It seems that each of the options have some sort of negative effect on some part of the player base.
Option 1: Setting a cap
This is detracting to those who have spent many millions of gold or real currency to get significant amounts of MF whether it is a set to switch to or not..
Option 2: MF over time
If you have 300+% MF that is over 15 minutes to wait if you have a set that you have already taken the time to build.
Option 3: MF moving average
Overly complex and hard to communicate. This will only confuse many and cause players to want to look at their details page during fights..
Option 4: 0% MF for 3 minutes
The lesser of 5 evils I guess.. Least downtime of MF. But still not a polished option.
Option 5: remove NVB on gear swap
This is probably the worst as it not only adversely effects those who MF gear swap but those that have more than 1 weapon set.
If they didn't want gear swapping they should have changed the functionality when the game was in development. MF gear swapping has been around since D2 this is not a new concept. This is a Live game with millions of players, many of which have spent real currency to gear their characters. Instead of trying to remove or decrease effectiveness of one of the most important features/aspects of the game they should embrace that people want to have more than 1 set of gear. There should not be a penalty for changing gear, make changing gear better and easier. If it is the most efficient way to get the best gear and many are using it. maybe more people would follow the most efficient way to play the game if it was fully implemented.
D2 had the infamous 'W' swap key. This was genius! Simple, enough to switch in over 100MF, and wasn't only used for MF either. I for one truly miss the extra weapon set. Maybe take it a step further and have another gear tab that is easily switched to, offensive/defensive, offensive/MF, etc. While we are at it, maybe allow us to save 2 or more skill specs to switch to.
I guess what I'm getting at is embrace what some players ARE doing, with great benefit, not penalize all players. In most of the "options" that development staff has come up with their is a lot of collateral damage. I feel like many of the options are nuclear options.. Don't nuke the player base..
Lastly, I feel that many service improvements should take precedence to this and any other overall negative effect on the players.
FYI: I do not personally run with any MF and have not spent money on the AH (real or gold) on MF gear. I do however switch weapons and off hand occasionally (in and out of town) and many of these "options" would make my gameplay experience worse.
I'm fairly certain at this point Blizzard's proven they didn't know what they were doing in development...They've had to patch nearly every aspect of the game at this point...skills, bosses, elites, MF, IAS, legendaries, crafting, drop rates...
I guess no one will ever read this post, but I had an idea of my own.
Remove Magic Find as a stat on gear.
Add Magic Find stat that you can acquire after you hit level 60.
For killing a set number of champ packs, you receive 1% to your Magic Find stat.
After 4 months of grinding, your character reaches a cap of 150% or 200% or whatever Magic Find on that character.
Congratulations, you just solved gear swapping by creating some "end-game" for players who liked to grind to level 99 in d2.
This could have worked if implemented before release.. I think quite a few players will be very displeased if MF was removed entirely..
How much money/time/gold has been spent in search of MF gear? For many, maxing MF is END game.
Bashiok, dont u think all of those "solutions" are exaggerated? Why not, just once, choose the easy way, what about to forbid gear swaping while you are in combat? There have to be some combat status in D3 am i right?? If there is, this is the best solution.
There is no "combat" system in Diablo. There was some issue that came up during beta (can't remember what it was) but Bashiok posted that there is no combat system and in order to add such a system would require them to do a large overhaul of the game.
This is bullshit. They make you take durability while in combat even when you take or deal no damage. They absolutely can tell you are in combat. If for some mind-warping reason they can't (which again is already proven to be possible by the durability wear-and-tear mechanic), they can simply have a hidden debuff that prevents gear swapping for 10 seconds after taking or dealing damage.
They most likely felt (in the beginning) that a full on combat system a-la WOW, was not needed for Diablo 3. They most likely have the wear-and-tear trigger off of weapon landing damage / character taking damage, which is a form of combat state, but not the full on combat system that would be reliable enough (more so in groups!!!) that would prevent swapping.
I really am confused why they never did to begin with, would make a lot of these issues go away quick with a simple hotfix.....
