I'm curious to see what you guys think about what the Necromancer should have and what items they should bring back.
I'm wondering if they will bring back Runewords. Fortitude, Heart of the Oak, Call To Arms, Enigma, Exile, Etc...
It would be interesting to how they work. Of course they would have to be normal items with many sockets. They can be socketed with 6 gems. Though that would give them a max amount of 1680 of any stat gem you put in there, and a max of 468 All Resist, but it wouldn't have any ability for anything else. So I think that would balance it out.
I'm curious to see what you guys think about what the Necromancer should have and what items they should bring back.
I'm wondering if they will bring back Runewords. Fortitude, Heart of the Oak, Call To Arms, Enigma, Exile, Etc...
It would be interesting to how they work. Of course they would have to be normal items with many sockets. They can be socketed with 6 gems. Though that would give them a max amount of 1680 of any stat gem you put in there, and a max of 468 All Resist, but it wouldn't have any ability for anything else. So I think that would balance it out.
As near as I can figure out from what I have read all they are doing is adding another class. No runewords or any other major changes, although I would've loved to see a major change like that. They've been careful to refer to it as a pack rather than an expansion to the game.
They appear to be just running a new class through the same existing content. So, some new skills and passives. I'm sure it will be strong enough of a class to have either 1 or 2 Necs Meta- Mandatory so they can sell as many Necs as possible.
I'm curious to see what you guys think about what the Necromancer should have and what items they should bring back.
I'm wondering if they will bring back Runewords. Fortitude, Heart of the Oak, Call To Arms, Enigma, Exile, Etc...
It would be interesting to how they work. Of course they would have to be normal items with many sockets. They can be socketed with 6 gems. Though that would give them a max amount of 1680 of any stat gem you put in there, and a max of 468 All Resist, but it wouldn't have any ability for anything else. So I think that would balance it out.
As near as I can figure out from what I have read all they are doing is adding another class. No runewords or any other major changes, although I would've loved to see a major change like that. They've been careful to refer to it as a pack rather than an expansion to the game.
They appear to be just running a new class through the same existing content. So, some new skills and passives. I'm sure it will be strong enough of a class to have either 1 or 2 Necs Meta- Mandatory so they can sell as many Necs as possible.
I believe there is going to be a couple new zones as well, though I am not sure how that is supposed to work? perhaps the new zones will be released to everyone in a content patch, and then unlocking the Necro requries the pack purchase?
In anycase, Runewords would be a HORRIBLE idea. They are what ruined diablo 2 honestly. They took what I enjoyed most, which was magic finding, and made it worthless. Instead of stacking your character with Magic find and hunting down bosses for loot, you were left mindlessly grinding the pit and other shitty areas for socketed items and runes. basically all Unique items became worthless. Whats the point in having all these fancy unique armor, when everyone wanted Enigma or CoH?
I am all for them adding new Legendary items that open up new builds and new options, but for god sake, leave runewords out of this....
Honestly I'd be game for any mechanic that gets D3 out of the OP 6 pc set/Rift/Paragon grind it is currently mired in. New zones and Mobs also don't interest me much. History says if they add new maps or mobs, they will likely be on the "skip" list for GR progression.
There won't be any new game mechanics for a long time guys, and we're still looking at 6 + months until the Necro.
Remember, one of the biggest draws of an expansion in almost every Blizzard game is a new class, and they announced that 8 months AHEAD of it dropping. If they had new game play mechanics coming as well, then they could have easily bundled the Nerco, new mechanics, and the new zones they announced into an actual expansion.
All we're getting, that we have to pay for, is the Necro. If there's any hope of actual mechanically new content, such as jewels / runes and runewords / charms and the talisman / actual new ACTS or story, ect, it'l be in an expansion, which is two + years away.
There won't be any new game mechanics for a long time guys, and we're still looking at 6 + months until the Necro.
Remember, one of the biggest draws of an expansion in almost every Blizzard game is a new class, and they announced that 8 months AHEAD of it dropping. If they had new game play mechanics coming as well, then they could have easily bundled the Nerco, new mechanics, and the new zones they announced into an actual expansion.
All we're getting, that we have to pay for, is the Necro. If there's any hope of actual mechanically new content, such as jewels / runes and runewords / charms and the talisman / actual new ACTS or story, ect, it'l be in an expansion, which is two + years away.
two + years sounds reasonable. though i don't think they have the backup from blizzard to do more than the necro at the moment. i know, blizzard games are polished and big. but we are nearly three months closer to the next blizzcon and have no release date or pricing for the necro. or solid gameplay videos. beta tests? anything?
new zones aren't needed. the cube "story" was shallow, short and not really memorable. new zones can be implemented, when they implement some overarching story like in an expansion. other than that? please don't release all the maps you scrapped while developing RoS..
