So we all have seen the wizards globe that slows everything down except his/her attacks. So a barbarian is whirl winding into the wizard. The wizard throws down the globe slowing down the barbarian. While she is able to keep shotting spells at the barbarian. From the videos of the spell it looked like the glode lasted quite a while. I don't fell like going into more detail but i think you get the idea.
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I am cheese. I am loved by all. I go great with everything. Other foods hate me because I take all the glory. Like Nachos..Their just jealous cause no one eats them unless Im there. Shit..I even ruined broccili's rep. Broccili kept talkin shit so I was like. " You know what?, I think I might melt myself on some Broccilli. See how those humans enjoy that green [sexual slur censored] now." Shit...Now,People dont even touch him, unless Im all over that shit! Ahhh..Its not easy, being cheesy.. Peace. Cheese Out.
Just because I don't know everything about Diablo three dose not mean I am not allowed to make statements about it. For your information pvp has been announced and will be a part of the game.
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I am cheese. I am loved by all. I go great with everything. Other foods hate me because I take all the glory. Like Nachos..Their just jealous cause no one eats them unless Im there. Shit..I even ruined broccili's rep. Broccili kept talkin shit so I was like. " You know what?, I think I might melt myself on some Broccilli. See how those humans enjoy that green [sexual slur censored] now." Shit...Now,People dont even touch him, unless Im all over that shit! Ahhh..Its not easy, being cheesy.. Peace. Cheese Out.
Just because I don't know everything about Diablo three dose not mean I am not allowed to make statements about it. For your information pvp has been announced and will be a part of the game.
ohrly they announced that zomg I had no idea... oh wait... yes I do
and yes it does mean you can't, they have yet to announce what is involved in pvp, if it would even be dueling like the old game
this thread is like the others that make assumptions for an unfinished game
I think the replier"a point is that we don't know how any abilities will affect PCs, as spells often have a different effect on players than on monsters
ohrly they announced that zomg I had no idea... oh wait... yes I do
and yes it does mean you can't, they have yet to announce what is involved in pvp, if it would even be dueling like the old game
this thread is like the others that make assumptions for an unfinished game
Player versus player is dueling. No wait I think i will stoop my Iq down to your level and then pvp will just be exchanging looks. Oh Your so smart you can actually tell people what to do and you think they will do it.
Yes I'm making assumptions for an unfinished game. Though with your "logic" we shouldn't even talk about the game till it is done. :rolleyes:
Definition from online: A struggle for domination between two contending persons, groups, or ideas
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I am cheese. I am loved by all. I go great with everything. Other foods hate me because I take all the glory. Like Nachos..Their just jealous cause no one eats them unless Im there. Shit..I even ruined broccili's rep. Broccili kept talkin shit so I was like. " You know what?, I think I might melt myself on some Broccilli. See how those humans enjoy that green [sexual slur censored] now." Shit...Now,People dont even touch him, unless Im all over that shit! Ahhh..Its not easy, being cheesy.. Peace. Cheese Out.
Yeesh, come on, the Wizards globe wont work on other players.
Discussion over.
You know that how. :confused:
Though you are probably right.
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I am cheese. I am loved by all. I go great with everything. Other foods hate me because I take all the glory. Like Nachos..Their just jealous cause no one eats them unless Im there. Shit..I even ruined broccili's rep. Broccili kept talkin shit so I was like. " You know what?, I think I might melt myself on some Broccilli. See how those humans enjoy that green [sexual slur censored] now." Shit...Now,People dont even touch him, unless Im all over that shit! Ahhh..Its not easy, being cheesy.. Peace. Cheese Out.
I think what Waddlez means is that we have no idea how they'll include the PvP in the game, so in no way you can say that a certain spell is overpowered yet. We'll have more than enough "(Insert spell here) is OP in PvP" threads when the beta starts, so we prefer not to start some of these threads already.
