Did anyone notice that the Wizard wears a shield in the gameplay video?
Do you guys think she'll wear plenty of armor, focusing on 1-handed-orbs instead of focusing on staves?
Also, I haven't seen she use the orb to "hit the zombie's heads".. Just use spells, do you think she'll be able to attack only through spells or will she still hit with Physical Weapons?
Do you think the spells will be different if she uses a staff? Would be pretty nice if at least the casting-animation is different when she's wearing different weapons..
She can be seen using one on the 5:56 duration gameplay video from Blizzcon, which starts with her against some zombies in a kind of forest, then she proceeds to a cemetery..
At about 1:55 it becomes clear that she's using a Round Shield. Pretty cool if you ask me.
I'm almost positive she'll be able to use weapons also. The orb seemed to me to actually be more of a offhand item as a replacement for a shield, sort of like the d2 necro heads.
The conjuring tree even has a "Enchant" sort of spell called "Magic Weapon".
The Wizard uses orbs because stave are for disciplined and trained magi. She hasn't the training and discipline to be able to use a staff.
I don't remember seeing her wear a shield though...
lol ?
Staff should be easier to wield once any class can wield one in the previous games. But orbs only socs can equip, wich gimme the impression that it's a high rank item (like barbarian's helm, amazon's weapons and paladin's shields).
Well, if things will really works like you've said, it just sux because it contradict the old games=/
My warrior -without any magical trainning- used lots and lots of staffs in D1, i wonder why this kind of rule suddenly pops out of nowhere in sanctuary.
I was under the impression it was a new type of wand kind of item. But it would be just as cool as a shield; like it if generated different types of mana shields depending on the orb.
Well, if things will really works like you've said, it just sux because it contradict the old games=/
My warrior -without any magical trainning- used lots and lots of staffs in D1, i wonder why this kind of rule suddenly pops out of nowhere in sanctuary.
I think he meant anyone can WIELD a staff, bur properly utilizing it is a different thing. Know what I mean?
Like a sorc could walk around with a two-handed axe in D2, it usually just isn't as good for the class.
Well, watching the videos and comparing them again, I concluded a couple of things.
- There will be different spellcasting animations for different weapons.. You can notice when she's using the Orb (video that begins with a cinematic) that she puts her hands forward and the orb kind of disappears, becoming a mist.. When she is holding a staff (in the other gameplay video where Leoric "summons" 4 columns that spawn zombies), the casting is similar but we can see that she swings the staff to cast spells, and it doens't disappear obviously =D
- Also, she has different spellcasting animations for some spells - Magic Missile (is this the name? purple little ball maybe?) for instance, she casts by doing a dowards animation or horizontal one. Pretty damn cool as well, so we don't get bored of the same animation.
- I noticed when she's wearing a shield that she does so in the same hand she was carrying the orb AND the staff in other parts/videos, and I can't see any weapon. Is it possible that the shield may be used to channel the energy for her spells in Diablo 3? Does she have to "learn" how to wield 2 things at the same time?
I'm sure Bashiok once mentioned that they haven't actually revealed how the orb works yet. Hmm, I can't find that quote, but I can find this, which mentions that its definitely an off-hand item.
I think he meant anyone can WIELD a staff, bur properly utilizing it is a different thing. Know what I mean?
Like a sorc could walk around with a two-handed axe in D2, it usually just isn't as good for the class.
I knew what his saying O.o
Warriors did very good use of staffs in D1 because he could casts spell without spending his very short mana pool. So, if a warrior in D1 is proficient with staffs, why a wizard isn't ?
D2 comparison are not about wielding or take advantage of wielding it. It's a about a item "rank". You see, class specific items in D2 seens to be a high ranked because they cannot be acquired in NPC shops and are harder to drop then the non-class items.
So it looks like Orbs are kind of superior then staves.
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Do you guys think she'll wear plenty of armor, focusing on 1-handed-orbs instead of focusing on staves?
Also, I haven't seen she use the orb to "hit the zombie's heads".. Just use spells, do you think she'll be able to attack only through spells or will she still hit with Physical Weapons?
Do you think the spells will be different if she uses a staff? Would be pretty nice if at least the casting-animation is different when she's wearing different weapons..
I don't remember seeing her wear a shield though...
At about 1:55 it becomes clear that she's using a Round Shield. Pretty cool if you ask me.
The conjuring tree even has a "Enchant" sort of spell called "Magic Weapon".
lol ?
Staff should be easier to wield once any class can wield one in the previous games. But orbs only socs can equip, wich gimme the impression that it's a high rank item (like barbarian's helm, amazon's weapons and paladin's shields).
Well, if things will really works like you've said, it just sux because it contradict the old games=/
My warrior -without any magical trainning- used lots and lots of staffs in D1, i wonder why this kind of rule suddenly pops out of nowhere in sanctuary.
Siaynoq's Playthroughs
I think he meant anyone can WIELD a staff, bur properly utilizing it is a different thing. Know what I mean?
Like a sorc could walk around with a two-handed axe in D2, it usually just isn't as good for the class.
certain classes had weapons that they were a master of and had no penalty for using
while almost every other weapon they had a small reduction to att speed or actually pretty big lol
ever notice why some characters you used had a fast att speed on a large axe which normally has very fast att speed
or why some other weapons att speeds dont match that of your barb
its cuz everyone doesnt use the weapons to the same effectiveness
it was more apparent in diablo 1 than 2 though
where sorcs totally sucked with bows
and warriors obviously totally sucked with magic
rogues were pretty all around though
best with bows but didnt swing too fast with swords and had ok magic
diablo 3 most likely will have some mechanic similar to this
probaly like a addition to certain skills att power with having a stave dont work with a barb or a witch doctor
but as far as i know as well a wizard isnt a sorc at all
they are a order far above the sorcs from the past games according to the page
so maybe the orb is what could replace a stave
they certainly are lighter and i can see a wizard totally abandoning physical power for total magic dominance
dont fizz with the wiz!
Be my Buddy =^.^=
- There will be different spellcasting animations for different weapons.. You can notice when she's using the Orb (video that begins with a cinematic) that she puts her hands forward and the orb kind of disappears, becoming a mist.. When she is holding a staff (in the other gameplay video where Leoric "summons" 4 columns that spawn zombies), the casting is similar but we can see that she swings the staff to cast spells, and it doens't disappear obviously =D
- Also, she has different spellcasting animations for some spells - Magic Missile (is this the name? purple little ball maybe?) for instance, she casts by doing a dowards animation or horizontal one. Pretty damn cool as well, so we don't get bored of the same animation.
- I noticed when she's wearing a shield that she does so in the same hand she was carrying the orb AND the staff in other parts/videos, and I can't see any weapon. Is it possible that the shield may be used to channel the energy for her spells in Diablo 3? Does she have to "learn" how to wield 2 things at the same time?
You think they will include it in the game? Oh and Zero(ps) - its cool u noticed all those things cuz i didnt and now i can see what ur saying
I knew what his saying O.o
Warriors did very good use of staffs in D1 because he could casts spell without spending his very short mana pool. So, if a warrior in D1 is proficient with staffs, why a wizard isn't ?
D2 comparison are not about wielding or take advantage of wielding it. It's a about a item "rank". You see, class specific items in D2 seens to be a high ranked because they cannot be acquired in NPC shops and are harder to drop then the non-class items.
So it looks like Orbs are kind of superior then staves.