Necromancer will have its story covered the same way all the other characters did, through their interactions with the existing NPCs through the campaign. We didn't get a Crusader-only area in the old acts, and frankly we didn't need it to understand what or why the Crusaders exist now. We'll just have to wait and see how much unique NPC interaction there will be, and whether we'll get some new NPC lines.
I doubt they're going to do a new expansion later if they're doing character packs now.
5. Runewords are very unlikely to happen due to a simple reason - it's a form of "crafting" items, which D3 already has (blacksmith/jeweler crafting + cube recipes). If anything, they might potentially update the crafting system they already have by - say - giving crafted legendaries more interesting effects, but requiring some sort of special materials to craft (which I think they kinda tried at the beginning of RoS, but it failed). At this point, the most likely big system to be implemented is imo the Talisman or something else related to charms.
I'm thinking that this will be what they eventually do.
The major fail with how things were in ROS at the beginning was that they weren't random drops (akin to runes from D2) but came from specific super uniques, meaning you had to go farm them specifically, constantly recreating the game, which everyone seems to agree is subpar.
If they merely added those materials back into the general loot table and had varying rarities, they could totally make it work and then make the crafted legendary better.
For the character pack, I see them using it as a way to test the waters. Games are moving the way of having optional content (characters, cosmetics, skins, etc) that can be purchased, and then other gameplay impacting changes, like a new game mode or such, is released to all players. If the necro pack is successful, I could see them doing another one, and implementing another activity (like tower defense or something) to release to all ROS players.
The Rise of the Necromancer pack will be a Band-Aid. There is so much more this game needs to get people coming back more regularly. This year they appear to be trying to keep the interest up. Maybe they are building up something for 2018. The Necromancer is going to be a character with all the same stuff as the other 6 characters. They will add new class specific items and tweak other items and maybe add some other items. That is all this pack is another character and nothing else. I feel like they have made it clear that this is what it is. Oh yea cosmetics...
The Rise of the Necromancer pack will be a Band-Aid. There is so much more this game needs to get people coming back more regularly. This year they appear to be trying to keep the interest up. Maybe they are building up something for 2018. The Necromancer is going to be a character with all the same stuff as the other 6 characters. They will add new class specific items and tweak other items and maybe add some other items. That is all this pack is another character and nothing else. I feel like they have made it clear that this is what it is. Oh yea cosmetics...
They are also releasing the armory feature, New zones for adventure mode, Challenge Rifts, adding seasons to consoles. Mind you, all of this is likely to come as a future content patch for free, completely seperate from the Necro pack.
The Rise of the Necromancer pack will be a Band-Aid. There is so much more this game needs to get people coming back more regularly. This year they appear to be trying to keep the interest up. Maybe they are building up something for 2018. The Necromancer is going to be a character with all the same stuff as the other 6 characters. They will add new class specific items and tweak other items and maybe add some other items. That is all this pack is another character and nothing else. I feel like they have made it clear that this is what it is. Oh yea cosmetics...
They are also releasing the armory feature, New zones for adventure mode, Challenge Rifts, adding seasons to consoles. Mind you, all of this is likely to come as a future content patch for free, completely seperate from the Necro pack.
new zones always bring more hassle than joy. challenge rifts are still rifts. consoles? that market must be even smaller than the pc market.
and the armory feature is just a bit of QoL and it got scratched from the latest patch. did blizzard actually say something about that?
oh and by the way, please stop with all the "for free" nonsense. you can play hearthstone and heroes of the storm for free. and still get a lot of updates and communication, events and tweaks based on feedback. it is not our fault that blizzard cut the only viable source of revenue (rmah) and go with no additional revenue income at all. they shouldn't add to diablo because we want it so or some of us even demand. they should add to this game out of passion for the franchise and if we can support it, we will. taking half a year or longer for a slightly different class while still trying not to pin a release date or price isn't really a cool way to maintain a franchise.
The Rise of the Necromancer pack will be a Band-Aid. There is so much more this game needs to get people coming back more regularly. This year they appear to be trying to keep the interest up. Maybe they are building up something for 2018. The Necromancer is going to be a character with all the same stuff as the other 6 characters. They will add new class specific items and tweak other items and maybe add some other items. That is all this pack is another character and nothing else. I feel like they have made it clear that this is what it is. Oh yea cosmetics...
