If you compare D2 and D3 artistically and graphicly you'll notice there is not much difference and D2 also did have many bright places and 10x more cartoony monsters.
For example look at the fallen, fallen shaman(cartoony red), zombie(cartoonish brownish), skeleton(cartoony yellow and red shoulderpads), wraith(colorful and strong blue), leaper(greeny, rubber looking), maggots(cartoony orange, not realistic), swarm(strong red dots), slinger(redish cartoony), fetish shaman(cartoony and strong green), frog demon (very strong red, cartoony), tenticle (cartoony red-brownish), etc......
D3 is not cartoony at all or compared to D2 its 100x times more realistic.
As far as the outside jungle level we saw in the demo its a bit bright but its clearly a day time, its 20 years from diablo 2 events so evil is not that spread and things have started to come back to normal but you can also see the difference when rain starts to fall, thunder storms and lightning strikes and as the demo goes more it starts to get night time and you see the level darkening a lot.
So instead of going through constant dark, now the mood changes and there is more contrast to show the difference.
edited out potential flame ~ Atrumentis
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Diablo 3 is graphically and artistically great, there needs to be variety in the game, instead of only plain and dark areas!
+Wouldn't it be better and more interesting if from a sunny beautiful day, mist starts covering the screen, rain starts falling, thunders and lightning striking and it starts to darken, instead of constant dark!?
I did watch all the interviews and Art panels and also have a very high-res version of the gameplay vid that i watched many times.
And i have to say everything they are aiming for makes sense and is wonderfully realsied in the demo they showed, if the game is released tomorrow i wouldn't mind buying it at its current state even without any poilish.
took out potential flaming sentence ~ Atrumentis
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"This place is thick with the stench of ghouls"
Said the Barbarian before proceeding to slaughter everyone
first off your powertripping harder than george bush.
second off please go back and revise for round two because like pointed out before you are only deleting the posts biased and leaning towards the side of reform on art style and graphics.'
I am not the only one to flame or post obscenity. Please take into account.
First I'd like to thank Atrumentis for deleting countless posts. Hats off to you!
Second I would like to censor myself, acting politically correct validating my posts.
In my opinion Blizzard needs to listen to the greater of the fans, what it comes down to is: Do the greater of the people want a World of Warcraft feel... If they do so be it.
I hate to think of it this way but heres a point made "guess my point is this...Blizzard is trying to stay true to the franchise, as much as they can. They want to keep as many Diablo fans as they can. But there is a whole new generation or demographic of gamer they are trying to bring in to the game as well. People that are accustomed to a...for lack of a better phrase...more modern and up to date look. It is a business after all. For every hardcore Diablo fan they lose, and I hope they don'y lose any, there will be three to take their place. Like it or not, Blizzard knows what they are doing or rather, what they want to do. They aren't as successful as they are for nothing."
It sickens me to think that Blizzard could care less about the fans that got them where they are in the first place, but after all it is money..
Its starting to look alot like a political backstabbing party. Their greed has developed a entrepreneur of a game, even releasing it the way it is.. I am confident it will rake in the money.
as for my 2c.
I would like them to revise the glowing weapons, the icon inventory, the glowy pastel painting of art or graphics, and the general feel. As is it is Not diablo
As far as im concerned its what the mass wants and +20k people who signed a petition, well thats a whole lot of people for blizzard not to sit and think about.
I voted Needs more work. From an art perspective. Like most here. I hope for darker aspects to D3.
And I did notice that objects within the game were kind of blocky. Examples are the candels, the chairs(the round part), and most round objects are really blocky like the art style used in wow. Now gfx has improved alot... no reason for them to keep doing that. Clear example would be titan quest and any other recent games. Blizz, PLZ LOOSE THE BLOCKY ITEMS AND TAKE ON A REALISTIC art direction!! PLZ.
If the petition reaches 100.000 signatures than it might have some merit to it, otherwise who can say that most of the people didn't voted several times with multiple email addresses and that there aren't some spam bots adding hundreds of signs.
Not to mention that some people vote just out of nostalgia, without properly analyzing the art style and what is the way of improving it.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Diablo 3 is graphically and artistically great, there needs to be variety in the game, instead of only plain and dark areas!
+Wouldn't it be better and more interesting if from a sunny beautiful day, mist starts covering the screen, rain starts falling, thunders and lightning striking and it starts to darken, instead of constant dark!?
In my opinion Blizzard needs to listen to the greater of the fans, what it comes down to is: Do the greater of the people want a World of Warcraft feel... If they do so be it.