I guess no one will ever read this post, but I had an idea of my own.
Remove Magic Find as a stat on gear.
Add Magic Find stat that you can acquire after you hit level 60.
For killing a set number of champ packs, you receive 1% to your Magic Find stat.
After 4 months of grinding, your character reaches a cap of 150% or 200% or whatever Magic Find on that character.
Congratulations, you just solved gear swapping by creating some "end-game" for players who liked to grind to level 99 in d2.
This could have worked if implemented before release.. I think quite a few players will be very displeased if MF was removed entirely..
How much money/time/gold has been spent in search of MF gear? For many, maxing MF is END game.
A lot of things had to be implemented before release. But since they have to patch basically everything, I guess they could do something like that too.
Anyway, players wouldn't be penalized, if they have Elite Kills in their profile, its easy to award them the MF as if it was implemented from the release.
They would be penalized though because all the gear they spent gold on is now worthless.
Also, some people really like MF as a stat and the idea of balancing it with damage/defense. This would negatively affect these people in a big way.
Bashiok, dont u think all of those "solutions" are exaggerated? Why not, just once, choose the easy way, what about to forbid gear swaping while you are in combat? There have to be some combat status in D3 am i right?? If there is, this is the best solution.
There is no "combat" system in Diablo. There was some issue that came up during beta (can't remember what it was) but Bashiok posted that there is no combat system and in order to add such a system would require them to do a large overhaul of the game.
This is bullshit. They make you take durability while in combat even when you take or deal no damage. They absolutely can tell you are in combat. If for some mind-warping reason they can't (which again is already proven to be possible by the durability wear-and-tear mechanic), they can simply have a hidden debuff that prevents gear swapping for 10 seconds after taking or dealing damage.
They most likely felt (in the beginning) that a full on combat system a-la WOW, was not needed for Diablo 3. They most likely have the wear-and-tear trigger off of weapon landing damage / character taking damage, which is a form of combat state, but not the full on combat system that would be reliable enough (more so in groups!!!) that would prevent swapping.
I really am confused why they never did to begin with, would make a lot of these issues go away quick with a simple hotfix.....
It lasts indefinitely though so it triggers at the very first sign of damage either direction. You can kite and kite and kite and take or deal no damage after the initial "pull" and you will continue to take durability damage. For all intents and purposes they can somehow detect when you are engaged even if it's not the same tech as WoW.
Of the available options, I prefer option 2, because it feels less contrived and meddlesome than the others. This definitely needs fixed. The point of magic find as a gear option, is that you have to sacrifice combat affixes on your gear, to gain magic find and you have to find a balance. Being able to just swap out gear mid-combat takes away the challenge of finding that correct balance, and replaces it with clunky mechanics, requiring you to waste inventory space. Also it requires you to waste screen space with inventory in middle of combat, which feels stupid for an action game.
Some say people complaining about this must not have the skills to swap gear. Kiting out for a second, hitting "I" and clicking on an icon is not a skill. It is however, tedious, cheesy, and breaks the intended gear balance. People complaining about magic find swapping are mostly just people who like a game that feels refined and balanced, with good mechanics.
If anyone steps back and looks at this objectively, I can't imagine arriving at the conclusion that the current gear swappign situation is good design.
They would be penalized though because all the gear they spent gold on is now worthless.
Also, some people really like MF as a stat and the idea of balancing it with damage/defense. This would negatively affect these people in a big way.
I wouldn't believe that a ton of players payed a ton of gold to get mf gear..
I actually found all of my mf gear myself.
Still, I think those players would agree that what, 1mil gold at most for all their MF gear wouldn't be a negative effect in a "big way".
I mean if a player is farming a lot, invested that 1mil in MF gear, that means he farms way more than 1 mil and wouldn't be impacted by that at all.
Anyway, maybe not the best idea, but still I think its way better than what blizzard proposed.
Oh I agree, I like it better than any of the suggestions from Blizzard. The people that like the concept of MF on gear would be pretty letdown by that solution though.
