My favorite part about D1 was getting so deep into the game, the rest of the world seem to fade away. I was digging through the dugeons searching this cursed pit for loot and experiance... I think between this and D2 is the most I've ever got involved in a game.
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When evil was born, I was there...
When evil struck back, I was there...
When evil returns, I will be there...
Hearing that opening guitar strum. Just reminds me of easier times (I was like 12ish) when the friend who got me hooked on Diablo was still a good guy. I hear that chord and its almost like time travel..... And the butcher
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Good thing Hell doesn't know when to give up..... I was getting bored!!!
honostly i played d2, beat d2, and started the expansion before i even touched d1. coulnt handle it. friends thought it was great. i couldnt take walking every where it was horrible
* Walking 500 miles to get a mana potion.
* Going back through the TP before checking the inventory for another one.
Best.Game.Ever (subjective up wazoo I know, but I would rather play Diablo that 90% of the newer games on the market now)
Diablo ftw!
lol that's so true!
This was the first pc game i played when i first got my computer on the internet. My first experience wasn't that satisfying because i had AOL :(.
So, later when I got DSL, the MOST memorable thing was when i was in the caves hearing the music. The part in the song when the girl screamed scared the shit out of me! I TP'd outa there IMMEDIATELY!
Also, I remember when i entered a tp into level 16 that someone else opened. Diablo was behind that portal. I was awe struck with how scary and strong diablo was. I haven't even beaten catacombs yet.
I also remember how i defeated that one quest with the demons that stole the tavern sign. I had a scroll of lightning and scroll of flash and i thought"Oh yeah i could beat them with this!"(although i didn't know what those spell did yet). So when i gave the tavern sign to the little demon, a whole mass of those things came out! I rapidlyy used my 2 scrolls and i wasn't aiming with them so i killed 2. (I used flash when no monsters were near me O_o)
But then i ran out the door to the other side. To my surprised, only 1 can fit through at a time! So, thats how i figured out the door trick
My favorate character was the rogue. The most memorable moent for that is when i saw another rogue shotting fire arrows! I was like "cooooooool! how'd u do that!" and so she gave me another bow which was... i think fame dart.
I hadn't played Diablo or Diablo 2 in a while, and all this Diablo talk drove me over the edge, so I went out and bought the battle chest again. Played through both games in the past few days. I love the atmosphere in the first Diablo. I wish we would have seen more of King Leoric, he seemed like such an awesome character as soon as you enter his tomb and hear "The warmth of life has entered my tomb." When you hear that you know you are going up against true evil. I hope Diablo 3 will have those same kind of "I'm screwed" moments.
The butcher is clearly the moment i remebered the most. I was running like hell and screamed at my computer screen:D man that was som scary shit:thumbsup:
One of the best is Farnham who babbles about Cain is knowing more than he does.
He knows more than he knows he knows!
Quote from "GrandRobot" »
honostly i played d2, beat d2, and started the expansion before i even touched d1. coulnt handle it. friends thought it was great. i couldnt take walking every where it was horrible
Oh; oh no you di'nt!
How about trying on "The archbishop Lazarus... he lead us down here to find the lost Prince. The bastard lead us into a trap---- now everyone is dead, killed by a demon he called the Butcher.." for size. Love it.
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Long, long time Diablo fan; short, short time with DiabloFans. USEast D2 Ladder/1.13 Beta: Accnt = ChezPizmo USEast WCIII Ladder: Accnt = TeeheeSprinkles A cool, unrelated video; "Dude Bids 420 on Price is Right" ("420, Bob") "I'm nasty, I'm old and a little bit ornery; I look like Patrick Stewart and sound like Sean Connery." Patch 1.13 = (click here)
Best part was me and my Uncle were playin ok we got down to level 2 and we opened the door and an army of devilkin and skelys came and raped us. But when my Uncle died he hit potion at exact moment so it said he was dead but still had health in his health bar im like "COOOOOL."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack for all your Trans Siberian Orchestra listening pleasure
If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
If we could somehow make this
Christmas thing last
By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only just ask
When evil was born, I was there...
When evil struck back, I was there...
When evil returns, I will be there...
Theatre Major ie: waiter in training
This petition is to KEEP the current art direction
Good Job Blizzard. Stay on Track
This was the first pc game i played when i first got my computer on the internet. My first experience wasn't that satisfying because i had AOL :(.
So, later when I got DSL, the MOST memorable thing was when i was in the caves hearing the music. The part in the song when the girl screamed scared the shit out of me! I TP'd outa there IMMEDIATELY!
Also, I remember when i entered a tp into level 16 that someone else opened. Diablo was behind that portal. I was awe struck with how scary and strong diablo was. I haven't even beaten catacombs yet.
I also remember how i defeated that one quest with the demons that stole the tavern sign. I had a scroll of lightning and scroll of flash and i thought"Oh yeah i could beat them with this!"(although i didn't know what those spell did yet). So when i gave the tavern sign to the little demon, a whole mass of those things came out! I rapidlyy used my 2 scrolls and i wasn't aiming with them so i killed 2. (I used flash when no monsters were near me O_o)
But then i ran out the door to the other side. To my surprised, only 1 can fit through at a time! So, thats how i figured out the door trick
My favorate character was the rogue. The most memorable moent for that is when i saw another rogue shotting fire arrows! I was like "cooooooool! how'd u do that!" and so she gave me another bow which was... i think fame dart.
Yeah! It's a cow allright...
and when you get near the church and there's nobody laying in front of it butcher at the second level, yeah, i'll last longer
or maybe like the sorcerer said:
"His death (pause) WILL BE AVENGED!!!"
like there's anyone near there, maybe Gillian can hear...
He knows more than he knows he knows!
Oh; oh no you di'nt!
How about trying on "The archbishop Lazarus... he lead us down here to find the lost Prince. The bastard lead us into a trap---- now everyone is dead, killed by a demon he called the Butcher.." for size.
USEast D2 Ladder/1.13 Beta: Accnt = ChezPizmo
USEast WCIII Ladder: Accnt = TeeheeSprinkles
"I'm nasty, I'm old and a little bit ornery; I look like Patrick Stewart and sound like Sean Connery."
Patch 1.13 = (click here)
If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
If we could somehow make this
Christmas thing last
By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only just ask
My best moment was killing Diablo for the first time, i will never forget that