Games are not a democracy, games are a vision and choice of the game creator, you are not part of the Dev team and you don't own shares in the company to tell them what they need to do, fans think to higly of themsleves these days, if you like the game you buy it, if you don't then just don't buy it, it is an open market, simple as that, and it works with all other comapnies.
I hate to think of it this way but heres a point made "guess my point is this...Blizzard is trying to stay true to the franchise, as much as they can. They want to keep as many Diablo fans as they can. But there is a whole new generation or demographic of gamer they are trying to bring in to the game as well. People that are accustomed to a...for lack of a better phrase...more modern and up to date look. It is a business after all. For every hardcore Diablo fan they lose, and I hope they don't lose any, there will be three to take their place. Like it or not, Blizzard knows what they are doing or rather, what they want to do. They aren't as successful as they are for nothing."
Many other companies are successful without listening to their fans as much as Blizz do, and i have to say with the reaction many people made that Blizz was better off doing like other companies ( 99% ) and relsesing the game when it is done without showing us anything in the alpha stage of development.
Blizz is an exception and people are starting to take it for granted, this will soon backfire at us, they might stop listening and releasing any news about their games like everybody else does.
Judging from Diablo sales ( in millions ) that number is a minority not a majority really, all those satisfied with the new Diablo 3 are the ones you don't hear
Hope nobody is offended by this, i tried to be as civil as i can even when i'm steaming on the inside :rolleyes:
sorry, it still had some flame potential. ~ Atrumentis
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"This place is thick with the stench of ghouls"
Said the Barbarian before proceeding to slaughter everyone
I don't have anything against the bright colors that are used. If you play through D2, you'll notice that most of it is not dark at all, especially the outdoor zones in Act 2, 3 and 5. There's nothing wrong with a variety of bright colors, its far more pleasant to look at, and I would say it more accurately depicts the world of Sanctuary (at least the exterior).
Color is good for contrast, the game wouldn't me fun if everything is just awash with gray. And that isn't remotely close to how the previous Diablo games looked. Although the dungeons would probably benefit from a darker artstyle like the previous games, the outdoor zones don't need to be changed. Also, Diablo never had a gothic artstyle, none of the 5 acts in D2, except a few parts of Act 1 could be even considered gothic at all.
With that said, the light radius definitely must return, at least for dungeons (I don't think its necessary for the outdoor zones, but I wouldn't mind if they had a light radius too). It sets the atmosphere for dungeons very well. Although, I understand that a light radius would be a feature that would probably be better to add near the end of development, but it must be there.
However, I don't like how corpses, blood, and the destructible environment fades in about 30 seconds. This hinders the immersion of the game. In D1, corpses and blood never decayed, and in D2 they decayed after a long time, but in D3 they decay almost immediately.At the very least, make it an option to have no decay, if the concern is the system requirements. There's nothing like going back to see the bloody floor littered with corpses, and the carnage you just unleashed. Decay makes the game world far too clean, it should be messy and bloody, like the previous Diablo games, and the 30 second decay timer in D3 is just dumb. This is the most important issue I have with D3 at the moment.
Also, I do feel that the graphics are cartoony. Armor shouldn't be too large or be out of proportion, and some of the textures, such as that lion statue of the stairs that everyone keeps pointing to looks out of place in the Diablo universe. These are some examples where some more realism isn't a bad thing. Just follow the artstyle of D2.
Games are not a democracy, games are a vision and choice of the game creator, you are not part of the Dev team and you don't own shares in the company to tell them what they need to do, fans think to higly of themsleves these days, if you like the game you buy it, if you don't then just don't buy it, it is an open market, simple as that, and it works with all other comapnies.
I don't know where you got this idea. We buy the games, we advise the content. Therefore it is a democracy. They listen..
Many other companies are successful without listening to their fans as much as Blizz do, and i have to say with the reaction many people made that Blizz was better off doing like other companies ( 99% ) and releasing the game when it is done without showing us anything in the alpha stage of development.
I would have to disagree with you on this one, I don't know of one gaming franchise as big as blizzard and as successful, just my opinion. Other companies do not apply because of different circumstances.
Blizz is an exception and people are starting to take it for granted, this will soon backfire at us, they might stop listening and releasing any news about their games like eveybody else does.
this is a very paranoia influenced hypothesis, but highly highly unlikely.
I don't know where you got this idea. We buy the games, we advise the content. Therefore it is a democracy. They listen..
Most companies don't give a damn about complaints, there is no democracy in business and art which is all making games is about, that's a fact, if you don't like the Monaliza don't look at it, if you don't like our product don't buy it, that's how the open world works.