You add in a MF button. It has just enough room for MF gear, you can even make it look like the current gear screen when you look at your current gear. This button will automatically change all your current gear to the gear that has been put into this tab/button.
This does all the desired things looked for with 0 drawbacks.
#1. Its makes room in our current inventory bag. WIN
#2. We keep all the MF gear we have farmed, spent gold on, or spent REAL money on. WIN
#3. We can still MF swap, for the people that like/dont mind doing it, PLUS makes it super easy for the scrubs/idiots who are to retarded/lazy/dumb to do it. WIN
I understand that this means you will have to make UI changes and it would take time to do this, but thats your job. If you just up and change the way MF works because some people dont like thats fucked up. You listening to the one side of people that dont like to MF swap hurts the side that like/doesnt mind it. While listening to the side that likes/doesnt mind it DOES NOT hurt the other side play style. They can always choose not to MF swap, while the people that dont mind would be FORCED into playing a way they dont like.
PLUS makes it super easy for the scrubs/idiots who are to retarded/lazy/dumb to do it. WIN
No one is too retared or dumb to do it. It's a few button clicks. No ones too lazy to do it either.
The problem is that its an action game, and you shouldn't have to do tedious, clunky, menu driven stuff in middle of action based combat to play effectively.
Maybe people who can't understand that argument are the "retarded" ones. Or... maybe people like that hope throwing insults arround will cloud the issue and keep people from noticing that the current MF swap mechanics feel cheesy, sloppy, and a bit stupid.
I simply disagree with every option listed and hopefully, not one person thinks any of these are viable.
Leave it as is or make a new tab with a full set of new armor so it's 1 hot key away from your mf gear. Maybe a 5 second CD between switching sets to avoid exploiting it with resource regen gear or anything similar.
My first thoughts:
1. Nerf + Caps on stats that do not increase your character's power are rediculous.
2. Nerf + "Afk 10+ minutes while I wait for my MF to return to normal."
3. Nerf + "Afk 5 minutes while I wait for my MF to return to normal."
4. Nerf + "Afk 3 minutes while I wait for my MF to return to normal."
5. Nerf + Worst idea ever. No skill-swapping is already a pain in the ass.
Is there not a potential option that is neither a buff or nerf?
Edit: Just thought about this - That idea I once saw about trading a stat on a piece of gear for another (reforging, but at 100% instead of 40%) would come in handy right about now. Or even the ability to add another stat to your gear (enchanting), at an increasing cost based on how much is already on the given piece. For all it matters, both ideas could result in only giving you a random stat instead of you choosing what you want.
You guys that keep suggesting a key that fast switches gear are completely missing the point. Gear switching is NOT fun and should not be required. It should not be part of the game.
The fun of Diablo is balancing high MF with enough DPS. It's an item farming game; or you play hardcore to show your skill (used to mean more with a ladder system, different subject).
If you cap MF you remove the essence of what Diablo is all about. The fact that they want to make the game challenging in Inferno makes it obvious the best solution is to remove gear switching of any kind in combat. If you need to switch gear to kill a certain pack, then your build or item set needs tweaking. The idea is that it takes months to build the best itemization for a toon. Gear switching eliminates this and creates a boring mechanic that shouldn't even be an option.
If you remove this gimmick gear switching it will have a positive effect on the AH gold/item inflation issue.
My perspective: I farm Act 1 and 2 with 305 MF, my MF set is beastly! I've spent millions of gold on the set and would quit game if they capped or removed that essence of Diablo.
PLUS makes it super easy for the scrubs/idiots who are to retarded/lazy/dumb to do it. WIN
No one is too retared or dumb to do it. It's a few button clicks. No ones too lazy to do it either.
The problem is that its an action game, and you shouldn't have to do tedious, clunky, menu driven stuff in middle of action based combat to play effectively.
