Urgh, don't you people understand storylines/lore. He is not the same Barbarian based on skills (Clearly as he has some new ones). Blizzard is speaking in terms of character, in which skills are in essence meaningless or do not count, only his history, and personality count.
Take the Orc Grunt is a staple of WC, It is in every WC game, it's skills change each time, but it is still the large, green, totally destroys footmen grunt it was in WC1, even in WCIII. Lore wise or story wise, it's the same grunt. Skills wise, it's quite a different story.
The barbarian in D3 is the same, he is still the axe weilding, powerhouse neanderthal-like melee wrecking machine he was in D2. He is just more timebeaten, weatherworn and older, and probably wiser, now he knows what he is fighting.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
Yeah, I realize that's true, but I don't really see how it remotely fits from a "lore or storybased perspective". First of all, we have both male and female in Diablo III
You should play Baldur's Gate II. You can be a Half Orc in that game, but Half Orc was not a race available in the first game (Baldur's Gate). Yet you are the same character in the second game that you were in the first. Even if you are a race/class not in the first.
So the idea is not impossible. The same can be applied to a female barbarian while female barbarians were not in the first game (D2) they are in the second (d3) and it is still the same character.
We really only have basic details of the characters, If it possible that the coding in games which refers to class cannot be applied to sex, thus the NPCs will react differently to you base on whether you are male or female. I doubt that is a stretch, it happens in a lot of games.
A few dialog changes here and there, and without too much work, presto, the female barb is now the barb from D2.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
So I'm not saying it's impossible. I'm just saying that I find it highly unlikely and haven't really seen anything adamantly suggesting it.
Some proof either way would suffice. They only said they brought him back. They didn't really allude to one side and notthe other. Architype or lore. I suppose it will depend on how D3 is written to see for sure.
Prehaps, but since I probably won't play a female barbarian much, if at all, and will primarily play male ones, depending on the story I can always Role Play that it is him, if it is not disproved specifically I do not see why I cannot believe it to be so. Infact I probably would even think it if it contradicted something like Sex. For funzies and a more interesting story.
And yes, Blizzard are well know for changing lore regarding characters, place and even entire races. The Draenei in WOW look like Eradar Warlocks (Archimonde) not Draenei from WCIII. Which they renamed to ancient ones or lost ones, so as to allow the new lore they made to fit.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
This is Blizzard. BUt best we leave that for another thread.
Back to the barb, the solely D3 barb.
I am definitely trying this class out first. I love the big tough tank guy. As one can see in my sig I display an image of Minsc (and Boo) from Baldur's Gate, who just so happens to be a barbarian with a facial tattoo and destroys with melee weapons. (Anyone seeing a similarity to the d2 barb?). But I hope the back ground is expanded on. I would love to see some dialog regarding his homeland, and the pain he feels.
And story, especially, backstory and class histories is something Blizzard does well in the Diablo series.
Yes, story is very important to me. I really can't figure out how people enjoying killing noobs all day.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
I think it's great the Barbarian could be the exact same Barbarian as D2. It says right in the lore that what took place during Diablo 2's timeline had a huge effect on the heroes and the general populations' mental health. We also know that when the meteor struck the church, it called to the heroes to return to protect the world again.
A simple scenario covers everything. After defeating Baal, the Barbarian had a mental breakdown, destroying everything he owned and retreating into solitude. Upon the events of Diablo 3, he emerged from his metaphorical cave to save the world again. Of course, he painfully regrets destroying his armor and weapons, and the 20 years of solitude has caused him to forget his training, but there isn't a lot he can do about that now.
Problem solved.
What Blizzard did with the barb is amazing. When D2 came out, the barb was the last character I wanted to play as. What can I say, I love the idea of magic. Now, I'm pretty sure the only class that can prevent me from playing the barb first is the Necromancer, and we all know deep down that there won't be a Necromancer. I'm not even going to touch the Witch Doctor.
As of "The Heros" of the last game, remember that Tyrial sent them to a place of rest or away from the forces of evil. So it opens up many possibilities. The new classes and old with the female versions can fit with certian story lines.
i cant remember which developer it was that said it, but it was said that people at that time lived short lives and they'd be lucky if they reached 40 (he also said that Cain was very very lucky to grow that old).
