An old page from, theres an Elly fellow I think I still got to email about how authentic this page is but so far it has been pretty much consistent with everything I have beside it.
So other than a few changes that don't follow the 5 years skipping frame which does make it look a little more like a general order of events than an accurate time line, it's pretty reliable.
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- Everything you ever wanted to know about the lore of Diablo and never knew where to look (In construction).
I looked for a diabloII one but to no avail...
id have to judge 5-25 years... the the things he has seen and been through can age a man very fast
with Solomir at the helm, a d2/lod one should be too hard.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
yay first post and im planning on staying with diablo3 but in my opinion maybe archbishop lazurus got some of it wrong and belial was actually one of the demons searching for diablo and azmodan took over hell. Belial hears of the fall of the prime evils and brings them back and maybe MAYBE tyreal (may sound a lil stupid) tyreal has a evil half that actually came and destroyed the world stone and opened a portal that lead to hell where millions of demons awaited the 7 heroes and they entered the portal and were killed after a long battle and tyreal and belial bring back the 3 prime evils then belial and tyreals evil half learn of a small series of villigas that have heroes traning their and they send belial to persue after them. The heroes being weak were fightining some demons while Deckard Cain is in the camp belial comes and (amazingly Cain was not all scholary) makes a fight with belial and by the time the new heroes get back into the town they witness a battle between belial and cain. cain of old age eventually falls in the battle and belial beats up the heroes a bit and then moves on to another type of place like worldstone only if you destroy it angels will come to the mortal realm and try and stop the evil. the heroes manage to get to the stone first and break it summoning the angels into the mortal realm one angle stays behind to try and stall belial but he eventually kills that angel and angry at the heroes persues after them. the heroes after a LONG! while end up facing the 3 prime evils again and somehow defeat them. Then kill azmodan. Belial catches up to them and grabs the soulstone (a new plot they were all fused into one stone and they found diablo and trapped part of him in the one with the other 2 and the other one was ju st a really weak form) belial plunges the stone into his head and he becoms a form of all three prime evils at once and fights the heroes the heroes defeat him and then evil side of tyreal comes and they find tyreal unbetable then the good side of tyreal comes and a horde of other angels come and destroy the evil half and peace is restored on the moral realm forever more.
(i no this may be the wrong place to post it and i may have just made myself look like a total moron but i had to get it out )
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack for all your Trans Siberian Orchestra listening pleasure
If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
If we could somehow make this
Christmas thing last
By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only just ask
yay first post and im planning on staying with diablo3 but in my opinion maybe archbishop lazurus got some of it wrong and belial was actually one of the demons searching for diablo and azmodan took over hell. Belial hears of the fall of the prime evils and brings them back and maybe MAYBE tyreal (may sound a lil stupid) tyreal has a evil half that actually came and destroyed the world stone and opened a portal that lead to hell where millions of demons awaited the 7 heroes and they entered the portal and were killed after a long battle and tyreal and belial bring back the 3 prime evils then belial and tyreals evil half learn of a small series of villigas that have heroes traning their and they send belial to persue after them. The heroes being weak were fightining some demons while Deckard Cain is in the camp belial comes and (amazingly Cain was not all scholary) makes a fight with belial and by the time the new heroes get back into the town they witness a battle between belial and cain. cain of old age eventually falls in the battle and belial beats up the heroes a bit and then moves on to another type of place like worldstone only if you destroy it angels will come to the mortal realm and try and stop the evil. the heroes manage to get to the stone first and break it summoning the angels into the mortal realm one angle stays behind to try and stall belial but he eventually kills that angel and angry at the heroes persues after them. the heroes after a LONG! while end up facing the 3 prime evils again and somehow defeat them. Then kill azmodan. Belial catches up to them and grabs the soulstone (a new plot they were all fused into one stone and they found diablo and trapped part of him in the one with the other 2 and the other one was ju st a really weak form) belial plunges the stone into his head and he becoms a form of all three prime evils at once and fights the heroes the heroes defeat him and then evil side of tyreal comes and they find tyreal unbetable then the good side of tyreal comes and a horde of other angels come and destroy the evil half and peace is restored on the moral realm forever more.
(i no this may be the wrong place to post it and i may have just made myself look like a total moron but i had to get it out )
Why did you post this in two different threads?