Maybe people who can't understand that argument are the "retarded" ones. Or... maybe people like that hope throwing insults arround will cloud the issue and keep people from noticing that the current MF swap mechanics feel cheesy, sloppy, and a bit stupid.
And people like you will be the FIRST ones complaining on how this loot based game is not dropping good loot anymore. People that MF swap were unhappy about the bad loot drops before, but we kept farming and MF swapping, because this is a FARMING GAME.
its the people like you who dont put on the MF gear and dont put in the effort of farming that QQ the hardest. you expect to find 10 million gold items every half hour. the game doesnt work like that.
PLUS makes it super easy for the scrubs/idiots who are to retarded/lazy/dumb to do it. WIN
No one is too retared or dumb to do it. It's a few button clicks. No ones too lazy to do it either.
The problem is that its an action game, and you shouldn't have to do tedious, clunky, menu driven stuff in middle of action based combat to play effectively.
Maybe people who can't understand that argument are the "retarded" ones. Or... maybe people like that hope throwing insults arround will cloud the issue and keep people from noticing that the current MF swap mechanics feel cheesy, sloppy, and a bit stupid.
A logical argument; how did that find it's way to a diablo3 forum?
PLUS makes it super easy for the scrubs/idiots who are to retarded/lazy/dumb to do it. WIN
No one is too retared or dumb to do it. It's a few button clicks. No ones too lazy to do it either.
The problem is that its an action game, and you shouldn't have to do tedious, clunky, menu driven stuff in middle of action based combat to play effectively.
Maybe people who can't understand that argument are the "retarded" ones. Or... maybe people like that hope throwing insults arround will cloud the issue and keep people from noticing that the current MF swap mechanics feel cheesy, sloppy, and a bit stupid.
And people like you will be the FIRST ones complaining on how this loot based game is not dropping good loot anymore. People that MF swap were unhappy about the bad loot drops before, but we kept farming and MF swapping, because this is a FARMING GAME.
its the people like you who dont put on the MF gear and dont put in the effort of farming that QQ the hardest. you expect to find 10 million gold items every half hour. the game doesnt work like that.
Actually, I completely understand that inferno is supposed to take ages to farm gear to complete. It was the purpose of it's existence. No matter what they do with magic find, they are going to keep tuning drop rates to set gear availability the way they want it.
What I am telling you, is that this is a sloppy system. For the last time, it is an action game, and action games do not feel right if you have to take up half yoru screen with a menu during combat to be effective. I can't make it more simple for you.
It's sad to see that so many people only want more and more loot, without thinking about the consequences.
First of all, I DO USE GEAR SWAP for the last hit. And I don't like it. Even if it makes the game easier for me. Gear swap is actually making the life span of the game shorter, removing choice of itemization and inflating the economy.
Has any of you tought that without gear swap, they effectively create more "endgame"?
Now we're farming for the best survival/dps BOTH in one item.(Some just focus on DPS, but whatever), and you have your MF set on inventory to swap when you need.
If you disable gear swap in any way, you'll need dps/survival/MF all in one item, that makes it WAY more difficult to get "top" gear. It makes the perfect item way harder to find.
It also enables "choice" on this game.
Now you just kill as fast as you can and swap your MF gear in for the last hit.
But let's say you can't, will it be worth killing faster or having a better chance at loot?
Is 20% MF better than 10% crit? For those of you who will say "we will just get both", yeah, you will, but it will be harder to find. Extending the farm needed to get the perfect gear.
Also, in some cases, you won't be able to get both. Get a barbarian now, his perfect gloves have: STR/VIT/AR/CritChance/CritDmg/IAS ... that's 6 stats. If he wants MF, he will need to "opt-out" on one of those. That's CHOICE!
To end this, do you complain that the AH is flooded, that the game is all about the AH and that you can't sell a worthy mid-level item for much more than 50k?
Gear swap causes part of this. With MF gear swap, it's like everyone that uses it, has high MF.
It increases the average MF of players, increasing drop rates of good items(and bad items, increasing materials for crafts).
