Considering he has cleared all of inferno, I wouldn't consider him a shame. Maybe if he'd just done Act 1, but you clearly can watch him kill belial and such with the build which gives it credibility. Just be happy there are options for the class. There isn't anything wrong with Diversity! for all your Trans Siberian Orchestra listening pleasure
If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
If we could somehow make this
Christmas thing last
By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only just ask
I am trying this, but I am having huge problems keeping alive in act 2. Especially if the mobs cant be slowed/kited. Do you by any chance remember how much res/hp you had in act 2 ?
man you are shame for barb class, we are ment to be melee fighters, if you wanna attack at range go roll dh...
Congratulations, you just forced a week-long lurker to create an account. In Diablo 2 Barbarians could take the path of weapon throwing, hell, even one of the Ancients was a weapon thrower (he's also in Diablo 3). I enjoyed it a lot and still do.
Oh and about the shield thing: it's garbage. Go dual wield, it's a lot better. Double socket + 200+ strength on each weapon is way better than a shield. With decent resistances, you can survive 1 hit anyway.
I don't see an Azmodan video by the way. Can't kill him with this build? I can easily kill the Siegebreaker, without even getting hit once (I do use Leap instead of Warstomp though). Azmodan kills me every single time with the "Hell pool" phase, I just can't survive it.
I lvled a DH to 54 cause I had enough of my barb getting worked in inferno. Then I see this guide...spent literally 50k on some barely "OK" gear and owned act1 inferno so far. Barb is now officially fun again lol. I don't care to post much in forums, but for this guide, I wanted to say thanks. This is very very fun!
Oh and about the shield thing: it's garbage. Go dual wield, it's a lot better. Double socket + 200+ strength on each weapon is way better than a shield. With decent resistances, you can survive 1 hit anyway.
It's all about budget. If you can drop 50mil on jewelry with CHC, res, ias and critical hit damage well go for it. Otherwise, shield works.
/e Also I don't like dieing and I rarely do with a shield so I'm happy with it
Just wanted to say awesome guide JCle! I myself play the typical sword and board barb, and I'm actually getting kind of bored of it. I recently teamed up with a monk and another barb (who happens to be a WT barb). The monk far exceeded my tanking, and was alot better at mod control that I was. The WT barb actually used ricochet...not really sure why..but his dps was probably about what your doing. While I had trouble surviving in act 3, he was utterly destroying mobs from the back.
I was also thinking about trying it prior to teaming with this guy, and was trying to figure out a proper skill set. You gave me a pretty dam good blue print for it. Only thing I'm going to have to work on is getting some CTC gear. What's hilarious is I still have a tals guardian, because it was cheapest res gear I could find on the AH. Most decent chest armor I could find with str/vit, 600 def, and about 50 res all went for minimal 500k.
Regardless I'm having legions of trouble surviving with 8.4k def, 34k hp, and 700-750 res all in act 3. I need a viability and this may just be the way to go lol. My only issue when I tested the version I used was running out of fury. So hopefully more ctc will help me on that...thanks again for the awesome guide.
In regards to using a shield, I really can see the boost in survival from it. People seem to only see the "block rate" and not the "block amount". Having block rate doesn't seem to really help, but block amount is really what saves you. I tried using the helm of command with a 26% block rate shield. The only diff I noticed was i blocked more...(still took dmg and got 1 shoted by elites lol). When I upgraded that shield to the highest block amount..which i think is like really helped just my sword and board barb out alot.
Just wanted to say awesome guide JCle! I myself play the typical sword and board barb, and I'm actually getting kind of bored of it. I recently teamed up with a monk and another barb (who happens to be a WT barb). The monk far exceeded my tanking, and was alot better at mod control that I was. The WT barb actually used ricochet...not really sure why..but his dps was probably about what your doing. While I had trouble surviving in act 3, he was utterly destroying mobs from the back.
I was also thinking about trying it prior to teaming with this guy, and was trying to figure out a proper skill set. You gave me a pretty dam good blue print for it. Only thing I'm going to have to work on is getting some CTC gear. What's hilarious is I still have a tals guardian, because it was cheapest res gear I could find on the AH. Most decent chest armor I could find with str/vit, 600 def, and about 50 res all went for minimal 500k.
Regardless I'm having legions of trouble surviving with 8.4k def, 34k hp, and 700-750 res all in act 3. I need a viability and this may just be the way to go lol. My only issue when I tested the version I used was running out of fury. So hopefully more ctc will help me on that...thanks again for the awesome guide.
In regards to using a shield, I really can see the boost in survival from it. People seem to only see the "block rate" and not the "block amount". Having block rate doesn't seem to really help, but block amount is really what saves you. I tried using the helm of command with a 26% block rate shield. The only diff I noticed was i blocked more...(still took dmg and got 1 shoted by elites lol). When I upgraded that shield to the highest block amount..which i think is like really helped just my sword and board barb out alot.
