this is just a rumor but theyre saying that they r making a warlock class.
Thats ridiculous bullshit, they already have a caster class. All thats left is a "Knight in Shining Armour" class and some sort of a class that uses ranged weapons.
I could assure you that the warlock is NOT one of the final two classes remaining to be announced. Reasons:
Warlock is a typical caster/summoner/minion master
They have covered the caster aspects with the wizard and witch doctor.
The witch doctor already has abilities to summon/call dead shit to come to his aid.
It would make absolutely no sense to bring in another caster when already there is 2/3 classes which are casters.
The two remaining will either be some kind of holy knight/paladin, shape shifting/druid, or ranged/bows/javalins/etc.
I am positive blizzard would'nt bring a 3rd caster making the majority of classes casters in D3. It would make absolutely no sense and wherever you heard of this "warlock" class is complete rubbish.
Hmm, I think a ninja-type would be nice. And not some bullshit with a different name(trap smith whom slaps you with claws and tries to kick you, aka, assassin), an actual ninja, that can sneak around, assassinate, seemingly disappear, etc...
Assassin class with arrows and traps. (Ranged and traps skill trees)
That is not an assassin just so you know. That's more or less a ranger, who knows his stuff about trapsmithing. I expect an assassin to be able to sneak around(in a world like this, cast invisibility and silence on him/herself), move quickly, and be able to, you know, assassinate things, not beat on them like any other melee class. Anybody can set a trap...
I agree that a knight has to be in the game. How can you have a medevil game with out some sort of a knight class. Now they can all him whatever they want . I think it could be the templar class or just knight . Also a range class is needed as well or they could bring a ninja type into the game instead and save the ranged for the expansion
I'd just love to have a Paladin back, only in better form. That's Knight enough. though, more than any other, I still want the Priests of Rathma to return.
Know what you mean, I'm trying to deal with the loss of the Necro myself :(, I'll play the witch doctor but not sure if I'll like him as much. The barbarian I am happy about, whirl wind in D2 was pretty lame.
The unannounced classes, do you think they will announce them at Blizzcon or not?
Do you think the next class / classes to be announced are going to be something new and surprising,
or just newer versions of the old d2 classes... for an example, a paladin with different name or something...?
I think they will infact announce both new classes at blizzcon. I think that they should be pretty developed at this point. Including the game. If they announce the two new classes then I would expect the game to be out in about a year from blizzcon, aka the next blizzcon. That sounds reasonable enough to me.
I think the classes will be unique in their own respect. Not new as in some new type of character all together because just about everything has been done. But variations can be completely unique.
Take the witch doctor. Theres not many classes out there like that. He combines both the spirit of a rogue and something akin to a necromancer. Very different but still primarily a caster class.
So we could see any number of variations of most likely a ranged and rogue type class. The possibilities are endless.
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"I want to say something but I'll keep it to myself I guess and leave this useless post behind to make you aware that there WAS something... "
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
I believe we will have a major update in Blizz with one a new class. Theres 2 classes left and one are surely a archer type. The last one are hard foreseen but i'm pretty sure is not a spell caster.
I believe we will have a major update in Blizz with one a new class. Theres 2 classes left and one are surely a archer type. The last one are hard foreseen but i'm pretty sure is not a spell caster.
Probably not a TRADITIONAL spell caster..but it could definitely have a few magic abilities. I could see a cool rogue with shadowy type magic abilities.
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"I want to say something but I'll keep it to myself I guess and leave this useless post behind to make you aware that there WAS something... "
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
There are kind of 6 other threads discussing the exact same thing as this, and that's just counting the first page...
Thanks for pointing that out. You truly helped to solve the problem now didn't you?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"I want to say something but I'll keep it to myself I guess and leave this useless post behind to make you aware that there WAS something... "
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
I don't think they'll announce both, probably the rogue-ish class everyone's expecting
It was a sarcastic response to Reform's unhelpful comment.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"I want to say something but I'll keep it to myself I guess and leave this useless post behind to make you aware that there WAS something... "
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
Probably not a TRADITIONAL spell caster..but it could definitely have a few magic abilities. I could see a cool rogue with shadowy type magic abilities.
Yeah.. spell casters imo = necro and soc in D2.
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"In time the hissing of her sanity
Faded out her voice and soiled her name
And like marked pages in a diary
Everything seemed clean that is unstained
The incoherent talk of ordinary days
Why would we really need to live?
Decide what is clear and what's within a haze
What you should take and what to give" - Opeth
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Thats ridiculous bullshit, they already have a caster class. All thats left is a "Knight in Shining Armour" class and some sort of a class that uses ranged weapons.
Warlock is a typical caster/summoner/minion master
They have covered the caster aspects with the wizard and witch doctor.
The witch doctor already has abilities to summon/call dead shit to come to his aid.
It would make absolutely no sense to bring in another caster when already there is 2/3 classes which are casters.
The two remaining will either be some kind of holy knight/paladin, shape shifting/druid, or ranged/bows/javalins/etc.
I am positive blizzard would'nt bring a 3rd caster making the majority of classes casters in D3. It would make absolutely no sense and wherever you heard of this "warlock" class is complete rubbish.
Priest class that use auras, heaven skills, and dark skills. (All holy trees)
When will they announce it: March
That is not an assassin just so you know. That's more or less a ranger, who knows his stuff about trapsmithing. I expect an assassin to be able to sneak around(in a world like this, cast invisibility and silence on him/herself), move quickly, and be able to, you know, assassinate things, not beat on them like any other melee class. Anybody can set a trap...
Know what you mean, I'm trying to deal with the loss of the Necro myself :(, I'll play the witch doctor but not sure if I'll like him as much. The barbarian I am happy about, whirl wind in D2 was pretty lame.
Thats the one character in D2 that I never played, and I mean never.
Though I do think we'll be getting a holy class next, somebody suggested an Exorcist a while back, thought that seemed like a pretty good class idea.
Me too, and agreed an exorcist would be most excellent.
Do you think the next class / classes to be announced are going to be something new and surprising,
or just newer versions of the old d2 classes... for an example, a paladin with different name or something...?
State your opinion :confused:
I think the classes will be unique in their own respect. Not new as in some new type of character all together because just about everything has been done. But variations can be completely unique.
Take the witch doctor. Theres not many classes out there like that. He combines both the spirit of a rogue and something akin to a necromancer. Very different but still primarily a caster class.
So we could see any number of variations of most likely a ranged and rogue type class. The possibilities are endless.
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
Probably not a TRADITIONAL spell caster..but it could definitely have a few magic abilities. I could see a cool rogue with shadowy type magic abilities.
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
Thanks for pointing that out. You truly helped to solve the problem now didn't you?
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
Haha, what problem?
I don't think they'll announce both, probably the rogue-ish class everyone's expecting
"Eternal suffering would be too brief for you, Diablo!"
It was a sarcastic response to Reform's unhelpful comment.
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
Yeah.. spell casters imo = necro and soc in D2.