Of course, if this spell behaves the same versus a Player Character(PC) than it does in PvE, it can be troublesome. But we have no idea how it'll be balanced for PvP! Just a quick exemple from WoW(I know, dont compare D3 with WoW, blah blah blah) : The mage's "Polymorph" spell. In PvE, lasts 50(OMFG OVERPOWERED) seconds. Though, on a PvP target, it lasts only a max of 10seconds, and each time it's used on the same target in the following 30secondes, a Diminishing Return applies, reducing the sheep time by half each time, and the 4th time, the target turns immune.
That's a HUGE difference compared to the way it behaves in PvE, and it was needed for a competitive PvP. The same thing happens for fear, stun, etc.
So, I'd say : "Wait to see any kind of PvP before to yell that a skill is OP."
I'm not saying we can't discuss of a game until it's finished. I'm saying that Blizzard said they are designing the game with PvP in mind, so I trust that they wont release the game with a spell that totally breaks the PvP, without some kind of counter to it for every class, or limitations to the spell to make it PvP-balanced.
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If you can't amaze people with your intelligence, confuse them with your bullshit.
I think what Waddlez means is that we have no idea how they'll include the PvP in the game, so in no way you can say that a certain spell is overpowered yet. We'll have more than enough "(Insert spell here) is OP in PvP" threads when the beta starts, so we prefer not to start some of these threads already.
Of course, if this spell behaves the same versus a Player Character(PC) than it does in PvE, it can be troublesome. But we have no idea how it'll be balanced for PvP! Just a quick exemple from WoW(I know, dont compare D3 with WoW, blah blah blah) : The mage's "Polymorph" spell. In PvE, lasts 50(OMFG OVERPOWERED) seconds. Though, on a PvP target, it lasts only a max of 10seconds, and each time it's used on the same target in the following 30secondes, a Diminishing Return applies, reducing the sheep time by half each time, and the 4th time, the target turns immune.
That's a HUGE difference compared to the way it behaves in PvE, and it was needed for a competitive PvP. The same thing happens for fear, stun, etc.
So, if I want to answer in a rude way(I'm not a fan of IQ-based insults, especially on a game forum, but I'm a fan of answering people in the same way that they write a post, so sorry if you don't like it.), I'll say: "So, I'll lower my IQ for you to understand : Wait to see any kind of PvP before to yell that a skill is OP. Oh, you're so smart you can assume things year(s) before a game release."
I'm not saying we can't discuss of a game until it's finished, I'm saying that Blizzard said they are designing the game with PvP in mind, so I trust that they wont release the game with a spell that totally breaks the PvP, without some kind of counter to it for every class, or limitations to the spell to make it PvP-balanced.
Actually I am oh so smart. Though if you could read i never said i was correct in my reference to how pvp was done. :rolleyes:
Plus if you read the post above you would have realized that I wasn't thinking of making spells different for pvp.
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I am cheese. I am loved by all. I go great with everything. Other foods hate me because I take all the glory. Like Nachos..Their just jealous cause no one eats them unless Im there. Shit..I even ruined broccili's rep. Broccili kept talkin shit so I was like. " You know what?, I think I might melt myself on some Broccilli. See how those humans enjoy that green [sexual slur censored] now." Shit...Now,People dont even touch him, unless Im all over that shit! Ahhh..Its not easy, being cheesy.. Peace. Cheese Out.
True statement is true. But we can make assumptions. Though we could judge because we have the right to say whatever we want.
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I am cheese. I am loved by all. I go great with everything. Other foods hate me because I take all the glory. Like Nachos..Their just jealous cause no one eats them unless Im there. Shit..I even ruined broccili's rep. Broccili kept talkin shit so I was like. " You know what?, I think I might melt myself on some Broccilli. See how those humans enjoy that green [sexual slur censored] now." Shit...Now,People dont even touch him, unless Im all over that shit! Ahhh..Its not easy, being cheesy.. Peace. Cheese Out.
Can a mod remove this thread. It has been resolved. Blizzard will never make a mistake in one of there games and pvp will be 100% perfect. Because blizzard is perfect. jk jk jk jk jk jk jk. But seriously remove this thread please.
