we knew this day would come guys... i just didnt think it would happen like this.
ive made a small video of me playing very high end 0dog. old vanilla footage with cm wiz and pull in monk, less ias and high damage for exciting numbers...and added a special surprise at the end for you guys that i really hope will make you reconsider sticking around just "one more time"
i'll keep an eye on the forums and genuinely hope 0 dog survives this onslaught of player creativity but...idk what else to say.
why would it be dead?
homunculus 20 Sec CD reduction
passive tribal rites: 25% CD reduction.
that means Depending on the calculation but i assume the 20 Sec reduction is after the % reduction.
and to get to 20 sec from 45 sec you need to get 66% reduction or 41% additional reduction over passive.
and if you prepare before hand and buy yourself a good Stone of jordan with SZD reduction 8 sec you will need even less.
calculated that you need roughly 13% additional CD reduction.
PS. this is just my Theory crafting and nothing tested in game yet, but i can comeback with more exact numbers. but its either 41% and 13% or 82% and 26%. and also depending if Fixed or % is calculated first.
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EU Season Achievement Ladder: Season 1 : #773, 7150/7880 | S2 : #742, 5970/8280 | S3 : #1000+, 810/980 | S4 #? 0/? |
sounds like the guy is just here whining like a bitch and doesn't even realize that the build has just changed and may require a specific legendary or two to pull off instead of cheesing it and abusing broken game mechanics. working as intended imo
sounds like the guy is just here whining like a bitch and doesn't even realize that the build has just changed and may require a specific legendary or two to pull off instead of cheesing it and abusing broken game mechanics. working as intended imo
i'm not sure what it is you're saying here. the 0 dog build wasn't broken, it was intended, otherwise it wouldn't have been possible. also, you can only do the build with a "specific legendary or two" already... therefore i'm confused because your thoughts are contradicting themselves... there are no broken game mechanics at work here, just a simple application of the appropriate gearing and skill build to create a powerful build
I fail to see how 0 dogs is dead. Look at the 200 or so item screencaps on this site. There is a WD appropriate legendary in every slot with cool down reduction. Troll post to promote your stream and or recorded gameplay.
are you guys retarded? this wasnt a troll post at all, it was a dedication to heyguyslol (one of the original 0 doggers) who has quit diablo 3 because the build will no longer work.
in case you guys missed the boat, but the build wont work in RoS unless you bring the gear, and even then only poorly.
sorry you guys cant handle a lille nostalgia
sounds like the guy is just here whining like a bitch and doesn't even realize that the build has just changed and may require a specific legendary or two to pull off instead of cheesing it and abusing broken game mechanics. working as intended imo
i'm not sure what it is you're saying here. the 0 dog build wasn't broken, it was intended, otherwise it wouldn't have been possible. also, you can only do the build with a "specific legendary or two" already... therefore i'm confused because your thoughts are contradicting themselves... there are no broken game mechanics at work here, just a simple application of the appropriate gearing and skill build to create a powerful build
If anything, 0dog was an implementation of how gearing and build construction will be in RoS. It involves using several legendaries in conjunction with a passive to create an interesting build, which appears to be the entire focus of the expansion.
The build possibility that I am most excited about so far in the expansion is shooting fetishes. Should be able to make fetish army do some ridiculous stuff in RoS.
So you can't buy/trade gear with strangers anymore? How exactly is that worth quitting over? The game is designed around self-found now and you can trade up to 2 hours in groups.
i traded with people for 10 years in diablo 2, and 2 years in diablo 3. tell me again how taking away a massive aspect of the game is ok?
had it with you account bound fan boys. you dont get it - when you stop playing after 3 weeks ill have 1000000 build ideas to follow through with - but the items will never drop for me. makes no sense.