I would have to disagree with you on this one, I don't know of one gaming franchise as big as blizzard and as successful, just my opinion. Other companies do not apply because of different circumstances.
To your surprise there are many, and if each of them listened to all the complaints they get they wouldn't have sold any thing, again, Blizz is clearly an exception, the only exception.
Try doing that with Squaresoft, or Namco, or Ritual, it just won't work.
this is a very paranoia influenced hypothesis, but highly highly unlikely.
Paranoia you say, not really, enough they didn't react to all the out crying nor do they have anyone at the Bnet D3 forums to reply to people like they do in the SC2 one, that gives a clear sign they don't care, at least now.
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"This place is thick with the stench of ghouls"
Said the Barbarian before proceeding to slaughter everyone
I don't respect your post enough to read all of it because the beginning made me laugh.
Mona Liza has nothing to do with diablo 3, and if you'd like to compare that then correct me if im wrong but it took years and years for people to finally respect the mona liza.. haha
also no the world doesn't quite work like dont like it don't buy it... Plenty of exceptions. For instance Gas and so on...
and then on the second part i kinda didn't care enough to read it but you referred some company's that of which I barely have heard of basically because they suck. Blizzard is so huge because of what they produce and how they produce... They have mass appeal... FROM LISTENING TO THE CUSTOMER. The others just produce and its solely based upon luck if they make the money.
I respect you timmen for being respectful toward me.
I understand where your coming from, but honestly. I am/was a diehard fan of diablo 2.. Friends and I have shared countless fun nights on d2
I would like to revive that feeling with d3 which is why I am concerned and so loony.
I think people should stop comparing the screenshots. Screenshots look nothing like full-motion gameplay. Take a deep breathe and imagine how crappy everything would look if they made everything dark and grayscale, but in full motion, as you watch the gameplay trailer. There's a screenshot of the colorful outdoor area, but a minute later, day almost turns into an evening or even night, and when they fight that last boss shown, it's pretty dark. Imagine how it would look if it was constantly like that, or even worse, like those photoshops? If there was no contrast at all, the game will look like a turd. 6.5 million people who played D2, didn't come and complain. So I think some people here should shut up and look some more at the trailer, before they give Blizz some ideas.
You guys are unbelievable. I didn't know it would come to terms that some forum kiddies will control how my D3 will look like. And it's mostly WoW-hating, paranoid sheep, who hate WoW simply because they can't play it (pay for it, for one reason or another) and think everything in D3 resembles WoW, even though they never played WoW for real, and the accusations don't stand because D3 doesn't resemble anything from WoW even the slightest. Shame on you all.
I signed it and I downloaded the high def video in the hopes that I was worrying over nothing and the blurry watercolor and/or cell shaded look was being made to look worse due to compression. Sadly this is not the case.
As for nostalgia, Why the hell should Blizzard make a SEQUEL to appeal to a bunch of kids looking for WoW with different gameplay as opposed to those who loved the previous games and the setting?
Don't worry - WoW kids are appealed by the complexity and amount of skill needed to get your items. D3 remains something 'you can teach your grandmother to play in five minutes'. But indeed - if they make it look dark and gray like Doom 3, you don't have to worry that it will appeal to anyone in particular.
Guys, please. Blizzard politics are bit off topic here, and your posts are just full of flame anyway.
Remember, the easiest way to tell if your post consists of flame is when you start typing 'you' and 'your' a lot.
Also, opinions are just getting repeated over and over. Can anyone come up with a new angle on the art design to talk about?
Alright, sorry about that
Every single poll on the site here is either balanced between the two sides of the argument or either leaning towards the side that likes the game as it is and wants the game to get finished to buy it as soon as possible.
The results of that last one was almost 80% ( the side that likes the game as it is and wants the game to get finished to buy it as soon as possible ) vs 20% ( the side that says it is cartoony and needs to be remade ), and that says a lot :cool:
View Poll Results: Will you buy Diablo 3 if nothing is changed to the visuals? No. 19 11.73% Yes. 143 88.27%
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"This place is thick with the stench of ghouls"
Said the Barbarian before proceeding to slaughter everyone
For example look at the fallen, fallen shaman(cartoony red), zombie(cartoonish brownish), skeleton(cartoony yellow and red shoulderpads), wraith(colorful and strong blue), leaper(greeny, rubber looking), maggots(cartoony orange, not realistic), swarm(strong red dots), slinger(redish cartoony), fetish shaman(cartoony and strong green), frog demon (very strong red, cartoony), tenticle (cartoony red-brownish), etc......
