This thread will be updated, just post and I will add VALID arguments to the tables, yes this is biased, yes this is the PvP discussion. This will be used to strengthen the PvP argument.
Plaintiff - PvP'ers Demands
Customizable Arena options for private matches - Game types (FFA, Teams, 2 v 3, ect) - Changing the time limit - custom respawn times (instant, XX seconds, none) - other options I can't think of right now.
World PvP option (D2 Style) - Allow world PvP as a game option during creation.
Group/Party vs Group/Party - Able to selectively choose if you want to take XXX to the arena/dual/game.
Statistics (toggleable or personal only) - Kills, deaths, highest burst damage, most players killed in a life, ect.
Guild/Clan Flags - Ability to show your guild/clan name on your flag.
Wishful thinking:
Wagers - A safe way to bet on duels (it is going to happen either way right? Cough Cough RMAH logic).
Defendant - PvM'ers Defense
Balance - Not many are expecting this, actually nobody is except the PvMers useing it as a counter aurgument. - And no you don't need to be inside of an arena for skills to be balanced, even in D2 they had ways of balancing skills on players.
Do people not realize the obvious compromises??? Both parties are arguing over completely different things, but if you look you can see that we can obviously make both parties happy.
Gosh, why are all PvP'ers feeling so buttfucked atm? Stop whining for god sake! You don't know what plans Blizzard has with the PvP, yet you already cry like babies. WAIT TILL THE FUCKING PVP PATCH IS RELEASED - then you can start whatever it is you're doing.
I see myself as a PvM myself, HOWEVER I will of course play a whole bunch of PvP aswell. Just wanted to make that clear.
I can't stop comparing PvP'ers to MW3 players with all of this whining, over and over. If you don't like the game, simply don't buy it. Go back to WoW, or develop your own fucking game.
Cheers lads.
Typical butthurt ignorant PvM player. Adds absolutely nothing to the conversation beyond his tears.
Also everything we are asking for we had in Diablo 2, not WoW. Just proves how ignorant you kids are. Funny too, this is a great example of why hostile button and PK were perfect for Diablo, it was a great way to shut little kids like you guys up. When you are all safe and protected by daddy Blizzard you guys get big mouths, as soon as that goes away you guys curl up in a ball and piss yourselves.
I think you nailed pretty much everything we really want Omega. If we want ranks and ladders we will make them ourselves like in Diablo 2.
Also, why is the guild/clan point only for PvP'ers? Makes no sense. PvM players would want just as much to form stable groups.
Because this is not about PvM'ers? This is about PvM'ers crying about PvP'ers and what WE want to see in the game for US. Yea the function would work both ways, but it would not work in an argument for the PvM'ers.
Gosh, why are all PvP'ers feeling so buttfucked atm? Stop whining for god sake! You don't know what plans Blizzard has with the PvP, yet you already cry like babies. WAIT TILL THE FUCKING PVP PATCH IS RELEASED - then you can start whatever it is you're doing.
I see myself as a PvM myself, HOWEVER I will of course play a whole bunch of PvP aswell. Just wanted to make that clear.
I can't stop comparing PvP'ers to MW3 players with all of this whining, over and over. If you don't like the game, simply don't buy it. Go back to WoW, or develop your own fucking game.
Cheers lads.
Typical butthurt ignorant PvM player. Adds absolutely nothing to the conversation beyond his tears.
Also everything we are asking for we had in Diablo 2, not WoW. Just proves how ignorant you kids are. Funny too, this is a great example of why hostile button and PK were perfect for Diablo, it was a great way to shut little kids like you guys up. When you are all safe and protected by daddy Blizzard you guys get big mouths, as soon as that goes away you guys curl up in a ball and piss yourselves.
I think you nailed pretty much everything we really want Omega. If we want ranks and ladders we will make them ourselves like in Diablo 2.
Why do you ALWAYS call everyone that doesn't agree with you a kid? Are you a grandpa or just a tool? Based on your posts I'm going to have to go with tool.... You do NOTHING but whine, Bitch, and flame. YOU sir are the reason people hate PvP in Diablo 3. You personify the typical inferiority complex/ epeen issue SO many elitist PvP players have.
People don't mind PvP. I don't mind the occasional PvP match. I just don't want people like you flocking to a PvM and ruining the community.
Diablo 3 is a new game, why do everyone is complaining about the way their pvp and pvm works. They made it that way, accept it, don't like it play any other game....
This thread will be updated, just post and I will add VALID arguments to the tables, yes this is biased, yes this is the PvP discussion. This will be used to strengthen the PvP argument.
Plaintiff - PvP'ers Demands
Customizable Arena options for private matches - Game types (FFA, Teams, 2 v 3, ect) - Changing the time limit - custom respawn times (instant, XX seconds, none) - other options I can't think of right now.
World PvP option (D2 Style) - Allow world PvP as a game option during creation.