even if 0 dog gear was available for ros, youd never ever complete the set required lmfao
So because I blow up your pity party I like boa? I've always viewed trading as a cool part of the Diablo franchise. I loved the options it availed you of in D1, farmed Nihilthak and Mephisto for years to trade for gear I wanted. Things change. You're clearly mad about it, and that's your prerogative. I choose to view this as an opportunity to learn to invent and innovate using what I have on hand. Not being able to meticulously pre-plan and then obsessively trade for gear shouldnt be something to be mad about. Play on the fly and innovate with every drop you get, rather than obsess over having one specific item set for one specific build.
i traded with people for 10 years in diablo 2, and 2 years in diablo 3. tell me again how taking away a massive aspect of the game is ok?
had it with you account bound fan boys. you dont get it - when you stop playing after 3 weeks ill have 1000000 build ideas to follow through with - but the items will never drop for me. makes no sense.
even if 0 dog gear was available for ros, youd never ever complete the set required lmfao
seeing that i've seen multiple streamers running 0dog kinda blows that prediction out of the water.
Hello guys i have some valuable tested information about "ZERO dog build" in Reaper of souls.
So i would like to make it simple as i name the facts in order
1- Cooldown reduction is accumulative in the game, i dont know if accumulative is the right word or not but let me explain with an example. You got 2 items each has 10 % cd reduction.. Now you expect to have 20% cd reduction right? Nope you will end up having 19%.. Each slot calculates towards to the remaining cooldown on that skill. So after putting the 1st item on your gear you will have 90%. But after putting the 2nd item which has 10% cooldown reduction it will take the 10% of the remaining (which is 90%) .. So you will end up having 81% cooldown reduction. The fact is you will never ever end up 0%
2- It is NOT possible to achieve ZERO cd on zombie dogs in R.O.S. with its current dropped items. There is only 1 legendary item in R.O.S. that has "reduce to cooldown of zombie dog" effect and thats the new homunculus which also can roll between 10-20 . So lets calculate; with the passive "tribal rites" you will end up having 34 seconds on your "summon zombie dog" skill.. Lets reduce that with 20 second homunculus that will possibly drop and you end up needing 14 seconds.... Now since cooldown reduction is "accumulative" as i explained on #1 fact , that 14 seconds will NEVER end up being 0 second.
3- HOWEVER, buying 3 piece vanilla legendaries that totals 34 seconds STILL WORK...I currently have homunculus (20 sec cd) + skull grasp (5 seconds) + visage of guiya (9 seconds) = 34 seconds.. So build is viable ONLY with purchasing 3 vanilla items ( or items that totals 34 seconds)
I hope this answers many of your questions..
Zero dogs, as it stands today, will not be functional at high levels in RoS. It's the byproduct of lowered IAS and health globes dropping in random locations upon kills (breaks Gruesome Feast).
1- Cooldown reduction is accumulative in the game, i dont know if accumulative is the right word or not but let me explain with an example. You got 2 items each has 10 % cd reduction.. Now you expect to have 20% cd reduction right? Nope you will end up having 19%.. Each slot calculates towards to the remaining cooldown on that skill. So after putting the 1st item on your gear you will have 90%. But after putting the 2nd item which has 10% cooldown reduction it will take the 10% of the remaining (which is 90%) .. So you will end up having 81% cooldown reduction. The fact is you will never ever end up 0%
I'll just clarify/reword this:
Cooldown reduction in Loot 2.0 is multiplicative.
1 – (Product of Reduced Cooldowns)
Basically, for 12% with a diamond in the helm, the reduced cooldown of a spell would be 88% of its original value (100% - 12%) and 9% reduction via a weapon would result in 91% of its original value. Combined, the result would be:
1 – (0.88 x 0.91) = 0.1991 or 19.92%
Two 10% reduction items would be 19% as pointed out.
1 – (0.9 x 0.9) = 0.19 or 19%
Anyway, while legacy 0-dogs may not survive gameplay in RoS, we can't rule out new legendary items in Loot 2.0 that will provide similar gameplay.
