Im currently a t10 (paragon 401) player who would like to become good enough to do gr70 for primal items. I have never played anything but the wizard, never used teleport till now and used archon in my more nooby days years ago. So Ive tried to adjust a hybrid build which is below, Im also used to not moving around as much as a wizard and from what i see a lot of players funnel the mobs then attack. Please feel free to advice me on what build I should do thats easier for noobs and what I need to fix and how i should play the build.
Moved to wizard forums - and welcome to Diablofans!
There's a bunch of issues with your build, I'll go through them one by one.
You're using Archon, which means you also want to use at least 2 or 4 piece bonus of Vyr (which you're doing, good) and The Swami (which you're doing, good) but also the Fazula belt. Try to get that. Move the Tal piece to the offhand, which means you have to get rid of the Chantodo's set - which is really not a big deal, since its damage pales in comparison, see below.
Since you're using Manald Heal, most of your damage will come from that. Here's an in-depth guide for the ring and its mechanics.
Again, since you have Archon in your build, you might want to get back into Archon as soon as possible. Using an Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac can help you with that. Using Archon/Manald heal and Convention of Elements requires a lot of cooldown reduction and timings, otherwise the ring is useless - I'd strongly advise to ditch that ring (for now) and replace Convention with Obsidian.
Is your issue damage or survivability? I see a lot of people using Power Hungry as passive, which is the ultimate "more damage" passive. But 30 yards is a long range, and unless you fish for rifts in which you can keep the mobs at bay it's not active a lot of the time. However, especially in the beginning toughness is an issue, so I'd advise to try something like Blur (flat damage reduction), Illusionist (more movement when you get hit), Dominance (especially nice for speed rifts when you're killing fast) or Galvanizing Ward (useful once you've learned to properly dodge stuff and don't get hit very often).
Ancient Parthan Defenders are the bracers that many people are using, but I'd also never forget the Ashnagar Blood Bracers (double your shield efficiency). APD only have a 25 yard range, so they basically only trigger when something goes wrong - since for Power Hungry you want stuff to be 30 yards away. APDs are also entirely useless against most rift guardians (when it's only one mob and most of the time 25+ yards away).
I think you're not proccing Arcane as fourth element? Could be wrong. Anyways, I'd suggest Teleport - Calamity, it's what most people use.
Your legendary gem choice is kinda... odd. Simplicity Strength only makes sense in builds where the majority of damage comes from primary spells; that's not the case. Mutilation Guard is inferior to Esoteric Alteration. I'd suggest Bane of the Trapped (the best damage gem) and Gogok (gives you attack speed, cooldown reduction, and dodge - all of which is useful). As third gem most people play Zei's Stone for more damage; that's one option - for toughness I always recommend people to start with Esoteric though.
Okay, those are some general hints. More specifically, it seems like you're *almost* playing the standard Manald Heal build, but not quite. There's tons of guides for it... for example, check out this one by Wudijo: or the link I posted above for in-depth mechanics. It's not an easy build to learn, but it's the easiest to get to GR70 once you master it. No other builds will let you get to GR70 that fast for wizard, to be honest.
I'm extremly grateful for the time you have taken to respond to my post. I will be following your advice to the letter thankfully i have two monitors so I can look back and forth while completing each step you have suggested.
My current issue is mainly my ability to survive which from your advice should stop
IMO - teleporting can be a great defense. If you can move fast enough and know where to dodge attacks, it can help out a lot. So on that note I like to use Aether Walker and Serpent's Sparker.
Equip your better one and cube the other. Main attack is Ray of Frost-Cold Blood (Cold), Teleport-Calamity (Arcane), Hydras-Lightning (Lightning), and Archon-Combustion (Fire).
I put out two Hydras, and teleport around to dodge, while using Ray of Frost to speed up the cooldowns. Once archon is ready to go, you can deploy two more hydras to refresh their timers (how long they can be up) before popping archon.
There are alt builds that replace Teleport with Black hole, which can give you great amount of damage multipliers ontop of manald heal and tal rasha. But with a build this squishy I prefer Teleporting around.
Also to remember - make sure your highest elemental damage is Lightning (usually the bracers have this skill - don't waste it on re-rolling on the amulet). As that is what element will be used when in Archon form.