Group/Party vs Group/Party - Able to selectively choose if you want to take XXX to the arena/dual/game.
Statistics (toggleable or personal only) - Kills, deaths, highest burst damage, most players killed in a life, ect.
Guild/Clan Flags - Ability to show your guild/clan name on your flag.
Wishful thinking:
Wagers - A safe way to bet on duels (it is going to happen either way right? Cough Cough RMAH logic).
Defendant - PvM'ers Defense
Balance - Not many are expecting this, actually nobody is except the PvMers useing it as a counter aurgument. - And no you don't need to be inside of an arena for skills to be balanced, even in D2 they had ways of balancing skills on players.
Also everything we are asking for we had in Diablo 2, not WoW. Just proves how ignorant you kids are.
One of the six requested features in this thread was in Diablo 2. So hostile and insulting, but then you don't even have your own story straight. This really is the reason that people don't like these threads.
Gosh, why are all PvP'ers feeling so buttfucked atm? Stop whining for god sake! You don't know what plans Blizzard has with the PvP, yet you already cry like babies. WAIT TILL THE FUCKING PVP PATCH IS RELEASED - then you can start whatever it is you're doing.
I see myself as a PvM myself, HOWEVER I will of course play a whole bunch of PvP aswell. Just wanted to make that clear.
I can't stop comparing PvP'ers to MW3 players with all of this whining, over and over. If you don't like the game, simply don't buy it. Go back to WoW, or develop your own fucking game.
Cheers lads.
Typical butthurt ignorant PvM player. Adds absolutely nothing to the conversation beyond his tears.
Also everything we are asking for we had in Diablo 2, not WoW. Just proves how ignorant you kids are. Funny too, this is a great example of why hostile button and PK were perfect for Diablo, it was a great way to shut little kids like you guys up. When you are all safe and protected by daddy Blizzard you guys get big mouths, as soon as that goes away you guys curl up in a ball and piss yourselves.
I think you nailed pretty much everything we really want Omega. If we want ranks and ladders we will make them ourselves like in Diablo 2.
You can't do anything about it, and it makes me laugh how serious you are about it. Make you're own invisible ladders lmao, or be smart and accept diablo for what it is, not what YOU want it to be.
Typical butthurt ignorant PvM player. Adds absolutely nothing to the conversation beyond his tears.
Also everything we are asking for we had in Diablo 2, not WoW. Just proves how ignorant you kids are. Funny too, this is a great example of why hostile button and PK were perfect for Diablo, it was a great way to shut little kids like you guys up. When you are all safe and protected by daddy Blizzard you guys get big mouths, as soon as that goes away you guys curl up in a ball and piss yourselves.
I think you nailed pretty much everything we really want Omega. If we want ranks and ladders we will make them ourselves like in Diablo 2.
What is it with you and calling everyone "kids"?
Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't make them any lesser than you.
Typical butthurt ignorant PvM player. Adds absolutely nothing to the conversation beyond his tears.
Also everything we are asking for we had in Diablo 2, not WoW. Just proves how ignorant you kids are. Funny too, this is a great example of why hostile button and PK were perfect for Diablo, it was a great way to shut little kids like you guys up. When you are all safe and protected by daddy Blizzard you guys get big mouths, as soon as that goes away you guys curl up in a ball and piss yourselves.
I think you nailed pretty much everything we really want Omega. If we want ranks and ladders we will make them ourselves like in Diablo 2.
What is it with you and calling everyone "kids"?
Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't make them any lesser than you.
Yeah, that's what we call a dumbass I think or a douche maybe here. Not sure.
As for the OP, well since the real concrete thing you are asking is having the choice to make the game you create pvp or not) I must say I'm fine with it. But the thing is you can wish this all you want, Blizzard won't do it
What you ask next may appear later (statistics). Guild name on flags doesn't really matter in a non mmo environment tbh.
Well, I was a bit upset with the pvp patch being pushed back. But I know its coming and believe then would be the time to argue till the cows come home.
Gosh, why are all PvP'ers feeling so buttfucked atm? Stop whining for god sake! You don't know what plans Blizzard has with the PvP, yet you already cry like babies. WAIT TILL THE FUCKING PVP PATCH IS RELEASED - then you can start whatever it is you're doing.
I see myself as a PvM myself, HOWEVER I will of course play a whole bunch of PvP aswell. Just wanted to make that clear.
I can't stop comparing PvP'ers to MW3 players with all of this whining, over and over. If you don't like the game, simply don't buy it. Go back to WoW, or develop your own fucking game.
Cheers lads.
Actually we know what blizzard has planned for PvP
I think most PvM players honestly don't care much about PvP. And I don't mean that in a way that means they're hostile toward PvPers, but actually have no vested interest in it and just don't care. If this entire list comes true, I don't think many of them would object to it. And the ones who do are probably jerks, (there's jerks on both sides of this argument) If it doesn't, no skin off their teeth, they don't care. So I just don't see what it accomplishes to attack PvM players as Blizzard is the one calling the shots.
