I'm Dyril. Just letting everyone know about a browser-based damage calculator I've been working on with my girlfriend "YummyUnicornNinja."
You can check it out my site @ http://theasiangamer.com/
Permalink to Player Damage Calculator: Here. (up to date, p1.0.7)
Permalink to Follower Damage Calculator: Here. (out of date, p1.0.4)
Version 1.4, subject to improvements to the formulas, appearance, and other idea implementations:
No spreadsheets, programs, or attachments: just visit the site, and if the post is not stickied, select the Damage Calculator option at the top menu.
Usage: Compute your current and theoretical damage using input fields.
Works for all classes, all followers, and all levels 1-60.
Follow the italicized baby blue instructions per step from top to bottom, to find your player damage.
Input gear data for followers.
Very accurate for both single-wielding and dual-wielding. Allow for increased margin of error when it comes to weapons with +% damage, and some rings/amulets with incorrect min-max damage displays.
You can save your current input information (if your browser cookies are enabled) up to 5 profiles. Data is stored client-side, and auto-expires after 35 days.
After saving profiles, you can load them at a later date.
Profile for Player and Follower are completely independent, to ensure no one messes up both at the same time.
Video Tutorial Illustrating a Practical Application of the Damage Calculator:
8/22/12: Added integration for Paragon Levels and a new column for the new +Attacks per Second affix. Calculations work 99% for weapons, 0% for armor (just there for expansive thought in mind).
8/08/12: Added ability to pull data from Battle.net Character Profile Link (Prototype stage). You will have to edit your weapon damage ranges for now for more accurate results, and manually select buffs/input most set bonuses.
8/08/12: Added additional display for Damage Change for exact marginal % gain or loss.
8/07/12: Added ability to convert profiles to links. Requires a saved profile for it to function properly.
7/21/12: Added display for average damage per hit for main/off weapons.
7/18/12: Added Dynamic Stat Equivalencies to Player Damage Calculator.
7/15/12: Added new Follower Damage/Gear Comparison Calculator.
7/02/12: v1.3: changed layout significantly from v1.1. Also added many many more class abilities and tooltips. Some not yet implemented, those that aren't implemented yet have not been personally tested yet. Once I feel confident about the math, we'll put them in.
6/21/12: v1.2: added a maximum of 5 profiles to be saved (for 15 days), added old damage + new damage + change in damage at the bottom, added column for primary stat inputs for all items, added compatibility for any level, added new tooltips and color-coded columns
6/14/12: added optional check box for enchantress buff. (Note: if using while dual-wielding, there will still have rounding error with small margin of 5-10 damage but still pretty close.)
6/14/12: added temporary-looking buttons for Load Saved Data, Save Data, and Delete Saved Data. (Must have cookies enabled and saved for it to work its full 7 day lifespan.)
6/13/12: added mouseover tooltips if you're unsure where/what the input field is describing.
Somebody who created an account solely to make this post about visiting their website. You should expect quite a bit of dead silence considering how suspicious it looks.
Somebody who created an account solely to make this post about visiting their website. You should expect quite a bit of dead silence considering how suspicious it looks.
You're absolutely right, I should have been a long-time poster on several other threads, just so it'd increase my post count, making me look less suspicious.
People are checking out the damage meter based on the analytics reports. The dead silence is in response to whether or not they're positive visits.
I created an account here, because I don't usually post on forums. So I apologize if my original post looked like I was trying to keylog you or solicit gold.
Updated, thanks to a pleasant commentator from France, he indicated that decimals were lacking in the critical chance % column. This has been fixed, and shall now properly display items like 3.5 for the crit column. We did not change the same parse for the other columns, for we're 99% certain crit is the only affix that has decimal numbers aside from overall DPS.
helpful mouseover tooltips in case you're not sure what # from the item you're meant to input.
temporary looking buttons for: Save Data, Load Saved Data, and Delete Saved Data.
If you'd like to use the save/load data feature, you must have cookies enabled/savable on your browser in order for the saved data to work its full 7-day lifespan. If you do, you will be able to recover your last saved data by loading:
For Chrome, Settings Wrench Icon --> Settings --> Show Advanced Settings --> Content Settings --> YES: "Allow local data to be set (recommended)", NO: "Clear cookies and other site and plug-in data when I close my browser"
For Firefox, Top Menu Tools --> Privacy --> Remember History or Custom History, accept theasiangamer.com's cookies.