Thanks man!
As for the shield, I mainly use it for armor, blocking is just a plus (like dodge)
You should consider using Weapon Throw with Stupify rune. On inferno Act II+ the charmed mobs will 1shot others, and usually get 2 attacks off in a 6 sec charm. White trash has never been easier ^^
Ya I tried it initially but I want to be able to run bosses, kill elite packs and trash. I should have mentioned the option in the guide though because it's good for people with no gear!
Alright so I don't really have that much crit gear, and finding a 5 reduction in fury for WT belt sure as heck isn't cheap. I was only able to afford a 3 reduction in fury. Unfortunately I don't have a 900 dps mighty weapon lying around either lol. So I tested it with all the crit gear I could scrape up, and with ITF and KS I was at about 43% crit chance. My weapon was only a meager 700 dps dagger I socketed with an emerald for some crit dmg. Gotta say just with that garbage, I was able to dish out about 30-50k dps. Right now I'm farming up enough gold to at least have a semi decent mighty weapon, till I can afford the crazy costs for a 900 dps weapon (to bad all the 900+ dmg weapons I find are always 2 handed >.< )
Oh and about the shield thing: it's garbage. Go dual wield, it's a lot better. Double socket + 200+ strength on each weapon is way better than a shield. With decent resistances, you can survive 1 hit anyway.
It's all about budget. If you can drop 50mil on jewelry with CHC, res, ias and critical hit damage well go for it. Otherwise, shield works.
/e Also I don't like dieing and I rarely do with a shield so I'm happy with it
That's true, but a 800+ dps weapon with 200+ strength only costs about 0.5m these days. A decent gem, which in my opinion is 60%+ crit damage, is not that expensive either. The big bonus of crit damage is: it gives you a LOT of extra damage, since you're stacking crit already anyway. The shield does give a nice armor bonus though, it just boils down to personal preference.
Thanks for the video, I'll swap out Leap for the Sprint, that seems to do the trick to avoid most of the damage from the hell pools.
Oh and about the shield thing: it's garbage. Go dual wield, it's a lot better. Double socket + 200+ strength on each weapon is way better than a shield. With decent resistances, you can survive 1 hit anyway.
It's all about budget. If you can drop 50mil on jewelry with CHC, res, ias and critical hit damage well go for it. Otherwise, shield works.
/e Also I don't like dieing and I rarely do with a shield so I'm happy with it
That's true, but a 800+ dps weapon with 200+ strength only costs about 0.5m these days. A decent gem, which in my opinion is 60%+ crit damage, is not that expensive either. The big bonus of crit damage is: it gives you a LOT of extra damage, since you're stacking crit already anyway. The shield does give a nice armor bonus though, it just boils down to personal preference.
Thanks for the video, I'll swap out Leap for the Sprint, that seems to do the trick to avoid most of the damage from the hell pools.
Yeah, at this point I just feel that I do enough DPS solo to clear everything with a shield, so my runs are much smoother (I rarely ever die).
Doing more damage is fun for some people, I think not dieing is more fun
I've been using WT build for a while myself however I'm struggling fairly hard because this strategy is very gear dependent (not that revenge build barbs aren't or anything). With the gold / gear available to me I've only got my dps up to around 35k and this isn't enough to complete act II with how squishy we are when we don't stack defense.
Any strategies for increasing dps cheaply would be much appreciated.
I've been using WT build for a while myself however I'm struggling fairly hard because this strategy is very gear dependent (not that revenge build barbs aren't or anything). With the gold / gear available to me I've only got my dps up to around 35k and this isn't enough to complete act II with how squishy we are when we don't stack defense.
Any strategies for increasing dps cheaply would be much appreciated.
Buy fast weapons with sockets and critial hit damage increased (I originally cleared up to act 4 with a 750 dps weapon)
Cheap weapons can do wonders when you have high CHC. Try buying low stats item with high CHC as a priority.
I suppose I should give you a bit more information about my stats.
CHC = 59%
CHD = 145%
Attacks per second = 1.73 (although my weapon is 1.30 so I don't understand whats happening here
DPS with Marader's Rage is 35k
I feel like i need to get items with STR, CHC, CHD, IAS however once you get 3 or more of these on the same item the price is astronomical. At the moment the cheaply priced items (50-100k) will give you a modest amount of STR maybe 80-100 and either CHC or IAS.
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Mad cause stuck in act 2?
If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
If we could somehow make this
Christmas thing last
By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only just ask
Dropped a few thousand gold on a few upgrades, and now I'm actually enjoying my barbarian again.