I exchanged a few direct messages on Twitter with Don Vu one of the developers for D3:
This was in reference to this poston the official D3 forum.
So, while the current 0-dogs gear may be more or less worthless come higher difficulties in RoS, I doubt the gameplay of 0-dogs will die out completely after it's all said and done with RoS's development. There are far too many legendaries even in the current Beta that have absolutely no special properties. This is not even counting the legendaries that aren't even included in the loot tables.
Wouldn't you like to see a WD set bonus that gives the 0-dog style gameplay? Wizards have an Archon set and a Phoenix set (specializing in fire spells and Meteor).
Zero dogs, as it stands today, will not be functional at high levels in RoS. It's the byproduct of lowered IAS and health globes dropping in random locations upon kills (breaks Gruesome Feast).
So far to my experience, since they brought down the crushing blow there is no class/build that can do T6..The community have realized that without group gameplay t6 is currently impossible,thus zero dog has its values on group play..
1- Producing health globes too far away is NOT an issue on group play as any1 can unintentionally pick up the globes and it will still count towards to your grusome feast.
2- New weapon "anesasi edge" stuns the targets for one second when zombie dogs summoned" affix is pure tanking ability for zero dog build. (Stunning mobs permanently will help your group member to focus on more to thier dps then toughness)
Also rerolling vanilla gear is great, i managed to roll my old homunculus and now it has 8% crit hit !! So check on those as well..
I am not saying zero dog is way to go but more tests need to be done.
Turk i think you have the curve a bit wrong, its more like
100% reduction = 1/2 reduction
200% reduction = 3/4 reduction
400% reduction = 7/8 reduction
its basically the same curve,
anyway i want to ask you something, if you got all the items what is calculated first? the CD redutcion that is % or the ones that is binary/sec? i don't wanna copy my characters with the items now that the shrine exploit is fixed. and i have not found a homoculus.
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EU Season Achievement Ladder: Season 1 : #773, 7150/7880 | S2 : #742, 5970/8280 | S3 : #1000+, 810/980 | S4 #? 0/? |
I'm not sure about cool down but for resource reduction any whole number reduction is taken into account after the resource % reduction.
For example on my barb with a -5 soj hota and 17% resource reduction I get 11.6 fury per Hota which is what I see.
Yep, for resource reduction, that's correct.
There have been mixed reports regarding cooldown reduction, however. I don't want to reimport all my characters again just to test Zombie Dogs cooldown. It should be very easy for those already in the PTR/Beta to test for themselves.
If cooldown % is taken into account after the flat reductions, then the cooldown will never reach zero unless you stack the same legacy pieces. If it's before then it's even better. You can take one piece off.
Also, someone on the EU server found:
Edit: Oh, you guys are gonna love this. I grabbed this from a discussion thread in the official WD forum.
Classic 0-Dogs with some tweaks here and there running Torment IV.
ive made a small video of me playing very high end 0dog. old vanilla footage with cm wiz and pull in monk, less ias and high damage for exciting numbers...and added a special surprise at the end for you guys that i really hope will make you reconsider sticking around just "one more time"
i'll keep an eye on the forums and genuinely hope 0 dog survives this onslaught of player creativity but...idk what else to say.
its been real.
http://youtu.be/RUL7Jzd9Tz0 (may still be processing)
EU Season Achievement Ladder: Season 1 : #773, 7150/7880 | S2 : #742, 5970/8280 | S3 : #1000+, 810/980 | S4 #? 0/? |
sounds like the guy is just here whining like a bitch and doesn't even realize that the build has just changed and may require a specific legendary or two to pull off instead of cheesing it and abusing broken game mechanics. working as intended imo
DiabloProgress: http://www.diabloprogress.com/hero/mannequin-1116/Stitches/14628018
DiabloProgress: http://www.diabloprogress.com/hero/mannequin-1116/Stitches/14628018
too bad you cant trade in ros
So you can't buy/trade gear with strangers anymore? How exactly is that worth quitting over? The game is designed around self-found now and you can trade up to 2 hours in groups.