You lot should be downright gratefull to blizzard for including some kind of PvP in Diablo 3, Since it's first and foremost a player(s) vs envoirment game.
Iam not saying screw PvP but iam not saying that they should make the PvP aspect of the game an priority either, Iam just happy that they add that and I see it as an extra, and TBH if you buy D3 for the sole reason of PvP'ing, You WILL get dissapointed.
no its not, we have been killing eachother since d1. Learn your history.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"...We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; for he to-day that sheds his blood with me
shall be my brother..."
no its not, we have been killing eachother since d1. Learn your history.
Learn your history, please. The Diablo series may have always had PvP, but PvP in Diablo has always been an extra. There may have been a community for the PvP throughout, but its always been a minority compared to the PvM community. This is the first Diablo game where PvP is being given its own nitch...including matchmaking, achievements, etc. Just because people could kill each other in previous Diablo games doesn't mean it was a major feature of said games.
Plaintiff - PvP'ers
Customizable Arena options for private matches - Game types (FFA, Teams, 2 v 3, ect) - Changing the time limit - custom respawn times (instant, XX seconds, none) - other options I can't think of right now.
World PvP option (D2 Style) - Allow world PvP as a game option during creation.
Group/Party vs Group/Party - Able to selectively choose if you want to take XXX to the arena/dual/game.
Statistics (toggleable or personal only) - Kills, deaths, highest burst damage, most players killed in a life, ect.
Guild/Clan Flags - Ability to show your guild/clan name on your flag.
Wishful thinking:
Wagers - A safe way to bet on duels (it is going to happen either way right? Cough Cough RMAH logic).
Defendant - PvM'ers
Balance - Not many are expecting this, actually nobody is except the PvMers useing it as a counter aurgument. - And no you don't need to be inside of an arena for skills to be balanced, even in D2 they had ways of balancing skills on players.
Ladders - PvM'ers do not want ranks/ladders.
Esport - PvM'ers don't want an "esport".
Elitism - Don't want to deal with elitism.
Demand all you want, or be smart and accept that it's not going to happen.
Also everything we are asking for we had in Diablo 2, not WoW. Just proves how ignorant you kids are. Funny too, this is a great example of why hostile button and PK were perfect for Diablo, it was a great way to shut little kids like you guys up. When you are all safe and protected by daddy Blizzard you guys get big mouths, as soon as that goes away you guys curl up in a ball and piss yourselves.
I think you nailed pretty much everything we really want Omega. If we want ranks and ladders we will make them ourselves like in Diablo 2.
Why do you ALWAYS call everyone that doesn't agree with you a kid? Are you a grandpa or just a tool? Based on your posts I'm going to have to go with tool.... You do NOTHING but whine, Bitch, and flame. YOU sir are the reason people hate PvP in Diablo 3. You personify the typical inferiority complex/ epeen issue SO many elitist PvP players have.
People don't mind PvP. I don't mind the occasional PvP match. I just don't want people like you flocking to a PvM and ruining the community.
Diablo 3 is a new game, why do everyone is complaining about the way their pvp and pvm works. They made it that way, accept it, don't like it play any other game....
One of the six requested features in this thread was in Diablo 2. So hostile and insulting, but then you don't even have your own story straight. This really is the reason that people don't like these threads.
You can't do anything about it, and it makes me laugh how serious you are about it. Make you're own invisible ladders lmao, or be smart and accept diablo for what it is, not what YOU want it to be.
As someone who will take part in both, why is this in the pvp section lol?
I am sure PvM people would like this also?
What is it with you and calling everyone "kids"?
Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't make them any lesser than you.
Yeah, that's what we call a dumbass I think
As for the OP, well since the real concrete thing you are asking is having the choice to make the game you create pvp or not) I must say I'm fine with it. But the thing is you can wish this all you want, Blizzard won't do it
What you ask next may appear later (statistics). Guild name on flags doesn't really matter in a non mmo environment tbh.
Actually we know what blizzard has planned for PvP
you silly low post count noobs, going hostile right off the bat. Loooveeee it.
You have proved to be... 100% troll, 100% ignorant, or just 100% stupid.
for he to-day that sheds his blood with me
shall be my brother..."
Nope, thats what they're going with, if you keep up to date you'd know this.
for he to-day that sheds his blood with me
shall be my brother..."
no its not, we have been killing eachother since d1. Learn your history.
for he to-day that sheds his blood with me
shall be my brother..."
Learn your history, please. The Diablo series may have always had PvP, but PvP in Diablo has always been an extra. There may have been a community for the PvP throughout, but its always been a minority compared to the PvM community. This is the first Diablo game where PvP is being given its own nitch...including matchmaking, achievements, etc. Just because people could kill each other in previous Diablo games doesn't mean it was a major feature of said games.