Some of you all are really ... well ... dumb. I'm referring to ones talking about them not doing this, and working on D3.
WTF do you think they're doing? Good lord. They try to provide something nice to people and people bitch that they should be working on D3. Do you really think that they're cutting D3 time to work on this?
And for my want, I'd like some more quests that tie into the D3 storyline.
Possibly even more importantly - it would be nice to see some major bugs fixed like the inadequecy of the character screen (doesnt show correct damage etc) and possibly some extra info added like %MF, %FCR, %DR etc
I don't see a point in all of you long-retired Diablo II players suggesting anti-cheating measures since you probably won't play for any length of time if it was gone. Secondly, I've seen maybe two Baal bots in the last couple months since the mass bannings and have yet to come across one duped anything this whole ladder. But I'm sure you'll all go out of your way to lie and refute me, so I'll discard that last though while making it known to everyone else that will likely flame me for it.
In any case, with cheating and botting being at an all-time low on the player end, I'd much prefer an actually content update, like additional quests, followed by fixing the spam bots (this is different than "botting" for anyone that's about to point that out- botting in Diablo II is using a third-party program to run MF runs or XP runs) and following that, fixing some character balancing issues. The questing and spam bots, though, are at the top of the list. However, it would be nice if they could fix the spam bots while improving channel moderation, or many, many clans are going to be highly dissappointed, as well as me, since Blizzard created the need for channel moderating bots through their lack of moderation support for channels in the first place.
Lets get this thing on the right track for diablo 3.
Maybe start putting uniques and set items up for sale from rare vendors.
Make them VERY expensive. For hell level uniques make them worth like....5 million gold or so? Maybe more..I think that would be REALLLY cool. Think about it, you would approach the game COMPLETELY different.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"I want to say something but I'll keep it to myself I guess and leave this useless post behind to make you aware that there WAS something... "
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
I still play, just solo or sp hc because cheating/hacking/pking. When the legitimacy of the items that are being traded around the community and ability to play cheater safe in pub games with so-called friends is put into question, it sort of ruins it for me. Monitoring these things would make me play far more then I currently do, and I've been playing since Diablo 1. And in terms of there not being hacking/duping still occuring, it's there, trust me. But your point will ring true for many others.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather."
You'll notice I never said it was non-existent, I alluded to it being nearly non-existent. Sorry for any confusion. There will never, ever, in any online game for the rest of eternity, be 100% legitimacy.
Sorry, this could get off topic, and it would be my fault. What I really mean to say is, like it or not, if they made the game even 99% legitimate, the vast majority of us would go back in to retirement again after a short time of playing it again, simply because we've done everything and there would be nothing new to do. I agree a game world without cheats would be great, but since cheating is at a low right now compared to the near decade since release, I'd much rather have actual content to experience.
Lets get this thing on the right track for diablo 3.
Maybe start putting uniques and set items up for sale from rare vendors.
Make them VERY expensive. For hell level uniques make them worth like....5 million gold or so? Maybe more..I think that would be REALLLY cool. Think about it, you would approach the game COMPLETELY different.
That's a hefty order...but it might just pull me out of retirement
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Walk tall, kick ass, learn to speak Arabic, love music and never forget you come from a long line of truth seekers, lovers and warriors.
-Hunter S. Thompson
How is d2 runewords at all relevent to d3? Runewords are in place in d2 so its viable to see more added, but not really needed.
If they aren't continuing runewords in D3, its obvious that they aren't exactly as fond as them as they used to be so those no motivation or incentive to make them.
That's a hefty order...but it might just pull me out of retirement the same time, that would SOOO mess up the d2jsp system if they did it right. Or at least damage it.
IT would be creating a much better in game economy that is self sufficient and outside sources for gold would really not be necessary.
I mean of course people are still going to use d2jsp but I think it would definitely cut down on the dependency that people have on it. For those that only use it to get anything half way decent would be able to kick the habit.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"I want to say something but I'll keep it to myself I guess and leave this useless post behind to make you aware that there WAS something... "
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
Holy Crapazord!!! This is awesome!! I would love to see 2-4 new quests!! That would be incredible!! Extra Stash space would be really cool too. And of course there are the bugs/hacks that should be worked out.
