# 1xx - azmodan could have seven different kill moves based on the seven deadl sins.
Glutton - your body swells and explodes.
Greed - shoves coins down your mouth until you die
sloth - rips off you legs
envy - splits you in two
lust - well, shoves you into yourself
Wrath - makes ou kill yourself
pride - rips off your head and pits it on a spike.
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1. Boss grips you firmly in one hand and rips your head off with the other. Then, holding you upside down over his head, he squeezes all the good stuff out and drinks your guts down like he's squeezing out a yogurt tube. After this he tosses your body aside and belches for good measure.
2. Boss grabs you by the legs and begins to use you as a blunt weapon against other party members. As he does so, bits of your armor and limbs will break off in the process. After a short time, you'll be too flimsy to use as a weapon and he'll discard you.
3. Boss uses a special possession skill to possess either another party member or mercenary just long enough to stab you in the back and deliver the killing blow. For added fun, they can get an ear in the process.
104 technically, a boss casts corpse explosion on you yourself, and you explode damaging your party members
haha I was gonna say this one. complete with the original corpse explosion sound, causing mass damage to anything (minions, party members) in the radius
Several police wagons come and arrest you, putting an end to your murder spree (monthy python and the holy grail lol)
Why do people keep trying to make everyone be internet serious in this thread? It's not as if Blizz is watching this like a hawk, looking for new ideas, and if they see someone having fun they'll say "Oh, these guys aren't taking it seriously! There goes our last well-spring of ideas, better just stop working on the game altogether!"
It's a thread where we were asked to use our imagination to come up with some fantastic (used in the literal sense) ideas for boss-kill death animations. Of course there'll be some silly answers. And seeing as no one really seems to read what's gone before, of course there'll be repetitions of "The boss decaptitates (sic) you", "the boss possesses your friends" and "the boss impales you".
*Single death - Boss roars, and you become entraped in a prison of bone (Reminicent to D2 Diablos "An Evil Force") and begins sinking back into the ground. The further it goes into the ground, the more your bodyt is compressed into the ground untill they tear yourr body into pieces.
*Simultaneous Character deaths 1. - Boss stomps on the ground and a fissure errupts as all dying players fall into an abyss
*Simultaneous Character deaths 2. - Boss roars and all dying players erupt in flames untill burnt to death
*Simultaneous Character deaths 3. - Boss graps all dying characters and flings them high into the air. Short moments later they come crashing down meteor-like into any remaining players.
*Simultaneous Character and Boss death 1. - Boss explodes and sends debris flying around, and some sharp bone-like projectile fatally pierces the hero.
*Simultaneous Character and Boss death 2. - Boss knows he is defeated, grabs player and self-detonates holding hero into itself.
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Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
I would also be highly amused by an exploding head followed by the requisite sound effect, "Head Shot!". Could be very rare on one boss but itt would make me laugh every time.
That sounds like to much 0f a shooter to me personally, even if it were a bow... But an arrow storm would be nice, ending with a shit in one eye, a nd another dead enbetween
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Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
What about post-death animations? They’re just as important. Siegebreaker turns into a pile of hot rocks, heroes could decay like something on the discovery channel. A weeks worth of decay in 10 seconds - first the rigamortis, then bloating, then maggots, mould etc just like watching a big balloon deflate on the ground. And chuck in some poison clouds for tradition.
You defeat Diablo in a glorious epic battle. Upon his death he drops a musket... which you are then forced to shoot yourself in the face with as you realize Diablo has become WoW.
Too many ideas are too exagerate and I don't know how much people write "rips your head"...
# 1xx - azmodan could have seven different kill moves based on the seven deadl sins.
Glutton - your body swells and explodes.
Greed - shoves coins down your mouth until you die
sloth - rips off you legs
envy - splits you in two
lust - well, shoves you into yourself
Wrath - makes ou kill yourself
pride - rips off your head and pits it on a spike.
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2. Boss grabs you by the legs and begins to use you as a blunt weapon against other party members. As he does so, bits of your armor and limbs will break off in the process. After a short time, you'll be too flimsy to use as a weapon and he'll discard you.
3. Boss uses a special possession skill to possess either another party member or mercenary just long enough to stab you in the back and deliver the killing blow. For added fun, they can get an ear in the process.
haha I was gonna say this one. complete with the original corpse explosion sound, causing mass damage to anything (minions, party members) in the radius
Several police wagons come and arrest you, putting an end to your murder spree (monthy python and the holy grail lol)
Or else!!! ̿ ̿̿’̿’\̵͇̿̿\з==(•̪●)==ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿
It's a thread where we were asked to use our imagination to come up with some fantastic (used in the literal sense) ideas for boss-kill death animations. Of course there'll be some silly answers. And seeing as no one really seems to read what's gone before, of course there'll be repetitions of "The boss decaptitates (sic) you", "the boss possesses your friends" and "the boss impales you".
All that said my suggestion was entirely serious.
*Single death - Boss roars, and you become entraped in a prison of bone (Reminicent to D2 Diablos "An Evil Force") and begins sinking back into the ground. The further it goes into the ground, the more your bodyt is compressed into the ground untill they tear yourr body into pieces.
*Simultaneous Character deaths 1. - Boss stomps on the ground and a fissure errupts as all dying players fall into an abyss
*Simultaneous Character deaths 2. - Boss roars and all dying players erupt in flames untill burnt to death
*Simultaneous Character deaths 3. - Boss graps all dying characters and flings them high into the air. Short moments later they come crashing down meteor-like into any remaining players.
*Simultaneous Character and Boss death 1. - Boss explodes and sends debris flying around, and some sharp bone-like projectile fatally pierces the hero.
*Simultaneous Character and Boss death 2. - Boss knows he is defeated, grabs player and self-detonates holding hero into itself.
I would also be highly amused by an exploding head followed by the requisite sound effect, "Head Shot!". Could be very rare on one boss but itt would make me laugh every time.
Siegebreaker turns into a pile of hot rocks, heroes could decay like something on the discovery channel.
A weeks worth of decay in 10 seconds - first the rigamortis, then bloating, then maggots, mould etc just like watching a big balloon deflate on the ground. And chuck in some poison clouds for tradition.
- Bashiok
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