^So quit then, why are you moaning on here for? No one cares.
So because I blow up your pity party I like boa? I've always viewed trading as a cool part of the Diablo franchise. I loved the options it availed you of in D1, farmed Nihilthak and Mephisto for years to trade for gear I wanted. Things change. You're clearly mad about it, and that's your prerogative. I choose to view this as an opportunity to learn to invent and innovate using what I have on hand. Not being able to meticulously pre-plan and then obsessively trade for gear shouldnt be something to be mad about. Play on the fly and innovate with every drop you get, rather than obsess over having one specific item set for one specific build.
DiabloProgress: http://www.diabloprogress.com/hero/mannequin-1116/Stitches/14628018
follow me @ www.twitch.tv/Turknukem
or @ www.youtube.com/TurkNukemHD
Zero dogs, as it stands today, will not be functional at high levels in RoS. It's the byproduct of lowered IAS and health globes dropping in random locations upon kills (breaks Gruesome Feast).
I'll just clarify/reword this:
Cooldown reduction in Loot 2.0 is multiplicative.
1 – (Product of Reduced Cooldowns)
Basically, for 12% with a diamond in the helm, the reduced cooldown of a spell would be 88% of its original value (100% - 12%) and 9% reduction via a weapon would result in 91% of its original value. Combined, the result would be:
1 – (0.88 x 0.91) = 0.1991 or 19.92%
Two 10% reduction items would be 19% as pointed out.
1 – (0.9 x 0.9) = 0.19 or 19%
Anyway, while legacy 0-dogs may not survive gameplay in RoS, we can't rule out new legendary items in Loot 2.0 that will provide similar gameplay.
I exchanged a few direct messages on Twitter with Don Vu one of the developers for D3:
This was in reference to this post on the official D3 forum.
So, while the current 0-dogs gear may be more or less worthless come higher difficulties in RoS, I doubt the gameplay of 0-dogs will die out completely after it's all said and done with RoS's development. There are far too many legendaries even in the current Beta that have absolutely no special properties. This is not even counting the legendaries that aren't even included in the loot tables.
Wouldn't you like to see a WD set bonus that gives the 0-dog style gameplay? Wizards have an Archon set and a Phoenix set (specializing in fire spells and Meteor).
Armory | YouTube | Twitter | Clan Site
follow me @ www.twitch.tv/Turknukem
or @ www.youtube.com/TurkNukemHD
Turk i think you have the curve a bit wrong, its more like
100% reduction = 1/2 reduction
200% reduction = 3/4 reduction
400% reduction = 7/8 reduction
its basically the same curve,
anyway i want to ask you something, if you got all the items what is calculated first? the CD redutcion that is % or the ones that is binary/sec? i don't wanna copy my characters with the items now that the shrine exploit is fixed. and i have not found a homoculus.
EU Season Achievement Ladder: Season 1 : #773, 7150/7880 | S2 : #742, 5970/8280 | S3 : #1000+, 810/980 | S4 #? 0/? |
I'm not sure about cool down but for resource reduction any whole number reduction is taken into account after the resource % reduction.
For example on my barb with a -5 soj hota and 17% resource reduction I get 11.6 fury per Hota which is what I see.
Yep, for resource reduction, that's correct.
There have been mixed reports regarding cooldown reduction, however. I don't want to reimport all my characters again just to test Zombie Dogs cooldown. It should be very easy for those already in the PTR/Beta to test for themselves.
If cooldown % is taken into account after the flat reductions, then the cooldown will never reach zero unless you stack the same legacy pieces. If it's before then it's even better. You can take one piece off.
Also, someone on the EU server found:
Edit: Oh, you guys are gonna love this. I grabbed this from a discussion thread in the official WD forum.
Classic 0-Dogs with some tweaks here and there running Torment IV.
Armory | YouTube | Twitter | Clan Site