ( and that's why they want it to look unique and different ), and that's why i'm asking people to stop complaining for a while and trust the company more than that if they really call themselves Blizz fans.
Said the Barbarian before proceeding to slaughter everyone
And you are yet to say anything useful yourself, quite interesting really
I see so that's being objective and debating :rolleyes:
Care to explain to me, what exactly you don't like about D3 looks, but before you do please be objective about it and pls have some sort of proof with you because that's how debates work, talking about the subject ( D1 or D2 or D3 or WoW or any other franchise ) from the memory is nothing but Nostalgia.
It is clear who is manipulating images i guess :rolleyes:
The pics i posted are not manipulated, you can find them easily if you use Google, and any one who PLAYED TQ and DS2 can confirm that.
That's exactly what will happen if they do what you are asking for, the petition cearly states that you want it DARK, and REALISTIC, and that's hwow all generic H&S games look like now
I'm merely responding to your opinions, so i guess i'm not the one repeating myself, all itired was to provide some visual clear reason to why Blizz took that move, that's all, you are the one who is overrecting.
The polls show clearly i'm not the only one who is supporting Blizz on the decision, so i'm clearly speaking for the 355 people in the poll here at least because that's what the topic is about.
Besides, if the majority of the fans like the game they won't bother to talk about that, you are simply making it look like the whole world hates the new Diablo 3 look, and that's not the case.
Said the Barbarian before proceeding to slaughter everyone
1. The look of the "ramparts" of the railing that Barbarian follows within the dungeon, those infuriating, perfectly Platonically pyramidal blocks
2. The pillar that the Thousand Pounder destroys in his summoning, this combine with the general "cleanliness" of everything
3. The fact that everything somehow seems blurred and smeared when I look at it in high resolution, that I can't really focus on any one thing
4. The general look of floor textures within the dungeon, as well as the lighting effects within it
5. The comic look of the character models, like the oversized shoulder pads or the fact that the Barbarian's muscles seem to be drawn on, rather than a physical part of himself
6. The lack of a metallic glint on the armor or sword of the characters, it gives the feeling of a watercolor painting..very different from Diablo's grittiness
PS: If MFing for loot involved searching for epic items that look akin to the maul that the Barbarian handles, or his incredibly cheesy enchanted axes, I could never do it. And that's like 50% of the fun of DIII right there.
The Styles of Diablo III can be seen in Warcraft (Just not WOW but also WCIII) Upon looking at the barb screen shots and the warrior screen shots i realized that the environment looks the exact same. the stones looked the exact same. the railings looked the exact same. this poses a problem for me personaly. This umong a myriod of others have noticed. Now dont get me wrong i understand not everyone shareing the same opinion. However at least in here, more see the reseblence.
The argument goes that D3 is in 3D... hence it looks like wow. Please people there are so many 3D games that look nothing like wow in character design and in environmental design. The flaw is not in the 3D element that looks wonderfuly, the flaw is that at present with the elements created thus far. The design they have given us looks to heavily influenced by the wrong source. Colorful with dreary.. thats fine. just not Warcraft colorful please.
I dont want torches that burn red... and the dungeon looking like the torch burns green. (like in wow)
and yes... this is my opinion, listen to it... or ignore it, it is both your and blizzards right. freedom of speech. gota love it... or hate it.
And by the way, it doesn't look like WoW. Not that WoW is something bad or whatever, it just doesn't. If this forum had more Diablo fans, when someone would dare to compare D3 with WoW, everyone would be saying 'OMG you did NOT just compare D3 to WoW -.-'. Alas, it's not happening. Emos.
I would shit on your funky ass you'd feel differently about talking shit on a message board, you dumbass wanker. Go take your e-thug personality somewhere else because you're a pampered white-boy who's never met a real one.
You can't make an intelligent argument with the complainers. Best you can do is insult them. They are so filled with their WoW-hatred that they cannot even read your post.