Theres lots of people with ZERO MF on "normal" gear, that effectively have 200+ on the last hit, just because of gear swap.
Can you imagine the amount of "extra" items this creates everyday? I doubt we would be seeing 50k for 1000 DPS 2 handed weapons so soon without these loads of drops. (The nerfs on inferno also did help on this).
Truth now is we have way too much offer, and way too much mid-level items. There's no demand for that much.
So you can't sell that 2 hand even for 50k, because theres too many others; can't buy better gear because you have no gold, and can't progress on the game. Well, unless you get that lucky drop that will sell for 5M, and spend it on an item that will REALLY help you.
tl,dr: Stop looking at your own nose and try to see the whole. You want the game to last, you want goals to achieve, you want choice on this game. But you also want it easier to farm. That's not possible, sorry.
PLUS makes it super easy for the scrubs/idiots who are to retarded/lazy/dumb to do it. WIN
No one is too retared or dumb to do it. It's a few button clicks. No ones too lazy to do it either.
The problem is that its an action game, and you shouldn't have to do tedious, clunky, menu driven stuff in middle of action based combat to play effectively.
Maybe people who can't understand that argument are the "retarded" ones. Or... maybe people like that hope throwing insults arround will cloud the issue and keep people from noticing that the current MF swap mechanics feel cheesy, sloppy, and a bit stupid.
And people like you will be the FIRST ones complaining on how this loot based game is not dropping good loot anymore. People that MF swap were unhappy about the bad loot drops before, but we kept farming and MF swapping, because this is a FARMING GAME.
its the people like you who dont put on the MF gear and dont put in the effort of farming that QQ the hardest. you expect to find 10 million gold items every half hour. the game doesnt work like that.
Credibility instantly goes to zero when, in an attempt to insult people who are apparently "retarded," you fail to utilize the correct "too."
You must be too retarded/lazy/dumb to learn English.
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I feel like we're playing a game of Calvinball.
It seems that each of the options have some sort of negative effect on some part of the player base.
Option 1: Setting a cap
This is detracting to those who have spent many millions of gold or real currency to get significant amounts of MF whether it is a set to switch to or not..
Option 2: MF over time
If you have 300+% MF that is over 15 minutes to wait if you have a set that you have already taken the time to build.
Option 3: MF moving average
Overly complex and hard to communicate. This will only confuse many and cause players to want to look at their details page during fights..
Option 4: 0% MF for 3 minutes
The lesser of 5 evils I guess.. Least downtime of MF. But still not a polished option.
Option 5: remove NVB on gear swap
This is probably the worst as it not only adversely effects those who MF gear swap but those that have more than 1 weapon set.
If they didn't want gear swapping they should have changed the functionality when the game was in development. MF gear swapping has been around since D2 this is not a new concept. This is a Live game with millions of players, many of which have spent real currency to gear their characters. Instead of trying to remove or decrease effectiveness of one of the most important features/aspects of the game they should embrace that people want to have more than 1 set of gear. There should not be a penalty for changing gear, make changing gear better and easier. If it is the most efficient way to get the best gear and many are using it. maybe more people would follow the most efficient way to play the game if it was fully implemented.
D2 had the infamous 'W' swap key. This was genius! Simple, enough to switch in over 100MF, and wasn't only used for MF either. I for one truly miss the extra weapon set. Maybe take it a step further and have another gear tab that is easily switched to, offensive/defensive, offensive/MF, etc. While we are at it, maybe allow us to save 2 or more skill specs to switch to.
I guess what I'm getting at is embrace what some players ARE doing, with great benefit, not penalize all players. In most of the "options" that development staff has come up with their is a lot of collateral damage. I feel like many of the options are nuclear options.. Don't nuke the player base..
Lastly, I feel that many service improvements should take precedence to this and any other overall negative effect on the players.
FYI: I do not personally run with any MF and have not spent money on the AH (real or gold) on MF gear. I do however switch weapons and off hand occasionally (in and out of town) and many of these "options" would make my gameplay experience worse.
