We need more than 5 chars. It's clear we are missing so many different areas of the fighting strategic by a limit of 5 chars. ... who is with me!!! I know we can narrow things down to a basic 5 areas, but we shouldn't be narrowing down anything. We should be expanding. Is this a step forward or a step back?
I don't want any more than eight or nine, or they'll just reach a point where every character's just a reskinned version of two other characters put together, and that would be dumb. It would be okay for a few, but I don't want ten or fifteen of them. This isn't--dare I say it?--WoW, with all those races and classes.
I think 5 is fine. 7 would be alright. Im use to playing with just 5 classes anyway but oh well.
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If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
If we could somehow make this
Christmas thing last
By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only just ask
, and we wont get the Warcraft3 type of game, where some of the heroes are awesome, and the others suck.
I agree with that point. It stinks when the chars are so spread out that some dominate just by skill nature. However I still can't shake that we are loosing individuality with our online play by narrowing the choices. This is not as simple as "If I want choices then I can go play another game." We should all have our cake and eat it too.
Druid+Amazon= awesome! I mean if you put the two next factors together thats awesome! Nature allied class with bow skills also i have thinked of it special resource, a quiver, its just perfect
I am up for increasing the number of classes but not bast 7 or 8. Really what I want is a melee DPS class that isn't armor heavy, and not like the assassin from D2 LoD; traps and martial arts are meh, i'd rather have a dagger or a short sword and rapidly stab crap to death. :whoops:
5 classes is a great number imo... but they're going to add more in expansions. Stuff is missing not due to numbers but due to the fact that they are intending to have more classes. You have nothing to worry about.
I am not bothered by the number of classes, especially if they turn out to be as customizable as Blizzard has suggested so far. Just with the four classes that have been shown already, it seems like the game has more diversity of play styles than any other hack and slash. Every class plays quite differently from every other. I wouldn't want Blizzard to ruin that by rushing out a large number of classes.
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Let's hear from the critics .....:
I guess we'll end up with the same number of classes as in D2lod.
If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
If we could somehow make this
Christmas thing last
By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only just ask
I agree with that point. It stinks when the chars are so spread out that some dominate just by skill nature. However I still can't shake that we are loosing individuality with our online play by narrowing the choices. This is not as simple as "If I want choices then I can go play another game." We should all have our cake and eat it too.