Seeing as there's been no development on the issue for some time, I here present my idea behind a SICK flag/symbol.
Here is the picture itself:
Now this is a just a rought draft, let me explain how I imagine a future flag.
First let us begin by looking at SICK: Silver Inferno Crusading Knights. All of these words need to be linked into the symbol.
Originally I wanted a silvery flame, but my brother insisted that it looked retarded, so I've settled for a silver sword for now. (Silver is also the name our the guild's Leader. SIlversurfnstud)
Fire. We need fire in our symbol, period. (Inferno is also the name of the very first guild in Diablo 1)
Crusading, unlike the other three words, is a verb, so there's no way of visually representing it like the others. For now it doesn't bother me that much, you get the idea from the context.
Since a person should never be the focus of a symbol, we need an item that represents the knight, and what better than his sword?
The actual sword was just what he found in all haste, a better one is of course going to be present in the final version. The font can also be changed to something else, and I'm confident that given time he can improve the fire from its current status.
Key here is simplicity. A symbol should not be cluttered or advanced, just a simplel symbol that is easy to remember. The details are of course important, but anyone should be able to imagine the whole of it in their head after only seeing it once.
But before I try to convince him to do any improvements I want some feedback. If this is crap to you then no use starting with anything new, and if it's great, then suggestions are always welcome.
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oh and hows the video coming Darkjay, if at all, i get you may be busy, but if you have some time it would be greatly appreiated by all of us if you could work on it some more, or just host up what you have so far for version 2.
-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
i love this flag...for the reason that it is very simple, yet impressive. work off this. your reasoning is excellent phrozen. i want to see more versions.
i still like the symbol Carloseus did for version 3.
but this one is very good also
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
i love this flag...for the reason that it is very simple, yet impressive. work off this. your reasoning is excellent phrozen. i want to see more versions.
Heh, I'll see what I can do (read: I'll see if I can "convince" my brother ;)).
PlugY for Diablo II allows you to reset skills and stats, transfer items between characters in singleplayer, obtain all ladder runewords and do all Uberquests while offline. It is the only way to do all of the above. Please use it.
Supporting big shoulderpads and flashy armor since 2004.
-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
elfen u want me to send u the stuff for the movie?? i dont have an whole lot of time and i was running out of ideas
yeh sure, send it my way, and ill take a look at what you have.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
''May the Gods give you the strength and power to bear the madness which flows through our minds.''
''Zubin, I've always imagined you as a crazy raver. The kinda guy that spends all night dancing to trance music while waving glow sticks and popping ecstasy.'' - Murderface
crap darkjay i cant view your Guild video version 2, can you try send it to me as a movie file rather than as a WMM project.
for version 1 see previous page.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
Where are the thought behind a SICK symbol ?????????????????
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''May the Gods give you the strength and power to bear the madness which flows through our minds.''
''Zubin, I've always imagined you as a crazy raver. The kinda guy that spends all night dancing to trance music while waving glow sticks and popping ecstasy.'' - Murderface
we expressed our views that PhrozenDragon's concept was very good. and some more work on a symbol is long overdue, but Carloseus has worked hard on the previous 3 symbol concepts, i provided links on the previous page.
we have also made a short video for the guild, a link is provided on the first page. though work on the second version has halted. there appears to be issues tranferring it form one person to the next.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
Well what if you put flames in the back ground and a silver sword and shield crossing in front of the flames? just a thought
Oh and i might be able to help out with a design with photo shop as well if you can email me the pick or get me a copy of the picture some how i could see what i can do to help
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You should not fear death but embrace it 4 death is a release from the pain that you suffer on earth..
Here is the picture itself:
Now this is a just a rought draft, let me explain how I imagine a future flag.
First let us begin by looking at SICK: Silver Inferno Crusading Knights. All of these words need to be linked into the symbol.
Originally I wanted a silvery flame, but my brother insisted that it looked retarded, so I've settled for a silver sword for now. (Silver is also the name our the guild's Leader. SIlversurfnstud)
Fire. We need fire in our symbol, period. (Inferno is also the name of the very first guild in Diablo 1)
Crusading, unlike the other three words, is a verb, so there's no way of visually representing it like the others. For now it doesn't bother me that much, you get the idea from the context.
Since a person should never be the focus of a symbol, we need an item that represents the knight, and what better than his sword?
The actual sword was just what he found in all haste, a better one is of course going to be present in the final version. The font can also be changed to something else, and I'm confident that given time he can improve the fire from its current status.
Key here is simplicity. A symbol should not be cluttered or advanced, just a simplel symbol that is easy to remember. The details are of course important, but anyone should be able to imagine the whole of it in their head after only seeing it once.
But before I try to convince him to do any improvements I want some feedback. If this is crap to you then no use starting with anything new, and if it's great, then suggestions are always welcome.
previous symbol/flag attempts by Carloseus
version 1
version 2
version 3
oh and hows the video coming Darkjay, if at all, i get you may be busy, but if you have some time it would be greatly appreiated by all of us if you could work on it some more, or just host up what you have so far for version 2.
version 1
but this one is very good also
yeh i do. I thought it comes standard with XP.
yeh sure, send it my way, and ill take a look at what you have.
Yeah it came with my one
''Zubin, I've always imagined you as a crazy raver. The kinda guy that spends all night dancing to trance music while waving glow sticks and popping ecstasy.'' - Murderface
Chaos, Panic, Disastor, my work here is done.
Make it idiot-proof and somone will make a better idiot.
crap darkjay i cant view your Guild video version 2, can you try send it to me as a movie file rather than as a WMM project.
for version 1 see previous page.
indeed i do, let me try to find it i d/led it about 3 weeks at work so i will try to have the link up by tmorrow
''Zubin, I've always imagined you as a crazy raver. The kinda guy that spends all night dancing to trance music while waving glow sticks and popping ecstasy.'' - Murderface
we expressed our views that PhrozenDragon's concept was very good. and some more work on a symbol is long overdue, but Carloseus has worked hard on the previous 3 symbol concepts, i provided links on the previous page.
we have also made a short video for the guild, a link is provided on the first page. though work on the second version has halted. there appears to be issues tranferring it form one person to the next.
Oh and i might be able to help out with a design with photo shop as well if you can email me the pick or get me a copy of the picture some how i could see what i can do to help
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