D3 is not cartoony at all or compared to D2 its 100x times more realistic.
As far as the outside jungle level we saw in the demo its a bit bright but its clearly a day time, its 20 years from diablo 2 events so evil is not that spread and things have started to come back to normal but you can also see the difference when rain starts to fall, thunder storms and lightning strikes and as the demo goes more it starts to get night time and you see the level darkening a lot.
So instead of going through constant dark, now the mood changes and there is more contrast to show the difference.
edited out potential flame ~ Atrumentis
Diablo 3 is graphically and artistically great, there needs to be variety in the game, instead of only plain and dark areas!
+Wouldn't it be better and more interesting if from a sunny beautiful day, mist starts covering the screen, rain starts falling, thunders and lightning striking and it starts to darken, instead of constant dark!?
And i have to say everything they are aiming for makes sense and is wonderfully realsied in the demo they showed, if the game is released tomorrow i wouldn't mind buying it at its current state even without any poilish.
took out potential flaming sentence ~ Atrumentis
Said the Barbarian before proceeding to slaughter everyone
that is sad because my point was well put and they are afraid of change.
Please do not flame or spam this thread. If you want your opinion heard, say it nicely and keep it to the point.
Edit: Thank you, Dominant. Very much appreciated
this is foolish and childish now please stop
second off please go back and revise for round two because like pointed out before you are only deleting the posts biased and leaning towards the side of reform on art style and graphics.'
I am not the only one to flame or post obscenity. Please take into account.
Second I would like to censor myself, acting politically correct validating my posts.
In my opinion Blizzard needs to listen to the greater of the fans, what it comes down to is: Do the greater of the people want a World of Warcraft feel... If they do so be it.
I hate to think of it this way but heres a point made "guess my point is this...Blizzard is trying to stay true to the franchise, as much as they can. They want to keep as many Diablo fans as they can. But there is a whole new generation or demographic of gamer they are trying to bring in to the game as well. People that are accustomed to a...for lack of a better phrase...more modern and up to date look. It is a business after all. For every hardcore Diablo fan they lose, and I hope they don'y lose any, there will be three to take their place. Like it or not, Blizzard knows what they are doing or rather, what they want to do. They aren't as successful as they are for nothing."
It sickens me to think that Blizzard could care less about the fans that got them where they are in the first place, but after all it is money..
Its starting to look alot like a political backstabbing party. Their greed has developed a entrepreneur of a game, even releasing it the way it is.. I am confident it will rake in the money.
as for my 2c.
I would like them to revise the glowing weapons, the icon inventory, the glowy pastel painting of art or graphics, and the general feel. As is it is Not diablo
As far as im concerned its what the mass wants and +20k people who signed a petition, well thats a whole lot of people for blizzard not to sit and think about.
sincerely, Josh
And I did notice that objects within the game were kind of blocky. Examples are the candels, the chairs(the round part), and most round objects are really blocky like the art style used in wow. Now gfx has improved alot... no reason for them to keep doing that. Clear example would be titan quest and any other recent games. Blizz, PLZ LOOSE THE BLOCKY ITEMS AND TAKE ON A REALISTIC art direction!! PLZ.
Not to mention that some people vote just out of nostalgia, without properly analyzing the art style and what is the way of improving it.
Diablo 3 is graphically and artistically great, there needs to be variety in the game, instead of only plain and dark areas!
+Wouldn't it be better and more interesting if from a sunny beautiful day, mist starts covering the screen, rain starts falling, thunders and lightning striking and it starts to darken, instead of constant dark!?
Games are not a democracy, games are a vision and choice of the game creator, you are not part of the Dev team and you don't own shares in the company to tell them what they need to do, fans think to higly of themsleves these days, if you like the game you buy it, if you don't then just don't buy it, it is an open market, simple as that, and it works with all other comapnies.
Many other companies are successful without listening to their fans as much as Blizz do, and i have to say with the reaction many people made that Blizz was better off doing like other companies ( 99% ) and relsesing the game when it is done without showing us anything in the alpha stage of development.
Blizz is an exception and people are starting to take it for granted, this will soon backfire at us, they might stop listening and releasing any news about their games like everybody else does.