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I am cheese. I am loved by all. I go great with everything. Other foods hate me because I take all the glory. Like Nachos..Their just jealous cause no one eats them unless Im there. Shit..I even ruined broccili's rep. Broccili kept talkin shit so I was like. " You know what?, I think I might melt myself on some Broccilli. See how those humans enjoy that green [sexual slur censored] now." Shit...Now,People dont even touch him, unless Im all over that shit! Ahhh..Its not easy, being cheesy.. Peace. Cheese Out.
Of course we can say whatever we like. But assuming that a spell will be overpowered in PvP 1-2years before the release of a game, when they havent even talked a small bit about PvP except saying that it'll exist, I dont think is a really smart thought.
Anyway, rant about skills in PvP will always exist, I'm just sad that it has to start 1-2years before the game to be released.
Edit: @OP: I'm sorry but you last post hurts my eyes. We aren't saying Blizzard is perfect and makes perfect games, we're saying they(imo) aren't dumb enough to deliberately include a spell in the game without thinking of it's impact in PvP(now that we know that they're designing the game with PvP in mind), and that we should let them at least start the beta, before to scream that the shell of their game includes overpowered skills.
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If you can't amaze people with your intelligence, confuse them with your bullshit.
Of course we can say whatever we like. But assuming that a spell will be overpowered in PvP 1-2years before the release of a game, when they havent even talked a small bit about PvP except saying that it'll exist, I dont think is a really smart thought.
Anyway, rant about skills in PvP will always exist, I'm just sad that it has to start 1-2years before the game to be released.
Your point is taken. But what about all the other thread discussing things 2 years before the game comes out. Yes I know there is fare less info on pvp so i probably should wait till i get more info.
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I am cheese. I am loved by all. I go great with everything. Other foods hate me because I take all the glory. Like Nachos..Their just jealous cause no one eats them unless Im there. Shit..I even ruined broccili's rep. Broccili kept talkin shit so I was like. " You know what?, I think I might melt myself on some Broccilli. See how those humans enjoy that green [sexual slur censored] now." Shit...Now,People dont even touch him, unless Im all over that shit! Ahhh..Its not easy, being cheesy.. Peace. Cheese Out.
Your point is taken. But what about all the other thread discussing things 2 years before the game comes out. Yes I know there is fare less info on pvp so i probably should wait till i get more info.
Yes, there are some points you can discuss 2 years early, but the balance is the last thing they'll do, especially PvP balance, so we should at least let them take a look at it before to say they did it wrong...
Spells can(and will) change. Spells limitations or special spell's behaviours in PvP aren't applied at all. It's like saying that only 2 zones isn't enough for a game and is gamebreaking(They only showed 2 zones, so there are only 2 zones in the game, right?)
Of course you can ask what we think of the impact of a spell in PvP, how we think it'll behave, and how do we think they'll make it work. But saying that a spell in his shell form is overpowered in a not-yet-designed PvP system, is a bit too early imo.
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If you can't amaze people with your intelligence, confuse them with your bullshit.
I seem to remember an interview that either Jay Wilson or Rob Pardo gave right after the wizard was announced about Slow Time. They said that in the current actual build of D3 the Slow Time wasn't spammable because of it's mana cost, which was huge. He also said that they might change it to a straight cool down and lower the cost.
In all honesty...Slow time would probably be used against a ranged class in pvp, if the Wizard is dealing with a Barb, she'll probably just teleport away. That's what I'd do.
If you want to talk about wizard abilities that might be over powered, talk about the cold abilites in the storm tree. Freeze on Crit seems like it could definitely mess up any class.
I don't think they'd let this happen fist of all and second, everyone else can get just as good as the other classes if you add into those points that increse damage. On barbs theres at least four skills that up frenzys and onslaughts damage and even one for whirlwind. But yeah blizzard has this covered slowtime is hard to cast multiple times and, yes it does slow the actual speed of monstrs unknown about characters as of ye but it definitley slows down monsters when the enter.
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Not even Death will save you from Diablo Bunny's Cuteness!
I am the only one who doesn't have a problem with this skill in pvp. The wiz is a glass cannon and if she doesn't have a way to keep distance than she will never survive against a power house like the barb. Don't forget also that the barb could leap or charge through the bubble to get out quickly.
