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    posted a message on 100MF Act I or 0MF ACT II? My experience and some simple math
    Quote from Nausicaa

    Quote from Seditiar

    Also: gear swapping is (except for Act 1) 99% of the time not an option as melee.

    Hehe, this just reminded me of a funny almost death Kungen had while farming Goblins (the 1% where it's an option):

    HAHAHA, that clip still cracks me up (P.S. Yes it's HC).

    Exactly, it is possible. But way too risky, especially on Hardcore. If you die, you lose at least 10 seconds, most of the time 1-2 minutes (depending on how far you have to run to get back to that pack). Those 1-2 minutes could've been used for a new run. I'm not saying it's entirely impossible for melee, but it's a lot more risky than for a ranged class to change gear.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Will PvP Become the New Priority?
    Quote from Harmonica39

    yeah because blizzard always sucked at balancing lol

    btw that was sarcasm

    They always did. The only exception was and is Starcraft.
    Posted in: PvP Discussion
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    posted a message on Will PvP Become the New Priority?
    Quote from Drez

    That's their only option other than adding some kind of ladder/reset system to the PvM side of the game. Killing each other just for the sake of doing it will last exactly as long as roflstomping demons with good gear after finishing the game on Inferno.

    Except that PvP tends to get a lot more frustrating a lot faster, if it's not properly balanced. Knowing Blizzard, it will certainly not be properly balanced. So if they don't add a decent public ladder system either, I'd bet quite a bit of money on it that PvP will be even worse than PvM, when it comes to keeping the players in the game.
    Posted in: PvP Discussion
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    posted a message on damage reduction?
    Quote from GhostLoad

    Quote from jackel668

    WD/wizards/DH can reach far superior levels of damage from what ive seen so far when compared to monks and barbs plus they have the disadvantage of having to get in closer so the 30% extra damage reduction would actually make sense even in pvp.
    ranged class over 30 yards away from melee class means they can just kite and still kill them, melee needs to be able to close the gap to even stand a chance

    I haven't played a Barbarian so I can't speak on their behalf, but since I mainly play my Monk I can say this much about gap closers;

    Fists of Thunder - Thunderclap
    Tempest Rush - Tailwind
    Dashing Strike - any rune
    Seven Sided Strike - Sudden Assault

    ^ All of those instantly close the gap


    Deadly Reach - any rune
    Way of the Hundred Fists - Windforce Flurry
    Wave of Light - any rune (except Pillar of the Ancients)

    ^ All of those are ranged attacks

    There's plenty of moves in the Monks arsenal to handle a ranged character, especially a squishy one like Wizards/Demon Hunters/Witch Doctors.

    I can speak for the Barbarians, that we have a lot of gap closers and ranged attacks as well.

    -Furious charge
    -Sprint (+40% movement speed)

    -Weapon Throw
    -Ancient spear

    This is a pretty big arsenal. The problem is: it's all useless, it's only about 15-25 yards, except for sprint. While ranged classes can easily shoot from 40-50 yards range.

    Like Hungering Arrow from the Demon Hunter.
    Like Magic Missile + the Seeker rune from the Wizard.
    Like a Zombie Dogs + Sacrifice bombardment, instant 1100% weapon damage while the melee classes cannot even see the Witch Doctor.

    I think Blizzard has a lot and I mean A LOT of work to do before you could really have a fun time while PvPing. That is, if Blizzard even wants to take PvP seriously.
    Posted in: PvP Discussion
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    posted a message on How do you make your gold?
    Quote from ZachMorris


    Wow must be nice. I get about 4-5 rares from that exact same run in the same amount time. Haven't seen a single elite pack drop a rare since Thursday. Only rares I get are from Warden and Butcher.

    You might want to kill a few more Champion/Elite packs then. I did a lot of Warden/Butcher runs as well, I cleared until I had 5 NV as well at first. But it's a lot better if you actually kill 10-15 packs before leaving the game. Make sure you have 5 stacks before Warden as well. After you kill butcher, just head into the crypts in the cemetery of the forsaken, a lot of champion packs there which give you at least 1 rare (and on average 2 rares).
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on 100MF Act I or 0MF ACT II? My experience and some simple math
    Quote from Mahoraba

    I clear what I believe to be the best way for Elite farming in Act 3 in the same time frame as most people who run through all of Act 1. Don't generalize that "Act 1 is better no matter what" cause it isn't.

    I agree with this, although I run act 2, I one-shot everything in both act 1 and act 2, so there is absolutely no reason for me to head back to act 1.