Judging from Diablo sales ( in millions ) that number is a minority not a majority really, all those satisfied with the new Diablo 3 are the ones you don't hear
Hope nobody is offended by this, i tried to be as civil as i can even when i'm steaming on the inside :rolleyes:
sorry, it still had some flame potential. ~ Atrumentis
Said the Barbarian before proceeding to slaughter everyone
Color is good for contrast, the game wouldn't me fun if everything is just awash with gray. And that isn't remotely close to how the previous Diablo games looked. Although the dungeons would probably benefit from a darker artstyle like the previous games, the outdoor zones don't need to be changed. Also, Diablo never had a gothic artstyle, none of the 5 acts in D2, except a few parts of Act 1 could be even considered gothic at all.
With that said, the light radius definitely must return, at least for dungeons (I don't think its necessary for the outdoor zones, but I wouldn't mind if they had a light radius too). It sets the atmosphere for dungeons very well. Although, I understand that a light radius would be a feature that would probably be better to add near the end of development, but it must be there.
However, I don't like how corpses, blood, and the destructible environment fades in about 30 seconds. This hinders the immersion of the game. In D1, corpses and blood never decayed, and in D2 they decayed after a long time, but in D3 they decay almost immediately.At the very least, make it an option to have no decay, if the concern is the system requirements. There's nothing like going back to see the bloody floor littered with corpses, and the carnage you just unleashed. Decay makes the game world far too clean, it should be messy and bloody, like the previous Diablo games, and the 30 second decay timer in D3 is just dumb. This is the most important issue I have with D3 at the moment.
Also, I do feel that the graphics are cartoony. Armor shouldn't be too large or be out of proportion, and some of the textures, such as that lion statue of the stairs that everyone keeps pointing to looks out of place in the Diablo universe. These are some examples where some more realism isn't a bad thing. Just follow the artstyle of D2.
I would have to disagree with you on this one, I don't know of one gaming franchise as big as blizzard and as successful, just my opinion. Other companies do not apply because of different circumstances.
this is a very paranoia influenced hypothesis, but highly highly unlikely.
~ Atru
Most companies don't give a damn about complaints, there is no democracy in business and art which is all making games is about, that's a fact, if you don't like the Monaliza don't look at it, if you don't like our product don't buy it, that's how the open world works.
To your surprise there are many, and if each of them listened to all the complaints they get they wouldn't have sold any thing, again, Blizz is clearly an exception, the only exception.
Try doing that with Squaresoft, or Namco, or Ritual, it just won't work.
Paranoia you say, not really, enough they didn't react to all the out crying nor do they have anyone at the Bnet D3 forums to reply to people like they do in the SC2 one, that gives a clear sign they don't care, at least now.
Said the Barbarian before proceeding to slaughter everyone
I don't respect your post enough to read all of it because the beginning made me laugh.
Mona Liza has nothing to do with diablo 3, and if you'd like to compare that then correct me if im wrong but it took years and years for people to finally respect the mona liza.. haha
also no the world doesn't quite work like dont like it don't buy it... Plenty of exceptions. For instance Gas and so on...
and then on the second part i kinda didn't care enough to read it but you referred some company's that of which I barely have heard of basically because they suck. Blizzard is so huge because of what they produce and how they produce... They have mass appeal... FROM LISTENING TO THE CUSTOMER. The others just produce and its solely based upon luck if they make the money.
I respect you timmen for being respectful toward me.
I understand where your coming from, but honestly. I am/was a diehard fan of diablo 2.. Friends and I have shared countless fun nights on d2
I would like to revive that feeling with d3 which is why I am concerned and so loony.
You guys are unbelievable. I didn't know it would come to terms that some forum kiddies will control how my D3 will look like. And it's mostly WoW-hating, paranoid sheep, who hate WoW simply because they can't play it (pay for it, for one reason or another) and think everything in D3 resembles WoW, even though they never played WoW for real, and the accusations don't stand because D3 doesn't resemble anything from WoW even the slightest. Shame on you all.
Remember, the easiest way to tell if your post consists of flame is when you start typing 'you' and 'your' a lot.
Also, opinions are just getting repeated over and over. Can anyone come up with a new angle on the art design to talk about?
Good Point.
I resign. Much respect.
Alright, sorry about that
Every single poll on the site here is either balanced between the two sides of the argument or either leaning towards the side that likes the game as it is and wants the game to get finished to buy it as soon as possible.
The results of that last one was almost 80% ( the side that likes the game as it is and wants the game to get finished to buy it as soon as possible ) vs 20% ( the side that says it is cartoony and needs to be remade ), and that says a lot :cool:
View Poll Results: Will you buy Diablo 3 if nothing is changed to the visuals? No. 19 11.73% Yes. 143 88.27%
Said the Barbarian before proceeding to slaughter everyone