Upcoming changes:
Going to add Enchantress +attack speed checkbox, it took me awhile but I figured out how the +3% is added.
Still working on new interface/standalone page/gear comparison inputs.
Alright, thanks to communication with "Hokahey" I have inserted an optional check box for an updated formula regarding the Enchantress "Focused Mind" buff.
Works perfectly fine with 1-handed weapons.
For dual-wielding, there still exists the same rounding margin error of 5-10 that is contrary from your Diablo III in-game display. But it should not deviate beyond that range. I am against subtracting a fixed number to the formula to minimize the margin, because I do not believe the formula is wrong. There is just some element in the in-game calculation step that decides to round for dual-wielding and not single-wielding.
I'm testing a bunch of different skills, and will likely replace the bottom-row class skill modifier inputs, with check boxes just like the enchantress buff. It still warrants testing because the only Level 60 I have is my Monk, so I am in the process of gathering data. I understand some mechanics might even be bugged, like Magic Weapon (No Rune) possibly double dipping (adding +10% damage to weapon, and then another 10% to total damage).
Tentatively planned- v1.2 - add an armor-comparison table to allow players to see if one or two pieces of armor has better damage than the ones currently equipped. v1.3 - add weapon-comparison table to allow players to see if one or two weapons are better than their current setup. v1.4 - add checkboxes for skills.
I'm a new website designer, as I've never built a functional site before February 2012, and I never studied it in college (I was a Business Major - ugh). I just bought a book, read from it, and went from there. Knowing that, if you see for some reason that my site may be displaying bad errors or has incompatible elements with your browser - PLEASE tell me! I'll do my best to fix it. I'm still learning and welcome visitors to help me build on my current knowledge.
Bumping this post so it doesn't wander off into the abyss. It seems like a lot of people are using it nowadays, especially with the incoming IAS changes.
Good job! I used it to calculate what my DPS will be after the attack speed nerf.
Too bad there's no way to see what your attacks per second are in the results box.
I don't get why you ask people for the sum total of their primary stat, but then have them put in the details (aside from primary stat) on every piece of gear. It seems to me like it would make more sense to just have them enter their Dex for every piece of gear, so that they don't have to go up and do math when comparing a new piece with a different Dex number on it.
If anyone wanted the simplicity of not putting in all their gear numbers, they could still just put all their summed stats on the first piece of gear.
I don't get why you ask people for the sum total of their primary stat, but then have them put in the details (aside from primary stat) on every piece of gear. It seems to me like it would make more sense to just have them enter their Dex for every piece of gear, so that they don't have to go up and do math when comparing a new piece with a different Dex number on it.
If anyone wanted the simplicity of not putting in all their gear numbers, they could still just put all their summed stats on the first piece of gear.
Maybe, my original thought was trying to minimize how many inputs you need, along with reducing the amount of actual math the end-user has to do. I didn't think about gear comparison until after the first version of the calculator was developed. But I can see what you're getting at. We'll look at different ways of improving it.
I don't get why you ask people for the sum total of their primary stat, but then have them put in the details (aside from primary stat) on every piece of gear. It seems to me like it would make more sense to just have them enter their Dex for every piece of gear, so that they don't have to go up and do math when comparing a new piece with a different Dex number on it.
If anyone wanted the simplicity of not putting in all their gear numbers, they could still just put all their summed stats on the first piece of gear.
Maybe, my original thought was trying to minimize how many inputs you need, along with reducing the amount of actual math the end-user has to do. I didn't think about gear comparison until after the first version of the calculator was developed. But I can see what you're getting at. We'll look at different ways of improving it.
I'm just saying that your current version has both a ton of stats that need to be input AND some amount of math that you need to do when comparing gear. I get the need for breaking down your stats per slot if you want to compare upgrades, and it seems like a simple thing to just add a "main stat" box for each piece and then add that up on the back end. Like I said, if people don't want to break it down by slot, they can always just put their final stats in as 1 gear piece, which basically gives the functionality it would have had before item compare.
Anyway, still the easiest online tool I've found for everything except DH. This just immediately struck me as a way it could be easier.
