• 7

    posted a message on Diablo 3 is a very good game
    Quote from Irrational

    Haha what? Don't you mean you have to living underneath a rock to overplay this game to the point of hating it? Sorry bud, try again ;)

    It's a known fact? Decent? -____- You can hate on it as much as you want, but your thesis kind of sucks without some supporting arguments.

    He's probably referring to all the cut out material such as the mystic, death scenes, and no initial PvP etc... A lot of people live in a dream world of LoD 1.10 where everything was duped and easy to obtain OP gear that face rolled an easy game and expected the same experience.

    Inferno was then announced they promised it was hard and only the elite could complete it, now everyone complains that it isn't as farmable as it should be. Inferno obviously wasn't tested and the "end game content" does not allow very much flexibility in character builds. Most of these fixes will come out in future patches but people expect it from release even though no Blizzard game has been perfect from day 1 in over 15 years.

    Itemization is terrible and the problem is this game purely revolves around items, again this should be addressed. The carrot on the stick incentive is bad because uniques dropped like candy (whether they were godly or not) in D2 and in D3 legendaries suck the big one (again fix in future patch). The itemization approach for D3 has made all low level uniques and sets useless which makes me sad.

    Most people didn't know about 3rd party sites and now the fact the AH has made it a common practice people have "gear progressed" quickly and are wondering why farming has become useless. Overall farming in D2 also took forever but again most people are used to the LoD days of rune-words. People also don't realize that trade channels are now a simple click on the AH.

    Economy and inflation are an issue but they were in D2 as well, the only saving grace was a ladder. In D3 the economy check is hardcore mode, beyond that there is nothing else.

    People expected a fully finished game that compared to a product of multiple years of patches, fixes, and an expansion. D2 vanilla vs. D3 vanilla = D3 wins easy. The most butthurt people are PvPer’s / greifers and I agree that since there is no PvP at the moment there is a lot less to do at “end game”. Griefing will never happen in this get over it and move on (yay). It’s hard to tell where PvP will go, arena’s is an okay approach but player dictation of PvP rules is always most exciting.

    Since there is no mindless grinding to out-level content people again don’t know what else to do. Leveling may have been “trivial” but it’s a tangible aspect for people to feel like they are progressing. It also seems a lot of players are WoW players and have no idea what the Diablo series is about. People also seem to have the idea of WTF game dying but every Diablo has a massive decrease in activity considering 90% of sales are usually casuals. Every patch and or content update always brings people back; there is no dying (just temporary inactiveness).

    Random maps are terrible; the game is missing some old nostalgic sounds, the socket system is simplistic and boring, cow level (ponies) is just plain sad, and overall I think the music is not as good. Over the game has improved on so many aspects but people are negative and bitch. Many of us are guilty of nostalgic aspects no game will influence you more than when you were kid/teenager (influential age) compared to be a rational adult who has experienced many things. A lot of people are also burnt out of 2 weeks to 2 months of 600+ hours of doing the same thing... and your surprised?


    A lot of people wanted Diablo 2.5; this isn’t it (thank god). Blizzard never puts out a finished product from release and they drastically improve the game over time. Usually to the point of being an epic game, every release has been like this. People forget things over time, it will be fine.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Can/should AH barons be controlled?
    Quote from sifuedition


    I would prefer that approach as well, increase low to mid range drop rates, use AH for Godly stuff. I don't have a hate on for you I just disagree with your take on the AH, I see it just as another trade method from before, the problem is it's a "tad" over reliant for progression. The inferno debate is another whole can of worms; if it was tested properly the lack of normal gear finding might not be an issue. I just think everyone would be much happier if itemization was fixed, then adjust drop rates accordingly.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on If you were given 3 wishes by the D3 Genie...
    Total itemization overhaul i.e. less random on affix rolling & more interesting affixes, such as ability on hit and class specific stats only on a single class useable item

    Overhaul of gems i.e. don't add just a static boring stat add a complex system that allows to add other stats besides the main four.

    "Actual" randomization of maps

    I'd like a fourth option of a scaling % of deposit on AH items to help with inflation but its minor compared to the first three.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on God Mode for the barb also
    Quote from DeepThought

    Sorry. Gotta hit that quota to be eligible for the free loots.

    They did state quality posts but honestly who's checking, right?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Did the GAH die?
    Quote from Kalenen

    the shoulders are pretty much as close to perfect as you can get them in the game... so they are worth it

    Well try RMAH, or accept the fact your going to have to post them for a long time since most people that have that kind of money already have gear that good and won't be buying it.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on D3 "DEAD" in 2-3 months

    It's a good thing I have this saved, been needing it a lot over the last month.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Loot Whiners Please Explain
    Quote from KdLoL

    this game is all disappointment, no reward, they do whatever they can to piss the user off, Blizzard is terrible to the customers, every night, when I run act 3 with friends and chat on skype, whenever we find useless lootz and nothing good for the whole run, we all curse Blizzard to go bankrupt, its funny

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on It's official! No longer #1 on amazon
    Quote from Gheed2010

    808 days, 760 of which were based on hype, espn commercials, and the legacy of previous titles...

    What happened when people actually played it?

    There's QQing, and then there are http://finance.yahoo...urce=undefined; facts.

    Look at most companies on the market, everything is down because the Euro is going to crash... Also markets are not efficient and are poor indicators of actual performance. I'd explain accounting theory to you but its very long... start here and get back to me when you know what your talking about.


    Oh to also counter your "fact" I guess Enron was a successful company because it's stocks were such a valid point of measurement. Thanks for coming.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Everyone complaining
    Quote from Efrye

    You think I am dumb, right? Of course I played D1 & D2 regularly. NO I didn't use Godly full plate mail of the whale and stuff like that in D1 and I also didn't use ITH or bugged items in D2 1.09 or duped later on in the game. Gearing up in a new ladder season was fun, including runewords with selffound runes.
    But still, gear was NOT a real requirement in order to kill something. It takes you one week max. from starting a new character to running through hell, but still gearing up in Diablo 2 is the main goal and is motivating, even though it is damn easy.

    Regarding the Diablo 3 mechanics, how do you approach a fight with an elite phase beast pack having jailor, desecrator, arcane enchant and frozen/nightmarish if you see this beforehand?
    The moment you see them they teleport on you, you are probably already in jail and 2 arcane enchants are spawning around you.
    No problem to survive till now, but then they start making frost bombs while you run in fear from nightmarish, which alone made you run through the arcane sentries while 4 sword-wielding phase beasts thrash on you. But hey, I would have made it for sure if I had approached this correctly. Or simply outgeared it.

    I don't think your dumb, I just don't think you are knowledgeable in what your talking about. Overall I'm assuming all your cool downs were off or your a glass cannon with no oh shit buttons. Gear was never a requirement to kill anything in D3 either (up to inferno), and D1 & D2 didn't have inferno mode. In all honesty D1 hell mode (solo) was nearly impossible without being cheap (apoc staff for the win or potion spamming).
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
  • 2

    posted a message on only 24% vote that they like 1.03 in official diablofans poll
    159 posts of Derp... and counting.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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