The heroes that defeated the Three before all had died or lost sanity (thus dissappeared).
The male version of the barbarian looks older, but i dont really think it would be possible to be the same person. Just another barbarian from the region.
When I saw the D3 barb I didnt see a weaker version of himself. I saw an older,stronger, and meaner version. In D2 the barb couldnt smash the ground with his weapons and cuase an earthquake to destroy his enemies (sizemic shock). And If my memory serves me right that the d2 barb couldnt smash his foot on the ground and nock people unconsious(sp?)
I think the barb most likely went to meditate and go back into training. The female barb could be his wife, and tought her how to fight as well. I also think that good ol' T saved the barbs mind as well for incase baal came back. Since his stone was not destroyed.
When I saw the D3 barb I didnt see a weaker version of himself. I saw an older,stronger, and meaner version. In D2 the barb couldnt smash the ground with his weapons and cuase an earthquake to destroy his enemies (sizemic shock). And If my memory serves me right that the d2 barb couldnt smash his foot on the ground and nock people unconsious(sp?)
I think the barb most likely went to meditate and go back into training. The female barb could be his wife, and tought her how to fight as well. I also think that good ol' T saved the barbs mind as well for incase baal came back. Since his stone was not destroyed.
I'm a bit annoyed at the barbarian - too similar to the old one. I hope he's more original than he looks. It currently seems he has an energy source that is independent from blue potions, I hope that's true. I never heard anything dumber than a barbarian warrior using mana for his skills.
The whole average people living to 40 deal wouldn't make much sense seeing as a lot of the NPC's in game look well into their 50's. Look at Cain and Qual-Kehk. Plus I wouldn't say the Heroes from Diablo 2 are average by any means.
Explaining why he doesn't have great armor or weapons anymore or the skills he once had shouldn't be all that hard explain. First off 20 years is a long time. He could very well of gave up most of his armor an weapons so he could help re build the shattered live the Barbarians had been handed when Mt Arret was destroyed. He could of traveled off to improve his battle prowess and knowledge of the world, hence some of the new skills we've all seen.
I'm still of the opinion that the Female Barbarian is Charsi. The Female Barb has Red hair like Charsi plus a Smith's body. Plus 20 years having past, she could of very well shacked up with her people and learn the trade. Or she could of very well of married the Diablo 2 Barb an he taught her everything he knows lol.
Who has to say the Male an Female variations of the same class have to share the same past? The Barb in D3 is the one who helped put down the 3 prime evils an the Female Barb could very well be Charsi who now a Barb herself wants a crack at killing off the Prime evils.
The main, basic attack the barb used in the trailer....it occasionally cleaved through 2 or 3 enemies. Is that his regular attack?
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Walk tall, kick ass, learn to speak Arabic, love music and never forget you come from a long line of truth seekers, lovers and warriors.
-Hunter S. Thompson
Actually I think the barb used the skill cleave as he now has the skill as well.
On the note of why the barb has no armor at the beging and being the same barb from d2 is simple. You are starting over and it wouldnt be fair if all you had to do was pick the barb to be granted full armor and epic weapons. At that point no one would play any of the other classes first. So if they wanted to throw some story of why he is armor less he could have just wanted to rebuild the barb lands and settle down, but when the meterior struck it did a kind of Thor thing that draws the new heros to it.
Actually I think the barb used the skill cleave as he now has the skill as well.
I really should go to the official page more often.
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Walk tall, kick ass, learn to speak Arabic, love music and never forget you come from a long line of truth seekers, lovers and warriors.
-Hunter S. Thompson
Take the Orc Grunt is a staple of WC, It is in every WC game, it's skills change each time, but it is still the large, green, totally destroys footmen grunt it was in WC1, even in WCIII. Lore wise or story wise, it's the same grunt. Skills wise, it's quite a different story.
The barbarian in D3 is the same, he is still the axe weilding, powerhouse neanderthal-like melee wrecking machine he was in D2. He is just more timebeaten, weatherworn and older, and probably wiser, now he knows what he is fighting.
and while your at it, he should have holy hammers, fist of the heavens, meteor, tornado, hurricane, lightning traps, and raise Valkyrie
You should play Baldur's Gate II. You can be a Half Orc in that game, but Half Orc was not a race available in the first game (Baldur's Gate). Yet you are the same character in the second game that you were in the first. Even if you are a race/class not in the first.
