I Know my first Character is going to be a Paladin. But before I say what I was going to say, I wonder if they will have character feature customization. Not like in diablo 2 or so far looking like even in diablo 3 where you are a dark skin colored Paladin or the same looking (persons) and there is no hair/face or any type of customization. Are all the warriors going to look like Human Thrall rejects in diablo 3 like the one displayed?? haha. I know character customization is a reason that will even attract new players to the game as a big feature!!
Anyways, I remember I used to have one of the best 1v1 PVPers on US WEST with my Fist of Heavens/Smiter Paladin. I hope they bring back the similar skill tress and add on, becuase if they dont have Fist of heavens or a modified version I am going to be very choked.
Dont bring back Blessed hammer are make it weaker!
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If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
If we could somehow make this
Christmas thing last
By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only just ask
I think that they wont add the paladin in d3. Well basically they dont want old characters just revamped. And i think blizzard figured out that the pally was so god dam cheap.
They will have some type of Holy warrior in Diablo.
For it has always been.
But, they may rename the Paly to something else to keep up the "new" aspect of a game.
Everyone likes new types, be it armor weps, chars. because who wants to play a Diablo trilogy with the exact same character as in all the Diablo games. That would get old very qwik.
Blizzard always changes names and skills to keep it interesting.
Paladin = yes/ in a different form
Barb = yes
Sorc = maybe
Necro = yes (eventually)
Druid = maybe
Assassin = hells no
Zon = also a hells no
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Battle not with monsters lest ye become a monster and if you gaze into the abyss the abyss gazes into you.
sins, and zons are the best chars in the game. people are idiots and could never comprehend their abilites.
anyway, pals were always my fav char. ever since dII classic came out i was using a pally. unfortunatley they made pally so good everyone used them, which really annoyed me.
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DIABLO = DEVIL its not supposed to be a nice game autostats are rediclous lack of pots is not welcome if it aint broke dont fix it! (diablo2)
I've always loved the sword and board types. I only played the warrior in D1. For D2 I tried out all the other characters at least once, but I was always wishing to get back to my Pallys. I know that there will be some type of heavy armored, sword weilding, shield using, less varied magic type. That's who I'll play. He'll be a Paladin to me. I suppose they could eliminate the holyness of the Char, but that wouldn't be the same thing.
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"Poets, Priests and Politicians have words to thank for thier positions." De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da The Police
The Paladin class was overpowered. The meer fact that there was no magic resistance rendered them near invincible in capable hands.
If the Paladin makes a return, let us hope it is as an NPC. Perhaps he has lost everything and has been reduced to a beggar? Or perhaps he is a leader of a city? Or even perhaps a simple random NPC akin to any other NPC in the game.
Oh, and in my opinion, the Barbarian was the spiritual successor to the Warrior, not that blasted Paladin. Barbarians simply have more in common with the Warrior of D1.
Oh, and in my opinion, the Barbarian was the spiritual successor to the Warrior, not that blasted Paladin. Barbarians simply have more in common with the Warrior of D1.
I disagree. I don't want to start a similar "debate" over "opinions" that have enflamed these boards but here's how I see it.
The warrior used magic spells.
The warrior could use a one handed weapon/shield or wield a single two handed weapon.
In the highest level of armor he looked like a classic knight in shining armor.
The barbarian is heralded as a mostly "magicless" class.
He has the ability to dual wield, or use several of the "two handed" weapons single handedly.
He looks very different from the classic knight.
The paladin uses several of the spells that were carried over from D1.
He uses single handed weapon/shield or wields a single two handed weapon.
He has that look.
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"Poets, Priests and Politicians have words to thank for thier positions." De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da The Police
Don't spout out stuff about magic in Diablo 1. Any class with the magic level high enough could learn any book.
As for the fighting, the Warrior, to me at least, didn't have the classic knight look. He had more of a generic armored fighter look.
Now, perhaps both the Paladin and Barbarian were spiritual successors, but with the Warrior being mostly a melee class while the Paldin was mostly a holy class, the Barbarian's melee class fits more into the Warrior then the Paladin did.
Don't spout out stuff about magic in Diablo 1. Any class with the magic level high enough could learn any book.
As for the fighting, the Warrior, to me at least, didn't have the classic knight look. He had more of a generic armored fighter look.
Now, perhaps both the Paladin and Barbarian were spiritual successors, but with the Warrior being mostly a melee class while the Paldin was mostly a holy class, the Barbarian's melee class fits more into the Warrior then the Paladin did.
All very true.
I guess it might honestly come into personal play style. I always worked my warriors up on as much magic spells as possible. So it fit for better into the Pally. If you kept yours more to the melee side Barbs would be their replacement.
Of course it's all a very silly discussion since we went from 3 classes to 5 pre LOD!
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"Poets, Priests and Politicians have words to thank for thier positions." De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da The Police
I guess it might honestly come into personal play style. I always worked my warriors up on as much magic spells as possible. So it fit for better into the Pally. If you kept yours more to the melee side Barbs would be their replacement.
Of course it's all a very silly discussion since we went from 3 classes to 5 pre LOD!
Not so much really. The Warrior never had the same magic prowess that the mage had in Diablo 1. The Paladin's magic could go up toe to toe with the Sorceress though.
In D2, in Hell difficulty, in Act 2....Go to the tombs of Tal Rasha.
