Welcome to my Set Dungeons Build Guides and Videos!
You can find general information and Set Dungeon guides for the other classes at my Set Dungeon Thread.
This thread lists the builds for each Barbarian Set Dungeon and associated Mastery requirements, and each build has an attached Video of the Mastery clear. I found the Wastes and Raekors Set Dungeons to be a little tedious due to having to hope for good monster spawns in order to clear certain objectives.
Difficulty - Easiest to Hardest based on my own experiences (your own attempts may vary!)
Immortal King
If you have any questions, feel free to comment here or in the build guides themselves.
Agreed there, I think the Wastes Set Dungeon is the longest I've grinded for out of the 3 classes I've completed thus far (Monk/Demon Hunter/Barbarian).
Then again, considering how easy some of the other Set Dungeons are, I don't know why Blizzard didn't increase the difficulty more. At least during PTR, mobs did a huge amount of damage, requiring some actual skill in dodging hits anyway so you didn't take fatal damage.
For people trying this, in particular the Earth trial, if the elite walks ontop of your dot attacks on the ground, its fine, just wait till your cooldowns are up and do the rotation. If you don't have the DPS to kill an elite with the 3rd attack, its fine, faceroll the keyboard until its dead before the 6sec.
Its worth noting that you may not get a highlight on your screen saying you completed it. I did it twice because I thought ti bugged out, it was sneeky and already recorded in the tourney journal.
Also unequip your minion, my templar ruined quite a few runs
Be prepared to want to hurt kittens and yell at people while driving.
Yeah I recommended reducing the damage you deal for the Earth Set, it just helps you get a '2nd chance' at going through your rotation if you are unlucky and two elites spawn close to each other.
Achievements are known to be bugged at the moment, there was a Blizzard post at the front page about it. You should always manually check your achievements to confirm it's been completed
I was requested by people to recommend the easiest Set Dungeons to do, especially for the Seasonal Journey, so I've gone through each of the classes and ranked them based on my own personal experience. Note that depending on how comfortable you are with the class and set, as well as gear and RNG in the Set Dungeons, your experiences may vary!
Hmm the only Barbarian Set Dungeon that you need to reduce your damage for is the Earth Set Dungeon. The Wastes Set Dungeon should be more about speed so you can get past monsters before their attack animation finishes and hits you!
If you're still having problems with either dungeon, let me know specifically what you're struggling with!
OP said I should freely add my videos to the bunch (I mastered all set dungeons), so for any of you interested in seeing another view on how to solve the set dungeons look at my contribution. Short explanations in video descriptions itself.
Welcome to my Set Dungeons Build Guides and Videos!
You can find general information and Set Dungeon guides for the other classes at my Set Dungeon Thread.
This thread lists the builds for each Barbarian Set Dungeon and associated Mastery requirements, and each build has an attached Video of the Mastery clear. I found the Wastes and Raekors Set Dungeons to be a little tedious due to having to hope for good monster spawns in order to clear certain objectives.
Difficulty - Easiest to Hardest based on my own experiences (your own attempts may vary!)
If you have any questions, feel free to comment here or in the build guides themselves.
Set Dungeons - Barbarian - Weight of the Earth Set
Set Dungeons - Barbarian - Wastes Set
Set Dungeons - Barbarian - Immortal Kings Set
Set Dungeons - Barbarian - Raekors Set
Blizzard really made the Wastes set dungeon "fun" by seemingly increasing the mobs attack speed since PTR. It's pretty easy to get hit now.
What an evil objective.
Agreed there, I think the Wastes Set Dungeon is the longest I've grinded for out of the 3 classes I've completed thus far (Monk/Demon Hunter/Barbarian).
Then again, considering how easy some of the other Set Dungeons are, I don't know why Blizzard didn't increase the difficulty more. At least during PTR, mobs did a huge amount of damage, requiring some actual skill in dodging hits anyway so you didn't take fatal damage.
For people trying this, in particular the Earth trial, if the elite walks ontop of your dot attacks on the ground, its fine, just wait till your cooldowns are up and do the rotation. If you don't have the DPS to kill an elite with the 3rd attack, its fine, faceroll the keyboard until its dead before the 6sec.
Its worth noting that you may not get a highlight on your screen saying you completed it. I did it twice because I thought ti bugged out, it was sneeky and already recorded in the tourney journal.
Also unequip your minion, my templar ruined quite a few runs
Be prepared to want to hurt kittens and yell at people while driving.
Yeah I recommended reducing the damage you deal for the Earth Set, it just helps you get a '2nd chance' at going through your rotation if you are unlucky and two elites spawn close to each other.
Achievements are known to be bugged at the moment, there was a Blizzard post at the front page about it. You should always manually check your achievements to confirm it's been completed
I was requested by people to recommend the easiest Set Dungeons to do, especially for the Seasonal Journey, so I've gone through each of the classes and ranked them based on my own personal experience. Note that depending on how comfortable you are with the class and set, as well as gear and RNG in the Set Dungeons, your experiences may vary!
Hmm the only Barbarian Set Dungeon that you need to reduce your damage for is the Earth Set Dungeon. The Wastes Set Dungeon should be more about speed so you can get past monsters before their attack animation finishes and hits you!
If you're still having problems with either dungeon, let me know specifically what you're struggling with!
My Barbarian Wastes Set Dungeon Mastery Video Build And Skills
OP said I should freely add my videos to the bunch (I mastered all set dungeons), so for any of you interested in seeing another view on how to solve the set dungeons look at my contribution. Short explanations in video descriptions itself.
Immortal King:
Might of the Earth:
Wrath of the Wastes:
My D3 armory
My Youtube Channel