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    posted a message on Rate the Avatar above! (1-10)
    SC2 references aren't appreciated round these parts. 0/10

    But actually 9/10 because I love that guy in the campaign.
    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Fired Blizzard Tester
    Quote from Hypz23

    I stoped thinking it's real as soon as I read this:
    The rationale being “there’s nothing in my contract that says I can’t reveal anything AFTER I’m fired.”

    Actually, it's completely opposite to that. He signed a contract that said he accepted to be liable to be SUED if he did any such thing, even after being fired.

    But I will keep reading for entertainment.
    Yea, like what kind of contract does he think real Blizzard testers sign? One that allows you to reveal content when you would be most likely to be pissed off and want to reveal stuff? Give me a break.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Randomized Randomization
    Obviously if the random quests are bad the randomization system will be bad. But this seems to at least imply that entire areas will change, which is something I love, and I'm sure the quests will be interesting. And if you don't like them, their entirely optional just like the various dungeons in D2.
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on Fired Blizzard Tester
    Level design? In what order? I.E: Does the desert come second act, or later?
    first act: tristram and surrounds (monastery, leoric castle,etc)
    second act: desert as you guys already know
    third act: something they called the bastion keep. really shit act.
    fourth act: begins where the meteor hits, then you descend into hell
    Pretty much proves he doesn't know what he's talking about. For one I doubt an entire Act would take place in one Keep, especially since they said that its something like the D2 formula where the last Act is a shorter climax, and the previous acts are longer. If you were in Bastion's Keep it would at least include the Dreadlands. And the meteor hits in Tristram. Unless he just doesn't know that Arreat Crater wasn't caused by a meteor, he's just wrong, and even if it is Arreat Crater it just proves he's not really paying attention.

    "Compared to D2 why is it boring?
    it doesnt feel as open as d2. the levels in d2 were much bigger than in d3. d3 open world areas are small ways with little side areas, and its ramdonly generated dungeon levels are mediocre, with rectangular areas glued together"

    This! This has been my worst fear ever since i saw the first gameplay videos!!!
    How does a gameplay video give you any kind of sense of how open the world is? Of course its going to seem small when they only take you through a small area of it. Did you watch the Crafting Sanctuary panel or read the recent Bashiok post on randomization? Both of those strongly contradict this guys story.

    And as Scyber said, he's under NDA if he's actually a beta tester, and even if he was he'd obviously be pissed about getting fired, so it would make sense that he'd shit on the game. It doesn't make it at all true. I'll believe it when he gets sued, and even then its one guys angry opinion.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 Beta Piracy, Project Titan is the Halo mmo?
    Quote from AlexanderZero

    Why would Blizzard be working on Halo? Halo is published by Microsoft, they probably wouldn't give IP rights to their popular franchise to Activision-Blizzard. :P
    Bungie works for Activision Blizzard now. I don't think it'll be a Halo MMO, but Bungie has said they are working on a space MMO, and it would make sense for them to work with Blizzard on it.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Gems
    If its limited to one type of socket (ie Weapon Sockets), it could be kept in low amounts. Obviously they could just limit it to rings, or enchantments or something as well, but it is an option.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Gems
    Yea, the only socketable thing in the game right now are Gems. There will probably be a life leech gem though. At least there could be, or a life leech enchantment.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Tyrael Breathing Slower
    Looks no different to me, but I haven't checked it all that often. I don't see why they'd make such a minor change though. I feel like its one of those things that if you focus on it, it seems different because you didn't really notice it as much before.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on MacBook Advice
    The fact that your sick of windows already makes me want to smack the newbnes out of you. and troll you to death. However im not going to do that
    I don't see how anyone could've used Vista and honestly think its not reasonable to be sick of it.

    Ya I have vista right now which probably propelled me to look at Macs, but I also plan on doing HD video editing (I'm a film studies student) with Final cut. I also really want to look hip and cool, you know?
    Then definitely go Mac IMO. For photo/video editing its pretty great.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Corrupt a Wish: Diablo III Edition
    @Mephisto, Granted, but the sequels will be called even wierder things like Willalwayscomebackinthenextinstallment Comes Back in this Installment.

    I wish all the things that people say are pointing towards the beta coming soon actually pointed towards the beta coming soon.
    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 Music is Insane
    Well what he's saying pertains more to the D3 music, as obviously we have a large amount of nostalgia when it comes to D2 as well.

    As for D3, we have no idea when/where the music will be used. Even if you listen to the Overture (or whatever one always reminds me of 'This place is thick with the stench of ghouls') as it plays during the WWI 2008 video, it seems a lot more epic than just the song by itself. Imagine if you were the one playing it with the music. Obviously you would attach it to whatever gameplay moment there was as opposed to it being just music as Veggie pointed out.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Tyrael Breathing Slower
    Quote from crittercutter

    If that's true, you've got a good eye (and memory). Nice. Preparing for beta?

    For a split second I thought that said shower lol.
    lolwut? Breathing =/= beta, as much as I want to interpret everything that happens as 'D3 BETA COMING TOMORROW!'
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Max Schaefer Interview
    Even though the whole 'inventing a new world for Diablo' excuse does seem pretty meh, it does seem like they are fleshing out Sanctuary quite a bit. I wouldn't be surprised to see some interesting Zakarum church symbols or various cultist symbols throughout the world. I do think they should have left them in considering they were in past games, but you can at least see their reasoning considering how sensitive of a topic religion can be, especially in a game all about demons.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Will D3 be too short?
    Well you can't really judge a game by how fast you can go through it the umpteenth time. The first time around D2 takes quite a while, and apparently D3 will take a bit longer. I'm sure the hours it takes for each person will be pretty different, but its still going to be a long game, especially when you take into account multiple characters and whatever plans they have for the endgame.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on MacBook Advice
    I have a 13 inch MacBook Pro and it runs SC2 fine on a mix of medium/low graphics. In fact I'm pretty sure its this one:

    New 2011 MacBook Pro. 13-inch: 2.3 GHz
    2.3GHz dual-core
    Intel Core i5
    4GB 1333MHz
    320GB 5400-rpm1
    Intel HD Graphics 3000

    Blizzard has also said that if you can run SC2, you'll be able to run D3. Obviously if you're barely running SC2 you might have some problems, but it works fine for me. I personally really like my MacBook for Apple's interface and OS, but I would readily admit that its nowhere near worth the price and lack of hardware for that price. Usually refurbished ones are fine, based on my friend's expirience, but I haven't personally lined up a new one against a refurbished one and seen the differences.

    If you're looking for the best computer (in terms of hardware) for your money, go for something with Windows 7. If you're looking for something that'll be fine for D3 and great for other stuff, and are OK with it becoming outdated, again in terms of hardware/gaming, faster than you would like, and just want a change of OS, then go with a MacBook. I will say that Windows 7 is nowhere near the nightmare of Vista though, so its not as bad as you may think. But for everything except for gaming I would definitely say Macs have the better OS, having used both the new Macs and Windows 7 extensively.

    I'm sorry but it's impossible for you to have both. If you want the best choice, get a real computer.
    Funny, but its thanks to the competition from Macs that Windows 7 isn't a piece of shit.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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