Burned out Warcraft addict turned Diablo III addict.
formerly 3/8 H DS10, YAY CASUALIZATION!
Congratulations, you just forced a week-long lurker to create an account. In Diablo 2 Barbarians could take the path of weapon throwing, hell, even one of the Ancients was a weapon thrower (he's also in Diablo 3). I enjoyed it a lot and still do.
Oh and about the shield thing: it's garbage. Go dual wield, it's a lot better. Double socket + 200+ strength on each weapon is way better than a shield. With decent resistances, you can survive 1 hit anyway.
It's all about budget. If you can drop 50mil on jewelry with CHC, res, ias and critical hit damage well go for it. Otherwise, shield works.
/e Also I don't like dieing and I rarely do with a shield so I'm happy with it
Just wanted to say awesome guide JCle! I myself play the typical sword and board barb, and I'm actually getting kind of bored of it. I recently teamed up with a monk and another barb (who happens to be a WT barb). The monk far exceeded my tanking, and was alot better at mod control that I was. The WT barb actually used ricochet...not really sure why..but his dps was probably about what your doing. While I had trouble surviving in act 3, he was utterly destroying mobs from the back.
I was also thinking about trying it prior to teaming with this guy, and was trying to figure out a proper skill set. You gave me a pretty dam good blue print for it. Only thing I'm going to have to work on is getting some CTC gear. What's hilarious is I still have a tals guardian, because it was cheapest res gear I could find on the AH. Most decent chest armor I could find with str/vit, 600 def, and about 50 res all went for minimal 500k.
Regardless I'm having legions of trouble surviving with 8.4k def, 34k hp, and 700-750 res all in act 3. I need a viability and this may just be the way to go lol. My only issue when I tested the version I used was running out of fury. So hopefully more ctc will help me on that...thanks again for the awesome guide.
In regards to using a shield, I really can see the boost in survival from it. People seem to only see the "block rate" and not the "block amount". Having block rate doesn't seem to really help, but block amount is really what saves you. I tried using the helm of command with a 26% block rate shield. The only diff I noticed was i blocked more...(still took dmg and got 1 shoted by elites lol). When I upgraded that shield to the highest block amount..which i think is like really helped just my sword and board barb out alot.
Thanks man!
As for the shield, I mainly use it for armor, blocking is just a plus (like dodge)
Here's an Azmodan kill with elite packs
Ya I tried it initially but I want to be able to run bosses, kill elite packs and trash. I should have mentioned the option in the guide though because it's good for people with no gear!
Alright so I don't really have that much crit gear, and finding a 5 reduction in fury for WT belt sure as heck isn't cheap. I was only able to afford a 3 reduction in fury. Unfortunately I don't have a 900 dps mighty weapon lying around either lol. So I tested it with all the crit gear I could scrape up, and with ITF and KS I was at about 43% crit chance. My weapon was only a meager 700 dps dagger I socketed with an emerald for some crit dmg. Gotta say just with that garbage, I was able to dish out about 30-50k dps. Right now I'm farming up enough gold to at least have a semi decent mighty weapon, till I can afford the crazy costs for a 900 dps weapon (to bad all the 900+ dmg weapons I find are always 2 handed >.< )
That's true, but a 800+ dps weapon with 200+ strength only costs about 0.5m these days. A decent gem, which in my opinion is 60%+ crit damage, is not that expensive either. The big bonus of crit damage is: it gives you a LOT of extra damage, since you're stacking crit already anyway. The shield does give a nice armor bonus though, it just boils down to personal preference.
Thanks for the video, I'll swap out Leap for the Sprint, that seems to do the trick to avoid most of the damage from the hell pools.
Yeah, at this point I just feel that I do enough DPS solo to clear everything with a shield, so my runs are much smoother (I rarely ever die).
Doing more damage is fun for some people, I think not dieing is more fun
I've been using WT build for a while myself however I'm struggling fairly hard because this strategy is very gear dependent (not that revenge build barbs aren't or anything). With the gold / gear available to me I've only got my dps up to around 35k and this isn't enough to complete act II with how squishy we are when we don't stack defense.
Any strategies for increasing dps cheaply would be much appreciated.
Buy fast weapons with sockets and critial hit damage increased (I originally cleared up to act 4 with a 750 dps weapon)
Cheap weapons can do wonders when you have high CHC. Try buying low stats item with high CHC as a priority.
CHC = 59%
CHD = 145%
Attacks per second = 1.73 (although my weapon is 1.30 so I don't understand whats happening here
DPS with Marader's Rage is 35k
I feel like i need to get items with STR, CHC, CHD, IAS however once you get 3 or more of these on the same item the price is astronomical. At the moment the cheaply priced items (50-100k) will give you a modest amount of STR maybe 80-100 and either CHC or IAS.