So the idea is not impossible. The same can be applied to a female barbarian while female barbarians were not in the first game (D2) they are in the second (d3) and it is still the same character.
We really only have basic details of the characters, If it possible that the coding in games which refers to class cannot be applied to sex, thus the NPCs will react differently to you base on whether you are male or female. I doubt that is a stretch, it happens in a lot of games.
A few dialog changes here and there, and without too much work, presto, the female barb is now the barb from D2.
Some proof either way would suffice. They only said they brought him back. They didn't really allude to one side and notthe other. Architype or lore. I suppose it will depend on how D3 is written to see for sure.
Prehaps, but since I probably won't play a female barbarian much, if at all, and will primarily play male ones, depending on the story I can always Role Play that it is him, if it is not disproved specifically I do not see why I cannot believe it to be so. Infact I probably would even think it if it contradicted something like Sex. For funzies and a more interesting story.
And yes, Blizzard are well know for changing lore regarding characters, place and even entire races. The Draenei in WOW look like Eradar Warlocks (Archimonde) not Draenei from WCIII. Which they renamed to ancient ones or lost ones, so as to allow the new lore they made to fit.
Back to the barb, the solely D3 barb.
I am definitely trying this class out first. I love the big tough tank guy. As one can see in my sig I display an image of Minsc (and Boo) from Baldur's Gate, who just so happens to be a barbarian with a facial tattoo and destroys with melee weapons. (Anyone seeing a similarity to the d2 barb?). But I hope the back ground is expanded on. I would love to see some dialog regarding his homeland, and the pain he feels.
And story, especially, backstory and class histories is something Blizzard does well in the Diablo series.
Yes, story is very important to me. I really can't figure out how people enjoying killing noobs all day.
A simple scenario covers everything. After defeating Baal, the Barbarian had a mental breakdown, destroying everything he owned and retreating into solitude. Upon the events of Diablo 3, he emerged from his metaphorical cave to save the world again. Of course, he painfully regrets destroying his armor and weapons, and the 20 years of solitude has caused him to forget his training, but there isn't a lot he can do about that now.
Problem solved.
What Blizzard did with the barb is amazing. When D2 came out, the barb was the last character I wanted to play as. What can I say, I love the idea of magic. Now, I'm pretty sure the only class that can prevent me from playing the barb first is the Necromancer, and we all know deep down that there won't be a Necromancer. I'm not even going to touch the Witch Doctor.
The heroes that defeated the Three before all had died or lost sanity (thus dissappeared).
The male version of the barbarian looks older, but i dont really think it would be possible to be the same person. Just another barbarian from the region.
I think the barb most likely went to meditate and go back into training. The female barb could be his wife, and tought her how to fight as well. I also think that good ol' T saved the barbs mind as well for incase baal came back. Since his stone was not destroyed.
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Explaining why he doesn't have great armor or weapons anymore or the skills he once had shouldn't be all that hard explain. First off 20 years is a long time. He could very well of gave up most of his armor an weapons so he could help re build the shattered live the Barbarians had been handed when Mt Arret was destroyed. He could of traveled off to improve his battle prowess and knowledge of the world, hence some of the new skills we've all seen.
I'm still of the opinion that the Female Barbarian is Charsi. The Female Barb has Red hair like Charsi plus a Smith's body. Plus 20 years having past, she could of very well shacked up with her people and learn the trade. Or she could of very well of married the Diablo 2 Barb an he taught her everything he knows lol.
Who has to say the Male an Female variations of the same class have to share the same past? The Barb in D3 is the one who helped put down the 3 prime evils an the Female Barb could very well be Charsi who now a Barb herself wants a crack at killing off the Prime evils.
-Hunter S. Thompson
TED . LEAP . Woot . MF
On the note of why the barb has no armor at the beging and being the same barb from d2 is simple. You are starting over and it wouldnt be fair if all you had to do was pick the barb to be granted full armor and epic weapons. At that point no one would play any of the other classes first. So if they wanted to throw some story of why he is armor less he could have just wanted to rebuild the barb lands and settle down, but when the meterior struck it did a kind of Thor thing that draws the new heros to it.
I really should go to the official page more often.
-Hunter S. Thompson
TED . LEAP . Woot . MF