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Dream as if you'll live forever, and live as if you'll die today. "James Dean"
This passage I've been finding more and more interesting lately. It makes me think that Diablo was contained in more than just a stone. Perhaps some kind of Horadric artifact that largely masked the stone's presence from would-be adventurers? I mean, if Baal's soulstone was being wrestled over with Tal Rasha, and Mephisto was supposedly being guarded within the Horadric tower (later to become the Temple of the Zakarum), then what other precaution for Diablo besides his Soulstone was there to keep him contained and unfounded?
Quote from name="Elfen Lied" »
well that gets us to the end of Diablo 1, but the exact timeline for Diablo 2 is still up for debate, esp. with the fact that Marius have "aged" conciderably, between what he looks like in the flashbacks and what he looks like whe nhe is retelling his story
In the game with the expansion installed, you could argue that you go straight from killing Diablo, to venture to the Barbarian homelands to defeat Baal. But I actually liked to think that there was a brief period of peace in the lands while Baal was regaining his strength and mustering his army. And then the last thing he would do before beginning his metamorphisis, would be to retrieve his Soulstone from Marius.
So assuming maybe a standard year had passed in between that time, as well as what many believe were the effects of carrying the Soulstone, those factors could certainly account for Marius' rapid aging. For a third factor, you could even consider what living in an insane asylum would do to a person after a long period of time. Even in today's moder asylums where patients are treated relatively well, they can still age faster than the normal person. But considering the kind you see in Diablo that are similar to the medieval ones on Earth, where you are simply locked up and constrained all of the time withouth any therapy or treatments, that could wreak havoc on one's appearance and state of mind.
In summary then, one theory could be that Diablo was defeated, then some considerable time passes (maybe a year, maybe even more). That time combined with living in a wretched asylum as well as possessing the Soulstone of the Lord of Destruction seem good enough reasons we see Marius in his current state.
I don't have too much to support that a lot of time had passed after Diablo's defeat except to suggest that even Baal, after being imprisoned for a long time and battling wits with Tal Rasha for hundreds of years, needed to regain his strength. Why then does he go back for his Soulstone? He might not have felt the urgency of retrieving it before since initially neither of his brothers had yet been defeated in combat. What purpose does it serve for him? Several things probably. But I actually believe that his own Soulstone was somewhat necessary in order to begin his metamorphosis. I don't have much to back that up either except that I don't think it's a coincidence that after getting his Soulstone back he is suddenly this wicked looking multi-appendaged, powerful spell-casting demon.
Diablo was not just left there unprotected, like the Gaurdian Tower that was build over the resting place of Mephisto's Soulstone, Diablo's Soulstone also had its own monumental structure built over it.
“In 1103, Jered Cain's Band of Horadrim captured Diablo in the country of Khanduras in a conflict so terrible that all but Cain died in that effort. Cain buried the stone near the river Talsnade, and he had a Horadric Monastery built over the site.
During the monastery's ascendancy, Horadric monks filled the structure.”
As for how much time did Marius have to age until the time he is in the asylum, its been quite a lot of time since I've worked on the time line but maybe today is a good time to start again, I might have an answer later today.
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- Everything you ever wanted to know about the lore of Diablo and never knew where to look (In construction).
yea i believe that not too long passed when marius was telling the story i think he had just been driven to the brink of madness from not only holding baals soulstone but also from seeing all the horrors in the zakarum temple including the transformation of diablo which is supposed to terrify people by looking at see this effect if you read the book Diablo#3 kingdom of shadow
Where could I buy some Diablo books to. Any locations or sites that come to mind other then Blizzards web site. Email me if you have any good ideas that you would like to share with me
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I like the life I lived, because I went from negative to positive.
You know very well who you are, don't let them hold you down, reach for the stars.
Is there any other Overlords throughout Diablo1,2,lod... because im certain there is 1 more and its killing me because i cant remember!!!!
1-Hephasto the Armorer guarding the Hellforge
2-Something the Smith guarding the Horadric Malus
3-Something the Butcher from Diablo 1
Also, does pandemonium diablo and the uber bosses even tie into any lore at all? or was it just a last effort to keep some people playing Diablo 2 lod?
Is lillith in the diablo lore or only in the diablo books?
