Found these this morning. Nothing godly, that's for sure. But a very nice roll and +50 Phys resist, which my Monk uses. Stood as a fine upgrade over some shoddy Prowlers I was using.
sadly i dont have my last self found uppgrade anymore since it was like 4-5 months ago i acctually found an uppgrade for my barb.
you sure the fact that you guys have found uppgrades isnt a bug or something?
I'm wearing 6 self-founds upgrades as of now. Not bad for a char that can farm MP6 with great ease.
The false idea that there is only an infintesimal chance at a good self-find was the inspiration for me to create this thread. Of course......all experiences are strictly subject to individual luck.....but as my father always said "Luck is usually your reward for effort".
Anyone complaining you can never find an upgrade please remember; when you buy items with the exact specific stats you want off the ah, then ofc finding the same item with better stats is going to be really hard.
wait people actually find upgrades o.O havent found one since like paragon level 15 where i got a skorn which got sold within the week because it had no int on it and it made being out of archon to agrivating>.> lvl 100 now and haven't found something for myself yet to any degree lol
This is my favorite drop I got. Not my best, mind you. My favorite. It's on my witch doctor. Despite the dex, the other stats were fantastic.
I found 5 legendaries today.
Are the only ones worth talking about. I did find some polearm the other day that cast sanctuary around myself on occasion and it had some sweet life steal on it. That was fun for a while - but I lost like 12k health using it. And playing the game of death brinksmanship got old after a few hours. Weapon looked sweet, though.
Hrm, I should put that ring on my barbarian and see if it helps his DPS too.
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You have to be over 'the hump' to start finding good gear. And most people get over that hump by resorting to the AH.
Your confusion is understandable.
People talk about this 'hump' or 'wall' as if it's a bad thing, or somehow exclusive to Diablo 3. I've experienced this wall in all games of this genre. Guild Wars, I remember having to farm ectos to get going, until finally I got that big drop.
Diablo 2, I remember actually hustling Pgems to people that rolled Ball GC's. They paid 1 HR per 40 Pgems. I did this until finally, I got that big drop and rode right over that hump.
In D3, you get over that hump much the same way. You work hard and lean on a little bit of luck.
I'm now wearing 6 pieces on a solid character that can (and does) easily farm MP6. It would be 7, but I upgraded my self-found Inna's in favor of a Mempo. But to do this, I had to make gold. To make gold I had to play. I got a nice drop by way of IK boots and that really helped me solve a few standing issues I had.
The AH is a vehicle that has the same use, the same advantage, that we see in most/all other games. I thought I would hate it. I actually really like this convenient trade vehicle.
BurningRope#1322 (US~HC)
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Heck yeah they count. With the number of Hellfire Rings that roll crap I would say any good roll on one is worth a peek.
My perf AR 211 str ice climbers
My strength tyraels with 138 vita
A rare neck with 10 crit 63 crit dmg 400+ LoH ~128 strength
I'm wearing 6 self-founds upgrades as of now. Not bad for a char that can farm MP6 with great ease.
The false idea that there is only an infintesimal chance at a good self-find was the inspiration for me to create this thread. Of course......all experiences are strictly subject to individual luck.....but as my father always said "Luck is usually your reward for effort".
BurningRope#1322 (US~HC)
Request an invite to the official (NA) <dfans> Clan
BurningRope#1322 (US~HC)
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gratz...that's an awesome little gem of a find. With a socket even.........
BurningRope#1322 (US~HC)
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Diablo III Skill Proc Coefficients:
From last night. Gave my monk alt a nice DPS/EHP upgrade
Only wish it was cold resist instead of poison. Willing to trade this for a similar one with cold res! Thanks!
Armory | YouTube | Twitter | Clan Site
This is my favorite drop I got. Not my best, mind you. My favorite. It's on my witch doctor. Despite the dex, the other stats were fantastic.
I found 5 legendaries today.
Are the only ones worth talking about. I did find some polearm the other day that cast sanctuary around myself on occasion and it had some sweet life steal on it. That was fun for a while - but I lost like 12k health using it. And playing the game of death brinksmanship got old after a few hours. Weapon looked sweet, though.
Hrm, I should put that ring on my barbarian and see if it helps his DPS too.
Almost all the items on my 3 lvl 60s are self found. The axe on my barb, and the amulet and chest on my monk might be the best ones.
Found a grand total of 3 set items and 5 legendaries
Still satisfying. I think I'm going to end up selling it since I'd rather keep the HP over the DPS boost.
Armory | YouTube | Twitter | Clan Site
Hit "print screen" in-game, screenshot will be saved in "My Documents\Diablo III\Screenshots", upload on website ( for example) and post here with [img] tag.
People talk about this 'hump' or 'wall' as if it's a bad thing, or somehow exclusive to Diablo 3. I've experienced this wall in all games of this genre. Guild Wars, I remember having to farm ectos to get going, until finally I got that big drop.
Diablo 2, I remember actually hustling Pgems to people that rolled Ball GC's. They paid 1 HR per 40 Pgems. I did this until finally, I got that big drop and rode right over that hump.
In D3, you get over that hump much the same way. You work hard and lean on a little bit of luck.
I'm now wearing 6 pieces on a solid character that can (and does) easily farm MP6. It would be 7, but I upgraded my self-found Inna's in favor of a Mempo. But to do this, I had to make gold. To make gold I had to play. I got a nice drop by way of IK boots and that really helped me solve a few standing issues I had.
The AH is a vehicle that has the same use, the same advantage, that we see in most/all other games. I thought I would hate it. I actually really like this convenient trade vehicle.
BurningRope#1322 (US~HC)
Request an invite to the official (NA) <dfans> Clan