They are also releasing the armory feature, New zones for adventure mode, Challenge Rifts, adding seasons to consoles. Mind you, all of this is likely to come as a future content patch for free, completely seperate from the Necro pack.
Let me quote their Blizzcon panel - all of those things are likely to come in a couple of patches over the course of the year Granted, it doesn't really say much, but it surely doesn't sound very optimistic.
How does the fact that they are planning to continually add content over the course of the year not sound optimistic? For free no less... I mean, obviously they are adding new content in the hopes people will continue to play the game and therefore buy their new character pack and probably future ones as well, but im struggling to understand whats so bad about this? This game is already 5 years old and they are still continually adding and updating items, adding features, quests, maps, with what appears to be a decent amount of content in development. When was the last time you paid a penny for Diablo 3? i'm assuming when they released reaper of souls about 3 years ago? I mean, if you don't like the game, or the upcoming content that has been announced, its not like you are obligated in any way to keep playing...
Beotrix: look at their other games. there you can see lots of new content. you cannot call things like rifts content, since it is just another play mode. it was implemented after the people realized in vanilla, that the endgame is something like an alkaizer route. you min-max everything to achieve higher numbers.
higher numbers such as grift level on some leaderboards with an awful UI for every season where the whole progress gets rebooted. and you don't start something fresh. the last two seasons where practically the same game and patch level. you always have the possibility for all mobs in all of the zones from the whole game in a tidy tunnel and at the end you have a guardian. and you beat a timer. that got old quick and adding "content" like a challenge rift is the same old with a mutator.
so, either you are very easily pleased, have no real expectations how great a good diablo game could be or just are content enough with the ultra slow work of some devs.
I'm always grateful for free content (although the necro isn't free), what I'm complaining about is the lack thereof. It's been years since RoS came out, and it'l be a minimum of two years IF we ever see an expansion again, which I don't think we will. They wouldn't split up content, over a year, if they could package it all and sell it at the end of the year as a 40$ expansion.
D3 is in maintenance mode. We're getting a cool new class in 6+ months, two new zones (wooooo) at another time, and some QoL changes at another time. Challenge rifts are just a simple tiny band-aid to try to even out a playing field, but you don't even get to use your own gear. Or your own build. I've pointed out over and over again WHY Grifts are broken (mainly because they are infinite in difficulty), so I won't go into it now. If Blizzard is fine with the state of the game, then there's really nothing I can do.
So, ya a tiny bit of content, with nothing meaningful for the rest of the year besides one class you have to pay for. Not very encouraging.
I'm always grateful for free content (although the necro isn't free), what I'm complaining about is the lack thereof. It's been years since RoS came out, and it'l be a minimum of two years IF we ever see an expansion again, which I don't think we will. They wouldn't split up content, over a year, if they could package it all and sell it at the end of the year as a 40$ expansion.
D3 is in maintenance mode. We're getting a cool new class in 6+ months, two new zones (wooooo) at another time, and some QoL changes at another time. Challenge rifts are just a simple tiny band-aid to try to even out a playing field, but you don't even get to use your own gear. Or your own build. I've pointed out over and over again WHY Grifts are broken (mainly because they are infinite in difficulty), so I won't go into it now. If Blizzard is fine with the state of the game, then there's really nothing I can do.
So, ya a tiny bit of content, with nothing meaningful for the rest of the year besides one class you have to pay for. Not very encouraging.
Sorry, I jsut don't get it. This is not a subscription based game, the fact that we are getting any new free content at all is something I personally think we should be greatful for. This isn't WOW where you get new content every few weeks these days, its Diablo, Free to play hack and slash. Its also a game that you can play for a season, not play for a year, then come back and aside from a few item changes which led to new build possibilities, you can pick the game up and start playing again without having to relearn everything. You stop playing wow for a year, and upon your return, next to nothing will be the same due to the constantly evolving nature of the game. Personally, I feel if I want a constantly evolving ecosystem with constant content, there has to be a subscription based system in place. I would be fine with that if they chose to impliment it, but im also happy with the way things are and don't expect to constantly be given things for nothing.
My personal opinion is that we are going to get an announcement at gamescom or blizzcon about a DLC pack that will tie up all lose ends of the D3 story. This new story pack will also come with two new classes, and a new act.
The fact is that they are working on several things they have not even talked much about yet. For instance, the endless maps they showed us at blizzcon. Those were interesting, and I am curious to see what type of game mode that will be.
