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    posted a message on FULL REFUND LEGALLY.(For those interested, not intended as a flame thread)
    Since English is not my native tongue, I won't even attempt to understand all that legal stuff. Frankly, I don't care if it's your right or not to get the money back. All I'm saying is: you played a game for five months, you leveled two characters to 60, according to your own post you played more than 300 hours. Yet, you want your money back?

    That's like buying a Ferrari, breaking two speed records with it, driving it for three years and ~200k miles, and then returning it because of some ridiculous reason (The color does not match the color that was mentioned in the contract, for example). Yes, you might be able to find an issue with the contract to get the refund. But seriously - I would feel ashamed of myself.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Staff of Herding
    Quote from Komie

    I have 5 of these Plans; Staff of Herding books in my inventory.

    How do I get rid of these things?

    I've tried everything and can't get rid of these things at all.

    I don't think you have tried everything. I went to this one website you might have heard of and see what I did, using your exact words:

    http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how to get rid of staff of herding
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on [Guide] Massive Guide to Upgrading Wizard Gear
    Quote from Xoraph

    3 - This spec doesn't feel great for solo uberbosses - any suggestions for an optimal spec/MP level for these?

    Loroese already answered all your gear questions, I have nothing to add but one small thing: there is absolutely no reason to solo uber bosses. If you like a challenge - sure, go for it. But you will always find a group of people to help you, because for them it's a free chance for organs and you might get an invite back if they have machines and are looking for a CMWW tank mage. It's a win-win situation. If you decide to try the bosses solo you face the possibility of failing and wasting machines. Oh, and another thing: if you have a disconnect, the the portal is gone; in a group the portal stays open and you can re-join (the group has to abort the uber kill attempt though because you can't join an ongoing fight).
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on AH Pricing Too High or Broken Economy?
    Quote from Keiser

    [...] since I didn't play very much the first month because of RL work, I fell behind early.

    Didn't play the first four months (actually great when a game you've been waiting for for 5 years gets released immediately before you have to leave for a summer research internship).
    Of course 1 month late vs. 4 months late is a difference, but I caught up on my friends in no time and I have about equal gear etc. now - there's so much money they spend and so much time they wasted in the beginning and it didn't give them any advantage. Besides a few paragon levels more, they have ~200 hours played more on their account but otherwise we're pretty much equal in terms of character progress.

    On topic: it's just normal laws of economics. See wealth concentration, for example. I mentioned this in a previous topic but can't find it... works like this:
    -Casual gamer with (below-)average gear and high-end gamer are playing Diablo 3. Since high-end gamer plays much more, has higher paragon level, higher damage, and maybe more efficient farm route (due to more experience etc.), he/she gets way more drops (let's say about 20 times more legendaries per week than casual gamer). This is not exaggerated; maths was done in another thread.
    -Casual gamer will find badly rolled, worthless legendaries - and so will all the other casual gamers. They get nothing for it on the AH. High-end gamer will every now and then have an awesome lucky roll on one of his/her many legendaries - and sell it for lots of money.
    -Money will be re-invested at some point, and since these gamers have both lots of money and high-end gear already, they're willing to pay several hundred million or even a billion if it's a definite best-in-slot item.

    => Result: the market for these top-items is a closed market between high-end gamers. The only ticket to enter it is time AND money or time AND luck. Even if casual gamers find a best-in-slot item or buy them for ridiculous amounts of money, it will not be enough, because a) it's only one slot, and if the rest of the gear is average it's not the same dps increase for them as it would be for the high-end gamer, b ) they still have 30-50 paragon levels to catch up to the high-end gamers, equal to 100-150 MF and c) unless one catches up completely in terms of dps/ehp with these players, the farm speed is much slower. But well... we have to live with that. It's just like in real life: the poor get poorer, the rich get richer ;-)
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Legendaries are new rares.
    Quote from redrym

    On topic. Played yesterday 5mins and a first legendary dropped, but according to you guys the drop rates are fine as they are. I find them depressing

    "I bought one lottery ticket and won a million. I'm so depressed."
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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