Are the diablo books backed by blizzard as official diablo lore?
the only other one i can recall is Inarius, an he is still in his prison, which although on the map of Sanctuary, has not featured in any games (thus far)
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
Is he actually now an Overlord though? Cause I thought it was his followers that became the Overlods. But Inarius himself, he's really just a mutilated and chained up angel, stripped of his powers.
not sure, he might be, but he is probably something else, mutilated angel, but he followers are definitely overlords.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
I sometimes wonder if it was all of his followers or just some of his top ranking followers that were turned into the Overlords. Cause perhaps the Overlords themselves were the higher ranking members of Inarius' religion, while the lesser one were the ones that became the Mud Men, Toad Demons, and Flayed Ones.
Hopefully there is a cinematic in Diablo 3 which involves travelling into inarius' chamber of mirrors, with the awesome graphics that blizzard allways has in their cinematics that would be amazing
id have to judge 5-25 years... the the things he has seen and been through can age a man very fast
So other than a few changes that don't follow the 5 years skipping frame which does make it look a little more like a general order of events than an accurate time line, it's pretty reliable.
- Everything you ever wanted to know about the lore of Diablo and never knew where to look (In construction).
with Solomir at the helm, a d2/lod one should be too hard.
(i no this may be the wrong place to post it and i may have just made myself look like a total moron but i had to get it out
If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
If we could somehow make this
Christmas thing last
By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only just ask
Why did you post this in two different threads?
In the game with the expansion installed, you could argue that you go straight from killing Diablo, to venture to the Barbarian homelands to defeat Baal. But I actually liked to think that there was a brief period of peace in the lands while Baal was regaining his strength and mustering his army. And then the last thing he would do before beginning his metamorphisis, would be to retrieve his Soulstone from Marius.
So assuming maybe a standard year had passed in between that time, as well as what many believe were the effects of carrying the Soulstone, those factors could certainly account for Marius' rapid aging. For a third factor, you could even consider what living in an insane asylum would do to a person after a long period of time. Even in today's moder asylums where patients are treated relatively well, they can still age faster than the normal person. But considering the kind you see in Diablo that are similar to the medieval ones on Earth, where you are simply locked up and constrained all of the time withouth any therapy or treatments, that could wreak havoc on one's appearance and state of mind.
In summary then, one theory could be that Diablo was defeated, then some considerable time passes (maybe a year, maybe even more). That time combined with living in a wretched asylum as well as possessing the Soulstone of the Lord of Destruction seem good enough reasons we see Marius in his current state.
I don't have too much to support that a lot of time had passed after Diablo's defeat except to suggest that even Baal, after being imprisoned for a long time and battling wits with Tal Rasha for hundreds of years, needed to regain his strength. Why then does he go back for his Soulstone? He might not have felt the urgency of retrieving it before since initially neither of his brothers had yet been defeated in combat. What purpose does it serve for him? Several things probably. But I actually believe that his own Soulstone was somewhat necessary in order to begin his metamorphosis. I don't have much to back that up either except that I don't think it's a coincidence that after getting his Soulstone back he is suddenly this wicked looking multi-appendaged, powerful spell-casting demon.
Siaynoq's Playthroughs
“In 1103, Jered Cain's Band of Horadrim captured Diablo in the country of Khanduras in a conflict so terrible that all but Cain died in that effort. Cain buried the stone near the river Talsnade, and he had a Horadric Monastery built over the site.
During the monastery's ascendancy, Horadric monks filled the structure.”
As for how much time did Marius have to age until the time he is in the asylum, its been quite a lot of time since I've worked on the time line but maybe today is a good time to start again, I might have an answer later today.
- Everything you ever wanted to know about the lore of Diablo and never knew where to look (In construction).
To find the truth, you must risk everything.
Siaynoq's Playthroughs
BTW...Diablo doesn't suck.
EDIT: I'm afraid my post will be lost soon...
EDIT2: My post wasn't lost!!!
It's the 10th for this page!!!
EDIT3: Yippee for Mods getting rid of nasty posts that speak lies and make it so that you have to scroll forever.
1-Hephasto the Armorer guarding the Hellforge
2-Something the Smith guarding the Horadric Malus
3-Something the Butcher from Diablo 1
Also, does pandemonium diablo and the uber bosses even tie into any lore at all? or was it just a last effort to keep some people playing Diablo 2 lod?
Is lillith in the diablo lore or only in the diablo books?
Are the diablo books backed by blizzard as official diablo lore?
Siaynoq's Playthroughs
Siaynoq's Playthroughs
I thought it was always just 'The Smith' and 'The Butcher', although the 'Something the Butcher/Smith' does make a bit more sense.