24. You are the last hero left fighting the Siegebreaker Assault Beast. He picks you up, renders you in twain and skips rope with your intestines in joy.
Actually #27 The monster rips off your arms as you continue walking around (uncontrolable walking) then he grabs your legs and rips them off and you are forced to sit there and stare at you limbless body.
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It would be awesome if in a big boss fight a demon can possess you ( you die ) and it starts fighting your party members.
This is fantastic i would love to fight another version of myself and my comrads as well as the boss itself, its not bloody and discusting but would make a boss monster that much more chalanging
Your body slowly turns pure black with red gushing eyes, you try to scream but only silence is heard, slowly falling knee to knee, veins appear and every second that passes, the veins become bigger and brighter, your skin begins to deteriorate at a rapid speed, revealing the flesh. The flesh starts to open and cracks are appearing; the holes and cracks pour out streams of darkness. You who is skinless, dressed in black blood, decorated with broken flesh... implodes... you fall dead...
You get ready for a boss fight. He comes out and 1 hit ko's you and all your party members and you sit there like "What the hell?"
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www.myspace.com/mpotatoes for all your Trans Siberian Orchestra listening pleasure
If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
If we could somehow make this
Christmas thing last
By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only just ask
You get a skin disease that makes you bloat fatter and fatter everytime u take damage until you finally explode, guts and all. all enemies around you with die from your bone debri.
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Even if one takes every reefer madness allegation of the prohibitionists at face value, marijuana prohibition has done far more harm to far more people than marijuana ever could
boss throws a 3-5 hit combo like a badass on you, in which you cant do anything. and its nothing like the siege breakers same hit 5 time thing, like assasins creed style lol but faster.
on the last hit, he either chucks you in the air then kicks/punches you into the wall with an instant ko.
or his last hit he does a charge slice thing through you and you just stand there for a split sec then colapse (if you want u blow up)
If you are a male, the boss picks you up, grapples your sack, and rips it off.
"Oh, the dragon's balls were blazin' as I stepped into his cave
And I sliced his fucking cockles with a long and shiny blade
Twas I who fucked the dragon, fuck-a-lie, sing fuck-a-loo
And if you try to fuck with me then I shall fuck you too!"
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I hate the way you cling to ignorance and pass it off as innocence
An Ice-based elemental attack by a boss freezes you completely in-place for X seconds, during which (*) damage over X seconds is imposed, and at the end of it the boss will RAM at you.
If your HP is completely drained by the ice damage-over-time, then you shatter into bits of bloodied ice by the ramming; if you didn't die from freezing, you have 0.5 seconds to react and try to dodge the ramming attack: if you do you barely survive, if you don't the boss deals a huge melee damage and smashes your tattered corpse against whatever wall stands in the linear course of the ramming attack.
edit: oh and if a teammate is heroic enough to sacrifice him/herself and take on the ramming attack for you, even if your HP dropped to zero due to freeze damage, you still survive with 1 HP.
Boss creates a small fissure in the ground that you fall in. He closes the fissure around your waist trapping you in the earth. He proceeds to kick you in the lungs until you lose the ability to process air, thereby suffocating/bleeding to death.
If you haven't attained a certain predetermined level by the time you reach a boss, he laughs at you, turns around, and uses a torch from the wall to light a fart, igniting you in a smelly conflagration that ends in your death.
turned to stone, kinda like Medusas stare, and then picked up by the monsters and thrown at another party member. which, makes you explode/break apart.
There is 10 hitpoints left, the final strike is descending upon the unfortunate soul. He can feel the moment of death approaching with a menacing glimmer of a razorsharp blade.
In an instant, as by reflex, the valiant Hero is swallowed whole from the Boss' giant gaping maw, in a desperate attempt to finish off the invincible warrior.
Just as all doubt subsides, a feeling from deep down in his gut tells him something is not as it should. The meter long blade drenched in black blood sticking out of his belly confirms it.
In a swift but powerful strike, the mighty Hero whirls around in the beast's body, creating a "food processor" effect and instantly eviscerating every inner organ and consequently exploding out in a chunky "chef Boyardee" mixture of flesh and blood.
The Barbarian wins!
(What!....monsters can die in cool ways too):thumbsup:
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[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Diablo 3, Hottest shit to happen to 21st Century Entertainment since Georges "Rush" St-Pierre.______________ --------~~Mattheo's Quote of the day~~---------
----------Brought to you by Diablofans.com Forums -------- Originally Posted by mattheo_majik
I LOVE being a SEX TON!!!
Your mercenary is a bow class, and he/she is firing flaming arrows. At a certain point in the battle, they turn too quickly and ram an arrow right in the back of your head. This would give you kind of a ghost rider look. Your character turns, and goes, "WTF man? Standing right here the whole time...asshole."
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- Bashiok
Find any Diablo news? Contact me or anyone else on the News team
This is fantastic i would love to fight another version of myself and my comrads as well as the boss itself, its not bloody and discusting but would make a boss monster that much more chalanging
If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
If we could somehow make this
Christmas thing last
By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only just ask
boss throws a 3-5 hit combo like a badass on you, in which you cant do anything. and its nothing like the siege breakers same hit 5 time thing, like assasins creed style lol but faster.
on the last hit, he either chucks you in the air then kicks/punches you into the wall with an instant ko.
or his last hit he does a charge slice thing through you and you just stand there for a split sec then colapse (if you want u blow up)
"Oh, the dragon's balls were blazin' as I stepped into his cave
And I sliced his fucking cockles with a long and shiny blade
Twas I who fucked the dragon, fuck-a-lie, sing fuck-a-loo
And if you try to fuck with me then I shall fuck you too!"
I hate the way you cling to ignorance and pass it off as innocence
If your HP is completely drained by the ice damage-over-time, then you shatter into bits of bloodied ice by the ramming; if you didn't die from freezing, you have 0.5 seconds to react and try to dodge the ramming attack: if you do you barely survive, if you don't the boss deals a huge melee damage and smashes your tattered corpse against whatever wall stands in the linear course of the ramming attack.
edit: oh and if a teammate is heroic enough to sacrifice him/herself and take on the ramming attack for you, even if your HP dropped to zero due to freeze damage, you still survive with 1 HP.
In an instant, as by reflex, the valiant Hero is swallowed whole from the Boss' giant gaping maw, in a desperate attempt to finish off the invincible warrior.
Just as all doubt subsides, a feeling from deep down in his gut tells him something is not as it should. The meter long blade drenched in black blood sticking out of his belly confirms it.
In a swift but powerful strike, the mighty Hero whirls around in the beast's body, creating a "food processor" effect and instantly eviscerating every inner organ and consequently exploding out in a chunky "chef Boyardee" mixture of flesh and blood.
The Barbarian wins!
(What!....monsters can die in cool ways too):thumbsup:
--------~~Mattheo's Quote of the day~~---------
----------Brought to you by Diablofans.com Forums --------
Originally Posted by mattheo_majik
I LOVE being a SEX TON!!!