Im slowly getting used to the build so far I can almost handle t12 and im learning to dodge so useful as you both mentioned. Whats killing me is my farm to get the aether walker, im farming it in rifts at the moment and cubing rare wands to try get it. Question what rank should my legendary gems be at? Im working to get all three at rank 50 of bane of stricken, zies stone venegeance and gogok of swiftness.
Does cool down reduction effect archon mode and ive swapped zie stone for mulition guard
Yes, you want as much CDR on all your gear, getting as close to 60% (at least 64% for COE Lightning Archon - but that's a whole different setup for now).
With Gogok and Obsidian you want to be out of Archon as little as possible. 3-5 seconds at most. While out of Archon your only goal is to apply the 3 elements and use Ray of Frost (or some mana (best is the Arcane Torrent, but doesn't work well with Hydras as that as they use the lightning element) spending ability to proc Obsidian) to get back to archon. Once you pop Archon (the 4th element) it'll trigger Tal Rasha's huge damage boost.
Rinse and repeat - since you want to try to be out of Archon for just a few seconds, the Archon stacks via The Swami's ability, and you'll have double the stacks.
Hi all
Im currently a t10 (paragon 401) player who would like to become good enough to do gr70 for primal items. I have never played anything but the wizard, never used teleport till now and used archon in my more nooby days years ago. So Ive tried to adjust a hybrid build which is below, Im also used to not moving around as much as a wizard and from what i see a lot of players funnel the mobs then attack. Please feel free to advice me on what build I should do thats easier for noobs and what I need to fix and how i should play the build.
Moved to wizard forums - and welcome to Diablofans!
There's a bunch of issues with your build, I'll go through them one by one.
Okay, those are some general hints. More specifically, it seems like you're *almost* playing the standard Manald Heal build, but not quite. There's tons of guides for it... for example, check out this one by Wudijo: or the link I posted above for in-depth mechanics. It's not an easy build to learn, but it's the easiest to get to GR70 once you master it. No other builds will let you get to GR70 that fast for wizard, to be honest.
Hey bagstone
I'm extremly grateful for the time you have taken to respond to my post. I will be following your advice to the letter thankfully i have two monitors so I can look back and forth while completing each step you have suggested.
My current issue is mainly my ability to survive which from your advice should stop
Truly grateful
IMO - teleporting can be a great defense. If you can move fast enough and know where to dodge attacks, it can help out a lot. So on that note I like to use Aether Walker and Serpent's Sparker.
Equip your better one and cube the other. Main attack is Ray of Frost-Cold Blood (Cold), Teleport-Calamity (Arcane), Hydras-Lightning (Lightning), and Archon-Combustion (Fire).
I put out two Hydras, and teleport around to dodge, while using Ray of Frost to speed up the cooldowns. Once archon is ready to go, you can deploy two more hydras to refresh their timers (how long they can be up) before popping archon.
There are alt builds that replace Teleport with Black hole, which can give you great amount of damage multipliers ontop of manald heal and tal rasha. But with a build this squishy I prefer Teleporting around.
Also to remember - make sure your highest elemental damage is Lightning (usually the bracers have this skill - don't waste it on re-rolling on the amulet). As that is what element will be used when in Archon form.
Im slowly getting used to the build so far I can almost handle t12 and im learning to dodge so useful as you both mentioned. Whats killing me is my farm to get the aether walker, im farming it in rifts at the moment and cubing rare wands to try get it. Question what rank should my legendary gems be at? Im working to get all three at rank 50 of bane of stricken, zies stone venegeance and gogok of swiftness.
Does cool down reduction effect archon mode and ive swapped zie stone for mulition guard
Yes, you want as much CDR on all your gear, getting as close to 60% (at least 64% for COE Lightning Archon - but that's a whole different setup for now).
With Gogok and Obsidian you want to be out of Archon as little as possible. 3-5 seconds at most. While out of Archon your only goal is to apply the 3 elements and use Ray of Frost (or some mana (best is the Arcane Torrent, but doesn't work well with Hydras as that as they use the lightning element) spending ability to proc Obsidian) to get back to archon. Once you pop Archon (the 4th element) it'll trigger Tal Rasha's huge damage boost.
Rinse and repeat - since you want to try to be out of Archon for just a few seconds, the Archon stacks via The Swami's ability, and you'll have double the stacks.
So again yes, CDR is a MUST!