Also, the new zones and monsters they are adding, at least to me, seem like a prequel to the introduction of a new demon lord/demon army. Maybe all of this will be what leads up to D4?
My personal opinion is that we are going to get an announcement at gamescom or blizzcon about a DLC pack that will tie up all lose ends of the D3 story. This new story pack will also come with two new classes, and a new act.
The fact is that they are working on several things they have not even talked much about yet. For instance, the endless maps they showed us at blizzcon. Those were interesting, and I am curious to see what type of game mode that will be.
Also, the new zones and monsters they are adding, at least to me, seem like a prequel to the introduction of a new demon lord/demon army. Maybe all of this will be what leads up to D4?
It's taking them at least 8 months from announcement to release the necro. There's no way in hell they are capable of also releasing 2 more classes with another dlc, let alone a whole new act.
It's taking them at least 8 months from announcement to release the necro. There's no way in hell they are capable of also releasing 2 more classes with another dlc, let alone a whole new act.
Also, this follows a 2016 where not much happened. Expecting a lot of new content seems curious given D3s history. Most likely, if they are doing anything at all with Diablo (which they may well not be doing), they are starting the long term multi year development of D4 rather than spending a lot of time adding new D3 content.
It's taking them at least 8 months from announcement to release the necro. There's no way in hell they are capable of also releasing 2 more classes with another dlc, let alone a whole new act.
Also, this follows a 2016 where not much happened. Expecting a lot of new content seems curious given D3s history. Most likely, if they are doing anything at all with Diablo (which they may well not be doing), they are starting the long term multi year development of D4 rather than spending a lot of time adding new D3 content.
One can only hope.
Because they're calling it a 'character pack', I'll bet money there will never be another D3 expansion outright.
I wish they'd just tell us if there is something such as a D4 planned, but that would kill D3 even more. But on the other hand, it's dead in my eyes anyway. So whatchya gonna do.
I'm curious to see what you guys think about what the Necromancer should have and what items they should bring back.
I'm wondering if they will bring back Runewords. Fortitude, Heart of the Oak, Call To Arms, Enigma, Exile, Etc...
It would be interesting to how they work. Of course they would have to be normal items with many sockets. They can be socketed with 6 gems. Though that would give them a max amount of 1680 of any stat gem you put in there, and a max of 468 All Resist, but it wouldn't have any ability for anything else. So I think that would balance it out.
Shadow AngelsAs near as I can figure out from what I have read all they are doing is adding another class. No runewords or any other major changes, although I would've loved to see a major change like that. They've been careful to refer to it as a pack rather than an expansion to the game.
They appear to be just running a new class through the same existing content. So, some new skills and passives. I'm sure it will be strong enough of a class to have either 1 or 2 Necs Meta- Mandatory so they can sell as many Necs as possible.
In anycase, Runewords would be a HORRIBLE idea. They are what ruined diablo 2 honestly. They took what I enjoyed most, which was magic finding, and made it worthless. Instead of stacking your character with Magic find and hunting down bosses for loot, you were left mindlessly grinding the pit and other shitty areas for socketed items and runes. basically all Unique items became worthless. Whats the point in having all these fancy unique armor, when everyone wanted Enigma or CoH?
I am all for them adding new Legendary items that open up new builds and new options, but for god sake, leave runewords out of this....
Honestly I'd be game for any mechanic that gets D3 out of the OP 6 pc set/Rift/Paragon grind it is currently mired in. New zones and Mobs also don't interest me much. History says if they add new maps or mobs, they will likely be on the "skip" list for GR progression.
There won't be any new game mechanics for a long time guys, and we're still looking at 6 + months until the Necro.
Remember, one of the biggest draws of an expansion in almost every Blizzard game is a new class, and they announced that 8 months AHEAD of it dropping. If they had new game play mechanics coming as well, then they could have easily bundled the Nerco, new mechanics, and the new zones they announced into an actual expansion.
All we're getting, that we have to pay for, is the Necro. If there's any hope of actual mechanically new content, such as jewels / runes and runewords / charms and the talisman / actual new ACTS or story, ect, it'l be in an expansion, which is two + years away.
new zones aren't needed. the cube "story" was shallow, short and not really memorable. new zones can be implemented, when they implement some overarching story like in an expansion. other than that? please don't release all the maps you scrapped while developing RoS..