Removed Primary Stat Input number, replaced with an entire new column for primary stat inputs. This will enable you to update your items on the fly without having to calculate how much dex you have to add or subtract from your total. Later version slated to have gem slots as to minimize the amount of math you ever have to do on your own, but for now you must add your own primary stat for gemmed items.
Added compatibility for all levels, just insert your character's level at the top of the calculator.
Added profiles that utilize saved data at the bottom. You can save client-side data per profile up to a maximum of 5 profiles. Requires browser cookies enabled, stored data will last for 15 days unless handled otherwise. Later version slated to enable editing profile name.
Added Net change in damage at the bottom. You'll have to calculate something first for it to reference an "Old" damage in order to render a "New" damage.
Version 1.2b: implemented attacks per second for main-hand / off-hand weapons. Didn't look too deeply into the math behind certain class buffs like Barb Frenzy etc, but it works for standard +atk spd items +enchantress. Please let me know certain elements that are broken in relation to the calculations, and I'll patch 'em up.
Really loving this tool, seems fairly accurate with a bunch of different tests I ran. Even used it to illustrate a point over on jsp (Not that the morons there listened even when shown proof).
I'd like it if the fields were 1 digit larger though. 2h weapons can frequently go into the 4 digits damage wise, and it makes it easy to do stuff like put '2000' into the dex of a single item if you know that's what your dex is
Really loving this tool, seems fairly accurate with a bunch of different tests I ran. Even used it to illustrate a point over on jsp (Not that the morons there listened even when shown proof).
I'd like it if the fields were 1 digit larger though. 2h weapons can frequently go into the 4 digits damage wise, and it makes it easy to do stuff like put '2000' into the dex of a single item if you know that's what your dex is
Works like a charm. Extremely helpful when considering upgrades. I don't know if this is a common want, but as a barb, my health pool goes into my decisions. A life % and vitality option would be nice to see how much health I would be losing vs dps gaining. Anyway, it is amazing. Thank you so much!!!
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I'm Dyril. Just letting everyone know about a browser-based damage calculator I've been working on with my girlfriend "YummyUnicornNinja."
You can check it out my site @ http://theasiangamer.com/
Permalink to Player Damage Calculator: Here. (up to date, p1.0.7)
Permalink to Follower Damage Calculator: Here. (out of date, p1.0.4)
Version 1.4, subject to improvements to the formulas, appearance, and other idea implementations:
7/02/12: v1.3: changed layout significantly from v1.1. Also added many many more class abilities and tooltips. Some not yet implemented, those that aren't implemented yet have not been personally tested yet. Once I feel confident about the math, we'll put them in.
6/21/12: v1.2: added a maximum of 5 profiles to be saved (for 15 days), added old damage + new damage + change in damage at the bottom, added column for primary stat inputs for all items, added compatibility for any level, added new tooltips and color-coded columns
6/14/12: added optional check box for enchantress buff. (Note: if using while dual-wielding, there will still have rounding error with small margin of 5-10 damage but still pretty close.)
6/14/12: added temporary-looking buttons for Load Saved Data, Save Data, and Delete Saved Data. (Must have cookies enabled and saved for it to work its full 7 day lifespan.)
6/13/12: added mouseover tooltips if you're unsure where/what the input field is describing.
Anyone who's tried it: any significant errors or problems associated with the calculator?
Feedback is appreciated, as I want to know how I can make it as user-friendly as possible.
You're absolutely right, I should have been a long-time poster on several other threads, just so it'd increase my post count, making me look less suspicious.
People are checking out the damage meter based on the analytics reports. The dead silence is in response to whether or not they're positive visits.
I created an account here, because I don't usually post on forums. So I apologize if my original post looked like I was trying to keylog you or solicit gold.
We can probably integrate that in.
If anyone wanted the simplicity of not putting in all their gear numbers, they could still just put all their summed stats on the first piece of gear.
Maybe, my original thought was trying to minimize how many inputs you need, along with reducing the amount of actual math the end-user has to do. I didn't think about gear comparison until after the first version of the calculator was developed. But I can see what you're getting at. We'll look at different ways of improving it.
Anyway, still the easiest online tool I've found for everything except DH. This just immediately struck me as a way it could be easier.
I'd like it if the fields were 1 digit larger though. 2h weapons can frequently go into the 4 digits damage wise, and it makes it easy to do stuff like put '2000' into the dex of a single item if you know that's what your dex is
Easily fixable. In fact, fixed.