There you will find the dead summoners (Their right arm is a scythe)
THEY are immune to magic....It says in bright yellow "Immune to Magic"
BUT, I believe that hammers and even necros could still kill them..
Their "Immune to Magic" has no effect.
Cheers m8
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Battle not with monsters lest ye become a monster and if you gaze into the abyss the abyss gazes into you.
In D2, in Hell difficulty, in Act 2....Go to the tombs of Tal Rasha.
There you will find the dead summoners (Their right arm is a scythe)
THEY are immune to magic....It says in bright yellow "Immune to Magic"
BUT, I believe that hammers and even necros could still kill them..
Their "Immune to Magic" has no effect.
Cheers m8
You've done your homework! I'm proud! Now if we can get the rest of these idiots to... (By the way, there are two monsters that cannot be killed by magic. One in Act 2, one of the gorebelly style monsters, and one in Act 5, though I am currently unable to remember what skin the Act 5 one is...)
Anyway, I was refering to the characters. Each character has Fire, Water, Lightning. and Poison resistance up to and including 75, but no Magic resistance.
My appologies, I should of been more clear.
(Side note, yellow is hard to read on tan, so yea...)
Anyways, I remember I used to have one of the best 1v1 PVPers on US WEST with my Fist of Heavens/Smiter Paladin. I hope they bring back the similar skill tress and add on, becuase if they dont have Fist of heavens or a modified version I am going to be very choked.
If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
If we could somehow make this
Christmas thing last
By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only just ask
Not that I have anything against pals just that I want them to make something more original and even more fun to play.
For it has always been.
But, they may rename the Paly to something else to keep up the "new" aspect of a game.
Everyone likes new types, be it armor weps, chars. because who wants to play a Diablo trilogy with the exact same character as in all the Diablo games. That would get old very qwik.
Blizzard always changes names and skills to keep it interesting.
Paladin = yes/ in a different form
Barb = yes
Sorc = maybe
Necro = yes (eventually)
Druid = maybe
Assassin = hells no
Zon = also a hells no
Battle not with monsters
lest ye become a monster
and if you gaze into the abyss
the abyss gazes into you.
anyway, pals were always my fav char. ever since dII classic came out i was using a pally. unfortunatley they made pally so good everyone used them, which really annoyed me.
its not supposed to be a nice game
autostats are rediclous
lack of pots is not welcome
if it aint broke dont fix it! (diablo2)
If the Paladin makes a return, let us hope it is as an NPC. Perhaps he has lost everything and has been reduced to a beggar? Or perhaps he is a leader of a city? Or even perhaps a simple random NPC akin to any other NPC in the game.
Oh, and in my opinion, the Barbarian was the spiritual successor to the Warrior, not that blasted Paladin. Barbarians simply have more in common with the Warrior of D1.
I disagree. I don't want to start a similar "debate" over "opinions" that have enflamed these boards but here's how I see it.
The warrior used magic spells.
The warrior could use a one handed weapon/shield or wield a single two handed weapon.
In the highest level of armor he looked like a classic knight in shining armor.
The barbarian is heralded as a mostly "magicless" class.
He has the ability to dual wield, or use several of the "two handed" weapons single handedly.
He looks very different from the classic knight.
The paladin uses several of the spells that were carried over from D1.
He uses single handed weapon/shield or wields a single two handed weapon.
He has that look.
As for the fighting, the Warrior, to me at least, didn't have the classic knight look. He had more of a generic armored fighter look.
Now, perhaps both the Paladin and Barbarian were spiritual successors, but with the Warrior being mostly a melee class while the Paldin was mostly a holy class, the Barbarian's melee class fits more into the Warrior then the Paladin did.
All very true.
I guess it might honestly come into personal play style. I always worked my warriors up on as much magic spells as possible. So it fit for better into the Pally. If you kept yours more to the melee side Barbs would be their replacement.
Of course it's all a very silly discussion since we went from 3 classes to 5 pre LOD!
Not so much really. The Warrior never had the same magic prowess that the mage had in Diablo 1. The Paladin's magic could go up toe to toe with the Sorceress though.
those were killer if it landed on you
In D2, in Hell difficulty, in Act 2....Go to the tombs of Tal Rasha.
There you will find the dead summoners (Their right arm is a scythe)
THEY are immune to magic....It says in bright yellow "Immune to Magic"
BUT, I believe that hammers and even necros could still kill them..
Their "Immune to Magic" has no effect.
Cheers m8
Battle not with monsters
lest ye become a monster
and if you gaze into the abyss
the abyss gazes into you.
its not supposed to be a nice game
autostats are rediclous
lack of pots is not welcome
if it aint broke dont fix it! (diablo2)
You've done your homework! I'm proud! Now if we can get the rest of these idiots to... (By the way, there are two monsters that cannot be killed by magic. One in Act 2, one of the gorebelly style monsters, and one in Act 5, though I am currently unable to remember what skin the Act 5 one is...)
Anyway, I was refering to the characters. Each character has Fire, Water, Lightning. and Poison resistance up to and including 75, but no Magic resistance.
My appologies, I should of been more clear.
(Side note, yellow is hard to read on tan, so yea...)
Quiet, you don't count. We already know your smart. o.O BASTARD!
Now that will be awsome to see. All the nature resistances and now finnally Arcane resistance... Bitches...