Necromancer will have its story covered the same way all the other characters did, through their interactions with the existing NPCs through the campaign. We didn't get a Crusader-only area in the old acts, and frankly we didn't need it to understand what or why the Crusaders exist now. We'll just have to wait and see how much unique NPC interaction there will be, and whether we'll get some new NPC lines.
I doubt they're going to do a new expansion later if they're doing character packs now.
The major fail with how things were in ROS at the beginning was that they weren't random drops (akin to runes from D2) but came from specific super uniques, meaning you had to go farm them specifically, constantly recreating the game, which everyone seems to agree is subpar.
If they merely added those materials back into the general loot table and had varying rarities, they could totally make it work and then make the crafted legendary better.
For the character pack, I see them using it as a way to test the waters. Games are moving the way of having optional content (characters, cosmetics, skins, etc) that can be purchased, and then other gameplay impacting changes, like a new game mode or such, is released to all players. If the necro pack is successful, I could see them doing another one, and implementing another activity (like tower defense or something) to release to all ROS players.
The Rise of the Necromancer pack will be a Band-Aid. There is so much more this game needs to get people coming back more regularly. This year they appear to be trying to keep the interest up. Maybe they are building up something for 2018. The Necromancer is going to be a character with all the same stuff as the other 6 characters. They will add new class specific items and tweak other items and maybe add some other items. That is all this pack is another character and nothing else. I feel like they have made it clear that this is what it is. Oh yea cosmetics...
and the armory feature is just a bit of QoL and it got scratched from the latest patch. did blizzard actually say something about that?
oh and by the way, please stop with all the "for free" nonsense. you can play hearthstone and heroes of the storm for free. and still get a lot of updates and communication, events and tweaks based on feedback. it is not our fault that blizzard cut the only viable source of revenue (rmah) and go with no additional revenue income at all. they shouldn't add to diablo because we want it so or some of us even demand. they should add to this game out of passion for the franchise and if we can support it, we will. taking half a year or longer for a slightly different class while still trying not to pin a release date or price isn't really a cool way to maintain a franchise.
Beotrix: look at their other games. there you can see lots of new content. you cannot call things like rifts content, since it is just another play mode. it was implemented after the people realized in vanilla, that the endgame is something like an alkaizer route. you min-max everything to achieve higher numbers.
higher numbers such as grift level on some leaderboards with an awful UI for every season where the whole progress gets rebooted. and you don't start something fresh. the last two seasons where practically the same game and patch level. you always have the possibility for all mobs in all of the zones from the whole game in a tidy tunnel and at the end you have a guardian. and you beat a timer. that got old quick and adding "content" like a challenge rift is the same old with a mutator.
so, either you are very easily pleased, have no real expectations how great a good diablo game could be or just are content enough with the ultra slow work of some devs.
Pretty much what LordOfTerror said.
I'm always grateful for free content (although the necro isn't free), what I'm complaining about is the lack thereof. It's been years since RoS came out, and it'l be a minimum of two years IF we ever see an expansion again, which I don't think we will. They wouldn't split up content, over a year, if they could package it all and sell it at the end of the year as a 40$ expansion.
D3 is in maintenance mode. We're getting a cool new class in 6+ months, two new zones (wooooo) at another time, and some QoL changes at another time. Challenge rifts are just a simple tiny band-aid to try to even out a playing field, but you don't even get to use your own gear. Or your own build. I've pointed out over and over again WHY Grifts are broken (mainly because they are infinite in difficulty), so I won't go into it now. If Blizzard is fine with the state of the game, then there's really nothing I can do.
So, ya a tiny bit of content, with nothing meaningful for the rest of the year besides one class you have to pay for. Not very encouraging.
My personal opinion is that we are going to get an announcement at gamescom or blizzcon about a DLC pack that will tie up all lose ends of the D3 story. This new story pack will also come with two new classes, and a new act.
The fact is that they are working on several things they have not even talked much about yet. For instance, the endless maps they showed us at blizzcon. Those were interesting, and I am curious to see what type of game mode that will be.
Also, the new zones and monsters they are adding, at least to me, seem like a prequel to the introduction of a new demon lord/demon army. Maybe all of this will be what leads up to D4?
Because they're calling it a 'character pack', I'll bet money there will never be another D3 expansion outright.
I wish they'd just tell us if there is something such as a D4 planned, but that would kill D3 even more. But on the other hand, it's dead in my eyes anyway. So whatchya gonna do.
It saddens me to see how hard D3 is getting steamrolled by PoE.
I doubt we will see another big patch after necromancer ;__;