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omg you guys. this forum has been around since we knew nothing for sure about the game. and even still just about everything is subject to change. it is designed for discussion on things we dont know for sure. if you dont want to comment on speculation go somewhere else.
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Apparently freezing yourself is fatal. HOW ARE YOU PEOPLE COPING?!
you must be to know so much about diablo 3 pvp (which hasn't even been announced) and be able to make statements about things that are OP!
ohrly they announced that zomg I had no idea... oh wait... yes I do
and yes it does mean you can't, they have yet to announce what is involved in pvp, if it would even be dueling like the old game
this thread is like the others that make assumptions for an unfinished game
Player versus player is dueling. No wait I think i will stoop my Iq down to your level and then pvp will just be exchanging looks. Oh Your so smart you can actually tell people what to do and you think they will do it.
Yes I'm making assumptions for an unfinished game. Though with your "logic" we shouldn't even talk about the game till it is done. :rolleyes:
Definition from online: A struggle for domination between two contending persons, groups, or ideas
You know that how. :confused:
Though you are probably right.
but thats only where the chances are leaning to
i have a feeling that they will actually fix how the pvp system worked this time
Be my Buddy =^.^=
Of course, if this spell behaves the same versus a Player Character(PC) than it does in PvE, it can be troublesome. But we have no idea how it'll be balanced for PvP! Just a quick exemple from WoW(I know, dont compare D3 with WoW, blah blah blah) : The mage's "Polymorph" spell. In PvE, lasts 50(OMFG OVERPOWERED) seconds. Though, on a PvP target, it lasts only a max of 10seconds, and each time it's used on the same target in the following 30secondes, a Diminishing Return applies, reducing the sheep time by half each time, and the 4th time, the target turns immune.
That's a HUGE difference compared to the way it behaves in PvE, and it was needed for a competitive PvP. The same thing happens for fear, stun, etc.
So, I'd say : "Wait to see any kind of PvP before to yell that a skill is OP."
I'm not saying we can't discuss of a game until it's finished. I'm saying that Blizzard said they are designing the game with PvP in mind, so I trust that they wont release the game with a spell that totally breaks the PvP, without some kind of counter to it for every class, or limitations to the spell to make it PvP-balanced.
Actually I am oh so smart. Though if you could read i never said i was correct in my reference to how pvp was done. :rolleyes:
Plus if you read the post above you would have realized that I wasn't thinking of making spells different for pvp.
True statement is true. But we can make assumptions. Though we could judge because we have the right to say whatever we want.
Anyway, rant about skills in PvP will always exist, I'm just sad that it has to start 1-2years before the game to be released.
Edit: @OP: I'm sorry but you last post hurts my eyes. We aren't saying Blizzard is perfect and makes perfect games, we're saying they(imo) aren't dumb enough to deliberately include a spell in the game without thinking of it's impact in PvP(now that we know that they're designing the game with PvP in mind), and that we should let them at least start the beta, before to scream that the shell of their game includes overpowered skills.
Your point is taken. But what about all the other thread discussing things 2 years before the game comes out. Yes I know there is fare less info on pvp so i probably should wait till i get more info.
Yes, there are some points you can discuss 2 years early, but the balance is the last thing they'll do, especially PvP balance, so we should at least let them take a look at it before to say they did it wrong...
Spells can(and will) change. Spells limitations or special spell's behaviours in PvP aren't applied at all. It's like saying that only 2 zones isn't enough for a game and is gamebreaking(They only showed 2 zones, so there are only 2 zones in the game, right?)
Of course you can ask what we think of the impact of a spell in PvP, how we think it'll behave, and how do we think they'll make it work. But saying that a spell in his shell form is overpowered in a not-yet-designed PvP system, is a bit too early imo.
In all honesty...Slow time would probably be used against a ranged class in pvp, if the Wizard is dealing with a Barb, she'll probably just teleport away. That's what I'd do.
If you want to talk about wizard abilities that might be over powered, talk about the cold abilites in the storm tree. Freeze on Crit seems like it could definitely mess up any class.
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RIP: Demon Hunter: lvl 50 | Barb: lvl 60 (plvl 5) | Monk: lvl12 & lvl70 (plvl 200)