    Quote from Mahoraba
    There's certain areas in each act that aren't worth bothering with which simply are too long and unrewarding. There seems to be a general assumption that having MF on your gear causes your killing speed to be worse which yes if you're wearing "Magic Find Gear of the Whale" Then yes, it will. I upgraded each of my pieces with Magic find in mind never buying one without it but making sure it was an upgrade and something that would improve kill time, not make it worse.

    Just cause something has Magic Find on it does not make it automatically "less powerful". In addition, just because you don't know where the elites are in another act also doesn't mean "there's less guaranteed elites", Act 1 isn't the only place with a Festering Woods goodness.

    I disagree with this. The item with magic find isn't worse perse, but that item could have had another stat instead of magic find, which would've made it a lot more expensive. But instead of having:

    -100 strength
    -20% magic find
    -70 all resistance
    -60 vitality

    it could've had the following:

    -140 strength
    -70 all resistance
    -60 vitality

    I understand your point of view, that you only upgrade if it's a dps increase AND magic find increase. But items without magic find on them certainly can be better dps/tanking wise.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on How do you make your gold?
    Quote from ffaorlandu

    Quote from Manimal

    Quote from Zero(pS)

    Aside from the attackspeed nerf, the Sharpshooter passive might be deceiving sometimes, it leaves you at 100% crit chance and greatly increases the dmg shown on the character sheet (and that instantly drops when you attack). Maybe you swapped that one out?

    I have been tampering with skills based on some vid guides I've been watching.. so the theory is, if I set Sharpshooter back, I should regain that 52K?

    Sharpshooter increases your critical hit chance by 3% every second you don't attack something, to a max of 100%. And since your base damage displayed uses your crit % as part of its calculation, you're damage is inflated while not attacking. So yes, putting Sharpshooter back on will raise your damage back to 52k while not attacking after it's fully stacked to 100% crit.

    This is a very common mistake a lot of people seem to make. Sharpshooter gives you 3% crit every second you don't get a critical hit on a mob. So if you don't crit while fighting, you actually gain 3% crit every second as well, until you do eventually land a crit.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on I got 10 "Smite" keys to giveaway!
    Quote from Daemaro

    Well I'm sorry for that then but besides someone being online at the time there is no way this could have been prevented. Never seen this error before.

    Of course, if it was the first time then it's no problem at all. Maybe this error left a few traces as to why and how it happened, to prevent it in the future? Especially the part where I was able to view the topic via his profile, was very weird.
    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on 100MF Act I or 0MF ACT II? My experience and some simple math
    Quote from cyberrico

    Quote from lorien1973

    Quote from Miv

    A3 > A2 > A1 regardless of how much MF you have (and assuming you have the ability to do each act in a reasonable time).
    This pretty much sums it up.

    It's not that simple. First off, act 2 is slow to farm because there are very few elites that you can count on being in specific locations like you can in act 1. It's a lot more running around. If you have the gear to completely mindlessly crush act 2 I still recommend doing act 1. You're just going to get so many more items per hour that the higher chance of getting ilvl62-63 in a slow act 2 isn't worth it. Also, I can do act 1 in a very high amount of MF gear and still pretty much plow through it. You just have to get good MF gear with stats on it and make good choices on what gear you swap out for MF gear. Doing this will net you a ton of extra rares and will get you some legendaries as well. Note, I don't swap MF gear, I wear it. Doing so gets me a TON of rares off normal mobs.

    I farm act 1 a lot. There are certain points in my routine where I used to portal back to ID and sell. I can say that since I changed to MF gear I've had to modify when I go back. It's a lot earlier now. The million dollar question is time. I have never timed my routine. I think it's about 40 minutes. If running with MF gear adds 10 minutes then I'm not so sure MF is a giant payoff in my specific situation.

    Swapping MF gear is a slowdown too. You're using up bag real estate to carry it which means a lot more trips back. Also, let's be honest, you can call yourself super gamer all you want but opening your bag and swapping everything over and closing is gonna get you killed sometimes. You have to do it early too otherwise you risk killing them too fast. Swap too early and it becomes a slow kill or you get 2 hit and die. Don't get me wrong, swapping MF is efficient if you do it right and quickly but there's nothing wrong with relying on 5 stacks on NV getting you that guaranteed rare on every elite kill and 2 on every boss.

    Act 2 has a lot of elites that you can count on being there. I'm not sure if it's currently bugged or not, but the Forgotten Ruins (where you get 1 out of 2 blood for Zoltun Kulle) has 8-15 Champion/Elite packs in it. Always. I'm farming this dungeon 'till it's completely empty and then head off to Zoltun Kulle and Belial. I do these runs in about 20 minutes, where I on average kill about 10 Champion/Elite packs. I have a full bag with rares in the end, which is about 20-25 rares. This is completely without MF gear.