I would vote new quests, but, I lost my old DII install disks when I moved houses, and then my old computer died, so I think I'm gonna go buy a new DII and LOD. I'll BRB...
Ok guys....get this. So i install diablo 2 on my all the things so i dont need cd. and it said my cd key is invalid.
like what the hell. so i reinstall but before i do the copying of files. i tryed playing with the disk. and when i knew it was working i did the copying thing. then said invalid disk. so i think someone got my key somehow. cause i have the no disk thing on all my comps. so idk. im a little pissed
Yes, I would appreciate it if you increased your unique item drops !!!
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
What is normal? Normal is a concept that everyone or a majority of people are the same or similar. However, we know that everyone is unique. If everyone is unique, then everyone is different. If everyone is different, then everyone is weird. If everyone is weird, then everyone is normal.
WTF do you think they're doing? Good lord. They try to provide something nice to people and people bitch that they should be working on D3. Do you really think that they're cutting D3 time to work on this?
And for my want, I'd like some more quests that tie into the D3 storyline.
CyberPunk RP Nexus
Possibly even more importantly - it would be nice to see some major bugs fixed like the inadequecy of the character screen (doesnt show correct damage etc) and possibly some extra info added like %MF, %FCR, %DR etc
In any case, with cheating and botting being at an all-time low on the player end, I'd much prefer an actually content update, like additional quests, followed by fixing the spam bots (this is different than "botting" for anyone that's about to point that out- botting in Diablo II is using a third-party program to run MF runs or XP runs) and following that, fixing some character balancing issues. The questing and spam bots, though, are at the top of the list. However, it would be nice if they could fix the spam bots while improving channel moderation, or many, many clans are going to be highly dissappointed, as well as me, since Blizzard created the need for channel moderating bots through their lack of moderation support for channels in the first place.
*Readies flame-retardent suit.*
Make gold worth something NOW.
Lets get this thing on the right track for diablo 3.
Maybe start putting uniques and set items up for sale from rare vendors.
Make them VERY expensive. For hell level uniques make them worth like....5 million gold or so? Maybe more..I think that would be REALLLY cool. Think about it, you would approach the game COMPLETELY different.
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
Sorry, this could get off topic, and it would be my fault. What I really mean to say is, like it or not, if they made the game even 99% legitimate, the vast majority of us would go back in to retirement again after a short time of playing it again, simply because we've done everything and there would be nothing new to do. I agree a game world without cheats would be great, but since cheating is at a low right now compared to the near decade since release, I'd much rather have actual content to experience.
Extra storyline/quest to tie in D3.
I really can't decide.
That's a hefty order...but it might just pull me out of retirement
-Hunter S. Thompson
TED . LEAP . Woot . MF
If they aren't continuing runewords in D3, its obvious that they aren't exactly as fond as them as they used to be so those no motivation or incentive to make them. the same time, that would SOOO mess up the d2jsp system if they did it right. Or at least damage it.
IT would be creating a much better in game economy that is self sufficient and outside sources for gold would really not be necessary.
I mean of course people are still going to use d2jsp but I think it would definitely cut down on the dependency that people have on it. For those that only use it to get anything half way decent would be able to kick the habit.
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
I would vote new quests, but, I lost my old DII install disks when I moved houses, and then my old computer died, so I think I'm gonna go buy a new DII and LOD. I'll BRB...
Okay got em, time to make a post.
filling in those a4 quests to tie in some lore from D3 would be veery very sweet
like what the hell. so i reinstall but before i do the copying of files. i tryed playing with the disk. and when i knew it was working i did the copying thing. then said invalid disk. so i think someone got my key somehow. cause i have the no disk thing on all my comps. so idk. im a little pissed
--Steel :cool:
Would really like to some new quests with lore to tie in the time after LOD and the new DIII
and really for the love of BAAL the stash space!!!!:D
Nothing. I'm good.
But I guess if enough people asked for it... Hm... Someone should start a poll here and submit the results to the Blizzard forums