How much money/time/gold has been spent in search of MF gear? For many, maxing MF is END game.
They most likely felt (in the beginning) that a full on combat system a-la WOW, was not needed for Diablo 3. They most likely have the wear-and-tear trigger off of weapon landing damage / character taking damage, which is a form of combat state, but not the full on combat system that would be reliable enough (more so in groups!!!) that would prevent swapping.
I really am confused why they never did to begin with, would make a lot of these issues go away quick with a simple hotfix.....
They would be penalized though because all the gear they spent gold on is now worthless.
Also, some people really like MF as a stat and the idea of balancing it with damage/defense. This would negatively affect these people in a big way.
It lasts indefinitely though so it triggers at the very first sign of damage either direction. You can kite and kite and kite and take or deal no damage after the initial "pull" and you will continue to take durability damage. For all intents and purposes they can somehow detect when you are engaged even if it's not the same tech as WoW.
Some say people complaining about this must not have the skills to swap gear. Kiting out for a second, hitting "I" and clicking on an icon is not a skill. It is however, tedious, cheesy, and breaks the intended gear balance. People complaining about magic find swapping are mostly just people who like a game that feels refined and balanced, with good mechanics.
If anyone steps back and looks at this objectively, I can't imagine arriving at the conclusion that the current gear swappign situation is good design.
Oh I agree, I like it better than any of the suggestions from Blizzard. The people that like the concept of MF on gear would be pretty letdown by that solution though.
BerserkPT#2797 profile
You add in a MF button. It has just enough room for MF gear, you can even make it look like the current gear screen when you look at your current gear. This button will automatically change all your current gear to the gear that has been put into this tab/button.
This does all the desired things looked for with 0 drawbacks.
#1. Its makes room in our current inventory bag. WIN
#2. We keep all the MF gear we have farmed, spent gold on, or spent REAL money on. WIN
#3. We can still MF swap, for the people that like/dont mind doing it, PLUS makes it super easy for the scrubs/idiots who are to retarded/lazy/dumb to do it. WIN
I understand that this means you will have to make UI changes and it would take time to do this, but thats your job. If you just up and change the way MF works because some people dont like thats fucked up. You listening to the one side of people that dont like to MF swap hurts the side that like/doesnt mind it. While listening to the side that likes/doesnt mind it DOES NOT hurt the other side play style. They can always choose not to MF swap, while the people that dont mind would be FORCED into playing a way they dont like.
No one is too retared or dumb to do it. It's a few button clicks. No ones too lazy to do it either.
The problem is that its an action game, and you shouldn't have to do tedious, clunky, menu driven stuff in middle of action based combat to play effectively.
Maybe people who can't understand that argument are the "retarded" ones. Or... maybe people like that hope throwing insults arround will cloud the issue and keep people from noticing that the current MF swap mechanics feel cheesy, sloppy, and a bit stupid.
Leave it as is or make a new tab with a full set of new armor so it's 1 hot key away from your mf gear. Maybe a 5 second CD between switching sets to avoid exploiting it with resource regen gear or anything similar.
#72 US Wizards in Vanilla D3 - Aranoch#1167

1. Nerf + Caps on stats that do not increase your character's power are rediculous.
2. Nerf + "Afk 10+ minutes while I wait for my MF to return to normal."
3. Nerf + "Afk 5 minutes while I wait for my MF to return to normal."
4. Nerf + "Afk 3 minutes while I wait for my MF to return to normal."
5. Nerf + Worst idea ever. No skill-swapping is already a pain in the ass.
Is there not a potential option that is neither a buff or nerf?
Edit: Just thought about this - That idea I once saw about trading a stat on a piece of gear for another (reforging, but at 100% instead of 40%) would come in handy right about now. Or even the ability to add another stat to your gear (enchanting), at an increasing cost based on how much is already on the given piece. For all it matters, both ideas could result in only giving you a random stat instead of you choosing what you want.