    So yes, I agree with you. I had a full set (335% MF with 5 stacks), but I found it only worthwhile when farming Goblins. It doesn't work on bosses at all in my experience. To clarify this last statement: I have killed the Assault Siegebreaker with the Barbarian Weapon Throw build with 200% MF (before I entered the room and never took it off!), it only dropped 2 blues, all 5 runs that I tested this. Now the 5 runs isn't that much, but with 200% MF, the loot should've been substantially better than 5 stacks of NV, but by far it wasn't. It was horrible.

    So to all the people who say "I have a feeling that with MF gear I get a lot more rares." or something like that, I wouldn't be so sure until you publish hard numbers. Goblins are the exception, of course.

    Also: gear swapping is (except for Act 1) 99% of the time not an option as melee.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on 100MF Act I or 0MF ACT II? My experience and some simple math
    Quote from Mahoraba

    Quote from Bodycount1

    Quote from Mahoraba

    It upsets me when people say this, you truely do not understand/realize how good Magic Find is beyond a 5 stack.

    I have zero MF. After 5 stacks I'm seeing 1-3 yellows drop per champ pack. Mostly 2-3 per pack. Rarely only 1.

    Sure I could spend 10-20 million on GF gear.. or hurry up and switch out gear before the last of the pack dies.. but that seems like work to me. And I play this game for fun, not work.

    I've had 100 base MF before.. and all that netted me was more blues from bosses. Blues don't sell. Everyone wants perfect stat yellows.

    Now i'm slowly working on gold find gear. Only catch is it must be an upgrade or I don't get it. So it's going very slowly. But i'm up to 75% base. Love those 2000 gold drops from whites.

    You lost my interest when you said "Blue drops don't matter cause people only want yellows" while your statement holds true about Yellows, Blues are salvage amazingness. Due to your lack of gold or lack of wanting to spend gold on crafting you probably don't actually understand how good crafting really is, why do you think people buy your Exquiste essence when you post it.

    I run 336% MF after Valor in Act 3 and I can clear on average 35 Elite packs, 4 Goblins and two bosses (Cydaea and Azmo) in 45 Minutes, with 7 deaths on average.

    Oh, and by the way i've netted 42 Legendaries, 2 Exalted Grand Sovereign greaves, 1 Exalted Grand Vambraces, Grand Armplates and 2 Grand Chests.

    Edit: 450 Hours of play time.

    Those statistics say more about the insane gear you already have than about MF. I run without MF gear and get about 70 rares in 1 act 2 run, I kill about 20-30 Elite/Champion packs and the three bosses of course.

    I ran about 10 complete act 2 runs, so the sample size isn't too big, 200-300 elites with 2-3 rares on average. So I really don't see the point of stacking MF gear, unless you're incredibly wealthy (gold or real life money), or you're a ranged class.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on I got 10 "Smite" keys to giveaway!
    Quote from Nivius

    Quote from Daemaro

    Calm down. Jeez. The thread for whatever reason errored but NO one should have been able to see it. It still had 0 views, 0 replies and even errored when I clicked it.

    I've NEVER seen that problem before. Not once. My only guess would be somehow your formatting of it broke the thread.

    There was nothing I could do to fix it besides remove the thread no one could view anyway. We can't be online all of the time.
    they could see it if they watched my "recently made topics"

    and i am calm :o i just... lost my spark you know what i mean? :I

    ^This. I was able to get three keys from there. (Could've taken the 15, but only needed 3).
    Posted in: Off-Topic
  • 0

    posted a message on I got 10 "Smite" keys to giveaway!
    Quote from nubonium

    awesome, i got F1999-F951B-169B4-6C19C-1FC51

    thank you!!

    does this come with more invites?

    No problem, as far as I know you can invite three others as well after a while.
    Posted in: Off-Topic
  • 0

    posted a message on I got 10 "Smite" keys to giveaway!
    Since the other topic still isn't working. I'll post my three referral keys here:

    Posted in: Off-Topic
  • 0

    posted a message on I got 10 "Smite" keys to giveaway!
    Second friend used key 3.
    Posted in: Off-Topic
  • 0

    posted a message on I got 10 "Smite" keys to giveaway!
    Quote from Nivius

    Quote from Seditiar

    Got a key from that thread anyway, and two friends of mine as well, Thanks!
    -.- no, you did not

    anyway, think i broke something :I

    Yes, I did. I was smart enough to see your post through your profile > topics started. Took the first and a friend of mine the last key.

    Edit: Key 1 and key 15.
    Posted in: Off-Topic
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