The fun of Diablo is balancing high MF with enough DPS. It's an item farming game; or you play hardcore to show your skill (used to mean more with a ladder system, different subject).
If you cap MF you remove the essence of what Diablo is all about. The fact that they want to make the game challenging in Inferno makes it obvious the best solution is to remove gear switching of any kind in combat. If you need to switch gear to kill a certain pack, then your build or item set needs tweaking. The idea is that it takes months to build the best itemization for a toon. Gear switching eliminates this and creates a boring mechanic that shouldn't even be an option.
If you remove this gimmick gear switching it will have a positive effect on the AH gold/item inflation issue.
My perspective: I farm Act 1 and 2 with 305 MF, my MF set is beastly! I've spent millions of gold on the set and would quit game if they capped or removed that essence of Diablo.
And people like you will be the FIRST ones complaining on how this loot based game is not dropping good loot anymore. People that MF swap were unhappy about the bad loot drops before, but we kept farming and MF swapping, because this is a FARMING GAME.
its the people like you who dont put on the MF gear and dont put in the effort of farming that QQ the hardest. you expect to find 10 million gold items every half hour. the game doesnt work like that.
A logical argument; how did that find it's way to a diablo3 forum?
Actually, I completely understand that inferno is supposed to take ages to farm gear to complete. It was the purpose of it's existence. No matter what they do with magic find, they are going to keep tuning drop rates to set gear availability the way they want it.
What I am telling you, is that this is a sloppy system. For the last time, it is an action game, and action games do not feel right if you have to take up half yoru screen with a menu during combat to be effective. I can't make it more simple for you.
First of all, I DO USE GEAR SWAP for the last hit. And I don't like it. Even if it makes the game easier for me.
Gear swap is actually making the life span of the game shorter, removing choice of itemization and inflating the economy.
Has any of you tought that without gear swap, they effectively create more "endgame"?
Now we're farming for the best survival/dps BOTH in one item.(Some just focus on DPS, but whatever), and you have your MF set on inventory to swap when you need.
If you disable gear swap in any way, you'll need dps/survival/MF all in one item, that makes it WAY more difficult to get "top" gear. It makes the perfect item way harder to find.
It also enables "choice" on this game.
Now you just kill as fast as you can and swap your MF gear in for the last hit.
But let's say you can't, will it be worth killing faster or having a better chance at loot?
Is 20% MF better than 10% crit? For those of you who will say "we will just get both", yeah, you will, but it will be harder to find. Extending the farm needed to get the perfect gear.
Also, in some cases, you won't be able to get both. Get a barbarian now, his perfect gloves have: STR/VIT/AR/CritChance/CritDmg/IAS ... that's 6 stats. If he wants MF, he will need to "opt-out" on one of those. That's CHOICE!
To end this, do you complain that the AH is flooded, that the game is all about the AH and that you can't sell a worthy mid-level item for much more than 50k?
Gear swap causes part of this. With MF gear swap, it's like everyone that uses it, has high MF.
It increases the average MF of players, increasing drop rates of good items(and bad items, increasing materials for crafts).
Theres lots of people with ZERO MF on "normal" gear, that effectively have 200+ on the last hit, just because of gear swap.
Can you imagine the amount of "extra" items this creates everyday? I doubt we would be seeing 50k for 1000 DPS 2 handed weapons so soon without these loads of drops. (The nerfs on inferno also did help on this).
Truth now is we have way too much offer, and way too much mid-level items. There's no demand for that much.
So you can't sell that 2 hand even for 50k, because theres too many others; can't buy better gear because you have no gold, and can't progress on the game. Well, unless you get that lucky drop that will sell for 5M, and spend it on an item that will REALLY help you.
tl,dr: Stop looking at your own nose and try to see the whole. You want the game to last, you want goals to achieve, you want choice on this game. But you also want it easier to farm. That's not possible, sorry.
Credibility instantly goes to zero when, in an attempt to insult people who are apparently "retarded," you fail to utilize the correct "too."
You must be too retarded/lazy/dumb to learn English.